Armenia is ready to host Francophonie summit – MFA official

ArmenPress, Armenia
Oct 6 2018
Armenia is ready to host Francophonie summit – MFA official

YEREVAN, OCTOBER 6, ARMENPRESS. Francophonie events will take place in Armenia on October 7-12. Secretary General of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Armeniaand the general coordinator of the preparatory works for the Summit of La Francophonie Vahagn Melikyan gave an interview toARMENPRESS.

– Mr. Melikyan, when did the preparatory works kick off and at which point are they now?

– The preparatory works of the 17th summit of the Francophonie kicked off 1.5 years ago. Today we have reached a point when we make the final adjustments and corrections so as we manage to carry out this responsible task with honor. Such a large-scale event has never been held in Armenia. There over 40 Heads of State and Heads of Governments, Foreign ministers, representatives of different levels that have arrived and will arrive in Armenia. We expect 1000s of guests. In short, we are ready to host Francophonie summit.

-What kind of events will be held on October 7-12?

-The summit will take place on October 11-12, but the main events will kick off on October 7. The 105th session of the Permanent Council of Francophonie will take place on October 7. This is the gathering of the representatives of the Francophone countries and one of the 3 bodies. On October 8-9 we will hold the 35th session of the foreign ministers and the economic forum will take place on October 10, as well as the round table of the digital ministers of the Francophone countries and the summit is on October 11-12 with the participation of the Heads of State and Governments. Francophonie Village is also quite a massive event, which will be located at the Freedom Square. This is a unique zone where the representatives of the Francophone countries will present their culture, traditions, cuisine, sights and interesting information about their countries. There will be a stage installed there, where artists and different groups from the universities and colleges of our Francophonie countries will perform. I will not open the brackets fully in order to preserve excitement. The entry is free for all and the Francophonie Village will start operating from October 7, but the official opening ceremony will take place on October 9 with the participation of Armenian FM Zohrab Mnatsakanyan and OIF Secretary General Michaëlle Jean.

We have organized a major gala concert on October 11 at the Republican Square where the entry is free also for our public and this concert will be unprecedented by its scale and representation.

To the question how many guests are expected to arrive, Vahagn Melikyan said that they expect 3500 people, which is a record high number compared with the previous 16 summits, adding that the recent developments in Armenia have raised the interest towards Armenia.

The general coordinator of the preparatory works for the Summit of La Francophonie said that October 11-12 are non-working days in Armenia in order to ensure the movement of the delegations, as well as the people.

Yerevan is hosting the XVII International Organisation of La Francophonie summit October 7-12. Armenia is a member of the organization since 2008. The International Organisation of La Francophonie represents one of the biggest linguistic zones in the world. Its members share more than just a common language. They also share the humanist values promoted by the French language. The French language and its humanist values represent the two cornerstones on which the International Organisation of La Francophonie is based. The International Organisation of La Francophonie was created in 1970. Its mission is to embody the active solidarity between its 84 member states and governments (58 members and 26 observers), which together represent over one-third of the United Nations’ member states and account for a population of over 900 million people, including 274 million French speakers.

OIF organizes political activities and actions of multilateral cooperation that benefit French-speaking populations. Its actions respect cultural and linguistic diversity and serve to promote the French language, peace and sustainable development. IOF has concluded 33 cooperation agreements with international and regional organisations and has established permanent dialogue between the major international linguistic zones (the English, Portuguese, Spanish, and Arab-speaking zones).

The IOF has its head office in Paris as well as four permanent representations in Addis Ababa (at the African Union and at the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa), in Brussels (at the European Union), in New York and in Geneva (at the UN). It has three regional offices (West Africa ; Central Africa and Indian Ocean ; Asia-Pacific) located respectively in Lomé (Togo), Libreville (Gabon) and Hanoi (Vietnam) and two regional antennas in Bucharest (Romania) and in Port-au-Prince (Haiti). Alongside the IOF, the Parliamentary Assembly of La Francophonie and the four direct operators are responsible for implementing the programs decided at the Summits.

The four direct operators are : the Academic Agency of La Francophonie, TV5Monde, the International Association of Francophone Mayors and The Senghor University of Alexandria. 58 Member States and Governments : Albania, Principality of Andorra, Armenia, Kingdom of Belgium, French Community of Belgium, Benin, Bulgaria, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cambodia, Cameroon, Canada, Canada-New-Brunswick, Canada-Quebec, Cape Verde, Central African Republic, Chad, Comoros, Congo, , Cyprus, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Djibouti, Dominica, Egypt, Equatorial Guinea, France, Gabon, Ghana, Greece, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Haiti, Ivory Coast, Laos, Lebanon, Luxembourg, former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Madagascar, Mali, Morocco, Mauritius, Mauritania, Moldova, Monaco, Niger, New-Caledonia, Qatar, Romania, Rwanda, Saint Lucia, Säo Tomé and Principe, Senegal, Seychelles, Switzerland, Togo, Tunisia, Vanuatu, Vietnam. 26 Observers : Argentina, Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Canada-Ontario, South Korea, Costa Rica, Croatia, Czech Republic, Dominican Republic, Estonia, Georgia, Hungary, Kosovo, Latvia, Lithuania, Mexico, Montenegro, Mozambique, Poland, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Thailand, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates, Uruguay.

Edited and translated by Tigran Sirekanyan

Links to French Language reports on Charles Aznavour.

Armenian News Note:
The following are link to reports on Charles Aznavour's  funeral

Aznavour, un visage de la France
Les Arméniens pleurent encore Charles Aznavour
Charles Aznavour, l'Arménien
PHOTOS. Michel Drucker, André Manoukian… les amis de Charles Aznavour à la cathédrale arménienne de Paris pour les obsèques du chanteur
Charles Aznavour : les arméniens en Sarthe lui rendent un dernier homage
Dernier hommage à Charles Aznavour à l'église arménienne de Paris
Les Arméniens de Nîmes ont fait donner une messe en mémoire de Charles Aznavour,4722066.php
Une dernière fois, les fans ont chanté «Emmenez-moi» pour Charles Aznavour
Charles Aznavour : dernier hommage rendu à l’église arménienne de Paris
Arménie : 10 sites somptueux au pays de Charles Aznavour
Charles Aznavour : l'hommage des Arméniens
Hommage à Aznavour : l'émotion et la fierté des Arméniens de Valence
Pour les admirateurs d'Aznavour aux Invalides, «La Bohème, ça voulait dire beaucoup»
Charles Aznavour: «Pour toi, Arménie», la chanson qui marquera tout un pays
2 000 personnes dans la cour des Invalides pour l'hommage à Aznavour
Arménie: important dispositif pour l'hommage à Aznavour
Hommage national à Charles Aznavour : revivez la cérémonie aux Invalides
A Charles Aznavour, l'église arménienne de Paris reconnaissante
La France rend hommage à Charles Aznavour, « conteur fraternel »
La France et l'Arménie rendent hommage à Charles Aznavour
Aznavour, le plus arménien des Français

Ottawa: Prime Minister Trudeau to travel to Armenia to attend the XVII Francophonie Summit

The Office of the Prime Minister of Canada
Sept 21 2018

Ottawa, Ontario –

The Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, today announced that he will travel to Yerevan, Armenia, from October 11 to 13, to attend the XVII Francophonie Summit and take part in a bilateral visit.

The theme of this year’s Summit is “Living together in solidarity, shared humanistic values, and respect for diversity: a source of peace and prosperity in La Francophonie.” During the Summit, the Prime Minister will highlight the importance of working together to address shared challenges, grow economies that work for everyone, and promote diversity and inclusion.

Prime Minister Trudeau will also underline how important the  International Organization of La Francophonie is to Canada, and emphasize the vital role that Francophone communities have played throughout Canada’s history.

Following the Summit, Prime Minister Trudeau will also take part in a bilateral visit to the country. The visit will be a chance to discuss the important relationship between Canada and Armenia and explore ways to work together more closely to further strengthen our commercial and economic ties.

“The Summit in Yerevan will be a chance to deepen the strong friendship the international Francophone community shares. La Francophonie plays a major role to promote important values like peace, diversity, and inclusion, and I am pleased that La Francophonie and Armenian organizers have chosen to highlight these common values. By building on our diversity, we can innovate, collaborate, and create a better world for everyone.”
— The Rt. Hon. Justin Trudeau, Prime Minister of Canada

“Canada enjoys an excellent relationship with Armenia, and I look forward to further deepening that friendship. Together, we will discuss ways to create more economic opportunities for businesses and people in both our countries.”
— The Rt. Hon. Justin Trudeau, Prime Minister of Canada

  • This is Prime Minister Trudeau’s first official visit to Armenia.
  • Diplomatic relations between Canada and Armenia were formally established in 1992. Since then, Canada and Armenia have regularly worked together in multilateral forums, including the United Nations and La Francophonie.
  • Armenia joined the International Organization of La Francophonie in 2004 as an observer and obtained full member status in 2012.
  • In 2017, Canada’s exports to Armenia totalled $9.3 million and imports from Armenia reached $26 million.
  • Canada is host to an Armenian community of more than 60,000 people.
  • As a member of the  International Organization of La Francophonie, Canada is committed to protecting and promoting the French language and our cultural and linguistic diversity.
  • For several months, Canada has been working with other members of La Francophonie to prepare documents for the Summit in Yerevan.
  • The Summit is hosted every two years. It is an important opportunity for leaders of La Francophonie member states to meet and work together to advance shared priorities.
  • XVII Francophonie Summit (French only)
  • Canada – Armenia Relations

Chancellor Merkel: I do not consider the issue of Armenian Genocide recognition in legal framework

Arminfo, Armenia
Aug 24 2018

Chancellor Merkel: I do not consider the issue of Armenian Genocide
recognition in legal framework

Yerevan August 24

Naira Badalian. Recognition of the Armenian Genocide in the Ottoman
Empire is not a legal issue, German Chancellor Angela Merkel stated at
a joint press conference with Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan
on August 24 in Yerevan.

According to Merkel, Germany remembers the terrible events of 1915
against the Armenian people. As she recalled, in June 2016 the
Bundestag adopted a resolution on recognition and condemnation of the
Armenian Genocide in the Ottoman Empire. "In accordance with the
spirit of this resolution, I have visited Tsitsernakaberd today, and
we realize that terrible events occurred in 1915. This fact should not
be forgotten, this is not a legal issue for me," Merkel said.

RFE/RL Armenian Report – 08/22/2018


Pashinian Sends Mixed Signals On Constitutional Changes

        • Emil Danielyan
        • Sargis Harutyunyan

Armenia - Prime Minister Nikol Pashinian speaks at a parliament session chaired 
by speaker Ara Babloyan, 23 May 2018.

Seemingly backtracking on a statement made last week, Prime Minister Nikol 
Pashinian said on Wednesday that he will not necessarily push for 
constitutional changes meant to facilitate the conduct of fresh parliamentary 
elections in Armenia.

He also denied claims by the country’s former leadership that he is bullying 
the current Armenian parliament and seeking to control the judiciary and stifle 

Under Armenia’s constitution, snap general elections can be held only if the 
prime minister resigns and the National Assembly twice fails to elect his or 
her replacement. Former President Serzh Sarkisian’s Republican Party (HHK) 
still has the largest faction in the parliament.

Addressing tens of thousands of supporters rallying in Yerevan on Friday, 
Pashinian warned of the possibility of the HHK and other parliamentary forces 
installing another prime minister in case of his resignation. He said his 
political team will therefore draft constitutional amendments that would allow 
the parliament to dissolve itself. He told his supporters to be ready to force 
lawmakers to enact those amendments.

The premier stated on Wednesday, however, that the constitutional changes are 
only “one of the scenarios” considered by his government. “What was said at 
[Yerevan’s Republic] square must be taken into consideration but it is not the 
only option,” he told reporters. “We will have discussions.”

Pashinian’s earlier pledge to try to amend the constitution through popular 
pressure prompted serious concern from senior HHK figures and parliament 
speaker Ara Babloyan in particular. In an extraordinary video address to the 
nation, Babloyan accused Pashinian of subjecting the parliament to “pressure 
and coercion.”

Babloyan also deplored Pashinian’s stern warnings to his political opponents 
and judges who he claimed are linked to Sarkisian’s political team. “Prime 
Minister Pashinian’s speech at the rally contained extremely dangerous messages 
to the constitutional order which simply run counter to Armenia’s international 
obligations to build a democratic and rule-of-law state,” said the speaker.

Babloyan added that he is planning to discuss his “deep concerns” with 
Pashinian, President Armen Sarkissian as well as other Armenian officials and 
foreign diplomats based in Yerevan.

Pashinian said that he is ready to meet with the speaker. “It is very important 
to us that our fellow citizens, including parliament deputies, correctly 
understand our political activities and have no unnecessary fears and 
concerns,” he said.

The 43-year-old former journalist at the same time rejected the HHK criticism, 
saying that the former ruling party’s leadership still does not “understand the 
situation correctly.” “I am not exerting pressure on anyone,” he said. “I am 
just calling on everyone to reckon with the people’s opinion … They must not 
put the people in a situation that would force us to again carry out a 
revolution or the next phase of the revolution.”

In that context, Pashinian claimed to be unfazed by the declared political 
comeback of Robert Kocharian, another former president who is now facing coup 
charges stemming from a 2008 crackdown on anti-government protesters in 
Yerevan. Kocharian is too unpopular to pose a serious threat to the current 
government, he said.

Accordingly, Pashinian stood by his assertions that he is strongly backed by 
the overwhelming majority of Armenians. “I am not in power, the people are in 
power,” he said.

Chinese School Inaugurated In Armenia

Armenia - The newly constructed Chinese-Armenian Friendship School in Yerevan, 

China has built a state-of-the-art school in Yerevan where hundreds of Armenian 
children will study the Chinese language in addition to subjects taught in 
secondary and high schools across Armenia.

The Chinese-Armenian Friendship School was inaugurated on Wednesday at a 
ceremony attended by Prime Minister Nikol Pashinian and Chinese Ambassador Tian 

Officials said that the Chinese government has spent over $12 million on 
building and equipping the school located in Yerevan’s northern Kanaker suburb. 
It is designed for up to 405 students aged between 10 and 18 who will have 
intensive language courses taught by Chinese teachers.

“Knowledge of Chinese opens up opportunities to access information about a huge 
layer of human history and civilization,” Pashinian said at the ceremony. “I 
hope that this school will become a channel through which Armenians will gain 
more in-depth knowledge of the enormous influence which China and Chinese 
civilization have had on the development of humankind.”

The educational institution, Pashinian went on, is also opening a “new page” in 
Chinese-Armenian relations which should now grow closer. China and Armenia have 
“many common interests” and like “strategic thinking,” he said.

Pashinian said that having many Chinese speakers is also an “economic 
necessity” for Armeniagiven a rising number of Chinese tourists visiting the 
country. Chinese investors are likewise showing a growing interest in the 
Armenian economy, he added.

Armenia - Prime Minister Nikol Pashinian and Chinese Ambassador Tian Erlong 
pose for a photograph with students of the Chinese-Armenian Friendship School 
in Yerevan, .

According to official Armenian statistics, China has been Armenia’s second 
largest trading partner for the last several years. Chinese-Armenian trade 
soared by nearly 50 percent, to $342 million, in the first half of this year.

Political relations between the two nations have been cordial ever since 
Armenia gained independence in 1991. Chinese President Xi Jinping and his then 
Armenian counterpart Serzh Sarkisian reported “mutual understanding on issues 
relating to pivotal interests and concerns of the two countries” after holding 
talks in Beijing in 2015.

Beijing further underscored its interest in the South Caucasus country last 
year when it started building a new and much bigger building for its embassy in 
Yerevan. The 40,000-square-meter embassy compound is due to be completed by the 
end of 2019. It will reportedly be the second largest Chinese diplomatic 
mission in the former Soviet Union.

China has provided at least $37 million in economic assistance to Armenia since 
2012. It has also donated hundreds of public buses and ambulance vehicles to 
Yerevan. “The Armenian people highly appreciate that assistance,” said 

Major Armenian Copper Mine Still In Limbo

        • Karine Simonian

Armenia - Open-pit mining at Teghut copper deposit, 20Dec2014.

Armenia’s second largest copper and molybdenum mine is facing an uncertain 
future eight months after being shut down because of environmental risks.

Vallex Group, a private mining company, sent 1,200 or so employees working at 
the Teghut deposit on indefinite leave in early January, citing the need for 
“planned prophylactic repairs.” Vallex claimed that it needs time to commission 
feasibility studies on its plans to significantly boost production there.

Environment protection activists said, however, that the shutdown is the result 
of growing toxic leaks from the mine contaminating a nearby river. For their 
part, government officials said that the company’s waste disposal facilities 
need major upgrades.

In April, Vallex rehired around 300 of the laid-off employees to work at other 
metal mines belonging to it. The remaining 800 workers, most of them residents 
of nearby villages, are still jobless.

One of them, Haykasar Marukian, said on Wednesday that the Vallex management 
has failed to make good on its promises. “We were told that the company is 
going to resume work, and so people took loans [from banks] to improve their 
living conditions,” he told RFE/RL’s Armenian service. “They now have trouble 
repaying those loans.”

According to Armenia’s Deputy Prime Minister Tigran Avinian, in order to 
restart mining operations at Teghut Vallex needs substantial investments to 
refurbish its tailings dump which poses a threat to the environment. The 
Liechtenstein-registered company is now trying to secure a fresh loan from the 
Russian bank VTB for that purpose, he said.

“We [the government] will do everything so that those negotiations are 
completed and a solution is found very soon,” Avinian told reporters during a 
visit to the northern Lori province encompassing Teghut.

“We have no solution at the moment,” he said. “Either Vallex will again exploit 
the Teghut mine or a new company will take over.”

VTB had already provided the bulk of $380 million which Vallex claims to have 
spent on building mining and ore-processing facilities at Teghut.

Environmentalists opposed open-pit mining there even before it began in 2014. 
They argued, among other things, that the multimillion-dollar project will lead 
to the destruction of hundreds of hectares of rich forest.

Vallex pledged to plant a new and bigger forest in adjacent areas. It also 
promised to create 1,300 jobs, build new schools and upgrade other 
infrastructure in local communities.

Press Review

“Zhoghovurd” is encouraged by official statistics showing that the Armenian 
economy has continued to grow despite the recent political turmoil in the 
country. But the paper urges Prime Minister Nikol Pashinian and other 
government officials to be careful in touting the latest figures released by 
Armenia’s Statistical Committee. “The society has long lost faith in official 
statistics because of the former authorities,” it says. “And now a vast segment 
of the society is not inclined to believe these authorities’ figures either and 
has its own standards for gauging the government’s performance. Have their 
living standards improved? Have their incomes risen?”

“Aravot” comments on Pashinian’s revelation that the brother of a former senior 
Armenian official not named by him holds $30 million in a single bank account 
in Armenia. “Having $30 million or even $30 billion in your bank account is not 
a crime in itself,” writes the paper. “It must be proved that the money was 
acquired illegally. If [Pashinian] referred to [Serzh Sarkisian’s brother] 
Aleksandr Sarkisian then nobody will doubt that he would not have accumulated 
such a huge sum had he not been the former president’s brother. But it’s one 
thing to suspect and another to investigate, indict, try and sentence.”

“Hraparak” says lawyers and other pundits are now trying to make sense of 
Pashinian’s plans to create “bodies of transitional justice” in Armenia. The 
paper says that some of them have already spoken out against or in favor of the 
idea even though “nobody has any idea what exactly it involves.” “One does not 
need to have much legal and historical knowledge to realize that no matter how 
much we want it we cannot say that we are in the process of transition from one 
social order to another which necessitates transitional bodies.”

“Haykakan Zhamanak” claims that the former ruling HHK and former President 
Robert Kocharian planned a coordinated “attack” on the new government ahead of 
a rally held by Pashinian on Friday. The paper linked to Pashinian says they 
hoped that the rally will not draw a huge crowd. “The August 17 rally 
completely precluded that scenario and a second pre-planned scenario was put in 
motion,” it says. “At the heart of that scenario was parliament speaker Ara 
Babloyan’s  address. The most important part of that speech is that he 
is planning to discuss the existing situation with representatives of foreign 
diplomatic missions. In other words, Kocharian’s team is going to organize 
external pressures on the government. But this is a wrong calculation. No major 
foreign power will even try to blackmail the government enjoying an 
unprecedented level of popular support for the sake of preserving the freedom 
and assets of several persons.”

(Tigran Avetisian)

Reprinted on ANN/Armenian News with permission from RFE/RL
Copyright (c) 2018 Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty, Inc.
1201 Connecticut Ave., N.W. Washington DC 20036.

Verelq: Զինծառայողները հրաժարվել են վերադառնալ զորամասեր. հարուցվել է քրեական գործ

  • 21.08.2018

  • Հայաստան


ՀՀ ՊՆ կենտրոնական զինվորական հոսպիտալից 18.08.2018 թվականին հաղորդում է ստացվել, որ 4 ժամկետային զինծառայողներ տևական ժամանակ բուժում ստանալուց հետո դուրս են գրվել զինվորական հոսպիտալից, սակայն հրաժարվում են մեկնել իրենց ծառայության վայր` պատճառաբանելով, որ չեն ապաքինվել և վերջնական բուժում չեն ստացել: Այս մասին հայտնում են ՀՀ պաշտպանության նախարարությունից:

Նշված խնդիրը պարզաբանելու նպատակով զինվորական հոսպիտալ են այցելել ՀՀ պաշտպանության փոխնախարար Գաբրիել Բալայանը, ՀՀ ՊՆ ռազմական ոստիկանության պետ, գնդապետ Արթուր Բաղդասարյանը, ՀՀ ՊՆ մարդու իրավունքների և բարեվարքության կենտրոնի պետ, գնդապետ Ալեքսանդր Ավետիսյանը և այլ պաշտոնյաներ:

Այցելության ժամանակ պարզվել է, որ տարբեր զորամասերի 4 ժամկետային զինծառայողներ, ՀՀ ՊՆ կենտրոնական ռազմաբժշկական հանձնաժողովի կողմից ճանաչվելով պիտանի, զինվորական ծառայության սահմանափակումով դուրս են գրվել ՀՀ ՊՆ ԿԿԶՀ-ից, սակայն հրաժարվել են մեկնել իրենց ծառայության վայր` պատճառաբանելով, որ լիովին չեն ապաքինվել և ունեն բուժման կարիք:

ՀՀ ՊՆ ռազմական ոստիկանության համապատասխան պաշտոնատար անձանց կողմից բացատրական աշխատանքների արդյունքում զինծառայողներ Հ. Հովհաննիսյանը և Ա. Ավոյանը պատրաստակամություն են հայտնել վերադառնալ զորամաս և շարունակել ծառայությունը, իսկ Ա. Կիրակոսյանը և Յու.Ղուկասյանը ՀՀ ՊՆ ռազմական ոստիկանության աշխատակիցների ուղեկցությամբ տեղափոխվել են համապատասխանաբար ՌՈ ընդունիչ-բաշխիչ և ՀՀ ՊՆ N զորամաս:

Նշված զինծառայողների կողմից զորամասեր չվերադառնալու դեպքի առիթով հարուցվել է քրեական գործ, կատարվում է նախաքննություն:

Armenian Assembly Completes Exceptionally Vibrant Internship Program in Washington, D.C.

———- Forwarded message ———
From: Armenian Assembly <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, Aug 20, 2018 at 3:34 PM
Subject: Armenian Assembly Completes Exceptionally Vibrant Internship Program in Washington, D.C.


Contact: Danielle Saroyan

Telephone: (202) 393-3434





WASHINGTON, D.C. – The Armenian Assembly of
America's (Assembly) Washington, D.C. summer internship program ended on a high
note in a year that motivated interns experiencing an unusually rich calendar
of extraordinary events, such as the Centennial Celebration of Armenia's First
Republic and the Smithsonian Folklife Festival Featuring "Armenia: Coming
Home." This summer was especially valuable to our community's next
generation of promising leaders. This year's participants interacted with
government officials, policymakers, local leaders from various fields and
organizations, and internship program alumni.


Founded in 1977, the Terjenian-Thomas Assembly Internship Program
in Washington. D.C. was the first internship program offered by an Armenian
organization in our nation's capital, and has over 1,000 intern alumni. For
eight weeks each summer, the program gives college students of Armenian descent
an opportunity to learn about the policy-making process.


The Terjenian-Thomas Assembly Internship Program class of 2018

Tamar Barsamian from Sherborn, Massachusetts attending Loyola
University of Maryland, interned at the Smithsonian Institute's Center for
Folklife and Cultural Heritage.

Franklin Chelebian from Palos Verdes Estates, California attending
Chapman University, interned with Congressman Duncan Hunter (R-CA).

Catherine Conrow from Ross, California attending University of
California Berkeley, interned with Congresswoman Jackie Speier (D-CA).

Ariana Cruickshank from Edgewater, New Jersey attending Ramapo
College, interned with Congressman Frank Pallone, Jr. (D-NJ).

Artin DerSimonian from Kittery, Maine attending Champlain College,
interned at the Embassy of the Republic of Armenia to the United States.

Robert George from Bethesda, Maryland attending Fairfield
University, interned at the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS).

David Karamardian from Newport Coast, California attending Duke
University, interned at Applied Predictive Technologies.

Victoria Khederian from Bloomfield Township, Michigan attending
University of Michigan, interned with Congressman Paul Mitchell (R-MI).

Alexander Keledjian from Los Angeles, California attending
Southwestern Law School, interned with Congressman Jim Sensenbrenner (R-WI).

Aidan Mussalli from Glendale, California attending Glendale
Community College, interned with the Armenian National Institute (ANI).

Azniv Nalbandian from Andover, Massachusetts attending
Pennsylvania State University, interned at the Eurasia Foundation.

Nick Norian from Corte Madera, CA attending California Polytechnic
University, interned at the Embassy of the Republic of Armenia to the United

Lena Richardson from Shaker Heights, Ohio attending University of
Dayton, interned at the Armenian Assembly of America's Public Affairs

Mireille Samra from Boca Raton, Florida attending Lynn University,
interned with Congressman Gus Bilirakis (R-FL).

Gurgen Tadevosyan from Yerevan, Armenia attending New York
University in Abu Dhabi, interned with the Armenian National Institute (ANI).

Lincoln Zaleski from Boston, Massachusetts attending the College
of William and Mary, interned with Senator Ed Markey (D-MA).


"As the summer comes to an end, so does my internship for
Armenian Caucus Co-Vice Chair Representative Gus Bilirakis. This internship was
invaluable and truly exceeded all of my expectations. I was able to learn so
much being in a fast-paced environment with an office of Floridians, who made
the office feel like home," stated Mireille Samra.


Through the Terjenian-Thomas Assembly Internship Program,
participants are offered extensive educational opportunities via the Capital
Ideas program, which provides interns a forum to ask questions to elected
officials about current topics, national and international. This summer's
participants met with Senator Ed Markey (D-MA), Senator Chris Van Hollen
(D-MD), House Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Representative Ed Royce
(R-CA), Armenian Caucus Co-Chairs Rep. Frank Pallone, Jr. (D-NJ) and Rep.
Jackie Speier (D-CA), House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence Ranking
Member and Armenian Caucus Co-Vice Chair Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA), Armenian
Caucus Vice Co-Chair Rep. Gus Bilirakis (R-FL), Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-MD), Rep.
Anna Eshoo (D-CA), Rep. Judy Chu (D-CA), and the office of Rep. Brenda Lawrence


With the backdrop of recent developments in Armenia, this summer's
class had the unique opportunity to meet with Armenia's President Armen
Sarkissian and First Lady Nouneh Sarkissian. In addition, Armenia's First
Deputy Prime Minister Ararat Mirzoyan also met with the Armenian Assembly
summer internship participants and engaged in a conversation about democratic
developments in Armenia and the Velvet Revolution.


The group met and heard directly from Ambassador of Armenia to the
United States Grigor Hovhannissian and Artaskh (Nagorno Karabakh)
Representative to the United States Robert Avetisyan. These Representatives
offered their insights on the development and goals for the future, and held
in-depth conversations with the participants.


"The experience of working in Washington, D.C. this summer
with the Armenian Assembly of America was truly unmatched," stated Lena
Richardson. "The opportunity to learn so much about U.S.-Armenia relations
in the nation's capital through meeting with numerous prominent leaders and
professionals was a very unique experience, especially right after the Velvet
Revolution in Armenia. The Assembly provided us interns with unparalleled
experiences that taught us so much," she added.


The students were in Washington, D.C. for an exceptional year,
including the chance to see Armenia featured on the National Mall as part of
the Smithsonian Institute's 2018 Folklife Festival. They attended the Folklife
Festival's narratives and talks about important topics, participated in traditional
dancing, and enjoyed the cooking demonstrations of food most familiar to them.

"Working at the Smithsonian Folklife Festival was really
touching and special to me. I had the opportunity to introduce Armenian culture
to everybody, both Armenian and non-Armenian, who came to visit Washington,
D.C. It was heartwarming to witness Americans learning about and appreciating
Armenian culture," stated Tamar Barsamian.


As part of the Assembly's Lecture Series, the intern class learned
about U.S. foreign policy toward Armenia and Artsakh. The Armenian Assembly
invites experts and leaders in their fields to review current political issues,
with a focus on the South Caucasus. This year's group met with U.S. Department
of Homeland Security's Customs and Border Protection Program Manager Noris
Balabanian, Library of Congress Armenian and Georgian Specialist Dr. Levon
Avdoyan, Federal Communications Commission Attorney-Advisor and Armenian
Assembly intern alumna (class of 2002) Lauren Garry-Boggio, Eurasia Foundation
Program Manager Hrach Topalyan, American Jewish Committee (AJC) Political
Outreach Director Julie Fishman Ryman and Assistant Policy Director Benjamin
Rogers, and Armenian National Institute (ANI) Director Dr. Rouben Adalian.

The students explored Washington with special tours of the U.S.
Capitol, the Library of Congress, and the U.S. Department of State. They
attended hearings, briefings, and conferences, including the 22nd Vardanants
Day Lecture at the Library of Congress, the Congressional Briefing to
Commemorate the 44th Anniversary of the Illegal Turkish Invasion of Cyprus, The
Wilson Center's Annual Haleh Esfandiari Forum: Protecting America's Global
Leadership with Senator Chris Van Hollen, and more.


Following the success of last year's week-long high school
internship pilot program, Colette Nishanian from Newport Beach, California and
Tiffany Martirossian from Ashburn, Virginia interned in the Armenian Assembly
of America's office.


"Being interns at the Armenian Assembly of America, we are
provided with many opportunities to get a close look at what is happening in
our world today. We were also fortunate enough to visit the Library of Congress
and attend the 22nd Vardanants Day Armenian Lecture Series," Nishanian and
Martirossian said. "Opportunities like this one, which we would not have
been given without the Armenian Assembly, occur once in a lifetime and are extremely
valuable in building our future careers," they added.


The Armenian Assembly of America Summer Internship Programs – both
in Washington, D.C. and Yerevan, Armenia – have been celebrated and strongly
supported by the Armenian community with major gifts from the Richard Tufenkian
Memorial Fund, the John Hanessian Scholarship Fund, the Armen Astarjian
Scholarship Fund, the Ohanian Memorial Fund, Ann Hintlian, Ann Nahigian, James
and Connie Melikian, the Knights of Vartan, the Estate of Haig J. Boyadjian,
and the Estate of George Judge Karabedian (George Kay), as well as generous
contributions in memory of former Assembly Board Members Dr. Lionel Galstaun,
Peter Kezirian, and John O'Connor. In 2003, the Armenian Assembly's Summer
Internship Program was renamed in honor of Aram and Florence Terjenian and
Annie Thomas after the announcement of their pace-setting $1 million donation to
the program.


"It has been an honor for me to coordinate the Armenian
Assembly of America's Terjenian-Thomas Internship Program this summer. I am
very happy to have witnessed how rich the Armenian American community is with
the next generation of active and inquisitive students, and how passionate they
all are about strengthening U.S.-Armenia relations. These interns proved to be
wonderful young professionals, and all performed wonderfully at their
individual internship placements," stated this summer's internship program
coordinator, Milena Davtyan. She is a Terjenian-Thomas Assembly Internship
Program alumna (class of 2017) from Salt Lake City, Utah who attends the
University of Utah.


To find out more about the 2018 summer interns' journey in
Washington, D.C., visit the Assembly's Intern Blog, Facebook, Instagram, and
Twitter. Stay tuned for updates on the Armenian Assembly's summer internship
program in Yerevan, Armenia!


Established in 1972, the Armenian Assembly of America is the
largest Washington-based nationwide organization promoting public understanding
and awareness of Armenian issues. The Assembly is a non-partisan, 501(c)(3)
tax-exempt membership organization.




NR#: 2018-037



Photo Caption 1: Some of the Terjenian-Thomas Assembly Internship
Program 2018 participants on Capitol Hill


Photo Caption 2: (Clockwise) Lincoln Zalenski and Senator Ed
Markey (D-MA); Rep. Paul Mitchell (R-MI) and Victoria Khederian; Ariana
Cruickshank and Rep. Frank Pallone, Jr. (D-NJ); Rep. Jackie Speier (D-CA) and
Catherine Conrow; and Franklin Chelebian and Rep. Duncan Hunter (R-CA)


Photo Caption 3: (Clockwise) Terjenian-Thomas Assembly Internship
Program 2018 participants with Foreign Affairs Chairman Rep. Ed Royce (R-CA),
Rep. Frank Pallone, Jr. (D-NJ), Rep. Anna Eshoo (D-CA), Rep. Jamie Raskin
(D-MD), Rep. Judy Chu (D-CA), and Rep. Jackie Speier (D-CA)


Photo Caption 4: Terjenian-Thomas Assembly Internship Program 2018
participants with (top) Armenia's President Armen Sarkissian and First Lady
Nouneh Sarkissian and (bottom) Armenia's First Deputy Prime Minister Ararat


Photo Caption 5: Terjenian-Thomas Assembly Internship Program 2018
participants enjoying the Smithsonian Folklife Festival on the National Mall


Photo Caption 6: Terjenian-Thomas Assembly Internship Program 2018
participants with (top) Rep. Gus Bilirakis (R-FL) and (bottom) Rep. Adam Schiff



Photos available online 


Asbarez: Pashinyan Reports on Government’s First 100 Days

Hundreds of thousands gathered at Republic Square on Friday for a rally to mark Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan’s first 100 days in office

Hundreds of thousands of people crowded Yereven’s Republic Square and the adjacent streets on Friday to hear Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan’s assessment of his government’s first 100 days in office. In a fiery speech that lasted more than an hour, Pashinyan defended his and his government track record and delivering an all-encompassing speech that covered Armenia’s economy, Artsakh and the Karabakh conflict resolution, fight against corruption and relations with Russia.

In opening his remarks, he, once again declared a “people’s rule,” crediting the people of Armenia for the successes of his government and the country.

“One hundred days ago, your will prevailed and the international community still cannot understand what happened in Armenia, why and how it happened,” said Pashinyan calling himself a “direct representative of the will of the Armenian people.”

Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan addresses a rally on Friday

“In Armenia, there is no coalition government. In Armenia, there is no parliamentary majority. In Armenia, the ultimate power directly belongs to the people and the people carry out direct rule. This is the key meaning of the revolution that took place in Armenia,” he declared pointing to the crowd and saying that they should view themselves as “supreme body of the people’s rule.”

“This means that from now on this government will be accountable to this square, will obey this square, and all key decisions must be made here at this square,” said Pashinyan to thunderous applause.

Specifically focusing on his role in the Karabakh conflict negotiation process and in an attempt to debunk criticism, especially from former president Robert Kocharian, Pashinyan emphasized that he is ready to negotiate, on behalf of Armenia, for the resolution of the conflict. However, he reiterated his long-running position that the Artsakh Republic must be represented at the negotiating table.

“I am ready to fully negotiate on behalf of the Republic of Armenia on Karabakh issue, but the authorities of the Republic of Artsakh must negotiate on behalf of Artsakh,” Pashinyan emphasized.

Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan surrounded by some cabinet members and his fellow party members on Friday

The prime minister was clear in declaring that Armenia does not want war and would like to resolve the conflict peacefully. He said, however, that if Azerbaijan continues its attacks, the soldiers of the armed forces are ready to deliver a powerful counter blow to their advances.

“If in the negotiation process there is an option that I will think is a good one and I support, I will never sign any document without your consent. I will present whatever proposal there is to you in detail and you will decide if we will accept that resolution option not,” added Pashinyan.

The prime minister specifically discussed Armenia’s relations with Russia, as this topic has been used by Kocharian and others in attempts to discredit his administration.

In an interview with Yerkir Media on Thursday, Kocharian point blank said that Pashinyan does not have the experience to deal with Russia, as well as the complex geopolitical challenges facing Armenia.

Pointing out that since taking office he has met with Russian President Vladimir Putin twice and has discussed issues related to Russia-Armenia relations with him over the phone three times (the most recent of which was Thursday), Pashinyan said that his administration’s goal is to improve and strengthen relations with Russia and raise them to a new level.

In fact, he said, in the near future, a new “humanitarian” project with Russia will be unveiled, “the likes of which has not been seen in Armenia” since its independence.


“There will be no foreign policy shifts and one of our goals is the deepening of Armenian-Russian relations and raising these relations to a new level. After formal proceedings conclude you will get to know about a joint Armenian-Russian humanitarian project which is unprecedented in our history since independence,” explained Pashinyan.

Pashinyan said that his predecessors were adept at blaming their shortcomings on Russia, rationalizing their mistakes by citing Russian pressures.

He also noted that Armenia’s foreign policy has no geopolitical orientation. “The Republic of Armenia is not going anywhere. It is firmly standing on its feet with its proud citizens. Our key ideology in foreign relations is the protection of our national interests. We will improve our relations also with the European Union,” added Pashinyan.

Corruption/Rule of Law
Pashinyan said that his pledges to eradicate corruption have already seen some progress with the Armenia’s National Security Service actively investigation cases of looted property and funds not only from the state but also the military.

“Money stolen from the people will be recovered fully,” he said, citing recent audits of some companies that have resulted in tens of millions of dollars in additional tax revenue.

People turned out in droves on Friday to hear Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan

He also discussed the ongoing investigation into the incidents of March 1, 2008 when opposition forces clashed with police during a post-election protest resulting in the deaths of eight civilians and two police officers.

Former president Kocharian is charged with breaching Armenia’s constitutional order in relation to those events and after being released from pre-trial custody on Monday he has criticized the Prosecutor General’s office of building a case on lies.

In a clear reference to Kocharian, Pashinyan said: “I want to make clear that no one will avoid responsibility for killing 10 people and staging a coup d’etat in Armenia on March 1 [2008] … All murderers will go to prison.”

He illustrated the difference between his administration and the previous regimes by pointing out that he is not exerting any pressure on the judiciary. However, he criticized certain judges whom he believes are still taking “orders from representatives of the former corrupt authorities.”

“Come to your senses,” he warned them. “And don’t mess with the people.”

Abonement system to add audience to oldest puppet theater

There is a lot to do in Stepanos Alikhanyan State Puppet Theater in Gyumri, which is Armenia’s oldest puppet theater. Newly appointed director Armine Manukyan lists the issues.

“The theater did not have any interior decoration for about 30 years. Now, any wall is in a poor condition and we try to adjust the situation through the help of philanthropists,” she says.

Especially, there is a lack of male actors in the theater.

During 83 years, many things have changed: the playground, the list of plays, but the purpose of the puppet theater has not changed, which is making the spirit of the Armenian fairy tales more recognizable to kids.

Regardless of everything, the theater has no lack of audience.

By the way, when the abonement system for schools is introduced, the number of audience will increase. Children in Gyumri love puppet shows and when they are given the opportunity to choose three cultural institutions, surely one of them will be the oldest puppet theater.

More information is in the video.