Peter Semneby: ‘Urrent Situation Between Armenia And Turkey Cannot L


2009-11-02 12:59:00

ArmInfo. The current situation between Armenia and Turkey cannot
last forever, everyone have to adapt to normalization, open borders,
and so on, EU Special Representative for South Caucasus Peter Semneby
says in an interview with "Vremya Novostey".

"It’s necessary to consider how to protect and develop own interests in
region under new situation. The war in Georgia showed that proceeding
territorial conflicts bring great risks. This developing moved
Armenian- Turkish relations," he says.

When asked whether Russian influence in Caucasus fines down due to
normalization between Armenia and Turkey, Peter Semneby said so far
as Russia invests in Armenia’s infrastructure and builds railways it
can benefit only from open borders.

Agopyan family wins 60-year lawsuit

Oct 25 2009

Agopyan family wins 60-year lawsuit

25 Ekim 2009

Fighting through legal channels for the return of their property in
Tarabya that was confiscated by the Treasury in 1949, the Agopyan
family won a legal battle that has been going on since 1991.

When 11 of the family’s 25 acres of land in Kirecburnu and Tarabya
were transferred to the Treasury during the cadastral surveys in 1949,
the land owner Marten Agopyan had filed a lawsuit. Then, while the
lawsuit was still in progress, the events of September 6-7, 1955 came
to pass and the family had to leave for the U.K.

After the death of Marten Agopyan, his son Bedros Agopyan restarted
the legal struggle. The court ruled for return of the land to the
Agopyan family in 2005. The Treasury filed a lawsuit for `annulment of
title deed’ against this decision, but the court rejected the
Treasury’s request on January 2008. The Treasury then appealed the
decision. During the course of the legal process, on June 18, 2008,
Bedros Agopyan passed away. Agopyan’s wife and daughters intervened in
the lawsuit after his death.

Agopyan family’s attorney Cafer Gül answered our questions regarding
the lawsuit.

In a news story in Agos newspaper dated January 11, 2008, we reported
that Bedros Mardiros Leon Agopyan had managed to take back 8,5 of 24
acres of land, winning the title deed annulment lawsuit filed by the
Treasury, and that the court had rejected the counter lawsuit of the
Treasury. How did the process go on after that date?

After we won the lawsuit, the Treasury demanded retrial on the grounds
that Agopyan’s father made a speech in Bucharest to provoke people
against the Ottomans before World War I. Considering that Marten
Agopyan never went to Bucharest and was a U.K citizen, the Sariyer
Civil Court of First Instance rejected the request for retrial. Then,
they applied to the Court of Appeals, but the decision of the Sariyer
Civil Court of First Instance was sustained. So, there was no reason
to renew trial. Now the Treasury has the right of correction of
decision, and we are waiting for that.

The land is gained back in part. What are your expectations for the rest?

We primarily deal with lost lands. We’ve managed to take 8,5 acres so
far, and there are 15,5 acres lost. We recovered them partially. There
are lands registered in the name of municipalities and individuals. We
are waiting for enactment of a new law regarding the return of
minority properties or compensation for lost ones. Otherwise, we will
resort to the ECtHR because the land cannot be recovered. We filed a
lawsuit in Civil Court, but we could not recover the land. Thus we
have come to the end of local legal channels, and we have to resort to
the ECtHR.

There are many buildings on the land. What will happen to them?

We applied for prevention of action on the land, but our request for
destruction was rejected. We won the lawsuits filed for compensation.
They paid partially, and there are ongoing trials. We collected part
of the payments.

Son of an Armenian family from Kayseri, Marten Agopyan established a
bank in the early 1900s in Istanbul, but went to Romania with his
family upon the British Consulate’s warning that `we cannot ensure
security of your life against Germans’ at the beginning of the First
World War in 1914. The family had returned to Istanbul after
non-Muslims were given the right of property as part of the foundation
of the Turkish Republic.

Property Rights Focus Of Training Course Supported By OSCE Office In

31.10.2009 11:33

Some 35 representatives of state and civil society organizations,
lawyers, judges, international and local experts discussed how the
right to property is applied in Armenia and international standards
for such rights at an OSCE-supported training course that started
today in Yerevan.

A non-governmental organization, the Armenian Institute for
Development, organized the two-day event, with support from the
OSCE Office in Yerevan, the Netherlands Helsinki Committee, the
International Centre for the Legal Protection of Human Rights, the
American Bar Association and the British Embassy in Armenia.

Participants discussed how to ensure that public and individual
interests are adequately balanced and considered during the urban
and spatial planning development process. The event focused on how
local courts apply the provisions of the European Convention for
Human Rights.

"Protection of property rights is a fundamental human right and is
critical to the establishment of the rule of law and for economic
development," said the Head of the OSCE Office in Yerevan, Ambassador
Sergey Kapinos. "Armenian legislation and practice must protect
individuals from disproportionate interferences with the right to
property, as required by the European Convention for Human Rights."

Arthur Grigoryan, a defence lawyer who led the training course, said
legal analysis of recent cases of property being claimed for public
interest showed that the legislative regulation was insufficient, and
that domestic legal remedies failed to protect the affected property
owners. He said he hoped that ongoing efforts by the authorities
would provide adequate protection.

VivaCell-MTS Passes The Second Phase Of 3G Network Delivering In Arm


30.10.2009 12:23 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ VivaCell-MTS completed the next stage of introducing
the third generation (3G) network in Armenia. Now the services of 3G
network will be accessible in all marzes of the country, VivaCell-MTS
management told a press conference in Sevan today.

The 3G mobile network introduced by VivaCell-MTS is the widest
3G coverage in Armenia. Technically it is the most advanced
state-of-the-art network in the country based on the UMTS/HSPA system
(Universal Mobile Telecommunications System/High Speed Packet Access).

Launched by VivaCell-MTS on April 17th, 2009, 3G network has been
operating successfully in Yerevan, as well as Gyumri and Vanadzor. Now
the services of the third generation network are also available in
47 towns and rural communities – from Meghri to Bagratashen.

Taking the popularity of 3G phones among our subscribers and the daily
growing demand for third generation services into account, particularly
what refers to high speed and wireless mobile internet, VivaCell-MTS
continuously increases the number of NODE B third generation sites
with their majority having been installed in the marzes. Along with
the introduction of the 3G technologies the Company also improves the
quality of services that have been provided during the last 4 years
by the 2.5G network.

Furthermore, taken the constantly growing number of VivaCell-MTS
subscribers (exceeding 2 million as of September 30th, 2009), the
company continues to update the 2.5G network by increasing the number
of BTSs.

Within the 3G network coverage VivaCell-MTS subscribers will have
access to all services so far available within the 2.5G network,
and also the novice services like the "Videocall" that gives the
interlocutors a chance to see each other and high speed mobile internet
enabled by the connection of a mobile phone or MTS-Connect wireless
USB flash modem. Moreover, the modem gives access to wireless internet
anywhere, and allows access to the latest news and entertainement
services through VivaCell-MTS wap portal. In case of being outside the
3G coverage MTS-Connect enables using internet via GPRS/EDGE system.

VivaCell-MTS 3G network reaches 47 towns and large rural communities
of Armenia’s marzes in addition to Yerevan, Gyumri and Vanadzor.

"There’s no place too far to reach! On April 17th while launching
our state of the art 3G network in Guymri, Vanadzor and Yerevan we
promised that it was only the the beginning and that the rest of the
regions will be covered, today we deliver the promise. Despite all
the challenges we again strive to provide our subscribers with the
state of the art 3G network all over the country. I am confident, the
accessibility of third generation services particularly to residents
of farther towns and large villages will open new perspectives to
everyone," mentioned VivaCell-MTS General Manager Ralph Yirikian.

After the press-conference the journalists had the opportunity
to try the innovative services offered by VivaCell-MTS, which
will significantly increase also the productivity of the mass media
performance, who will be able to send information from the most distant
borderland regions of Armenia to Yerevan in the fastest possible pace.

Armenia Ratified Agreement On Establishment Of EurAsEC Anti-Crisis F


Oct 30 2009

Today, the National Meeting of Armenia ratified the agreement on
establishment of the EurAsEC Anti-Crisis Fund, Kazakhstan Today agency
reports citing Armenia News.

"The National Meeting also ratified the agreement on management of
the EurAsEC Anti-Crisis Fund’s assets."

According to Vice Minister of Finance of Armenia, Vardan Aramyan,
the funds will be controled by the Eurasian Bank of Development.

Total sum of the initial payments of the state-founders is $8 billion
513 million. Russia’s contribution – $7.5 billion, Kazakhstan – $1
billion, Belarus – $10 million, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Armenia –
$1 million each."Kyrgyzstan will pay 90 % in the form of bills.

Expo Russia-Armenia-2009 In Yerevan

Oct 29 2009

The Expo Russia-Armenia-2009 exhibition has been opened in Yerevan. RA
President Serzh Sargsyan as well as Armenian and Russian businessmen
took part in the opening ceremony.

RF Ambassador Vyacheslav Kovalenko read out RF Foreign Minister
Sergey Lavrov’s welcoming message, where the FM pointed out that
exhibitions like this contribute to the development of Armenian-Russian
cooperation, which has traditionally been at a very high level. The
Russia FM also stressed the key role of Russian investments in
Armenia’s economy recovery.

Igor Morozov, Vice-Chairman of the RF Federal Agency for the CIS
Affairs, voiced a message by Igor Levitin, Russian Co-Chairman of the
Armenian-Russian Intergovernmental Economic Cooperation Commission,
who underlined the importance of exhibitions for bilateral cooperation.

The exhibition will be followed by a round table on bilateral energy

Participation In ArmTech 2009 In San Jose Discussed By Armenian Gove


29.10.2009 17:08 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ Armenia’s Information Tehcnology support council,
chaired by the prime minister Tigran Sargsyan held an extended meeting
on October 29, press service of the government reports.

Participation of Armenian companies in "ArmTeck 2009" , to be held
November 5-8, 2009 in San Jose was discussed. IT companies invited
to participate effectively in the works to ensure the presence of
the Armenian office in Silicon Valley.

David Miliband: Eastern Partnership Can Be A Step Toward Possible EU


28.10.2009 11:50 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ UK Foreign Secretary David Miliband sees the Eastern
Partnership, the recently launched new framework for cooperation
between the European Union and Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia,
Moldova and Ukraine as a "step toward possible membership" of the

"To Europe’s East, poor governance, the financial crisis, and frozen
conflicts are critical causes of instability," he said speaking at
the International Institute for Strategic Studies in London.

"The Eastern Partnership should be not only a stepping stone towards
possible membership, but a crucial vehicle for stability, because
through integration into the single market we can promote economic
reform and drive economic growth; and if the countries on our east
join the common energy community it will enhance not only their energy
security but also our own," Mr. Miliband said.

BAKU: Murat Mercan: "Turkish Parliament Will Not Take A Step That Wi


Oct 28 2009

Baku. Elbrus Seyfullayev – APA. The delegation led by Chairman of
the Turkish Parliament’s Commission of Foreign Affairs Murat Mercan
visited Heydar Aliyev’s grave in the Alley of Honors, APA reports.

Murat Mercan told journalists that they met with Azerbaijani President
Ilham Aliyev. Expressing their pleasure to visit Azerbaijan, Murat
Mercan said they witnessed once more that Azerbaijan and Turkey are
"one nation, two states".

"The aim of the visit is to strengthen the interparliamentary
relations, meet with Azerbaijani President and express the position
of Turkish parliament," he said.

Murat Mercan said they are pleased that Turkish flag fly at Turkish
Martyrs’ Lane.

Asked when the commission of foreign affairs will discuss the protocols
signed between Turkey and Armenia, Murat Mercan said: "We determine
the date of the discussion of the protocols. Now our commission has
agreements awaiting discussion since 2000. There is no time limit
to sign these protocols. We have always said that Turkish parliament
will not take a step that will trouble Azerbaijani people.

You should be sure," he said.

Following this, the delegation visited Martyrs’ Alley and Turkish
Martyrs’ Lane.

Murat Mercan said it is proud to see Turkish and Azerbaijani flags
flying at Turkish Martyrs’ Lane again.

Member of the delegation, MP from the National Movement Party (MHP)
Senol Bal told journalists that no force can stir up discord between
Azerbaijan and Turkey.

"No one can do it. We will not allow it," he said.

Senol Bal noted that MHP protests against signing of the protocols
between Turkey and Armenia.

The delegation includes chairman of Turkish parliament’s foreign
affairs commission Murat Mercan (AKP, Eskisehir), Saban Dishli (AKP,
Sakarya), Zeynep Dagi (AKP, Ankara), Fevzi Sanverdi (AKP, Hatay),
Abdullah Caliskan (AKP, Kirsehir), Mehmet Cerci (AKP, Manisa), Ahmet
Deniz Bolukbasi (MHP, Ankara) and Senol Bal (MHP, Izmir).

>From the Turkish Foreign Ministry the delegation includes ambassador
Akin Algan, the deputy director of the ministry’s department for
Caucasus and Central Asia Ahmet Rza Demirer, representatives of
the parliament’s foreign affairs and protocol department Kurshat
Sariarslan, Bulent Erten and Hatice Er Ars.

The delegation will today hold a meeting in the Azerbaijani
parliament’s international and interparliamentary relations committee.

Moreover, the delegation will visit Ataturk Center. On October 29,
the parliamentarians will hold meetings in the Foreign Ministry and
participate in the reception given by the Turkish embassy in Gulustan
Palace on the occasion of the Republic Day. The delegation will return
to Ankara on October 30.

Emil Sanamian: Turkey Can Ratify One Of Protocols


28.10.2009 15:03 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ It was not for the first time this year, when the
U.S. President refrained from using the term genocide, said Emil
Sanamian, the editor of The Armenian Reporter.

"The U.S. uses normalization of Armenian-Turkish relations as a reason
not to recognize the Genocide," he emphasized.

Commenting on ratification of protocols, Sanamian said, "Turkey
may drag out ratification. At that, it can ratify only one of the
protocols, the one which refers to establishment of diplomatic