Tolerance Center To Show Documentary Tomorrow On Armenian Genocide


The Desert Sun
1/100420039/Tolerance+Center+to+show+documentary+t omorrow+on+Armenian+genocide
April 20 2010

Through the lens of history, Adolf Hitler’s killing machine looks a
lot the Armenian Genocide during World War I.

An estimated 1.5 million Armenians were killed or died of starvation
from the epidemics that swept through the concentration camps,
according to the Armenian National Institute, a nonprofit "dedicated
to the study, research and affirmation" of the genocide.

The Tolerance Education Center in Rancho Mirage tomorrow will show
a 40-minute documentary called, "The Armenian Genocide" narrated by
actor Julianna Margulies at 1:30 p.m. and 6:30 p.m.

"We want to educate people about the atrocities in the past so that
they are not repeated," said Melisse Banwer, director of the Tolerance
Education Center.

"We just can’t be apathetic."

Armenians remember the genocide victims on April 24, the day Turkish
authorities arrested more than 800 journalists, writers, doctors
and clergy.

A question-and-answer time with Yeghig L. Keshishian, the director
of the western regional office of the Armenian Assembly of America,
and a reception will follow the documentary.

The event is free and open to the public, but seating is limited. RSVP
by calling (760) 328-8252.

April 24 Declared Genocide Victims’ Remembrance Day: LA Declaration

April 21 2010

On April 20, member of Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors Michael
D. Antonovich presented the declaration on the 95th anniversary of
Genocide to Armenian Community in Los Angeles.

According to the document, April 24, 2010 is declared an "Armenian
Genocide Victims’ Remembrance Day". Accordingly, mutual understanding,
ease of conditions and recovery will be ensured for the Genocide
victims’ descendants-including 350.000 local Armenians. The
declaration, issued on the initiative of Antonovich, recalls
remembering and paying tribute to Armenian Genocide victims.

The members of Social Democratic Hunchakian Party Peter Darakian and
Mehran Khachadurian expressed their gratitude to Antonovich for the
efforts in recognition of Armenian Genocide.

I. Popov Is Due Visiting Armenia Soon


It was reported yesterday that OSCE MG co-chairs have had a meeting
with Azerbaijan’s Aliyev in Baku and former Russian co-chair Yuri
Merzliakov introduced the new Russian co-chair to the MG Igor Popov.

French co-chair Bernard Fassier wasn’t present at that meeting.

It was also reported that the co-chairs were due leaving Baku for
Moscow to meet their French colleague there. reported the meeting with Azerbaijan’s Aliyev was held in a
positive and constructive atmosphere. American co-chair R. Bradtke
stated that that they could feel Aliyev longed to reach the settlement
of NK conflict. "President Obama and Mrs. Secretary of State signify
the peaceful settlement of NK conflict," American co-chair said.

He said the updated version of Madrid document had some points which
need to be agreed upon, and that the co-chairs work to settle them.

"By the changing of the co-chairs Russia’s disposition over the NK
conflict settlement won’t be changed, since Russia’s disposition is
defined by the President of the country and not by the co-chair,"
Russian diplomat said.

I. Popov declared he is due paying visit to Armenia in the nearest

Azerbaijani Defense Minister: No Peace Until OSCE Pressures Armenia


19.04.2010 14:37

Yerevan (Yerkir) – US Under Secretary of Defence for Policy Michèle
Flournoy met with Azerbaijani Defense Minister Safar Abiyev.

They discussed the military and political situation in the South
Caucasus and the tensions over Nagorno-Karabakh.

Safar Abiyev said that peace would not be made in the region until
the OSCE Minsk Group co-chairs, mediating a solution to the conflict,
increased their action on the Armenian aggression.

Sargis Avetisyan: Turkey Will Soon Ratify The Protocols

Siranush Muradyan

20.04.2010 16:03

Armenian pursues a brilliant foreign policy and Turkey will soon ratify
the Armenian-Turkish protocols, leader of the Solidarity Movement
Sargis Avetisyan told a news conference today. He said the Movement
had always supported establishing good relations with neighbors.

"We have problems with two of the neighboring countries, which need
to be solved," he added.

The Solidarity Movement has addressed a letter to President Obama,
urging him to officially acknowledge the Armenian Genocide, Sargis
Avetisyan said.

"Respected Mr. President, being a Nobel Peace Prize winner, you are
the leader with whom we, Armenians, connect our hope to restore the
justice," the letter reads, in part.

10th Annual International Tourism Fair To Take Place In Yerevan In M

19.04.2010 18:42

The 10th Annual International Tourism Fair CTS2010 will be held on
14-15 May, 2010, in Yerevan, Armenia. CTS 2010 is being organized
by the Armenian Association of Travel Agents (AATA) and American
Society of Travel Agents (ASTA) Armenian Chapter under the patronage
and support of the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Armenia,
as well as in cooperation and support of Competitive Armenian Private
Sector (USAID/CAPS).

62 organizations, including travel agencies and tour operators,
airlines, hotels and resorts, insurance companies, public and
non-governmental organizations, tourism publications, information
agencies, educational institutions, restaurants, organizations
supporting tourism sector and leading brandy and wine producers
participated at the CTS 2009 Fair.

ISTANBUL: Delegation of Turkish businesspeople to visit Washington

Hurriyet Daily News
April 18 2010

Delegation of Turkish businesspeople to visit Washington

Sunday, April 18, 2010
ISTANBUL ` Anatolia News Agency

A delegation from the Turkish Industrialists’ and Businessmen’s
Association, or TÃ`SÄ°AD, will travel to United States and Spain, which
currently holds the rotating EU presidency, this week for a series of

The TÃ`SÄ°AD delegation will be in Washington, D.C., on Monday and
Tuesday to meet officials from the U.S. National Security Council, the
International Monetary Fund, the Department of Commerce and the State
Department, as well as representatives from the Brookings Institution,
the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace and Turkish and
American media outlets.

Led by Chairwoman Ã`mit Boyner, the delegation will also meet with
Turkish Ambassador Namık Tan.

During their talks, TÃ`SÄ°AD members will express their displeasure with
recent developments related to Armenian allegations of `genocide’
during World War I, the association said in a statement Friday.

Following their talks in Washington, the delegation will travel to
Spain to meet with King Juan Carlos, Prime Minister Jose Luis
Rodriguez Zapatero and Spanish State Secretary for European Affairs
Diego Lopez Garrido on Wednesday and Thursday.

Turkish businessmen will also hold meetings with officials from
several ministries and the Confederation of Employers and Industries
of Spain, or CEOE, the top Spanish business organization.

TÃ`SÄ°AD and the CEOE inked a protocol in 2007 to boost cooperation.
During their meeting, members of the Turkish delegation will inform
their Spanish counterparts about the current economic situation in

Recent years have seen a significant rise in economic activity between
Spain and Turkey as trade volume reached 5.7 billion euros, including
3 billion euros in Turkish exports to Spain. Major trade items include
automotive products, textiles and chemicals.

NKR: Flat Providing Project to the Families of Perished Soldiers

Flat Providing Project to the Families of Perished Soldiers Will be
Fully Finished During 8 Months

NKR Government Information and
Public Relations Departmen

April 16, 2010

Today at the session of flat projects’ coordination state commission a
positive decision was given to the question of providing 39 families
of perished soldiers in Artsakh’s war with flats in Stepanakert. Head
of the commission, Prime Minister Ara Haroutyunyan mentioned that the
project will be fully finished during 8 months.
Minister of Social Welfare Narine Astsatryan took floor with an
information about the process of work realized by the means foreseen
by the state order project of capital investments.
The houses of 5 perished soldier’s families in Martouni, Askeran
and Martakert will be reconstructed and repaired.
2 parentless children living in Stepanakert will be provided with
one-room flats. A flat in Shoushi (str Varanda,flat 22) will be
repaired and disposed to 3 parentless children living in guardianship.
4 immigrated families will be provided with flats in the town Shoushi.
Housing problems of 3 immigrated families in Khnapat, Shekher and
Hartashen will be solved in the nearest future.
The newly built houses in Mataghis (region Martakert) and Norashen
(region Hadrout) will be disposed to immigrated families on a 10-year
contractual basis.
Prime Minister assigned a task to find out whether all the members
of the f amily live in the house, otherwise take necessary measures.


Head Of Armenian Delegation To PACE Addresses Letter To CoE Leadersh


April 16, 2010 – 18:01 AMT 13:01 GMT

Head of the Armenian delegation to the Parliamentary Assembly of the
Council of Europe, Mr. Davit Harutyunyan addressed a letter to MR.

Thorbjorn Jagland, Secretary General of the Council of Europe and Mr.

Mevlut Cavusoglu, President of the Parliamentary Assembly of the
Council of Europe.

The letter says:

"Dear colleagues,

Over the past two weeks the Prime Minister of Turkey has twice
explicitly stated his intention to deport Armenians who allegedly
reside in Turkey illegally. Immediately after the US Congress Foreign
Affairs Committee passed a resolution specifying "the systematic and
deliberate annihilation of 1,500,000 Armenians [in Ottoman Empire] as
genocide" Recep Tayyip Erdogan told to BBC "We are turning a blind eye
to the remaining 100,000 [Armenians, who are not citizens of Turkey].

Tomorrow, I may tell these 100,000 to go back to their country, if it
becomes necessary". After the Swedish Parliament passed a decision
recognizing the Genocide of Armenians in 1915, the Prime Minister
of Turkey in his interview to "Spiegel" told: "We turn to Armenian
Diaspora and those countries that support the diaspora: there are
Armenians in Turkey who are Turkish citizens, and there are those
who live in our country illegally. So far we have not considered
the question of deportation, but if the diaspora continues to exert
pressure [to recognize the Armenian Genocide in Ottoman Empire],
we could imagine ourselves capable of doing that".

These statements raised a wave of criticism even in Turkey.

Nevertheless the Prime Minister of Turkey refused to apologise and
to correct his mistake claiming only that he was misinterpreted and
misunderstood. But later events clearly showed that the Prime Minister
continues the same discriminatory approach. These statements raise
serious concerns in that a person who bears the responsibility for
the policy of the Republic of Turkey singles out a particular group
of national origin in a context totally unrelated to any objective of
addressing the issue of illegal migration. They imply application of
Turkey’s immigration laws and policies selectively and inconsistently,
targeting a specific national group. Such irresponsible statements
flagrantly violate every international treaty and convention in
the field of racism and discrimination and require urgent attention
and prompt reaction by the Council of Europe and its Parliamentary
Assembly in particular. It is regrettable that up to now neither
the Secretary General of the Council of Europe nor the President of
the PACE reacted to such irresponsible statements, which violate the
principles and values of the Organization.

Particularly, the Prime Minister of Turkey must be reminded without
ambiguity that persecution against any identifiable group on racial,
national, ethnic or other grounds that are universally recognized as
impermissible under international law constitutes serious violations
of human rights and, in some cases, qualifies as crimes against
humanity. It is particularly striking that such statements have been
made by a high official representing a country of origin for millions
of migrants, including illegal migrants in most parts of Europe.

Furthermore, the words uttered by the Prime Minister in his statements
manifest negative stereotyping of a particular group, namely migrants
of Armenian origin, and abuse a situation of vulnerability in which
these migrants find themselves.

The Council of Europe should, therefore issue a clear and unambiguous
warning to the Government of Turkey about the nature and content of
statements made by its Prime Minister and impermissibility of using
this issue for making pressure on foreign countries by discriminatory
application of migration policies towards a particular national group.

The Council should also remind strongly the Government of Turkey of
its obligations and responsibilities under international human rights
law to safeguard and protect migrants against illegal or violent acts.

It is noticeable that recognition and condemnation of the genocide
by the international community is not only a tribute to the victims
of the genocides, but also an important step towards prevention of
the crime of genocide in the future. Yet, the statement of the Prime
Minister of Turkey amounts to clear manifestation of hate speech and
humiliation of a particular minority group, which may give rise to
genocidal tendencies in Turkey. In this connection, it is important
to consider what steps need to be taken to prevent development of
such tendencies in Turkey as well as any manifestations of racism
and discrimination in respect of any national or ethnic group.

It’s worth drawing attention to the fact that to date Turkey has
not ratified Protocol N12 to the ECHR, which provides for a general
prohibition of discrimination and has not signed and ratified the
Framework Convention for the Protection of National

Minorities, the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages.

Based on his visit to Turkey in 2009, the Commissioner for Human
Rights of the Council of Europe initiated a dialogue on the human
rights of minorities and subsequently published his report on this
issue. The Commissioner focused on and provided recommendations on
a number of major issues, namely, he recommended the creation and
implementation of comprehensive anti-discrimination legislation,
the ratification of Protocol N12 to ECHR and Turkey’s accession to
the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities.

In its third Report on Turkey (adopted on 25 June 2004) the European
Commission against Racism and Intolerance (ECRI) emphasized the need
to reinforce respect for the rights of immigrants, irrespective of
their legal status, asylum seekers and refugees.

ECRI also recommends that the Turkish authorities ratify Protocol
N12 to the ECHR as soon as possible. It recommended to the Turkish
authorities to: 1. make the declaration under Article 14 of the
International Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of Racial
Discrimination, empowering the Committee for the Elimination of Racial
Discrimination to receive individual communications;

2. consider withdrawing their reservations in respect of Article 27 of
the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and Article 13
of the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights;

3. sign and ratify UNESCO Convention against Discrimination in
Education, Framework Convention for the Protection of National
Minorities, the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages,
the Convention on the Participation of Foreigners in Public Life at
Local Level and the European Convention on Nationality,

4. sign and ratify Convention on Cybercrime and its Additional
Protocol on the criminalization of acts of a racist or xenophobic
nature committed through computer networks.

I believe that the Council of Europe should immediately take adequate
steps to influence the Government of Turkey to abstain from public
threats or actions of racist or discriminatory nature."

The letter also contains appendix, which features the declarations and
reservations of the Republic of Turkey to some of the most important
international treaties dealing with the elimination of all forms of
racial discrimination and rights of migrants.

The Armenian And Turkish FMs Had A Talk


April 14 2010

On the working dinner served by the U.S. Secretary of State Hilary
Clinton to honor the foreign ministers taking part in the nuclear
security summit in Washington the Armenian and Turkish Foreign
Ministers Edward Nalbandian and Ahmet Davutoglu had a talk, informs
the Press Office of the RA Foreign Ministry.

The conversation of the ministers concerned the continuation of the
discussions held yesterday by the Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan
and Turkish PM Recep Tayyip Erdogan.