Raffi Hovannisian urges ‘more objective’ approach to Karabakh conflict at EPP meeting

Panorama, Armenia

Politics 12:38 18/06/2020Armenia

Raffi K. Hovannisian, Armenia's first minister of foreign affairs and the co-founder of the Heritage Party, took part in the 7th European People's Party (EPP) Eastern Partnership Leaders' Meeting in video conference on Wednesday, the press service of the Heritage Party reported.

Chaired by EPP President Donald Tusk, the assembly comprised leaders of sister parties from the European Union as well as European partner countries, including European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen, Cypriot President Nicos Anastasiades, German Chancellor Angela Merkel, the prime ministers of Latvia and Croatia, and Eastern Partnership invitees from Belarus, Georgia, Moldova, and Ukraine. The Republican Party of Armenia was represented by its Chairman Serzh Sargsyan.

During the meeting Raffi Hovannisian, representing Heritage, took the floor to discuss the strengthening of cooperation in the security and good-governance dimensions between the EU and its partners to the east, Armenia's current political situation and the geopolitical challenges for the region,

Against this background, Hovannisian called for a more prudent, objective, and rights-based European approach to the Nagorno-Karabakh (Artsakh) conflict and underscored the need to forge a peaceful and equitable solution based on Artsakh's self-determination, sovereignty, territorial integrity and international recognition.

Prosecutor General asks parliament to strip the head of opposition party of immunity

Panorama, Armenia

Armenia’s Prosecutor General Artur Davtyan has asked the National Assembly to strip  the opposition Prosperous Armenia Party (PAP) leader Gagik Tsarukyan of his parliamentary immunity. The move aims to pave the way for criminal proceedings against Tsarukyan with immunity from prosecution and indict him.

The lifting of the immunity of Gagik Tsarukyan from the second biggest political fraction in parliament is sought over 2 criminal proceedings, including conducting unlicensed gambling activities and election falsification during the 2017 parliamentary elections, according to the press office of the Prosecutor’s General office.

To remind, Tsarukyan was summoned to the National Security Service (NSS) on Sunday and questioned there for eight hours after security forces searched his home earlier in the day. The criminal proceedings were launched against him after the opposition MP decried the government’s coronavirus handling and called for its resignation. PAP representatives and a large group of Tsarukyan’s supporters rallied outside the NSS headquarters on Sunday. Police detained some 225 backers of the lawmaker and also used violence against MPs. 

Tsarukyan and his supporters name the criminal proceedings politically motivated.

Turkish Press: Armenian Patriarch calls for Hagia Sophia to become place of worship

Daily Sabah, Turkey
Armenian Patriarch calls for Hagia Sophia to become place of worship
 ISTANBUL TURKEY JUN 13, 2020 10:33 PM GMT+3

The Armenian Patriarch of Turkey, Patrik Sahak II, has joined the discussion over the potential re-transformation of the Hagia Sofia into a mosque, voicing his support for the proposal in a chain of tweets on Saturday.

“The Hagia Sophia should be opened to worship,” he said, stating that it is big enough for that purpose while suggesting a space for Christians. “Let the world applaud our religious peace and maturity. May Hagia Sophia become a symbol of the peace of humanity in our era.”

Sahak further stated that humanity was praying for such unity and so suggested sharing the dome of Hagia Sophia. “Even though our faiths are different, don’t we believe in the same God?”

Having been a place of worship for Christians for 1,000 years and another 500 for Muslims, he claims that Hagia Sophia won’t be minding it.

“Hagia Sophia was built with the labor of ten thousand works at an astronomical cost,” he said pointing out that for over 1,500 years numerous repairs have been done on the iconic building by the Fatih Sultan Foundation. He stressed that their aim was to preserve it as a place of worship. “Not just a museum.”

He said it would be more fitting as a place of worship where believers could kneel down in prayer in awe of the structure, rather than a touristic site full of visitors rushing around.

The Hagia Sophia, one of the world’s most significant historical and cultural heritage sites, was built in the sixth century at the time of the Christian Byzantine Empire and served as the seat of the Greek Orthodox Church. It was converted into an imperial mosque following the Ottoman conquest of Istanbul in 1453. The structure was converted into a museum in 1935, during Turkey's period of strictly secular single-party rule. However, in the time since, there has been much discussion over converting it back into a mosque, with public demand to restore it as a place of worship gaining traction on social media.

The issue of Hagia Sophia is one that caused much tension between Turkey and Greece recently.


26-year-old Azerbaijani man voluntarily surrenders to Armenian authorities – details




YEREVAN, JUNE 12, ARMENPRESS. Today in the morning a resident of Azerbaijan’s Novosaratovka village Elshan Rasul Oghli Aliyev, born in 1994, was found in Areguni village of Armenia’s Gegharkunik province, Areguni village leader Sos Hovhannisyan told ARMENPRESS.

The first person to notice the Azerbaijani man was one of the Areguni village residents.

“He took the Azerbaijani resident to the administrative office. Our conversation took place without translation as I know the Azerbaijani language to some extent because I have lived in one of the Armenian-populated villages of Azerbaijan region for many years. Our village resident Nersik Poghosyan also participated in the conversation and he knows Azerbaijani better. The Azerbaijani citizen didn’t have any document or a weapon. According to him, he is Elshan Rasul Oghli Aliyev, born in Kalmykia. His father is Azerbaijani and mother is Ukrainian. His parents divorced when he was 6 years old. Mother left him and his brother, and they remained under the care of their father who returned to Azerbaijan and gave his children to orphanage. After leaving the orphanage Elshan had a nomadic life, then appeared in Getabek region to shepherd. He lived in poor conditions and decided to leave Azerbaijan. He said he has long examined the area via a map and decided that the closest and most convenient place is Armenia, therefore he crossed the border. After listening to his story I invited the representatives of the National Security Service of Armenia, and the Azerbaijani citizen who crossed our border was handed over to them”, Sos Hovhannisyan said.

Asbarez: Armenian Groups Take Part in Glendale’s March for Black Lives

June 9, 2020


Hundreds of Glendale residents gathered at Doran Mini Park Sunday for a March for Black Lives. Organized by a coalition of organizations, individuals and groups, the peaceful protest was held to echo the current national outrage prompted by the May 25 killing of George Floyd and countless others who have died as a result of systemic injustice.

While most protesters came prepared with signs, extra masks, snacks, and water bottles, demonstrators who gathered at the park at 3 p.m. had the opportunity to make signs with supplies provided by Clark Magnet High School students.

The crowd of peaceful protesters marched from Doran Mini Park to Glendale City Hall. They chanted “No Justice, No Peace” and “Black Lives Matter” throughout the three-mile march. A number of Glendale community members and organizations, who were stationed along the protest route, showed their support by passing out water bottles to the demonstrators.

The Armenian National Committee of America-Western Region and the United Human Rights Council of the Armenian Youth Federation were among the many community organizations that were supporting the march. Members of the ANCA Glendale chapter had set up an information booth and water station on Brand Boulevard. “We’re here today in solidarity, to help in any shape or form. We stand by our community members and we definitely want to seek justice,” noted Lucy Petrossian, Chairperson of the ANCA Glendale chapter.

By 4 p.m., the Glendale City Hall courtyard was filled with hundreds of demonstrators holding signs and chanting. Candles were passed out to attendees for the vigil.

At city hall, representatives of various Glendale-based organizations shared their sentiments. Speakers included Clark Magnet High School students, CEO of YWCA Glendale Tara Peterson, Los Angeles County Democratic Party Central Committee member Elen Asatryan, Glendale Unified School District Board member Nayiri Nahabedian, and a number of community members. Fr. Vatche Hayrapetyan delivered a message on behalf of Western Primate Archbishop Hovnan Derderian, and Fr. Ghevont Kirazian spoke on behalf of Western Prelate Archbishop Moushegh Mardisrossian.

“We operate in a context of amnesia when we must operate in historical truth,” stated Nahabedian, who assisted the students in organizing the march. “Blacks were forcibly brought here as slaves. Only after a bloody civil war with many whites still opposing freedom, were blacks ‘emancipated’ — only 155 years ago. Then they had another 100 years of legal segregation and legal discrimination until 1964 — 56 years ago. That’s the math we are operating in. Not to mention long-term, deep attitudes that laws alone do not change. Enough is enough. We stand together for what is decent, right and humane,” she concluded.

Demonstrators lit their candles at 5:30 p.m. and held a moment of silence for George Floyd, and all the other black lives lost to police brutality.

“Inspired and empowered anew by thousands of youth and the most diverse gathering I have ever witnessed in our city — all banding together peacefully against police brutality, racial injustice, oppression and discrimination,” wrote Asatryan in a Facebook post reflecting on the day’s events.

“This movement will force policy changes that have been needed for far too long. When those changes come, and they will come, you will have made our communities a safer place, a more welcoming place for every marginalized community, and our country a better place for all. So have the courage to rise up, speak out and help shape a better world for our future generations,” she concluded.

Police officers use force against a person not wearing protection mask: Armenia’s PM refers to the incident (video)

Aysor, Armenia
June 5 2020

Head of an NGO formed to participate in the four-day war in April 2016 Manuel Manukyan posted on Facebook today a video on how police officers “humiliate a citizen for not wearing mask.

“Look how he puts his leg on his neck. Each of us may appear in his place. What was done to this person may be done to each of us,” he wrote, urging to unite and demand that the police officers be subjected to responsibility.

Deputy head of public relations department of the Armenian Polcie Edgar Janoyan told Aysor.am that the citizen was apprehended for not implementing the lawful demand of the police.

Armenia’s Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan referred in his Facebook post to the incident, stressing that police is a power structure and may and should apply force against those demonstrating open indifference toward the set rules.

“This is my demand from the police, this is also public’s demand from the police,” he stressed.

Video at

Former security chief to Pashinyan: ‘Just don’t do it’

Panorama, Armenia
June 5 2020

Former Director of the National Security Service (NSS), Chairman of the Homeland Party Artur Vanetsyan urged Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan to stop posting photos and videos of people violating the safety rules on Facebook.

“This photo campaign is carried out in such a sloppy and untalented way. It’s a sin to make the country a subject of mockery. Don’t do it, just don’t do it!” Vanetsyan tweeted.

Pashinyan has been sharing photographs and videos of people not practicing social distancing or wearing face masks for a few days already, showing that they fail to comply with the anti-coronavirus rules set by the Commandant’s Office.

It turns out that many of the photos and videos the premier has receives were made days or even years ago. The posts have triggered criticism and offensive remarks about the alleged violators from Facebook users.

Pashinyan had to remove some photos and videos obviously containing disinformation from his Facebook page. 

Public control campaign is not a punitive action – Armenian PM



 11:59, 5 June, 2020

YEREVAN, JUNE 5, ARMENPRESS. Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan says the current public control campaign is not a punitive action, but a mean to overcome other problems together.

The PM said on Facebook that this campaign will continue and urged users writing bad comments to delete them.

“The photos posted on my page about the violations of anti-coronavirus rules are about us, not about the others. They are about me, my family members, you and your family members. We are the same nation, the same people, with the same perception and behavior. We, our friends and relatives are in these photos. Let’s rule out insulting the people because we are talking about us, not the others”, the PM said.

He apologized to all the compatriots who received insulting comments on his page.

Pashinyan also urged to send information about the upcoming “secret” parties, events, weddings to his Facebook page.

Starting June 2 various users are sending photos showing violations of anti-epidemic rules in Armenia to Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan’s Facebook account.

Editing and Translating by Aneta Harutyunyan

Music: Armenia’s 2020 Khachaturian Violin Competition To Be Held Online

The Violin Channel

The Khachaturian International Violin Competition has announced its 2020 competition will be conducted online – to be held from the 6th to the 15th of June

The Khachaturian International Violin Competition, in Yerevan, Armenia, has announced its 2020 competition will be conducted online – to be held from the 6th to the 15th of June.

24 participants will be invited to take part in the 1st round of the virtual competition – selected from video auditions.

For the final round, 6 candidates will perform from their homes – accompanied by recordings of the Armenian State Symphony.

Open to violinists aged 16 to 32, the 1st prize winner will be awarded $15,000.

The 2020 jury will comprise: Eduard Tadevosyan (Chairman), Vera Tsu Weiling, Gianluca Marciano, Bob Lord, Zohrab Tadevosyan, Dora Schwarzberg and Péter Csaba.

The jury have this year agreed to volunteer their services and as such no application fee will be asked from the candidates.

Applications to be received by the 25th of May, 2020.

For further information, visit: https://bit.ly/2TAdIw2


Armenia Commandant: Government can’t regulate prices of face masks

News.am, Armenia
May 15 2020
Armenia Commandant: Government can't regulate prices of face masks Armenia Commandant: Government can't regulate prices of face masks

23:54, 14.05.2020