Armenian Pilgrims Participate In Religious Procession In Netherlands


July 11 2011

A group of Armenian pilgrims, representatives of Christian community
of the Netherlands, participated in a religious procession to the tomb
of Saint Servatius who first spread Christianity in the territory of
Belgium and the Netherlands.

Saint Servatius, the first bishop of Maastricht, is venerated
as a Christian saint and the saint in Catholicism, and in Eastern
Christianity. Representatives of various Christian confessions go on
pilgrimage to his grave.

Legends say he was born in Armenia and is a distant relative of John
the Baptists and Jesus through his mother, now called Memelia. He
arrived in Maastricht and became the first bishop of this city. Here
he died in 384. Large numbers of pilgrims still visit the basilica
of Saint Servaas at the Vrijthof, built over the grave of this saint.

Armenia To Study Cyber Attacks On Local Websites

July 11 2011

YEREVAN. – It will be easier to react to cyber attacks from now
on, as the owners of websites will learn it quicker, initiator of
Armenian monitoring group on cyber attacks, blogger Vardan Grigoryan
told Armenian The new group will monitor in the zone
of .am and will inform the administrators about possible attacks.

“Frequently when the websites are hacked in the zone of .am, the
owners learn about it several days later. The group aims to quickly
inform them in order to restore the broken websites in a short time,”
Grigoryan added.

The group will work on voluntary bases. The statistics on Armenian
sites will regularly be submitted on the blog. Blog of Armenian
group on monitoring cyber attacks is available on the website

Four Out Of Six Members Of Ruling Coalition’s Delegation Named


The ruling Republican Party of Armenia and the Prosperous Armenia
party each have named two persons to be included in the delegation
that is set to engage in negotiations with the opposition Armenian
National Congress.

Davit Harutyunyan and Gagik Minasyan will represent the RPA, the
party’s spokesman, Eduard Sharmazanov, told; Vardan Bostanjyan
and Naira Zohrabyan will represent the Prosperous Armenia, according
to Bostanjyan.

The third party of the ruling collation, the Country of Law party,
is expected to name its members later today. The leader of the
party’s faction in parliament, Heghine Bisharyan, is set to hold a
news conference today, a spokeswoman for the party told

Turks Were Dismembering Armenian Kids, Blinding And Killing Armenian


The Vatican documents on the Armenian Genocide will be published in
a separate book, Vatican Archives Officer Monsignor Sergio Pagano
has told the Turkish newspaper Vatan.

Pagano said the documents refer to the Armenian massacres perpetrated
between 1894 and 1897 in the Ottoman Empire. He said that at the
time Pope Leo XIII had asked Sultan Abdul Hamid to show mercy and
stop the atrocities against the Armenians.

Vatan has published two eyewitness accounts provided by Pagano.

An account by an eyewitness from Erzrum:

I saw them kill children. I saw my cousin Dono fleeing the house
fleeing the house with his 2-year-old child. They shot him and he
felled down. Two armed men came up to them and killed Dono before the
child’s eyes… I saw them kill the chief priest of our town. They
first picked his eyes, tore his beard. Before they killed him, they
made him dance.

An account by Turkish soldier Mustafa Suleyman:

We would enter the Armenian villages and kill everybody. The Kurds
accompanying us looted the houses of the Armenians. A group of elderly
and disabled people was hiding in the school that was in the center of
the town. But we were ordered to killed them too. In the village of
Geliguzan, 800 Armenians were killed. They picked Father Hovhannes’s
eyes, tore his beard, cut out his nose and ears, and then killed him
by their bayonets. I did not kill any child. I even hid two kids in
my tent but once I found them dismembered.

Bienvenue A L’Independance Du Sud-Soudan


Publie le : 11-07-2011

Info Collectif VAN – – Le Collectif VAN etait
associe a la manifestation parisienne du 9 juillet 2011 saluant
la naissance du Sud-Soudan qui a obtenu son independance après une
longue lutte contre le Nord. Le Sud-Soudan est devenu la 193e nation
au monde et la 54e d’Afrique lors d’une ceremonie officielle a Juba
en presence du president soudanais Omar el-Bechir : Khartoum n’a donc
pas reussi a vaincre les rebelles du Sud-Soudan et semble accepter
officiellement la secession du Sud. Rappelons que Bechir est par
ailleurs toujours sous le coup d’un mandat d’arret international de
la CPI pour genocide et crimes contre l’humanite au Darfour : malgre
cela, sa presence n’a pas semble gener le secretaire general de l’ONU
Ban Ki-moon, ainsi que les representants des Etats-Unis et de France
qui participaient aux celebrations a Juba, capitale du Sud-Soudan. Le
Collectif Urgence Darfour transmet ici les photos et le compte rendu
(par Huguette C.Magnis) du rassemblement celebrant a Paris (Place de la
Republique), la naissance du Sud-Soudan. Souhaitons que la communaute
internationale puisse comprendre egalement la legitime aspiration
des Armeniens du Haut-Karabagh a vivre en paix et en securite au sein
d’un Etat independant, libere des menaces guerrières de l’Azerbaïdjan
voisin : la Republique du Haut-Karabagh – a population armenienne –
avait ete rattachee arbitrairement a l’Azerbaïdjan pendant la periode
sovietique et elle s’est prononcee par referendum pour son independance
en septembre 1991.

Legende photo: 2011.07.09 Audrey Moutot prend la parole pour le CUD
au rassemblement pour la naissance du Sud-Soudan, pl. de la Republique.

“Welcome, bienvenue l’independance !”

Rebecca Adot, secretaire generale du SPLM dit sa grande emotion et
l’espoir qui l’anime.

L’Association de la communaute darfourie en France (ACDF), encadre
parfaitement la manifestation, exprimant sa solidarite avec les
populations Noubas du Sud Kordofan où, vieille recette du regime
miltaro-islamiste de Khartoum, un nouveau nettoyage ethnique est
a l’oeuvre.

Des refugies font d’ailleurs circuler des photos des victimes des
recents massacres. Atroces.

Les mots d’ordre lances par Jafar en francais, en arabe et en anglais
et repris par tous sont clairs et nets : “Bechir criminel, Haroun
assassin. Bechir a La Haye !”

Les interventions sont très nombreuses, celle d’Issa, president de
l’ACDF, est suivie de beaucoup d’autres.

Audrey Moutot, secretaire generale-adjointe, et Jacky Mamou, president,
prennent la parole au nom du Collectif Urgence Darfour pour dire le
refus d’un Soudan “arabise” et islamiste. La chute du regime d’El
Bechir est bien la condition de l’instauration d’un Etat democratique,
laïc et unitaire. Une des banderoles des Darfouris le dit sans ambages
: “Bechir degage.” Jacky Mamou declare “La place de Bechir n’est pas
a Khartoum, elle est a La Haye devant ses juges.”

Tyia Ahmed Osman du SPLM Nord intervient pour dire qu’il n’etait
pas pas partisan de la secession. Panafricain, son objectif est la
constitution des Etats-Unis d’Afrique, pas leur partition. Prenant acte
de l’independance du Sud Soudan, il veut au Nord un combat unitaire et
democratique de tous les peuples massacres et opprimes par le regime,
contre l’islamisme et le terrorisme.

Dominique Sopo, president de SOS Racisme, salue le rassemblement.

L’opposante syrienne Lama Atassi, presidente de France Syrie
Democratie, prend la parole en arabe pour apporter son soutien. Elle
est très applaudie par les refugies qui repondent “Soutien au peuple
syrien !”.

Jeudi 14 juillet le Collectif Urgence Darfour sera present au village
associatif du grand concert de SOS Racisme au Champ de Mars. Les
refugies y seront aussi.

Nota CVAN : le Collectif VAN tiendra egalement un stand dans le cadre
de ce Village Associatif organise par SOS Racisme.

Voir les photos :

Bienvenue a l’independance du Sud-Soudan (Photos)

Retour a la rubrique

Le Chef De La Diplomatie Turque En Iran

lundi 11 juillet 2011

Le chef de la diplomatie turque, Ahmet Davutoglu, se rendra en Iran
ce dimanche pour evoquer avec les dirigeants de ce pays les revoltes
qui secouent la region, a annonce a l’AFP un diplomate turc.

M. Davutoglu doit se rendre en Iran a l’issue d’une visite en cours en
Arabie saoudite, où il est arrive samedi soir, a declare par telephone
et sous couvert de l’anonymat le diplomate, qui accompagne le ministre.

Il devait rencontrer son homologue iranien, Ali Akbar Salehi,
dimanche soir, et d’autres dirigeants lundi, “pour discuter des
derniers developpements dans la region”, a precise cette source.

Ces visites en Arabie saoudite et en Iran constituent une autre etape
d’une tournee regionale annoncee le mois dernier, qui a deja conduit
M. Davutoglu en Egypte et en Libye.

Le ministre turc doit aussi se rendre en Syrie, où se poursuit un
mouvement de contestation populaire sans precedent, mais aucune date
n’a ete fixee pour cette destination.

Trois Photographes Georgiens Arretes Espionnaient Pour La Russie

lundi 11 juillet 2011

Trois photographes de presse georgiens arretes jeudi sous le soupcon
d’espionnage fournissaient des informations secrètes a la Russie,
a affirme samedi le ministère georgien de l’Interieur.

Dans son communique le ministère georgien affirme que Zourab
Kourtsikidze, de l’agence europeenne EPA, a transmis des images prises
par deux autres photographes au service de renseignement du ministère
russe de la Defense.

Les trois photographes impliques dans cette affaire sont le
photographe personnel du president georgien Mikheïl Saakachvili,
Irakli Guedenidze, Zourab Kourtsikidze, de l’agence europeenne EPA,
et Guiorgui Abdaladze, employe au service de presse du ministère
georgien des Affaires etrangères.

Des informations confidentielles concernant les mouvements du president
Saakachvili et des plans de bâtiment de l’administration ont ete
decouverts quand ils ont ete arretes, affirme le ministère georgien.

“L’enquete a conclu que Zourab Kourtsikidze entretenait des liens
avec le service de renseignement du ministère de la Defense de la
Federation de Russie”, poursuit le communique.

Le photographe personnel du president georgien, Irakli Guedenidze et
le photographe du centre de presse du ministère georgien des Affaires
etrangères Guiorgui Abdaladze etaient remuneres pour prendre des
cliches que Kourtsikidze adressait a Moscou, assure le communique.

La femme d’Irakli Guedenidze, la photographe Natia Guedenidze,
arretee en meme temps que les trois autres, a ete relâchee.

Les trois photographes detenus devaient etre presentes samedi a un
tribunal de Tbilissi lors d’une audience a huis clos.

Sentenced for Burning Notary’s Office

Sentenced for Burning Notary’s Office

15:27, July 9, 2011

The Court of First Instance of Kentron and Nork-Marash administrative
districts sentenced M. Batikyan to imprisonment for committing theft,
forgery and usage of documents and seals, willful destruction of
property, banditry and swindling and illegal carrying of weapons.

The Court found that on December 29, 2008 at night, with V.
Khachatryan’s help, M. Batikyan organized the theft of the rubber
layer of the seal and protective labels from the office of the notary
G. Yengibaryan and in order to hide the theft they burned the notary’s

Later, M. Batikyan came to an agreement with N. Khachatryan, and from
December 2008 to April 2009, they forged documents by using the above
mentioned labels and acquired the property right of 7-8 apartments in
Yerevan in the amount of 1,5 million USD.

Besides, by coming to a prior agreement with H. Andreasyan and A.
Nersisyan, on August 7, 2009 M. Batikyan broke into antiquarian M.
Margaryan’s house in Jrvezh and took property in the amount of 6 154
970 drams.

By the decision of the Court of First Instance of Kentron and
Nork-Marash administrative districts made on March 26, 2011, M.
Batikyan was found guilty according to the RA Criminal Code Articles
38-185, part 2, point 1, 38-324, part 2, 325, part 2, 34-178, part 3,
point 1, 175, part 3, point 1, 235, part 1 and 238, part 4, point 2
and was sentenced to 13 years of imprisonment with confiscation of
half property.

A. Nersisyan was found guilty according to the RA Criminal Code
Articles 175, part 3, point 1, 235, part 1 and 238, part 4, point 2
and was sentenced to 11 years of imprisonment with confiscation of
half property and H. Andreasyan according to the Articles 175, part 3,
point 1 and 238, part 4, point 2 and was sentenced to 9 years of
imprisonment with confiscation of half property.

V. Khachatryan was found guilty according to the RA Criminal Code
Articles 185, part 2, point 1 and 324, part 2 and was sentenced to 1,5
years of imprisonment but he was not punishment based on the RA
National Assembly’s decision “On announcing amnesty”.

“The defense appealed the decision of the Court to the RA Court of
Criminal Appeals”, Prosecutor General’s Office of RA reports.

ISANBUL: Armenian experts call on Turkey to look at the diaspora wit

Today’s Zaman, Turkey
July 10 2011

Armenian experts call on Turkey to look at the diaspora with new eyes

10 July 2011, Sunday / EMINE KART, YEREVAN, ANKARA

Two leading Armenian experts based in Armenia have argued that
Turkey’s approach towards the Armenian diaspora is not healthy or
helpful, especially when the issue is restoring bilateral relations
between Ankara and Yerevan.

`Turkey doesn’t actually understand the diaspora, seeing it as the
enemy, and that is based on ignorance,’ says the founder of the
Yerevan-based Regional Studies Center (RSC), an independent, nonprofit
think tank, Richard Giragosian, while director of the Yerevan-based
Civilitas Foundation Salpi Ghazarian says that the diaspora is
misunderstood by `the official Turkey,’ since there is not just one

Giragosian and Ghazarian’s remarks came separately while they were
speaking with a group of journalists who visited Armenia from June 27
to July 3. The seven journalists paid a visit to the neighboring
country under an initiative by the Hrant Dink Foundation. This was the
third `Armenia-Turkey Journalist Dialogue Project,’ which is organized
annually by the foundation with the support of the Heinrich Böll

`Whether it is in the States or from South America, Europe or the
Middle East, our dialogue is fine and great, we have great
connections, we understand the diaspora,’ Ghazarian, said when asked
about dialogue between the foundation and the diaspora.

Civilitas was founded by Vartan Oskanian, a former foreign minister of
Armenia, in October 2008. Oskanian is a member of the honorary board
of Civilitas.

`Not only is it not a problem for us, it is not even a question for
us. I explain Civilitas as the opportunity to connect Armenians to
Armenians. That includes Armenians in Armenia to Armenians in the
diaspora as well. The media in Armenia is not what it ought to be, the
government is not as responsive as it needs to be, and so this is an
opportunity to improve those processes as well. I don’t make a
distinction between what we need to do with the diaspora and what we
need to do with Armenia. We simply need to be a source of information,
of activity and an opportunity to get involved in order for this
society to grow in a healthy way and to open dialogue within itself
and with its neighbors. For that, I need Armenia and I need the
diaspora. I don’t make a distinction,’ Ghazarian went on to say as she
hosted the journalists at the Civilitas’ office. `Now, you haven’t
asked, but let me answer. I think that the diaspora is misunderstood,
there are several diasporas. There is the new diaspora, the diaspora
that left after independence, and it is a diaspora that continues to
maintain very real immediate links to Armenia individually. There is a
traditional, old diaspora that is both the institutions and a whole
lot of individuals. Before independence, that diaspora was known just
by its institutions because there was no other way to interact with
them. With independence, that diaspora is not the diaspora of the
institutions alone. If you look at Armenia now, those who are
investing, those who are coming and visiting, are not the
institutions. Surely, institutions come, but indeed, it is by and
large individual Armenians from the diaspora who need to reconnect,’
Ghazarian elaborated.

`Official Turkey cannot misunderstand, misinterpret and misperceive
that sort of engagement, that is, diaspora’s engagement in Armenia. It
isn’t simply about three political parties, three large benevolent
organizations and 500 community organizations. It is about individual
Armenians all around the world wanting to connect. The churches,
political parties and lobbies are all part of the diaspora, but they
are not the beginning and the end of the diaspora,’ she said.
Giragosian is an analyst specializing in international relations, with
a focus on economics, military security and political developments in
the former Soviet Union, the Middle East and Asia. He hosted the
visiting group at the RSC along with young Armenian-Americans, who
attended the meeting between Giragosian and the journalists.

`Turkey doesn’t actually understand the diaspora, seeing it as the
enemy, and that is based on ignorance. ¦ What the Turkish government
does not understand is that the Armenian government does not control
the diaspora. On the contrary, it is very hard for the Armenian
government to control or direct the Armenian diaspora,’ Giragosian
said. `The Turkish government is mistaken in seeing the Armenian
diaspora as the unified anti-Turkish enemy driven by an anti-Turkish
agenda. This is simply not true,’ he added, noting that there is `a
second mistake’ being made by Turkey.

`Turkey has unofficial ambassadors, bridges to Armenia: the Armenians
of Ä°stanbul. They don’t use them properly and they don’t use them
enough. And, within the broader framework of the ignorance about the
diaspora, there is also ignorance about the Armenian community within
Turkey, ignorance about Armenia in general. Because closing borders
and refusing to have diplomatic relations also means that Turkey has
not known Armenia since 1990. There is no understanding of the current
reality in Armenia,’ Giragosian argued in remarks, elaborating on what
he sees as Turkey’s second mistake. Ghazarian shared her personal
story with the group.

`My grandfather was a merchant from Gürün [a town in the Central
Anatolian province of Sivas]. He was travelling and when he returned,
his wife and grown sons had been killed. On the way to Aleppo, he went
to a village where there was a young Armenian woman living with a
family. He bought her, paid money for her. My grandmother was not
asked if she wanted to stay or leave; she was bought and taken. He
married her and they had a child, my mother. Later my grandmother ran
away from him. You know there is this 13 or 14-year-old young woman
and a 50-year-old man, so she ran away. Mother never forgave my
grandmother for that. My mother and grandmother were raised in an
orphanage in Aleppo, and I took my daughter to Aleppo this time last
year. We went to the orphanage where my mother and grandmother were
raised after we had visited Ä°stanbul a few times. And when we visited
Ä°stanbul, my daughter loved it,’ Ghazarian explained.

`So, her feelings about Ä°stanbul were always positive until Prime
Minister [Recep Tayyip] ErdoÄ?an said `We gave them pocket money on
their deportation.’ After he said that, my daughter asked, `Really,
where was grandma’s pocket money?” Ghazarian continued.

Ghazarian was referring to remarks delivered by ErdoÄ?an in November
2007 during a visit to Washington, D.C. `There was no genocide here.
What took place was called deportation because that was a very
difficult time. It was a time of war in 1915. This was about the time
when there were rebellions. There was rebellion in different parts of
the [Ottoman] Empire. Actually, Armenians were known to be very loyal
subjects of the empire. ¦ There was provocation by some other
countries, and the Armenians became part of the rebellion in those
years, so the government of the time provided them with a travel
allowance and started deporting the Armenian citizens to other parts
of the empire. We have documents in our own archives that attest to
this fact. There are all sorts of instructions about how many people
are to be sent from one area to another and how much money is to be
paid to them as travel allowance, and we have all those documents. So,
what we say is that those who counter those arguments must come up
with their own documents, but there are no documents to be shown,’
ErdoÄ?an was quoted as saying as he responded to a question at a
National Press Club meeting.

Ghazarian added: `Official Turkey cannot afford to lose that
generation. For her [Ghazarian’s daughter], it is not personal, unless
he [ErdoÄ?an] personalizes it. She has no problem with saying `I love
Ä°stanbul,’ as I do. That does not mean that the rewriting of history
must continue. The two can be separated from each other. I, the
victim, can separate them. It remains for the government to be able to
separate them.’

BAKU: Nagorno-Karabakh conflict discussed in Moscow

Trend, Azerbaijan
July 9 2011

Nagorno-Karabakh conflict discussed in Moscow

[09.07.2011 16:44]
Azerbaijan, Baku, July 9 /Trend, A.Gasimova/

Deputy Foreign Minister of Russia Grigory Karasin discussed the
Nagorno-Karabakh conflict with the Vice President of the Carnegie
Endowment James Collins in Moscow, the Foreign Ministry reported.

Karasin received members of the committee and experts and
Euro-Atlantic security initiatives, led by former U.S. Ambassador to
Russia Collins.

During the meeting the sides exchanged views on issues of unresolved
conflicts over Nagorno-Karabakh and Transnistria, as well as on the
overall situation in the South Caucasus.

The conflict between the two South Caucasus countries began in 1988
when Armenia made territorial claims against Azerbaijan. Armenian
armed forces have occupied 20 percent of Azerbaijan since 1992,
including the Nagorno-Karabakh region and 7 surrounding districts.
Azerbaijan and Armenia signed a ceasefire agreement in 1994. The
co-chairs of the OSCE Minsk Group – Russia, France, and the U.S. – are
currently holding the peace negotiations.

Armenia has not yet implemented the U.N. Security Council’s four
resolutions on the liberation of the Nagorno-Karabakh and the
surrounding regions.