Azerbaijani press: U.S. delivers first shipment of large x-ray scanners to Azerbaijan

Fri 13 Mar 2020 13:25 GMT | 17:25 Local Time

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The Office of Defense Cooperation of the US Embassy in Baku recently received the first shipment of large x-ray scanners in support of an ongoing bilateral project with the State Customs Committee (SCC) of Azerbaijan, the embassy wrote on its Facebook page.

This state-of-the-art equipment will help improve the ability of the SCC to detect illegal goods coming into Azerbaijan at the Bilasuvar and Astara border checkpoints, and at the Alat Seaport.

The total project cost about $36 million to purchase, deliver, and install the scanners, and to train personnel to use them.

The gift of these x-ray scanners and training represents the strong commitment the United States has to helping Azerbaijan secure its borders. The project has been funded by the US Department of Defense under the Title 10 U.S.C. Section 333 Building Partnership Capacity Program.

Varant and Hoori Melkonian Donate $100,000 to AYAC

March 9, 2020

Varant and Hoori Melkonian with Catholicos Aram I bestowing a medal of honor

The Armenian Youth Association of California board announced that long-time community activists and benefactors Varant and Hoori Melkonian have donated $100,000 to help defray costs of the addition of a second floor to the organization’s existing center in Glendale.

Established in 1991, the Armenian Youth Association of California has become an important Armenian cultural center for the community. As a result of the hard work and contributions of its members and supporters the organizations paid off the mortgage on its center.

An increase in membership and activities, the organization saw the need to expand and improve the center. The AYAC is embarking on a capital improvement program that includes the addition of a second floor to further enhance its cultural and social activities. This addition, the AYAC said, will enable a younger generation to become engaged in cultural and educational activities.

AYAC Board of Directors and members expressed their deepest gratitude to Mr. & Mrs. Melkonian for their substantial donation. In a statement they said that “they pray that the Almighty grant them good health and long life to continue their benevolent work in helping the Armenian community and becoming an example for others to follow in keeping and advancing Armenian culture.”

Healthcare Minister visits quarantined nationals



 13:02, 6 March, 2020

YEREVAN, MARCH 6, ARMENPRESS. Minister of Healthcare Arsen Torosyan has visited the 31 nationals who are currently quarantined in a hotel in the resort town of Tsakhkadzor as direct contacts of the first and by far only novel coronavirus case in Armenia.

“All of them are provided with everything they need and they are feeling well,” Torosyan said.

The 31 Armenians are quarantined since March 1. They are expected to be discharged on March 14th, in case of not developing the disease when the period of quarantine ends.


Edited and translated by Stepan Kocharyan

A number of national communities in Australia appealed to authorities calling to reject Erdogan`s visit to Australia

Arminfo, Armenia
March 6 2020

ArmInfo.The Cypriot-Australian community has joined with the Armenian-Australian,  Assyrian-Australian and Greek-Australian communities in calling on  the Australian Government to reject a proposed visit by Turkey's  dictator, President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, the press service of the  Armenian National Committee of Australia told ArmInfo.

The President of the Federation of Cyprus Communities of Australia &  New Zealand, Michael Christodoulou said that Erdogan had no place in  Australia while denying genocides and practicing Turkey's  expansionist policies in the region. "Australia cannot add to the  false credibility some countries in the world afford to Erdogan's  Turkey while it continues its illegal occupation of 37% of Cyprus'  territories," Christodoulou said.  "Impunity for Turkey's genocidal  history has led to Ankara thinking its expansionist policies in  Cyprus will also go unpunished, and Australia hosting Erdogan would  add undeserved legitimacy for a dictatorship, by a democracy that  shares none of his values," Christodoulou added. Armenian National  Committee of Australia (ANC-AU) Executive Director, Haig Kayserian  welcomed Cypriot-Australians joining the calls to reject Erdogan made  by the Joint Justice Initiative. 

"Cypriot-Australians, who are terribly concerned about the security  of their compatriots back home, have every reason to be concerned  about news that Australia is apparently considering hosting this  despotic dictator," Kayserian said. "Australians remember that It was  only last year, following the Christchurch terrorist attack, that  President Recep Tayyip Erdogan threatened to return Australians and  New Zealanders traveling to Gallipoli for ANZAC Day Commemorations  'in their coffins like their grandfathers'," Kayserian added. "Now we  are hearing this friend of ISIS, who has created a state of terror by  arresting, jailing or dismissing more opposition leaders, minority  rights advocates, journalists and academics than any world leader,  might be a guest of the Australian Government."

Armenia issues Iran travel warning as novel coronavirus spreads




YEREVAN, FEBRUARY 22, ARMENPRESS. The Armenian foreign ministry is advising Armenian citizens to avoid all but essential travel to Iran as the neighboring country is reporting novel coronavirus cases.

“In terms of comprehensive assessment of the situation in the region we are closely cooperating with our colleagues in Iran and Georgia in the direction of information exchange, as well as necessary measures and consideration of possible scenarios. We will give additional updates on the measures taken. We urge Armenian citizens to refrain from visiting Iran without urgent need, and we call on our citizens who are currently in Iran to contact the Embassy of Armenia -+98(21)66704833//+98(21)66760509 (landline),  +989121051639 (mobile), email - [email protected]”, the foreign ministry said in a statement on February 22.

So far, 28 cases of the Covid-2019 have been confirmed in Iran. Six people have died from the virus. Iranian authorities in the affected provinces have shut down schools, universities and cultural centers to contain the outbreak. They include Qom, Markazi, Gilan, Ardabil, Kermanshah, Qazvin, Zanjan, Mazandaran, Golestan, Hamedan, Alborz, Semnan, Kurdistan and the capital, Tehran, Al Jazeera reported.

On February 21, Lebanon confirmed its first case of the novel coronavirus, a woman who returned from Qom, Iran. The United Arab Emirates announced two new cases on Saturday – an Iranian tourist and his wife.

According to Al Jazeera, Iraq has banned border crossings by Iranian nationals and the Iraqi Airways halted flights to Iran.


Edited and translated by Stepan Kocharyan

Book: The Travel Book Launch Reception on Georgia and Armenia

Georgia Today, Georgia
Feb 19 2020

The Danish edition of Politiken (leading Danish daily newspaper) has produced a 144-page travel book about Georgia and Armenia – two of the oldest Christian nations in the world. The book provides plentiful insights into the history, geography, culture and traditions of the two countries and is intended primarily for those who plan to travel there. The book also aims to draw attention of Danish citizens to Georgian and Armenian skyrocketing tourism opportunities.

"Politiken now features for the first time a solid guide book on Georgia and Armenia, available in the book stores from early March. The travel guide, written by Tom Trier and Søren E. Hansen, zooms in on the two small countries in the South Caucasus. With short but insightful introductions to society and culture, it provides a wealth of background and also practical information for the traveler and introduces the most important sights, including UNESCO world heritage churches and monasteries, spectacular mountain hiking routes and some of the best restaurants, eateries and wine yards the South Caucasus has to offer", reads the Facebook post by the Embassy of Georgia to the Kingdom of Denmark.

The travel book launch reception is scheduled for March 19 15:00-17:00 and is hosted by the Embassy of Georgia to the Kingdom of Denmark.

Address: Kalvebod Brygge 45, 1560 Copenhagen

Armenia NGO chief: PM’s caviar story is 100% true, Armenia
Feb 17 2020

15:36, 17.02.2020

YEREVAN. – The story of the caviar is 100 percent true; it happened. Narek Samsonyan, President of the "Civil Consciousness" NGO and founder of the Antifake website of Armenia, said this during a discussion today, referring to the criminal case brought against him.

According to the indictment, Samsonyan, knowing that the information he provided was false, he informed on Facebook and then during a questioning at the Special Investigation Service as a witness stated that the Armenian Prime Minister allegedly bought black caviar from a Yerevan restaurant for $3,000/kg. After that, the Prime Minister's security officials visited the restaurant and wanted to buy another kilogram of black caviar on the condition of payment by bank transfer, but the restaurant administration informed that in that case, one kilogram of black caviar would cost $5,000. According to Samsonyan, after learning about it, the Prime Minister decided to punish the restaurant through the State Revenue Committee.

"Now they have no way back and that criminal case created," Samsonyan said. "This is a part of hate speech and is a consequence of hate speech."

He added that they have uncovered the YouTube channels that are directly funded by a prominent government SNCO and a deputy who has links to a prominent oligarch, and which are spreading hatred in favor of PM Nikol Pashinyan.

"Today we are dealing with a type of media that is encouraged by the power, which spreads lies, hate speech, and slander," Samsonyan said. "In terms of media, today we are heading toward North Korea."

He noted that there are currently three criminal cases against him.

"The NA [National Assembly] Speaker [Ararat Mirzoyan] has filed a lawsuit against me; this time asking for big sums – 3.5 million drams," he emphasized. “In the case when I have two witnesses, in the presence of whom Ararat Mirzoyan used drugs; we will not reveal our sources."

Media Advocate initiative: Armenian Public TV journalist made political statement, Armenia
Feb 17 2020

23:01, 17.02.2020

Journalist of Armenian Public Television Anush Muradyan de facto made a political statement when she asked her question. Media Advocate initiative issued a statement on this and urged the journalist to be more alert as it touched upon the political subtext of the question that the particular journalist asked Deputy Speaker of the National Assembly Alen Simonyan following the session of Civil Contract Party today.

“The journalist of Armenian Public Television asked Alen Simonyan the following question:

“Tomorrow Ruben Melikyan will be submitting an application to the Central Electoral Commission, they have formed the civil initiative and, in essence, it turns out that they are going to become the supporters of Robert Kocharyan, in a way, they are going to become the ones creating the NO campaign. What do you have to say about this?”

Journalist of Armenian Public Television Anush Muradyan de facto made a political statement when she asked her question. Journalists need to refrain from giving political evaluations, and the journalist of Armenian Public Television needs to be more alert.

Media Advocate initiative urges the publicly-funded television company to follow professional ethics. Such behavior of a journalist is unacceptable,” the statement reads.

CoE secretary general to Armenian PM: There are some concerns

Panorama, Armenia
Feb 15 2020

Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan of Armenia met with Council of Europe Secretary General Marija Pejčinović Burić on Saturday, his office reported.

Stressing the importance of today’s meeting, the prime minister noted that it is a good opportunity to discuss issues of topical concern.

“Madam Secretary General, I am very glad to see you here. If I am not mistaken, we have not had any opportunity to meet so far. I am very glad to meet with you and have the opportunity to discuss current issues. As you know, Armenia is in a huge process of democratic reforms, which accelerated especially after the non-violent velvet people’s revolution in 2018.

We eventually found out that our constitutional system was occupied before the Revolution. Furthermore, it was mined. And now we are in a very careful process of de-mining our democracy and the judiciary. I am happy for this opportunity to give you some information about the ongoing processes, because we recently decided to hold a referendum on the Constitutional Court. It is my pleasure to inform you about what and why is going on and what will happen next,” Pashinyan said.

The CoE secretary general stated, in turn: “Mr. Prime Minister, thank you for this opportunity I think it is very important as you mentioned for me to be informed about the ongoing process. Let me recall that we have already started this intense cooperation between Armenia and the Council of Europe with a high-level Council of Europe group’s visit last May.

I understand that you yourself asked the Council of Europe to get engaged on these issues. The Council of Europe started watching carefully what is going on. There are some concerns, and it would be interesting to hear from your side how you see these developments and how we can continue to be of assistance.”

Prime Minister Pashinyan touched upon the democratic transformations underway in Armenia, including the judiciary reform. Nikol Pashinyan underscored that our country made great progress last year in the ratings published by international organizations in terms of democracy, human rights and freedom of speech. The Premier dwelt on the factors and reasons that anticipated the upcoming constitutional referendum.

Marija Pejčinović Burić expressed her organization’s full support for the Armenian government’s efforts, including the judiciary reform. She noted that the CoE will follow up the discussion with the Armenian government on cooperation in the given area.

Turkish Press: Upper Karabakh conflict can be ‘resolved in phases’

Anadolu Agency, Turkey
Feb 15 2020
Upper Karabakh conflict can be ‘resolved in phases’
Conflict cannot be resolved in one day, says Azerbaijan’s president
Büşra Nur Bilgiç Çakmak   | 15.02.2020
Prime Minister of Armenia Nikol Pashinyan (L) and Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev (R) attend the 56th Munich Security Conference at Bayerischer Hof Hotel in Munich, Germany on . ( Abdulhamid Hoşbaş – Anadolu Agency )
Azerbaijan’s president on Saturday said the Upper Karabakh issue cannot be resolved in a day and there is a need to resolve the conflict in phases.
“It's clear that we need to resolve this conflict in phases. We cannot resolve it in one […] day,” Ilham Aliyev said at a session — titled An Update on Nagorno-Karabakh — along with Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan, during the 56th Munich Security Conference
“The first phase should be, as Russian proposal [suggested], liberation of part of the occupied territories, return of Azerbaijani IDPs to those territories, resettlement […] and in the meantime, the process of normalization of relations between Armenia and Azerbaijan,” Aliyev said, adding the status of Upper Karabakh can be discussed later.
For his part, Pashinyan said that there cannot be a military solution to the conflict in the region.
Upper Karabakh is the internationally recognized territory of Azerbaijan illegally occupied by Armenia through military aggression since 1991.
Four UN Security Council and two General Assembly resolutions, as well as decisions by many other international organizations, refer to this fact and demand withdrawal of the occupational Armenian forces from Upper Karabakh and seven other occupied regions of Azerbaijan.
The Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) Minsk group — co-chaired by France, Russia and the U.S. — was formed to find a peaceful solution to the conflict, but has not reached any results yet.