Armenia, Syria FMs exchange messages on 25th anniversary of diplomatic ties

The Foreign Ministers of Armenia and Syria Edward Nalbandian and Walid al Muallem have exchanged messages on the 25th anniversary of establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries.

Edward Nalbandian notes in the message that “the friendly relations between two ancient nations – Armenians and Syrians – have passed the test of time and are based on a solid foundation of respect and trust.” He adds the Armenian people will never forget the great humanism shown to survivors of the Armenian Genocide.”

“From the first day of the crisis Armenia has been raising its voice on many international platforms to stress the need to establish peace and stability in Syria and condemn terrorism,” Edward Nalbandian notes, adding that “Armenia is trying to provide humanitarian assistance to Syria within the limits of its capacity.”

Minister Nalbandian is confident that the parties will manage to further expand and deepen the bilateral cooperation to the benefit of the two friendly peoples.

Walid al Muallem notes in the message that “the establishment of diplomatic relations between Armenia and Syria reflects the historic ties between the Syrian and Armenian peoples and expresses the will to develop relations in political, economic, social and cultural fields.”

Minister Muallem underlines that “the government and people of Syria are grateful for Armenia’s stance on terrorism against Syria.” He notes that “one of the parties committing aggression against the Syrian people is the same party that committed the genocide against the Armenian people, “the party, whose policy is anchored on void dreams of autocracy and sultanate, something doomed to failure and fraught with worst consequences for the aggressor.”

Walid al Muallem adds that “Syria, which has started to triumph over terrorists, is confident that the friends who supported the country during aggression will help eliminate the consequences of destruction.” “This is a unique opportunity to develop cooperation between the two countries,” he says.

French conservative candidate Francois Fillon’s home raided

Photo: AFP    

The Paris home of France’s conservative presidential candidate Francois Fillon has been raided by investigators, French media report, the BBC reports.

The search was part of an investigation into an allegedly fake job given to his wife. He denies any wrongdoing.

Mr Fillon has vowed to continue his presidential campaign, despite growing pressure for him to step down.

He was once seen as the favourite to win the election but his poll ratings have dropped since the scandal emerged.

The allegations circling around the Fillon family focus mainly on his Welsh-born wife Penelope, who is also reported to be facing an investigation.

The Le Canard Enchaine newspaper alleges she was paid €831,400 over several years for working as a parliamentary assistant for Mr Fillon and his successor, but had no parliamentary pass – raising questions over whether she did the work she was paid for.

Armenia MoD releases video proving the Azeri offensive

Spokesman for the Armenian Ministry of Defense Artsrun Hovhannisyan has posted a video, proving the fact of the offensive Azerbaijan undertook last night.

“The first circle ndicates the launch of the “Tropa” demining system. The second shows the dust that rises after the launching of it, also as the response fire opened by the Armenian side. The third one shows the Azeri troops escaping under Armenian fire. The vide footage reflects the actions in the direction of Akni (Aghdam). The corpses of the Azerbaijani soldiers are clearly seen at the end of the video,” Artsrun Hovhannisyan clarified.

ANCA leads signature drive to urge Trump to recognize Armenian Genocide

The leadership of the Congressional Armenian Caucus on Monday called on their U.S. House colleagues to join with them in a bipartisan request that President Donald Trump honestly and accurately commemorate the Armenian Genocide, reported the Armenian National Committee of America (ANCA).

“Visit to add your voice to the Congressional Armenian Caucus in calling upon President Trump to reject Turkey’s gag-rule against an honest American remembrance of the Armenian Genocide,” said ANCA Executive Director Aram Hamparian. “This is a vital moment. At the start of this new and disruptive era, we have an opportunity to help America break bad habits that have, for far too long, held America hostage to the irrational dictates of foreign governments. So, please, take action today and then encourage your friends and family to join you in asking their U.S. Representatives to co-sign this Congressional letter.”

In a “Dear Colleague” letter to U.S. Representatives, Armenian Caucus Co-Chairs Frank Pallone (D-NJ), Jackie Speier (D-CA), David Trott (R-MI) and David Valadao (R-CA) as well as Vice-Chairs Gus Bilirakis (R-FL) and Adam Schiff (D-CA) explained “there is no debate that an estimated 1.5 million Armenians were massacred in the first genocide of the 20th century. The United States Ambassador to the Ottoman Empire, Henry Morgenthau, documented the Genocide and raised significant funds to help the Armenian people in its aftermath.” Their letter went on to state that “A Presidential recognition would pay tribute to the lives lost, the perseverance and determination of those who survived, and to the many Americans of Armenian descent who have strengthened our country to this day.”

In their letter addressed to President Trump, Members of Congress will note that Presidential action on this matter would be an extension of previous affirmation by the executive and legislative branches of government, including “President Reagan, who recognized the Armenian Genocide in 1981, and the Eisenhower Administration, which did the same in a 1951 submission to the International Court of Justice. The House of Representatives has also commemorated the Armenian Genocide, through HJR148 in 1975 and HJR247 in 1984.”

The letter also highlights the historic levels of U.S. assistance provided through the Congressionally chartered Near East Foundation, “which raised $116 million (over $2.5 billion in 2017 dollars) to aid the victims of the Ottoman Empire’s mass murder of millions of Armenians, Assyrians, Chaldeans, Greeks, Pontians, Syriacs, and other persecuted peoples. The generosity of the American people saved countless lives and helped to ensure the continued survival of the Armenian culture.” The letter concludes by urging President Trump to “appropriately mark April 24th as a day of American remembrance of the Armenian Genocide.”

The ANCA has launched a nationwide online letter writing and calling campaign urging Members of Congress to co-sign the Armenian Caucus letter to President Trump. To learn more and take action, visit .

Henrikh Mkhitaryan says he moved to Man United for career development, not money

Henrikh Mkhitaryan has hit back at critics who claimed that he chose to move to Manchester United for financial reasons, the reports.

The Armenian playmaker joined United last summer in a deal worth £30m, after three years at Borussia Dortmund.

But Mkhitaryan insisted that the deal was more about continuing his development as a footballer than boosting his bank balance.

‘I can not understand that, and that’s wrong,’ he told German newspaper Bild, when asked about moving for the money.

‘If it were just about money, I would have transferred from Shakhtar Donetsk to Anzhi Makhachkala and not to Borussia Dortmund.

‘But I did not want that. I wanted to develop further.’

The midfielder also had a retort for Dortmund CEO Hans-Joachim Watzke, who has been a vocal critic of him since the move.

Watzke criticised the fact that Mkhitaryan did not take a penalty against Bayern Munich in the German Cup final last season, which Dortmund lost in a shoot-out after a goalless draw.

‘If he wants to evaluate me on the basis of one game, this is wrong,’ said Mkhitaryan.

‘He has probably forgotten what I did the whole season before. I would have scored a penalty in Berlin.

‘But there’s a coach and eleven players on the pitch, and we discussed who would take.’

Mkhitaryan is the second United player to arrive at Old Trafford from the Bundesliga in the last two seasons, following Bastian Schweinsteiger.

And although the German international fell out of favour at the beginning of Jose Mourinho’s time in charge, he is now back with the squad, to Mkhitaryan’s delight.

‘I’m glad he got another chance,’ added Mkhitaryan. ‘He knows exactly what needs to be done on the pitch.

‘I can only report positively about him, because he has a great character.’

EBRD-Armenia cooperation priorities discussed

Prime Minister Karen Karapetyan received EBRD (European Bank for Reconstruction and Development) Board of Directors Dutch team leader Frans Weekers.

Appreciating the ongoing effective cooperation with the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, which numbers several joint projects, the Prime Minister expressed readiness to deepen it on behalf of his government.

Highlighting the need to provide continued support for those projects intended for the private sector, the Prime Minister stated in part, “We are considering several projects during our visits to the regions of Armenia, which imply collaboration with the private sector and, as a tool, we would appreciate if the EBRD could take interest in cooperating in the proposed areas. The Government seeks to stimulate the business environment in different ways, and this process can change the business environment, since the ideas are being developed based on specific business logic.”

Given the vast experience accumulated by the EBRD in working with investors, the Premier suggested considering the possibility of cooperation in the frame of the Government Strategic Initiatives Center and the upcoming Investment Fund. Karen Karapetyan said the Government would appreciate if the Bank could contribute to the development of public-private partnership-related legislation and the establishment of the Office of Business Ombudsman.

Frans Weekers said Armenia and the EBRD boast long experience of successful cooperation that has led to numerous joint projects and initiatives. He welcomed the government’s steps aimed at improving the business environment and promoting private investment, as well as the short-term and long-term action plans.

Frans Weekers described as quite promising the idea of establishing a center for strategic initiatives and an investment fund and went on to note that the EBRD is ready to develop cooperation in the areas mentioned by the Prime Minister.

The parties took the opportunity to discuss issues related to the current strategy of GoA- EBRD partnership. In this context, they referred to the programs implemented in different fields of activity mediating both the public and private formats.

President Sargsyan congratulates Ruben Matevosyan on 75th birthday

President Serzh Sargsyan sent today a congratulatory letter to  RA People’s Artist Ruben Matevossian on the occasion of his 75th birth anniversary, President’s Press Office reports.

The President noted that “Ruben Matevossian is one of the greatest performers of  folk music who has been justly enjoying the immense love and respect of the Armenian people and wished him good health, bliss, and new artistic achievements.”

Message of His Holiness Karekin II on the Feast of the Holy Nativity and Theophany of Our Lord Jesus Christ

(Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin, 06 January 2017)

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, Amen.

Do not be conformed to this world,
but be transformed by the renewal of your mind,
that by testing you may discern what is the will of God,
what is good and acceptable and perfect.
(Romans 12:2).

Dear Faithful,

Today on the Feast the Nativity of our Lord, we offer with joy our thanksgiving to God. We glorify infant Jesus born in Bethlehem, who came into the world to save humanity, condemned to perdition.

Adam, the first man in the world created by God, violated the divine commandment, went against the will of God, and was thus deprived of the grace and gifts of the Creator. Through Adam, sin came into existence in human life and death entered the world. However, God, with the love and mercy of his Creatorship established a new reality for humanity. In the fullness of time, He sent His Only Begotten Son to redeem humanity from its sins and to grant eternal life. Through Christ, the world roiling in a tempest of sin was renewed, and humanity was graced with the chance to become new again by heeding the message of establishing peace, love and goodwill in the world. In the light of the salvific reality of our Lord, the apostle Paul exhorts, “Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.”

These words of the apostle expressed the spirit of the Gospel. The Gospel message became manifest in the world through path of renewal in Christ, transforming human lives and societies, and instilling the ideas of the common good and of establishing justice and peace in the world. Sadly, however, in opposition to God the sinful ways of evil persist. Wars, conflicts, and terrorism are unceasing; human rights are being violated, and genocides and cultural destruction have yet to receive their just condemnation. Greed and the craving to for riches lead to fraud and abuse causing human tragedies, polarization of society and social injustice. Alongside kindness and honesty we witness hatred and treachery, and beside humility and dedication, we witness blind ambition and obsession for power. Over all these wounds the mystery of the incarnation of Christ extends the hope of renewal, so that, following the words of the apostle Paul, people may test themselves and discern “what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect,” and live their lives through works pleasing to God.

This is the path that embodies God’s will, sustaining the world and adorning life with love, peace, justice, and truth, which God unceasingly increases in the souls of the faithful. It is the testimony of renewal through Christ that we Christians must bring to the world. The life of a Christian is an impactful mission to the people and the world. Christ’s redemptive work in the world is the model for envisioning one’s own mission in the establishment of national and universal good and working together to create the paths of happiness, progress, and achievements. Thus, instead of being an end in itself life is transformed into commitment, work becomes creation, knowledge and talent become the common good, authority becomes service to the people, and our transient earthly existence becomes the yearning and aspiration for eternity.

The message of renewal in the gospel and the apostolic exhortation, have perpetually resonated and sustained our people. Life renewed by the Gospel for centuries has granted our people the fortitude of faith, strength of soul, and courage to be able to withstand tribulations, to endure hardships, and to create accomplishments worthy of written remembrance. With this same spirit, we confront the illegal blockade of our homeland and military provocations that cost lives. We overcome the difficulties and challenges we face, and strive to build a peaceful and prosperous life for our people, at the same time lending support to our sisters and brothers who endure the devastation of war in the Middle East. In the face of crisis and adversity, the feast of the Nativity and Theophany of Christ brings a new dawn of life, warming our hearts and giving us hope and optimism.

Today, in front of the mystery of the Nativity and Theophany of our Savior, We bring you, dear people of faith, the same apostolic exhortation to follow the will of God, to perform righteous deeds, to aspire to perfection, and to be filled with the determination and zeal to live a better life. Let us keep our hearts as a humble manger of Bethlehem for the divine presence, so that we may become true worshippers of the Savior: merciful and just, with love for another. Let us be strengthened by the Lord, so that our hopes become a reality and our national goals are accomplished. May we, like the light radiating from the star of Bethlehem leading to the Lord, keep the faith in our souls bright, and like the wise men make fidelity and devotion to our Lord Jesus Christ our life’s path and destination.

With the glorious good news of the Holy Nativity of Christ, we convey our fraternal greetings to the incumbents of the hierarchical sees of our Apostolic Church: His Holiness Aram I, Catholicos of the Great House of Cilicia; the Armenian Patriarch of Jerusalem Archbishop Nurhan Manoogian; the Armenian Patriarch of Constantinople Archbishop Mesrop Mutafian; and to all the clergy of our Church. We extend our warm wishes and we pray for the salvific grace of Christ the Child for the heads of our sister churches and their faithful flocks.

We convey our greetings to the President of Armenia, Serj Sarkissian, President Bako Sahakyan of the Republic of Nagorno Karabakh and pray that the Lord grant them fortitude in their duties. We deliver our blessings and best wishes to state officials of Armenia, present today at this Divine Liturgy, and the representatives of diplomatic missions accredited in Armenia. We bestow our pontifical blessing upon our entire nation and diaspora.

On this joyous day of the Holy Nativity we raise our prayer to the incarnate Son of God for peace in the world and for the progress and prosperity of our people in the homeland and the Diaspora. We beseech gracious God that He may root out the tare of brutality and hatred from the hearts of all people and sow the graces of love and solidarity, so that humanity can be renewed by doing God’s will: “the good, acceptable and perfect.”

May the Lord keep and protect our country, sustain in prosperity our Holy Church under the venerable shadow of His Holy Right Hand. May He also guide our life in faith and in paths of good deeds, so that we may glorify His Holy name, now and forever and ever. Amen.

Christ is born and revealed,
blessed is the revelation of Christ.

Sargsyan, Rouhani attend Armenian-Iranian business forum

Today, the President of Armenia Serzh Sargsyan and President of the Islamic Republic of Iran Hassan Rouhani were present at the closing ceremony of the Armenia-Iran Business Forum which took place at the Radisson Blue Hotel compound.

The Forum was organized by the Armenian Development Fund in the framework of the official visit of the President of the IRI to Armenia and is aimed at the deepening of the Armenian-Iranian trade and economic relations.
At the Forum, the President of Armenia made a statement.

Concluding his official visit to the Republic of Armenia, the President of the IRI after the Business Forum left Yerevan.
Statement by President Serzh Sargsyan at the Armenia-Iran Business Forum


Honorable Mr. President,

Distinguished Entrepreneurs,

Ladies and Gentlemen:
I cordially salute the participants and organizers of the traditional Armenian-Iranian Business Forum.
Forums and exhibitions such as this one, and among them I would like to mention the Armenia Expo 2016 exhibition, which took place last October in Iran, have become an important platform which bring together representatives of the state and business sectors of our countries and provide them with the opportunity to discuss the existing problems, to develop practical mechanisms for the expansion of the economic cooperation between our countries, and allow to pre-set new areas for cooperation.

Currently, the existing potential for the development of the economic relations between our two countries is not fully utilized, and to be precise and frank, I need to say that we are using only a negligible part of that potential.

It is necessary to bring our trade and economic relations in line with the high level Armenian-Iranian political relations which will allow to bring to life major economic projects, and we have a positive experience on this, particularly, in the area of energy.

Today I have asked Mr. President to encourage major entrepreneurs working in different areas to come to Armenia and establish businesses here. On my behalf, I promised to encourage the Armenian businessmen to do the same at the Islamic Republic of Iran. I will keep it under my personal control all the businesses that the Iranian entrepreneurs will establish in Armenia.

We also want for the Iranian capital to be more visible in Armenia which will be mutually beneficial for the economies of our two countries. Certainly, many Iranian businessmen have been doing successful business in Armenia for a long time now, but I hope that this Forum will allow the business circles of Iran to discover new, still untapped investment opportunities in Armenia.

Distinguished Entrepreneurs,

Today in Armenia every prerequisite has been created to make investments and conduct successful business. First of all, I would like to mention that even though Armenia is a country with small and open economy and for that very reason is susceptible to the negative impulses coming from outside, nonetheless thanks to the tax, budgetary and monetary policies we have been able to ensure a stable macroeconomic environment in the country. There is no doubt that the constant improvement of the country’s business and investment climate is important. In recent years a great amount of work has been done in that area which have received commendation of our international partners. However, we will not be content with the results. Thus, we intend through the legislative reforms to provide for the national and most favoured nation treatment, to define more clearly guarantees provided to foreign investors; we intend to allow the businesses the opportunity to use present and future privileges, and install modern mechanisms for the resolution of investment disputes. To assist the businesses and promote the development of the business climate, we consistently curtail and simplify a number of procedures.
A comparative advantage of making investments in Armenia lies in the fact that our country has preferential trade regime with many countries. Businessmen of these countries working in Armenia can benefit from the wide opportunities provided by Armenia’s membership to the Eurasian Economic Union. Goods made in Armenia with zero customs fee, without any administrative hurdles can freely enter the 180 million strong market of the members of the Eurasian Economic Union. Besides, our country has a free trade agreement with almost all countries of the CIS countries. Armenia enjoys also the Generalized System of Preferences (GSP) with the US, Canada, Switzerland, Japan and Norway and advantages of the GSP+ system provided by the EU.

As a neighbour and friendly for Iran country, Armenia may also become a gateway and additional transport corridor towards the EU and CIS member states. With this regard, I stress the importance of the North-South highway as the shortest transit route linking the ports of the Black Sea to the seaports of the Persian Gulf.

I will also note that Armenia is actively engaged in the negotiations between the Eurasian Economic Commission and Iran which are aimed at signing the agreement on the free trade zone as soon as possible.
Ladies and Gentlemen:

There is no doubt that our bilateral economic relations have great potential; however, there are certain difficulties on the road for their disclosure which require us to work daily with diligence and make joint decisions. In particular, the entrepreneurs of the two countries continue to view as rather complicated regulations related to business activities and investments. Among the pending issues I would underscore also the facilitation of the procedures related to the import of goods from Armenia into Iran and vice versa, in Syunik marz – issues of cooperation between the free economic zone to be created in the area bordering Iran and Iranian Aras free economic zone.

Nevertheless, I am confident that the close economic cooperation between our countries should be aimed not only at the strengthening of the trade ties but at the development of the science-based economy, with the use of modern technologies.
I would also like to mention that success registered in Iran in recent years, e.g. in the area nanotechnology, and Armenia’s achievements in the area of information technologies prove that it is possible to have serious accomplishments in the area of high technologies even when there exist external limitations or scare resources. Undoubtedly, unification of the scientific and innovative potential of the two friendly and neighbouring states will promote the deepening of the economic cooperation and will enhance the competitiveness of our industries. Thus, I view as necessary the establishment of permanent working links between the representatives of the areas of modern and high technology areas.

I would like to mention with satisfaction that during the latest session of the Armenian-Iranian intergovernmental commission there was adopted a decision and have already been created four sub-commissions on concrete areas. I believe it will invigorate the activities in certain areas.

The areas of pharmaceuticals, medicine, jewellery production, textile, mining, agriculture, food processing, transport can become possible areas of cooperation for the Iranian entrepreneurs, and the list goes on and on. I see great potential for the deepening of cooperation in the areas of culture, healthcare, education, and tourism. With this regard, I attach special importance to the agreements reached by our countries on the visa free regime.

Today, Mr. President inquired what the dynamics are this year with regard to the increase or decrease in the area of tourism. I told him that in the first six months of the year, 260,000 tourists from Iran visited the Republic of Armenia, while during the previous year their number was almost the half of it. I hope that at the end of this year, God willing, we will cross the threshold of 300,000.

Ladies and Gentlemen:
I truly hope that the Forum will facilitate the discovery of the opportunities existing in our countries and will pre-set the best formats for cooperation.

I invite the Iranian companies to make investments in Armenia in every area of interest. I assure you once again that we are ready to give special attitude to every investment project, based on the needs of the investor.

Thank you, Honorable Mr. President, for your participation and assistance to the developing of the economic ties between our countries as well.

Thank you.

Russian military base must ‘leave’ Kyrgyzstan after agreement expires: Atambayev

Russia will remain Kyrgyzstan’s strategic partner, but the republic must rely on its own power when it comes to the military, Kyrgyz President Almazbek Atambayev told a year-end press conference today, reports.

“I think we did absolutely right with the Hansi base (the US air base at the international airport of Kyrgyzstan’s capital that was withdrawn by Atambayev’s decision),” the Kyrgyz President noted. “Five years have passed, and time has shown that it was the right decision.”

Kyrgyzstan must rely only on its own power in the future, he said, adding that the decision concerns the Russian base, as well.

Atambayev also noted that after the expiry of the agreement, the Russian base “will have to leave” the territory of Kyrgyzstan.

He added that the Russian authorities have responded with understanding.

“Someone may dislike this, but I managed to convey the idea to the Russian President and he understood me,” Atambayev said.

The joint Russian military base is stationed on Kazakhstan’s territory. Under bilateral Kyrgyz-Russian agreements, the countries operate four military facilities. In 2009, the term of the agreement was extended for 49 years with the possibility of automatic extension for another 25-year periods.