NKR: Perspective Of Modern Higher Educational Institution


NKR Government Information and
Public Relations Department
January 22, 2010

Today, the enlarged session of Artsakh State University Council
conducted by the Council Head, Prime-Minister Ara Haroutyunyan,
took place.

During the session changes were made in the staff of the University
Council, the change proposed to be introduced in the regulations
of the University according to which the sums extracted from the
leasable areas of this educational institution will be allotted
to the fulfillment of the requirements laid down by the University
regulations, was approved.

At the council session Artsakh State University Rector S.Dadayan
presented an account of the 2008-2009 academic year activity of the
University. He pointed out the main achievements on part of scientific
and methodical, technical and economic, social and foreign relations
spheres. According to the Rector’s presentation last year more than
1000 graduates got Artsakh State University diplomas in 27 professions,
because of low grades 160 students were expelled from the University.

Taking into consideration the account of the University Head the
council affirmed the University’s expenditure estimate of 2010,
it will surpass the limit AMD 1 mlrd.

A number of participants held speeches concerning different inner
problems of the University, which were clarified by the NKR Minister
of Education and Science V.Khachatryan.

The Council session was concluded by Prime Minister A.Haroutyunyan. He
particularly emphasized the order of eliminating defective phenomena
in this educational system and the consistency of the Government
in this. Improvements should be continued and the European model of
education should be established in the University,- Prime Minister
stated. According to him nearly all the spheres of our Republic are
short of competent specialists and Artsakh State University has an
important mission in eliminating this shortage. The Prime Minister
underlined that according to the NKR President’s pre-election programme
the educational conception and the existing teaching policy should
be radically changed and the higher education should be conformed to
the needs of our Republic and the present-day demands of time.

NKR: Medal Of The Premier To Benefactor


NKR Government Information and
Public Relations Department
January 23, 2010

On January 22, NKR prime minster Ara Haroutyounyan received the
executive director of "Hayastan" all-Armenian fund Ara Vardanyan
and entourage.

They discussed the process of programs implemented by the fund in
the NKR and envisaged new undertakings.

Ara Haroutyounyan awarded a medal to Sargis Qotanjyan for rendering
benefactor services to the Republic of Nagorno Karabakh.

S.Qotanjyan is the executive of the USA West branch of "Hayastan" fund.

Russian Foreign Ministry: Preamble To Madrid Principles Coordinated


25.01.2010 18:55 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ Armenia and Azerbaijan have agreed the preamble
to an agreement on Karabakh and are preparing new proposals, Russian
Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said on Monday.

"There is a general understanding on the preamble of the document,"
Lavrov said after tripartite negotiations in Russia’s Black Sea resort
city of Sochi. He added that the preamble revised and updated the
OSCE Madrid principles.

The Russian, Armenian and Azerbaijani presidents, Dmitry Medvedev,
Serzh Sargsyan and Ilham Aliyev, met in Sochi earlier on Monday.

Lavrov said that although some parts of the document had yet to
be synchronized, "the sides will prepare their concrete proposals,
their concrete wording, which will be worked into the text."

"We are sure that this will help the co-chairs in their future work.

The presidents have agreed to continue it [the work]," RIA Novosti
quoted him as saying.

The Madrid principles contain the proposals put forward by the OSCE
Minsk Group co-chairs on the basic principles of the Nagorno Karabakh
conflict settlement. The document was submitted to the Armenian and
Azerbaijani representatives at the OSCE summit in the Spanish capital
in November 2007.

The conflict between Nagorno Karabakh and Azerbaijan broke out in
1988 as result of the ethnic cleansing the latter launched in the
final years of the Soviet Union. The Karabakh War was fought from
1991 to 1994. Since the ceasefire in 1994, sealed by Armenia, Nagorno
Karabakh and Azerbaijan, most of Nagorno Karabakh and several regions
of Azerbaijan around it (the security zone) remain under the control
of NKR defense army. Armenia and Azerbaijan are holding peace talks
mediated by the OSCE Minsk Group up till now.

ISTANBUL: Turkey to convey legal assessment to pressure Armenia

Hurriyet Daily News , Turkey
Jan 22 2010

Turkey to convey legal assessment to pressure Armenia

Friday, January 22, 2010
ANKARA-Hürriyet Daily News

Ankara is working on a legal assessment to be sent to Yerevan and
third parties to emphasize that Armenia’s Constitutional Court
violated international law by conditionally affirming the two
countries’ protocols.

Foreign ministers Ahmet DavutoÄ?lu and Edward Nalbandian signed
historic protocols in October to establish diplomatic relations and
open land borders between the two countries.

Armenia’s court published a ruling affirming the constitutionality of
the protocol Monday. The text, however, angered Ankara because it
stipulated that the agreements must not violate a part of the Armenian
Declaration of Independence that calls for the recognition of the 1915
deaths of Armenians as `genocide.’

According to the protocol, the sides will form committees to solve
bilateral disputes. Turkey has said a joint committee of historians
should investigate the 1915 killings thoroughly rather than
politically terming the events a `genocide.’

`The wording and spirit of the protocols should be protected. Any
limitation or efforts at partially approving [the document] is against
the essence of the protocols,’ said DavutoÄ?lu on Friday during a joint
conference with his Jordanian counterpart, Nasser Judeh.

DavutoÄ?lu phoned Nalbandian to express his worries and urge him to
display a stronger political will. The minister had earlier discussed
the verdict at a meeting with President Abdullah Gül and Prime
Minister Recep Tayyip ErdoÄ?an.

`We began with a vision of normalizing relations with neighboring
Armenia and worded the protocols in this manner,’ said DavutoÄ?lu. `We
continue to be loyal to the wording and spirit of the protocols and
back it with a strong political will.’

In their telephone conversation, Nalbandian argued the court ruling
had no affect on the protocol’s conditions, according to DavutoÄ?lu,
who said, `We need to hear clearer and stronger remarks.’

The minister said he would make calls Friday to his U.S. and Swiss
counterparts, urging them to pressure Armenia to uphold the basics of
the normalization protocols. `We will convey our legal assessments and
our worries to the related sides.’

He outlined the importance of continuing the process without any legal
failures so as to reach a comprehensive normalization. `But the
existing picture shouldn’t be changed. All aims including the planned
commissions should be approved in total.’

Diplomatic sources said Turkey would soon convey its legal assessments
and suggestions by calling on Armenia not to renege on the agreement
or add stipulations to the protocols.

`You cannot pick and choose. Then what we’ve agreed will be different
then what you’ve approved,’ one anonymous diplomat said.

Turkey’s forthcoming text will cite the protocols, saying they are
binding in their entirety according to international law.

Nalbandian, meanwhile, accused Turkey of giving him ultimatums,
saying: `If Turkey is not ready to ratify the protocols, continues
speaking in ultimatums, setting preconditions and obstructing the
process, then I do not deny that negotiations will break down."

Co-Chairs present updated version of Madrid Document to Presidents

Co-Chairs present an updated version of the Madrid Document to
Presidents of Armenia, Azerbaijan

22.01.2010 14:14

The OSCE Minsk Group Co-Chairs issued the following statement today:

"On January 20, the OSCE Minsk Group Co-Chairs (Ambassador Yuri
Merzlyakov, the Russian Federation; Ambassador Bernard Fassier,
France; Ambassador Robert Bradtke, United States) met with Armenian
President Serzh Sargsian in Yerevan, Armenia. As instructed by their
presidents in L’Aquila in July 2009, the Co-Chairs delivered to
President Sargsian, just as they had to President Ilham Aliyev during
their visit to Baku in December 2009, an updated version of the Madrid
Document of November 2007, containing the Co-Chairs’ latest
articulation of the Basic Principles.

On January 21, the Co-Chairs met President Aliyev in Baku, Azerbaijan.
In their discussions with the Co-Chairs, each president expressed
their commitment to continue to pursue a peaceful settlement to the
Nagorno-Karabakh conflict and reaffirmed the seriousness of their side
in the negotiations.

The Co-Chairs traveled to Astana, Kazakhstan for consultations with
the Government of Kazakhstan, upon its ascension to the Chairmanship
of the OSCE. Following their consultations in Astana, they will
continue on to Sochi, Russia, where Russian President Dmitry Medvedev
will host the next meeting between the presidents of Azerbaijan and

Public TV of Armenia to air ‘Baku, January 1990: Usual Genocide’ doc

Public TV of Armenia to air ‘Baku, January 1990: Usual Genocide’ documentary

17:08 22/01/2010

Public TV of Armenia will air `Baku, January 1990: Usual Genocide’
documentary, January 22, at 10:30pm.

The film premier was due January 19, during the international
scientific conference devoted to 20 years since Baku pogroms.

This is the first film in the `Usual Genocide’ series to tell about
January 13-19 events of 1990, when genocide and mass violations were
carried out towards the Armenians in Azerbaijan and Nagorno-Karabakh.

The film is also available in Russian and English languages. In the
near futire the film will be presented in different countries, will be
spread through the internet and DVDs.

`Study of Armenian Architecture’ organization issues posters

`Study of Armenian Architecture’ organization issues posters on 3
historic Armenian regions
22.01.2010 17:33 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ `Study of Armenian Architecture’ organization issued
posters on 3 historic Armenian regions: Moks, Karin and Hayots Dzor.
The posters were distributed in schools of Armenia and Karabakh with
the assistance of RA Education Ministry.

As `Study of Armenian Architecture’ organization head, architecture
historian Samvel Karapetyan said at today’s news conference, the
initiative aims at increasing Armenian youth’s awareness of national
history and heritage.

Ethnic Lobbies in America: Outsourcing U.S. Foreign Policy?

Ethnic Lobbies in America: Outsourcing U.S. Foreign Policy?

en.fondsk.ruÐ?rbis Terrarum


It’s fashionable to say these days that the world is entering the era
of post-Americanism. Few can explain what that means in reality, but
the gist is that U.S. influence in world affairs is gradually
declining, and sooner or later, another country ` most likely, China `
will become the only world superpower.

We shall see. However, today it’s hard to think of any major global
problem ` be it climate change or aid to poor countries ` can be
solved without at least the financial involvement of the United
States. Besides, should the U.S. screw up big time ` a number of great
examples are available over the past decade ` no one would be immune.

This keeps making Washington DC a natural target of numerous ethnic
lobbies trying to promote their agendas through U.S. foreign policy
institutions. According to John Newhouse1, `nearly one hundred
countries rely on lobbyists to protect and promote their interests [in
the U. S.].’

As Zbigniew Brzezinski explains2, the influence exerted by ethnic
lobbies originates from the very nature of the U.S. foreign policy
decision-making process. It’s generally believed that the president
has the upper hand in designing and implementing foreign policy.
However, the entire executive branch of the U.S. government lacks a
central planning organ responsible for this task. Theoretically, this
role should be played by the National Security Council, but in
practice, the NSC is so busy with day-to-day coordination of policy
(between the presidential administration, Department of State,
Department of Defense, CIA, etc.) that it simply has no time for
strategic planning, resulting in a decentralized and fragmented
decision-making process that is open to external influence.

Besides, presidential prerogatives to direct foreign policy are often
challenged by Congress. Due to its composition and structure, Congress
is especially susceptible to the influence of special interests,
including ethnic lobbies. This is reflected in countless congressional
resolutions and legislative amendments introduced and lobbied by
special ethnic interests (which, in the process, have become very
skillful in using campaign funds to win congressional support for
their causes). A common place is congressional caucuses identified
with specific ethnic interests; so are congressmen and senators
serving as spokesmen for specific ethnic lobbies. For example, the
Congressional Caucus on India and Indian Americans, one of the largest
of this kind, includes over 150 members, none of them being Indian.
Secretary of State Hillary R. Clinton, in her days as U.S. Senator,
used to co-chair the Senate India Caucus.

In their daily activities, ethnic lobbies perform a number of
functions. First, they serve as subject-matter experts and sources of
information to members of Congress and other branches of government.
Second, they participate in drafting legislation and providing policy
oversight. Third, they organize media and public campaigns to
advertise and promote their pet issues. Naturally, special attention
is being paid to providing campaign contributions to elected officials
through political action committees (PAC).

It’s important to point out that not every ethnic group living in the
U.S. forms a functional lobby. Addressing this issue, James Lindsay3
identified a number of factors that could predict a transformation of
an immigrant group into a bona fide ethnic lobby. First, immigrants
who came to the United States as political refugees (e.g. Cubans) are
more likely to be politically active than those who came for `purely’
economic reasons (e.g. Italians). Second, immigrants whose homelands
are threatened by their neighbors (e.g. Armenia or Israel) are more
likely to lobby for their homeland than those who came from
`un-threatened’ countries (e.g. Norway, Sweden, or Germany). Third,
the most efficient ethnic lobbies are formed by economically
successful ethnic groups (such as Jewish, Armenian, Cuban, and Greek
Americans). Fourth, ethnic lobbies are the most successful in their
activities when the issues that they promote are supported by U.S.
political elites. Obviously, they are least successful if their issues
go against of what is perceived as American national interest.

In their influence exerted on contemporary American political life, no
ethnic lobby can rival the Jewish-American lobby (The Israel Lobby, as
John Mearsheimer and Stephen Walt call it in their highly-publicized
2007 book4). Many consider its power comparable with that demonstrated
by such titans of American lobbyism as National Rifle Association
(NRA) and American Association of Retired Persons (AARP).

Thanks to the tireless efforts of Jewish-American lobby (organized
under the aegis of American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC)),
Israel has been the largest recipient of U.S. economic and military
aid since WWII: over $140 billion in 2004 dollars. Israel receives
about $3 billion in direct assistance each year, roughly one-sixth of
the total U.S. foreign aid budget and worth about $500 a year for
every Israeli ` not a bad deal for a wealthy industrial state with a
per capita income in the top 30 countries in the world.

In addition, the U.S. provides Israel with consistent diplomatic
support: between 1972 and 2006, the U.S. has vetoed 42 of the U.N.
Security Council’s resolutions critical of Israel. What makes the
Jewish-American lobby so successful is its commitment, unity,
resources, and political skills. (The last two factors, when combined,
are especially powerful: it is said that presidential candidates from
Democratic Party depend on Jewish support for as much as 60% of
campaign contributions). The "ideological" unity obviously
distinguishes the Jewish lobby from the Arab-American lobby, which has
been hurt over the years by national and religious divisions. However,
one cannot also discount the fact that the Jewish lobby faces almost
no opposition to its actions because it advocates policies that are
considered (rightfully or not) as fully aligned with American national

Recent years have witnessed the impressive rise of the India lobby,
whose influence may one day become comparable to that of the Jewish
lobby. Perhaps, non-coincidentally, both ethnic groups share a number
of similarities: Indian Americans are also well educated, financially
successful, and strongly inclined toward political activism. (Add the
real or perceived military threats to India from Pakistan and China).
The India lobby also benefits from strong ties to the U.S.-India
Business Council, an umbrella organization for 200 companies doing
business with India or otherwise having Indian connections. (As
pointed out by John Newhouse, 20% of all companies in Silicon Valley
are owned by Indian Americans).

So far, the most visible demonstration of the strength projected by
the India lobby has been last year’s congressional approval of the
U.S.-India `123 Agreement’ on civil nuclear cooperation. Concerns were
raised in the arms control community that the agreement will increase
India’s ability to produce fissionable material for its nuclear
weapons program. To ensure the passage of the controversial deal, the
lobby joined forces with the U.S.-India Business Council, the U.S.
Chamber of Commerce, and two U.S. companies producing nuclear
reactors, General Electric and Westinghouse.

Speaking of successful ethnic lobbies one must mention two more: Cuban
and Armenian.

The power wielded by the Cuban exile lobby (associated with the Cuban
American National Foundation, CANF) in Washington is even more
impressive given that Cubans are concentrated primarily in only one
location: Miami, FL. However, the special role played by Florida in
the politics of presidential elections has allowed a bunch of noisy
but politically savvy anti-Castro immigrants to completely hijack `
and for decades dominate ` the U.S. policy debates on Cuba.

The Armenian lobby (and its flagship group, Armenian Assembly of
America) has made Armenia one of the highest per capita recipients of
U.S. aid ` thanks largely to Sen. Mitch McConnell, the Republican
Senate minority leader and a ranking member of the Senate
Appropriations Committee responsible for the distribution of foreign
aid. On the other hand, the lobby has so far failed to reach its most
cherished goal: a congressional resolution condemning Turkey for the
1915 Armenian genocide. In 2007, the victory was close, as having
secured support of the House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, the lobby almost
succeeded in setting up the vote for a genocide resolution. However,
prodded by the furious Turkish government, the White House intervened
and persuaded Pelosi to shelve the resolution. Naturally, in its
communication with the Bush administration, the Turks used some help
too: former heavy-weight Congressmen Bob Livingston and Dick Gephardt
lobbied on Turkey’s behalf.

Among other ethnic groups, the Central and Eastern Europeans do
possess a significant voting strength (for example, there are more
than 10 million ethnic Poles in the United States), but their lobbies
lack the financial resources available to their Jewish or Armenian
counterparts. Nevertheless, the Polish lobby (through the Polish
American Congress) or the Baltic lobby (represented in part by the
Baltic American Freedom League (BALF) and the Joint Baltic American
National Committee (JBANC)) have been instrumental in promoting the
admission of their respective countries in NATO (Poland in 1999;
Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania in 2004). It is a little secret to
anyone in Washington that the noisy anti-Russian hysteria fueled by
the Polish and Baltic lobbies is partly responsible for the negative
image of Russia in the United States and worsening of U.S.-Russia

Experts disagree on whether ethnic lobbies have positive or negative
impact on U.S. foreign policy. Some5 consider ethnic lobbies as a
welcomed sign of "globalization" of U.S. national politics and believe
that ethnic lobbies will help spread "American values" around the
globe. Others are not so sure expressing the concern that
"privatization" (as John Newhouse puts it) of the U.S. foreign policy
further corrupts American political system and diminishes its
attraction to the rest of the world. An even more extreme point of
view was expressed by Mearsheimer and Walt, who asserted that due to
the actions of the Jewish lobby, U.S. policy in the Middle East serves
the national interest of Israel rather than that of the United States.

In their turn, American politicians are mum on the subject. Used to
campaign contributions from various special interests ` the
pharmaceutical lobby, the energy lobby, the agribusiness lobby, etc. `
they don’t seems to be concerned with taking money from their ethnic
counterparts. And is there any difference, anyway?

1 John Newhouse, `Diplomacy, Inc. The Influence of Lobbies on U.S.
Foreign Policy’, Foreign Affairs, May/June 2009.

2 Zbigniew Brzezinski, `The Choice: Global Domination or Global
Leadership’ (2004) Basic Books, New York.

3 James Lindsay, `Getting Uncle Sam’s Ear’, Council on Foreign
Relations (Winter 2002).

4 John Mearsheimer and Stephen Walt, `The Israel Lobby and U.S.
Foreign Policy’ (2007) Farrar, Strauss, and Giroux.

5 Yossi Shain, `Marketing the American Creed Abroad (Diasporas in the
U.S. and their Homelands’ (1999) Cambridge University Press.

RA President And EU Special Representative Discuss Expanding Agenda


Noyan Tapan
Jan 21, 2010

YEREVAN, JANUARY 21, NOYAN TAPAN. RA President Serzh Sargsyan and
EU Special Representative for the South Caucasus Peter Semneby, at
a January 21 meeting, discussed the expanding agenda of Armenia-EU

According to RA President’s Press Office, P. Semneby said that
currently EU is at the stage of active changes.

The interlocutors also exchanged thoughts over regional developments,
in particular, the Nagorno Karabakh settlement negotiations process
and normalization of relations between Armenia and Turkey.

"An Ordinary Genocide: Baku, January 1990" Documentary Screened In Y


19.01.2010 17:01 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ "Ordinary Genocide: Baku, January 1990" documentary
was screened in Yerevan on Tuesday.

Ordinary Genocide film series was launched by the public relations
and information department at the RA presidential administration with
a purpose to provide true information on 1988-92 developments which
resulted in the genocide and ethnic cleansing of Armenians in Nagorno
Karabakh and Azerbaijan.

Featuring the true story of the Armenian genocide in Azerbaijan, this
film doesn’t aim to instill hatred for Azeris, said Marina Grigoryan,
the film author.

At the end of the current week, the documentary will be screened by
Armenian Public Television.

In January 1990, Azerbaijani authorities instigated the Armenian
pogroms in Baku. Some 400 Armenians were killed and 200 thousand
were exiled in the period of January 13-19, 1990. The exact number
of those killed was never determined, as no investigation was carried
out into the crimes.

On January 13, a crowd numbering 50 thousand people divided into
groups and started "cleaning" the city of Armenians. On January 17,
the European Parliament called on EU Council of Foreign Ministers
and European Council to protect Armenians and render assistance to
Armenia and Nagorno Karabakh. On January 18, a group of U.S. Senators
sent a letter to Mikhail Gorbachev to express concerns over the
violence against the Armenian population in Azerbaijan and called
for unification of Nagorno Karabakh with Armenia.