VivaCell-MTS to introduce HTC smartphones in Armenia

VivaCell-MTS to introduce HTC smartphones in Armenia

April 9, 2010 – 19:57 AMT 14:57 GMT

VivaCell-MTS, a subsidiary of Mobile TeleSystems OJSC, has announced
the closing of an agreement with HTC to introduce HTC smartphones,
featuring the innovative Android platform. The gadgets will be soon on
sale in VivaCell-MTS service centers across Armenia, the Company’s
press office reported.

With this new initiative of VivaCell-MTS on bringing HTC’s stylish new
smartphones to the Armenian market, VivaCell-MTS subscribers will be
provided with the latest mobile technologies for their business and
leisure. The introduction of the Android-powered handsets is the
result of a successful partnership between VivaCell-MTS and HTC, one
of the world’s leaders in mobile network technology and solutions for
the high technologies consumer market.

With a sleek design and compactness, the smartphone featuring the
Android platform for which it has come to be known, HTC smartphones
will enable a superior mobile internet experience, for which the
Android platform was designed, providing broad flexibility for
personalization via the application-rich Android Market. To be
available to Armenians soon, Android Market will allow quick and easy
downloading of games and applications utilizing VivaCell-MTS’ fast and
reliable 2G (GPRS/EDGE) and 3.5G (UMTS/HSPA) networks.

Besides, all HTC smart phones feature HTC Sense – a unique user
friendly interface. HTC Sense is a user experience focused on putting
people at the center by making phones work in a more simple and
natural way.

`Delivering innovative state-of-the-art technologies to its
subscribers is what VivaCell-MTS strives to achieve endlessly.
High-speed quality mobile internet experience is as well a priority
for VivaCell-MTS, so we are very excited to introduce Android-powered
smart phones in Armenia. With VivaCell-MTS’ extensive, high speed and
reliable 2G and 3.5G networks Armenians can enjoy a great Internet and
communications experience on their Android phones,’ VivaCell-MTS
General Manager Ralph Yirikian said.

`Android-based devices are designed to provide users with maximum
comfort and unprecedented opportunities that may be efficiently
implemented depending on Internet operation,’ said Andrey Kormiltsev,
Country Manager, HTC Russia and CIS. `Positioning HTC brand as a
leader at the market of Android-based devices, we cooperate with
`Mobile TeleSystems’, major mobile service provider. Bringing together
innovative HTC technologies and next-generation communications
standards, Android-based smartphones with personalized user interface
will deliver to Armenian users more than they may expect from their
mobile devices.’

The introduction of innovative mobile handsets helps VivaCell-MTS to
more widely open up all opportunities of mobile web for Armenian
subscribers. With Android-powered mobile phones third-party developers
are given a platform on which they can build the next wave of killer

Android-powered HTC handsets have a variety of powerful mobile
internet capabilities beginning with an Android-optimized Webkit
browser. They also feature the popular Google’ applications, Google
Maps’ and Google Search’ as well as favorites like YouTube’.

Presidents of Armenia, Russia have a phone talk

Presidents of Armenia, Russia have a phone talk
10.04.2010 11:52

President Serzh Sargsyan had a telephone conversation with the
President of the Russian Federation Dimitri Medvedev.

President Sargsyan once again expressed his condolences on the death
of people in recent terrorist acts committed in Russia.

Serzh Sargsyan thanked the President of Russia for the invitation to
attend festive events dedicated to the 65th anniversary of victory in
the Great Patriotic War.

The Presidents of Armenia and Russia spoke also about latest
developments and discussed possibilities of a bilateral meeting.

Hopeful In Iraq


American Magazine – The National Catholic Weekly
April 8 2010

Archbishop Avak Asadourian, primate of the Armenian Orthodox Church
of Iraq and secretary general of the Iraqi Council of Christian Church
Leaders, said he was pleased with the level of public participation in
the recent Iraqi elections. "There was a high level of participation
among Christians, as well," he said. "Now all we are waiting to see is
which direction the government will take. We hope that the guiding
principle of action will be to ensure peace and security to the
nation," he said. "The Christians have hopes for a stable and strong
government. We are citizens of Iraq and we have been in this land,
our home, for millennia. Politicians leading the country say they hope
that Christians will remain in the country and continue to contribute.

We ask them not to remain in good intentions, but to put them into
practice through works," ensuring a peaceful life to Christian
minorities, who are still under fierce attack.

Karabakh’s Right To Self-Determination Key Issue In Peace Process -A


April 7 2010

The status of Nagorno-Karabakh is a key issue in the process aimed
at settling the conflict over the self-proclaimed republic, Armenian
Foreign Minister Edward Nalbandyan told journalists on Wednesday.

"It is difficult to speak about our success in sorting out other
problems without finding a solution to the central aspect of the
Karabakh problem, the status of Nagorno-Karabakh. Recognition of
Nagorno-Karabakh’s right of self-determination and its ability
to exercise this right remain key issues in the peace process,"
Nalbandyan said.

"The Madrid principles are lying on the negotiating table," the
Armenian minister said, adding that these principles were presented
by the co-chairmen of the OSCE Minsk Group in November 2007.

"These principles serve as the foundation of our talks. The Minsk
Group co-chairmen continue offering working proposals on ways to
resolve the conflict. These efforts will continue until the sides
manage to bridge the gap between their positions," he said.

High Representative Catherine Ashton Issues Statement On Normalizati


US State News
April 7, 2010 Wednesday 8:25 AM EST

BRUSSELS, Belgium, April 6 — The European Union’s European Council
issued the following statement:

Catherine Ashton, the High Representative of the Union for Foreign
Affairs and Security Policy and Vice-President of the Commission made
the following statement:

"The European Union encourages Armenia and Turkey to remain committed
to the process of normalisation and calls on both countries to ratify
and implement the bilateral protocols without preconditions and in a
reasonable timeframe. In this context, the EU welcomes the decision
of the Armenian President to submit both protocols to the parliament
as well as the recent declaration by the President of Turkey to remain
committed to the normalisation of relations with Armenia.

The European Union believes that the full normalisation of bilateral
relations between Armenia and Turkey would be an important contribution
to security, stability and cooperation in the Southern Caucasus. The
EU will continue to provide its political and technical support to
this process and stands ready to help implementing the steps agreed
between the two countries." For more information please contact:
Sarabjit Jagirdar, Email:- [email protected]

Declaration By FIDH Member Organisations In Armenia And In Turkey


April 9 2010

Within the framework of the FIDH 37th Congress-Forum, which took
place in Armenia on April 6-8, the FIDH member organisations in
Armenia and in Turkey have issued a joint declaration, published below:

"We strongly believe that the protection of human rights throughout
Turkey and the South Caucasus is key in the process of peace-building,
reconciliation and good neighbourly relations between all countries
in the region, in order to ensure the safety, wellbeing and dignity
of people across borders.

We call on both countries and societies in Armenia and Turkey to join
their efforts and to create the necessary environment and processes
to compensate for any negative consequences of human rights abuses
committed in the past, including discrimination on the basis of
ethnicity, religion etc, and to adhere to the standards of human
rights protection as defined by international instruments.

As an essential component to ensure respect for human rights throughout
the region, we call for freedom of expression in all countries, and
for the abolishment of any laws and practices that prevent free speech,
including those imposing constraints on the Armenian-Turkish dialogue,
such as Article 301 of the Criminal Code of Turkey.

We urge the political parties of the government and of the opposition
in Turkey and Armenia to fulfill their duties to take every necessary
step to normalize relations between the two countries and societies.

This includes the imminent need to implement the bilateral Protocols
on the normalisation of diplomatic relations and the opening of mutual
borders. Progress in this direction and the process of democratic
transformation in Turkey will create a favourable environment for
addressing the painful issue of the Armenian Genocide.

We denounce all forms of hostility fed by militaristic ambitions and
structures among nations in the region.

To ensure sustainable peace between Armenia and Turkey and the
prevention of mutual hostility in the future, we call on the
two governments to ratify and implement the Rome Statute of the
International Criminal Court.

With the aim of building bridges between the two societies, we call
on both countries to implement inclusive policies and to abolish
exclusive approaches in every sphere of life.

We call on the governments and civil societies of both countries to
promote equal and just treatment in every sphere of life, including
media, education, administration, legal practices, and public life."

Armenian Assembly Building Support For U.S. Affirmation Of The Armen

09.04.2010 11:20

The Armenian Assembly of America welcomed the support of the Arizona
Ecumenical Council (AEC) regarding H.Res. 252, which affirms the U.S.

record on the Armenian Genocide.

The AEC sent a letter to all Members of the Arizona Congressional
Delegation urging support of the Armenian Genocide resolution currently
pending before the House and Senate.

The letter read in part: "Ninety-five years ago, the Ottoman Turks
undertook a mass campaign to systematically destroy and eradicate
all traces of Armenian civilization throughout Anatolia. Rather than
acknowledging the Genocide and enabling both Turks and Armenians to
move beyond this dark period in its history, Turkey has chosen to
employ high paid lobbyists to stop the U.S. from passing an Armenian
Genocide Resolution."

AEC Executive Director Reverend Jan Olav Flaaten said, "As brothers
and sisters in Christ, we rejoice when members rejoice, and we weep
when members of the Christian family weep. It is a sign of our unity."

Under the leadership of Rev. Flaaten, the Council currently represents
more than 1.5 million individuals from 18 Christian denominations
throughout the state of Arizona.

The letter to Congress reflects the continuing outreach efforts by
the Armenian Assembly. Over the past year, the Assembly’s Western
Region Director Yeghig Keshishian has worked closely with Reverend
Flaaten and Father Zacharia Saribekyan of St. Apkar Armenian Apostolic
Church of Arizona to encourage greater civic action. Together, they
have broadened the local Arizona community’s understanding of the
Armenian Genocide.

"The solidarity of the Arizona Ecumenical Council is a testament to
the important work of the Council in helping to heal the wounds of the
Armenian Genocide," stated Keshishian. "On behalf of the Assembly,
we welcome the Council’s support and the Christian community it
represents, and we look forward to broadening our outreach even more,"
he added.

Turkish MPs’ Concern Over Armenian NPP Unfounded

April 9 2010

The RA Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources has responded to the
unnecessary alarm over the Armenian nuclear-power station created by
Turkish MPs.

The Turkish parliamentarians expressed their "concern" over the
Metsamor nuclear power plant (NPP), which is located 20 km of Igdır,
Turkey, in a seismic zone. According to them, the NPP constitutes
a threat to Turkey’s eastern regions. They also pointed out that,
according to the security standards set by the International Atomic
Energy Agency (IAEA), the Armenian NPP ranks 145th of the 146.

The claims are not confirmed by any of the IAEA documents. According
to the IAEA, 438 nuclear power reactors are currently in operation
worldwide. The nuclear security issues are the focus of attention of
the RA Presidential Nuclear Security Council, which is formed of the
best specialists. The IAEA is coordinating the measures to enhance
the safety of the Armenian NPP. In conformity with the Convention on
Nuclear Safety, Armenia presents a national report on nuclear safety
to the IAEA every three years. The report is available to all the
IAEA member-states.

As regards seismic safety, in 2009 international experts examined
the platform of the Armenian NPP. The examination showed no reasons
for concern.

Moreover, the Armenian population within a 50-km radius of the NPP
reaches 2,145,000 against 126,000 in Turkey.

No Sense To Change Prime Minister: Serzh Sargsyan

18:37 09.04.10

The news that the Prime Minister of Armenia, Tigran Sargsyan, may
step down are baseless, Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan said at
press conference today in the framework of a visit to Tavush marz
(province) when asked whether or not the rumors on prime minister’s
possible resignation were realistic.

"No, that news is baseless, and I am not going now to change a
government or the prime minister. You know, there is something strange
here too: when our economy was falling by 15%, 16%, 17% and there
were such conversations, I could understand it somehow," said Sargsyan.

"When the economy was slumping down, that is to say our economic
team was not that competent to resist the crisis and to forecast
that a global financial and economic crisis could break up, may be
at that moment such opinions could be expressed. But what is the use
of speaking about changing the economic team today when the economy
is gradually recovering? I consider it useless. As what concerns to
[changing] one, two or three government members, this is an on-going
process, ministers can always be shifted, and that will not affect
our economic policy," said Sargsyan.

Armenia Highly Assesses Iran’S Readiness To Assist Karabakh Peace Pr

April 8 2010

Armenia highly assesses Iran’s efforts, but recalls that talks on
Karabakh peace process are held in the frames of OSCE Minsk Group,
a diplomatic source who did not want to be identified told

Yesterday, Iranian Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki said in a
press conference that official Tehran presented proposals on Karabakh
conflict settlement.

"We hope that the parties will take positive steps towards the
resolution," Mottaki stated.