President of Football Federation of Armenia takes part in 43rd UEFA Congress

President of Football Federation of Armenia takes part in 43rd UEFA Congress



17:25, 7 February, 2019

YEREVAN, FEBRUARY 7, ARMENPRESS. President of the Football Federation of Armenia (FFA) Artur Vanetsyan participated in the 43rd Ordinary UEFA Congress in Rome and the elections of the president by voting in favor of incumbent UEFA President Aleksander Čeferin, the FFA told Armenpress.

The delegates unanimously voted in favor of Aleksander Čeferin.

The Armenian delegation included FFA Secretary General, 1st Vice President Armen Melikbekyan and head of the FFA Football department, deputy Secretary General Artur Azaryan.

The UEFA financial report and the works conducted by the committees were presented during the Congress. The new UEFA budget has been approved.

Edited and translated by Aneta Harutyunyan

Pashinyan assesses Macron’s declaration of April 24 a "national day of commemoration of the Armenian genocide" a powerful demonstration of solidarity

Pashinyan assesses Macron’s declaration of April 24 a "national day of commemoration of the Armenian genocide" a powerful demonstration of solidarity



17:48, 7 February, 2019

YEREVAN, FEBRUARY 7, ARMENPRESS. Prime Minister of Armenia Nikol Pashinyan has commented on the announcement of French President Emmanuel Macron who declared April 24 a "national day of commemoration of the Armenian genocide". ARMENPRESS reports  Nikol Pashinyan wrote on his Twitter micro blog, saluting the declaration of the French President.

“Salute the statement of Emmanuel Macron. Powerful manifestation and act of solidarity, determination to protect human rights and prevent mass atrocities”, Pashinyan wrote.

French President Emmanuel Macron said on February 6 that France will make April 24 “a national day of commemoration of the Armenian Genocide”, France24 reported.

Armenia and Armenians around the world mark April 24 annually as the Armenian Genocide Remembrance Day.

Speaking to the Armenian community at a dinner organized by the Coordinating Council of Armenian Organisations of France (CCAF), Macron said: “France is, first and foremost, the country that knows how to look history in the face, which was among the first to denounce the killing of the Armenian people, which in 1915 named genocide for what it was, which in 2001 after a long struggle recognised it in law”, according to France24.

France "will in the next weeks make April 24 a national day of commemoration of the Armenian genocide," he added.

Macron also said that he personally in formed Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan about his decision.

France criminalized denial of the Armenian Genocide in 2016.

Edited and translated by Tigran Sirekanyan

Azerbaijani Press: ISESCO condemns Armenia’s move to build a water canal in occupied territories of Azerbaijan

AzerTag, Azerbaijan
Feb 2 2019
ISESCO condemns Armenia’s move to build a water canal in occupied territories of Azerbaijan

Rabat, February 2, AZERTAC

The Islamic Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ISESCO) has issued a statement condemning Armenia’s move to build a water canal from Sarsang Reservoir in the occupied territories of Azerbaijan.

The statement describes the Republic of Armenia’s move to build a new canal from the Sarsang Reservoir which is located in Azerbaijani territories occupied by Armenia as a flagrant violation of the international law since the construction of such canal will cause floods in winter and droughts in summer in lower Karabakh and the adjacent regions of the Republic of Azerbaijan, and endanger the safety and security of their populations.

ISESCO Director General Abdulaziz Othman Altwaijri said that Armenia’s expansionist plan aims to alter the situation in the occupied territories of Azerbaijan and loot the natural resources of the Republic of Azerbaijan, ISESCO Member State. He further qualified it as a violation of private and public property rights and of the international law, namely the Fourth Geneva Convention which calls the “occupying power to provide protection to civilians in the territories under occupation”. ISESCO Director General called on the international community and the international human rights organizations to act swiftly to force Armenia to give up its expansionist plan that is designed to promote its economy through exploiting Azerbaijan’s natural resources and continue its policy of ethnic cleansing, and urge it to immediately withdraw from the Azerbaijani territories it occupies to protect international peace and security in this important region of the world.

Nigar Jafarli

Special Correspondent

Aghasi Yenokyan: The process of the March 1 case is unclear (video)

Political scientist Aghasi Yenokyan expressed an opinion that Nikol Pashinyan-Aliev meeting is strange because it does not take place in the format of the Minsk Group co-chairs.

“When we have achievements and they are not mentioned, it is a concern. When they say that they have not discussed the issue of Artsakh, so what did they have discussed?” According to the political scientist, the quality of our diplomacy has fallen sharply. Aghasi Yenokyan does not accept the opinion that Nikol Pashinyan’s approach to  Karabakh issue is similar to Levon Ter-Petrosyan’s political ‘line.'”

Political scientist does not notice that Artsakh has become a negotiating party. “It is not profitable for Azerbaijan, even the Co-Chairs do nothing. Making Artsakh a negotiating party is a good wish of the authorities, or a postponement of the issue.”

Touching upon the circumstances of Mher Yeghiazaryan’s death, the political scientist says: “Instead of making his voice heard through the hunger strike, the opposite happened and went wrong.”

Such a process of investigation of March 1 case is unclear for Aghasi Yenokyan. “Let’s say, Robert Kocharyan is arrested,will the relatives of March 1 victims know who killed their relatives? The public demands the disclosure of the murders.” Aghasi Yenokyan found it difficult to say whether there are political prisoners in Armenia.


The Justice Ministry is also responsible for his death.

Lydian: 1,300 people lost their jobs in Armenia due to illegal blockade of roads leading to Amulsar deposit

Arminfo, Armenia
Jan 22 2019
Alina Hovhannisyan

ArmInfo. Due to the illegal blockade of roads leading to the Amulsar deposit, over the past 6 months, 1,300 people (of whom 460 are residents of communities  surrounding the mine) were employed by Lydian, and its contracting  companies lost their jobs. 

This is stated in the official communication of the company.According  to the source, Lydian continues to monitor the social situation in  the communities, which is a component of the company's social  responsibility. The monitoring also includes migration indicators,  which were collected on the basis of data provided by employment  centers, community elders and employees of the company's social  group. 

According to the data obtained, the outflow of the population for the  period starting from the time of the blockade of roads to this day  increased annually, whereas during the period of construction work on  the Amulsar deposit in Gndevaz, Goraik and Saravan communities there  were no cases of migration. So, at the end of 2018, 6 people migrated  from the community of Gndevaz, 12 from Saravan. Migrants on a  permanent basis from Jermuk, there are 64 people, against 34 people  in the same period a year earlier.

However, along with the completion of construction work, seasonal  migration has increased in all 4 communities. According to the data  received, the number of temporarily migrated citizens for seasonal  work from Jermuk was 219 people, against 80 people a year earlier in  the same period.The blockade of Amulsar roads not only led to the  loss of several hundred direct jobs, but also had a negative impact  on indirect jobs in these communities: <During 2017, contractor  companies in the communities made purchases of $ 200 thousand (food,  fuel, transport and hotel services, etc.). These ongoing significant  financial flows created significant opportunities for local business  growth, expansion and job creation. And since June 2018, due to the  illegal blockade of roads, this possibility has disappeared>, the  report says.Recall that Lydian Armenia is a subsidiary of British  Lydian International, whose shareholders are also major international  institutional investors from the United States, Great Britain, and a  number of European countries, including the EBRD. 

The Amulsar project is the largest industrial project in Armenia  today for the development of the Amulsar gold deposit with a total  value of $ 370 million. In August 2016, the project for the  construction and development of the deposit was launched. Preparatory  work has been going on since 2006. The life of the Amulsarsky deposit  will be 10 years and 4 months, with an average of 200 thousand ounces  of gold (about 10 million tons of ore) planned annually. The stock is  listed on the Toronto Stock Exchange. Amulsar deposit is the second  largest reserves in Armenia.Note that since June 2018. The roads  leading to the Amulsar deposit  are closed by a group of people  opposing the mine.

Artsakh reports over 180 Azerbaijani ceasefire violations over past week

Panorama, Armenia
Jan 19 2019

The Azerbaijani armed forces violated the ceasefire along the Artsakh-Azerbaijan Line of Contact over 180 times in the past week. In the period from January 13-19, the adversary fired around 1,300 shots towards the Armenian defense positions from firearms of different calibres, the Artsakh Defense Ministry told

The Defense Army’s frontline troops fully control the situation and continue implementing their combat guard, the statement added. 

This week in history – 1990: Baku reverts to ancient hatreds

The Independent, UK
January 20 1990, Saturday

This week in history:

1990: Baku reverts to ancient hatreds


THE CITY is magnificent and malign, one that nature herself might have intended as a theatre of splendour and tragedy. Few views in the world are as majestic as Apsheron Bay at night. Yellow refinery flares stream into the sky. An evil moon plays upon the oil derricks miles out into a Caspian Sea twinkling with the lights of one of the great metropolises of the Orient.

Baku is not only built on oil, but swimming in it. The black pitch which even today oozes there from the surface of the earth made it famous in ancient times as a seat of eternal fire. It was one of the first centres of the modern petroleum industry. Crumbling mansions along the seafront bear silent tribute to the magnates who once made their own and the city's fortunes.

But they are just one part of a stage-set whose character even the grey uniformity of communism has failed to extinguish. After 70 years, the veneer of the Soviet Union is only skin-deep. Baku is the Orient, a place of ghosts and memories – and of a violence which you can almost touch in the air.

Today its Armenian colony which once numbered a quarter of a million has all but vanished. Even in September the trellised houses in their dusty old quarter of Armenikend up on the hill behind the bay were shuttered and empty.

Before the latest pogroms, only 20,000 at most were left, in shanty towns like Khutor on Baku's northern edge, or in the bleak high-rise blocks which disfigure the outskirts of Baku like those of any other large town in the Soviet Union. Now most of those have gone too, either fleeing by ship or plane to safety or – in the case of a few wretched dozen – dragged from their homes and murdered in the last few terrible days. How many died like this no one may ever know. Their possessions have been commandeered or destroyed, their homes occupied by Azeri refugees who in turn have fled from Armenia.

Like Byzantium or Beirut, Baku has seen everything before – even events like those of this week. In 1905, oil installations and whole areas of the city were set ablaze in another witch-hunt of Armenians. Then it was the Cossacks, crack troops of the Tsar, who were sent in to restore order. In 1990, Soviet Army and Interior Ministry troops are trying, apparently in vain, to perform an identical task.

The city's natives are warm and friendly to the visitor – their hospitality and generosity can be overwhelming to the Westerner. But well before the present horrors, a sense of impending calamity was almost tangible. On street corners groups of idle youths loiter. Obviously unemployed, they seemed even then the casual guns of a future shoot-out. Talk to an Azeri and within minutes the conversation would revert to Armenians and their supposedly favoured status in Moscow, and the eternal issue of Nagorny Karabakh.

The worst has now happened. Baku's seafront boulevards are reported blocked by demonstrations. Columns of tanks are prevented from entering the city by crowds of protesters ready to lay down their lives. What comes next is quite unpredictable. All that is certain is that Baku itself, whether run-down or resurgent, will survive. It always has.

Foreign News Page 12

Artsakh’s President congratulates Nikol Pashinyan

Artsakh’s President congratulates Nikol Pashinyan




YEREVAN, JANUARY 14, ARMENPRESS. Artsakh Republic President Bako Sahakyan sent a congratulatory address to Prime-Minister of the Republic of Armenia Nikol Pashinyan on January 14. As ARMENPRESS was informed from the press service of the Artsakh President’s Office, the address runs as follows:

“Honorable Mr. Pashinyan,

On behalf of the people, authorities of the Artsakh Republic and myself personally I extend my congratulations to You on being appointed Prime-Minister of the Republic of Armenia. I hope that reassigning this high and responsible position You and Your Cabinet will continue to do everything possible for developing the Republic of Armenia, strengthening the security and defense capacity of the country and the people, sustaining economic progress, widening and deepening the Armenia-Artsakh-Diaspora trinity. I am confident that together with joint efforts all the necessary steps will be taken for keeping the high level of cooperation between the two Armenian states and solving common issues. I once again congratulate You and wish peace, robust health, great successes and new achievements.”

Edited and translated by Tigran Sirekanyan

Aram I Urges Pashinyan to Keep Diaspora Ministry

His Holiness Aram I, Catholicos of the Great House of Cilicia during an interview with Yerkir Media

YEREVAN—His Holiness Aram I, Catholicos of the Great House of Cilicia, in a letter to Acting Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan praised the work carried out by the Diaspora Ministry, saying the “Diaspora needs a Diaspora Ministry.”

In his letter, Aram I also expressed hope that the Diaspora would be a priority for the new government.

“I think, given the strategic importance of the existence of the Diaspora ministry, and at the same time its symbolic meaning—because sometimes the symbolic meaning is much more vital than the strategic or political ones—it is important for the Diaspora to have a Diaspora ministry,” Aram I said in an interview with Yerkir Media’s Yerkirn Aysor program.

“Our approach to the Diaspora should be different because if we have nearly 3 million Armenians in Armenia, the remaining 8 million Armenians live in the Diaspora. During the past years the Diaspora ministry has carried out huge works, and we first of all should express our appreciation,” he said, adding that the closure of the ministry might impact Diaspora Armenians negatively.
On Thursday, Pashinyan commented on the proposed dissolution of the Diaspora Ministry saying that the new government’s aim is to make relations and partnership with the Diaspora more effective.

“I would like to especially touch on the case of the Diaspora Ministry, because I think there is a misunderstanding as if we want to [write-off] the Diaspora Ministry. In fact it is just the opposite,” said Pashinyan.

He explained that the proposed formulation would “make the relations and partnership of the government with the Diaspora more effective and in this context we have a certain model and proposal, that implies that the level of relations with the Diaspora will essentially be elevated, not reduced.”

“Our objective is to increase the level of productivity of relations in order to be satisfied with both the process and recorded results. We will proceed with coherent, firm and measured steps. I am sure that the solutions must prove their viability and of course must satisfy all those who are concerned with the efficiency of the state administration in Armenia,” added Pashinyan.

Նորակոչիկներ տեղափոխող ավտոբուսի միջադեպի մասնակիցներից մեկը ձերբակալվել է. ԳԴ

  • 09.01.2019

  • Հայաստան


Նորակոչիկներ տեղափոխող ավտոբուսի հետ կապված միջադեպին առերևույթ անմիջական մասնակիցներից մեկը ձերբակալվել է: Այս մասին հայտնում է ՀՀ գլխավոր դատախազությունը։

Նախօրեին ՀՀ ՊՆ Կոտայքի զինկոմիսարիատի Նաիրիի բաժանմունքից ՀՀ ՊՆ կենտրոնական հավաքակայան նորակոչիկներին տեղափոխող զինվորական համարանիշով ավտոբուսը մի խումբ անձանց կողմից կանգնեցնելու և դիտավորությամբ, կոպիտ կերպով խախտելով հասարակական կարգը, հասարակության նկատմամբ բացահայտ անհարգալից վերաբերմունք դրսեւորելով անկարգություններ կատարելու դեպքի առթիվ ՀՀ ՊՆ Ռազմական Ոստիկանությունում հարուցվել է քրեական գործ՝ ՀՀ քրեական օրենսգրքի 258 հոդվածի 3-րդ մասի 1-ին կետի հատկանիշներով:

Մինչդատական վարույթի օրինականության նկատմամբ հսկողություն իրականացնող դատախազի կողմից քրեական գործը նախաքննություն կատարելու համար ուղարկվել է ՀՀ Քննչական կոմիտե։

Քրեական գործի նախաքննության ընթացքում, դատախազական պատշաճ հսկողության ներքո, իրականցվում են անհրաժեշտ քննչական և դատավարական գործողություններ, ձեռնարկվել են օպերատիվ-հետախուզական միջոցառումներ: Դրանց արդյունքում դեպքի անմիջական մասնակիցներից մեկը՝ Գ.Հ.-ն, ձերբակալվել է:

Մասնակից մյուս անձանց ինքնությունը լիարժեք պարզելու և նրանց արարքներին քրեաիրավական գնահատական տալու, ինչպես նաև դեպքին վերաբերող բոլոր հանգամանքները պարզելու ուղղությամբ նախաքննությունը շարունակվում է։