A. Khachatryan Appointed Armenian Ambassador To Belarus, A. Manukyan


APRIL 27, 2010

YEREVAN, APRIL 27, ARMENPRESS: On April 26, Armenian President
Serzh Sargsyan signed decrees on dismissing Armen Khachatryan from
the office of ambassador to Ukraine and on appointing him Armenian
Ambassador to Belarus (residence in Minsk).

Armenian presidential press service told Armenpress that with another
decree of Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan, Oleg Yesayan was dismissed
from the office of permanent authorized representative of the Republic
of Armenia in the regulatory and other bodies of the Commonwealth
of Independent States, and Armen Khachatryan was appointed permanent
authorized representative of the Republic of Armenia in the regulatory
and other bodies of the CIS.

Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan signed April 26 a decree on
dismissing Andranik Manukyan from the office of consultant to
the Armenian president and on appointing him ambassador to Ukraine
(residence in Kiev). With Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan’s another
decree of the same day Armenian Ambassador to Greece Gagik Ghalachyan
was appointed ambassador to Albania in combination (residence in

BAKU: OSCE Chairman-In-Office Discussed With Azerbaijani And Armenia


April 27 2010

Baku. Lachin Sultanova – APA. OSCE Chairman-in-Office, Kazakhstan’s
State Secretary, Foreign Minister Kanat Saudabayev talked to
Azerbaijani and Armenian foreign ministers Elmar Mammadyarov and
Edward Nalbandian over the phone.

APA reports that OSCE Chairman-in-Office discussed with the
ministers the state and prospects of the process of resolution of
Nagorno Karabakh conflict. He said he was interested in increasing
the efforts to find ways of the resolution, added that Kazakhstan’s
President Nursultan Nazarbayev could personally participate in the
process being the head of the state chairing OSCE.

The sides discussed the preparations for the informal meeting of
OSCE foreign ministers in Almaty on July 16-17 and the agenda of OSCE
summit to be held on the initiative of Nursultan Nazarbayev this year.

Message De Richard Prasquier, President Du CRIF, A L’Occasion De La


28 avril 2010

Monsieur le President, Cher Alexis Govciyan,

Il ne nous est pas possible de participer ce samedi 24 avril a la
commemoration du genocide armenien car comme vous le savez les Juifs
du monde entier celèbrent le Chabbat le jour hebdomadaire de repos
et de recueillement.

Cependant, le CRIF tient a vous faire part de sa solidarite alors
que vous allez commemorer la page la plus cruelle de l’histoire de
votre peuple.

Armeniens et Juifs ont malheureusement en partage des genocides.

Sachez que nous sommes a vos côtes dans ce moment de recueillement
et de souvenir.

Richard Prasquier, president du CRIF

Turkish Nationalists Burnt Armenian Flag In Istanbul



On April 24 representative of the Turkish Great Union Party (BBP)
burnt the Armenian national flag on Taksim square in Istanbul a few
hours after other Turkish residents had held a rally to commemorate
the victims of the Armenian Genocide.

According to some Turkish media the BBP move was a kind of protest
against those Turks who had organized the commemoration on Taksim.

The BBP representatives marched holding the Azerbaijani national flag
and photos of Turkish diplomats assassinated by members of ASALA
(Armenia Secret Army for the Liberation of Armenia) chanting "You,
So-called Intellectuals, Timid Betrayers," "We are Not Armenians,"
"Armenian Diaspora is Proud of You."

Further Turkish police attempted to prevent the burning of the Armenian
national flag by the Turkish nationalists, but the latter justified
their move, saying that the Armenians too had burnt the Turkish flag,
and the police yielded.

BAKU: Turkish ambassador to Azerbaijan does not believe Obama will

Trend, Azerbaijan
April 24 2010

Turkish ambassador to Azerbaijan does not believe Obama will pronounce
words "Armenian genocide"
24.04.2010 17:05
Azerbaijan, Baku, April 24 /Trend, M.Aliyev/

Turkish Ambassador to Azerbaijan does not believe that the U.S.
President Barack Obama will pronounce the words "Armenian genocide".

"President Obama’s pronouncing these words does not conform to U.S.
interests, it would bring harms to the U.S., from this point of view,
I do not believe it," Turkish Ambassador to Azerbaijan Hulusi Kilic
told reporters on April 24.

Every year on April 24, U.S. President addresses the nation on the
false "Armenian genocide".

Armenia claims that the Ottoman Empire committed "genocide" against
Armenians living in Anatolia in 1915. Making greater efforts to
promote the issue internationally, Armenians have achieved its
recognition by parliaments in some countries

If Obama pronounces the word "genocide", then he makes a big mistake,
said deputy chairman and executive secretary of the ruling New
Azerbaijan Party (NAP) Ali Ahmedov. "I think this will enter the
history as a mistake made in the policy by the president," he said.

"But I do not believe that any word, phrase used by the U.S. President
would lead to a change in the situation in our region," said Ahmedov.

"In our region there is an aggression against Azerbaijan, and if there
is a reality to be changed, it is this. If Obama makes such a mistake,
it means that the removal of this injustice has not found its
reflection in the policies of the U.S. One word, used by the President
of the United States, can not exert influence on the policies pursued
by such a great state like Turkey," he said.

ANC Activists Walk To End Genocide With Jewish World Watch


Apr 23rd, 2010

A few of the ANC activists participating in this year’s "Walk to
End Genocide"

WOODLAND HILLS, CA-Armenian National Committee (ANC) activists from
the greater Los Angeles area participated in Jewish World Watch’s
(JWW) 4th annual anti-genocide walk-a-thon. The "Walk to End Genocide"
was hosted at Warner Center Park on Sunday, April 18th and featured
over a thousand anti-genocide activists walking in support of efforts
to confront genocide, especially in the Darfur and the Congo regions
of Africa.

"As a community which has been victimized by genocide it is important
that we also stand in solidarity with others to confront genocide
today," said Nichan Kulukian, an activist with the ANC of Northern
Los Angeles County.

Founded in response to the genocide in Darfur, JWW both educates the
community about current genocides as well as the history of genocide,
including the Armenian Genocide. In addition to its educational
mission, it also leads humanitarian aid projects, such as its Solar
Cooker Project to help deal with the day-to-day survival challenges
faced by victims of genocide in Darfur.

Christina Toroyan, an ANC activist from Granada Hills and a student at
California State University at Northridge, participated in the event
and documented her experience for a photojournalism class project.

She is participating in several genocide awareness events this week –
primarily related to the Armenian Genocide – but felt it was important
to take part in the JWW walk-a-thon.

"Genocide is a human rights issue and it demands a response by
everyone," noted Toroyan. "Seeing over a thousand people gather
early on a Sunday morning to take to the streets to raise awareness
and demand justice is inspiring as well as an example for others
to follow."

On May 6th, JWW will be hosting another genocide awareness event
featuring J Michael Hagopian of the Armenian Film Foundation and Dr.

Taner Akcam. The event will feature a screening of "The River Ran Red",
the final installment of the "Witness" trilogy of documentaries about
the Armenian Genocide produced by Hagopian. Hagopian was previously
honored by JWW as its first recipient of its iWitness Award along
with UCLA’s Dr. Richard Hovannisian in May 2007.

The Armenian National Committee-Western Region is the largest
Armenian American grassroots community organization in the Western
United States. Working in coordination with a network of offices,
chapters, and supporters throughout the Western United States and
affiliated organizations around the country, the ANC-WR works to
promote understanding regarding issues of concern to the Armenian
American community.

Today Most Genocide Researchers Are Turks: Demoyan



Most of the researchers of the Armenian Genocide abroad are Turkish
nationals, Director of the Armenian Genocide Museum-Institute Hayk
Demoyan said at a press conference today.

According to Demoyan a lot of students defend their theses on the
topic of the Armenian Genocide in different universities across the
world while there is not a single Armenian student among them.

"And they are future scientists, and that is a well-planned strategy,"
said he, adding that all the heads of the chairs that are related to
the genocide issue this way or another are also Turks.

In his words there is no new generation of scientists to substitute
the elder ones.

"There is a serious threat: in a 15-20 years’ time the Armenian
Genocide may become only a historical reality," concluded Demoyan.

Armenian Government Intends To Apply Mechanisms On Reduction Of Fina


2010-04-23 11:23:00

ArmInfo. The Armenian Government intends to apply mechanisms on
reduction of financial system dollarization, says the Letter of Intent
drawn up by the Armenian Government with respect to International
Monetary Fund’s Third Review under the Stand-By Arrangement.

"On the back of a strong policy response, Armenia is leaving
behind a crisis of enormous proportions. Since the last review, our
continued fiscal and monetary stimulus has stabilized the economy. Our
exchange rate policy stabilized the dollarization process and has been
instrumental in allaying concerns for financial stability. Structural
reforms in the program are building the foundation for increased tax
collection and improving safety nets to minimize the effects of the
crisis on the poor.

Our performance under the program continues to be very strong. Almost
all quantitative targets for end-December were met. The fiscal
deficit, while providing key support to the economy, has been kept
under control, allowing us to attain the end-December targets for the
fiscal balance and net banking system credit to the government. We
also met the end-September target for fiscal balance, for which, with
provisional data, we had cautiously asked for a waiver of nonobservance
at the time of the last review. The net international reserves target
was comfortably met. However, despite our prudent monetary policy,
the end-December performance criterion on net domestic assets of the
Central Bank was narrowly missed due to strong temporary liquidity
demands in the last few days of the year in advance of the unusually
long holiday period. Also, the indicative target on the stock of tax
credits for end-December was missed. As outlined below, structural
benchmarks were implemented largely as planned.

This Letter of Intent builds on these achievements, laying out an
agenda for 2010 that supports the exit path from the crisis. Our
macroeconomic policies will need to strike a balance between the risk
of choking off economic recovery and containing macroeconomic pressures
that may emerge. We will also continue efforts on structural reforms
to increase tax revenue, develop a sound financial system, and build
the foundations for sustained diversified economic growth and poverty
reduction. We remain committed to implementing the measures contained
in previous letters of intent.

Economic activity has stabilized, while inflation has increased.

Domestic demand, mainly for non-durable goods, has held steady thanks
to our stimulus package. Recovery is evident in some sectors, including
the mining and metallurgy industries. Inflation has increased on the
basis of strengthening international commodity prices, some lagged
pass-through effects from the exchange rate depreciation observed
in the first part of 2009, and initial signs of pressure in selected

We expect a mild recovery in 2010. Prospects for the world economy
and the Russian economy in particular have improved moderately,
providing support for remittances and the tradable sector. Financial
sector intermediation is picking up, and will support growth and
domestic demand. Changes in private consumption and investment,
which were contributing to the negative GDP growth in 2009, should
make a positive contribution in 2010, whilst public consumption is
expected to continue to show positive growth.

The external position remains vulnerable, but we aim to reduce
the current account deficit over time. Despite the contraction
in domestic demand and real depreciation, the 2009 current account
deficit diminished only moderately in dollar terms and stands close to
14 percent of GDP, strongly influenced by the effect of regional trends
in exports and remittances. External imbalances are expected to persist
in 2010, reflecting the weak recovery of our main trading partners
and continued strong public investment, while our gross financing
needs broadly remain as envisaged in the beginning of the program.

We are adjusting our monetary stance in line with inflation
developments. Inflation has now fallen out of our target band, so
consistent with our price stability objective, we increased our policy
rate by 100 basis points since the beginning of the year. We have also
decreased the amount of outstanding repos significantly, while tight
liquidity conditions have created a moderate wedge between our policy
and market rates. We will further gradually adjust the policy rate to
become positive in real terms. In this setting, inflation will come
down from highs in the first quarter, and we will continue pursuing
policies to bring it within the target band in the near future.

We will continue to strengthen our monetary framework. In light
of increased dollarization, we will pay more attention to monetary
aggregates, including base money, and consider the effectiveness of
current rules of monetary policy implementation and communication in
consultation with the Fund, including if necessary on-site discussions,
assistance or studies by IMF experts. We aim to strengthen the
transmission mechanism by implementing several dedollarization
measures. And to enhance the effectiveness of our policy rate, we will
use more frequently our available instruments to offset government’s
lumpy spending, therefore reducing the volatility of short-term
market rates. To deepen the secondary market, we will also introduce
an overnight interbank market trading platform in NASDAQ-OMX. Lastly,
we will outline an effective communications strategy to explain to
the public the temporary nature of price developments behind the
headline index.

We remain committed to the floating exchange rate regime. We have
intervened in the foreign exchange market to smooth excessive
volatility and counter speculative pressures to prevent large
depreciations from threatening monetary and financial stability. We
will continue to allow increased flexibility in exchange rate movements
aiming at creating two-way risks in the market. In order to facilitate
economic adjustments needed to maintain external stability, we will
not intervene to resist fundamental trends in the exchange rate",-
says the Letter of Intent.

March from Montreal to Ottawa

Armenian Youth Federation
45 Hallcrown Place
Toronto, ON M2J 4Y4
Phone: (416) 895-4774
Email: [email protected]**

* *

April 22, 2010
Contact: Rupen Janbazian

Canadian Armenian Youth March To Ottawa for Justice

— Ninety-Five Youth March from Montreal to Ottawa in Commemoration of the
95th Anniversary of the Armenian Genocide

Montreal – In commemoration of the 95th Anniversary of the Armenian
Genocide on April 24th, ninety-five Canadian Armenian youth from Quebec and
Ontario are marching from downtown Montreal’s Phillips Square, to the
Parliament of Canada in Ottawa to raise awareness for this crime against

At the start of the twentieth century, the Armenian population of the
Ottoman Empire was forced to march the Syrian deserts. Unaware of their fate
to come, men, women, children, and the elderly, marched until their eventual
deaths. Ninety-five years later, these ninety-five participants are marching
in their memory, to prove to the world that they have not forgotten, and
that they will continue their struggle until justice has been served.

Since the genocide, which took place between 1915 and 1923, successive
Turkish governments have denied the validity of the Armenian Genocide, and
have refused to recognize their history. The four-day commemorative march to
Ottawa is yet another indication that the Armenian youth of Canada will not
stand for such denial and injustice.

To follow the marchers with daily updates and photos please visit


Photo caption #1:Participants gathered at Montreal’s Phillips Square before
the march
Photo caption #2: Marchers making their way to St. Eustache, Quebec
Photo caption #3: "End Genocide"

Social Justice Concert to Raise Awareness of Armenian Genocide

104 North Belmont Street l Suite 206 l Glendale, CA 91206 l 818.507.1933 l
Fax: 818.240.3442
Email: [email protected]
Contact: Arek Santikian

April 22, 2010
Tel: (559) 908-0417


Social Justice Concert to Raise Awareness of Armenian Genocide,

Raise Money for Armenian Orphans

WHAT: Benefit Concert to Commemorate 95th Anniversary of Armenian

WHEN: Saturday, April 24, 2010

8:00 PM


WHERE: El Rey Theatre

5515 Wilshire Blvd.

Los Angeles, CA 90036

WHO: Performances by: Viza, Element, R-Mean and the Dirty

Speakers: Arek Santikian – Armenian Youth

Anthony Portantino – CA State Assemblymember, 44th Disctrict

Jim Lafferty – National
Lawyer’s Guild, Los Angeles Chapter


Complementing this year’s diverse array of Armenian Genocide commemoration
activities will be the second annual `Silence the Lies! Rock the
Organized by a coalition of community organizations and artists, this social
justice concert will be dedicated to raising awareness of the Armenian
Genocide through music and activism. The groundbreaking concert, now in its
second year will be held at the El Rey Theatre in the heart of Los Angeles
on Saturday, April 24, 2010.

Concert organizers shall donate proceeds of the concert to two very
important organizations in need. The Armenian Relief Society’s
`Armenia-Artsakh Orphan Project,’ <; and the
`Bird’s Nest Orphanage’ in
Lebanon< uk/RPOBirdsNest.htm>,
both provide vital support and assistance to needy Armenian children abroad.
The artists and co-hosting parties have put this event together to not only
honor the memories of the martyrs of 1915 but to also benefit the Armenian

For further information please visit or


[For interviews, contact Arek Santikian at 559-908-0417 or
[email protected]]

