Cars Loaded With Agricultural Produce To Be Stopped In Case Of Serio


JUNE 28, 2011

The police inspectors in Armenia have been ordered no longer disturb
the drivers carrying agricultural produce.

Under an agreement signed between the Armenian Police and the
Agrarian Peasant Union, the police will not stop vehicles loaded
with agricultural produce unless serious violations are observed,
the head of the union, Hrach Berberyan, told a news conference today.

He said non-compliance with the new rules envisages liability measures
for policemen and added that villagers can contact their hotline
service upon observing violations.

Berberyan said the new procedures aim to assist the rural population
and rural economies, facilitating the transportation of their products.

Artak Shakaryan Says Geopolitical Interests Primary For Turkey


28 June, 2011

It is not the first time Turkey endeavors to take advantage of the
inner unstable situation of neighbor countries to establish there
Turkey-oriented figures’ power, Turkologist Artak Shakaryan said
today at a news conference.

Artak Shakaryan says regardless the interests Turkey has in a country,
Turkey will never miss any opportunity to launch military intervention
there and extend its borders. Several years ago Turkey and Syria signed
an agreement and established visa-free regime. Syria is considered the
first importer of Turkish goods. “Nonetheless, Turkey’s geopolitical
interests are higher than the economic ones,” Artak Shakaryan said.

The Turkologist says NATO’s attack on Syria is almost excluded,
as Russia and China support Syria, at the same time, the states
attempting to encroach on Syria, will have to deal with Iran. “Taking
into account all these circumstances, Turkey remains the region’s
only country, which instigates tending to conceal its own nimble
policy with democratic ideas,” Artak Shakaryan said.

As to the Armenian community to Syria and its stance on the
inner-political crisis, Arabologist Arayik Harutyunyan said Armenians
have always supported the authorities.

Artificial Optimism Era Over In Kazan – Expert


June 27, 2011 – 13:20 AMT

PanARMENIAN.Net – The presidential meeting in Kazan marked the end
of the era of artificial optimism, an Armenian political analyst said.

“Preclusion of signing of any artificial document was a victory both
of Armenia and Azerbaijan,” Stepan Grigoryan, head of the Analytical
Center on Globalization and Regional Cooperation, told a press
conference in Yerevan on June 27.

“The main obstacles to a peace agreement are the status of Nagorno
Karabakh, Azerbaijan’s demands of unilateral concessions on Armenia’s
part and return of liberated lands,” he said.

According to Grigoryan, the risk of war after the Kazan talks has

Despite optimistic forecasts and encouragement, the anticipated
meeting ended in a statement saying that the heads of state “noted
the reaching of mutual understanding on a number of questions, whose
resolution helps create conditions to approve the basic principles.”

The leaders of Armenia and Azerbaijan praised the OSCE Minsk Group
co-chair countries for their continuous attention to the problem and
once again thanked Russian President for his personal endeavors to
bring the positions of the conflicting sides closer.

Armenian Foreign Minister Edward Nalbandian has explained why no
agreement was reached. “When addressing the PACE plenary meeting
recently, Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan said that progress may be
registered during the Kazan meeting in case Azerbaijan doesn’t put
forth new proposals regarding the settlement. The June 24 meeting
was not a breakthrough, as Azerbaijan proved unready to accept the
final version of the basic principles suggested by the OSCE Minsk
Group Co-chairs. Instead, the Azerbaijani leader attempted to impose
10 new proposals, thus precluding the possibility of any agreement
on the issue. It’s not for the first time that Azerbaijan prevents
a possibility to reach an agreement. Nevertheless, we will continue
talks, as there is no other way to resolve the Karabakh conflict,”
he said.

OSCE Chairperson Stresses Need For Continued Efforts Towards The Set

27.06.2011 11:05

The OSCE Chairperson-in-Office, Lithuanian Foreign Minister Audronius
Ažubalis, stressed the importance to continue the efforts towards
reaching a comprehensive peace settlement on Nagorno-Karabakh,
while commenting on the meeting in Kazan of Russian President Dmitry
Medvedev, Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan and Azerbaijani President
Ilham Aliyev.

“I welcome the efforts in reaching common understanding on a number of
issues whose resolution will help create the conditions for approval of
the Basic Principles. I hope the work to address the outstanding issues
will be continued, to pave the way towards resolving the conflict,”
Ažubalis said.

“The OSCE stands ready to support and complement, including via my
Personal Representative on the conflict, any efforts made at the
tripartite level and under the auspices of the OSCE Minsk Group
Co-Chairs, to put an end to confrontation and instability in the
South Caucasus.”

Ažubalis emphasized the need for strengthening the ceasefire regime
and for further confidence-building measures with involvement of the
civil society as discussed during his meetings with the leaders of
Azerbaijan and Armenia in March. “I encourage the leaders to follow
through on the agreements made in the previous tripartite meetings in
Astrakhan in October 2010 and in Sochi in March this year, including
to investigate possible incidents on the Line of Contact and refrain
from the threat or use of force,” he said.

Un Accord Sur Les Principes De Base A Kazan ?


Source/Lien : Asbarez

Info Collectif VAN – – Le president Sarkisian
a annonce qu’il se rendrait a Kazan en Russie, pour participer a la
reunion avec son homologue azeri, Ilham Aliyev, pour discuter des
denommes “principes de base” du plan de paix du groupe de Minsk,
car la paix et la stabilite dans la region sont importantes pour
l’Armenie. ” Cependant, nous devons tous comprendre qu’un accord
sera finalise et mis en ~uvre uniquement si l’armenophobie et le
racisme sont eradiques en Azerbaïdjan et si un climat de confiance
se developpe. Naturellement, personne ne doit remettre en question le
droit inherent du peuple du Karabagh a vivre librement et en securite
sur sa terre et d’etre le maître de son destin “, a declare Sarkisian.

Le Collectif VAN vous livre la traduction d’un article en anglais
paru sur le site Asbarez le 22 juin 2011.

Un accord sera difficile face a l’intolerance declare Sarkisian

22 juin 2011

STRASBOURG – S’adressant a l’Assemblee parlementaire du Conseil
de l’Europe mercredi, le president Serzh Sarkisian a expose la
vision de l’Armenie sur le conflit du Karabagh, la stabilite dans
la region, ainsi que les relations de l’Armenie avec l’Europe. Il a
cependant averti, qu’il sera difficile de parvenir a un accord face
a l’intolerance persistante et “l’armenophobie” de l’Azerbaïdjan.

Sarkisian a cite un recent rapport de la Commission europeenne contre
le racisme et l’intolerance, qui reconfirme le niveau extreme du
racisme qui a cours en Azerbaïdjan a l’encontre des Armeniens et
il a exhorte Bakou a adopter des lois appropriees pour juguler ces
attitudes sociales.

” Nous regrettons ce fait, car il difficile d’imaginer qu’une telle
situation puisse exister dans un Etat membre du Conseil de l’Europe.

Nous le regrettons, car nous comprenons clairement que le poison de
l’intolerance frappe durement la societe qui porte en elle ce poison
“, a declare Sarkisian indiquant que le rapport etait perturbant,
car le conflit du Karabagh n’est toujours pas resolu, insinuant
que la politique de Bakou peut avoir un impact sur l’approche de
l’Azerbaïdjan sur le conflit.

Sarkisian a dit que malgre tout, il se rendrait a Kazan en Russie,
pour participer a la reunion avec son homologue azeri, Ilham Aliyev,
pour discuter des denommes “principes de base” du plan de paix du
groupe de Minsk, car la paix et la stabilite dans la region sont
importantes pour l’Armenie.

” Cependant, nous devons tous comprendre qu’un accord sera finalise
et mis en ~uvre uniquement si l’armenophobie et le racisme sont
eradiques en Azerbaïdjan et si un climat de confiance se developpe.

Naturellement, personne ne doit remettre en question le droit inherent
du peuple du Karabagh a vivre librement et en securite sur sa terre
et d’etre le maître de son destin “, a declare Sarkisian.

Le president a egalement parle du processus de normalisation des
relations Armenie-Turquie, indiquant que la Turquie l’avait place
dans une “impasse.”

“L’unique raison est que la Turquie s’est remise a imposer des
conditions prealables et elle n’a pas tenu ses engagements, ce qui
a rendu impossible la ratification des protocoles signes. Ayant ete
confronte a ce mur de deception et de mefiance, je ne peux pas predire
quand une nouvelle ouverture se presentera. Je regrette d’avoir a le
dire, mais c’est la realite “, a dit Sarkisian.

” Il est important de souligner que l’Armenie a initie le processus
avec de bonnes intentions, dans l’esprit de l’imperatif du 21e siècle
de coexistence pacifique entre les nations et les peuples, tout cela
avec en toile de fond la Turquie continuant non seulement a ne pas
reconnaître le genocide, mais en outre s’engageant dans une politique
de negationnisme categorique du genocide des Armeniens, perpetre dans
l’Empire ottoman en 1915. Entre temps, les Armeniens sont toujours
dans l’attente d’une reponse appropriee. Nos efforts inlassables,
et nous l’esperons, ceux de toutes les personnes concernees par les
crimes contre l’humanite, resteront par consequent concentres sur
la reconnaissance internationale du genocide armenien “, a ajoute
le president.

En reponse a une question concernant la securite de la centrale
nucleaire de Medzamor, Sarkisian a declare que l’Armenie n’avait pas
d’autre choix que de dependre de l’energie nucleaire en raison du
blocus que lui imposaient ses voisins.

“Ce blocus illegal de l’Armenie doit cesser. L’Europe ne peut pas et
ne devrait pas tolerer de nouvelles lignes de clivages “, a declare

©Traduction de l’anglais C.Gardon pour le Collectif VAN – 23 juin
2011 –

Retour a la rubrique

Kazan : La Faute A Qui ?


Source/Lien : Reuters
Publie le : 27-06-2011

Info Collectif VAN – – L’Armenie et l’Azerbaïdjan
se rejettent la responsabilite de l’echec d’accord sur un document
de travail qui implementerait la fin d’un conflit de plus de 20 ans
sur le Nagorno-Karabakh. Le sommet de Kazan n’a debouche sur aucune
avancee, car l’Azerbaïdjan n’est pas pret a accepter la dernière
version des principes de bases”, a declare le ministre armenien des
Affaires etrangères Edward Nalbandian. Le Collectif VAN vous livre
la traduction d’un article en anglais de l’agence Reuters.

L’Armenie, l’Azerbaïdjan se rejettent la responsabilite de l’echec
sur le Karabagh

De Hasmik Lazarian et Lada Yevgrashina – 25 juin 2011

EREVAN/BAKOU (Reuters) – L’Armenie et l’Azerbaïdjan se rejettent la
responsabilite de l’echec d’accord sur un document de travail qui
implementerait la fin d’un conflit de plus de 20 ans concernant le

Le president azeri Ilham Aliyev et le president de l’Armenie Serzh
Sarksyan se sont rencontres vendredi dans la ville russe de Kazan,
situee a 720 km a l’est de Moscou, pour discuter du Nagorno-Karabagh,
que les forces armees soutenues par l’Armenie ont arrache au contrôle
azeri dans une guerre des plus meurtrières depuis la chute de l’Union
sovietique il y a 20 ans.

“Le sommet de Kazan n’a debouche sur aucune avancee, car l’Azerbaïdjan
n’est pas pret a accepter la dernière version des principes de
bases”, a declare le ministre armenien des Affaires etrangères,
Edward Nalbandian.

Les deux parties ont subi la pression des grandes puissances pour se
mettre d’accord sur les principes de base, un cadre de travail en 14
points qui preparerait le terrain a un accord de paix.

Le document donnerait les directives sur la manière de definir le
statut final de l’enclave du Nagorno-Karabakh qui s’autogouverne
avec le soutien de l’Armenie depuis la guerre. Il couvrirait aussi
le retour a l’Azerbaïdjan, de divers territoires entourant l’enclave,
qui forment un corridor vers l’Armenie.

D’autres points comprennent le droit des refugies des deux pays a
revenir au Karabagh, un statut interimaire garantissant la securite
et l’auto-gouvernance pour le Nagorno-Karabakh ; et des garanties
internationales de securite afin d’empecher cet accord fragile de

Bakou a rapidement repondu aux allegations d’Erevan qui indiquaient
que la partie azerie etait responsable de l’echec des pourparlers.

“La declaration du ministre armenien des Affaires etrangères montre de
nouveau que le gouvernement armenien n’a pas l’intention d’abandonner
ses methodes de sale propagande”, a declare aux journalistes Novruz
Mamedov, responsable du departement des relations etrangères de
l’administration presidentielle.

“La position non constructive de la partie armenienne est responsable
de l’absence de progrès notables”, a-t-il dit.

Dans le meme temps, les deux parties ont promis de continuer a

Samedi, l’OSCE a appele les deux parties a persister dans leurs
efforts de paix et a promis d’apporter son soutien dans ce processus.

Les dirigeants azeri et armenien et le president russe Dimitry
Medvedev ont declare vendredi que les deux parties “ont atteint un
accord mutuel sur un certain nombre de problèmes dont la resolution
contribuera a creer les conditions necessaires a l’approbation des
principes de bases.”

Un cessez-le-feu en 1994 a mis fin au conflit qui a fait environ 30
000 morts et a chasse de chez eux un million de personnes. Mais des
tirs et des mines tuent regulièrement des soldats des deux côtes.

Après des annees de lutte pour mener les adversaires vers une
resolution du conflit, les Etats-Unis, la Russie et la France –
qui gèrent la mediation – poussent pour que des mesures serieuses
soient prises.

Le conflit a egalement fait echouer un rapprochement entre l’Armenie
et la Turquie l’annee dernière. L’Azerbaïdjan a dit qu’il pourrait
reprendre le Haut-Karabagh par la force si le statu quo persiste.

©Traduction de l’anglais C.Gardon pour le Collectif VAN – 27 juin
2011 –

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Artak Shaboyan Highlights The Necessity Of Creating A Public Council


Noyan Tapan


(Noyan Tapan – 27.06.2011) On June 24, Artak Shaboyan, the RA Chairman
of the State Commission for the Protection of Economic Competition
(SCPEC) had a working visit in Nagorno-Karabakh. Artak Shaboyan,
together with the Chairman of the Artsakh Republic State Commission on
Public Services Regulation and Economic Competition Hakob Ghahramanyan
discussed the main directions of the cooperation, touched upon the
process of joint proceedings.

RA SCPEC Chairman also answered the questions on the problems existing
in the field of competition and highlighted the necessity of creating
a Public Council adjunct to NKR Competitive Body.

Ten-Member Armenian Student Team Departs To Sochi To Help Build Olym


JUNE 27, 2011

YEREVAN, June 27. / ARKA /. A ten-member student team selected by
the South Caucasus Railways (SCR) company from the students of the
Russian-Armenian (Slavonic) University, departed today for the southern
Russian city of Sochi to join peers from the Baltic and CIS states,
the Russian-managed company said in a press release.

It said the ten-member team and their head will work at the Olympic
construction sites. The SCR has paid all transportation costs of the
Armenian group. The accommodation expenses will be paid by SCR’s
parent company Russian Railways. The idea to bring students from
former Soviet republic to Sochi belongs to the Russian Railways.

‘The SCR attaches great importance to cooperation with the Armenian
universities in the training of qualified specialists and their
employment by the company. The SCR has formed a unit of student
train conductors to work in summer on Yerevan-Batumi-Yerevan trains,’
the press release said.

The South Caucasus Railways is run by Russian Railways. The
concessional agreement was concluded in 2008 for 30 years, with a
right of extension for another 20 years after the first 20 years of

Some 15 Armenian Companies To Exhibit Their Products At CIS Exhibiti


JUNE 27, 2011

YEREVAN, June 27. / ARKA /. Some 15 Armenian companies will exhibit
their products in an exhibition dedicated to the 20-th anniversary of
the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS), said Robert Harutyunian,
head of the Armenian Development Agency (ADA). Speaking at a news
conference at Novosti Armenian international press center, he said
the exhibition will be held in Moscow from 28 June to 3 July.

He said Armenian companies will showcase their products in a 200 square
meter large pavilion. They will display foods, building materials,
stone products and textiles. Harutyunian said the Armenian side
will present also the latest achievements in information technology,
tourism, education, culture, transport and energy sectors.

According to him, the government has released 24 million drams to
help organize the participation of local companies in the exhibition.

The National Day of Armenia will be held on July 1 and a documentary
will be shown that day telling about the tourism potential of the

At an innovative forum scheduled for July 2 the Armenian Development
Agency will present three major programs that may interest potential
investors – a program to produce pure magnesium, a program for
production of basalt fiber and the program for production of solid
clay for production of building materials.

He added that in addition to Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan, Armenia’s
traditional partners in CIS, Armenian companies will seek to establish
cooperation also with Ukrainian companies He said economy minister
Tigran Davtian will travel to Moscow to take part in the opening of
the exhibition.($1 – 373.55 drams).

Bradtke: It is not a Peace Agreement

Bradtke: It is not a Peace Agreement

Story from News:

Published: 16:27:16 – 24/06/2011

The American Co-Chair of the OSCE Minsk Group Robert Bradtke, during a
briefing at the U.S. Embassy in Moscow, noted: `The Basic Principles
are not a peace agreement. It is a framework document of 5.5 pages
composed of 14 points, which is a guide to the sides on how to lead
negotiations to achieve settlement. It is a guide to the ministers on
how to form important issues to reach a final peace agreement.’