Serj Tankian Addresses Armenia’s Peaceful Resistance, Previews New Song ‘Electric Yerevan’


Chad Childers

Forecast: Even if Serzh Sargsyan is appointed as prime minister after using force, he will fail to work in this position

ArmInfo, Armenia
Forecast: Even if Serzh Sargsyan is appointed as prime minister after using force, he will fail to work in this position

Yerevan April 16

David Stepanyan. Even if Serzh Sargsyan is appointed prime minister after using force against unarmed protesters, he will not be able to work in this position. The director of the Armenian Center for National and International Studies strategic research Manvel Sargsyan.

As a result of the use of force by the Police against demonstrators on Baghramyan Avenue, 18 activists and three policemen were delivered to the medical center "Grigor Lusavorich". As ArmInfo correspondent was informed in the medical center, the health condition of the wounded is satisfactory. "Protesters in the streets of Yerevan are protesting on the basis of peaceful civil disobedience technology, and the protesters do it in a peaceful and acceptable way, which they are allowed by all the Constitutions of the world. The action is gaining momentum, quite rightly taking into account the methods and results of the first such action in Armenia on protection from cutting down the Mashtots Park in 2012. And today we are witnessing a gradual recognition of the vision of political struggle in Armenia," he said.

According to analyst's estimates, in the case of the current movement, the political problem has been raised for the first time, and its agenda is of a purely national nature and significance. This movement "Take a step, refuse Serzh" is fundamentally different from all other civil actions in Armenia. The scale of youth participation in these actions is also noteworthy.

Sargsyan recalled that practically all the theorists and practitioners of revolutions in different countries in the XX-XXI century point to one very important circumstance: people must understand that they are dealing with a frank, unarmed army struggle. Unlike all other types of struggle, protest movements of this kind are associated exclusively with an unarmed army. Nevertheless, it is this unarmed army, as a rule, determines the goal, the opponent then suppresses it.

In this light, analysts consider the "absence of weapons" to be a principled, original guarantee of the success of such movements, since this fact disarms the government. World experience clearly demonstrates that the use of force in such situations works against its applicants, that is, power and leads to its collapse. According to his estimates, usually the use of force leads to a decrease in the level of support of the authorities by parties, public organizations, etc. All of them gradually pass to the side of the people.

"The classical formula of victory lies in either neutrality or the transfer of the police to the side of the people, and if the movement in Armenia manages to achieve this from the police, then it will inevitably record victory. Overall, the cautious behavior of the police testifies to the full understanding of Serzh Sargsyan's entire subtlety of the situation somehow survive his transition to the post of prime minister without violence, is perfectly aware that the use of force will increase tenfold the wave of resistance and reduce the regime's support tenfold," summed up the Director of the ACNIS.

Gyumri activists join demonstrators in Yerevan

After the second half of the day activists gathered at Theater Square decided to join the demonstrators in the capital. The autopsy at 16:00 went to the city entrance and from there to Yerevan. At the entrance to the capital policemen welcomed the activists and tried to hamper their move.

But the activists managed to enter Yerevan.

Details in the video

Cinema: Film about devastating Spitak quake included in Moscow film festival’s competition program

Panorama, Armenia

Culture 12:38 16/04/2018 Armenia

"Spitak", a film jointly produced by Armenia and Russia, has been included in the Main Competition program of the 40th Moscow International Film Festival scheduled for 19-26 April.

The world premiere of the full-length film cantering around the devastating earthquake that hit Armenia on 7 December 1988 (also known as the Spitak earthquake) will be held within the Moscow festival, the National Cinema Center of Armenia told  

"Spitak" tells the story of Gor, who left Armenia in search of a better life but now returns back after the earthquake in order to find his home and family. But it is too late. Everything is destroyed by the disaster, and he has to re-learn to love what he destroyed himself.

The film director is Alexander Kott, the scriptwriter is Marina Sochinskaya, cameraman – Pyotr Dukhovskoy, composer – Karen Margaryan, producers – Elena Glikman and Theresa Varzhapetyan.

The "Spitak" film project has received financial support totalling to €250.000 from Eurimages (Council of Europe’s cultural support fund).

Turkey’s Erdogan warns "nobody can discipline us with exchange rates"

Turkey's Erdogan warns "nobody can discipline us with exchange rates"
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan on April 12 kept up his attack on conspiratorial outside forces he claims are trying to use exchange rates to knock Turkey off its economic path.
With the Turkish lira (TRY) taking a breather from five straight days of devaluation that on April 11 pushed it to an all-time low of 4.1944 to the dollar-by around 18:30 Istanbul time on April 12 it stood at 4.0981-the populist president lashed out at international investors, saying: "Do not worry, Turkey will stay on its path with determined steps, nobody can discipline us based on exchange rates."
He added in a speech in Ankara: "The rise in exchange rates has no reasonable, logical or by-the-book explanation." According to Bloomberg, Erdogan also referred to actors on the business and financial markets waging "economic terror", adding: "Those playing an active role in the economy, those within the financial system, if you are attempting to wage economic terror against our country by using developments [linked to the conflict] in Syria as a pretext, you'll be making a mistake. When the time comes, you'll be held accountable and pay the price."
Although Turkey is facing stubborn double-digit inflation, currently at 10.2%, and devaluation that has seen the TRY lose 8% against the dollar so far this year-one of the worst performances of emerging market currencies-Erdogan continues to push for lower interest rates, when the consensus of analysts and economists is that the Turkish economy is overdue for some substantial monetary tightening.
Anxieties have grown that the president's `Erdonomics' are fatally undermining the independence of the Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey (CBRT) and analysts are having to question whether the Turkish economy could even be on course for a meltdown, especially with reports that debt problems in the corporate sector are likely to keep the lira under pressure over coming weeks.
Hike despite the heat On April 11, Capital Economics said that despite the political heat it was pencilling in a 100bp hike that it predicts will be introduced in the central bank's late liquidity lending rate at the April 25 meeting of its monetary policy committee (MPC).
"Admittedly, the government is starting to exert pressure on the central bank not to raise interest rates," Capital Economics' senior emerging markets economist William Jackson said in an April 11 note to investors. He added: "The authorities seem to have shifted their focus to maintaining strong rates of growth in the economy. And earlier this week, President Erdogan talked of the need to lower interest rates to boost investment. Nonetheless, this isn't necessarily a barrier to rate hikes. Indeed, policymakers at the central bank faced similar pressures before they raised interest rates in early 2014 and again in early 2017."
CBRT governor Murat Cetinkaya on April 12 reassured the markets that the central bank is following developments in inflation and will tighten monetary policy if it is thought necessary. His comments may have helped give the TRY a small shot in the arm.
The lira's difficulties are partially tied to geopolitical tensions such as the spat between the US and Russia over the alleged chemical attack in Syria and Donald Trump's threats of missile strikes in response, while the currency is also exposed to Fed rate hikes that seem likely to occur in coming months. But investors say most of Turkey's problems are home-grown. They are wary of overheating in an economy that is experiencing debt-fuelled `warp-speed' growth.
Economists question how sustainable the pace of growth is given the widening current account deficit at towards 6% of GDP, the double digit inflation, which stands at double the central bank target, and the large external financing gap amounting to $220bn, or 25% of GDP, and double the FX reserves.

Genève: un monument commémoratif du génocide arménien inauguré dans la cité de Calvin

Le Nouvelliste, Suisse
13 avril 2018

Genève: un monument commémoratif du génocide arménien inauguré dans la cité de Calvin

Le chanteur Charles Aznavour, ambassadeur arménien en Suisse, a assisté à la cérémonie d'inauguration des "Réverbères de la mémoire".     © KEYSTONE / SALVATORE DI NOLFI
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Commémoration Genève a son monument commémoratif du génocide arménien dans le parc Trembley. Cette oeuvre est composée de neuf réverbères de bronze de près de dix mètres de hauteur.

Le monument commémoratif du génocide arménien "Les Réverbères de la mémoire" a été inauguré vendredi à Genève, au terme d'une saga qui a duré près de 10 ans. L'oeuvre se fond le long des allées du parc Trembley.

Le projet d'ériger un mémorial faisant référence au massacre du peuple arménien avait été voté par le Conseil municipal de la Ville de Genève, en 2008. Un concours avait été organisé et le projet de l'artiste français d'origine arménienne Mélik Ohanian avait été primé en 2011.



Cette oeuvre est composée de neuf réverbères de bronze de près de dix mètres de hauteur, qui se terminent, à leur bout, par une ampoule en forme de larme. Le mémorial devait initialement être érigé au bastion Saint-Antoine, mais la découverte de vestiges archéologiques avait conduit à l'abandon de l'emplacement.

La municipalité avait alors jeté son dévolu sur le parc du Musée Ariana, près de l'ONU. Un choix qui avait une nouvelle fois dû être abandonné à cause des tensions diplomatiques qu'il avait provoquées, conduisant même à l'intervention de la Confédération. La Ville de Genève s'est finalement rabattue sur le parc Tremblay.

Selon la Ville de Genève, les Réverbères de la mémoire rendent hommage aux liens privilégiés des Genevois et des Arméniens. "Le génocide de 1915-1917 perpétré par le pouvoir ottoman a suscité une émotion particulière et des actions de solidarité de la population genevoise", relève la municipalité. 

L'oeuvre est offerte à la Ville de Genève par la communauté arménienne. Elle a été exposée, en pièces détachées, à la 56e biennale d'art contemporain de Venise, en 2015. Le chanteur Charles Aznavour, Ambassadeur extraordinaire de la République d'Arménie en Suisse, a participé à la cérémonie d'inauguration.

Le monument commémoratif suscite incompréhension et colère du côté de la Fédération des Associations turques de Suisse romande. Dans un communiqué, elle déplore que la Ville de Genève prenne le risque de "cristalliser l'hostilité entre des peuples présents sur sol suisse" avec une telle installation dans un parc public.

Film: The Ukrainian animated film took first place at the international festival

Siver Times
April 1 2018
The Ukrainian animated film took first place at the international festival
magictr | April 1, 2018 | Entertainment
The animated film will be presented in the Ukrainian pavilion at the Cannes film market Marche du Film.
Animated film from Ukraine recognized as the best at the international festival in Pune, India.
Animated film, the Creator of which is the Union of Armenians of Ukraine dedicated to the memory of the Armenian Genocide, took first place at the international festival in India. It is known that a cartoon called “Thank you for the chance to bloom again.
The Armenians” was selected in the competition program of the international festival of Global India International Film Festival in early March, 2018. The festival itself took place on 24-25 March in Pune, India. Among all the presented works, the roller of the Union of Armenians of Ukraine was recognized as the best in the category, BEST AD FILM AWARD. According to the press service of the Union of Armenians of Ukraine, the work of two authors Andranik Berberyan and Andrew Ludogoscha will be shown at the 71st Cannes film festival as part of the competition program.
Animated film “Thank you for the chance to bloom again. Armenians” filmed in 2D animation and is built on the image of a garnet grain. This is the second social video on the topic of the Armenian genocide.

Food: Aghi Gesgoudz: Savoury Armenian Cookies

CBC, Canada
Chef Ilona Daniel shares these Armenian cookies as one of her favourite Easter treats.

Chef Ilona Daniel says Easter was a time when her Hungarian and Armenian backgrounds intertwined in the food her family ate. (Submitted by Ilona Daniel)

  • 3 cups all-purpose flour, plus an additional ½-1 cup.
  • 1 tbsp baking powder.
  • ¾ teaspoon salt.
  • 3 tbsp icing sugar.
  • 1 tsp mahlab.
  • ½ cup salted butter, melted.
  • 1 cup vegetable oil.
  • 1 cup yogurt.

Egg Wash (make sure all ingredients are at room temperature)

  • 1 egg.
  • 1 tbsp water.
  • 2 to 3 drops lemon juice.
  • Black caraway seeds or poppy seeds (optional).
  1. Line two half-sheet pans (13"x18") with parchment paper.
  2. Combine three cups flour, baking powder, salt, sugar and mahlab into a bowl and whisk to break up any lumps.
  3. Add butter, oil and yoghurt into your mixer bowl and mix gently using the paddle attachment, until all begins to combine.
  4. Keep mixer running on the lowest setting and add flour mixture in increments.
  5. Add an additional ½ to 1 cup flour to obtain a non-sticky soft yet pliable dough.
  6. Form into a ball, cover and chill for 30 minutes.
  7. Prepare egg wash by whisking the egg with water and lemon juice.
  8. Preheat conventional oven to 163 C/325 F.
  9. Transfer dough onto a clean working surface and divide into quarters. Divide to get 72 pieces. Cover with plastic wrap.
  10. Working with a few pieces of dough at time, roll each ball into a long log, fold in half then form a twisted rope.
  11. Transfer onto previously prepared baking sheets, arranging three rows of 12 cookies onto each.
  12. Lightly brush with egg wash and sprinkle on seeds if desired.
  13. Bake 20 to 25 minutes until lightly golden and cool completely in pan. Store in an airtight container.

Makes 72 cookies.

Submitted by Ilona Daniel

ArmHiTec Arms and Defense Technology Exhibit Opens In Yerevan

YEREVAN—An international exhibition featuring the latest in defense technology and arms opened Thursday in Armenia with high-level government officials, among them the president and defense minister in attendance.

Known as the ArmHiTec -2018 international exhibition of armaments and defense technology, the event will through Saturday in Yerevan.

A brief cultural program and official opening ceremony were followed by a demonstration by the a special detachment of the Armenian Armed Forces.

ArmHiTec -2018 seeks to become an effective platform for dialogue between the military, scientific and business circles of participating countries. Armenian and foreign organizations from Russia, India, Germany, Italy, France, China and other countries are participating in the exhibition with their own stands.

While touring the exhibition, President Serzh Sarkisian familiarized himself with the achievements of Armenian organizations in the field of armaments and defense technology, as well as with the products showcased by international organizations.

A practical scientific program will be held on the sidelines of ArmHiTec -2018 international exhibition, involving delegations from more than 10 countries and representatives of the Collective Security Treaty Organization, commonly known as the CSTO.

Armenia’s Defense Minister Vigen Sargsyan addresses the ArmHiTec 2018 expo opening ceremony

The development of defense industry is one of the priority directions of progress of the Armenian economy, Defense Minister Vigen Sargsyan said during the opening of the ArmHiTec 2018.

“High tech and innovative developments in the defense industry had a unique place in recent years in the development of Armenia’s science and industry. Modern samples of military significance production were development in a short period of time and commissioned in the armed forces, a part of which you can see at this exhibition,” Sargsyan said.

The minister also discussed the seven-year military modernization program, the main purpose of which is launching production of high tech arms and entering foreign markets.

The minister also announced that 34 Armenian and more than 30 foreign companies from 14 countries are featured in the exhibit.

“State delegations from Russia, Greece, India, Belarus, Tajikistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Iran, Serbia and Egypt have arrived in Armenia to participate in the exhibition,” he said, adding that the CSTO delegation is also in attendance.

German Lawmaker Cem Özdemir Awarded Armenia’s Mkhitar Gosh Medal

German parliament member Cem Ozdemir (left) is presented the Mkhitar Gosh medal in Berlin

BERLIN—Bundestag Member, Greens Party Co-Chair Cem Özdemir, was awarded Armenia’s Mkhitar Gosh Medal for significant contribution toward the international recognition of the Armenian Genocide at a ceremony in the Armenian Embassy in Berlin.

Özdemir was the author of a resolution that passed in 2016 in the German parliament recognizing the Armenian Genocide and condemning Germany’s role in the events of 1915.

On Saturday, the German Der Spiegel magazine published an expose revealing wiretap recordings that directly link Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan to the anti-Armenian protests held in Berlin a day before the Bundestag began debating the Özdemir-authored resolution.

Armenia’s Ambassador Ashot Smbatyan noted in his opening remarks that “Özdemir has proved with his work that in the present days tolerance and courage have greater significance in establishing mutual understanding between peoples than nationalist calls or isolation from other countries.”

Attending the event were high-ranking German government officials, members of parliament and foreign envoys.