Turkish Press: Turkish teen jailed in Armenia set to be freed next week

Daily Sabah, Turkey
Sept 15 2018
Turkish teen jailed in Armenia set to be freed next week
Authorities announced on Friday that Umut Ali Özmen, a 16-year-old Turkish teenager jailed in Armenia for illegally crossing the border will likely be released and returned to Turkey on Monday.
Özmen, a high school student, was working as a shepherd when he wandered off into the Armenian side of the Turkish-Armenian border, chasing stray animals he took care of in July. Turkey, which does not have diplomatic relations with Armenia, has sought Özmen's return by diplomatic efforts through Georgia.
Rahmi Doğan, governor of Kars, the border province where Özmen lived, told reporters on Friday that they sought to secure the young man's release and contacted Interpol. "We first conveyed the matter to Interior and Foreign Ministry and handled the matter later through Interpol. I believe he will return to Turkey on Monday. We used to contact [border officials] in the similar cases in the past but Armenia sought a diplomatic action this time, so we contacted Foreign Ministry," he underlined.

Film about devastating earthquake in Armenia coming out Sept. 20

PanArmenian, Armenia
Sept 13 2018

PanARMENIAN.Net – The drama "Spitak" about the devastating earthquake that shookArmenia on December 7, 1988, will hit the big screens on September 20, Sharm Holding reveals.

Directed by Russian filmmaker Alexander Kott, the feature film is based on real events and includes stories taken from eyewitness accounts.

In the movie, the director has intentionally left scenes of horror behind the camera, focusing on the experience of the characters instead.

Kott himself describes “Spitak” as ‘a requiem film’, in which he has attempted to convey "the panic, despair, courage and heroism" of those who tried to find their home and family despite everything.

Prior to shooting, the director decided that all the heroes will speak their native languages, so the film ended up featuring Armenian, Russian and French speeches.

Երեւանի ընտրությունները շատ կարեւոր քննություն են, պետք է գերազանց ստանանք. Փաշինյան

  • 30.08.2018

  • Հայաստան



Երևանի ավագանու ընտրությունները շատ կարևոր քննություն են մեզ համար, և պետք է այդ քննությունը ստանանք գերազանց: Այս մասին կառավարության այսօրվա նիստի ժամանակ հայտարարել է վարչապետ Նիկոլ Փաշինյանը:

Այժմ կառավարությունը մշակել է օրենքի նախագծերի փաթեթ, որի ընդունմամբ, մասնավորապես, առաջարկվում է քրեականացնել ՎԻՎՕ-ի 40.10-րդ հոդվածով նախատեսված արարքները (կաշառք տալը եւ վերցնելը)՝ դրանց համար որպես պատիժ սահմանելով ոչ միայն տուգանքը, այլև ազատազրկումը՝ որոշակի ժամկետով: Նշված վարչական իրավախախտման քրեականացման հետ մեկտեղ առաջարկվում է հոդվածի դիսպոզիցիայում նախատեսել բացառություն, որի համաձայն՝ հանցագործության առարկա չեն համարվի կուսակցության անվանումը և (կամ) խորհրդանիշները կամ թեկնածուի անուն, ազգանունը և (կամ) պատկերը բովանդակող և որոշակի ողջամիտ չափը չգերազանցող արժեքով ապրանքները:

Նիկոլ Փաշինյանը, անդրադառնալով օրենսդրական նախաձեռնության կարևորությանը, նշել է. «Կարծում եմ՝ ոչ թե զգալիորեն առաջ ենք գնալու, այլ գնալու ենք մինչև այն տեղը, որտեղից առաջ գնալու տեղ էլ չկա, այսինքն՝ պետք է բացառենք նման երևույթները: Երևանի ավագանու ընտրությունները, իհարկե, այս առումով շատ կարևոր քննություն են մեզ համար, և պետք է այդ քննությունն ստանանք գերազանց»:

Ներկայացված նախագծերի փաթեթի ընդունմամբ, Վերոնշյալի առնչությամբ վարչապետ Փաշինյանը, դիմելով ՀՀ արդարադատության նախարար Արտակ Զեյնալյանին, նշել է. «Ձեր ձևակերպման մեջ ասվում է, որ արգելվում է անհատույց կամ արտոնյալ պայմաններով դրամ, սննդամթերք, արժեթղթեր, ապրանքներ բաժանելը, բացի կուսակցության անվանումը կամ խորհրդանիշը կամ թեկնածուի անուն-ազգանունը կամ պատկերը բովանդակող և նվազագույն աշխատավարձի եռապատիկը չգերազանցող արժեքով ապրանքների: Մեր «պատմական» փորձը հաշվի առնելով՝ 3000 դրամը բավարար գումար է, ասենք, կուսակցության նշանով լավաշ կամ մուրաբա կամ ալյուրի պարկ բաժանելու համար, կամ պարկի մեջ 3000 դրամ դնելու և կուսակցության նշանով բաժանելու համար: Ձևակերպումը, համենայնդեպս, տարընթերցման տեղիք է տալիս, պետք է հստակ նշվի այդ սահմանը: Եկեք չթերագնահատենք մեր ընտրակեղծարարների կրեատիվ միտքը, պարոն Զեյնալյան: Իմ կարծիքով՝ պետք է կոնկրետ նշվի՝ գրիչ, նախընտրական բուկլետ, գլխարկ, շապիկ և այլն, որովհետև այս ձևակերպումը ես մի քանի անգամ կարդացել եմ, և ոչ մի խոչընդոտ չեմ տեսնում, որ այդ նույն տրամաբանությամբ այդ ապրանքները բաժանվեն»:

Արծարծված խնդրի առնչությամբ ծավալվել է մտքերի փոխանակություն, հնչել են մի շարք դիտարկումներ:

Վարչապետը հանձնարարել է արդարադատության նախարարին՝ ևս մեկ անգամ աշխատանքային կարգով քննարկել ներկայացված մտահոգությունները: «Նախագիծն Ազգային ժողովում, հանձնաժողովում, լիագումար նիստում դեռ 2 ընթերցմամբ քննարկվելու է, և պետք է անել առավելագույնը, որ այն լինի հստակ, տարընթերցումների տեղիք չտվող և առանց անորոշությունների»,-ասել է Նիկոլ Փաշինյանը:

RPA ready to cooperate with any political force, including 2nd President Kocharyan – Sharmazanov


The Republican Party of Armenia (RPA) is ready to cooperate with all political forces, including 2nd President of Armenia Robert Kocharyan, Vice Speaker of the Parliament, RPA spokesperson Eduard Sharmazanov told reporters in the Parliament.

“The RPA is a consolidated political force. We are ready to cooperate with all political forces, including Robert Kocharyan. As a state, political figure Robert Kocharyan has much to say and do in Armenia’s political field. This is my private opinion”, he said.

Sharmazanov thinks that Kocharyan will engage in politics, moreover, he is already engaged in politics.

Asbarez: Pashinyan, Parliament Speaker Meet

Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan (left) with Parliament Speaker Ara Babloyan

YEREVAN—Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan and Parliament Speaker Ara Babloyan on Monday held a rare meeting, during which the upcoming special parliamentary elections were discussed with the two leaders summing up their talks with a bullet-pointed announcement.

Babloyan, who is a member of ousted prime minister Serzh Sarkisian’s Republican Party of Armenia recently has voiced his criticism of the Pashinyan administration as it relates to the case against former president Robert Kocharian who has been charged with breaching Armenia’s constitutional order in relation to the post-election standoff between protesters and police on March 1, 2008 when eight civilians and two police officers were killed. Kocharian was remanded to custody but was later released following an appeal by his attorneys.

For his part, Pashinyan has maintained that his administration, unlike his predecessors, does not intervene in the judiciary. On August 17, during a rally marking his first 100 days of office, Pashinyan had terse words for certain segment of the judiciary, hinting that some judges remain on the so-called payrolls of political forces in Armenia.

The following is a four-point announcement that emanated from Monday’s meeting, setting the stage for complex discussions and negotiations over the special parliamentary elections, that Pashinyan has signaled will take place sometime early next year.

Regardless of political views everyone in Armenia has the right to freedom of _expression_ and differing opinions;

Independence of the judiciary is a key guarantee for ensuring justice in the country; therefore the separation and balance mechanism of legislative, executive and judicial powers should not be undermined in any event;

Armenia’s judicial system has not yet exhausted itself with all its tools in the implementation of justice. However, if the sides come to a conclusion based on political discussions that there is a need to initiate “transitional justice” mechanisms, it should be carried out through amendments to the Constitution and the respective legislation and must not harm the justice system in any way;

According to the Government’s program, approved by the Parliament on June 6, 2018, the snap parliamentary elections must be held at least within a year. In the event that snap parliamentary elections are to be held through Constitutional changes, instituting a referendum can be the most democratic option since the Constitution was adopted through a referendum. Nevertheless, the choice of either option on this issue should be made based on broad public and political discussions. Such opportunities are not exhausted both in the Parliament and within civil society circles.

President Armen Sakissian was quick to welcome the Pashinyan-Babloyan meeting and through a statement expressed hope that sides carryout the agreement they have reached.

“Assessing as vital the need for all the branches of the government to act within the framework of the Constitution and the powers it grants them and to display respect to each other, the President of the Republic expects from all the political forces to be guided by the understanding of national security of our country and the sustainable and stable development priorities. National interest, the country’s security and the respect towards the rights of every citizen are a priority for all of us,” said an announcement from the presidential press service.

“The President of the Republic reaffirms his position that the best way to solve issues is through dialogue and negotiations, given that the sides respect the agreements by consistently taking actions to fulfill those agreements and taking lessons and recording achievements during the process,” continued the announcement.

In Clash with Police Paylan Blocks Dink’s Son Arrest

Garo Paylan (forground) and Arat Dink (left) during a clash with police and protesters on Saturday in Istanbul

ISTANBUL—Garo Paylan, an Armenian member of the Turkish Parliament representing the People’s Democratic Party (HDP) on Saturday found himself on the front-lines of a clash between peaceful protesters and police and himself was attacked and dragged by law enforcement when he tried to prevent the police from arresting Hrant Dink’s son, Arat who had also joined the protest.

The event was a gathering of families and friends of those who disappeared in police custody known as the “Saturday Mothers.” The group comprised of mainly Kurds and Alevis, has been gathering at a park near Taksim Square in Istanbul for 700 consecutive Saturdays.

Dink and Paylan had joined the peaceful sit in when riot police arrived to break up the gathering, which had been banned citing the group’s supposed ties to the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK), which is outlawed in Turkey.

Arat Dink is being pulled by protesters to prevent his arrest

Paylan, Dink and other had urged the police to reject violence, but in turn they were pushed back as they formed human shield to protect the protesters. Instead the police used tear gas to disperse the protesters and according to Turkish media reports some 20 people were arrested.

The scuffle reached its peak when police attempted to arrest Arat Dink, the son the assassinated Agos editor, Hrant. Paylan successfully intervened and blocked the police effort to arrest Dink. He was also physically dragged and shoved.

The police attempted to arrest Paylan as well, however, he told them that he is a member of parliament and his immunity prevented the police from taking the opposition leader into custody.

No applications received by CEC for participation in Council Elections yet

An unprecedented active participation in the Yerevan Council of Elderly elections is expected. More than a dozen political forces have declared that they will participate in the election, with the expectation of winning. And even though parties can already submit applications to the Central Electoral Commission (CEC), no application has been submitted to the commission yet. The deadline for applications is August 29, and according to the years of experience, all parties and alliances will submit the application on that day.

The CEC will deal with the registration of electoral lists until September 3. The period for the election campaign is September 10-21. September 22 is a day of silence, and the election, as it is known, will be on September 23. The preliminary results of the election will be published 24 hours after the end of the voting, which is until 20:00 on September 24. By September 25, at 11:00 am, applications for recalculation or invalidation of voting results can be submitted to the precinct election commissions.

“Gutan” festival takes mission of preserving Armenian national-traditional music

The mission of “Gutan” Armenian traditional song-dance festival is to preserve Armenian national-traditional music, and pass it through generations. The 5th annual cultural festival will be held on August 24 at 19:30 in the Cafesjian Sculpture Garden. The festival is held with the support of the RA Honored Artist Arsen Grigoryan and with the support of the Ministry of Culture of Armenia and Yerevan Municipality.

The festival will start two days before August 24. Starting from August 22, each group will perform a concert in any administrative district of Yerevan. On August 23, the flashmob will take place from the Cafesjian Sculpture Garden (Cascade) to North Avenue.

During the festival, films about the life and work of Armenia will be screened. The organizers of the festival hope that “Gutan” will be held in Artsakh as it did in previous years.

The “Gutan” Armenian traditional song-dance festival is being held since 2014.

Armenians Overwhelmingly Reject Existing Parties, Want to See New Ones Emerge

Eurasia Review
Aug 19 2018

Armenians Overwhelmingly Reject Existing Parties, Want to See New Ones Emerge – OpEd

By Paul Goble

A new poll shows that Armenians overwhelmingly view the existing parliamentary parties negatively and consider that new parties need to emerge that will more adequately reflect their views, positions that suggest the revolution in Armenia is not slowing down but will have a major impact on the results of the upcoming parliamentary vote.

The Voice of the People Club interviewed 1200 Armenians over the age of 18 in Yerevan and rural Armenia between July 10 and August 10. Sixty-three percent of those sampled rated the existing parliamentary parties in a negative way; only 15 percent had a positive view of them (kavkazoved.info/news/2018/08/18/socopros-grazhdane-armenii-ozhidaut-uchastie-novyh-partij.html).

Respondents were most positive about the Elk bloc and the Tsarukyan bloc, with 64 percent saying they had a positive view of the former and 47 percent of the latter. Only eight percent had a positive view of the Dashnaktsutyun, and only three percent were positive about the long-dominant Republican Party of Armenia.

Perhaps more important, 82 percent of the sample said that participation by new political parties in the upcoming poll is “a necessity.” Six percent said there were enough parties already, with 12 percent saying that they found it difficult to answer that question.

If the elections were held tomorrow, 74 percent said they would vote for Elk if it allied itself with Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan. Many fewer said they would vote for other parties.

Interview with Ambassador of India: More Indians will come to Armenia (video)

The Indian Independence Act came into force in 1947 and the country’s first prime minister, Jawaharlal Nehru, raised country’s first national flag of Independence in Delhi.

The Independence Day in India is celebrated without taking into account national affiliation or denomination, and it symbolizes the aspiration for a democratic Indian unity. On this day, a flag raising ceremony is taking place in the presence of state officials and public figures in all the cities of the country.

The 71st anniversary of the independence of India was also celebrated also at the Indian Embassy in Armenia with the ceremony of raising the national flag.

“It is important for us that we have invited all Indians living in Armenia and friends of India to this events,” Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of India to Armenia and Georgia Yogeshwar Sangwan told “A1 +.”

Armenia and India have established diplomatic relations since 1992, and these relationships, according to the ambassador, have always been wonderful.

“Regardless of which government or president was the head of country, our relations with Armenia have been wonderful. The three former presidents of Armenia visited India and our two vice presidents were in Armenia. Vice President Hamid Ansari visited [Armenia] last April. We have wonderful political relations with Armenia, we support each other on the international platforms in the UN. During a recent meeting with Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan, he personally reaffirmed that India is one of the five countries that Armenia will develop relations with. So, Armenian-Indian relations will continue to grow and develop,” said the Indian Ambassador.

He also noticed that at present, they concentrated on expanding trade, economic and cultural relations between Armenia and India. According to the Ambassador, most of the time try they to deepen business ties, and connections between the people.

Prosperous Armenia Party (PAP) President Gagik Tsarukyan has recently invited about 100 Indian businessmen to Armenia during the meeting with the Indian Ambassador. According to Ambassador, this process is going on and will continue.

To remind, since November 21, 2017, Armenia has simplified the process of granting visas to Indian citizens. The positive shift is already visible.

“It’s not a problem for Armenians as well to go to India. They can come to the embassy and get a visa on the spot, as well as receive an e-visa. Now, as a result of this process between the two countries, people will come to Armenia more, tourism will develop, more businessmen and Bollywood producers will come because Armenia is a beautiful country. Recently Air Arabia Company invited famous Hollywood actress Huma Qureshi and her brother to Armenia. He was also a famous Bollywood director who thinks about filming in Armenia. So, the interest towards Armenia has been growing,” said the Ambassador.

By the way, an agreement was reached between the heads of India’s Harian province and the Shirak province of Armenia last year to expand cooperation, especially in the spheres of culture and sport. The Indian ambassador welcomed the initiative.

“The idea is good, I think it will develop business ties between Harian and Shirak, and connections between the people.”