The Prime Minister goes to have fun, instead of working – MP

At the time of the NA statements, MP of Tsarukyan faction Luiza Sargsyan stated that the country with a high poverty rate, starts the year by price hikes.

“The Prime Minister goes to have fun, instead of working in an emergency mode. The ministers are drunk, and forget about their duties. Thus, when the president of the country collects the relevant bodies, they are like the students, who learned lessons poorly, and try to show that they are very worried,” said the MP.

More details are in the video.

Sports: A list of top ten 2017 Armenian athletes provokes a lively debate

JAM News
Jan 5 2018

The list was also criticised by one of the athletes mentioned in it

The Armenian media has published a list with the names of the top ten best athletes of Armenia in 2017. These names were chosen via votes received from sports journalists and mobile text messages of sports fans.

The top ten athletes were:

  • Henrikh Mkhitaryan, football, midfielder of the English Manchester United club.

  • Artur Aleksanyan, greco-roman wrestling, Olympic champion and three-time world champion.

  • Levon Aronyan, international chess grandmaster, two time world cup winner.

  • Grigor Mkhitaryan, member of the Armenian sambo team, world champion.

  • Maksim Manukyan, greco-roman wrestling, world champion.

  • Hovhannes Bachkov, boxer, multiple-time champion of Armenia, European Championship gold medalist.

  • Simon Martirosyan, weightlifting, Olympic silver medalist.

  • Edgar Stepanyan, member of the Armenian cycling team.

  • Artur Tovamasyan, member of the Armenian gymnastics team.

  • Tigran Kirakosyan, member of the Armenian sambo team, four-time world cup winner, world champion and three-time European Championship gold medalist.

The athletes were given symbolic statue-trophies and keys to Hyundai Elantra vehicles.

However, not everyone believes that the selection was fair. Some think that athletes equally deserving of this title were not included on the list.

This discontent was expressed by greco-roman wrestler Artur Aleksanyan. His statement resonated in the sports world as he was one of the athletes nominated.

“I don’t agree with this list. This year we had winners on the world and European level who didn’t make it onto the list. I think that this is the fault of the Ministry of Sports. It is likely that the vote was not properly organized. How can a world champion remain off the list? I don’t want the  impression to be formed that my opinion is being affected by the fact that I was not number one on the list. I simply do not agree with the results of the voting,” said Artur Aleksanyan.

The list of the ten best athletes of the year was also criticised by Artur Aleksanyan’s brother, Rafael Aleksanyan, who is also a greco-roman wrestler. He believes that footballer Henrikh Mkhitaryan, who plays for the English Manchester United club shouldn’t have been on the list.

“I respect Henrikh Mkhitaryan greatly. He is, without a doubt, the best footballer in the history of Armenia, but he didn’t win anything for our country – and so he shouldn’t have been on the list. The fact that he brought us into the limelight doesn’t mean that he has to be included in the rating of the best athletes of Armenia,” he said.

RFE/RL Armenian Report – 12/27/2017


Georgia Extradites Key Suspect In High-Profile Armenian Case

 . Anush Muradian

Georgia - A screenshot of official video of the arrest in Tbilisi of
an Armenian man suspected of smuggling weapons to Armenia, 27Mar2017.

Law-enforcement authorities in Georgia have extradited to Armenia a
man accused of providing a sophisticated weapon to Samvel Babayan, the
jailed army general linked to an Armenian opposition group, it emerged
on Wednesday.

The 40-year-old Armenian national, Robert Aghvanian, was detained in
Tbilisi in late March just days after Babayan's controversial arrest.

Armenia's National Security Service (NSS) said at the time that the
former commander of Nagorno-Karabakh's army paid two other arrested
suspects to smuggle a shoulder-fired surface-to-air rocket from or
through Georgia. It claimed to have found and confiscated the
Russian-made Igla system in Karabakh.

Subsequent NSS statements were more ambiguous about the origin of the
weapon. Investigators said only that Aghvanian delivered the weapon in
return for $38,000 that was promised by Sanasar Gabrielian, a longtime
Babayan associate. Gabrielian allegedly acted on the general's orders.

Babayan repeatedly denied the accusations as baseless before being
sentenced to six years in prison by a Yerevan court late last
month. Gabrielian, who received a three-year prison sentence, insisted
at their trial that it was he, not Babayan, who commissioned the
confiscated Igla.

The two men were arrested about two weeks before Armenia's last
parliamentary elections. Babayan was unofficially affiliated with the
ORO alliance led by former Defense Minister Seyran Ohanian and two
other opposition politicians. ORO condemned the criminal case as
politically motivated. The opposition bloc failed to win any
parliament seats.

Armenia - Samvel Babayan (R), Nagorno-Karabakh's former military
leader, stands trial in Yerevan, 20Nov2017.

According to Armenia's Office of the Prosecutor-General, Aghvanian was
extradited from Georgia on Monday. He has already been formally
charged with illegal arms acquisition and smuggling, the
law-enforcement agency said in a statement.

Babayan's lawyer, Avetis Kalashian, said he does not expect the
extradition to seriously influence his client's fate. "It cannot have
any impact on Samvel Babayan because they definitely did not know each
other," he told RFE/RL's Armenian service (

"Samvel Babayan did not know personally any of the other suspects
except Sanasar Gabrielian," insisted Kalashian.

Neither the NSS nor the prosecutors have clarified yet why the once
powerful general would seek to get hold of the rocket designed to
shoot down planes and helicopters.

Babayan, who led Karabakh's Armenian-backed army from 1993-1999,
emigrated to Russia in 2011 and returned to Armenia in May 2016,
citing the increased risk of renewed war with Azerbaijan. He strongly
criticized Armenia's and Karabakh's current governments in the
following months.

Babayan was already arrested in 2000 and subsequently sentenced to 14
years in prison for allegedly masterminding a botched attempt on the
life of the then Karabakh president, Arkady Ghukasian. He was set free
in 2004.

Ruling Party Urges Caution Over Russian Tycoon Blacklisted By U.S.

 . Ruzanna Stepanian

Armenia -- Eduard Sharmazanov, the spokesman for the ruling Republican
Party, at a press conference in Yerevan, 27Dec2017.

The ruling Republican Party of Armenia (HHK) on Wednesday urged media
to respect "the presumption of innocence" of a Russian businessman of
Armenian descent blacklisted by the United States for his alleged ties
to an organized-crime syndicate.

The controversial businessman, Ruben Tatulian, is one of 10 Russian
nationals on whom the U.S. Treasury Department imposed financial
sanctions late last week. The department's Office of Financial Assets
Control (OFAC) accused them of involvement in "serious transnational
criminal activities."

Tatulian holds an Armenian diplomatic passport. He was also one of
three dozen Russian-Armenian entrepreneurs who pledged last January to
support Prime Minister Karen Karapetian with large-scale investments
in Armenia's economy. Tatulian's inclusion on the U.S. blacklist
therefore raised questions about his ties to the Armenian government.

"Democracy requires respect for the presumption of innocence," the HHK
spokesman, Eduard Sharmazanov, told reporters, commenting on the
U.S. sanctions against Tatulian. "If a person has not been convicted
by a judicial body then that person cannot be considered a
criminal. I'm neither defending nor not defending him. I'm just noting
a fact."

Asked whether the very fact of U.S. accusations levelled against
Tatulian is not significant in itself, Sharmazanov said: "This is
beyond the scope of my responsibilities."

The official also would not say whether the authorities in Yerevan
would now welcome any investments from Tatulian. "Financial
investments in Armenia and their sources must be legal," he said. "But
in order to judge whether they are legal or not you must not hand down
a [guilty] verdict against any citizen as long as there is no official

According to media reports, Tatulian is based in the Black Sea city of
Sochi and has extensive business interests as well as strong
government connections in southern Russia. An OFAC statement released
on December 22 described him as a regional "overseer" of the criminal
group in question. The Russian-Armenian tycoon has not yet publicly
reacted to the U.S. accusations.

Karapetian Laments Economist Cost Of Armenian Political Limbo

 . Emil Danielyan

Nagorno-Karabakh - Armenian Prime Minister Karen Karapetian visits a
manufacturing firm in the Martuni district, 16Dec2017.

The lingering uncertainty over who will govern Armenia after President
Serzh Sarkisian completes his final term in April is adversely
affecting the country's economy, Prime Minister Karen Karapetian said
in an interview published on Wednesday.

"Unfortunately that is the case," he told the "168 Zham"
newspaper. "We have to acknowledge that and # ensure that there are
not many [business-related] expectations based on those [political]
factors. But the approach that `let's wait for Monday and see what
happens' is definitely having a certain impact on the economy."

Karapetian referred to unnamed entrepreneurs who he said are delaying
their planned investments until after April 9, the final day of
Sarkisian's decade-long presidency.

The president, who holds a tight grip on the ruling Republican Party
of Armenia (HHK), has still not clarified what he is planning to do
afterwards. Sarkisian said on December 15 that "the time has not yet
come" for him to announce whether he will become prime minister or
take up another state post.

The HHK spokesman, Eduard Sharmazanov, again made clear on Wednesday
that Sarkisian will remain the party's top leader in any case. He said
that nobody else can do a better job of dealing with security and
foreign challenges facing Armenia. Several other senior HHK figures
have openly stated in recent weeks that Sarkisian should stay in power
as prime minister.

Also in April, Armenia will switch to a parliamentary system of
government, meaning that most of the sweeping powers currently enjoyed
by the head of state will be given to the prime minister. Karapetian
has repeatedly indicated his desire to retain his post.

Armenia -- Prime Minister Karen Karapetian gives an interview to "168
Zham" reporter Babken Tunian in Yerevan, 27Dec2017

Speaking to "168 Zham," the premier again said that the HHK leadership
will decide in April "who will occupy what post." "Of course,
individuals always play a [major] role," he said. "But the more the
role of individuals is minimized # the more predictable and promising
that [government] system becomes."

Joined by key members of his team such as Finance Minister Vartan
Aramian and Economic Development Minister Suren Karayan, Karapetian
spent most of the extensive interview defending his more than yearlong
track record. In particular, he argued that economic growth in Armenia
is on track to beat a 4.3 percent target that was set by his cabinet
for 2017. He also claimed to have significantly improved tax and
customs administration.

"We are committed to creating the kind of a business environment in
Armenia that will make it easy to do business # so that our
businessmen feel safe and secure, so that our domestic investors get
buoyed and bring in many other investors," he said.

Opposition politicians and other critics say that Karapetian's
government has not eased socioeconomic hardship so far. They have also
strongly criticized its decision not to raise public sector salaries,
pensions and poverty benefits despite a sizable rise in public
spending envisaged by the 2018 state budget.

Most of that spending increase will be channeled into infrastructure
projects. Government officials say this, coupled with continued
economic growth, is a better way to boost living standards in the

"I think that by 2019 many more people will feel that we have moved
and are moving the economy in the right direction," said Karapetian.

The 54-year-old former business executive vowed to speed up economic
growth through major reforms and a fight against corruption when
Sarkisian named him prime minister in September 2016. The ruling HHK's
governing board gave a largely positive assessment of his track record
a year later.

Press Review

"That official Yerevan hopes Tbilisi will express readiness to make
use of Armenia's [commercial] potential seems to suggest that Serzh
Sarkisian regards Armenian-Georgian relations on a new plane and
expects a new quality and level of cooperation from Georgia," writes
"Aravot." "This is a very important message. It must be pointed out
that Sarkisian's latest visit to Tbilisi took place in a noteworthy
atmosphere." The paper cites last week's statement by Georgian Prime
Minister Giorgi Kvirikashvili to the effect that that Armenia could be
able soon to use a road passing through South Ossetia in its trade
with Russia.

"Whether this move by the Georgian government is the result of
Armenian-Georgian negotiations will probably be clear later on,"
"Aravot" goes on. "A new situation that has emerged around Armenia has
played a role in that. In all likelihood, the signing of the
Comprehensive and Enhanced Partnership Agreement (CEPA) between
Armenia and the European Union, the start of a new phase of Armenia's
European integration, and Armenia's increased role in the region have
created a new situation."

"Hraparak" says that the November 24 signing of the CEPA was one of
the two most important events of 2017 for Armenia. The paper says that
the agreement is important in terms of both the domestic and foreign
policies. The April 2017 parliamentary elections are the other major
event singled out by it.

"Zhamanak" comments on U.S. plans to sell lethal weapons to
Ukraine. "The Russian hysteria about that is not comprehensible, to
say the least, because the United States is not a mediator in the
conflict in Ukraine and it is only natural that it is arming its
ally," writes the paper. It says the Russian reaction is particularly
"cynical" given Russia's large-scale arms sales to Azerbaijan that run
counter to its alliance with Armenia.

(Elen Chilingarian)

Reprinted on ANN/Armenian News with permission from RFE/RL
Copyright (c) 2017 Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty, Inc.
1201 Connecticut Ave., N.W. Washington DC 20036.

Government discusses issues related to implementation of new Armenia-EU agreement

Panorama, Armenia
Dec 22 2017

Armenian Prime Minister Karen Karapetyan on Friday chaired a working consultation to discuss the main directions of EU-Armenia cooperation. In particular, the meeting focused on a number of issues related to the implementation of the Comprehensive and Enhanced Partnership Agreement (CEPA) between Armenia and the European Union, the government’s press office reported.

“An inter-agency commission is being set up, headed by Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of International Economic Integration and Reforms Vache Gabrielyan. We have to make a specific decision as to how we will move forward and, in this regard, we need to clearly identify the task of each of us,” Prime Minister Karapetyan said.

Deputy Prime Minister Vache Gabrielyan presented an overview of planned per-sector activities. Deputy Foreign Minister Karen Nazaryan reported on the upcoming work and those programs to be implemented as part of the EU-Armenia cooperation agenda, which stem from the logic of a number of fundamental documents concerning bilateral partnership.

The premier instructed the heads of the agencies concerned to analyze the activities envisaged by the agreement falling under their jurisdiction in order to develop an action plan and a roadmap for their implementation.  

Chess: Armenian Men and Women Championships kick off on January 11

Panorama, Armenia
Dec 23 2017

The highest league of 78th Armenian Men Championship and the highest league of 73rd Armenian Women Championship will kick off on January 11. The Chess federation reported, the solemn opening ceremony of the tournaments will take place at Tigran Petrosyan Chess House on 11 of January and the first round of both tournaments will take place on January 12. The rounds will start at 15:00 Yerevan time.

10 chess players will participate in each tournament. There are 7 GMs and 3 IMs in Men tournament and 3 WIMs in Women tournament.

According to regulations the winners of the tournaments will be included in national teams.

Cause of poisoning can be meat (video)

A case of poisoning was registered in Chochkan village, Lori region. All members (5) of the family were hospitalized. The patients had the same symptoms.

After examining them at the Alaverdi Medical Center, doctors came to the conclusion that the cause of poisoning could be meat.

Details are available in the video of Ankyun +3 TV

Unger Papken Sassouni: A Man Among Men

Papken Sassouni at Dzidzernagapert during his first visit to Armenia

Editor’s Note: During the funeral service on November 10 for veteran Armenian Revolutionary Federation member, Papken Sassouni, Ara Mgrdichian paid tribute to the late unger. We present his remarks below.

And in a twinkle of an eye I saw everything… Our lives like a jigsaw puzzle complete, had become a total picture of life replete with every remembered moment, nuanced and striking…  And, then, one by one, pieces began falling away, and that is when I, too, began falling with every missing piece…

It is the end of an era and it is the irrevocable beginning of the new. A different kind of new, one bereft of the physical presence of some of those dearest to us, of familiar faces, comforting glances, knowing looks, and the sublime touch. However, this new era is one now infused completely with the deep and true essence of those who have passed. The puzzle we all put together has pieces missing, falling away, disappearing, portending a greater absence to come that we cannot comprehend.

But, the great mystery is mysterious beyond understanding and the greatness of mind and spirit becomes more and more present after the leaving of those, especially those, of epic dimensions. This presence—his presence–grows, now, exponentially in his absence.

As I clutched his hand for the last time, and he mine, I felt that same iron grip, still, and looking into my eyes, I knew, as I know all that is true and real, that he is immortal. I knew the words we exchanged were not near death standards or niceties, but the true promise of seeing each other soon and being always at one another’s service–at the service of our family and cause.

One must understand who Papken Sassouni was to understand who he is, and I know, here, in this hall, so many of you were touched by this great and humble spirit and know, each in your own way, that I am telling you the truth, each in your own way, know who he was, and know who he is now.

Papken Sassouni with his brothers at General Antranig’s memorial

But, you must also understand that my understanding and view of Unger Sassouni was as polyvalent as was his character and great spirit. I saw him first through the prism of a small child, as one of two or three of my father’s brothers–my father who had no actual brothers. And, through that prism shone a beautiful, carved face complete with all the traces of the true Armenian—a father, an uncle, a husband, friend, a brother-in-arms, a true intellectual, and man of high art—all ensconced in nonpareil warmth, compassion, and love.

The strength and certitude he projected were only matched by his smile unleashed. Our relations were prenatal. The progeny of our families—the patriarchs of which, for me, were a triumvirate of sorts—became family, first through the kith and kinship of their parents. Most of the earliest memories are not memories, but documentation of our interactions, photographs of our youth and theirs. Papken Ahm’mo was rarely without his camera, and, if it was not for his commitment to recording these moments, there would be far less to be remembered today and into the future.

Throughout childhood there was Papken Ahm’mo—strong, supportive, protective, welcoming, funny, clever. In adolescence, as the bonds between the families grew, the bonds with my brethren–Papken Ahm’mo’s progeny–grew even more. Our youth was a constant wonder and adventure, much of the time in and around the Sassouni household, and at its gravitational centers were Papken Ahm’mo and Marjho Tanteeg. Their home was filled with beauty and bounty from the most fascinating, cutting-edge technologies that Papken Ahm’mo would bring home from his work at CCI to stunning works of art and design to the most sacred of Armenian tomes and treasures, not to mention the mischief we caused so often.

There were computers at the Sassouni home when computers didn’t exist. As children, we didn’t fully understand that the phone handset sitting in the cloth (or was it velvet?) lined teak box, atop the teak desk, in the main room, facing the windows onto the boundless Pacific, was, in fact, an early 1970’s modem linking the screen on the desk to a CRAY or UNIVAC at some remote location. I remember how Papken Ahm’mo, on the 4th of July, made that screen explode with pixelated fireworks, as well as regaling us with real fireworks in the backyard.

Papken Ahm’mo was always interesting, showing us games, tricks, ways of thinking, beautiful places and objects, keeping us on our toes, and keeping us fierce.

There are so many memories, so many moments, so many facets to Papken Sassouni, that it is a challenge today to present a complete picture of this man among men. However, one thing may be certain above all, or, rather, one thing in particular permeates all things having to do with Mr. Sassouni, and that is no matter the company or situation, no matter the circumstances or severity, Papken Sassouni was that rare breed of human being who was able to comport himself with dignity and grace at all times and to the end, and this capacity effected all with whom he interacted.

The capacity to listen and be listened to, to respect and be respected, to embody the true meaning of civilization and humanity, with a hard-found patience, empathy, and openness— that was Papken Sassouni. Even when we were young and burgeoning, he would let us talk with fervor and verve, knowing full well what we were yet to know. He had the capacity to allow all people, including those closest to him, who he loved so dearly—which is no small feat—to find their own way and place in the world, to explore and be curious, to live and struggle, all with his unique brand of subtle, refined guidance—felt, but never overbearing, an almost invisible wisdom imparted.

I feel this rare capacity was fueled by his own limitless consciousness as a man—a true human–and an Armenian, eternally committed to the cause of life, of living, and of justice, with all that entailed. There was something calming and courageous in his demeanor, a true leader that made you feel not just accepted, but that you mattered, and you wanted to be better for it.

I admired Unger Papken for a great many things—his intellectual acumen, his discerning, yet understated sense of style, his great base of knowledge and clever mind–the list goes on. But, I loved him for even more. His sense of discipline and commitment in theory and practice must have been the bulwark of his great accomplishments and his great love. There were so many good things that were a daily practice for him. He was a man, a creator, who knew that all big things—ideas, actions, causes—come from the small, that what we give our time to—in ourselves and others—is what is nurtured, cultivated, and brought to fruition.

He knew that faith is action. And, that faith was particularly poignant in his lifelong service to the Armenian Cause and the ARF, just as it was to his family and his many friends. Unger Papken’s service to his nation’s cultural, political, and social life in the diaspora and homeland is vast and well documented. His activities were not only exclusive to the great ARF family of organizations and institutions, but ran the gamut of Armenian and non-Armenian life, and that, in itself, is a testament to his ability to successfully work with diverse groups and cultures. It was an honor to work with him, to speak and confer with him, and seek his opinions on organizational, historic, and community matters. Even during the darkest moments in our recent communal and organizational history, Unger Papken was one of the few individuals with which I could truly converse, and I always looked forward, with great anticipation, to his advice and counsel. Unger Sassouni was and is a man respected by all segments of our society and was somehow able to transfer his father’s sacred millennial fire to his family, extended family, and a whole nation in straight lineage from the mountains of Sassoun. Unger Papken’s eldest son, Garo’s ARF Gunkahayr (Godfather) was my father Unger Mgouch , and my ARF Gunkahayr was Garo’s father, Unger Papken—happenstance or fate, depends on one’s perspective, but the transgenerational interstices were always strong and kept growing. Unger Papken, our fathers and their friends—you know who you are both living and passed on–they were Musketeers, Knights, of sorts, living among us. They led and served by example. They may not have divulged the extent of their service and deeds before shaking off this mortal coil, but their true selves showed through and were evident in all they did and all they pursued.

Life away from the battlefield can be difficult–sometimes impossible–for true warriors, however, Unger Papken Sassouni was able to adapt and negotiate the tumult of a “not-so peaceful” peace with aplomb and grace, fighting the good fight whether in meeting halls or on far-off shores. He never sank to the guttural levels in which many are mired, but always raised the bar in every situation. These men of thought and action—of the head and the hand—these men of Medz Haik, were fortunately able to witness the Independence of Armenia and the liberation of Artsakh they so loved and whose cause they served unwaveringly, body and soul, before their passage from this plane.

And, now together, with Unger Papken standing point, they wait like eagles perched in their high nests, soaring skies, awaiting the legacy bequeathed to us, and to us alone, to manifest again, to weaponize our faith in action and love, so they may witness, on high, the liberation of the their bedraggled western Armenian home.

The cycles continue from ancient ancestors to Garo Sassouni, the Elder to Papken Sassouni to Garo Sassouni, the Younger, and Kevo and Maral, to Armen Garo the youngest, until Mher finally comes out of Akravakar and the wheel of time halts and we shall walk with them, again emerging, from Mher’s door, Unger Papken, Toor Gedzagee in hand, leading the way from Sassoun, immortals all…

“We pray for mercy for Dzovinar…
Forty mercies for Sanasar…
We pray for mercy for Baghdasar…
Forty mercies for Deghtzoun Dzam…
We pray for mercy for Keri Toros…
Forty mercies for Tzenov Ohan…
We pray for mercy for Medz Mher…
Forty mercies for Armaghan…
A thousand mercies for stalwart Davit…
Forty mercies for Khantout Khanum…
We pray for mercy for Pokr Mher…
Forty mercies for Kohar Khanum…
And, a thousand mercies—hazar voghormee
Unger Papken Sassouniee Haverjh hokeen
Sassno medz dahn…
Voghpam merelots…
Peganem shanter…
Kochem abroghats…

Armenian-Russian Center provided with new equipment

MediaMax, Armenia
Nov 16 2017

Photo: MES

According to the agreement between Armenia and Russia, in 2017 the center was supposed to be provided with support equivalent to USD 16m, which includes rescue equipment and devices.

The first stage of the support delivered Solar-555 МК and Corvette 500 – FISH motorboats to Special Water Rescue Squad of Armenia.

8 ATVs have recently been tested at Humanitarian Response Center. Those vehicles are used for providing fast response and easy movement of rescuers and equipment in case of complex reliefs, marshes, snow-covered and almost impassable terrains.

The center will soon receive fire and rescue equipment.