Armenian education ministry considering different scenarios for joint exams

Panorama, Armenia
April 7 2020

The Armenian Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sport is considering different scenarios for the conduct of joint examinations, Deputy Minister of Education, Science, Culture and Sport Zhanna Andreasyan told a news conference on Tuesday.

She said that now they are working on those options, including conduct of electronic exams, as well as holding discussions on the timeframes of the examinations.

According to the official, the education authorities are ready for any developments, adding the ministry tailors its activities to the situation in the country.

"The ministry will announce the results of the discussions in the near future. The solution will not violate the rights of any school student; it will take into account all the participants in the process,” the deputy minister said.

As for the Last Bell ceremony in schools, she said various possible scenarios are being considered. 

Azerbaijani press: Illegal regime established by Armenia in Azerbaijan’s occupied territories is nothing other than product of aggression

Baku, Azerbaijan, Mar. 31


In connection with the so-called “elections” held on 31 March 2020 in the occupied territories of the Republic of Azerbaijan by the Republic of Armenia, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Azerbaijan states the following:

Against the background of continuing military occupation and ethnic cleansing of the territories of Azerbaijan by Armenia, the holding of so-called “elections” in the occupied territories of the Republic of Azerbaijan constitutes a clear violation of the Constitution of the Republic of Azerbaijan and the norms and principles of international law, including the UN Charter, CSCE Helsinki Final Act of 1975 and the related UN Security Council Resolutions and, therefore, shall have no legal effect whatsoever.

The illegal regime established by the Republic of Armenia in the occupied territories of Azerbaijan is ultimately nothing other than the product of aggression, ethnic cleansing and racial discrimination; it is under Armenia’s direction and control.

The international community has consistently deplored in the strongest terms the use of military force against Azerbaijan and the resulting occupation of its territories. In 1993, the United Nations Security Council adopted resolutions 822 (1993), 853 (1993), 874 (1993) and 884 (1993), condemning the occupation of the territories of Azerbaijan and reaffirming respect for the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the Republic of Azerbaijan and the inviolability of its internationally recognized borders. In those resolutions, the Security Council also confirmed that the Nagorno-Karabakh region is an integral part of Azerbaijan, and demanded the immediate, complete and unconditional withdrawal of the Armenian occupying forces from all the occupied territories of Azerbaijan. Other international organizations have adopted a similar position.

Accordingly, the international community has unequivocally and consistently rejected the previous “elections” shows orchestrated by the Republic of Armenia in the occupied territories of Azerbaijan, and thus, clearly invalidated whatever pretexts that Armenia cynically uses to justify its overt disrespect to international law, the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the Republic of Azerbaijan, as well as the human rights of the expelled population of the occupied territories.

Elections in the Nagorno-Karabakh region of the Republic of Azerbaijan may be held only within the Constitutional framework of the Republic of Azerbaijan and full participation of the entire population of the region. Any election will be possible only after the withdrawal of the Armenian occupying forces, return of the expelled Azerbaijani population to their places of origin, and restoration of dialogue and cooperation between the Armenian and Azerbaijani communities of the region.

The Ministry reiterates that resolution of the Armenia-Azerbaijan Nagorno-Karabakh conflict is possible only on the basis of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Azerbaijan within its internationally recognized borders. The military occupation of the territory of Azerbaijan does not represent a solution and any attempt to impose fait accompli, including through organizing sham “elections” will never produce a political outcome desired by Armenia, nor will it bring any positive perspective for this country. Azerbaijan will never reconcile with the occupation of its internationally recognized territories.

Armenia PM sends telegram of condolence on death of Krzysztof Penderecki, Armenia

17:17, 29.03.2020

Prime Minister of Armenia Nikol Pashinyan has sent a telegram of condolence on the death of great Polish composer Krzysztof Penderecki which particularly reads as follows:

“I was saddened by the news about the death of great Polish composer and pioneer in music Krzysztof Penderecki. He was truly one of the most outstanding representatives of classical music of the 20th century, as well as the two decades of our era. The works of Penderecki were popular in all parts of the world, and famous soloists and orchestras would perform them. Brilliant evidence of this are the several international music awards and the appreciation expressed by the state and the public.

The talented composer also maintained close ties with Armenia, the land of his ancestors, and would visit Armenia on various occasions. His contribution to world music has always been properly appreciated in Armenia as well.

The tremendous musical legacy of Penderecki will surely live on and enrich each and every one of us.”

Commemoration of St. Gregory the Illuminator’s torments and commitment to the pit

Panorama, Armenia

Armenian Apostolic Church marks on March 28 the commemoration of St. Gregory the Illuminator’s torments and commitment to the pit. This feast is the first one among the three commemoration days dedicated to the memory of St. Gregory the Illuminator, the first Catholicos of All Armenians. According to the Armenian Church Calendar, it is celebrated on the eve of the Fifth Sunday during the period of Great Lent. The feast is dedicated to the torments which St. Gregory suffered during his imprisonment.

In 301 A.D., after spending 13 years in the pit, St. Gregory the Illuminator is freed from the dungeon and emerges to spread the Light of Christ in Armenia. He thus becomes the first pontiff of the Armenian Church, baptizes the royal family, and evangelizes the whole of the Armenian Nation. Armenia becomes the first nation in the world to officially proclaim Christianity as her state religion.

St. Gregory the Illuminator is recognized by all of Christendom as a Saint, and he is commemorated in all traditional Christian Churches.

UAE- Mohamed bin Zayed, Armenian President review joint coronavirus containment efforts





    (MENAFN – Emirates News Agency (WAM)) ABU DHABI, 25th March, 2020 (WAM) — His Highness Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi and Deputy Supreme Commander of the UAE Armed Forces, and Armenian President Armen Sarkissian, exchanged views on the latest regional and global developments and issues of mutual concern as well as measures taken by the two countries to combat coronavirus, COVID-19, and mitigate its impact on countries of the world.

    During a phone conversation, Highness Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed and President Sarkissian explored the possibility of joint cooperation to face the COVID-19 challenge.

    They also discussed prospects for cooperation between the two countries across developmental, economic and investment fields to serve development and progress and mutual interests.

    His Highness Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed affirmed the UAE's readiness to provide all forms of support to Armenia and its friendly people in their efforts to contain the virus and limit its repercussions.

    Armenian President thanked Sheikh Mohamed for his sustained support for the growing bilateral ties.


    1920 Shushi massacre laid the foundation for Azerbaijan-Karabakh conflict – Foreign Ministry

    Panorama, Armenia

    The Artsakh Foreign Ministry issued a statement on the 100th anniversary of the Shushi massacre perpetrated by Azerbaijan.

    Below is the full text of the statement publicized by the ministry’s press service:

    "A hundred years ago, on March 23, 1920, the authorities of the newly created Azerbaijani Democratic Republic massacred the Armenian population of Shushi, the then administrative and cultural center of Artsakh. As a result of this heinous crime, thousands of Armenians were killed, tens of thousands were forced to flee their homes and the Armenian part of the city was looted, burned and completely destroyed. The surviving Armenian residents of Shushi, who made up the majority of the city’s population, were completely expelled. Most of the once beautiful Armenian city was in ruins for many years. The enormous cultural heritage of Shushi was destroyed.

    The scale and cruelty of this crime struck the contemporaries who visited Shushi immediately after the massacre and noted that the wells were filled with the bodies of women and children. The tragedy left such a deep mark on the city and its atmosphere that even after 10 years it caused gloomy impressions and heavy feelings, which one of the prominent Russian writers of the twentieth century, Osip Mandelstam, reflected in his poem ‘Phaeton Driver’.

    The Shushi massacre became the apotheosis of the two-year-long attempts of the Azerbaijani authorities to seize and subjugate Artsakh. These irrepressible and unreasonable territorial claims to Artsakh by Azerbaijan, which was created as a result of the Turkish invasion in the South Caucasus, laid the foundation for the Azerbaijan-Karabakh conflict in its modern sense. The Azerbaijani authorities tried to achieve their goal through the direct support by the Turkish troops. Subsequently, the Turkish officers and emissaries continued to assist the Azerbaijani armed forces, including in organizing the Shushi massacre of 1920, attempting to continue the Armenian Genocide, now in Eastern Armenia.

    The forcible inclusion of Artsakh in the structure of Soviet Azerbaijan, following the Sovietization of the Republics of the South Caucasus, did not solve the issue, as the policy of the Azerbaijani authorities towards the Armenian population of Artsakh changed only in form, but not in content.

    The beginning of the process of collapse of the Soviet Union in the late 1980s and early 1990s once again actualized the issue of physical security of the Armenian population of Artsakh. In response to the peaceful demands of the people of Artsakh for reunification with Armenia, a wave of mass killings and pogroms of Armenians swept throughօut Azerbaijan. Thousands of Armenians were killed and maimed, hundreds of thousands were deported. The Armenian pogroms of the 1988-1990s were the continuation of the Shushi massacre of 1920 and clearly demonstrated that even after 70 years neither the goals nor the methods of the Azerbaijani authorities had changed.

    Only thanks to the self-organization of the people of Artsakh, which created a capable state with all the necessary institutions, including an efficient army, as well as the support of the Armenians worldwide, it was possible to repel the armed aggression of Azerbaijan in 1991-1994 and to prevent the repeating of the Shushi scenario in Artsakh, but on a larger scale.

    Today, the authorities and people of Artsakh are exerting every effort to revive Shushi and to restore, the cultural heritage of the city destroyed by the Azerbaijani authorities."

    Manipulative assessments of Iranian parliamentarians damage Armenian-Iranian relations



     13:18, 19 March, 2020

    YEREVAN, MARCH 19, ARMENPRESS. Special Aide to the Speaker of Parliament of Iran on International Affairs Hossein Amir-Abdollahian, condemning Armenia’s decision to open an Embassy in Israel, stated that it contradicts the interests of the people of Palestine. The Iranian official also noted that the opening of Armenian Embassy in Tel Aviv will negatively affect the regional security.

    Expert on Iranian studies Armen Israyelyan gave an interview to Armenpress on the topic.

    -What is the influence of Hossein Amir-Abdollahian on Iran’s foreign policy, and whether his position can be considered as Iran’s official position?

    -Until 2016 Hossein Amir-Abdollahian was serving as Iran’s deputy foreign minister, coordinating the relations with the Arab states and Africa. He was enjoying the full support of both the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (ICRC) and the conservatives and his tough positions and non-diplomatic wording sometimes resulted in tension in the relations between Iran and the Arab states of the Middle East. It’s worth noting that at that time Hossein Amir-Abdollahian was dismissed when after the signing of the nuclear deal Hassan Rouhani’s government was trying to normalize the relations with the Arab countries. And it’s not a coincidence that his dismissal was greatly approved in the Middle East.

    In recent years the manifestations of dual power in Iran are more noticeable. And the statement of this official can be viewed within this logic. There are many examples when in the past one decade any member of Parliament or a law enforcement official, even Ambassador accredited in foreign countries, are making statements contradicting the official position of Iran. Of course, in such cases the Iranian foreign ministry announces that “Tehran’s position has not changed”, but this situation cannot be understood by the partner countries. And the contradictory statements coming from Tehran can affect the relations with the partner countries and also endanger Iran’s interests in the South Caucasus.

    Iran is aware long ago about Armenia’s decision to open an Embassy in Israel, in this sense official Yerevan is working transparently with all its partners, and Armenia’s regional policy priorities have been clearly presented at the highest level of leadership. Hossein Amir-Abdollahian’s “surprise” over Armenia’s relations with Israel is surprising because the former deputy FM, while talking about the Armenia-Israel relations, tries to counter them against the interests of Palestine, in case when as the last meeting of the Armenian President and the President of the Palestine National Authority shows, there is no misunderstanding in the bilateral relations.

    -In that case, what stands behind this statement, and why it is made now?

    -Hossein Amir-Abdollahian’s statement was followed by a similar statement on Twitter by Conservative MP Ruhollah Mutafaqer Azad and manipulative assessments at expert-level in websites operating under ICRC on the Israel-Armenia relations. Political reshuffles are taking place in Iran. A new parliament has been elected where conservatives are a majority. Taking into account the “campaign” launched against FM Zarif in the past one year, it’s obvious that at the completion of Rouhani’s tenure an attempt is made to deprive the foreign ministry from the independence it gained since 2013.

    Currently Iran wants to get rid of the US sanctions with the help of partner states. For that purpose Iran has applied to the member states of Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) through Azerbaijan (NAM chairing country), proposing to adopt a joint statement over the US policy. However, several countries of the Middle East rejected the proposal. Maybe, this angered the pro-ICRC circles and not receiving a foreign support they targeted the Armenia-Israel relations without understanding.

    We would advise the respectful Iranian parliamentarians, before expressing an opinion on Armenia’s actions, to assess the policy of some neighbor countries of Iran while talking about the regional security and compare them with Armenia’s regional policy.

    President Sarkissian holds meeting with Head of Food Safety Inspectorate



     16:13, 11 March, 2020

    YEREVAN, MARCH 11, ARMENPRESS. President of Armenia Armen Sarkissian had a working meeting today with Head of the Food Safety Inspectorate Georgi Avetisyan, the Presidential Office told Armenpress.

    At the meeting the officials discussed the operation of the Food Safety Inspectorate, as well as issues relating to the process of ensuring food safety in Armenia. Mr. Avetisyan introduced the activity fields of the structure led by him.

    Due to the spread of the novel coronavirus around the globe, the Armenian President highlighted enhancing the control on food safety and sanitary-hygienic conditions of restaurants, cafes, etc.

    The President considered vital the idea of making Armenia a regional hub in the field of food safety and holding discussions with the respective international organizations and leaders of several countries on this path.

    Edited and translated by Aneta Harutyunyan

    Azerbaijani press: Azerbaijan submits document on Sumgayit events to UN

    Thu 12 Mar 2020 11:16 GMT | 15:16 Local Time

    Text size:   
    The Azerbaijani government submitted a document to the UN Security Council and the UN General Assembly in connection with the events in Azerbaijan’s Sumgayit city as of February 1988, the country's Foreign Ministry said on Twitter.

    The document was presented to the UN General Assembly by Ambassador Yashar Aliyev, the Permanent Representative of Azerbaijan to the United Nations.

    “The official investigation established that it [the events] had been a well-prepared provocation masterminded by the Armenian extremist organizations “Karabakh” and “Krunk” to discredit Azerbaijan and cover up Armenia’s unlawful annexationist intentions and violent methods for their achievement,” reads the document.

    “The investigation found that one of the organizers and perpetrators of criminal acts committed in Sumgayit, which claimed the lives of 26 Armenians and Azerbaijanis, was Eduard Grigoryan, an Armenian and resident of the city. Among the evidence collected by the investigation, the testimonies of the witnesses, including Armenians, provide irrefutable proof of his role and direct participation in violence. Grigoryan was sentenced to long-term imprisonment. Besides him, in all, 92 persons were brought to justice for offenses in Sumgayit.”

    However, the document points out that nobody has been persecuted in Armenia for the brutal killings of hundreds of Azerbaijanis in the course of their forcible deportation from Armenia during the 1987-1989 period, as well as for massacres committed against the Azerbaijanis in the course of the Armenian aggression.

    It also stresses that Armenia’s denial of its responsibility for atrocity crimes it has committed against Azerbaijan and its citizens, including through apparent falsifications and distortion of the past and present and glorification of war crimes and their perpetrators, constitutes a clear violation of international law.  

    “As to the essence of the resolutions on the settlement of the Armenia-Azerbaijan Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, peace, security and stability are achievable, first and foremost, only if the consequences of Armenia’s aggression are removed, thereby ensuring that its armed forces are immediately, unconditionally and completely withdrawn from the Nagorno-Karabakh region and other territories of Azerbaijan under occupation, the territorial integrity of our country is restored within its internationally recognized borders and the right of internally displaced persons to return to their homes and properties is ensured and implemented,” according to the document.

    Celebrating The Life and Work of The Late Author and Director Margo Malatjalian

    A Celebration of the Life and Work of the Late Armenian-Jordanian Author/Director Margo Malatjalian


    Armenian News Network / Armenian News

    By Katia M. Peltekian

    In Amman, Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan


    Prime Minister Dr. Omar Al-Razzaz


    Amman: On March 7, 2020, a memorial dedicated to the late author and theater director Margaret [Margo] Malatjalian was organized by the Ministry of Culture of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan at the Royal Cultural Center in Amman. In a surprise appearance, Jordan’s Prime Minister Dr. Omar Al-Razzaz joined in the memorial to celebrate the late author/director’s life and work in the development of Jordanian children’s culture and literature.

    Although Al-Razaz was not scheduled to speak at the ceremony, he took the stage and gave an impromptu speech in which he recalled the important stages of the late author’s life, her special place in developing Jordanian culture and her important role in establishing children's literature in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan. Mr. Al-Razzaz even related his childhood memories as a member of Margo’s Children’s Theater group and acting in one of the plays that Margo wrote, produced and directed. Later as a father, he added, he enjoyed reading Margo’s books to his children and admired the originality of her themes.

    Al-Razzaz also praised the late author as a national as well as a global personality who promoted cultural and humanitarian projects from which many Jordanian and Arab families benefited.

    L-R: Minister of Culture Dr. Bassem Al-Toueysi, Prime Minister Dr. Omar Al-Razzaz

    & Al-Shareefa Hind Bin Nasser


    Al-Razzaz referred to one of the late author/director’s missions in developing Jordanian children’s culture by establishing the Friends of Children Club in the 1970s. The Club was a first of its kind as it had a children’s library in addition to after-school and summer activities in theater, music, arts and crafts. Al-Razzaz, once a member of the Club, reminisced about Margo’s great impact on developing the children’s personalities by providing many of them a platform where they could express themselves and communicate their thoughts and feelings through drama and theater.

    Al-Razzaz also talked about the impact the late author/director had in developing children’s literature in Jordan. Her books, he said, are much loved by children because Margo’s stories enable children to understand the other, to understand their relationships with others as well as their surroundings, and to ask questions; Margo’s books talked to the child from a child’s point of view instead of an adult’s point of view. Margo’s 30 plus early-childhood books which have affected many children for the past 3 decades include diverse and appealing topics that enhance the culture of hard work through realistic characters.

    The Minister of Culture Dr. Bassem Al-Toueysi stated that as the Ministry recalls the prestigious literary and cultural achievements of the late author-director Margo Malatjalian, it will remain committed to fulfilling the mission of the Ministry to support the contributions of Jordanians in enriching the Jordanian national and humanitarian culture. Therefore, the Ministry has decided to honor Margo’s achievements by reprinting a collection of the late author’s works as part of the current year’s Family Library Project.

    Minister of Culture Dr. Bassem Al-Touesi


    Dr. Al-Touesi also emphasized that Margo Malatjalian was a pioneer in children’s literature and culture. In fact, her valuable contributions to children’s cultural and social development can be seen through her work that spanned over 5 decades starting with the Jordan Theater Group which she co-founded in the 1960s. Dr. Al-Touesi added that Margo remained faithful to her noble mission until the last days of her life.

    Dr. Al-Touesi also said: “The late writer played an important role in developing literacy and the love of classical Arabic as well as in promoting children’s culture. She toured the Arab world spreading these great values by employing various literary forms, such as story, poetry, theater and puppet theater, all of which she used to make the process of teaching and learning of the Arabic language more enjoyable and effectual in developing the love of reading.”

    On her part, Al-Shareefa Hind Bin Nasser of the royal family and a long-time friend of Margo Malatjalian talked about the mission that the late author accomplished through her dealings with children, her unconditional love for them and her vision to make a real change in the quality of children’s lives. By encouraging children to express themselves, cooperate with one another, develop self-confidence and develop the culture of teamwork, Margo had a great impact on the lives of children.

    Senator Haifa An-Najjar, another long-time friend and colleague of Margo Malatjalian, highlighted the late author/director’s commitment to her work with children and her belief in modern methods of education that focus on self-learning that bring pleasure to children in their learning process.


    Senator Haifa An-Najjar

    Ms Samar Dudin, a director and the president of the Ruwwad Development Foundation, recalled the impact the late author/director had as an inspiring role model that embodied creativity.

    Representing the Jordanian Writer’s Association, Mohammad Al-Mashayekh talked about the late author’s contributions in children’s literature and culture which included over 50 children’s plays and 30 picture books. 

    On her part, the Director of the National Center for Culture and Arts Lina Al-Tal asserted that Margo Malatjalian collaborated enthusiastically with the activities of the Center, including the Arab Children’s Conference. She said that Margo had not only paved the way for many actresses to take roles in the performing arts in general, but also integrated this art in education and development.

    During the ceremony, a short documentary film on the important stages of the author/director’s life, career and contributions was shown. The film was produced by the Ministry of Culture, written by Arwa Al-Zoubi, narrated by artist Nasr Annani and directed by Ramadan Al-Fayoumi and Isshaq Yassin.

    Ms Margo Malatjalian and the Lifetime Achievement Award 

    from the Arab Theater Institute (2017)


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