Karabakh President in Lebanon, attends Armenia independence monument unveiling

News.am, Armenia
Karabakh President in Lebanon, attends Armenia independence monument unveiling (PHOTOS) Karabakh President in Lebanon, attends Armenia independence monument unveiling (PHOTOS)

10:11, 22.03.2018

STEPANAKERT. – Republic of Artsakh (Nagorno-Karabakh Republic/NKR) President Bako Sahakyan on Wednesday attended the official unveiling of the Independence Monument, within the framework of the conference devoted to the centennial of the Republic of Armenia’s independence, in Antelias, Lebanon.

The event brought together Catholicos Aram I of the Armenian Church Catholicosate of the Great House of Cilicia of the Armenian Apostolic Church, as well as representatives from Armenia, the Armenian diaspora, and the NKR, informed the Central Information Department of the Office of the Artsakh Republic President informed Armenian News-NEWS.am.

Azerbaijani Press: Azerbaijan and Armenia: possible outcomes of the arms race

Turan Information Agency, Azerbaijani Opposition
Azerbaijan and Armenia: possible outcomes of the arms race
by Turan Analytical Service
The Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI) is an organization dealing with the problems of war and monitoring the growth of world armaments. SIPRI regularly publishes analytical reports on military procurement of weapons, focusing on which determines the growth or decline of tension in the world. Since 1995, information on procurement of AR and RA has been constantly published in these reports.
Military budgets
As can be seen from the table, from 1995 to 2005, the military expenditures of the two countries were comparable, after which a large-scale gap began in favor of Azerbaijan. Since 2002, the AR has increased the volume of arms imports by 164%, ranking the 38th among more than 100 countries of the world, while in Armenia over the past 10 years, the level of procurement of weapons has declined. In the years 2002-2006 Armenia was 71st, but now it is in 84th place.
In 2007-2011, 55% of weapons were imported from the Russian Federation, while in Armenia almost all weapons (96%) were of Russian origin.
According to SIPRI (Baku / 14.03.18 / Turan): "Armenia and Azerbaijan in 2016-2017 bought arms worth about $700 million. During this period, Armenia ranked 54th in the world, importing arms worth $ 124 million (100% of arms supplies to Armenia were in the Russian Federation).
Azerbaijan at that time took 27th place: purchased in two years armaments for $551 million (mainly from Israel and Russia and a small number from Slovakia and the Czech Republic).
The scale of the military budgets of two, in general, small countries – a colossal, capable of plunging them into economic chaos. While this perspective is somewhat removed due to petrodollars coming to the AR and in most cases of gratuitous transfer of weapons to the Russian Federation granted a loan of $ 200 million to the Russian Federation for the purchase of Russian weapons).
Probability of military operations
However, in this case too, the arms race leads to a permanent escalation of tension and the erosion of stability. Thus, in April 2016 the armed forces of the Azerbaijan broke through the echeloned and strengthened line of defense of the Armenian forces on several sectors of the front. At the same time, the Azerbaijani Army demonstrated for the first time the ability to carry out offensive operations with the combined use of enemy destruction facilities: "drones", long-range artillery, aviation, tanks and multiple-launch systems.
Since military operations (which in fact continue with less intensity) take place on the territory of Azerbaijan, Baku has more prospects in the war of attrition, exhausting the insignificant potential of Armenia and Nagorno-Karabakh. In this regard, the course of the conflict, as well as the ways to solve it, can acquire new options. This is indirectly evidenced by the course of the negotiation process after the military operations of 2016.
In any case, in the near future militarization of the region will increase, which can lead to new large-scale clashes.
Military potential of Azerbaijan and Armenia
In April 2016 (see globalpower.org website), the military power of AR was estimated 1.5 times above Armenia.
According to data for 2014 (published on the CIA website), Azerbaijan spent 5.1% of GDP on military needs, Armenia – 4.29%. In both cases, these figures grew all the previous years, but the ratio persisted – Baku armed much more actively than Yerevan.
In the distribution of the quota of the USSR, as defined by the Treaty on Conventional Armed Forces in Europe (CFE), quotas of 220 tanks, as many armored vehicles, 285 artillery systems, 100 combat aircraft and 50 attack helicopters were established for Azerbaijan and Armenia. There is no precise data on how much the armaments of a country fit into these quotas, but the official data of the parties are falsified.
For example, in 2013 (according to official Russian data provided by the United Nations), the Russian Federation supplied 10 tanks and 10 armored personnel carriers to the AP, the AR did not specify a single one.
Assessment of the military power of Armenia is even more complicated. In addition to the fact that this country does not tend to advertise its purchases, there are two formally functioning armies in Karabakh – the armed forces of Armenia and the army of the unrecognized region, and it is very difficult to calculate their armaments. The Nagorno Karabakh armaments, which for some reason it cannot declare.
As a result of estimating the quantity of military equipment by different sources, they sometimes differ.
<table><tr><td>Combat equipment (approx. Units)</td></tr><tr><td> Azerbaijan Armenia</td></tr><tr><td>Tanks 314-750 100-166</td></tr><tr><td>Armored cars 1100-1500 140-636</td></tr><tr><td>Art. The guns with caliber more than 100 mm 240-469 150-240</td></tr><tr><td>Percussion helicopters 18-84 ca. 15</td></tr></table>
In Nagorno-Karabakh can be deployed from 170 to more than 370 tanks, from 270 to 320 armored cars, from 290 to 320 artillery systems, about 40 systems of volley fire.
The Azerbaijan republic and Armenia, according to various sources, are armed with unmanned aircraft, anti-tank complexes and MANPADS, air defense systems, including S-300 complexes, multiple rocket launchers, tactical ballistic missiles "Tochka U" and others.
The draft age for the Azerbaijani army ranges from 18 to 35 years. At the same time the service life of conscript soldiers is 18 months or 12 for graduates of universities. You can be employed under the contract from the age of 17.
According to the CFE quotas, the maximum strength of the AR Army is set at 70,000. In different years the real number fluctuated up to 95 thousand in 2005-2007, in 2016 it was about 66 thousand. Up to 300 thousand, according to approximate calculations, can be listed in reserve.
The number limit for Armenia is set at 60,000. According to various sources, the Armenian army (excluding armed groups in Karabakh) has about 45,000 military personnel, and another 200 thousand are on reserve.
According to various estimates, there may be 20-22 thousand people in Karabakh armed formations, and another 20 to 30 thousand – in reserve.

Azeri blogger: Armenians haven’t destroyed Azerbaijani monuments

PanArmenian, Armenia
Feb 24 2018

PanARMENIAN.NetArmenians have not destroyed Azerbaijani graves and monuments in Nagorno Karabakh (Artsakh), Azeri political emigrant, blogger Orduhan Teymurhan said in a speech in Europe.

"Yes, pigs and goats walk on and around Azerbaijani graves, but Armenians haven’t committed vandalism against our monuments," he said, according to Haqqin.az.

Teymurhan’s statement stirred an extremely negative reaction among Azerbaijani social media users.

RFE/RL Armenian Report – 02/19/2018


Sarkisian's Continued Rule `Unacceptable' To Opposition Bloc

 . Nane Sahakian

Armenia - Leaders of the opposition Yelk alliance hold an
anti-government rally in Yerevan, 19Jan2018.

Leaders of the opposition Yelk alliance denounced at the weekend
President Serzh Sarkisian's perceived plans to extend his decade-long
rule by becoming prime minister after Armenia is transformed into a
parliamentary republic in April.

They declined to specify just how they will be trying to prevent such
a scenario which looks increasingly likely.

"For the Yelk alliance, Serzh Sarkisian's third term is unacceptable,"
said Edmon Marukian, who heads one of the three parties making up the
bloc. "As regards other, technical, tactical and strategic issues, we
will discuss them."

Another Yelk leader, Nikol Pashinian, said the bloc's key objective
now is to prevent Sarkisian from holding on to power after his second
and final presidential term expires on April 9. "This is one of the
most important issues on which we need to adopt a common position," he
said. "No one within the alliance disputes that."

Pashinian already warned on February 9 that the outgoing president
"could drastically escalate the political situation in Armenia" if he
takes over as prime minister later in April. But he did not say
whether Yelk will stage street protests in that case.

Aram Sarkisian (no relation), whose Hanrapetutyun party is also part
of Yelk, admitted on Friday that the bloc's leaders disagree on how to
fight against Serzh Sarkisian's continued rule. He declined to refute
media reports that Marukian believes the Armenian opposition missed
its chance to oust the president during the April 2017 parliamentary
elections won by the ruling Republican Party (HHK).

Both Marukian and Pashinian denied on Saturday any differences within
the Yelk leadership, however.

Although Serzh Sarkisian has still not publicly clarified his
political plans there are growing indications that he is planning to
become prime minister. A deputy chairman of the HHK hinted a week ago
that this scenario is a forgone conclusion.

Russian Intelligence Chief Visits Armenia

Armenia - President Serzh Sarkisian (R) meets with Sergei Naryshkin,
the head of Russia's Foreign Intelligence Service, in Yerevan, 19
February 2018.

The influential head of Russia's Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR),
Sergei Naryshkin, reportedly praised close ties between Russian and
Armenian security services during a visit to Yerevan on Monday.

Naryshkin held separate meetings with President Serzh Sarkisian and
the chief of Armenia's National Security Service (NSS), Georgi

An NSS statement said he discussed with Kutoyan "issues related to the
fight against international terrorism and other manifestations of
transnational crime." It gave no details.

Sarkisian, who ran the NSS in the 1990s, said Russian-Armenian
relations are "developing dynamically" in "all areas" when he received
Naryshkin later in the day. It is only natural for the security
services of the two allied nations to cooperate closely through
"intelligence sharing, assessment of the situation and constant active
interaction," he was quoted by the presidential press office as

According to a statement released by the office, Naryshkin noted the
SVR's "close links" with Armenia's NSS and "the proper level" of their
cooperation." He briefed the Armenian leader on their ongoing joint
activities and "further plans," the statement added without

Naryshkin is a longtime associate of Russian President Vladimir Putin
who managed the Kremlin staff before serving as speaker of the lower
house of Russia's parliament from 2011-2016. He repeatedly visited
Armenia in his capacity as State Duma speaker. Putin appointed
Naryshkin as head of the Russian spy agency in September 2016.

Naryshkin made international headlines recently after it emerged that
he secretly visited Washington and met top U.S. intelligence officials
in January. According to the Russian ambassador to the United States,
they discussed "the joint struggle against terrorism."

It was not clear whether political developments in Armenia were also
on the agenda of Naryshkin's trip to Yerevan. Sarkisian will serve out
his final presidential term on April 9. He is widely expected to
remain in power as prime minister. Russian officials have not publicly
commented on the outgoing president's political future.

Criminal Inquiry Launched Into Yerevan Council Brawl

 . Ruzanna Stepanian

Armenia - Marina Khachatrian of the opposition Yerkir Tsirani party is
confronted by pro-government members of Yerevan's municipal assembly,
13 February 2018.

Armenian law-enforcement authorities have formally launched a criminal
investigation into last week's violent clash between opposition and
pro-government members of Yerevan's municipal council.

The incident occurred during a session of the council chaired by Mayor
Taron Markarian on February 13. Two female councilors affiliated with
the opposition Yerkir Tsirani party were confronted by their
pro-government colleagues when they tried to hand Markarian glass
containers filled with sewage collected from a damaged sewer pipe in
the city's Nubarashen district. They called the foul-smelling
substance a "gift" from Nubarashen residents.

The two sides scuffled and shouted insults at each other. Yerkir
Tsirani's Marina Khachatrian, slapped a male councilor representing
the ruling Republican Party (HHK) after being jostled by him. The
latter slapped her in response. Khachatrian and two other Yerkir
Tsirani members, including the party leader Zaruhi Postanjian, were
then physically forced to leave the council auditorium.

Postanjian sent a "crime report" to the Armenian police. The police
also received a separate complaint from the municipal administration
which blames the outspoken oppositionists for the violence.

A police spokesman, Ashot Aharonian, told RFE/RL's Armenian service
(Azatutyun.am) on Monday that a criminal case has been opened in
connection with the incident under Criminal Code articles dealing with
hooliganism and assault. He said the police have sent the case to
another law-enforcement body, the Investigative Committee, for further

It was not immediately clear which side is risking prosecution for the
high-profile incident which was witnessed and filmed by many

In what appears to be a related development, officials from the
Mayor's Office on Monday stopped Postanjian from showing a group of
journalists around the municipality building and an adjacent parking
lot reserved for Yerevan officials and council members.

Postanjian and the two other councilors affiliated with her party have
been unable to park their car there since the February 13
violence. The Yerkir Tsirani leader also said that the municipal
administration is refusing to clean up their room. She further
demonstrated purported evidence of staffers playing cards in another
room during their working ours.

Moments later, the head of Mayor Markarian's press service, Artur
Gevorgian, told the reporters, among them an RFE/RL correspondent, to
leave the building. "No journalist has the right to enter the
municipality building and move around it without our special
permission, even if Mrs. Postanjian can escort you to the room
allocated to her faction," he said before telling police officers to
usher them out.

Postanjian as well as Arayik Harutiunian of the Yelk alliance, a more
moderate opposition group represented in the Yerevan council, accused
Markarian of arbitrarily restricting media coverage of the municipal

"This is illegal because they thereby restrict the work of the city
council," Harutiunian told RFE/RL's Armenian service
(Azatutyun.am). He said Yelk has repeatedly appealed to the
Markarian's staff but has still not received any written rules of
conduct for journalists or other citizens visiting the building.

The mayor, meanwhile, met with municipality lawyers and press officers
later in the day to instruct them to propose ways of "regulating the
work of media" in the building. It was not immediately clear what kind
of restrictions he is planning to impose.

Press Review

Armenia -- Newspapers for press review illustration, Yerevan,

(Saturday, February 17)

"Zhamanak" speaks of a "large scale intra-governmental regrouping"
unfolding in Armenia in a commentary on the official confirmation that
Armen Sarkissian will become the next president of the republic. "This
raises one very important question," writes the paper. "If Serzh
Sarkisian is not going to be replaced, will the other changes [in the
state hierarchy] really matter? The composition of the government and
the choice of [three] deputy prime ministers will be very
important. But will that matter if Serzh Sarkisian is not replaced?"
It says that while Sarkisian's continued rule will preclude any
"fundamental change" in the country some state officials could be able
to push through certain reforms.

"Zhoghovurd" claims that the new constitutional provisions on the role
and authority of the Armenian president will come into force one month
after Armen Sarkissian will be chosen by the parliament as the new
head of state in early March. The paper says that up until April
popular vote will remain the only legal way of electing the
president. "Armen Sarkissian will thus become yet another president
whose legitimacy cane be called into question," it says.

"The history of presidential elections in Armenia shows that if they
decide in the upper echelons that in this particular situation the
aspirant to the top post is more important than the constitution then
they can easily circumvent requirements of the basic law without any
qualms," writes "Hraparak." "Especially given that there is such a
precedent. When Robert Kocharian was seeking the post of Armenia's
president in 1998 he had to have permanently resided in Armenia for
the past 10 years. Nevertheless, the Central Election Commission
registered Kocharian, who was brought in from Karabakh, [as a
presidential candidate] without any fuss." The paper says that Armen
Sarkissian's ascent to the presidency will follow a similar pattern.

"Haykakan Zhamanak" reacts to the shocking suicide of an Armenian
woman and her 9-year-old daughter, who jumped to their death from a
bridge in Yerevan last week. Citing official statistics, the paper
says that last year 562 people in Armenia tried to kill themselves and
157 of them died as a result. Nearly two-thirds of them were
unemployed. "This is terrible statistics," comments the paper. "It
leaves us with no room four doubting that the socioeconomic plight [of
people] is the main cause of suicides committed in Armenia."

(Tigran Avetisian)

Reprinted on ANN/Armenian News with permission from RFE/RL
Copyright (c) 2018 Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty, Inc.
1201 Connecticut Ave., N.W. Washington DC 20036.

Diamond and jewelry production grows in Armenia

Panorama, Armenia
Jan 27 2018

Diamond and jewelry production grows in Armenia

The volumes of diamond and jewelry production have grown in Armenia, according to the data release by the country’s National Statistical Service (NSS).

The newly released data suggest, 179, 285 carats diamonds were produced in January-November 2017, which is 58,6% increase over the volumes produced during the indicated period last year. The total production amounts for the first nine months of the ongoing year amounted to 113, 2 thousand karats.

It is noted that the raw materials for diamond processing in Armenia are imported mainly from Russia, Belgium, and Israel.

According to NSS data, 1 824.2kg of jewelry were produced in Armenia in January-November 2017, which is 2.6 times more to compare with the last year’s volumes.

Armenia’s ruling party has not discussed PM’s candidacies yet


The issue of the candidate of the Prime Minister of Armenia was not discussed at the Executive Body meeting of the Republican Party of Armenia, RPA spokesperson, Vice President of the National Assembly of Armenia Eduard Sharmazanov told the reporters after the meeting. “We discuss any question on time. We will discuss the issue of the Premier until April or at the beginning of April, since our legislation requires so”,  Sharmazanov said.

He detailed that until April the parliament of Armenia must elect the President, the 5 members of the Supreme Court Council, and must make serious amendments in the Judicial Code. “We have to do a huge legislative work to be able to smoothly transform to parliamentary system of governance, and in the first half of April we will elect the Prime Minister of the Republic of Armenia’, Sharmazanov concluded.

UAE Ambassador opens Vedi Hospital, Ararat in Armenia

Ministry of Foreign Affairs, UAE
UAE Ambassador opens Vedi Hospital, Ararat in Armenia.

Artsakhpress-Հարկային դաշտում մեզ հաջողվել է կարևոր բարեփոխումներ կատարել. Ֆինանսների նախարար


Sports: Henrikh Mkhitaryan has phone chat with football chief amid Manchester United exit talk

Manchester Evening News, UK
Jan 12 2018
Henrikh Mkhitaryan has phone chat with football chief amid Manchester United exit talk
Doubt has been cast of the future of the Man Utd player
By Anthony Jepson
Henrikh Mkhitaryan has been linked with a Manchester United exit and the head of the Football Federation of his home country, Armenia, believes he is too good to languish on the bench.
Mkhitaryan has endured a troubled season, with United manager Mourinho dropping him from the squad for lengthy spells.
The Old Trafford manager is believed to be willing to sanction a sale and the forward – who he bought from Borussia Dortmund in 2016 – has been mooted as a possible makeweight in a move for Arsenal's Alexis Sanchez.
Armenian football boss Ruben Hayrapetyan says he has had phone conversations with his country's national hero.
“I talked to Henrikh on the phone, but I don’t want to make any comments," he told Public Radio of Armenia.
"The coach-player relations can often worsen or improve. There is no need in intervening with their working process.
“Should he fail to regain his place at Manchester United, he can play in any other world-class club. He will never remain on the bench, because he is a professional and diligent player and will always have a place in the main squad."
Mourinho apologised to Mkhitaryan for taking him off after just 45 minutes of United's FA Cup clash with Derby last week as he made a tactical change.
“[It was] unfair [to take Mkhitaryan off] and I told him that at half-time," he said.
“I didn’t like what I did. He didn’t deserve it, he was playing well, he wasn’t playing bad.
“Mkhi was the one that I sacrificed but it’s something that I don’t normally do but I did at half-time and apologised to him in front of other people because he didn’t deserve it.”
Mourinho has previously questioned Mkhitaryan's contribution and talk of a return to Dortmund has been suggested as a possible solution.
However, his wages at United would be a hurdle for most clubs interested in taking him and a move in the summer is seen as more likely.

10 days on, Armenian home gears for its very own Christmas

The Indian Express
Jan 6 2018

New Delhi |

Published: January 6, 2018 2:05 am

&amp;amp;amp;amp;lt;img class="wp-image-5013418 size-full" src=”"http://images.indianexpress.com/2018/01/armenian-family-delhi-ie.jpg" alt="10 days on, Armenian home gears for its very own Christmas" /&amp;amp;amp;amp;gt;

Mane Mkrtchyan, her family at their Lajpat Nagar home.

By Anchita Ghosh

Christmas and New Year festivities are over for most, but not in a few houses in the capital. A Lajpat Nagar address — home to the only “pure Armenian” family in the capital — is gearing up to celebrate Christmas on January 6, when Jesus Christ was baptised.

The occupant of the house, Mane Mkrtchyan (27), who made India her home around 10 years ago, says Armenia was the first country to adopt Christianity in the year 301.

“We have always celebrated Christmas on January 6. December 25 became popular under Roman influence in the 4th century,” said Mane, who lives in Delhi with her mother, twin sister and a nephew. Her father Senekerim Mkrtchyan, a retired engineer, joins them for six months during winters. This year, her other sister, who lives in Moscow with her family, has also joined them with her two children for Christmas.

Though Mane’s is the only pure Armenian family in the city, there are around 50 Indo-Armenian families in the NCR. Among them is Dr Gayane Movsisyan Sayeed, MD, Cardiologist and president of Armenian Cultural Centre in Delhi.

Dr Gayane says Armenia is the only country to follow Apostolic Church, which celebrates Christmas on January 6.

“Celebrations start from December 31 with some keeping a seven-day fast,” said Dr Gayane. “The day starts with prayers and ends with a community get-together and feasting. Since there is no Armenian church in Delhi, we mostly pray at home,” she says.

“Christmas is all about time with family and home-cooked food,” said Mane, a PhD scholar in Hindi from JNU. She says some of the must-haves on the Christmas table include gaphama — rice and dry fruits, including raisins, steamed inside a pumpkin — lavash, a tandoori-like bread and fish.

Dr Gayane says rice, raisins and fish have a meaning too. “Rice represents the world and raisins symbolise the Christians. Fish is the symbol of Jesus Christ,” says Dr Gayane.

Every year, around this time, the city’s small Armenian community comes together. This time, the gathering was at India Habitat Centre on January 1.

Mane, however, hopes to spread the word on her country’s culture through the Armenian Cultural Centre, founded in 2015 on September 21 — the Armenian Independence Day.