Converse Bank’s new offer for young people


Converse Bank has expanded the scope of beneficiaries of “Create your credit history” campaign and has extended its term. Currently, students of several higher educational institutions covered by the Student Loan Program, as well as 12th-grade adult students and graduates of AYB and Shirakatsy educational complexes, can make use of the opportunities offered by the campaign.

Within the framework of this campaign, the beneficiaries making non-cash transactions with Converse Bank cards for an amount of AMD 500 thousand and more till May 31, will get the opportunity of obtaining a mortgage loan at an interest rate lower than the interest rate currently applied at the Bank. Also, MasterCard Standard plastic card with a credit limit up to AMD 400 thousand, with maturity of 36 months, and 15% annual interest rate will be provided without a service fee. Besides, no commission fee will be charged for cash withdrawal at encashment points and ATMs of the Bank.

“Within this campaign, Converse Bank also offers additional opportunities for students with excellent grades; it offers them a gift – Visa Classic or Master Standard card with a balance of AMD 150,000”, – we were told at Converse Bank.

It was also mentioned that Converse Bank had been involved in various educational initiatives during the previous year. Namely, it held training on financial literacy in several schools, supported establishment of a laboratory complex of natural sciences at Shirakatsy educational complex, set scholarships for the students of Eurnekian School, etc. Support to the educational sector, educational programs, and Olympiads is included in Converse Bank’s action plan for 2018 as well.

For details and list of institutions of higher education please follow the link

Armenian herbal teas to be exported to Germany

Armenpress News Agency, Armenia

Armenian herbal teas to be exported to Germany

YEREVAN, FEBRUARY 23, ARMENPRESS. Mountain Tea and Antaram, two
Armenian herbal tea producers, have signed an export deal with German
TeeGschwendner on the sidelines of the BIOFACH 2018 agricultural food
expo in Nuremberg, Germany.

LukasParobij, an executive of the German tea company, said they found
out about the Armenian producers through the organic agriculture
project of NABU and ACBA Credit Agricole Bank. “I think the project
created very good opportunities and prospects both for Armenian
organic tea producers and for us”, he said.

In addition to the exports deal, the agreement also implies staff training.

“This is TeeGschwendner’s first regional project, and I can say that
we found what we were looking for in Armenia”, he added.

The German company operates more than 130 specialized stores in 7
countries across 4 continents.

English –translator/editor: Stepan Kocharyan

February 19 – Armenia celebrates Book Giving Day

Armenpress News Agency , Armenia

February 19 – Armenia celebrates Book Giving Day

YEREVAN, FEBRUARY 19, ARMENPRESS. Literature, book are our close
friends and relatives. They open new horizons for us, enable us to
recognize the world, complex human relationships, teach us to love,
dream and fight. February 19, the birthday of renowned Armenian poet
Hovhannes Tumanyan, is celebrated in Armenia as the Book Giving Day
aimed at increasing the interest and love towards books.

The holiday was introduced in Armenia since 2008 thanks to the
initiative of late President of the Writers’ Union of Armenia Levon

Culture minister Armen Amiryan told Armenpress that he hasn’t yet
decided what books he are going to give, but added that on that day he
will visit the National Children's Library named after Khnko Aper to
participate in the 14th traditional Yerevan Book fair for children. “I
will choose any book for children and on that day I will read a fairy
tale for kids”, the minister said.

According to him, this holiday is very important to once again draw
the attention of our public to the book, book publishing and to
attract towards the writers in general. “I think in this sense more is
needed to be done than the Book holiday and giving books to each
other. More large-scale events can be held in this regard”, he added.

Giving books to each other already becomes a very good tradition in Armenia.

According to the decision of the Armenian government, the culture
ministry and the Writers’ Union of Armenia every year distribute
books, which were published by the state assistance and were not sold,
between the libraries of provinces and communities, as well as those
of Artsakh and Javakheti.

Dutch Foreign Minister respects calls to recognize Armenian Genocide, Armenia
Feb 16 2018
Dutch Foreign Minister respects calls to recognize Armenian Genocide Dutch Foreign Minister respects calls to recognize Armenian Genocide

19:45, 16.02.2018

Dutch Foreign Minister Sigrid Kaag said she respects parliament’s “enthusiasm” to recognize the Armenian Genocide.

However, Kaag said she will not comment on the government’s stance on the matter until she's debated the matter with parliament next week, NOS   reports.

A motion recognizing the Armenian Genocide has been presented in the Tweede Kamer, the lower house of Dutch parliament, on Thursday.The motion is authored by ChristenUnie parliamentarian Joel Voordewind.

The minister said the government always refers to this matter as “the issue of the Armenian genocide” and that is still the case. She added that she respects the relatives’ grief about the terrible things that happened in 1915.

“It can be important what a thing is called, but we will decide that in the debate with the Kamer”, she said to NOS.

NOS also said that the minister did not comment whether a member of the government will attend the commemoration in April, but “sources in The Hague told NOS that someone will be there.”

Israel to soon present official position on Karabakh conflict?, Armenia
Feb 16 2018
Israel to soon present official position on Karabakh conflict? Israel to soon present official position on Karabakh conflict?

17:00, 16.02.2018

YEREVAN. – The Armenia-Israel Parliamentary Friendship Group delegation’s recent visit to Israel was quite hectic and productive.

Head of the delegation, ruling Republican Party of Armenia MP Gagik Minasyan, stated about the above-said at Friday’s press conference of the members of this friendship group.

“During the visit we had meetings not only with [Israeli] parliamentarians, but also with the defense minister of Israel, during which we discussed the Karabakh conflict settlement matters,” Minasyan said. 

But he stressed that during the talk on this issue, the Israeli defense minister had quite frequently made expressions which were pro-Azerbaijani oriented. The Armenian side had repeatedly expressed itself at the Israeli parliament on this matter, pointing to the Azerbaijani position’s error in the Karabakh peace process.

At the same time, the Armenian MP announced that the Israeli side had promised to the Armenian delegation that it soon will present Israel’s clear position on the Karabakh conflict.

Members of the visiting Armenian parliamentary delegation had reflected also on Israel’s selling of arms to Azerbaijan, and which are used against the Armenian side, stressing that Tel Aviv’s respective stance remains incomprehensible for Yerevan, since the Israelis had to go through the same hardships as the Armenian people.

ԱՊՊԱ պայմանագիր կնքելու որս հայտարարած գործակալները կարող են հայտնվել դատարանում

  • 09.02.2018

  • Հայաստան


Եթե ԱՊՊԱ պայմանագիր կնքելու համար վարորդներին ժամանակ առ ժամանակ անհանգստացնում են տարբեր գործակալներ, ապա նրանք իրավունք ունեն անձնական տվյալների ապօրինի օգտագործման կամ շրջանառման վերաբերյալ հաղորդում ներկայացնել համապատասխան իրավապահ մարմիններին։ Այս մասին հայտնում է Հայաստանի Ավտոապահովագրողների Բյուրոն: 

«Վերջին շրջանում Հայաստանի Ավտոապահովագրողների Բյուրոն ինչպես առանձին սպառողներից, այնպես էլ զանգվածային լրատվության միջոցների ներկայացուցիչներից ստանում է բողոքներ այն մասին, որ առանձին ապահովագրական գործակալներ զանգահարում և ԱՊՊԱ պայմանագիր կնքելու առաջարկություն են ներկայացնում այն ապահովագրական ընկերության անունից, որի հետ հեռախոսազանգ ստացողը չունի և երբևէ չի ունեցել կնքված ԱՊՊԱ պայմանագիր։

Հաշվի առնելով նշված հանգամանքը՝ Հայաստանի Ավտոապահովագրողների Բյուրոն ևս մեկ անգամ ցանկանում է հիշեցնել հետևյալը․նմանատիպ խնդիրների կարգավորման նպատակով Բյուրոյի կողմից հաստատված ԱՊՊԱ ընդհանուր պայմաններով (որը հանդիսանում է ԱՊՊԱ պայմանագրի անբաժանելի մասը) 2016 թվականից սկսված՝ հստակ սահմանվել է, որ ԱՊՊԱ պայմանագրի կնքման գործընթացում ապահովագրական ընկերության կողմից ստացված տեղեկությունները կարող են օգտագործվել ԱՊՊԱ պայմանագրի վերակնքման մասին անձին տեղեկացնելու կամ հիշեցնելու նպատակով միայն տվյալ անձի հետ նախկինում ԱՊՊԱ պայմանագիր կնքած ապահովագրա​կան ընկերության կամ նրա ներկայացուցիչների (ներառյալ ապահովագրական գործակալների) կողմից:

Համապատասխանաբար, բոլոր այն դեպքերում, երբ Ձեզ զանգահարում և առաջարկում են ԱՊՊԱ պայմանագիր կնքել կամ վերակնքել այն ապահովագրական ընկերության անունից, ում հետ Դուք երբևէ չեք ունեցել կնքված ԱՊՊԱ պայմանագիր, Դուք իրավունք ունեք անձնական տվյալների ապօրինի օգտագործման կամ շրջանառման վերաբերյալ հաղորդում ներկայացնել համապատասխան իրավապահ մարմիններին»,- ասված է հաղորդագրության մեջ։

Military authorities probe soldier’s death, fellow serviceman arrested


The military investigative committee launched a probe into the death of Private Hovsep Grigoryan, the committee reported.

The Private was killed with a gunshot wound to the head in the afternoon of January 27 while on duty in the Defense Army positions.

Preliminary information suggests that the shooting occurred as a result of negligence and violation of firearm safety rules by a fellow soldier.

The soldier suspected in the friendly fire has been arrested.

Investigation continues.

Vice Speaker Sharmazanov says Armenia successfully runs diversified foreign policy

Armenpress News Agency , Armenia

Vice Speaker Sharmazanov says Armenia successfully runs diversified
foreign policy

YEREVAN, JANURY 25, ARMENPRESS. It was once again reaffirmed that
Armenia runs a diversified foreign policy, Vice Speaker of the
Parliament Eduard Sharmazanov told a press conference in Armenpress,
stating that as the Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan said at PACE
Armenia is an EAEU, CSTO member, Russia’s ally, but at the same time
the country managed to keep very good relations with the EU countries,
in particular, with France.

“France is a friendly country for Armenia, and the Armenian-French
relations are dynamically developing in all spheres, including
political, economic, cultural and inter-parliamentary directions. You
know that Armenia will host the Francophonie summit in October and
Armenia will become one of the world’s political centers during this
period”, he said.

Presidents Sargsyan and Macron clearly stated that everything will be
done for the development of the Armenian-French ties. Eduard
Sharmazanov said this was Sargsyan-Macron first meeting, but the
existing mutual understanding was evident.

“What has been stated by Armenia? Armenia will continue the democracy
development, institutional reforms. Macron said France will always
assist Armenia. They highly appreciate Armenia’s democratization
efforts which is at the crossroads of the cultures of East and West”,
Sharmazanov said.

As for the Artsakh issue, the Vice Speaker attached importance to the
fact that during a joint statement with the President of France, as
one of the OSCE Minsk Group Co-Chair country, Serzh Sargsyan once
again clearly stated that the Nagorno Karabakh fight is fight for
freedom, human rights. In addition to this, the Armenian side supports
exclusively the peaceful settlement of the conflict.

“In his turn the French President clearly stated that the conflict
should be settled exclusively peacefully and through mutual
concessions and this must be followed by concrete steps. These
concrete steps are the implementation of the Geneva, St. Petersburg
and Vienna agreements. It’s Azerbaijan that torpedoes these
agreements, not Armenia and Artsakh”, Sharmazanov stated.

Commenting on the Armenian President’s speech at PACE, Eduard
Sharmazanov said when tangible reforms are talked about and when the
citizen will feel them, today this was very clear.

“If we go back for a couple of years, we will see what words the
European friends were using in regard to the inner-political situation
in Armenia and what words they are using now. Mr. Jagland clearly
stated that Armenia moves on the right path”, the Vice Speaker said.

Sharmazanov reminded that the President in his speech at PACE said in
2018 the domestic political issues in Armenia concerned the European
lawmakers, and yes, during that time they were adopting different
resolutions, there was even a danger that some sanctions would be
imposed on Armenia. But today in PACE even no one questioned the
irreversibility of democratic processes, human rights in Armenia, the
existence of political will in fight against corruption.

“This is a result of our political will, that of civil society,
leadership, opposition, but first of all that of the leader of the
state and the implementation of a clear political line. In Strasbourg
the President mentioned several important principles, Armenia is
Europe with its value system. One of the main priorities of Armenia’s
domestic political agenda is the fight against corruption. Corruption
is a disease and challenge to our state. At the same time corruption
is not only typical to developing countries like ours, but also it’s
typical to such famous organizations like PACE. In Strasbourg the
President said with a regret that we have witnessed value crisis in
PACE, when the caviar or the oil dollars were much more convincing
than the democratic values and human rights”, Sharmazanov noted.

Azerbaijani Press: Azerbaijan assesses Germany’s refusal to grant visas to Armenian separatists as support for its territorial integrity

APA, Azerbaijan
Jan 23 2018

Azerbaijan’s Foreign Ministry hosted regular political consultations with Germany on Jan. 23.  

 Azerbaijan was represented by Deputy Foreign Minister Khalaf Khalafov and Germany by Director for Eastern Europe, Caucasus and Central Asia of the Federal Foreign Office Andreas Peschke, the Azerbaijani Foreign Ministry told APA.

 Referring to the Armenia-Azerbaijan Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, Khalafov pointed out that the German government’s decision not to grant visas to representatives of the separatist regime created in Azerbaijan’s occupied territories is highly appreciated as Germany’s support for a peaceful resolution of the conflict and the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan.

 Peschke, in turn, said that Germany adheres to the unequivocal position on the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict and supports the settlement of the conflict based on the principles of the Helsinki Final Act.

 He noted that Germany, during its OSCE Chairmanship, made efforts to achieve progress in resolving the conflict.


Sports: Henrikh Mkhitaryan agent breaks silence over Manchester United Alexis Sanchez deal
 Tuesday 12:42 PM GMT

Henrikh Mkhitaryan agent breaks silence over Manchester United Alexis
Sanchez deal

Manchester United have been pursuing the Arsenal forward and the
Armenian could be part of the deal.

By Anthony Jepson

Henrikh Mkhitaryan's agent Mino Raiola says his client holds the key
toManchester United's pursuit ofAlexis Sanchez.

But he saysMkhitaryanwill not be railroaded into a move away from Old
Trafford - and insists the Armenian is not part of the Sanchez but
deal it is the other way round.

United are favourites to sign the Arsenal forward afterCity pulled out
of the racefor the Chilean.

The Reds are willing to meet the £35 million asking price for the
29-year-old, but have offered Mkhitaryan as part of the deal.

Raiola toldThe Times: "Manchester United is not going to sign Sanchez
unless Mkhi agrees to join Arsenal.

"Mkhi has not decided yet. Mkhi is going to do what is best for him.
He has two-and-a-half years left on his contract, so it's his

"Sanchez is part of the Mkhi deal, not the other way around."

United manager Jose Mourinho has admittedhe is open to moving the
underperforming Mkhitaryan on, saying: "Is it possible he
[Mkhitaryan]s going to be involved in the deal?

"It's possible. It's also possible he stays. I didn't select him
(against Stoke) because I wanted players fully focused and I
understand that with so much talk and so much speculation it is not
easy for Mkhitaryan to play at home with this feeling, can happen,
maybe doesn't happen.

"My approach to players is that every player has a price.

United showed Alexis Sanchez more commitment than City - it's simple

"So when the transfer window is open is also open for any club that is
interested in our players, then it's up to us to make the decision yes
or no, it's up to us to decide what we think is the right price."

Of United's pursuit of Sanchez, Mourinho said on Monday night
following the win over Stoke: "Not confident but also not, what is the
opposite? Unconfident. Just relaxed.

"We have a feeling that he is an Arsenal player, we have a feeling
that he can stay there, but also a feeling he can move and if he moves
I think we have a chance but most probably a player like him has other
big clubs interested and who knows."

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