Recognition Of Armenian Genocide By The U.S. Is Inevitable, Gagik Ha


Noyan Tapan
Feb 9, 2010

YEREVAN, FEBRUARY 9, NOYAN TAPAN. The levers of influencing
the Karabakh conflict settlement are not growing through the
Armenian-Turkish normalization process, nor is Azerbaijan prompted to
resume hostilities. Director of Noravank scientific and educational
foundation Gagik Harutyunian told this to reporters on February 8.

He said that the possibility of war should never be excluded. However,
from the viewpoint of an expert, this possibility is not strong not
only because the main foreign players are not interested in that, but
also because of high fighting efficiency of the Armenian army. In the
strategic sense, the possibility of Turkey’s intervenion will grow – in
terms of its involvement in political processes in the South Caucasus,
but at the same time the Armenian side in this way also stipulates
Turkey’s neutral position on the Karabakh problem. He explained that
Turkey was a de facto combatant during the Nagorno Karbakh conflict:
it provided Azerbaijan with mercenaries and strategic advice. "We
will neutralize somewhat this position of Turkey," he noted.

Commenting on Turkish Foreign Minister Davutoglu’s statement
about formation of a Eurasian Union similar to the European Union,
G. Harutyunian said: "At one time osmanism led to the collapse of the
Ottoman Empire and this happened during World War I, and I think that
in the context of neo-osmanism, Turkey’s giddiness from its success
may lead to a failure, it is adventurism."

G. Harutyunian expressed an opinion that even if the U.S. does not
recognize the Armenian Genocide this year, one day this problem will be
seriously raised at the Senate and Congress and it will get a positive
solution. "The recognition of the Genocide is inevitable from the
viewpoint of an improvement in international relations in general,"
G. Harutyunian underlined. In his words, the process launched in the
U.S, the Genocide’s discussion held once again is another impulse
for Turkey to act more actively in Armenian-Turkish relations.

ANKARA: Secret Witness Of Dink Murder Still Not Heard


Feb 8 2010

The secret witness of the murder of Hrant Dink did not appear at court
because of a ‘misunderstanding of the referring directive’. Lawyer
Belen drew attention to that fact that important evidence is kept
confidential because it is accounted for as a "state secret".

Erol ONDEROLU [email protected] Istanbul – BIA News Center08 February
2010, Monday RELATED NEWS CLAIM FOR JUSTICE: Families of Murdered
Intellectuals Follow up Dink Murder Case The 12th hearing of the murder
case of Turkish-Armenian journalist and human rights defender Hrant
Dink was held on Monday (8 February) at the Istanbul 14th High Criminal
Court. 15 out of a total of 20 defendants attended the morning session,
among them five detained defendants. Five un-detained defendants did
not appear at court.

The secret witness who was present at the scene of crime at the
time of the murder was not heard by the court once again. The judge
informed the audience that he had given a written directive to the
police to bring the secret witness in for the hearing. However, it
was said that the police expected additional verbal instructions and
another directive by the prosecution. So, the statement of the secret
witness was postponed once more to the following hearing.

Three defendants altered their previous statements Witnesses Turan
Meral, Orhan OzbaÅ~_ and Kaan Gercek had stated in previous police
statements that murderer suspect Ogun Samast had shown them his weapon
when they were together with him in a car after Samast had arrived in
Istanbul. All three witnesses recalled that Samast had told them that
he was going to shoot somebody. Nevertheless, in yesterday’s hearing
Meral, OzbaÅ~_ and Gercek all claimed that they did not remember
and that they did not know anything. Joint attorney Bahri Bayram
Belen requested to take all three of them into detention because of
false testimony.

"A proof cannot be a ‘state secret’" President Judge Erkan Canak
read a document issued by security institutions upon request in the
morning session. The writing was concerned with the registered phone
numbers of Ramazan Akyurek’s intelligence staff to be presented to the
court. Saying that such information would endanger the intelligence
employees’ lives it was considered as a state secret and thus a
response could not be given to the court. Lawyer Belen said that the
document was unacceptable.

"A proof related to a crime cannot be kept confidential. It cannot
be considered as a state secret. This response should not be taken
into account".

Propaganda for Great Union Party After police informant Erhan Tuncel,
standing trial as the alleged instigator of the murder, requested to
speak, he addressed un-detained defendants YaÅ~_ar Cihan, former
Great Union Party (BBP) Provincial Chairman of Trabzon, and BBP
member Halis Egemen with the question, "Do you approve of this
murder?". President Judge Canak did not intervene against Tuncel’s
directing of the hearing.

Defendant Cihan answered, "It is impossible to approve of this murder.

We suffered a lot in the past". Defendant Egemen, whom Tuncel called
by the address of a close friend, replied with phrases from BBP
propaganda: "As BBP we are against actions aimed at human life. Human
life should be cherished so that the state can prosper. We like the
creation because of its creator".

Among the audience of the hearing were writer Adalet Agaoglu, the
children of murdered journalists Ugur Mumcu and Abdi Ä°pekci Ozgur
Mumcu and Nukhet Ä°pekci, the mother of killed journalist Metin
Göktepe Meryem Göktepe, Freedom and Solidarity Party (ODP) Chairman
Alper TaÅ~_, lawyers Turgut Kazan, Sezgin Tanrıkulu, Taylan Tanay,
Prof. Dr.

Ä°brahim Kaboglu, MP Ufuk Uras, Elsa Vidal from the European Desk of
Reporters Without Borders (RSF), Paris Bar Association Board Member
Vincen Nioré, Paris Bar Association Armenian Lawyers and Jurists
Association (AFAJA) Vice President Alexandre Aslanian, Paris Bar
Association Youth Confederation member Kee-Yoon Kim, Brussels Bar
Association representative Melinee Nazarian, the family of journalist
Cihan Hayırsevener who was killed in Bandırma on 18 December 2009,
Sema Kılıcer from the Turkey Representation of the European Union
(EU) Commission, EU Commission’s Vice President of the Turkey Desk
Christos Makridis and Ali Yurttagul from the Greens Group of the
European Parliament. (TK/VK)

Gas Price Increase To Cause Dram Offer Slump At Foreign Exchange Mar


08.02.2010 16:26 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ Armenian MP, ARF Dashnaktsutyun parliamentary group
member Artsvik Minasyan urged citizens of Armenia to be more active in
defending their rights, promising social democratic parties’ support.

"Popular initiatives, backed up by political forces, can turn into
a major motive power," he emphasized.

"While discussing state budget for 2010, Dashnaktsutyun offered to
raise pensions, allowances and salaries in case of inflation, although
the government insists there is no immediate threat of inflation.

Nonetheless, oncoming gas price increase will definitely lead to new
inflation-caused pressure," Minasyan noted. "This, in turn, will spur
dram offer slump at foreign exchange market, subsequently impacting
product turnover in Armenia."

ArmRosGazprom CJSC addressed PSRC with a request to review current
tariff for consumers utilizing up to 10 000 cubic meters of gas, as
well as operator tariffs for supply, distribution and transportation
of natural gas.

The Armenian Revolutionary Federation Dashnaktsutyun is an Armenian
political party founded in Tiflis (Tbilisi, the capital of Georgia)
in 1890 by Christapor Mikaelian, Stepan Zorian, and Simon Zavarian
The ARF has the largest number of members from the political parties
present in the Armenian Diaspora, having established affiliates in
more than 200 countries.

The ARF Dashnaktsutyun led the effort toward the establishment of
the first Armenian Republic in 1918 and was the party in power for
the duration of its existence. Following the Sovietization of Armenia
in 1920, the ARF Dashnaktsutyun was banned by the Communists and its
leadership exiled.

In the Diaspora, the ARF Dashnaktsutyun fought Soviet rule over
Armenia and championed the cause of Armenian rights and independence;
it played a leading role in organizing a social and cultural framework
aimed at preserving the Armenian identity.

The ARF Dashnaktsutyun officially re-emerged in Armenia during the
dissolution of the USSR, in 1990.

On December 28, 1994, the activities of the ARF-Dashnaktsutyun were
"temporarily suspended" by the Armenian authorities. In view of
the political nature of the anti-ARF interdictions by the Armenian
authorities, the ARF continued to operate in Armenia. On February 9,
1998, less than a week after the resignation of the then president
Ter-Petrossian, the Justice Ministry lifted the ban on the ARF

Iran unveils two new anti-armor missiles

Iran unveils two new anti-armor missiles

MOSCOW, February 7 (RIA Novosti)

Iran has started production of two domestically-developed missiles
with enhanced armor-penetration capability, the Iranian media has

The Iranian state TV footage showed on Saturday the Qaem ground-to-air
missile and the Toufan-5 anti-tank missile being test-fired at a
shooting range during the inauguration of two production lines for
these weapons.

"Once these advanced weapons are mass produced and delivered to the
Armed Forces, Iran’s defense power in ground and air combats will be
reinvigorated," the Iranian Fars news agency quoted Iranian Defense
Minister Ahmad Vahidi as saying.

According to Vahidi, who attended the inauguration ceremony, the
Toufan 5 missile has two warheads and is capable of destroying armored
vehicles, tanks and personnel carriers due to its high
armor-penetration power.

The Qaem laser-guided surface-to-air missile is capable of destroying
aerial targets traveling at low speed and low altitude, especially
attack helicopters.

Iranian military officials earlier said Tehran had achieved
self-sufficiency in manufacturing combat missiles of various
modifications and developed an effective weapon to shoot down U.S.
Apache attack helicopters.

Iran launched a domestic arms development program after a U.S. weapons
embargo was imposed during its 1980-88 war with Iraq. Since 1992, the
Islamic Republic has reportedly produced its own Saeqeh and Azarakhsh
jet fighters, stealth-capable Ghadir submarine, missile boats,
torpedoes, tanks and armored carrier vehicles.

Iran frequently holds military drills and shows off modern weaponry in
an effort to demonstrate its readiness to thwart any attack on its

Heritage Can Reconsider Collaboration With ARFD


04.02.2010 18:25 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ Collaboration between Heritage and ARF Dashnaktsutyun
was based on unacceptance of Armenia-Turkey rapprochement Protocols,
according to Heritage parliamentary group leader Stepan Safaryan.

As he told PanARMENIAN.Net reporter, Heritage is ready to cooperate
with all political forces of Armenia on the issue. "Yet, the statement
of ARF Dashnaksutyun Bureau member Vahan Hovhannesyan can make us
reconsider our position," he pointed out.

"Heritage does not support Protocols ratification in any form, with
or without reservations," Safaryan emphasized.

The Protocols aimed at normalization of bilateral ties and opening of
the border between Armenia and Turkey were signed in Zurich by Armenian
Foreign Minister Edward Nalbandian and his Turkish counterpart Ahmet
Davutoglu on October 10, 2009, after a series of diplomatic talks
held through Swiss mediation.

On January 12, 2010, the Constitutional Court of the Republic of
Armenia found the protocols conformable to the country’s Organic Law

US House Committee On Foreign Affairs To Discuss H. Res. 252,Armenia


2010-02-05 14:45:00

ArmInfo. US House Committee on Foreign Affairs is to discuss
H. Res. 252, the Armenian Genocide Resolution, on March 4, 2010,
Arpi Vardanyan, Armenian Assembly of America Regional Director,
told ArmInfo.

She said if the Committee passes the Resolution giving the
go-ahead to the resolution, it will be put on agenda of the House of
Representatives. For his part, ANCA representative Ken Khachikyan has
already declared that they will be actively working with Chairman of
the House Committee on Foreign Affairs Howard Berman and other friends
of the Armenian community in the USA from both the parties to promote
H.Res 252 in the Committee and at the plenary session of the House
of Representatives. K.Khachkiyan has already had several meetings
with the co-authors of H.Res.252 Adam Schiff, Frank Pallone and other
congressmen. ANCA reports that many coalition partners from Greece and
Israel also support the efforts on recognition of Armenian Genocide.

H.Res.252, introduced on March 17th of this year by lead sponsors Adam
Schiff and George Radanovich (R-CA), and Congressional Armenian Caucus
Co-chairs Frank Pallone (D-NJ) and Mark Kirk (R-IL), currently has over
135 cosponsors. Its companion legislation in the Senate (S.Res.316),
spearheaded by Senators Bob Menendez (D-NJ) and John Ensign (R-NV)
has 13 cosponsors.

Euronews Declines In Quality Showing Partiality To Azerbaijan


onews-declines-quality-showing-partiality-azerbaij an
Feb 5 2010

Refugees and internally displaced people deserve media coverage
wherever they are. Newsmakers, like Euronews, have the calling to bring
the refugee problems to the forefront of political and decision-making
minds. When this is done it’s commendable, but when it’s done showing
partiality to one side such as Azerbaijan and totally ignoring the
hundreds of thousands of refugees in Armenia and Nagorno Karabakh
due to the same conflict started by Azerbaijan, it’s deplorable.

On February 1 of 2010 Euronews showed a one-sided and very partial
coverage of refugee situation in Azerbaijan. Called Forgotten
Victims of a Frozen Conflict it displays the good life of refugees in
Azerbaijan, who receive $500 euros a month per person, and mentions
nothing about hundreds of thousands of the truly forgotten refugees
in Armenia.

Euronews, the flagship news organization in the European Union, can’t
help the situation by portraying Azerbaijan with its eight million
population as the victim and Armenia with its 3.5 million population
as the aggressor. Many people from around the world have raise their
voice against the approach Euronews has employed in its coverage
of refugees in Azerbaijan. Below is the letter of Rouben Galichian
to the news editor of Euronews about this coverage. Galichian is a
London based cartographer and the author of "The Invention of History".

Mr Peter Barabas The News Editor Euronews Lyon

Dear Mr Barabas,

On February 01 you aired a report entitled "Forgotten victims of a
frozen conflict" about the Azeri refugees from Karabagh.

Regrettably the report presented one side of the story only, that of
the Azeri refugees, who for the last 15 years have been kept in refugee
camps and railway cars simply for the reason of political propaganda.

In spite of the millions of petro-dollars pouring into the country,
the Azeri authorities have chosen to keep these poor people in the
worst possible condition, in order to use them as a propaganda tools.

Compare this situation with that of Armenia. Prior to the conflict
almost 400,000 Armenians lived and worked in Azerbaijan, who were
first subjected to pogroms (Sumgait, Feb 1988) and then expelled
from their homes and country overnight. Yet Armenia, who had only a
years ago experienced a devastating earthquake and did not have the
financial resources of Azerbaijan either, managed to house those who
wished to stay in Armenia.

I am not delving into the details and the origins of the conflict,
which was started by the Azeri government, when, after decades of
repression, the Armenians of Karabagh (who constituted 85% of the
population) tried to express their complaints and wishes, only to be
met by Azeri bombs and missiles.

Furthermore, for the past 15 years the Azeri authorities have been
injecting their population with such anti-Armenian venomous propaganda,
that the new generation of Azeris really and truly believe that the
Armenians are Azeri-killing machines. , Is this the way to resolve a
conflict? This bring to mind the Nazi propaganda machine, as is also
designed to create hatred amongst nations, not political regimes.

To maintain balance and neutrality, perhaps you could send a reporter
to Karabagh to investigate and report the story from the other side
as well.

With my best regards Rouben Galichian London Cartographer and Author
of "The Invention of History" and other works on the cartography of
South Caucasus.

NATO Defence Ministers Discuss Strategy On Afghanistan In Istanbul


05.02.2010 17:52 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ NATO Defence Ministers began their informal talks
in Istanbul with a focus on Afghanistan strategy. Armenian Minister
of Defence Seyran Ohanyan is taking part in the summit.

The summit hosted 52 Defense Ministers as well as NATO Secretary
General Anders Fogh Rasmussen.

Today, ministers agreed on a package of measures to ensure that the
Alliance’s books are balanced. They decided that as a basic principle
NATO must sufficiently fund Alliance operations and missions and make
essential strategic investments.

Ministers also committed to inject additional resources into the
budget this year, as well as to modernise how NATO does its budgeting
and looks for savings where it can.

Defence Ministers also discussed NATO’s engagement in Kosovo as
well as the possibility for NATO peacekeeping force in Kosovo (KFOR)
to cut the number of troops to 10 000.

The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), also called the (North)
Atlantic Alliance, is an intergovernmental military alliance based
on the North Atlantic Treaty which was signed on April 4, 1949. The
NATO headquarters are in Brussels, Belgium, and the organization
constitutes a system of collective defense whereby its member states
agree to mutual defense in response to an attack by any external party.

The Treaty of Brussels, signed on March 17, 1948 by Belgium, the
Netherlands, Luxembourg, France and the United Kingdom is considered
the precursor to the NATO agreement. The treaty and the Soviet Berlin
Blockade led to the creation of the Western European Union’s Defense
Organization in September 1948. However, participation of the United
States was thought necessary in order to counter the military power
of the USSR, and therefore talks for a new military alliance began
almost immediately.

These talks resulted in the North Atlantic Treaty, which was signed
in Washington, D.C. on April 4, 1949. It included the five Treaty
of Brussels states, as well as the United States, Canada, Portugal,
Italy, Norway, Denmark and Iceland. Popular support for the Treaty
was not unanimous; some Icelanders commenced a pro-neutrality,
anti-membership riot in March 1949.

Greece and Turkey joined the alliance in 1952, forcing a series of
controversial negotiations, in which the United States and Britain
were the primary disputants, over how to bring the two countries into
the military command structure. In July 1997, three former communist
countries, Hungary, the Czech Republic, and Poland, were invited
to join NATO, which finally happened in 1999. Membership went on
expanding with the accession of seven more Northern European and
Eastern European countries to NATO: Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania
and also Slovenia, Slovakia, Bulgaria, and Romania. They were first
invited to start talks of membership during the 2002 Prague Summit,
and joined NATO on 29 March 2004, shortly before the 2004 Istanbul
summit. At the April 2008 summit in Bucharest, Romania, NATO agreed
to the accession of Croatia and Albania and invited them to join. Both
countries joined NATO in April 2009.

In August 2003, NATO commenced its first mission ever outside Europe
when it assumed control over International Security Assistance Force
(ISAF) in Afghanistan.

Mother Describes Gunfire Horror

By Carl Brown

Asian Image
Feb 5 2010

A mum-of-two has described the terrifying moment Israeli soldiers
fired bullets during a peace protest near Bethlehem.

Catherine Arakelian, flew out to the Middle East for a 10 day trip
earlier this month with Christian Arab charity Holy Land Trust,
which peacefully campaigns against oppression of Palestinians.

Mrs Arakelian attended a protest in the village of Al Massarah,
which involved campaigners walking 40 minutes out of the village and
demonstrating in front of Israeli troops.

She said the protest, which happens every Friday, was on this occasion
particularly large.

The campaigners finished their peaceful protest, which involved flag
waving, and as they began to walk back to the village, Mrs Arakelian
said the Israeli army decided to act.

She added: "All of a sudden they started rolling razor wire across
the road, to stop us going further away and then they fired shots
above our heads to try and get us to go back to the village, which
is where we were going anyway. They also threw smoke bombs to scare us.

"It was very scary, I have never been anywhere close to a group of
young soldiers who themselves looked frightened and I did not know
what a smoke bomb was.

"The whole point of the Palestine Peace Movement is that it is
non-violent, but the media got the pictures they wanted of people
running away and of conflict."

Mrs Arakelian said she and her fellow campaigners did not know why
the army acted in the way it did.

The 48-year-old, who is standing as the Labour candidate in the
Chingford & Woodford Green constituency at the general election, added:
"When we touched down in Luton on the way back I felt free.

"Here we have freedom of expression, movement and association, we
don’t always realise in this country how important these freedoms are."

During her visit Mrs Arakelian also visited the Armenian quarter of
Bethlehem and met a Muslim family in danger of losing their home to
Jewish settlers.

Despite the terrifying moment with the army, Mrs Arakelian, a
practising Christian, described the trip as "amazing spiritually
and politically."

Keskin: From April 24, 1915 To January 19, 2007…

KESKIN: FROM APRIL 24, 1915 TO JANUARY 19, 2007…
By Eren Keskin

Armenian Weekly
February 4, 2010

Eren Keskin Eren Keskin is vice-president of the Turkish Human Rights
Association (ÝHD) and former president of its Istanbul branch. In
2005, she was awarded the Esslingen-based Theodor Haecker Prize for
Civic Courage and Political Integrity. This is her second column for
the Armenian Weekly.

On Jan. 19, when I was listening to Arat Dink’s speech in front of
Agos in Istanbul, I thought how much he really resembled his father,
how naive and fragile he was.

The sentences he used to express his immense suffering, how "soft"
they were in the face of the lived reality, and how loaded they were!

"A hundred years ago we were 20 percent, today we are not even 1
percent…A hundred years ago we were prey, today we are bait,"
said Arat Dink.

It’s been a whole three years since Hrant was slaughtered…

His crime was being an Armenian (!) and "reminding the criminals of
their crime (!)"

But they think they have the right to commit any crime they
want… They think they have the right to destroy identities, to
assimilate, to commit genocide.

By scaring they forbid "objecting," they try to silence "those who

Even those who know remain silent faced with their "destructive

When Hrant Dink was slaughtered we had prepared a statement.

In it we had said:

"Dear Hrant they slaughtered you as the 1,500,001th person

We condemn those who massacred you, those who made them massacre you,

Those who targeted you.

Genocide is still continuing…

Our hearts are aching."

However, because of the–possibly correct–worries and warnings of
the Armenian community, we had it withdrawn.

I had written an essay after His death.

I had said, "We owe it to our dead that we state the facts."

And naturally the "dependent judiciary" immediately filed charges
based on Article 301 of the Turkish Penal Code.

I say it once again and aloud: 1915 was a genocide and Hrant Dink was
massacred by the followers of the mentality that committed genocide.

The Turkish Republic, whose establishment was presented as a
"revolution," took the Committee of Union and Progress (CUP) and
its special organization Teskilat-i Mahsusa as its model, and became
their continuation.

In the Lausanne Conference, the Turkish Republic took over the debts
of the Ottoman Empire, but not its biggest debt, its "debt of apology,"
and still insists on not doing so.

They don’t change, we must know that.

Because there is no strong social demand for them to change.

Unfortunately the totalitarian system has made the persons and
communities it has ruled like itself…

Everybody looks like this militaristic state. They see themselves as
the "sole owner" of these lands we live on.

They’re ignorant! In fact this ignorance is their shield.

They don’t want to read or think.

Since they have things to lose, they choose to cripple their hearts
and brains.

That’s totalitarianism all right!

Even those who identify themselves as intellectuals have failed to
escape the spiral of fear.

Edward Said said, "The intellectual is the one who cannot easily
be the man of governments or big corporations, who exists in order
to represent the people and issues that are constantly forgotten or
swept under the carpet."

Yes, in Turkey, all together, the genocide committed against the
Armenian nation has been "swept under the carpet."

Everybody has a share in that. And everybody is guilty.

Those who don’t explicitly say "genocide," those who are still
ambivalent, who remain silent, who are afraid, I want to remind you of
the words of Dr. Nazim in a secret meeting of the CUP in the beginning
of 1915: "…Armenians are like a deadly wound. This wound is first
thought to be harmless. But if it is not treated by a doctor in time,
it definitely kills. We must act immediately. If we act as in 1909,
it will do more harm than good. It will awaken the other groups we
have decided to eliminate, the Arabs and the Kurds, and the danger
will become threefold…"

"…If this cleaning out is not general and final, it will hurt more
than heal. We must wipe out the Armenian nation from our lands. Not
even a single person must survive and the Armenian name must be
forgotten… This time the operation will be a total wiping out. And
provided that not even a single Armenian survives, total elimination
is a must." (*)

Yes, what Dr. Nazim talked about was carried out.

But has the mentality changed? Unfortunately the answer to this
question is a huge no.

After the massacre of Hrant Dink, Arif Sirin (a.k.a. "poet Arif") and
singer Ismail Turut put their racist feelings on paper, and composed
a song that praised Ogun Samast, the murderer of Hrant. After the
criminal complaint of the Human Rights Association, charges were
filed against these two fascists. But the judges, who found those who
condemned Hrant’s murder guilty, decided that these two were innocent.

And they didn’t find anything criminal in the song that defended
the massacre…

Now we have to ask: Who is the murderer of Hrant Dink?

Translated by Melis Erdur

(*) Recep Marasli, Ermeni Ulusal Demokratik Hareketi ve 1915 Soykirimi