Bucharest: FM Manescu meets Armenian Ambassador Minasyan; Romanian-Armenian cooperation on the agenda of talks

Agerpres, Bucharest, Romania
August 22, 2019 Thursday
ForMin Manescu meets Armenian Ambassador Minasyan; Romanian-Armenian cooperation on the agenda of talks
Agerpres, Bucharest, Romania
Aug. 22– Aug. 22–BUCHAREST — Foreign Affairs Minister Ramona Manescu met with Ambassador of the Republic of Armenia to Romania Sergey Minasyan, on which occasion the officials talked about the current stage and the prospects of the Romanian-Armenian cooperation.
According to a release of the Foreign Affairs Ministry (MAE) sent to AGERPRES on Wednesday, it was voiced the satisfaction for the development of the bilateral cooperation and the support for further developing the human contacts and intensifying relations in other areas as well.
"In this regard, the existing potential in the economy area was underscored, the opening of the Bucharest-Yerevan direct flight in the spring of the current year, being seen as a successful common project, able to strengthen the economic relations. The two interlocutors underscored the interest for organising a new session of the Romanian-Armenian Joint Inter-Governmental Committee for trade, economic and technical scientific cooperation, in the second half of 2019. Moreover, the possibilities to boost the dialogue, including at parliamentary level were also emphasised," the release mentions.
Minister Manescu reiterated the support for the democratic reform process, as well as for the capitalisation, including in the bilateral relations, of the opportunities provided by the new cooperation framework between Armenia and the EU (the EU-Armenia Comprehensive and Enhanced Partnership Agreement — CEPA).
Within the meeting, the Armenian Ambassador congratulated Romania for successfully exercising the mandate as the EU Council Presidency and thanked for the good collaboration with the Romanian side, including in the context of the Eastern Partnership of the EU, the release mentions. AGERPRES (RO — author: Livia Popescu, editor: Mihai Simionescu; EN — editor: Rodica State)

Գեղարքունիքի մարզում արձանագրվել է սիբիրյան խոցի հաստատված 8 դեպք

  • 22.08.2019

  • Հայաստան



Գեղարքունիքի մարզի Գեղհովիտ համայնքում oգոստոսի 20-ին նմուշառված կասկածելի հիվանդներից 3-ի մոտ ևս հաստատվել է սիբիրյան խոց: Ընդհանուր առմամբ համայնքում արձանագրվել է լաբորատոր (ՊՇՌ) հաստատված 8 դեպք։

Հիվանդները ստանում են համապատասխան բուժում և ունեն լավացման դրական տեղաշարժ: Հիվանդության կանխարգելման աշխատանքները շարունակվում են։ Ներկա պահին Գեղհովիտ համայնքում նոր հիվանդներ չկան, հայտնում է առողջապահության նախարարության մամուլի ծառայությունը:

ՀՀ ԿԵ սննդամթերքի անվտանգության տեսչական մարմնի մասնագետների կողմից հիվանդ կենդանին հայտնաբերվել է, նմուշառում է կատարվել և ուղարկվել լաբորատոր փորձաքննության: Պարզվել է, որ համագյուղացիներով կենդանու մորթ են իրականացրել և միսը բաժանել իրար մեջ:

Լաբորատոր փորձաքննության արդյունքներով՝ հաստատվել է, որ կենդանին եղել է սիբիրախտովհիվանդ: Տեսչական մարմնի մասնագետները 34 ընտանիքից հավաքել են կենդանու միսը, սառնարաններում առկա այլ մթերքները, հայտնաբերվել է նաև կենդանու գլուխը և կաշին: Հավաքված մսեղիքը և մթերքները սահմանված կարգով անասնագերեզմանոցում այրվել են: Նշենք, որ կենդանու մոտ հիվանդությունն առաջացել է, քանի որ անասնատերը հրաժարվել է պատվաստումից:

Գեղահովիտ համայնքում առկա մյուս բոլոր կենդանիները ջերմաչափվել են և գտնվում են մասնագետների վերահսկողության տակ, այլ դեպքեր չեն գրանցվել:

Armenpress: Central Bank issues Admiral Isakov-125 silver collector coin

Central Bank issues Admiral Isakov-125 silver collector coin




YEREVAN, AUGUST 23, ARMENPRESS. (Press Release, Central Bank of Armenia) The Armenian Central Bank has issued the Admiral Isakov 125 collector coin.

Admiral Isakov (born Hovhannes Ter-Isahakyan 1894-1967)is a famous Armenian military commander, Soviet Union Navy Admiral(1955), Hero of the Soviet Union (1965).

Реклама 15

Isakov graduated from the Tiflis realschule in 1913. In 1917 he left the Naval Guards School of Petrograd and in 1928 completed the excellence courses at the Naval Academy of Leningrad. The greater part of Isakov’s life was dedicated to service in the navy, where he held high positions. Isakov lectured at the Soviet Naval Academy since 1932 and was the Head of the Academy in 1938-1939. During WW2 Isakov played a crucial role in shaping the Soviet navy, particularly the Baltic and Black Sea flotillas.

Apart from commitment to naval affairs, Isakov was greatly involved in study of naval history and doctrine, took part in the compilation and editing of WW1 history conventions and worked on the development of naval regulations. In 1947 he was appointed as president of the editorial board of a three-volume work “The Atlas of the Sea”.

A cruiser of the Navy of the Russian Federation is named after Admiral Isakov, and there are streets in the Republic of Armenia and the Republic of Artsakh named after Isakov.

Obverse: the images of cruiser after Admiral Isakov, a star on the Admiral’s shoulder strap, a ship and an anchor.

Reverse: a portrait of Admiral Isakov, the images of the seafarer’s dirk and books.

Technical parameters

Face value        1000

Metal/fineness   silver 9250

Diameter         40,0

Weight            33,6

Quality            proof

Edge               ribbed

Quantity          500   


Designed by Vardan Vardanyan.

Minted in the Lithuanian mint.



Collector coins are made of precious metals and are issued to present to the society the national, international, historical and cultural, spiritual and other values of the country, to immortalize these values in the metal and to meet the demands of the numismatic market.

Like any other currency the collector coins have face value which makes them the means of payment. However, the face value of these coins is much lower that their cost price which includes the cost of the precious metal used for manufacturing of the coin, mintage and other expenses. Low face value and high cost price allow these coins to be considered as the items of collection and not the means of payment used in money circulation. The collector coins have also the sale price set by the Central Bank of Armenia.

As the items of collection the collector coins are issued in very restricted quantities and are not reissued.

Numismatists, collectors and all interested persons can buy the Armenian collector coins in the sales salon “Numismatist” which is in the building of the Central Bank of Armenia and is open for everyone.

Armenia PM assures France President there will be no obstacle on Istanbul Convention matter

News.am, Armenia
Aug 15 2019
Newspaper: Armenia PM assures France President there will be no obstacle on Istanbul Convention matter Newspaper: Armenia PM assures France President there will be no obstacle on Istanbul Convention matter

10:45, 15.08.2019

YEREVAN. – The Republic of Armenia (RA) authorities’ interest in ratification of the Istanbul Convention is conditioned not solely by the several-million-euro grant to be provided from the EU, but also by Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan’s promise to European countries that Armenia will ratify this convention by the year’s end, Hraparak (Square) newspaper reported.

“It is said within the [Armenian] government circles that [this] conversation took place with French President Emmanuel Macron during his visit to Armenia. Nikol Pashinyan assured [him] that there will be no obstacle on the Istanbul Convention matter. And Macron’s [respective] interest is conditioned on the fact that France has assumed the Council of Europe chairmanship for May-November 2019, [and] which in its priorities [as such] has attached special importance to the promotion of the Istanbul Convention.

“However, despite the RA Prime Minister’s promise, [Armenia’s] ratification of the convention is in doubt. On the one hand, the issue is the [country’s] Constitutional Court, whose composition is not being able to be changed. On the other hand, some MPs from the [parliamentary majority] My Step faction state that they will vote against the convention,” Hraparak wrote.

ACNIS reView #25, 2019: Editorial


09 AUGUST 2019 

Today’s Armenia is in an ideological impasse. The current government, represented by the Prime Minister, says that they do not have “isms,” that is, they do not profess any ideology. On June 14, during the election of a new board of the Civil Contract party, he said:

“We are often called liberal or centrist, but this is a misunderstanding, because we are a party that rejected “isms,” because in the modern world there are no more stereotypical ideologies. Politically, we are not liberals, we are not centrists, we are not social democrats, we are a civic party. What does this mean in practice? This means that we put ourselves outside ideological standards and form a new ideological plane based on four key pillars: statehood, citizenship, national identity, individuality.”

The four “pillars” mentioned by the Prime Minister can become a base for the right, left, green, and nationalists, even pacifists, depending on who and how interprets these “pillars”. Simply put, pointing to the “pillars” means nothing.

Political parties that have not yet had time to recover, or those who are still showing signs of life after last year’s change of power, criticize the Prime Minister, saying that the absence of “isms” means the absence of the political line that the government should follow. There are other opinions that the current government, nevertheless, has a certain “ism,” and this is populism. Our goal is not to interfere in the debate, but to try to understand whether political ideologies have exhausted themselves, even in the form of “non-stereotypical” ones, or not.

If you look at the parties registered in the European Union, you will see that the "isms" are well represented there:

  • Liberals: Alliance of Liberals and Democrats, European People's Party;
  • Socialists: European Christian Political Movement, European Socialist Party, European Left Party;
  • Greens: European Green Party;
  • Conservatives: European Party of Conservatives and Reformists, etc.

The list goes on: there are centrists, nationalists, Eurosceptics and many others.

By the way, without ideology, the Civil Contract party cannot decide which European party to become a part of.

Political ideologies are considered in two dimensions:

  • how should society be organized;
  • how to achieve this goal.

As we have shown, in the modern world social ideologies still exist. oreover, the lack of ideology, particularly in Europe, means the absence of ideological partners, which is problematic for Armenia. But this is another topic for discussion.

In the new round of intra-Armenian political struggle, the central debate will mainly concern the direction of the country's development: how we imagine the form of organization of society in Armenia in the future, and how will it be achieved, that is, what will be the future state program, development paths, roadmap? If the ruling party continues to pursue a policy of rejecting “isms,” then the debate will take place without its participation, no matter how strange this situation may be.

The big step was made for the establishment of the advocacy institute. About a hundred lawyers have opted for an independent judiciary. They should be thanked.

Now it is the judges' turn. If judges can also come together to defend their independence, this will be a huge step towards creating an independent judiciary.

Special thanks should be expressed to Nikol Pashinyan, who through his unprecedented unconstitutional actions in relation to the judicial system contributes to the creation of a legal and judicial system. This is his only promise, for the fulfillment of which he takes concrete and consistent steps.

Thanks also to Gagik Dzhangiryan and Vahe Grigoryan for blurring the clearly defined separation of “black and white,” which made people start to perceive life not emotionally-instinctively, but to judge by principles.




Set, costume designer Edna Zeinalian to get lifetime achievement award

Tehran Times, Iran
Set, costume designer Edna Zeinalian to get lifetime achievement award
Photo: Set and costume designer Edna Zeinalian in an undated photo. (Honaroline/Gata Ziatabari)
TEHRAN – The Iranian-Armenian set and costume designer Edna Zeinalian will be honored for her lifetime achievements on Wednesday.
She will receive an award for her long brilliant career in theater during a special ceremony, which is scheduled to be organized at Tehran's Vahdat Hall by the Stage and Costume Designers Society of Iran.
She began studying in costume design at Tehran's Alzahra University in 1972 and started working as a stage and costume designer at the Rudaki Foundation in 1978.
She has worked in over 100 theaters during her career spanning over 40 years.
The Stage and Costume Designers Society of Iran also plans to unveil a prize named after Zeinalian during the ceremony. The prize will be presented to a top stage and costume designer every year.
She deems herself deeply indebted to her parents. "I was really lucky to have good teachers, the best of them was my mother," she once said in an interview published in 2016.
"I also learned from my father to accept my failures and to try a new beginning in good spirits," she added.
A string orchestra, which will be conducted by the renowned Iranian-Armenian maestro Loris Tjeknavorian, will perform a concert at the ceremony, which will be organized in collaboration with the Rad No-Andish Art and Cultural Institute.
"I called the concert 'A Dialogue between Two Brothers'," Tjeknavorian said in a press release published on Sunday by the institute.
"As a part of a large musical project, the concert is a special dialogue between the music of the East and West," he added and noted, "I am really hopeful that the project can succeed and we will expand the project if everything goes well."
Celebrated pianist Bardia Sadrenoori will accompany the orchestra during the performance.

Sports: Another Armenian wrestler wins bronze at World Cadet C’ships

Panorama, Armenia
Aug 5 2019
Sport 12:59 05/08/2019 Armenia

Armenian Greco-Roman wrestler Arman Vardanyan (60 kg) has become a bronze medalist of the 2019 World Cadet Wrestling Championship ended in Sofia, Bulgaria.

The Armenian wrestler defeated Kyrgyz Zhanbolat Turatbekov 6-0 in the fight for bronze, the National Olympic Committee’s press service reported.

Earlier Razmik Kurdyan (110 kg) became a silver medalist of the cadet championship, while Arman Khachikyan (65 kg) and Vigen Nazaryan (80 kg) won bronze medals.

The Armenia team took the 5th position at the championship.

Rebuilding Aleppo: Before & after PHOTOS show reconstruction of key Syrian sites

Russia Today
Rebuilding Aleppo: Before & after PHOTOS show reconstruction of key Syrian sites

<img src=”"https://cdni.rt.com/files/2019.07/xxs/5d3ad8e2dda4c89b688b45ec.jpg" class="media__item " alt="Rebuilding Aleppo: Before & after PHOTOS show reconstruction of key Syrian sites" />
Syria’s ancient city of Aleppo was filled with bustling markets and historical buildings before it was engulfed in the devastating conflict. Now, before and after photos show progress in rebuilding its war-torn sites.

The reconstruction challenge is stark: In December 2018, the UN cultural agency UNESCO said 10 percent of Aleppo’s historical buildings had been destroyed, and as much as 60 percent of the Old City, a World Heritage Site, was severely damaged.

<img src=”"https://cdni.rt.com/files/2019.07/original/5d3acfccfc7e9340698b459f.jpg" />

Also on rt.com Bake bread not war: Russian military helps Syrians restore Aleppo bakery (VIDEO)

After Damascus regained control over the whole city in 2016, some restoration work began – however, significant progress has been hindered from outside. While allies like Russia, Iran, and China have made investments in the country, reconstruction efforts have been complicated by sanctions imposed on President Bashar Assad’s government by Western countries.

Some locals finally began to enjoy the fruits of their labor by the end of March, when an Armenian church, Forty Martyrs Cathedral, hosted its first mass. Restoration work on the 14th century church began more than a year prior to bring it back to its former glory after it was damaged in April 2015 during shelling. 

<img src=”"https://cdni.rt.com/files/2019.07/original/5d3acfcafc7e9340698b459e.jpg" />

The Armenian and Assyrian Communities in Los Angeles Sign a Historic Memorandum of Understanding and Cooperation

PR Web

The signing of this Memorandum of Understanding and Cooperation elevates our relationship with the AAASC to a deeper institutional level," remarked ANCA Western Region Chairperson Nora Hovsepian, Esq.

The Assyrian American Association of Southern California (AAASC) and the Armenian National Committee of America – Western Region (ANCA-WR) hosted a ceremony in which both groups singed a Memorandum of Understanding and Cooperation in an effort to further deepen and institutionalize relations between the two organizations.

The ceremony took place at the ANCA-WR Headquarters in Glendale, California and was signed into effect to formalize the organizational relationship between both parties.

The Memorandum recognizes the historic relations between both communities, accentuates the importance of collaboration and mutual understanding, and commits both communities to ensure comprehensive cooperation.

"The signing of this Memorandum of Understanding and Cooperation elevates our relationship with the AAASC to a deeper institutional level," remarked ANCA Western Region Chairperson Nora Hovsepian, Esq. "Our nations have lived side by side for millennia, and we're codifying both traditional as well as novel areas for our extensive collaboration, taking our advocacy work to new heights."

"Together, the Assyrian and Armenian communities have experienced the best of times and the worst of times." Said Assyrian American Association of Southern California President Ramond Takhsh. "We have laughed together, danced together, broken bread together, and bled together. This Memorandum of Understanding and Cooperation formalizes this historic union and will serve to continue strengthening the bond between both communities as we stand shoulder to shoulder in the struggle and fight for justice."

Following this memorandum, both AAASC and ANCA-WR agreed to continue in collaboration to undertake joint advocacy measures and public education initiatives promoting human rights, peace, and the rule of the law, and continue their commitment in seeking justice for the Armenian, Assyrian, and Greek Genocide.

In recent years, both groups have worked tirelessly to fight for recognition and justice for the Genocide of 1915 and have garnered the support of many elected officials including Congressman Brad Sherman, Congressman Adam Schiff, Senator Scott Wilk, LA City Councilmember Paul Krekorian, and Los Angeles Mayor, Eric Garcetti who has been vocal about his support for both communities in their fight for justice.

"The lies that are put out must be answered with truth. Every single time someones says 'that wasn't a genocide' we say 'Yes it was'. Or, 'that didn't happen' we say 'yes it did'. We all know Elie Wiesel who said 'The second death is to forget those that have died'. We will not allow that to happen– we will not allow them to be killed twice" Says Hon. Eric Garcetti, Mayor of Los Angeles.

Both parties have agreed to continue their collaboration to further strengthen their key messaging relating to the Genocide and will continue to advocate on behalf of their communities in their homelands and abroad.

This memorandum was signed into effect on Monday, July 22nd 2019.

About ANCA-WR: The ANCA Western Region is the largest and most influential nonpartisan Armenian American grassroots advocacy organization in the Western United States. Working in coordination with a network of offices, chapters, and supporters throughout the Western United States and affiliated organizations around the country, the ANCA-WR advances the concerns of the Armenian American community on a broad range of issues in pursuit of the Armenian Cause.

About AAASC: Founded on August 1964, the Assyrian American Association of Southern California is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization whose broad mission is to serve and advance the Assyrian-American community by concentrating on a wide spectrum of areas such as cultural and linguistic identity, public/governmental outreach and advocacy, education, arts/literature, youth services, and many others.

Over 400 schoolchildren participate in

Over 400 schoolchildren participate in "Armath" technocamp held with support of Ucom




YEREVAN, JULY 22, ARMENPRESS. On July 1-19, the college named after Monte Melkonian in Dilijan hosted the two flows of the participants of "Armath" summer technocamp for children aged 10-13 and 14-17 respectively. In total, over 400 schoolchildren from all provinces of Armenia, including Artsakh and Javakhk, were hosted at the camp. Among technocamp participants there were also children who had arrived in Armenia in the framework of "Ari Tun" program, Ucom told Armenpress.

On July 10-19, the second phase of the camp intended for children aged between 14 and 17 took place. Over 200 schoolchildren and 13 team leaders from all provinces of Armenia participated in the second phase of the camp.

At this phase of "Armath" technocamp the participants learned to create a smart management system of LED lights with the help of RaspberryPi platform and using Python programming language as well as receive various data through sensors. They also learned to assemble and program robots. The ultimate goal set for the teams was to design a robot corresponding to the standards of Robotex Armenia competition and able to find solutions to problems.

In addition to robotics, the second phase of the camp also offered cultural, sports and entertainment components to participants. "Shtigen Kids" project manager Ani Aghajanyan visited the children at the camp and in the framework of the project had a presentation on renewable energy.

At the end of the second phase of "Armath" technocamp, a final competition with participation of campers took place during which the teams were to solve the following problems: the robot created by the teams was to follow road markings, take and place a conditional trash bin using its hand, make conditional parking at dedicated areas and cross the crossroad equipped with traffic lights when the light was green. The problem was to be solved only through automatic management. Once the robot was ready, the teams could not interfere with its actions. Arduino and SeRob platforms as well as  C++ and Snap programming languages were used.

“Here we have children who have attended "Armath" engineering laboratory for only a month and are already able to solve complex problems usually assigned to university students. At their age we could only dream of creating and programming robots with our own hands, and now with the support of Ucom both girls and boys have the chance to acquire engineering knowledge and creative skills, which cannot but make us happy”, said Tigran Safaryan, Marketing and Communications Director at Ucom.

Of 13 teams that took part in the competition, the winner was the 6th team among the members of which there were students of "Armath" engineering laboratories operating in Ashnak, Arteni, Ranchpar and Aragats. The robot designed by this team was able to meet almost all the goals set for it and scored the highest number of points. All the members of the team received smart watches from Ucom. Hayk Sargsyan, the best member of the team, received an electric scooter, and the team leader Slavik Israyelyan – a tablet.

The 13th team took the second place with very small difference in scores. The team was composed of Armath students from Noratus and Gavar. The best member of the team Vahe Davtyan received a smart watch from Ucom, and other members of the team – 16 GB memory sticks from the UATE. The second team solved the problem through Arduino (C++) platform and was the best at crossing the crossroads.

Schoolchildren from Yerevan, Armavir, Ranchpar, Norakert, Damala, Karvachar, Arteni, Agarak (Syunik), Agarak (Aragatsotn), Mastara, Ashnak, Agarakavan, Kaqavadzor, Dilijan, Sotk, Tchambarak, Gavar, Noratus, Akunk, Gyumri, Saratak, Haykavan(Shirak), Vahramaberd, Hadrut, Kajaran, Kovsakan, Askeran, Martakert, Sos, Lorut, Arevatsag, Mets Ayrum, Vanadzor, Aygepar, Choratan, Ijevan, Artashat, Hartavan, Lusagyugh, Berdzor, Martuni (Artsakh), Ishkhanadzor, Vardenis, Drakhtik, Vahan, Katnaghbyur, Aparan, Berdavan, Nerkin Tsaghkavan, Lusagyugh, Hartavan, Heshtia (Javakhk) and Tumanyan participated in the camp.

This year, "Armath" technocamp was supported by the Children of Armenia Fund (COAF), Support to Javakhk Foundation (STJ), Instigate Mobile, Cronimet Mining, Ucom, "Sahman (Border)" NGO, Artsakhbank, World Vision Armenia, Armenian Educational Foundation, "Vardanants Knights" organization and Nazaryan Educational Foundation.