$500,000 Funding Available For Turkish-Armenian Summer Teaching Inst


Targeted News Service
May 5, 2010 Wednesday 12:22 AM EST

WASHINGTON, May 5 — The U.S. Embassies in Turkey and Armenia’s
Public Affairs Offices has announced that it expects to award grants
for conducting a 6-week program in the U.S. focusing on how current
approaches to English language teaching can be used to develop critical
thinking skills and build tolerance among adolescent students.

The estimated total program funding available was cited as $500,000
with a ceiling of $60,000 for each award under this program.

This funding opportunity is open to state, county, city or township
governments; independent school districts; public and state controlled
institutions of higher education; and public and private non-profit

A funding opportunity from the Public Affairs Offices states:
"Purpose: The goals of the Turkey-Armenia Summer Teaching Institute
Project are to: 1) Explore current approaches to English Language
Teaching, especially in terms of how these approaches can be used to
foster critical thinking skills and build tolerance among students
and educators; 2) Examine the role of language in the formation of
individual identity and the potential for English to serve as a
"neutral space" for solving inter-ethnic tensions and promoting
intercultural harmony; 3) Provide opportunities for Turkish and
Armenian participants to learn about each other’s cultures, values,
perceptions, and aspirations for the future; 4) Foster trust and
collaboration among participants that leads to the establishment of
long-term links between Turkish and Armenian educators; 5) Prepare
participants with new skills and tools to implement cross-border
projects upon return to their home communities and schools. A
successful project will be one that motivates educators to actively
incorporate critical thinking, tolerance building, and online social
networking tools into their English curricula as a means to address
issues of mutual concern to Turks and Armenians."

The funding opportunity number is PRMTR-10-GR-001-EUR-042810. It was
posted on April 28 with a response date of June 1.

Tigran Sargsyan To Meet With The PM Of Czech Republic


May 7 2010

Yesterday in Karlowi Vari (Czech Republic) kicked off the European
People’s Party bureau session, on which was present also the RA Prime
Minister Tigran Sargsyan, informs the press and public relations
department of the RA Government.

The subjects of discussion for the session are the Challenges and
Prospective of the Eastern Partnership, the strategy, struggle against
the crime, laundering money on 2020, as well as issues concerning the
creation of new positions. The session titled "Eastern Partnership:
the challenges and prospective of the European continent" will take
place after the opening speeches.

In the meeting the heads of the European People’s Party, high ranked
officials of Europe, especially of Zech Republic, political influential
people partake.

Joseph Daul, the head of the European People’s Party welcomed the RA PM
Tigran Sargsyan’s and the "Free Byelorussia" movement’s head Alexander
Milinkievich’s participation on this meeting. He has mentioned that the
EPP group supports the cooperation with the Eastern Partnership, which
is based on not only business contacts, but also on democracy, freedom,
on affirmation of Law, and cooperation of education and culture.

During the session Tigran Sargsyan and the Zech Christian – Democratic
Party’s head Siril Svoboda will make speeches, which will be followed
by discussions. Jerzi Buzek will partake in those discussions.

The European People’s Party is a rather influential power. It has
been established in 1976, the center is Brussels. 72 parties of 39
countries are member of EPP.

Today PM Tigran Sargsyan, on the sidelines of the visit will have a
meeting with his Zech counterpart Jan Fischer in Prague.

Desperate Search: Eight-Year-Old Azalia’s Fate Still Unknown


06.05.10 | 12:00

The family of a Russian girl who went missing in Armenia last month
are still waiting for a word that could shed light on the circumstances
of her mysterious disappearance.

Images of eight-year-old Azalia Gadelshina posted at different sites
in the Armenian capital are still soliciting information from anybody
who could help find the girl.

Azalia, a citizen of Russia, was on a holiday in Yerevan with her
mother and stayed at a relative’s home. Flyuza Gadelshina says her
daughter accidentally fell into a sewage canal on Valery Bryusov
Street on April 20. The massive search effort undertaken then by the
Armenian rescuers, who reportedly shut water pumps and used rescue
dogs and divers in the operation, did not find the girl.

The Russian Embassy in Yerevan and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
of Armenia reportedly keep track of the developments in the case.

Azerbaijan’s Deputy Foreign Minister: "Armenia Says It Needs Time To


May 4 2010

Baku – APA. "Armenia told Baku that it needs time to withdraw troops
from a part of occupied territories of Azerbaijan", Deputy Foreign
Minister of Azerbaijan, Special Representative of the President of
Azerbaijan for the settlement of Nagorno Karabakh conflict Araz Azimov
told Public Television of Azerbaijan.

He also made comments on the conditions of opening the Turkish-Armenian
borders. "The Turkish-Armenian borders could be opened in the first
stage only under the conditions of withdrawal of Armenian troops from
five occupied regions of Azerbaijan and Lachin corridor. It will create
conditions for Turkish-Armenian cooperation, as well as trilateral
trade relations between Turkey, Azerbaijan and Armenia. Rejecting
all these conditions Armenia lost everything.

Armenia can lose good prospects because of political views of president
Sargsyan or anyone else".

Azimov said there should be suitable conditions for returning of
Azerbaijanis to Nagorno Karabakh and living together with Armenians
there, giving temporary status to them, as well as beginning of
economic restoration by the Government of Azerbaijan there. The
deputy minister said it was impossible in present time and added
that it needs to restore the Constitution of Azerbaijan in Nagorno
Karabakh and the status should be determined within the Constitution
and coordinated with the local people. "It should be carried out
phase-by-phase. The regions of Aghdam, Fuzuli, Jabrayil, Zangilan,
Gubadli and Lachin corridor must be liberated. Armenia says it needs
in time to withdraw its troops from Lachin and Kelbajar. This time
should be scheduled. The co-chairs have a proposal on this issue. It
needs to schedule not only the withdrawal from Lachin and Kelbajar,
but also for returning of Azerbaijanis to Karabakh. When they will
return and will they receive status by returning? The liberation of
five regions + Lachin corridor should be legalized with same document".

Regarding the replacing of the OSCE Minsk Group co-chairing countries,
Azimov said this issue was not on agenda in present time.

Trial On Case Of Pedophile From Nubarashen Boarding School Postponed


2010-05-04 12:42:00

ArmInfo. Sitting of the court on the case of a pedophile from
Nubarashen Boarding School N11 Levon Avaqyan, accused of sexual
harassment, has been postponed for May 12. This time, a corresponding
petition was filed by a lawyer Tigran Hayrapetyan who represents
the interests of the aggrieved person Hasmik Sinanyan. According to
him, despite the forwarded request, the court did not provide the
aggrieved persons H. Sinanyan and Diana Hayrapetyan with copies of
the case materials. Moreover, their representatives were told of the
necessity to pay a state tax of 100,000 drams to get the copies, that
was unacceptable for the aggrieved persons’ representatives. Having
heard T. Hayrapetyan’s arguments, judge Artur Gabrielyan resolved to
grant the petition and postpone the hearing for May 12.

To recall, On Nov 13 2008 the Armenian Public Television program
"Haylur" reported of sexual abuse of certain D.A., a pupil of the
Nubarashen special school No.11, by her teacher Levon Avagyan. After
the report, the Erebuni Investigation Department accused Mariam
Sukhudyan, participant in the monitoring of the given school, the
well-known activist of the green Movement, instead of the actual
guilty party. She was charged with Article 135 part 1 of the Criminal
Code of Armenia (slander), then with Article 333 part 2 point 3 (false
denunciation for illicit gain) and then again with Article 135. Later,
the Yerevan Investigation Department of the Chief Intelligence
Department of the Armenian Police revealed that the Erebuni Community
Department made its own interpretation of all the proofs. A criminal
case on the facts of sexual abuse of minors has been initiated. The
trial against L. Avagyan (Article 142 part 2) was postponed till May 4.

Georgian-Ossetian Conflict Started From Turkey, Says Georgian Expert



The subject of the Georgian-Ossetian conflict is not only the region
of Tskhinivali or other territories. Territory is not the only reason
of this conflict: there are some other equally-important factors such
as energy resources and transit routes, Director of South-Caucasus
Institute of Regional Security Alexander Rusetski said at a press
conference today.

He recalled that the conflict started from Turkey’s territory when
on August 5, 2008 representatives of Turkish Workers Party (PKK)
blew up the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan oil pipeline.

"This is a geopolitical conflict, and it is inadequate and wrong to
perceive such a conflict as just a local one," said he.

Rusetski also said he did not share the viewpoint that the
Armenia-Turkey rapprochement is a result of the August war. In his
words Turkey saw a serious threat in the South Caucasus in terms of
the strengthening of Russia’s potential.

"Erdogan’s up-coming visit to Moscow and the proposal of creating
a stability platform meant to be the beginning of new processes,"
said Rusetski.

Reforms Falter As EU Project Comes Unstuck

David Gardner

May 4 2010 16:27

After more than four decades kicking its heels in Europe’s ante-room,
Turkey became a candidate member of the European Union five years ago.

To meet the criteria of the club, the government of Recep Tayyip
Erdogan carried out a constitutional revolution: deepening and widening
democratic freedoms, introducing minority rights for the Kurds and,
above all, starting to subordinate Turkey’s army to civilian authority.

The European project worked as a powerful engine of reform and helped
glue together Turkey’s political tribes.

The Kemalists and the military saw the EU as a fulfilment of the
country’s western destiny foreseen by Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, founder
of the modern republic, while Mr Erdogan’s neo-Islamist Justice and
Development party (AKP) saw the EU’s democratic rules as a shield
against the generals.

Put another way, Europe managed to hold the rivalries of these two,
competing establishments in precarious but real alignment.

The EU was working as the load-bearing bridge for Turkey’s transition.

But once EU negotiations stalled – partly because reluctant partners
such as Germany and France think Turkey is not European enough and
too big, too poor and too Muslim to absorb – Turkish reform ran out
of steam.

The shield against the generals was removed. The glue of political
cohesion dissolved. Clashes between the new AKP elites and the old
elites grouped around the overmighty generals became a feature of
political life, enabling EU naysayers to paint this as an identity

Mr Erdogan and the AKP are also to blame. In 2007, after a stand-off
with the army over the election as president of Abdullah Gul, then
foreign minister and a former Islamist, Mr Erdogan called an early
election and hugely increased the AKP’s share of the vote, from 34
to 47 per cent on an 84 per cent turnout.

That was the golden moment to relaunch reform. Instead, the government
and its opponents have devoted their energies to fighting culture
wars and battling for political hegemony through the judiciary.

That makes it easier for outsiders to forget Turkey’s extraordinary
success in coming up with a modern but identifiably Muslim politics –
a marriage between Islam and democracy blessed by EU vows.

Indeed, the government’s foreign policy towards its eastern "near
abroad" has emboldened some in Europe to argue Turkey has changed
its strategic orientation. But there is no necessary contradiction
in facing east and west at the same time.

Turkey has a clear interest in fostering stability to its east and
south-east. So does the EU.

At one level, the expansion of Turkish influence, including with Syria
and Iran, is not just about stability. Turkey is reasserting itself
as a regional power and trying to demonstrate it has alternatives to
the EU.

But this also highlights the value of having Turkey inside the union,
its creative use of "soft power" contrasting with the feebleness of
the EU’s efforts in the region.

Turkey has not just mended fences with Syria, it has flattened them:
abolishing visa restrictions. In 1996 Ankara was suspected of planting
bombs in Damascus, as retaliation for harbouring Kurdish separatists.

Turkey has also embraced post-war Iraq, which it had threatened to
invade, also over the perceived threat from the Kurds. It has started
to address the rift with Armenia, over the mass murder of Armenians
in the dying years of the Ottoman empire, and started devising the
first real policy of reconciliation with its own Kurdish minority.

Turkey has at the same time fallen out with Israel over Gaza, and
cosied up to Iran, where Mr Erdogan has said the west is treating
the Islamic republic’s nuclear programme "unfairly".

Yet, the turn east, seen by some as neo-Ottoman, is driven by interests
more than ideology. Trade with the Middle East is fast expanding to
take up the slack of the EU downturn, while Turkey wants to become a
hub for energy from the Caspian and Egypt. All this could be turned
into a strategic asset for Europe, and for the broader Middle East.

Turkey is the most successful country in the region, with a big foot
in Europe. The ability of its secular republic to accommodate (so far)
a governing party with Islamist roots, and embed constitutional reform,
mesmerises the Arab world.

"Since the end of the cold war, Turkey has been shifting its
foreign policy priority from hard security concerns to soft power
and commercial interests, and moving away from being a Nato-backed
regional gendarme to a more independent player determined to use a
plethora of regional integration tools in order to be taken seriously
on its own account," says Hugh Pope of the International Crisis Group.

"Turkey’s US and EU partners should support these efforts towards
stabilisation through integration." But Brussels needs to come up
with something to unblock the accession talks.

Six years ago, two-thirds of Turkish Cypriots voted for a United
Nations plan to reunify the island but three-quarters of Greek Cypriots
– whom the EU had foolishly guaranteed entry – voted against.

With the Greek Cypriot government exerting pressure from inside,
the EU has failed to deliver on its pledge to open up trade with
isolated Turkish Cyprus, and Ankara has responded by refusing to open
its ports to Greek Cypriot ships and aircraft.

Under the new Lisbon Treaty, however, the European Parliament jointly
decides with the council of ministers on trade treaties and the direct
trade regulation for the Turkish part of the island may be revived
in a way that bypasses the Greek Cypriot veto.

It may even nudge aside a new obstacle: the recent election in northern
Cyprus, in which nationalist DerviÅ~_ Eroglu replaced President Mehmet
Ali Talat, who supported a federal solution. Mr Erdogan could use
his visit to Athens next month to present a package with his Greek
counterpart, George Papandreou.

Getting past the obstacle presented by Cyprus would be a good place
to start reviving Turkey’s fraught relationship with the EU.

Serzh Sargsyan Met With Hu Jintao


May 3 2010

On May 2, Armenian President Serzh Sarhsyan in the frameworks of his
visit to China met with the President of the People’s Republic of
China Hu Jintao.

The Armenian president expressed his gratefulness to Hu Jintao for
the invitation to the opening ceremony of the "Shanghai Expo 2010",
he has also congratulated the successful launching of the exhibition.

President Sargsyan said that the development of the relations with
China is one of the preliminary issues of the RA Foreign Policy and
mentioned that the bilateral ties have a good dynamics of enlargement.

The RA president mentioned that the dialogue on high level, social,
political, economic, cultural and educational active cooperation in
bilateral formats promotes growth of the mutual understanding and
trust between Armenia and China.

The sides mentioned with satisfaction that many joint projects in
the sphere of energy, comical industry, agriculture, science and
technology, defense, culture and education have been implemented
with great success. Presidents Serzh Sargsyan and Hu Jintao think
the Armenian – Chinese cooperation is good bases for the growth of
the new levels of bilateral relations.

The two have assured that they are ready to put extra efforts for
enlarging the Armenian – Chinese friendly relations, informs the
Press Office of the RA President.

"En Depit Des Obstacles, La Commemoration Du Genocide Armenien A Eu


3 mai 2010

Pour la première fois, a Istanbul, des manifestations au grand
jour ont eu lieu. L’attitude de la police, passive a l’egard des
manifestants et tenant les contre-manifestants a distance, demontre
une posture politique nouvelle du pouvoir en Turquie. Les hesitations
de la conference des 24 et 25 avril a Ankara, d’abord interdite puis
autorisee, le confirment. C’est la dimension internationale prise
par la revendication de reconnaissance par les etat du Genocide
des Armeniens qui a fini par l’imposer au pouvoir turc : pour la
première fois, meme relativement, il recule. Sûrement pas grâce
a la reconnaissance du bout des lèvres et a une voix de majorite
des parlements. Mais grâce aux efforts soutenus de la diaspora, des
historiens, des democrates turcs et d’Erevan. Les slogans vociferes
des contre-manifestants, qui sont loins d’etre spontanes en sont une
autre confirmation.

Gilbert Beguian

En depit des Obstacles, la Commemoration du Genocide Armenien a eu
lieu en Turquie

Par Khatchig MOURADIAN


26 avril 2010

Istanbul, Turquie (A.W.) – Ce 24 avril a Istanbul, quatre
manifestations commemorant le 95ème anniversaire du Genocide Armenien
se sont deroulees – dont trois tenues a l’exterieur, en public –
toutes alors que des obstacles, des contre-manifestations, et la
rhetorique fasciste s’efforcaient d’interrompre les commemorations,
rappelaint aux quelques centaines de manifestants la longue marche
qui les a precedees.

Une conference de deux jours sur le genocide a egalement commence ce
week-end a Ankara.

La première manifestation etait organisee par des mères kurdes
dont les fils ont "disparu". Au cours des quelques annees passees,
une organisation a rassemble ces mères et tenu des manifestations
silencieuses tous les samedis. A Beyoglu a midi, dans un acte de
sokidarite avec les Armeniens et comme une forte prise de position sur
la continuite entre l’Empire Ottoman et la Turquie moderne, ces mères,
auxquelles se sont joints militants et sympathisants des droits de
l’homme, montraient des photographies non-seulement de leurs fils,
mais aussi des intellectuels armeniens qui ont ete arretes et tues le
24 avril 1915 et dans les semaines qui ont suivi. Les organisateurs
du rassemblement ont fait des declarations appelant la Turquie a
reconnaître le Genocide des Armeniens.

Une faible contre-manifestation du Parti des Travailleurs etait tenue
dans une rue voisine. Elle s’opposait les commemorations de genocide
en Turquie, tenant des banderoles "Le Genocide des Armeniens est un
mensonge imperialiste".

La deuxième manifestation de commemoration s’est deroulee a 13:30
devant la gare Haydarpacha. Organisee par la branche d’Istanbul de
l’Association des Droits de l’Homme de Turquie, la commemoration a
rassemble quelques centaines de personnes qui portaient des photos des
intellectuels assassines en 1915. L"avocat et militant Eren Keskin, une
figure d’avant-garde de l’Association des Droits de l’Homme, a lu une
declaration qui mettait en lumière l’importance de la reconnaissance
et de la justice. Des douzaines de journalistes, de photographes et
d’equipes de TV etaient presentes a la commemoration, qui se deroulait
en presence de policiers en nombre mais sans qu’aucun incident ne se
produise. Plusieurs individus, cependant, commencèrent a vociferer
contre les organisateurs vers la fin de la commemoration, et la police
est intervenue. A 17 heures, une conference sur la commemoration du
genocide fut tenue dans une salle de reunion du Centre Cezayir de
Beyoglu. A la conference organisee par l’editeur d’Armenian Weekly
Khatchig Mouradian, assistaient des intellectuels et militants turcs
qui s’expriment habituellement sur la Turquie en 1915, ainsi que des
journalistes et des membres de la communaute armenienne locale. (
le Weekly comportera un reportage specifique relatif a la conference.)

A 19 heures, une veillee s’est tenue au square Taksim, les participants
tenant des bougies a la main, en presence de centaines de policiers
et de nombreux journalistes et de badauds. Organisee par des
intellectuels turcs, cette veillee etait l’evenement le plus annonce
des manifestations de la journee de commemoration, et a attire le
plus de participants et de contre-manifestants. Les organisaterus
ont lu une declaration sur le 24 avril 1915, disant que c’est une
douleur pour eux aussi. Ensuite, pendant presque une demi-heure,
les participants a la veillee sont reste assis en silence tandis
que tout près, les contre-manifestants- repousses par la police –
hurlaient "mort a la diaspora armenienne."

Contrairement a ce qui a ete rapporte par certains journaux americains
et europeens, ces evenements de commemoration n’etaient pas les
premiers en Turquie. L’Association des Droits de l’Homme d’Istanbul
avaient organise des conferences, des groupes de discussion, et des
manifestations musicales en commemoration du genocide au cours des
annees passees. Ce qui distingue la commemoration de cette annee
c’est qu’elle s’est deroulee a l’exterieur, dans des rues animees ou
a proximite, des carrefours, devant la gare, et donc sujette a une
plus grande attention.

A Ankara s’est tenue une conference de deux jours sur l’histoire et
les consequences du Genocide des Armeniens. La conference avait ete
annulee en debut de semaine a cause de la bureaucratie, de pressions
politiques, et de soucis de securite, une annonce a ete faite plus tard
que la conference aurait lieu comme prevu. En depit de la confusion
que l’annulation a creee, la plupart des intervenants et chercheurs,
y compris ceux de l’etranger, ont assiste a la conference, on l’auront
fait le 25 avril.

BAKU: Turk FM: Resolution of Armenian-Azerbaijani conflict necessary

Trend, Azerbaijan
May 2 2010

Turkish FM: Resolution of Armenian-Azerbaijani conflict is necessary
to ensure stability in region
02.05.2010 19:53
Azerbaijan, Baku, May 2 / Trend I. Huseynov /

Resolution of the Azerbaijani-Armenian conflict is needed to ensure
stability in the region, Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu
said, speaking at the conference "Turkey’s foreign policy in a
changing world" at Oxford today, Anadolu reported.

Speaking on normalization of the Turkish-Armenian relations, Davutoglu
said Turkey would open its borders with Armenia, as it wants to
integrate with all neighbouring states. "But, just opening of the
Turkey-Armenian border is not enough," he said. "We also want the
Azerbaijani-Armenian border to be opened."

In his speech, Davutoglu also touched the issue on the nuclear
disarmament, situation in the Middle East and Turkey’s geopolitical
position in the modern world.