Hundreds of Guests from Across the U.S. Celebrate Annie Simonian Totah at the Armenian Assembly’s National Gala

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Date: October 8, 2018

Contact: Danielle Saroyan

Telephone: (202) 393-3434





WASHINGTON, D.C. – Hundreds of guests
hailing from sixteen different states across the U.S. attended the Armenian
Assembly of America's (Assembly) Gala honoring Annie Simonian Totah in
Washington, D.C., closing out the Assembly's National Advocacy Conference.
Assembly President Carolyn Mugar and Co-Chairs Anthony Barsamian and Van
Krikorian presented Totah with the Assembly's Distinguished Humanitarian Award
for her 40 years of advocacy for the betterment of Armenia, Artsakh, and
U.S.-Armenia relations.


Totah also received the Movses Khorenatsi Medal from the
government of Armenia presented by Armenia Ambassador to the United States, His
Excellency Grigor Hovhannissian. The Movses Khorenatsi Medal is awarded for
outstanding achievements in the spheres of culture, art, literature, education,
social sciences, and sports. Ambassador Hovhannissian shared congratulatory
remarks from Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan thanking her for her devotion to
Armenia and recognizing the Assembly's leadership as a "forward-thinking
organization [that] continues to be at the forefront of many critical


"I am truly touched and grateful to receive these two
prestigious awards and to have the benefit of sharing the evening with so many
wonderful friends and colleagues," Assembly Board Member and honoree Annie
Totah remarked. "I very much appreciate the honors and accolades bestowed
upon me and it will be my privilege, my will of duty to continue with my
advocacy work. I would also like to thank the many generous and wonderful
sponsors and guests for helping ensure the success of our three day
extravaganza," Totah concluded.


Special guests, including Senate Foreign Relations Committee
Member, Senator Edward J. Markey (D-MA); House Democratic Whip Steny Hoyer
(D-MD); and Armenian Caucus Co-Chair and Founder Frank Pallone, Jr. (D-NJ),
reflected on their experience working with Totah, and her tireless efforts.


"If you were to look up 'Armenian excellence' in the
dictionary, you would see a beautiful photo of Annie," stated Senator
Markey. "She has spent her life fighting for recognition for the Armenian
people and the Genocide. And tonight, we finally give her the recognition which
she deserves, presenting her with the Distinguished Humanitarian Award. Annie
has always been a trailblazer," he continued. "Congratulations,
Annie. Nobody deserves it more," he concluded.


Senator Markey also spoke about the Armenian Assembly's extensive
work with Congress, noting the organization's efforts in displaying the
"orphan rug" and supporting Armenian Genocide legislation in the
Senate. He noted Armenia's peaceful transition and its strong democracy
showcased this year, especially at a time when neighboring nations' democratic
values are "heading backwards."


"This year marks the 30th anniversary of the Nagorno Karabakh
Liberation Movement. This anniversary is an important reminder of how far the
Armenian people of the region have come, but also how far we have yet to go.
Since Azerbaijan launched its brutal offensive against Nagorno Karabakh, it is
our duty to stand with the Armenian communities who remain to rest; it is our
duty to end this sort of gruesome aggression against Armenian peoples; it is
our duty to call out this violence for the crime that it is. As long as
Azerbaijan continues to violate the ceasefire agreement and attack Armenians,
the United States should cut off all military aid to Azerbaijan. Azerbaijan
spends more on its military than the entire national budget of Armenia,"
Senator Markey exclaimed during his remarks.


House Majority Whip Congressman Steny Hoyer spoke highly of the
Armenian American community, and especially his experience working with Totah
over the past three decades to strengthen U.S.-Armenia relations, where, he
explained, she has been involved with "every step of the way." He
described her as a "force of nature" and "a woman of great inner
strength that time and faith have not diminished, whose heroic heart has
blessed us all, and who continues to strive, to seek, to find, and not to


"Annie has been involved in every aspect of the Armenian
Caucus," stated Rep. Pallone. "She was very influential to get
Members to join in the very beginning. Needless to say, I don't think there was
ever a time when we were not trying to get the Armenian Genocide resolution
passed when she wasn't there – at the committee, outside the committee room,
calling Members." He added: "I cannot think of a time when she has
not been involved."


Congressman Pallone also shared a statement in the congressional
record on behalf of Totah, stating in part: "For over 40 years, Ms. Totah
has been a leading defender of human rights, and a local advocate of Armenia,
Artsakh, and the Armenian American community." On the House Floor,
Congressman Pallone said: "I rise today to congratulate the Armenian
Assembly's 2018 Distinguished Humanitarian Award honoree, Ms. Annie Simonian
Totah…I have known Annie throughout my entire congressional career and I can
say without hesitation that Annie's passion, dedication, and commitment to
Armenia and Artsakh is unparalleled."


In addition to the Prime Minister of Armenia, the Assembly also
received congratulatory letters from Senate Democratic Leader Charles
"Chuck" Schumer (D-NY), the leadership of the Congressional Caucus on
Armenian Issues, the President of Armenia, Dr. Armen Sarkissian and the
President of the Nagorno Karabakh Republic, Bako Sahakyan.


"I am grateful for the opportunity to express my admiration
for the outstanding work of the Armenian Assembly of America and Mrs. Annie
Simonian Totah," Senator Schumer's letter stated. "Thank you for your
commitment and dedication in promoting democracy and representing the interests
of Armenian-Americans. I know the Armenian Assembly of America will continue
these efforts for many years to come," he continued.


"Your voice is powerful and as the Co-Chairs and Vice-Chairs
of the Congressional Armenian Caucus, it gives us great pleasure to commend the
Armenian Assembly for its nonpartisan advocacy and successes over these many
years, especially in strengthening the relationship between the United States
and Armenia. We applaud the Assembly's steadfast commitment in support of a
strong and vibrant homeland free from blockades, at peace with its neighbors
and secure in its borders," the leadership of the Congressional Caucus on
Armenian Issues said in a joint letter.


"I extend my congratulations to the Armenian Assembly of
America on the occasion of its national Advocacy Conference and Gala in
Washington, D.C., and for honoring a longtime champion of many causes on behalf
of the Armenian people in their homeland and in the diaspora," stated the
President of Armenia, Dr. Armen Sarkissian. "We attach a great importance
to the activities of the Armenian Assembly of America, the organization, which
I know from the first days of its foundation. I am pleased to join you as you
honor one of your long-time leaders, Annie Simonian Totah. She has been a
pillar of the Armenian American community for many decades and her activism on
many fronts has been a major service to our country and our people."


"From the very beginning of the Karabakh Movement, the
Assembly has stood shoulder to shoulder with us, and as we struggled for our
very existence, the Assembly opened new corridors in the diaspora for our
survival. In fact, the Armenian Assembly of America has an anchor in Washington
for the Armenians of Artsakh," Nagorno Karabakh (Artsakh) President Bako
Sahakyan explained in his congratulatory letter. "Artsakh is proud of its
long-standing friendship with the Assembly and is deeply grateful for its
hospitality and leadership in America. With individuals like Annie Totah, and
organizations like the Assembly, we are confident that the diaspora will
continue to stand with us in defense of our freedoms and people," he


The evening concluded with light-hearted and personal stories from
three of Annie's children – Nicole, Elliot, and Karina, reflecting on their
mom's dedication over the years, and her steadfast determination.


"On behalf of the Armenian Assembly, I would like to thank
our special guests and all of our donors and supporters, including partner
organizations AGBU and the Eastern and Western Diocese of the Armenian Church
of America, for making the National Advocacy Conference a success and the Gala
such a wonderful evening," stated Executive Director Bryan Ardouny.
"I would also like to thank our amazing Master of Ceremonies, Aram
Bakshian, who kept the evening flowing smoothly with our featured speakers and
the beautiful performance by Milena Oganesyan, giving the guests a special
opportunity to experience Armenian dancing featured at this year's Smithsonian
Folklife Festival."


Established in 1972, the Armenian Assembly of America is the
largest Washington-based nationwide organization promoting public understanding
and awareness of Armenian issues. The Assembly is a non-partisan, 501(c)(3)
tax-exempt membership organization.




NR#: 2018-044


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Armenian President Fires Six Ministers

The Financial, Georgia
Oct 3 2018
Armenian President Fires Six Ministers

The FINANCIAL — Armenian President Armen Sarkisian has dismissed six government members representing the Prosperous Armenia (BHK) and the Armenian Revolutionary Federation (Dashnaktsutyun) parties amid an ongoing political crisis.

Energy Minister Artur Grigorian, Transport Minister Ashot Akopian, Economy Minister Artsik Minasian, Agriculture Minister Artur Khachatrian, Emergency Minister Grachya Rostomian, and Sports Minister Levon Vagradian have been relieved of their duties, the presidential press service said on October 3, according to RFE/RL.

The president's decision came after Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinian on October 2 recommended the dismissal of the six because their parties voted for a bill that makes it harder to hold early parliamentary elections.

The bill was passed with the backing of lawmakers from BHK, Dashnaktsutyun, and former Prime Minister Serzh Sarkisian's Republican Party of Armenia (HHK), which holds the largest number of seats in the legislature.

The lawmakers' move prompted thousands of Pashinian's supporters to rally outside parliament in the capital, Yerevan, to demand fresh elections.
Pashinian, who met with the parliamentary majority leaders while the protesters were gathered outside, said early on October 3 that he had received assurances that the lawmakers will not block early general elections.

Snap general elections can be called in the South Caucasus country if lawmakers fail twice to choose a new prime minister and the legislature is dissolved. Pashinian has said he was ready to resign to trigger this procedure and parliamentary elections could be held.

Pashinian said the parliamentary leaders of HHK, BHK, and Dashnaktsutyun assured him that they would not field any prime-ministerial candidates should he follow through on his vow to resign to force new elections.

Pashinian, a former opposition lawmaker who took office in May after spearheading weeks of protests that forced Serzh Sarkisian's resignation, has pushed for early elections following his bloc's landslide victory in the mayoral race in Yerevan last month in a bid to unseat his political opponents, who have maintained a majority in parliament.

He made clear that he will tender his resignation "in the coming days" to ensure the elections are held "in the first half of December." He said he might step down even before Armenia hosts a Francophonie summit on October 11-12.

In an apparent reference to French President Emmanuel Macron, Pashinian said he will talk to some leaders of the loose grouping of French-speaking nations to see if such a move would be appropriate.

Pashinian is due to fly to Paris on October 4 to attend the funeral of French-Armenian singer Charles Aznavour, who died on October 1.

Pashinyan suggests using ‘Velvet Revolution’ logic for economic transformation


Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan is suggesting placing the logic behind the ‘Velvet Revolution” that took place in Armenia at the basis of transforming the country’s economy.

Speaking on Facebook, the Armenian PM emphasized that the revolution was carried out not by the team of political leaders, but by the people. “Our role was to create a opportunity, create a platform, an arena, a square, where you will have the chance to carry out a revolution. We see the same logic in the economy. We must create conditions: fair taxation system, economic competition conditions, where everyone will have the chance to carry out economic activities within their skills and talents,” he said.

The PM added that it is also important to think about not only accessibility, but also price-wise to generate affordable resources of funding and loaning and infuse it towards businesses. “We imagine our further economic development through these very mechanisms,” he said. “Simultaneously to these reforms, also by ensuring political stability, we must be able to attract investors in order to be able to boost our economy,” he said.

168: Armenian youth showed the power of their voice for progressing democracy – UN Gen.-Sec.


UN Secretary-General António Guterres once again talked about the political changes in Armenia during his speech at the 73rd Summit of UN General Assembly.

“The youth of Armenia showed the power of their voice for progressing democracy by the peaceful political changes in the country”, Guterres said.

António Guterres had commented on the peaceful political changes of Armenia a few days ago, answering the questions of Facebook users. “Recently we witnessed a fantastic example of peaceful power change which took place in Armenia. It’s a fantastic example that speaks about the fact that there are reasons to believe that the new generation will be able to make better solutions than my generation”, Guterres had said.

Kevin (Kemal) Oksuz indicted by United States, arrest warrant remains outstanding – says Justice Department


Turkish-born American lobbyist Kevin (Kemal) Oksuz, the man who was arrested in Armenia in pursuance of an international arrest warrant issued by the United States, has been charged in an indictment unsealed September 24 for his role in a scheme to conceal the fact that a 2013 Congressional trip to Azerbaijan was funded by the Azerbaijan government, the US Department of Justice said in a press release.

Assistant Attorney General Brian A. Benczkowski of the Justice Department’s Criminal Division, U.S. Attorney Jessie K. Liu for the District of Columbia, and Assistant Director in Charge Nancy McNamara of the FBI’s Washington Field Office made the announcement.

Kemal Oksuz, aka Kevin Oksuz, 48, previously a resident of Arlington, Virginia, allegedly lied on disclosure forms filed with the U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Ethics prior to, and following, a privately sponsored Congressional trip to Azerbaijan.  According to the indictment, Oksuz allegedly falsely represented and certified on required disclosure forms that the Turquoise Council of Americans and Eurasions (TCAE), the Houston non-profit for which Oksuz was president, had not accepted funding for the Congressional trip from any outside sources.  According to the charges, Oksuz in truth orchestrated a scheme to funnel money to fund the trip from the State Oil Company of Azerbaijan Republic (SOCAR), the wholly state-owned national oil and gas company of Azerbaijan, and allegedly concealed the true source of funding, which is alleged to violate House travel regulations.

The five-count indictment was returned earlier this year in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia and ordered unsealed today. It charges Oksuz with one count of devising a scheme to falsify, conceal, and cover up material facts from the Ethics Committee and four counts of making false statements to Congress.

Oksuz is considered a fugitive. A warrant for his arrest was issued earlier this year and remains outstanding, the Department of Justice said.

The investigation was conducted by the FBI. The case is being prosecuted by Trial Attorney Marco Palmieri of the Criminal Division’s Public Integrity Section and Assistant U.S. Attorney David Misler of the District of Columbia.

After being arrested in Yerevan, Oksuz has appeared under investigation of Armenian law enforcement agencies in suspicion of tax evasion.

Eduard Sharmazanov: Weapons sold to Azerbaijan fire in direction of Armenia

Weapons sold to Azerbaijan fire in the direction of CSTO member state Armenia, Vice Speaker of the National Assembly of Armenia Eduard Sharmazanov said during the 11th session of the Inter-parliamentary Committee on Cooperation between the National Assembly of Armenia and National Assembly of Belarus took place in Minsk on September 24,  the press service of the parliament of Armenia reported,

Sharmazanov referred to, inter alia, the activities of the CSTO and regional security issues.

“Armenian-Belarusian inter-parliamentary relations are of key importance given that both countries are members to the CSTO and the EAEU. Security issues continue to be a priority for our region. Back in 2000 our counties adopted a declaration in the sidelines of the Collective Security Treaty, according to which military-technical cooperation between the member states of the organization had to be a priority, but it’s not a secret that some CSTO member states sell arms to Azerbaijan. It’s necessary to note that the weapons sold to Azerbaijan fired, fire and will probably fire in the direction of CSTO member state Armenia. This is concerning.

I have to note that in the recent period the Azerbaijani forces often fire at the civilian population of the bordering communities of Armenia, which is a gross violation of all the international norms. I think our partners should condemn such an unconstructive policy,” he noted.

Armenian Americans urge FFA to launch non-stop flights to Armenia

Transportation Monitor Worldwide

Armenian Americans urge FFA to launch non-stop flights to Armenia

The Armenian National Committee of America (ANCA) has called upon the
Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) to facilitate the launch of
non-stop flights from the United States to the Republic of Armenia
easing transit for tourists, speeding up business travel and cargo
movement - while deepening the bilateral ties between two friendly

In a letter shared on the eve of Armenian Independence Day, ANCA
Chairman Raffi Hamparian encouraged Acting FAA Administrator Dan
Elwell to engage with Armenias civil aviation authorities on concrete
steps toward this powerful new connection between the American and
Armenian peoples.

Travel to Armenia marked double-digit growth over the past year, with
the demand for flights from the United States to Armenia continuing to
grow - driving tourism as a major engine of Armenias prosperity.
Currently, travelers from the U.S. need to purchase tickets using
connecting flights on foreign carriers, often with long layovers. This
effort is intended to create an effortless, convenient and speedy
connection in getting from one country to the other.

The ANCA is leading the effort to establish non-stop flights from the
United States to Armenia, shared longtime ANCA leader Zanku Armenian,
who has years of professional experience in aviation matters. The time
is ripe for the FAA and Civil Aviation Authorities in Armenia to
create a favorable legal and regulatory environment and foster
engagement with commercial stakeholders empowering the private sector
to initiate profitable non-stop flights. With a concerted effort by
both governments, we are optimistic that a private air carrier will
step forward to launch non-stop flights from Los Angeles or New York
to Yerevan. The demand for air travel from the United States to
Armenia is strong and growing. While this is an ambitious initiative
by the ANCA that was started well before the recent positive changes
in Armenia, the timing now is particularly favorable to establish a
new dimension to the bonds between our two countries, added Armenian.

Once government hurdles are cleared, the private carrier that steps
forward to establish this new non-stop route will enjoy the long-term
business benefits by being a first-mover on such an opportunity. This
is why the ANCA has been initiating dialogue with various U.S.
federal, state and local authorities and private sector parties to
advocate for this game-changing idea. 2018 Global Data Point.

U.S. Embassy Donates $80,000 of Equipment to Tsiatsan and Amberd Schools

Targeted News Service
 Wednesday 5:48 AM EST

U.S. Embassy Donates $80,000 of Equipment to Tsiatsan and Amberd Schools

YEREVAN, Armenia

The U.S. Embassy in Armenia issued the following news:

Today, U.S. Ambassador to Armenia Richard M. Mills, Jr., along with
representatives from the U.S. Embassy's Office of Defense Cooperation,
visited Tsiatsan and Amberd schools to donate $80,000 worth of new
school equipment, training aids, furniture, sports equipment, and
kitchen appliances.

These schools were chosen to receive the donation, provided by the
U.S. Department of Defense's Excess Property program, after Ambassador
Mills' 2015 visit to the region, where he saw first-hand the efforts
of the United Nations World Food Program to provide hot meals for
primary school students.

"It is very special for me to be back here nearly three years after my
first visit to these schools, and I am delighted to deliver on the
promises I made to you back then," Ambassador Mills said to an
audience of local leaders, school staff and students. "By working with
the UN Food Program, you will now have the equipment you need to
provide hot meals and educational support to nearly 300 children in
your communities."

The goal of the U.S. Department of Defense's Excess Property program
at the Tsiatsan and Amberd Schools is to support the schools by
providing new furniture and equipment and to supplement programs
implemented by other donors, including the UN World Food Program.

The Tsiatsan School, with World Food Program support, began providing
hot meals to students in September 2015. Half of the 300 students at
the Tsiatsan School receive hot meals through this program. The
feeding program at the Amberd School began even earlier, in 2014.
Around 120 out of a total of 244 primary grade students benefit from
this program. The school feeding program was implemented as a social
safety net to provide nutrition and sustenance for children to enable
them to focus on their studies.

Former MP of Armenian Parliament filed a lawsuit against Holy See of Holy Etchmiadzin for unpaid debts

Arminfo, Armenia
Sept 7 2018
Former MP of Armenian Parliament filed a lawsuit against Holy See of Holy Etchmiadzin for unpaid debts

Yerevan September 7

Ani Mshetsyan. Former MP of the Armenian parliament Aragats Akhoyan filed a lawsuit against the Holy See of St. Echmiadzin for outstanding debts. "Holy Etchmiadzin owed a large sum of money to the construction company headed by me for the repair work, and I was forced to apply to the court, unable to make them pay the debts for many years," Akhoyan told a reporter.

He said that the construction company he owned for 7 years was repairing the Catholicosate, but the services were not paid for. "As a result, our company incurred substantial material losses: we want to restore justice and return the debt," the former MP noted.

It is noteworthy that before appealing to the court, he tried to solve the problem "amicably" through negotiations with the Catholicos of All Armenians Garegin II. "However, he again deceived us," Akhoyan said.

Nevertheless, the former MP risked and decided to try his luck a second time and sign another contract with the Holy See of St. Echmiadzin for the provision of construction services. "Last September we received another order from Echmiadzin, started to implement it and again received nothing, after which we broke the contract and held talks with the Catholicos. But since we did not manage to solve anything peacefully, we were deceived again, we filed a lawsuit in court, "Akhoyan concluded.

Verelq: ՀՀ իշխանությունները պետք է արձագանքեն ՌԴ պաշտոնյաների հայտարարություններին. ԱՄՆ դեսպան

  • 05.09.2018

  • Հայաստան



Հայաստանի իշխանությունները պետք է արձագանքեն ՌԴ պաշտոնյաների հայտարարություններին: Այս մասին լրագրողների հետ ճեպազրույցում հայտարարել է ՀՀ-ում ԱՄՆ դեսպան Ռիչարդ Միլսը:

«Ես տեսել եմ այդ գնահատականները, արձագանքները և Հայաստանի կառավարությունը պետք է արձագանքի այդ մեկնաբանություններին: Մեր դիրքորոշումը եղել և մնում է այն, որ Մարտի 1-ի դեպքերի մասով պետք է մանրակրկիտ և օբյեկտիվ քննություն իրականացվի։ Եվ կարևոր է, որպեսզի այդ քննությունն իրականացվի իրավունքի գերակայության և պատշաճ իրավական գործընթացների շրջանակում»,- նշել է Միլսը` պատասխանելով հարցին, թե արդյոք նման հայտարարությունները չեն վկայում այն մասին, որ ՀՀ իշխանությունների վրա փորձ է արվում ճնշում գործադրել:

Հիշեցնենք, որ ՌԴ արտաքին գործերի նախարար Սերգեյ Լավրովը հայտարարել էր, թե Ռուսաստանն անհանգստացած է հայաստանյան իրադարձություններով: Ըստ նրա` «Հայաստանում իրավիճակը շարունակում է եռալ»։ Նախօրեին ՀՀ վարչապետ Նիկոլ Փաշինյանը, մեկնաբանելով այս հայտարարությունն, ասաց. «Այո, իսկապես շատ շոգ է այսօր»: