CEC:Electoral spending of ruling "My Step" bloc were the highest 268.590.708 drams

Arminfo, Armenia
Dec 9 2018

ArmInfo.According to the CEC, the ''My Step'' bloc, led by Acting Prime Minister of Armenia Nikol Pashinyan, spent the most money on election campaigning for the early  elections.. This amount was 268.590.708 drams. Meanwhile, in the  elections of 2017, the ''Yelk'' bloc, represented by Pashinyan, spent  only 42,652,739 drams.

Next come the Republican Party of Armenia, which spent 127.342.492  drams. "Prosperous Armenia" and "Enlightened Armenia" spent an equal  amount of funds for 102 671 425 drams. ARF "Dashnaktsutyun" spent 47  086 922 drams, "We" bloc – 31 459 837 drams, "Orinats Yerkir" party -  18 246 932 drams, "Sasna tsrer" – 18 246 932 drams, " Citizen's  decision  " – 6 115 480 drams, the "Christian Revival"  party -  3984700 drams and the party "National Progress" spent the least  amount – 489 400 drams.

In general, 671,518,545 drams were spent on the pre-election  campaign, instead of 865,405,948 drams from last year, although 9  forces took part in the 2017 elections. The lion's share of these  costs fell to the share of the Republican Party – 386,822,249  million.

Israeli case of fake Armenian diplomas began to fall apart

Arminfo, Armenia
Dec 6 2018

ArmInfo. The criminal case of fake Armenian medical diplomas, code-named "License to kill," in Israel, has actually begun to fall apart.  According to the Israeli  media, yesterday the magistrate's court in Nazareth, decided to  change measure of restraint against previously taken into custody 22  interns and pharmacists, allegedly suspected of receiving fake  university diplomas, under house arrest.

The court rejected the police's request to extend the preliminary arrest, finding the  evidence submitted insufficient. Another 21 suspects in the same case  were released from custody without a court hearing.

One of them said: "I knew that this "mountain will bring forth a  mouse. "There was no reason to detain us.  The police caused us  serious damage and harm to our work. We demand an apology!". Attorney  Ahmad Raslan, representing several suspects, also said that "the  police exaggerated the value of the few materials it had to justify  the suspicion." According to him, the detainees are law-abiding  citizens from good families.  To recall, according to police  suspicions, the persons involved in the case – medical interns and  pharmacists, mostly of Arabic origin, presented diplomas to the  Ministry of Health on graduating medical and pharmacological  universities of Armenia. The investigation believes that the  documents are fictitious, since the suspects received them without  completing the full term of training.

To recall, in Armenia the scandal with fake medical diplomas did not  find a factual continuation. The administration of medical higher  education institutions, including private ones, then told ArmInfo  that the sale of diplomas is out of the question, perhaps the matter  concerns forged documents.

Kocharyan’s defense statement presented in court


Former President Robert Kocharyan’s attorneys have completed presenting his complaint in court today, Kocharyan’s attorney Aram Orbelyan told reporters outside the courtroom.

“Now we will pass to the next phase. The prosecution’s stance and other processes haven’t been made yet,” he said.

He said that during earlier hearings the peremptory challenge for judge was discussed, and then the complaint of the defense was presented.

Orbelyan said he doesn’t think it would be physically possible for the court to make a ruling today.

Armenia’s parliament speaker urges political forces to exclude Artsakh from pre-election speeches

Panorama, Armenia
Nov 28 2018

Speaker of the Armenian National Assembly Ara Babloyan has issued a statement calling on the political forces running for parliament to avoid touching upon the Artsakh issue in their speeches during the campaigning in the snap parliamentary elections.

“About 30-year history of the Republic of Armenia has proven that there are values which are not subject to any speculations, abuse or bargaining. These values cannot be reduced to a level of personal and political interests. And Artsakh has its special place among these values,” reads the statement released by the parliament’s official website on Wednesday.

Babloyan stressed the April 2016 flare-up showed how the whole Armenian nation united in support of the security of Artsakh and its people’s right to self-determination.

“There should be no ‘black’, ‘red’, ‘white’ or ‘green’ forces among us regarding the Artsakh issue. Let the divisions of political colors, if we cannot refuse from them at all, spread exclusively on the political fight, but Artsakh and Armenia have just one single color which is the Armenian tricolor. Moreover, the above mentioned equally refers to all the political forces.

“The tricolor is common like the security and future of Artsakh and the Republic of Armenia. Thus, I urge all of us to unite around a common position to exclude Artsakh from the vocabulary of the pre-election speeches and daily debates,” reads the statement.

The official also urged the Artsakh people to refrain from stirring up tensions in the pre-election period and not to respond to some misrepresented statements.

Eleven political forces, including two blocs and nine parties. are running in the December 9 early parliamentary elections. The election campaign that officially got under way on 26 November will last through 7 December, with 8 December to be declared a ‘day of silence’ in which no campaigning will be allowed. 

Mher Mkrtchyan. Sad to see that claps and hu-s are more valuable than our deceased heroes

Panorama, Armenia
Nov 26 2018

Armenian director, screenwriter, actor Mher Mkrtchyan responded to the statement made by MP Sasun Mikayelyan during the campaign and expressed his sorrow over it.

"It turns out I have worked on "Life and Fight " totally in vain. Apparently, today's "claps and hu-s" are more valuable than the work of our deceased heroes. Good luck with your campaign … "

Let's remind that during the meeting with residents of Talin Sasun Mikayelyan stated: "We have won in the Artsakh war, I do not hesitate, I am not afraid to say that this victory gained by you, the Armenian people, was more important than the war of Artsakh".

Mikaelyan's statement was followed by criticisms on social media.

Letter to Editor of Financial Times, UK by Ambassador of Turkey to the UK

Financial Times, UK
Nov 23 2018

Turkey and Armenia: the truth is more complicated 

From Ümit Yalçin, Ambassador of Turkey to the UK

Your article “ Finding Armenia” (FT Magazine, November 17) wrongly describes the events that unfolded in eastern Anatolia during the final years of the Ottoman Empire. Labelling these events as a “genocide” perpetrated by one side against the other and vilifying the Turkish nation has long been the main feature of the one-sided Armenian approach. It is unacceptable and obviously disputable from a variety of standpoints, including legal and historical.

A closer look at the history of the first world war and the final period of the Ottoman Empire would reveal that reality is much more complex than what some Armenian circles would have you believe.

That being said, Turkey does not deny the hardship and suffering of many Ottoman Armenians, along with all the other constituent nations of the Ottoman Empire, during the first world war. What we oppose is creating a “hierarchy of sufferings” and baselessly accusing a nation of the biggest of all crimes.

Turkey firmly believes that drawing enmity from the past only fuels ill feelings and prevents the Turkish and the Armenian people from becoming any closer.

Ümit Yalçin
Ambassador of Turkey to the UK

Goris community leader thinking about leaving RPA

Goris community leader thinking about leaving RPA




YEREVAN, NOVEMBER 10, ARMENPRESS. Goris community leader Arush Arushanyan says he is thinking about leaving the Republican Party of Armenia, but has no plans to join any other party, Armenpress reports.

“As a citizen of the Republic of Armenia, of course, I am going to participate in the early parliamentary elections, but will not nominate my candidacy”, he told reporters in Yerevan, stating that he may leave the RPA.

The early parliamentary elections in Armenia will be held on December 9, 2018.

Edited and translated by Aneta Harutyunyan

Bright Armenia party decides to race in early parliamentary elections alone

ARKA, Armenia
Nov 5 2018

YEREVAN, November 5. /ARKA/. Armenia’s Bright Armenia party, after long discussions with the Republic party, has decided to race in the snap parliamentary elections alone. 

“The Bright Armenia will include representatives of other parties in its list,” the party says in its statement issued Sunday. 

In its statement, the party stresses the importance of the revolution pointing out that now every entity of the political processes enjoys the right of equal participation in them. 

The party also expresses gratitude to the Republic and the Civil Contract parties, its former allies in YELQ bloc.

“We believe that the powerful potential of joint work is still untapped, and therefore we wish success each of them success in the upcoming elections for the sake of Armenia and its citizens.” -0—