Aznavour’s son recalls how his father mobilized whole world after 1988 Spitak quake

Panorama, Armenia
Nov 29 2018

Moscow’s Art Academic Theater after Maxim Gorky hosted on Wednesday a commemorative event dedicated to the 1988 devastating Armenian earthquake, also known as the Spitak earthquake.

Anna Hakobyan, the spouse of Armenia’s Acting Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan, National Hero of Armenia Nikolai Ryzhkov, Primate of the Russian and New Nakhichevan Diocese of the Armenian Apostolic Church Archbishop Yezras Nersisyan and others attended the event organized by the Armenian Embassy in Russia in cooperation with the Aurora Humanitarian Initiative and Aznavour Foundation.

Addressing the meeting, Armenian Ambassador to Russia Vardan Toghanyan said the event commemorates the 30th anniversary of the catastrophic Spitak earthquake that claimed some 25,000 lives, the embassy said on Facebook.

“Armenia shall never forget the support of those people and nations that were not indifferent to Armenians in their darkest moments. Starting from the Armenian Genocide in the Ottoman Empire to the Spitak earthquake, our history is full of amazing examples of humanity,” the envoy said, expressing gratitude to the whole world.

The Aurora Humanitarian Initiative co-founder, Philanthropist Ruben Vardanyan and Charles Aznavour's son Nicolas, who co-founded the Aznavour Foundation, also delivered remarks at the event.

“This event is entitled to become a global symbol of inspiration and support for social transformation. If we want to change our society, if we are resolute to create the best conditions for the future generations, we should show the world the real value of empathy and generosity that motivate the modern heroes. This is the mission of Aurora,” Vardanyan said.

Nicolas, for his part, shared the story of the legendary singer’s great assistance to Armenia after the Spitak earthquake. He recalled how his father mobilized the world after the tragedy.

“My father was among the first to react to the 1988 tragedy and take action immediately. That very night, he wrote the song Pour toi Armenie (For You Armenia) together with Georges Garvarentz, mobilizing artists from France, United States, Italy and later from the entire international community,” he said. 

“The existence of individuals able to consolidate people around them and empathize with them is a crucial factor to promote human development,” he added.

Տիգրան Խզմալյանը եւ արեւմտամետ ակտիվիստները բախումներ են հրահրել կոմունիստների հետ

  • 29.11.2018

  • Հայաստան



Առաջին անգամ երկար տարիների ընթացքում Հայաստանում խորհրդայնացման օրը՝ նոյեմբերի 29-ը միջադեպերով ուղեկցվեց: Հայաստանի կոմունիստները ստիպված էին բանվոր-գյուղացիական Կարմիր բանակի զոհված մարտիկների պատիվն ու հիշատակը Երեւանի փողոցներում կռով պաշտպանել:

Ինչպես հայտնում էը, որ ըստ ավանդույթի մոտ 50 կոմունիստներ որոշել էին նշել Խորհրդայնացման օրը՝ 98-ամյակը: Այդ նշանավոր օրվա առիթով նրանք որոշել էին ծաղիկներ դնել Բաքվի կոմունայի նախագահի՝ Լենինի զինակցի՝ Ստեփան Շահումյանի հուշարձանին, որը Հանրապետության հրապարակից քիչ հեռու է գտնվում, ինչպես նաեւ Կարմիր բանակի մարտիկների երկու հուշահամալիրներին:

Սակայն հիշատակի միջոցառումները խաթարվեցին եվրոպական ինտեգրացիայի մասնակիցների կողմնակիցների հետ կռվով:

Միջոցառումները կազմակերպվել էին Հայաստանի Կոմունիստական կուսակցության կողմից, որի ակտիվիստներին միացել էին Հայաստանի առաջադեմ կոմունիստական կուսակցության եւ «Սոցիալիստական ուղի» կուսակցության ներկայացուցիչները եւ ղեկավարները:

Նրանք միասին ծաղիկնր դրեցին վերոնշյալ հուշարձաններին, որից հետո, որոշ ժամանակ անց նրանց կողքով Ոստիկանության աշխատակիցների ուղեկցությամբ անցան Հայաստանի եվրոպական ինտեգրացիայի կողմնակիցները՝ պաստառներով, որոնք կոչ էին անում հանրապետության տարածքից հանել 102-րդ ռազմական բազան:

Պաստառներին նաեւ նշված էր, որ Կարմիր բանակը «ոչ թե ազատագրել, այլ օկուպացրել է Հայաստանը»: Սա կոմունիստների զայրույթն առաջացրեց, որոնք հետեւեցին նրանց կողքով անցնող շարասյանը, որը ղեկավարում էր Եվրոպական կուակցության համանախագահ Տիգրան Խզմալյանը:

Խզմալյանը եւ նրա կողմնակիցները մոտեցան 11-րդ Կարմիր Բանակի մարտիկների հուշահամալիրին: Խզմալյանը եւ նրա թիմը փորձեցին ելույթ ունենալ, սակայն այդ պահին կոմունիստներին քննադատող մտքեր հնչեցին եւ ծեծկռտուք սկսվեց: Իրավիճակն այնքան էր թեժացել, որ ոստիկանության աշխատակիցները ստիպված էին միջամտել: Նրանք ստիպված էին աշխատակիցներին մոտեցնել՝ արեւմտամետ փոքրաթիվ խմբին նրանց երկու անգամ գերազանցող կոմունիստներից պաշտպանելու համար: Արդյունքում կոմունիստներին հաջողվեց հակառակորդներին թույլ չտալ մոտենալ հուշարձանին, որը ըստ նախապես հայտարարված ծրագրերին, նրանք մտադիր էին «փակել»:

Արդյունքում Խզմալյանն իր կողմնակիցներին հավաքեց եւ երթը շարունակեց դեպի Երեւանում ռուսական դեսպանատուն:

Ավելի մանրամասն՝ սկզբնաղբյուրում:

ARS Social Services Takes on New Program for Zero Emission Vehicle Education and Outreach

Program Coordinator Lily Karapetyan

GLENDALE—Effective November 2018, ARS Social Services has partnered with Self-Help for the Elderly to provide services under the Electric Vehicles for Everyone program, which is intended to reach low-income, limited-English proficient, and immigrant individuals to provide education and awareness on the benefits of Zero Emission Vehicles (ZEV).

Electrify America, a subsidiary of Volkswagen Group of America, is collaborating with six organizations in California to launch community-based programs to support ZEV education and awareness for disadvantaged and low-income communities. The organizations collaborating with Electrify America on the initiative include Self-Help for the Elderly, Valley Clean Air Now, Pacific Asian Consortium in Employment, Chinese Newcomers Service Center, Liberty Hill Foundation, and GRID Alternatives.

“ARS Social Services is proud to be recognized as an organization with deep local connections and selected as one of 10 grassroots community-based organizations by Self-Help for the Elderly to provide services under this program,” stated Talar Aintablian, Director of Operations.

“Our project team consists of experienced program managers and community service professionals skilled in servicing hard-to-reach populations,” said Anni Chung, President and CEO of Self-Help for the Elderly. “The cooperation with Electrify America will offer continued support to our extended network of community-based organizations in 10 California counties to provide culturally competent, linguistically appropriate ZEV awareness and education.”

Services will include consumer education workshops, community events, media placements, special outreach projects, one-to-one education, all with an emphasis on electric vehicle basics, benefits of zero emission vehicles, and environmental and energy conservation. For additional information, please contact Program Coordinator Lily Karapetyan at (818) 241-7533 x105 or visit the ARS Social Services main office at 517 W. Glenoaks Blvd., Glendale, CA 91202.

ARS Social Services is committed to providing comprehensive social services to low-moderate individuals and families through four offices located in Glendale, Pasadena, Hollywood, and North Hollywood. Services include case management, completion of forms, assistance with housing and transportation issues, senior services, employment services, referrals, English as a Second Language/Life Skills classes, and more. ARS Social Services can be reached at (818) 241-7533 or [email protected].

Pashinyan dismisses administrative resource abuse accusations ahead of campaigning launch

Pashinyan dismisses administrative resource abuse accusations ahead of campaigning launch




YEREVAN, NOVEMBER 23, ARMENPRESS. Caretaker Prime Minister of Armenia Nikol Pashinyan has once again emphasized that it is the people that will determine who will become the government and who will become opposition, and who will remain outside the political arena with the results of the general election.

“I’ve said that this is our political mission. The moment the people decide that we shouldn’t be in government, we will not be government,” he told reporters today after touring the Old Yerevan construction project site. “And after losing power we will walk the streets of Yerevan with the same smiles and if needed we will campaign,” he added.

Pashinyan also addressed accusations claiming that he has abused administrative resources by campaigning before the official start of the campaigning period.

He dismissed the accusations and firstly addressed a statement of the Republican Party Council which claimed that Pashinyan’s recent visit to a province where he held a rally constitutes abuse of administrative resources by international standards. He urged Republicans to name these ‘international standards’. “Meaning, what should the caretaker Prime Minister of Armenia do? Not leave his office?” he said.

Asked why he called for a rally on November 24, and not two days later when the campaigning period will officially have begun, Pashinyan said: “Is any citizen of Armenia restricted in holding a rally at any given day?”

Pashinyan said that campaigning calls can be voiced at any time and that he has not anyhow breached the Electoral Code. He said he will continue talking with the people, like he has done before.

Asked about what kind of a rally will take place on November 24, he said: “The march is of a walking nature. We will march, we may or may not address electoral issues. I am calling on all citizens of Armenia to vote for the Im Kayl [My Step] alliance in the upcoming parliamentary election. Did I just abuse any administrative resource? If I am abusing administrative resource by international standards, let them show us these standards,” he said.


Armenia’s Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan resigned on October 16 to trigger the process of disbanding the parliament.

Pashinyan took office after massive protests in April forced president-turned PM Serzh Sargsyan to resign. But Sargsyan’s Republican Party (HHK) still has most seats in the 105-seat parliament. Since taking office, Nikol Pashinyan has numerously said that the incumbent parliament doesn’t represent the people and that early elections should take place as soon as possible.

In accordance to the Constitution, when a Prime Minister resigns the parliament must elect a new PM within two weeks. Lawmakers deliberately failed to elect a new PM as a formality in order to pave the way for dissolution.

The last round took place on November 1 and the parliament was dissolved by virtue of law.

Later on the same day, President Armen Sarkissian signed an order on dissolving the parliament and calling early elections on December 9.

The parliament will function until the new parliament is elected.

The government is formally a caretaker government until a new government is formed after the election.

Edited and translated by Stepan Kocharyan

Sports: Simon Martirosyan: Becoming world champion was a goal for me

Panorama, Armenia
Nov 14 2018
Sport 16:41 14/11/2018 Armenia
See also Armenia’s weightlifting champion, runner-up return home to hero’s welcome

The Armenian weightlifting team has performed successfully at international championships this year, claiming a total of 73 medals, Armenian Weightlifting Federation Secretary General Pashik Alaverdyan told reporters on Wednesday.

“You know that we were disqualified after some athletes tested positive for drugs. But we worked very well with the International Weightlifting Federation and fulfilled all their demands, with no violations revealed among our athletes, expected for Sona Poghosyan,” he said.

“They took all this into account to reduce our disqualification period, with our junior and young weightlifters starting to compete at championships already in June. In fact, this year we missed only the European Championships,” Alaverdyan added.

He stressed the large number of medals won by the team testifies to the fact the Armenian weightlifting has a bright future.

Armenian athlete Simon Martirosyan, a European champion and Olympic silver medallist, was crowned world champion after lifting a combined total of 435kg, setting several world records, while Gor Minasyan, an Olympic silver medal winner, grabbed the silver with the result of 450kg in the World Weightlifting Championships held in Ashgabad, Turkmenistan a few days ago.

Martirosyan, present at the meeting, stressed becoming a word champion was a goal he was pursuing. “It was a dream and a goal for me to become a world champion. To tell the truth, I don’t realize that I have become a champion of the world; I feel like a champion only when people meet me casually and offer their congratulations,” he said.

Azerbaijan has not captured any territory in Nakhijevan section of border, says caretaker defense minister of Armenia

Azerbaijan has not captured any territory in Nakhijevan section of border, says caretaker defense minister of Armenia




YEREVAN, NOVEMBER 12, ARMENPRESS. The Azerbaijani armed forces have not captured any territory in the Nakhijevan section of the Armenian-Azerbaijani border, caretaker minister of defense Davit Tonoyan told a news conference today.

He said the land in question was just a neutral territory within the territory of the Nakhijevan republic.

Tonoyan said the Armenian side has taken action for neutralizing the consequences of the advancement.

Asked if Armenia is carrying out reinforcements of positions, Tonoyan replied “yes”.

“Yes, and not in one place. Moreover, not necessarily in Armenian territory,” he said.

Edited and translated by Stepan Kocharyan

Azerbaijan’s military power is key factor in Karabakh settlement – Aliyev

 Interfax - Russia & CIS Military Newswire
November 6, 2018 Tuesday 1:39 PM MSK

Azerbaijan's military power is key factor in Karabakh settlement - Aliyev

BAKU. Nov 6

Azerbaijan will continue to build up its military power and sees this
as one of the critical factors in the settlement of the conflict over
Nagorno-Karabakh, as international law continues to be fully ignored,
Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev said during a working visit to
Azerbaijan's Agdam district.

"We will continue to build up our military power, and I believe this
is one of the most important factors in negotiations. Because,
unfortunately, norms of international law are being fully ignored. We
will achieve what we want. We demand justice. We demand that our
historical lands be liberated from the invaders, and they will be
liberated," Aliyev said.

Baku stands ready for any developments in the settlement of the
conflict over Nagorno-Karabakh, he said.

"I hope that after correctly analyzing the situation in the region,
the Armenian leadership will withdraw its occupational forces from our
lands. Otherwise, any option is possible, and we stand ready for any
option," Aliyev said.

Azerbaijan showed two years ago that it can liberate its lands in a
legal way, he said.

The events taking place in Armenia show that the policy pursued by
Azerbaijan is producing results, he said.

"I have said repeatedly, and I want to say today as well, there is no
need to conceal this - we will continue to isolate Armenia from all
regional projects using all means available, and we will restore our
territorial integrity," Aliyev said.

"The new Armenian leadership must not repeat the mistakes of the
previous regime. It must withdraw the occupying forces from the seized
lands in the near future through negotiations, and it should give
Azerbaijani citizens the chance to return to their native, historical,
ancestral lands," he said.

"The sooner they understand this, the better for them and for the
region. I'd like to say once again that we are not going to resign
ourselves to this situation. The norms of international law fully
support our position, and historical justice is on our side," Aliyev

Sports: Karen Khachanov defeats world No. 1 Novak Djokovic to win Paris Masters final

Panorama, Armenia
Nov 5 2018
Sport 13:41 05/11/2018 World

Karen Khachanov, a Russian tennis player of Armenian descent, defeated incoming world number one Novak Djokovic to win his first Masters 1000 title at the Paris Masters.

The 22-year-old beat Djokovic 7-5 6-4 in one hour and 37 minutes to end the Serb's 22-match unbeaten run, BBC reports.

Fourteen-time Grand Slam champion Djokovic, 31, will still overtake Rafael Nadal at the top of the world rankings on Monday.

"It means the world to me," said world number 18 Khachanov.

"It's one of the biggest titles in my career so far. I couldn't be happier to end the season like this, to win against Novak Djokovic, the number one in the world."

Khachanov will rise to world number 11 on Monday and becomes the first Russian since Nikolay Davydenko in 2009 to win a Masters 1000 title.

He hit 31 winners as he pulled off one of the shocks of the tennis year in his final tournament of the season.

Djokovic, who has been suffering from flu-like symptoms all week, added: "I don't feel too good today but I'd like to give respect to Karen for playing a great match today and he deserves to win.

"He deserves his trophy and I am sure we will see a lot of great matches from him in the future."

Beirut: President Aoun Meets with Armenian Prime Minister in Baabda

Naharnet, Lebanon
October 20, 2018 Saturday
Aoun Meets with Armenian Prime Minister in Baabda
President Michel Aoun received visiting Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan on Saturday at the Presidential Palace in Baabda where talks highlighted bilateral ties between the two countries, the State-run National News Agency reported.
The Armenian PM and his spouse had arrived early Saturday in Beirut accompanied by Armenia's Foreign Minister and a delegation of officials, NNA said.
Pashinyan is scheduled to hold talks with senior Lebanese officials during his two-day visit, said NNA.
HE will later hold talks with PM-designate Saad Hariri, Speaker Nabih Berri and several Lebanese officials, added the agency.