Commemoration of the fathers of the Armenian Church

Panorama, Armenia

On March 23. The Armenia Church marks the commemoration of the fathers of the Armenian Church – St. John the Patriarch of Jerusalem, Armenian Patriarch St. John of Otzoon, St. John of Vorotan and St. Gregory of Datev. reports that According to hagiographers, St. John (Hovhannes) of Otzoon possessed both spiritual and mental brilliance. During the 11 years of his reign (717-728), Catholicos Hovhannes managed to withstand Byzantine and Arab pressures and incursions, while struggling mightily against sects. Hovhannes of Otzoon endowed to us a rich and priceless literary legacy. His work entitled “Canons of the Armenians” is the first voluminous collection in Armenian history, which contains ecclesiastical canons and laws. He is also famous as the author of numerous sermons and church hymns.

The names of Vartabeds (church divine or archimandrite) St John (Hovhan) of Vorotan (1315-1388) and St. Gregory of Datev (1346-1410) are closely interrelated. Gregory of Datev, the greatest Vartabed and theologian of the Armenian Church, studied under Hovhan of Vorotan, and later raised the famous school founded by his teacher in the Monastery of Datev. Gregory of Datev authored numerous significant theological works. Included in his literary legacy are the “Book of Questions” and the collections of his sermons.

Finally, the blessed memory of St. John the Patriarch of Jerusalem is commemorated on the same day, along with the aforementioned three fathers of the Armenian Church. St. John was Patriarch of Jerusalem in the 4th Century. He is remembered to this day as being a great orator and a defender of Christianity through his sermons.

Children with social problems no longer to be included in special schools (video)

Only 4 special schools will stay in Armenia. Children with social problems will no longer be included in special schools.

It is planned to switch to universal inclusive education in 2019. Still in 2016, the Government made a decision to introduce a universal inclusive education system and proposed an action plan and timetable. Acting director of the Special Educational Complex for Children with Hearing Impaired Lusine Babayan says: “What is happening today is the continuation of the process launched in 2016.”

Pashinyan is confident upcoming presidential election in Artsakh will be free and competitive

Pashinyan is confident upcoming presidential election in Artsakh will be free and competitive




YEREVAN, MARCH 19, ARMENPRESS. Prime Minister of Armenia Nikol Pashinyan is convinced that the upcoming presidential election in Artsakh will be free, independent and competitive, reports Armenpress.

“I am convinced, and I think that all understand that the upcoming presidential election in Artsakh should be fair, free, democratic and competitive. I am sure that will be so”, the PM told reporters during today’s press conference in Matenadaran.

Edited and translated by Aneta Harutyunyan

Yerevan Court extends Manvel Grigoryan’s pre-trial detention for another two months

Yerevan Court extends Manvel Grigoryan’s pre-trial detention for another two months



16:50, 15 March, 2019

YEREVAN, MARCH 15, ARMENPRESS. The Yerevan court has made a decision to extend the pre-trial detention of former MP Manvel Grigoryan for another two months, spokesperson of the Special Investigative Service Marina Ohanjanyan told Armenpress.

“Grigoryan’s pre-trial detention has been extended for another two months by the motion of the investigator”, she said.

Manvel Grigoryan was charged for illegal possession of firearms and grand theft.

He was remanded in custody on June 16, and then was stripped of immunity by the Parliament on June 19.

Edited and translated by Aneta Harutyunyan

Վարչապետը քննարկել է «Ինդեքս Վենչուրս»-ի ծրագրերը Հայաստանում

  • 14.03.2019

  • Հայաստան



Վարչապետ Նիկոլ Փաշինյանն ընդունել է «Ինդեքս Վենչուրս» (Index Ventures) վենչուրային հիմնադրամի ներկայացուցիչներին՝ հիմնադիր Նինա Աչաջյանին, Մայք Վոլպիին և Դոմինիկ Վիդալին, ովքեր մինչ նշված հիմնադրամում ներգրավվելը՝ գործունեություն են ծավալել Cisco, Amazon, Yahoo և այլ հայտնի ընկերություններում: Հանդիպմանը մասնակցել է նաև ՀՀ տրանսպորտի, կապի և տեղեկատվական տեխնոլոգիաների նախարար Հակոբ Արշակյանը:

Հյուրերը վարչապետին են ներկայացրել «Ինդեքս Վենչուրս»-ի գործունեությունն ու Հայաստանի ստարտափերում ներդրումային նախագծեր իրականացնելու ուղղությամբ իրենց ծրագրերը: Մասնավորապես, նրանք նշել են, որ բարձր են գնահատում Հայաստանում տեղեկատվական տեխնոլոգիաների ոլորտում տեղի ունեցող դրական զարգացումներն ու շահագրգռված են համագործակցության զարգացմամբ ու ընդլայմամբ: Բացի տեխնոլոգիական և ինժեներական տարբեր ծրագրերի իրակականացումից՝ «Ինդեքս Վենչուրս»-ի թիմը պատաստվում է հայկական նորաստեղծ ընկերություններին ներկայացնել Սիլիկոնյան հովտում ներդրումներ ստանալու տարբերակները, տեխնոլոգիական ոլորտի միտումները:

Նիկոլ Փաշինյանը ողջունել է Նինա Աչաջյանի գլխավորած պատվիրակության այցը Հայաստան և տեղական ընկերությունների հետ համագործակցության, ներդրումային ծրագրերի իրականացման ուղղությամբ առկա նախաձեռնությունները: Վարչապետն ընդգծել է, որ ՏՏ ոլորտը համարվում է Հայաստանի կառավարության առաջնահերթություններից մեկը և գործադիրի նպատակն է ապագայում ունենալ տեխնոլոգիական տնտեսություն: Նիկոլ Փաշինյանը հավելել է, որ կառավարությունը շահագրգռված է համագործակցել «Ինդեքս Վենչուրս»-ի վենչուրային հիմնադրամի հետ և քննարկել ներդրումային ծրագրերի կյանքի կոչմանն ուղղված առաջարկները: Վարչապետը նշել է, որ կառավարությունը հետևողական քայլեր է իրականացվում նաև բիզնես միջավայրի շարունակական բարելավման ուղղությամբ:

Egypt businesses sign deal with Armenian council

PanArmenian, Armenia
March 2 2019

PanARMENIAN.Net – The Armenian Egyptian Business Association has signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with the International Business Relations Council of Armenia, Egypt Today reports.

The MoU is meant to boost cooperation and joint projects between investors in both countries, said the Egyptian foreign ministry in a statement on Friday.

Egypt's Ambassador in Yerevan Bahaa Desouki attended the inking ceremony.

He also met with Executive Director of the Armenian Chamber of Commerce and Industry Andranik Aleksanyan on economic cooperation.

Lavrov: Decisions on the Karabakh settlement should be made in direct conversation in direct negotiations between the parties

Arminfo, Armenia
Feb 18 2019
Marianna Mkrtchyan

ArmInfo. The parties must  make decisions on the settlement of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict.  Such an opinion on February 19 at a joint press conference with OSCE  Chairperson-in-Office, Slovak Foreign and European Affairs Minister  Miroslav Lajcak, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said  commenting on the situation around the Karabakh conflict.

The Russian minister welcomed the attitude of the OSCE  Chairman-in-Office on the resolution of the Nagorno-Karabakh  conflict. "We are grateful for this attitude of the OSCE  chaiperson-in-office. The co- chairs from Russia, the United States  and France are working closely; they have already met with the  leaders of Azerbaijan and Armenia, and with the foreign ministers.  New contacts are being prepared.  Considering that recently the new  government Of course, additional time is needed in Armenia to  understand how intensively, how deeply the settlement process can be  developed at this stage. Once again, the co-chairs and the OSCE they  can only help create conditions for dialogue. Decisions, of course,  should be made in direct conversation in direct negotiations between  the parties, "Lavrov said.

Pashinyan provides comments on Teghut copper deposit and Alaverdi smelter

ARKA, Armenia
Feb 13 2019

YEREVAN, February 13. /ARKA/. Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan made explanatory  comments today in response to a question from an MP Armen Yeghiazaryan from the Bright Armenia party regarding the future of the Teghut copper deposit in the northern Armenia and the Alaverdi copper smelter.

According to reports from Alaverdi, the workers of the smelter blocked the railway running to Georgia saying that after the closure of the smelter many  of them lost their jobs and are forced to leave the country in search of employment.

In his comments Pashinyan recalled that VTB Bank had provided a loan of $380 million to Vallex group of companies to develop the deposit.

"In all likelihood, there was political interference to make  the bank provide the loan,  but when time came for its repayment, the company appeared to be unable to do so, being as a matter of fact at the stage of bankruptcy due to solvency problems," said Pashinyan.

He said  after coming to power his government tried to resolve the issue and began negotiations, which resulted in an agreement between VTB Bank and Vallex group of companies, despite the existence of problems with a very complex system of collateral and obligations.

"In fact, last year we reached an agreement that VTB would  become the owner of Teghut deposit and attract a well-known company to operate the deposit and the copper smelter in Alaverdi," said Pashinyan.

Pashinyan said at the initial stage of the process, a strange situation arose, when a company sued Vallex Group for a $4,000 debt  demanding that its property, estimated to cost several hundred million of US dollars, be arrested  as security for payment. 

“Because of this, the previous agreements collapsed, and now the negotiations have returned to zero. We are again negotiating with VTB Bank, because the operator has refused to work in this situation,” said the prime minister.

He noted that the authorities would not put pressure the court  to “remove the debt demand,” since their policy is not to interfere in the judicial processes.

“Negotiations with companies are now entering a new stage. We must assist in resolving the issue as quickly as possible,” Pashinyan said.

In 2018 February Vallex group of companies announced plans to lay off more than one thousand workers. According to a statement provided to the media, the Liechtenstein-registered company’s decision was prompted by the need for further research in order to significantly increase the output. To implement the research, the company was to invite both local and international organizations. Vallex said  it would  refrain from operating the mine until it received grounded proposals from experts.

The company says   it has invested more than $700 million in Armenia and Artsakh (Nagorno-Karabakh) over the past 20 years, including $400 million in the Teghut deposit.

According to estimates made back in Soviet times, the deposit’s potential is 450 million tons of ore, of which the company confirmed only a fifth so far. At the moment, the capacity of the enterprise allows processing up to 50,000 tons of copper concentrate per year and producing 13,000 tons of blister copper.

The Vallex group of companies includes Base Metals operating in Artsakh,  the Armenian Copper Program operating the copper smelter in Armenia’s Alaverdi, the Institute of Mining Metallurgy and Vallex IT LLC, engaged in information technology.  –0–

Azerbaijani Press: SOCAR about Start of Production from Karabakh Field

Turan Information Agency, Azerbaijani Opposition Press
February 8, 2019 Friday
SOCAR about Start of Production from Karabakh Field
Baku/08.02.19/ Turan: Production of the first raw hydrocarbons from the Karabakh field in the Azerbaijani sector of the Caspian Sea is expected in 2020-2021, SOCAR President Rovnag Abdullayev said.
"There are great expectations about the oil and gas reserves in the Karabakh field. At present, the construction of a marine base for mining and drilling at this field is underway. The construction of the marine support block has already been completed by 60%. The primary engineering of the project is also being completed, the head of SOCAR said in an interview with the AzerTaj state agency.
He also said that at present, preparations are underway for drilling an exploratory well in the prospective Aypara structure in the Caspian Sea.
Earlier, Abdullayev said the Norwegian company Equinor will start drilling the first exploratory well in the Karabakh field in the second half of 2019.
The drilling will be carried out using the Dede Gorgud semi-submersible floating drilling rig.
On May 31, 2018, SOCAR and Equinor signed in Baku a Production Sharing Agreement (PSA) for exploration and development of the block of prospective structures of Dan-Ulduzu-Ashrafi-Aypara and a Risk Service Contract for the development of the Karabakh field. For the implementation of the projects, SOCAR and Equinor created an operating company on a parity basis (50% to 50%).
The agreements were ratified by the Milli Majlis of Azerbaijan on June 29, and entered into force on July 5.
The Karabakh field, with recoverable reserves estimated at 16 million tons of oil and 28 bcm of gas, is located 130 km east of Baku. The depth of the sea in the area is 180 meters.