Azerbaijan opening second front against Armenia in Nakhichevan

ARKA, Armenia
July 2 2018

YEREVAN, July 2. /ARKA/. An Armenian political analyst Levon Shirinyan said today that Azerbaijan’s military buildup in its exclave Nakhichevan means opening a new front against Armenia. 

On June 30 and July 1 a skirmish between Azerbaijani and Armenian troops on the border between Nakhichevan and Armenia were reported. According to Armenian sources,  Azerbaijani troops attempted to build new engineering structures to strengthen their positions. The Armenian troops fired back destroying and burning one of the enemy's positions. An Armenian contract serviceman Vahagn Baghdasaryan (born in 1974) was slightly wounded in the skirmish.

According to Shirinyan, in addition to the Karabakh front, there is now a second one opening in Nakhichevan. Shirinyan said  the reaction of the Armenian side, which destroyed the Azerbaijani military position, is correct and the official Yerevan should continue this ‘model of behavior.’

"After the velvet revolution in Armenia, I see changes in matters concerning relations with Azerbaijan. Our strategy should be based on preventive strikes, and the destruction of the Azerbaijani military position in this regard should be greeted," the political scientist said.

According to Shirinyan, if Azerbaijan tries to commit new provocations, it must be punished. 
The Nagorno-Karabakh conflict erupted into armed clashes after the collapse of the Soviet Union in the early 1990s as the predominantly Armenian-populated enclave of Azerbaijan sought to secede from Azerbaijan and declared its independence backed by a successful referendum. 

On May 12, 1994, the Bishkek cease-fire agreement put an end to the military operations. A truce was brokered by Russia in 1994, although no permanent peace agreement has been signed. Since then, Nagorno-Karabakh and several adjacent regions have been under the control of Armenian forces of Karabakh. 

Nagorno-Karabakh is the longest-running post-Soviet era conflict and has continued to simmer despite the relative peace of the past two decades, with snipers causing tens of deaths a year. On April 2, 2016, Azerbaijan launched military assaults along the entire perimeter of its contact line with Nagorno-Karabakh. Four days later a cease-fire was reached. -0-

President of Artsakh holds meeting with Armenia’s minister of labor and social affairs


President of Artsakh Bako Sahakyan on June 30 received Armenia’s minister of labor and social affairs Mane Tandilyan and first deputy minister Arsen Manukyan, the Artsakh Presidential Office reported.

During the meeting issues relating to the cooperation of the two Armenian states in the field of social insurance were discussed.

The meeting was also attended by Artsakh’s minister of labor, social affairs and resettlement Samvel Avanesyan.

Armenia Marriott Hotel Yerevan Helping Build a Home with Fuller Center for Housing Armenia

_June  30, 2018




YEREVAN, ARMENIA:  On the Armenia Marriott Hotel
Yerevan volunteer staff members, led by Armenia Marriott Hotel Yerevan General
Manager Catalina Susan, joined Fuller Center for Housing Armenia team
to build a home for the Khachatryan family from Qaghsi Village in the
Kotayk Region.


It is already the 12th
year that Armenia Marriott Hotel Yerevan partners with Fuller Center for
Housing Armenia team with the aim of eliminating substandard housing in Armenia
and helping more and more families in need of decent housing. This year, the
Armenia Marriott Hotel Yerevan team joined the Khachatryans to help with
concreting work.

“Marriott’s Spirit to serve makes our culture more
vibrant, our business stronger and the world a better place. Investing in the
communities where we do business is at the core of Marriott’s Spirit To Serve
Our Communities corporate social responsibility strategy. Our commitment to
society blends financial contributions with in-kind giving of products and
services, and the volunteer service of our associates around the world. Now the
time has come to put our actions to another Spirit to Serve our communities
event together with Fuller Center for Housing Armenia‘’, said Armenia Marriott
Hotel Yerevan General Manager
 Ms. Catalina Susan

Khachatryans are a family of eleven. Rustam and his wife, Hripsik, together
with their three children, live with Rustam’s parents and his brother’s family,
eleven people in a four-room house. It is already nine years, Rustam has
started building a house for his family, but could raise only the walls and do
the ceiling.

 Rustam still can’t imagine that very soon his
family will have a decent home and his children will be raised in a house with
all necessary housing conditions. 

''For many years I
have been trying to finish the house construction putting stone on the stone
but lack of financial mean didn’t allow to finish the construction sooner. I am
so thankful to FCHA and the volunteers who came and worked tirelessly with us.
Their support is invaluable. My entire family is very grateful for such a
generous support,” shared Rustam.

 “We have a solid partnership with
Armenia Marriott Hotel Yerevan which has a history of 12 years… Hope our
partnership will continue many more years with the great mission of helping
more and more Armenian families in housing need,'' said the Fuller Center for
Housing Armenia President Ashot Yeghiazaryan.