BAKU: Egemen Baghish: Turkey Is Rapidly Transforming Into A Superpow

Nov 17 2009

Turkey that has recently been holding an active external policy is
rapidly transforming into a world superpower.

Turkey has taken important steps in relations with Armenia, Syria
and Iraq within the framework of the priority goal of eliminating
all problems with neighbors, and by the end of the year there is a
plan to open a new chapter in the process of negotiations with the
European Union.

According to State Minister Egemen Baghish, the aim of the policy is
transformation of Turkey into a world center.

Noting that the west is aware of Turkey’s potential, Baghish said
"By rejecting the west, Turkey will never be able to reach progress
in the east while by turning its back to the east it will not reach
progress in the west".

In a response to the criticism that Turkey is more inclined to the
east in its external policy, Baghish noted that Turkey is the most
western country of the east and the most eastern country in the west".

Armenia, Germany To Extend Cooperation


16.11.2009 17:49 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ Secretary of National Security Council Arthur
Baghdasaryan received November 16 Hans-Jochen Schmidt, newly appointed
German Ambassador to Armenia. During the meeting, parties discussed
issues concerning Armenian-German relations. Mr. Baghdasaryan highly
assessed diplomat’s activity, expressing hope he would contribute to
the development of Armenian-German relations. Parties also touched
upon Armenia-EU cooperation.

Upon the guest’s request, Arthur Baghdasaryan briefed on
Armenian-Turkish rapprochement, NSC press service reports.

Yerevan to host `From equal rights to equal capabilities’ Conf.

Yerevan to host `From equal rights to equal capabilities’
Transcaucasian conference
14.11.2009 15:58 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ Yerevan will host `From equal rights to equal
capabilities’ Transcaucasian conference on November 25. The purpose of
the event is to highlight necessity of adjusting transport facilities
for physically challenged people.

Representatives of NGOs from Georgia, Turkey and Armenia as well as
officials from Ministries of Transport, Labor and Social Issues will
be participating.

Honorary Consul Of RA Appointed Adviser To Mayor In Kharkov


Noyan Tapan
Nov 13, 2009

Mayor’s November 10 recommendation Honorary Consul of RA to the city of
Kharkov Armen Aslanian was appointed Adviser to Mayor on International
Relations, on public bases. According to Kharkov Municipal Council’s
website, one of new Adviser’s first commissions is preparation of
Yerevan Mayor Gagik Beglarian’s visit to Kharkov to take place in
2010, as well as development of cooperation between RA and city of
Kharkov in various spheres and other aspects of international activity.

Honorary Consulate of RA in the city of Kharkov started to work from
2009 September. In that period official delegations of the city of
Kharkov and Kharkov region visited Armenia and conducted negotiations
over cooperation in the economic and humanitarian spheres. Contacts
between Kharkov and Yerevan have been developing since 2008.

Shooting Championship Starts November 13 In Armenia


12.11.2009 16:01 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ Open shooting championship starts on November 13
in Armenia. Competitions will be held November 14-15 in the Junior
shooting school in Yerevan

"The championship will be attended by 50 boys and girls under 20 from
Yerevan, Gyumri and Vanadzor," president of the Armenia’s Shooting
Federation Grachya Petikyan told a PanARMENIAN.Net reporter.

Six Swine Flu Cases Registered In Armenia

Nov 12 2009

The number of A/H1N1 virus cases increases in Armenia. Another swine
flu case was registered yesterday in Yerevan, Assistant to RA Health
Minister Shushan Hunanyan told

The infected citizen of Turkey, who arrived from Istanbul, was taken
to Nork infectious diseases hospital directly from Zvartnots airport.

According to Hunanyan, five people (males) are currently in Nork
infectious diseases hospital receiving inpatient treatment. Their state
of health is stable. The two infected with swine flu (RA citizens)
will be discharged from hospital these days.

Overall six swine flu cases were registered in Armenia. There is
no vaccine available in the country. However, according to Health
Minister Harutyun Kushkyan it will be delivered to the country shortly.

Exhibition Of Martiros Saryan’s Works To Be Organized In Moscow Tret


NOVEMBER 12, 2009

YEREVAN, NOVEMBER 12, ARMENPRESS: An exhibition of Martiros Saryan’s
works will be organized in 2010 in Moscow Tretyakov State Gallery on
the occasion of the painter’s 130th anniversary. Sixty six paintings
and graphic works will be presented. In 2010 is the 100th anniversary
of entrance of Martiros Saryan’s works to Tretyakov Gallery.

Director of Martiros Saryan House-Museum Ruzan Saryan told Armenpress
that within the program of the municipality a memory board will be
put up on the building, in one of the flats of which M. Saryan lived
in 1937-70 years. Saryan unique days are expected to be organized in
the Russian capital as well.

An album of Saryan’s paintings will be published within the frameworks
of the anniversary year in Armenia. And on the painter’s birthday an
exhibition of photos will open. R. Saryan attached great importance to
the publication of the Armenian version of "Armenian Folk Fairytales"
Russian book. This book has been published for three times, in 1930,
1933 and 1939. And every time the master has designed it in a new way",
R. Saryan said. For the first publication M. Saryan has created not
subject images, but extracts presenting Armenian peasant life and
rituals extending around Armenian architectural monuments.

‘Temporary Silence Prepares For Intensive Developments’: Iskandaryan


Nov 11 2009

Over the past few weeks a sort of silence can be felt in the issue
of improving Armenia-Turkey relations. But the Armenian public is
already used to the fact that political events actively develop. This
particularly refers to developments in foreign policy. However,
in Director of Caucasus Institute Alexander Iskandaryan’s opinion,
to expect that events will develop every day is not right.

"That temporary silence prepares for intensive developments," believes
the analyst. Iskandaryan stated that in the near future he will leave
for Turkey to become familiar with the developments’ overall picture.

The politician also offered an opinion, shared by his colleagues, on
the Armenia-Turkey Protocols: "If Turkey’s governing elite so wishes,
it can push forward any issue in the parliament," said Iskandaryan,
quoted his Turkish colleagues’ words and adding, for that, the
corresponding carrot and stick are necessary.

According to him, there is already the stick, but the carrot has yet
to be found.

The analyst also presented several Protocols ratification scenarios
taken by Turkey’s Meclis. Thus, according to Iskandaryan, the Protocols
might be ratified in January or February of next year.

The second scenario, which the politician considered unrealistic,
is that the ratification will take place on April 24.

The third scenario, and the most unlikely, foresees ratification
of the Protocols with a closed format. And the last scenario is the
"postponement of the decision."

According to Iskandaryan, the Kurdish issue is perceived in Turkey
more acutely than the issue of Armenia-Turkey rapprochement. At the
same time, he didn’t rule out that "beneath all the noise of the
Armenian-Turkish issue, the Turkish side may, without a problem,
also push forward that issue."

China’s Decision On Iran Depends On Kremlin?


12.11.2009 10:48 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ Iran’s failure to respond to an international
offer to enrich much of its uranium stockpile outside the country –
for use in a Tehran medical research facility – is again raising the
prospect of tougher sanctions, The Christian Science Monitor reports.

The article titled "Is Russia playing both sides on Iran nukes?" reads:

"Much of the focus of the sanctions debate is falling on Russia, which
has blown hot and cold on additional punitive measures on Iran over
its nuclear program – but which is sounding open to the idea once
again. The attention is reviving lingering questions about Russian
assistance – either official or unauthorized – to Iran’s nuclear
program and weapons research.

Russian President Dmitry Medvedev and French President Nicolas Sarkozy
issued a statement Monday warning Iran that "the international
community’s patience is not infinite." The two leaders, in Berlin
for the 20th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall, said they
"do not rule out" another round of sanctions aimed at the Iranian
leadership and its advancing nuclear program.

Those words followed comments by President Medvedev over the
weekend to German journalists, when he suggested that Russia could
support additional sanctions if Iran fails to take the opportunity to
cooperate with world powers in its nuclear program. Noting the offers
now before the Iranian leadership, Medvedev told Germany’s Der Spiegel
magazine, "I wouldn’t like to see all that ending in the introduction
of international sanctions … but if there is no movement forward,
no one is excluding such a scenario."

The US, Russia, and France last month negotiated a deal with Iranian
officials to remove almost three-quarters of Iran’s slightly-enriched
uranium stockpile to Russia and France for further enrichment to a
level needed for a research reactor.

Removal of the uranium would ease international concerns about Iran’s
nuclear intentions and allow for what the Obama administration hopes
would be fruitful negotiations with Iran on a range of issues.

But Iranian state media reports and statements from some Iranian
lawmakers suggest the government will reject the deal – perhaps
offering to buy the uranium it needs for its reactor and moving
its uranium stockpile to a domestic location for international
surveillance instead.

Eyes have turned to Russia because, as a veto-wielding member of the
UN Security Council, it could squelch any move to impose additional
sanctions through the council. China also holds veto power in
the Security Council and has discouraged talk of a new sanctions
resolution, but some diplomats believe that it would go along if
Russia decided to support new punitive measures.

Russia also has close economic ties to Iran and a history of
cooperation with Iran on both its nuclear program and defensive
military development.

"There’s quite a bit of military cooperation between the two countries,
and suspected nuclear cooperation before ’04," says David Albright,
president of the Institute for Science and International Security
in Washington.

Officially, Russia has sold defensive missile systems to Tehran –
though it is currently holding up delivery of a more sophisticated
surface-to-air system, drawing protests from Iranian officials. "The
Russians seem to modulate that cooperation depending on how things
are going," Mr. Albright says, noting there could be a connection
between Iran’s lack of response to the uranium deal and the Russian
brakes on delivery of the new missile system.

But suspicions have also grown over the last year that Russian
scientists, perhaps acting in an unofficial or "rogue" capacity,
have been assisting their Iranian colleagues in pursuit of a nuclear
weapon and weapons delivery systems. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin
Netanyahu is believed to have flown secretly to Moscow in September
to present Medvedev and Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin with
a list of names of Russian scientists that Israel says took nuclear
know-how to Iran.

Those reports have prompted some members of Congress to pressure
President Obama to report to Congress on suspected Russia-Iran
nuclear cooperation before the US pursues any new or additional
nuclear accords with Russia."