MPs should not elect PM today (video)

On November 1, the RA National Assembly convened a special session on the election of the Prime Minister. The only candidate nominated is Nikol Pashinyan.
To remind, Nikol Pashinyan resigned from the post of Prime Minister on October 16. If today the MPs do not elect the prime minister, the National Assembly will be dissolved.

Armenia to host football championship with participation of European champion

An international football tournament will be held in Yerevan on November 14-20. Armenian, German, Portuguese and Dutch Under-19 teams will participate in the tournament.

It is held by UEFA as preparation stage 2019 for the European Championships final. The point is that next year the final stage of European Championship of this age group will be held in Armenia from July 14 to 27.

168: Spiritual leaders of Christian churches of Jerusalem call shameful the bill on properties in letter addressed to Israeli PM


The spiritual leaders of the Christian churches of Jerusalem – Armenian Patriarch Archbishop Nourhan Manougian, as well as the Greek Patriarch and the Custos of the Holy Land, on October 19 signed a joint letter addressed to Prime Minister of Israel Benjamin Netanyahu, Koryun Baghdasaryan – Chancellor of the Armenian Patriarchate of Jerusalem, said on Facebook.

“In the letter the spiritual leaders are surprised over the fact that the bill authored by Knesset member Rachel Azaria on the properties belonging to the Christian community has been included in the agenda of October 21 discussion of the commission of ministers and call on PM Neyanyahu to intervene and suspend the discussion of the bill. The spiritual leaders called the bill shameful and reminded Netanyahu that in his letter sent to the spiritual leaders in July he assured that the bill should be withdrawn”, he said.

Despite that the bill has undergone some changes, it, however, enables the state to confiscate the church properties.

RFE/RL Armenian Report – 10/17/2018


Pashinian Plans No Election Alliances With Other Parties

        • Sisak Gabrielian
        • Ruzanna Stepanian

Armenia - Prime Minister Nikol Pashinian talks to a trader while visiting a 
Syrian-Armenian arts and crafts fair in Yerevan, .

Prime Minister Nikol Pashinian made clear on Wednesday that his Civil Contract 
party will not form an alliance with any other political group ahead of 
Armenia’s forthcoming parliamentary elections.

Pashinian said it could only team up with individuals supporting his and his 
government’s political agenda.

Civil Contract already fielded such non-partisan candidates, most of them young 
civic activists, in the September 23 municipal elections in Yerevan. Their My 
Step bloc won over 80 percent of the vote. Pashinian’s team should also do very 
well in the general elections expected in December.

“We will participate [in the December elections] on our own … or in the My Step 
format,” Pashinian told RFE/RL’s Armenian service (

He specifically ruled out an electoral alliance with the Republic and Bright 
Armenia parties making up, together with Civil Contract, the Yelk bloc.

Yelk was set up in the run-up to Armenia’s last parliamentary elections held in 
April 2017. It won 9 of the 105 seats in the current National Assembly.

Republic and Bright Armenia refused to back Pashinian when he launched in April 
this year street protests that eventually toppled the country’s longtime 
leader, Serzh Sarkisian. They voiced support for the Pashinian-led campaign 
only after it rapidly gained momentum.

Lena Nazarian, a senior Civil Contract member, echoed Pashinian’s statements. 
“We will not form alliances with other parties,” Nazarian told RFE/RL’s 
Armenian service.

“We want to again form an alliance with individual citizens,” she said, adding 
that they must be “professionals having experience, knowledge and skills” 
needed in the parliament.

Pashinian tendered his and his cabinet’s resignation late on Tuesday in an 
effort to ensure that the snap polls are held in the first half of December. 
Sarkisian’s Republican Party and other parliamentary forces have pledged not to 
try to scuttle his plans.

Ally ‘Still Respected’ By Sarkisian Despite Support For Pashinian

        • Ruzanna Stepanian

Armenia - Gevorg Kostanian chairs a session of an ad hoc parliamentary 
commission in Yerevan, 26 September 2018.

A senior lawmaker representing Serzh Sarkisian’s Republican Party (HHK) claimed 
on Wednesday that the former Armenian president “respects” his unexpected 
decision to voice support for Prime Minister Nikol Pashinian.

Gevorg Kostanian, the chairman of the Armenian parliament committee on legal 
affairs, last week backed Pashinian’s efforts to force snap parliamentary 
elections in December. Speaking to RFE/RL’s Armenian service, he said the 
premier is “honest in his goals and desires” and enjoys overwhelming popular 

The remarks came as a surprise given Kostanian’s status as a Sarkisian loyalist 
and his past criticism of Pashinian. The HHK parliamentarian insisted as 
recently as in May that the 43-year-old former journalist is too inexperienced 
to properly govern Armenia.

Kostanian said he has since become convinced that Pashinian’s actions are aimed 
at making things better in the country. “His goals, his principles, his 
direction are honest and as long as they remain honest I will fully support 
[the new government] regardless of whether I am in or outside the country,” he 
told reporters.

“Serzh Sarkisian very much respects my decision,” he claimed. “He has always 
respected everyone’s decisions.”

Kostanian, who served as Armenia prosecutor-general from 2013-2016, also 
insisted that he is not distancing himself from the HHK. “I just want to you 
bear one thing in mind: I am not a member of the party and never will be,” he 

“As for [Sarkisian’s] political team, I was and remain a member of the team,” 
added the 41-year-old.

Nine other HHK lawmakers also broke ranks to endorse Pashinian’s political 
plans last week. The move raised the prospect of more defections from the 
former ruling party’s parliamentary faction.

The HHK lost control over the current parliament in June following a series of 
such defections. It now technically holds 50 seats in the 105-member National 

China Donates More Ambulances To Armenia

Armenia - New Chinese ambulances are donated to Armenia at a ceremony in 
Yerevan, .

China has donated 200 new ambulances to Armenia as part of its continuing 
economic assistance to the South Caucasus country.

The vehicles fitted with modern medical equipment were officially handed over 
to the Armenian side on Wednesday at a ceremony attended by Prime Minister 
Nikol Pashinian, Health Minister Arsen Torosian and other senior Armenian 
officials. Two-thirds of them are due to be distributed to public ambulance 
services outside Yerevan.

Torosian stressed the significance of the $13 million donation, saying that 65 
of those vehicles are intensive care ambulances that will enable Armenian 
doctors to save more lives when providing first medical assistance.

China’s ambassador in Yerevan, Tian Erlong, said Chinese specialists have 
trained about 350 Armenian doctors, nurses and ambulance drivers to use the new 

China already donated 88 ambulances to Armenia in 2011. Its plans to provide 
more such vehicles and medical equipment were first announced by the former 
Armenian government last year.

Chinese government aid to Armenia has totaled at least $50 million since 2012. 
It includes 250 Chinese-manufactured buses donated to Yerevan’s public 
transportation system six years ago.

Tian attributed this “selfless” aid to what he called centuries-old “friendship 
of our peoples.” “I am confident that China and Armenia will continue to 
cooperate in various areas and that Chinese-Armenian ties will be continuous 
and strong,” the envoy said at the ceremony.

Political relations between the two nations have been cordial ever since 
Armenia gained independence in 1991. Chinese President Xi Jinping and his then 
Armenian counterpart Serzh Sarkisian reported “mutual understanding on issues 
relating to pivotal interests and concerns of the two countries” after talks in 
Beijing in 2015.

Armenia - Prime Minister Nikol Pashinian and Chinese Ambassador Tian Erlong 
pose for a photograph with students of the Chinese-Armenian Friendship School 
in Yerevan, 22 August 2018.

The current Armenian government seems keen to maintain the warm rapport with 
Beijing. Pashinian said China and Armenia share “many common interests” when he 
attended the inauguration in August of a new school in Yerevan where hundreds 
of Armenian children study the Chinese language.

The Chinese government spent over $12 million on building and equipping the 
school. Intensive language courses there are taught by Chinese teachers.

China further underscored its interest in Armenia last year when it started 
building a new and much bigger building for its embassy in Yerevan. The vast 
embassy compound is due to be completed by the end of 2019. It will reportedly 
be the second largest Chinese diplomatic mission in the former Soviet Union.

China has been Armenia’s second largest trading partner for the last several 
years. According to official Armenian statistics, Chinese-Armenian trade soared 
by nearly 50 percent, to $342 million, in the first half of this year.

Ex-PM Abrahamian’s Brother Freed For Now

        • Naira Bulghadarian

Armenia - Former parliament deputy Henrik Abrahamian.

The brother of Armenia’s embattled former Prime Minister Hovik Abrahamian was 
released from pre-trial custody on Wednesday two months after being charged 
with illegal arms possession.

The National Security Service (NSS) arrested Henrik Abrahamian on August 8 
after raiding a former industrial plant in his native village of Mkhchian and 
finding three machine guns, seven Kalashnikov assault rifles and other firearms 
stashed there.

The NSS and the Special Investigative Service (SIS) said at the time that they 
are trying to determine whether the weapons were used against opposition 
protesters in Yerevan in the wake of a disputed 2008 presidential election. The 
SIS chief, Sasun Khachatrian, admitted late last week that they have found no 
evidence of that.

An Armenian court then agreed to Henrik Abrahamian on bail. Both he and his 
once influential brother deny any connection to the confiscated weapons.

In early September, Hovik Abrahamian was charged with abuse of power and 
illegal entrepreneurial activity. Another law-enforcement agency, the 
Investigative Committee, claimed that in 2008 he forced a businessman to give 
up a majority stake in a mining company. Investigators refrained from arresting 

Abrahamian, who served as prime minister from 2014-2016, denied the charges as 
politically motivated, saying that the new Armenian authorities are cracking 
down on dissent.

Abrahamian, 60, held high-ranking state posts and developed extensive business 
interests during former Presidents Robert Kocharian’s and Serzh Sarkisian’s 
tenures. He managed Sarkisian’s 2008 and 2013 presidential election campaigns.

Abrahamian fell out with Sarkisian a few months after being sacked by the 
latter in September 2016. He left Sarkisian’s Republican Party (HHK) in January 

Press Review

“Zhamanak” says that strong popular support is what makes Prime Minister Nikol 
Pashinian confident that he will not lose power and will succeed in forcing 
parliamentary elections after tendering his resignation late on Tuesday. “The 
main thing is that from now own on the public, the citizens must be not just 
observers in the process of the parliament’s dissolution but also start a 
parallel process of dismantling the old [political] system,” writes the paper. 
They should also “fill the political arena with new ideas,” it says.

“Past” says that all major political forces now need to “redefine their goals.” 
“The revolution did not just end the rule of one individual or one force,” 
explains the paper. “The revolution showed that the time is up for many of the 
political veterans.” It says that they never managed to “adapt to the new 
situation.” “Now that Armenia has entered a period of active and transparent 
political processes new and old political forces need to present themselves … 
with new faces who do not shy away from actively talking and being 
transparent,” it says. says that on the day of his resignation Prime Minister Nikol 
Pashinian made government appointments that prompted criticism even from his 
supporters. The appointment of the retired police General Hunan Poghosian as 
governor of the southern Syunik province proved particularly controversial. 
Pashinian also faced criticism when he appointed Garegin Baghramian as energy 
minister last week. Baghramian is related to Artur Vanetsian, the director of 
the National Security Service (NSS).

(Lilit Harutiunian)

Reprinted on ANN/Armenian News with permission from RFE/RL
Copyright (c) 2018 Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty, Inc.
1201 Connecticut Ave., N.W. Washington DC 20036.

Azerbaijani Press: Population Growth in Azerbaijan to Stop

Turan Information Agency, Azerbaijani Opposition Press
Oct 12 2018
Population Growth in Azerbaijan to Stop

The economist Gubad Ibadoglu, after analyzing the demographic situation in Azerbaijan, came to the conclusion that in the next 10 years there will be no population growth.

Analyzing on the basis of official reports, the economist noted that, compared with 1989, the population growth in Azerbaijan was 40.7%, and in Georgia – 31.44%. Over the past 30 years, the population in Armenia has decreased by 9.12%.

"Starting from 2011, the population growth rate in Azerbaijan has decreased. The coefficient of reproduction in Azerbaijan during the reporting period fell from 2.4 to 1.9. This means that at this rate in the next 10 years, population growth will stop."

According to the State Statistics Committee, since the beginning of the year, the population growth in the country amounted to 0.5% or 52,427 people. As of September 1, 2018, the population of the country was 9,950,512 people. Compared to the same period last year, in the first eight months of this year, the growth rate of the population decreased from 0.9% to 0.5%.

Ibadoglu believes the main reason for the decline is the incipient increase in the number of divorces, the increase in the number of abortions, according to the sex of the fetus, a decrease in the state"s care for children under deteriorating living conditions, the increase in the number of deaths, the rejuvenation of death, and the increase in migration to other countries.

The economist has come up with suggestions to prevent this trend in the demographic situation. One of his proposals is to double the one-time benefit for newborns, taking into account inflation and a sharp increase in the minimum expenditure for children.

Since September 2013, the size of a one-time allowance for newborns has been 90 manat.

Comparing this figure with similar data from other countries, G. Ibadoglu noted that in Germany a one-time allowance for 3 children is 588 euros, and in Denmark it is 733 dollars. In his opinion, a link should be created between family income and tax payments, taking into account the number of children in a family, and developing care packages for low-income families and for children without a mother or father. Among his proposals is the issuance of a package of compulsory medical insurance for children up to 18 years.

In 2011, the natural growth of the population of Azerbaijan was 122,310 people, in 2012 – 119,452 people, in 2013 – 118,288 people, in 2014 – 114,855 people, in 2015 – 111,513 people, in 2016 – 102,816 people, and in 2017 – 86,932 people.

The coefficient of procreation shows the ability of one woman to give birth to a certain number of children in the reproductive period (15-49 years).

The next Cesar Awards will be dedicated to Charles Aznavour

Panorama, Armenia
Oct 5 2018

The next ceremony of the César awards, the annual French cinema, will be dedicated to great French-Armenian Chansonnier Charles Aznavour, who died Monday at the age of 94 years, the Academy of Caesar announced on Thursday, according to the report by The Siver Telegram.

As the source reports, Charles Aznavour has also been an actor in sixty movies, in François Truffaut, Claude Chabrol, Claude Lelouch, Volker Schlöndorff, or Atom Egoyan.

He has played in “Shoot the piano player” by François Truffaut, “The Testament of Orpheus” of Jean Cocteau, “Taxi for Tobruk” of Dionysius of the Patellière, “The tin Drum” by Volker Schlöndorff, or “Ararat” of Atom Egoyan.

“Charles Aznavour was an absolute artist! Singer, songwriter for the songs and for movies… It was also a tremendous actor who wrote scenarios or dialogues… His career in movies was admirable,” said the president of the Academy of the arts and techniques of cinema, Alain Terzian, in a press release. “The 44th annual ceremony of Caesar him an homage”, he added.

Yerevan police launch proceedings over October 2 incident involving two HHK lawmakers


Yerevan Police Department has launched proceedings over an alleged incident involving Republican MPs Mihran Poghosyan and Arayik Grigoryan that took place October 2 in Demirchyan Street, the street adjacent to the parliament building.

“Since Members of Parliament have special status, they will be given the materials, and the incident will be evaluated legally, under the procedure,” Police Chief of Armenia Valery Osipyan said.

He said that the bodyguards of the two MPs have been detained.

Nikol Pashinyan, head of RPA parliamentary faction Vahram Baghdasaryan meet at Marriott Armenia café

ArmenPress, Armenia
Oct 1 2018
Nikol Pashinyan, head of RPA parliamentary faction Vahram Baghdasaryan meet at Marriott Armenia café

YEREVAN, OCTOBER 1, ARMENPRESS. Prime Minister of Armenia Nikol Pashinyan and head of the parliamentary faction of the Republican Party of Armenia Vahram Baghdasaryan have met at Marriott Armenia café.

ARENPRESS reports the meeting takes place in the framework of the last week’s announcement of the PM, according to which he planned to start meetings with the parliamentary factions to discuss the issue of holding early parliamentary elections

Photo by

Edited and translated by Tigran Sirekanyan

‘Our foreign policy agenda does not have U-turns’ – Armenian PM’s statement at 73rd UN General Assembly (video)(photos)


Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan has delivered a statement at the 73rd session of the United Nations General Assembly in New York City.

Below is the official UN transcript of the Armenian PM’s speech:

“Distinguished President of the General Assembly,


Ladies and Gentlemen,

First of all, I would like to congratulate Her Excellency Maria Fernanda Espinosa Garces upon her election as the President of the 73^^ Session of the General Assembly and wish us fruitful deliberations under her able leadership. Ladies and Gentlemen, It is a great honor to address you as a leader, who has recently become the Prime Minister of Armenia as a result of people’s revolution, which is now known as the Armenian Velvet revolution. I would like to take a minute to share the story of our victory over the authoritarian rule. The people of Armenia succeeded in unpredicted and unprecedented revolution, without any violence, any victims or public disorder. And it was not a coincidence. Our intention was to make a revolution of love and solidarity. From the very beginning, we declared that we ruled out any violence. We declared that, even if violence was used against us, we would not respond with violence. We declared that our response would be with raised and open hands, smile and love. When we started this political process, there were only dozens of us marching from the second biggest city of Armenia, Gyumri to the capital Yerevan. When we reached Yerevan, and showed our determination and devotion to the principle of non violence, our entire nation rose against the ruling regime, in unity and solidarity. And we won without a single shot and without any victims only through the peaceful demonstrations. We succeeded against all expectations: even well-known experts and thinktanks were skeptical about our victory. Against all odds, I was elected Prime Minister. I was elected in a Parliament, where I had only four reliable votes, including my own. Yet it was possible. It happened, because people were firm in their demand and the parliament, elected just a year ago, had no other choice than to follow the people’s will. Today, that parliament continues to work, however it does not represent our people’s will, as it was not before and during the revolution. Why is it so? The answer is short. Because it was elected through the elections with massive vote buying process and use of administrative resources and oppression. An important test for holding genuinely free and fair and competitive elections was the Yerevan city council election which took place just before my departure to New York.

The fact that all the candidates for the first time since Armenia’s independence congratulated the winning candidate, speaks about the establishment of a completely new political culture in Armenia. In the same spirit We are now getting ready for snap parliamentary elections in Armenia. Free, fair and transparent elections will become an irreversible reality in Armenia and will bring strong and vibrant democratic institutions, the functioning system of checks and balances. Protecting our citizens’ rights and ensuring freedom of speech, _expression_ and assembly is very high on our government’s agenda. From now on, there will be no possibility to manipulate the electoral process and undermine the trust of citizens. I would also like to stress that the current situation in Armenia is not just a change of a government or a ruling party. It is an establishment of a new political and governance system, which we name people’s direct rule and people’s direct governance. In order to institutionalize this system we intend to guarantee _expression_ of the people’s will not only through elections, but also through local and national referenda, to engage our people into the decision-making process. Having been a political prisoner myself, I do understand how significant it is to be able to speak out and decide your own future. Having assumed the responsibility, our team has a clear vision and strong political will to launch fundamental reforms aimed at eradicating corruption, creating transparent, accountable and efficient governance, safeguarding human rights and the rule of law, ensuring independence of judiciary and advancing economic growth through a free and competitive business environment and a favorable atmosphere for investments. Madam President, Despite the radical transformations in the internal political life, our foreign policy agenda does not have U-turns. The continuity of Armenia’s foreign policy depicts Armenia as a predictable and reliable partner. Our international commitments are not subject to revision. Our position is clear – Armenia stands ready to have a constructive dialogue and cooperation with all partners. However, we do not intend to develop our relations with one partner at the expense of another. We underline the role of multilateralism on global and regional levels. Armenia’s cooperation under the umbrella of the United Nations is both comprehensive and vibrant. Without entering into all the details, let me mention our contribution to the global peace under the auspices of the UN led and UN supported peace operations in an impressive geographical scope that extends from Afghanistan to Lebanon, Kosovo and Mali.

This has a particular importance to our country: while itself facing serious security concerns, it realizes that the security of one country is inseparably linked to that of all others, and that the global peace requires concerted actions. 2 We have a truly global nation with hundreds of communities all around the world. Hence comes the sensitivity of Armenia to the global threats that may put our fellow Armenians at risk in different parts of the world. The sizable Armenian community in Syria faces an existential threat from the ongoing crisis. Armenia has tried to contribute through dispatching humanitarian assistance to most vulnerable regions. We stand ready to enhance Armenia’s humanitarian mission aimed at meeting the most pressing needs of our community in Syria. As a nation that has passed through the horrors of Genocide, Armenians have higher security consciousness when it comes to our fellow people and are ready to do their utmost for their protection.

Madam President, The peaceful resolution of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict continues to prevail our foreign policy agenda. The status and security of the Republic of Artsakh is an absolute priority of the Republic of Armenia in the negotiation process. Any attempt to resolve the conflict through military means represents a direct threat to the regional security, democracy and human rights. Armenia will continue its constructive engagement in the peaceful resolution of the conflict within the format of the OSCE Minsk Group Co-Chairs, which has the only internationally recognized mandate to deal with the conflict Azerbaijan should change its behavior of disrespect towards the negotiations and abandon the idea of any military solution and implement all the previous agreements. Furthermore, if Azerbaijan is truly committed to the peace process it should start talking to the main subject of this conflict – Nagorno-Karabakh.

Azerbaijan declares on every occasion that Karabakh should be a part of its territory. At the same time it announces that it will not negotiate with Nagorno Karabakh. The question is how Azerbaijan can make a claim over Nagorno-Karabakh without even speaking to NK? Is that possible? This is possible only if Azerbaijani government wants the territory and not the people. Thus, it becomes obvious that the intention of Azerbaijani leadership is to cleanse Armenians from Karabakh, like they did in Nakhijevan. This entitles Nagorno-Karabakh to make the argument, that to be a part of Azerbaijan for Karabakh means to be totally exterminated. Hence Karabakh must not be a part of Azerbaijan, unless one wants to trigger a new genocide of Armenian people.

Summing up, let me reiterate: the conflict can and should be settled only through mutual compromises by all sides, in an atmosphere conducive to peace and not war. Last but not least; let me also express my satisfaction to the Secretary General of the United Nations for his unwavering support to the efforts and approaches of the OSCE Minsk Group Co-Chairmanship Madam President, The topic of our deliberations “Making the United Nations relevant to all people: Global leadership and shared responsibilities for peaceful, equitable and sustainable societies” demonstrates our consistent approach to the Agenda 2030 and the sustainable development goals. Indeed, the United Nations and its Development Agenda should be relevant and accessible for all.

No one should be left behind as we keep repeating in our collective efforts. Earlier in July this year, Armenia presented its first Voluntary National Report on the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals at the High Level Political Forum. This important exercise coincided with the decisive political period determined by vibrant democratic processes and the launch of a wide-range of reforms. Armenia is committed to the creation and development of knowledge-based and innovative platforms that will leverage the impact and accelerate the implementation of the development agenda. In this regard, we recognize the indispensable role of the UN and its specialized agencies as well as the role of the cooperation with other potential partners. As a newly-elected member of the ECOSOC and a candidate for the Human Rights council for the term 2020-22 Armenia will do it’s utmost to contribute to the realization of Sustainable Development Goals and to protection and promotion of human rights and fundamental freedoms.

Ladies and Gentlemen, 2018 is the year when we will mark the 70^ anniversary of two of the most important human rights documents – the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide. Each of these documents has its own history and each of them has become a cornerstone for the development of international law. They served as a basis for Armenia to start the series of Global Forum Sessions against the Crime of Genocide. This year it will be dedicated to the issues of genocide prevention through education, culture and museums. I encourage you to bring your contribution to the work of the Forum.

Ladies and Gentlemen, Mesdames et Monsieur « Vivre ensemble » est le theme du 17®™® Sommet de I’Organisation Internationale de la Francophonie qui va se tenir en octobre prochain a Erevan, Capitale armenienne, agee de deux-mille-huit-cents ans. C’est un grand honneur et un privilege pour TArmenie de faire partie de la grande famille francophone, de promouvoir la tolerance et le respect mutuel a travers la cooperation dans le domaine de la culture, de I’education et de I’innovation. Je reitere une nouvelle fois nos invitations au Sommet de la Francophonie avec plusieurs manifestations prevues dans le meme cadre.

Thank you,”