Surrogate Maternity: One Gets Happiness The Other Big Money


March 11 2010

This year Lilit has entered school for the first time. Her parents,
Rita and Mayis Gasparyans notice that their daughter brought happiness
to their family.

The couple was unable to bring children for years. 7 years ago seeing
that all the measures were in vain decided to find a woman who will
brig a children for them, they told.

That’s how Lilit was born. 7 years ago the idea of surrogate mother was
not developed in our republic yet. Chief Obstetrician-Gynecologist
of the RA Ministry of Healthcare, Professor Razmik Abrahamyan
mentioned that the artificial impregnation is used since 2003 by
the law that acts since July of that year, and it is available for
all the population. Today together with the artificial impregnation
also the institute of surrogate maternity develops. The impregnated
ovigerm taken from the couple is put into another woman’s, surrogate
mother’s womb.

There are several medical institutions that realize this kind of
impregnation. There are also few experts that officially take care
of the legal side of deal.

The doctors mention that till now our society does not completely
accept the idea of surrogate maternity. Many people prefer finding
surrogate mothers abroad, and not to let the relatives know about it.

"It is possible to use your own physiological abilities in favor
of another family. The surrogate mother too should be ready for it
psychologically and morally. She understands that she doesn’t give the
child her ovigerm, she is just the environment where the impregnated
embryo develops", expert Davit Mkhitaryan informs.

They confess that here it is difficult to find surrogate mothers who
conscious is enough developed to understand that aside of getting
money she is also giving happiness to another family.

If in Ukraine and Russia they get 50 – 70 thousand US dollars for
the deal, in US they get 100 – 110 thousand, and in Armenia 20 –
30 thousand dollars for 9 months.

The expert-doctor says that the surrogate mother as a rule becomes
a family friend, in some cases the relations of the family and the
surrogate mother end just in a second after the child is born.

Even though the child is called to be the basis for the family, the
Armenian Apostolic Church treats the artificial impregnation with
stipulations and denies the idea of the surrogate mother.

Thus, the church says that the "surrogate maternity" is not
acceptable as the surrogate mother at the end becomes the mother
of that child, for she is carries that child. On the other hand it
is very important who the parents are. Only in special cases is the
artificial impregnation accepted by the church, after the examination
of the Bishop, when the real reason of the barrenness is found out. The
Bible says that the aim of the marriage, after all, is not bringing
children, but is the life lived together.

The doctor who is involved in an organization that is busy with the
issues of surrogate maternity contradicts saying that it’s not just if
one family has many children while the other one has none. Besides that
the doctor recalled the statistics which prove that the prostitutes
are healthier than the women of Armenian families as the prostitutes
attend to doctors more frequently, while the family woman doesn’t
even remember when for the last time she attended a gynecologist.

And who are the surrogate mothers? It is very important for her not
to be a prostitute. She should be 18 – 35 years old, should have at
least one child given birth by herself.

If the in Europe the surrogate mother lives in a better conditions
in her own house, the surrogate mother in Armenia needs special
conditions. The couples that want to become parents by the help of
the surrogate mothers give her a separate home in another region for
9 months, they pay her 100 000 AMD monthly and provide her with a food
full of vitamins, they provide her also with comfortable conditions of
transportation, they hire a taxi or a driver for her as the surrogate
mother is not allowed to use buses or mini buses.

After all said above we get sure for one more time that the law in our
country is written not for the ordinary citizens, as, hardly a family
that lives by the day’s bread can allow himself to bring children
through surrogate mothers. Nevertheless our country is not Holland,
where the surrogate maternity is realized on beneficiary bases.

We have to hope only that the level of barrenness will not be too high,
even though the information published by the Ministry of Healthcare
proves something else.

If the reproductive generation consisting of 70 thousand gives
45 thousand generation, we can imagine what kind of depression of
birthrate will be in our country after a few years.

However there is another law as well, the selling of the ovigerm,
for which the women get 500 up to 1500 US dollars. And the woman in
a year can sell around 4 ovigerms.

California To Host Conference On Armenian Communities Of Asia Minor


11.03.2010 11:43 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ The Armenian Communities of Asia Minor from Adabazar,
Bursa, and Banderma to Kutahia and Konia will be featured at University
of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) on Saturday, March 20.

This is the 18th and final conference in the international series,
"Historic Armenian Cities and Provinces," sponsored by the Armenian
Educational Foundation Chair in Modern Armenian History and organized
by Professor Richard G. Hovannisian.

Eurasian Development Bank To Open Representation In Armenia


11.03.2010 18:06 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ At March 11governmental sitting, terms for
establishment of Eurasian Development Bank representation in Armenia
were set down.

In 2008, Armenia applied for EDB participation, with bank council
confirming Armenia’s membership in December 2008. The agreement on
Armenia’s membership was ratified by RA National Assembly on February
3, 2009.

As CBA President Artur Javadyan stated, EDB office in Armenia will
be offering a full range of financial services, as well as those of
attracting investments from legal persons.

CBA President suggested introducing a point stipulating that EDB
banking activities in Armenia are agreed with CBA, without a necessity
of licensing.

EDB mission is to facilitate the development of market economies,
economic growth and the expansion of trade and other economic ties
in its member states by carrying out investment activities.

The Bank strives to become a consolidating element within the financial
infrastructure and a catalyst for the expansion of integration
processes in the territory of its member states.

The Bank’s founding members are the Russian Federation and the Republic
of Kazakhstan.

Republic of Armenia and the Republic of Tajikistan are members of the
Bank. In December 2008 the EDB Council, having considered respective
application by the Republic of Belarus, approved admittance of this
country , which joined the Agreement Establishing the EDB, and now
undergoes the procedures required for becoming full member of the Bank.

International Human Rights Activists Require To Conduct Investigatio


2010-03-10 12:47:00

ArmInfo. FIDH and CSI calls upon the Armenian authorities to o
launch a thorough, immediate, effective and impartial investigation
in relation to tortures and inhuman treatment with resident of the
village Katnaghbyur, in Aragatsotn region, Sasha Davtyan by the law
machinery. He just wanted justice – to reveal those guilty for the
rape of his daughter. However, the case was turned against him!

As a result, Sasha Davtyan was accused of torturing his under-aged
daughters and raping one of them, and was imprisoned from May 8,
2009, to February 26, 2010. In December, 2009, the General Court of
Aragatsotn region acquitted S. Davtyan in part of raping an under-aged
girl and sentenced to 4 years of imprisonment according to the article
. The judge Ruzanna Barseghyan delivered a judgment, according to which
she recognized inadmissible the fact that preliminary testimonies were
taken from the aggrieved persons – Tehmine and Shushan Davtyan with
violation of the law requirements. It was established in the court
that the police obtained the testimonies it needed, as a result of
torture and degrading treatment of the girls.

S. Davtyan was also subjected to tortures and in the Police of the
Center and said during the judicial process that he was cruelly
beaten and had to sign the documents he was presented. The human
rights activists, who visited S. Davtyan in the court, made sure of
it by themselves.

International human rights activists FIDH and CSI called on the
Armenian authorities to find the real perpetrators of the rape of S.

Davtyan’s daughter and bring them to justice. Moreover, the
human rights activists require to reopen an investigation on Sasha
Davtyan’s involvement in the case, not taking into account his previous
confessions which were given under psychological and physical duress
and insure him a fair and impartial trial.

Armenian Peacekeepers Provide Security Support In Northern Afghanist


Defense Professionals
March 10 2010

Since the 14th of February, 2010 the unit of the RA AF peacekeeping
brigade conducts security support issues in the region of Kunduz in
Afghanistan. The main task of the Armenian unit is to ensure security
of the airfield of Kunduz. The daily service includes patrolling in
the airfield and the area around it, guarding the posts, as well as
uncovering possible threats.

The Armenians serve under the German command in the ISAF RC North
PRT in the region of Kunduz, Afghanistan. In the past three weeks
the group has received the high evaluation of the German command for
showing high effectiveness in the extra safety means undertaken in
the area of the airfield with their own initiative.

RA President Leaves For Paris

March 9 2010

March 9, RA President Serzh Sargsyan will pay a 3-day official visit
to France. RA Foreign Minister Edward Nalbandian, Diaspora Minister
Hranush Hakobyan, Ara Babloyan — MP and the head of Armenian-France
Friendship Group as well as other officials are on delegation.

RA President will hold meetings with French President Nicolas
Sarkozy and other high-ranking officials, RA Presidential press
service informed Presidents intend to discuss Armenia-France
relations, including topical international and regional problems.

Sargsyan and Sarkozy will also give a joint press conference.

In the frames of his visit, Sargsyan will meet with President of French
Senate Gerard Larcher and Speaker of National Assembly Bernard Accoyer.

RA President will have meetings with representatives of local Armenian
community, visit Matignon exhibition accompanied by renowned painter

Serzh Sargsyan will be interviewed by certain media representatives.

The delegation returns to Yerevan on March 11.

Serzh Sargsyan: Armenian pension system needs reforming

Serzh Sargsyan: Armenian pension system needs reforming

2010-03-06 12:33:00

ArmInfo. President of Armenia Serzh Sargsyan held a working
consultation today over which the problems of the pension system
reforming were discussed.

As press-service of the president reported, over the consultation the
president said that this system inherited since the Soviet times does
not meet today’s demands and needs reforming. He charged the
leaders of the relevant structures to hold additional research and
discussions on the basis of the views voiced at the consultation and
draw out the strict guarantees and submit the results of the
implemented work during the next consultation.

Turkish FM urges US to block ‘genocide’ bill

Al-Alam News Network, Iran
March 7 2010

Turkish FM urges US to block ‘genocide’ bill
Fri, 05 Mar 2010 18:08:33 GMT

Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu on Friday called on
Washington to stop the US Congress panel’s resolution labeling the
Ottoman-era massacre of Armenians "genocide", warning of damage to
bilateral ties.

Having recalled its ambassador immediately after the resolution was
adopted, Ankara warned that Washington risked a showdown with a key
Muslim ally if the resolution advanced to a full vote at the House of

Turkey is "seriously disturbed" that President Barack Obama’s
administration "did not put enough weight" behind efforts to prevent
the resolution from being passed by the Foreign Affairs Committee,
Davutoglu said.

"We expect the US administration to make more efficient efforts from
now on," he said.

"We hope Turkish-US ties will not be put to a new test … otherwise,
the prospect that we will face will not be a positive one," he added,
calling the issue a "matter of national honor."

The committee passed the non-binding resolution Thursday by a slim
23-22 margin, ignoring pressure from Turkey and the White House.

Davutoglu said Turkey would consider counter-action, but did not
elaborate, saying only that consultations with the recalled envoy
"could take a long time."

President Abdullah Gul has warned that "Turkey will not be responsible
for the negative ramifications this vote may have in every field."

Davutoglu said the resolution also raised the "the risk of stopping"
bridge-building efforts with Armenia and stressed that Turkey would
not bow to pressure to ratify a troubled peace deal with its eastern

"We are determined to normalize Turkish-Armenian ties but we are
against this being secured through the intervention of third parties
and through pressure," he said.

Turkey and Armenia signed a deal in October to establish diplomatic
relations and open their border.

Davutoglu said the Armenian massacres should be studied by historians
and lashed out at US lawmakers for passing a judgement as part of
"local political games."

Stressing that only another "no" vote would have killed the
resolution, he said: "One vote would have changed the flow of
history… How can history be taken so lightly?"


BAKU: Azerbaijan’s opposition party criticizes US decision, Azerbaijan
March 5 2010

Azerbaijan’s opposition party criticizes US decision
Fri 05 March 2010 | 13:39 GMT Text size:

US Congress Opposition Party condemns adoption of this resolution in
the committee without investigating historical facts.

The adoption of the resolution on the so-called "Armenian genocide" in
the committee on international affairs of the House of Representatives
of the US Congress received the stiff reaction of the Azerbaijani
public, according to a statement from the Opposition Party of National
Independence of Azerbaijan, News.Az reports with reference to the news
service for the party.

The statement says that the party condemns adoption of this resolution
in the committee without investigating historical facts.

"Armenians have been deporting Azerbaijani Turks from their
historical lands since ancient times and committing genocide against
the people actually turning it into the state policy. Over a million
of Azerbaijanis were deported last century, hundreds of them were
tortured and killed.

20% of Azerbaijani lands have been occupied in the result of Armenia’s
aggressive policy and over a million of people turned into refugees",
the statement reads.

The party considers that in case the Congress adopts a resolution,
this will affect the stability, peace and security in the region. In
addition, the party considers that this will complicate the Karabakh
conflict settlement.

Tamilla Sencaply

BAKU: Azerbaijan’s Ruling Party: "Armenian Genocide" Is "Golden Bull


March 4 2010

Discussing in Congress and adopting the draft resolution on so-called
"Armenian genocide" could seriously damage relations between Turkey
and the United States, the ruling party of Azerbaijan believes.

"The issue of so-called "Armenian genocide" is a lever of pressure on
Turkey. This is a "golden bullet" in the arsenal of the United States
against Turkey," Deputy Executive Secretary of New Azerbaijan Party
(NAP), MP Mubariz Gurbanli, said.

Armenia claims that the Ottoman Empire committed genocide against
Armenians living in Anatolia in 1915. Making greater efforts to promote
the issue internationally, Armenians have achieved its recognition
by parliaments of some countries.

The idea of bringing the question into debate was made by chairman
of the committee on foreign affairs of the U.S. Congress Howard Berman.

"If the U.S. Congress adopts this document, the United States will
lose its authority throughout the Turkic world," said the MP.

According to him, bringing the draft resolution to the agenda in March
is not accidental. "This is an attempt to influence Turkey through
discussing the resolution to force Ankara to ratify the protocols
signed with Armenia. But Turkey is a powerful state, and such methods
do not affect it. Turkey said it would not open its border with
Armenia unless it returns occupied Azerbaijani land," said Gurbanli.