Golden Apricot Yerevan Film Festival Announces New Competition Progr


A new competition program of shorts called Apricot Stone has been
added to the 8th Golden Apricot Yerevan International Film Festival.

Organizers of the competition program, filmmakers Aram Shahbazyan,
Gagik Ghazare, and Lusine Sargsyan, Festival Director Assistant
Vardan Hakobyan, and screenwriter Astghik Simonyan, presented the
jury and films included in the new program at a press conference in
Yerevan today.

Through this new competition program, the Golden Apricot film festival
enables young filmmakers to fulfill their ideas, formulate their own
requirements and standards for selecting films, as well as to select
the films within this program. Through the films presented in the
Apricot Stone program, the young coordinators attempted to understand
tomorrow’s cinema with its genre differences, reads a Golden Apricot
festival statement issued Friday.

As announced by organizers, 135 films were submitted for the Apricot
Stone competition program, 25 of which (from 18 countries) were

The films included in the Apricot Stone program include:

“Via Gori,” George Barbakadze, Australia “I Could Be Your Grandmother,”
Bernard Tanguy, France “It’s a Long Way Home,” Gregory Rentis,
USA/Greece “Glasgow,” Piotr Subbotko, Poland “Return,” Harri
J. Rantala, Finland “The Piano Tuner,” Olivier Treiner, France “Slugs,”
Maria Lundqvist, Sweden “Awaiting Her,” James Joint, Honduras “Story of
Nobody,” Manfredi Lucibello, Italy “Ambitious,” Ainur Askarov, Russia
“Laaf,” Loic Tanson, Thierry Besseling, Luxemburg “On the Other Side,”
Livia Coullias Blanc, France “Mephisto,” Laurence Vaissiere, France
“Peter Grass is Dead Twice,” Jean-Jacques Cunnac, France “Flower
Dance,” Lusine Sargsyan, Armenia “The Baby,” Mohammadreza Hajipour,
Portugal “Bycicle,” Serhat Karaaslan, Turkey “Lighthearted Boy,” Marco
Gianfreda, Italy “Waiting,” Jow Zhi Wei, Singapore “Wingled Illusion,”
Tatev Isakhanyan, Armenia “Galata,” Diana Kardumyan, Armenia/Turkey
“Morning, Noon, Evening…and Morning,” Gayaneh Jiji, France/Syria
“Lemonary,” Vasiliy Fenin, Russia “Sea of Desires,” Shota Gamisonia,
Russia “Hotel Chambord,” Dorothee Baert, Belgium “L’or blanc,” Adama
Salle, Morroco

Members of the jury, led by film producer Thierry Lenouvel (France),
include film critic Olga Sherwood (Russia) and filmmaker Garine
Torossian (Canada).

The 8th annual Golden Apricot International Film festival will be
held from Jul. 10-17 in Yerevan, thanks to loyal partners, as well
as the Ministry of Culture, which is named as a state support, and
VivaCell-MTS as a general sponsor.

Robert Emmiyan « l’Arménie en forte progression »

Robert Emmiyan « l’Arménie en forte progression »

Après les championnats d’Europe par équipe d’athlétisme de troisième
division à Reykjavik (Islande) où l’Arménie remporta 9 médailles pour
se classer 7e, Krikor Amirzayan pour les « Nouvelles d’Arménie
Magazine » a interviewé Robert Emmiyan, le Président de la Fédération
arménienne d’athlétisme et recordman d’Europe actuel du saut en
longueur (8m86 réalisé en 1987 à Dzargatsor en Arménie).

« Nouvelles d’Arménie Magazine » : l’Arménie qui remporte 9 médailles
dont trois en or à une compétition européenne, c’est une première ?

Robert Emmiyan : effectivement c’est la première fois que l’Arménie
arrive à ce résultat. Ce qui prouve sa forte progression de ces
dernières années. Et cela va continuer !

« Nouvelles d’Arménie Magazine » : Quelle explication donner à cette
progression ?

Robert Emmiyan : tout d’abord, l’Arménie a pris conscience de
l’importance de l’athlétisme qui était jadis un des domaines oubliés
du sport arménien, malgré les exploits de quelques sportifs. Ensuite,
l’accord conclu l’an dernier entre la Fédération arménienne
d’athlétisme et son homologue Français a porté ses fruits. La
Fédération française permet ainsi aux athlètes arméniens de
s’entraîner régulièrement en France dans des conditions idéales. Les
résultats sont là pour le prouver.

« Nouvelles d’Arménie Magazine » : les liens forts entre las
Fédérations de France et d’Arménie sont ainsi à l’origine des
résultats ?

Robert Emmiyan : l’Arménie dispose de nombreux sportifs et athlètes
qui peuvent réaliser des résultats internationaux si on leur donne les
moyens. L’accord arméno-français fut très efficace. A ce propos, je
remercie une nouvelle fois le Président de la Fédération Française
d’Athlétisme, Bernard Amsalem ainsi que Jean Gratia le Directeur
Général qui n’ont pas épargné leurs efforts pour donner aux athlètes
d’Arménie les conditions d’entraînement et d’hébergement idéales. Je
dois remercier également la Ligue régionale et la Ligue d’île de
France qui accueillent nos sportifs dans leurs centres d’entraînement.
Enfin je dois aussi remercier tous ceux qui nous aident, tels que
Levon Baghdassarian et Alex Balikjian qui nous offre gracieusement
quelques billets de vols Erévan-Paris-Erévan ainsi que d’autres
personnes ou associations telles qu’« Arménia » de Valence qui nous
soutiennent. Mais, il faut bien l’avouer, la Fédération arménienne
manque à ce jour d’un véritable sponsor. Peut-être qu’avec les
résultats, ces derniers vont se manifester…

« Nouvelles d’Arménie Magazine » : Les prochaines dates ?

Robert Emmiyan : nous avons du 4 au 10 juillet, les championnats du
monde des cadets (15-16 ans) à Villeneuve d’Ascq puis du 27 juillet au
4 août les championnats du monde senior d’athlétisme en Corée du Sud.
La délégation arménienne sera composée de deux à trois athlètes. Notre
désir est également, bien sûr, de faire qualifier quelques athlètes
arméniens pour les Jeux Olympiques de Londres, l’an prochain.

Interview réalisée par Krikor Amirzayan

Robert Emmiyan entouré des athlètes arméniens

Robert Emmiyan et Amalia Charoyan
Robert Emmiyan et Amalia Charoyan espoir de l’athlétisme arménien
Amalia Charoyan espoir de l’équipe d’athlétisme d’Arméniesamedi 25 juin 2011,
Krikor [email protected]

Rencontres de Kazan : Aliev responsable de l’échec

Rencontres de Kazan : Aliev responsable de l’échec

Si la rencontre trilatérale de Kazan a échoué, la responsabilité en
incombe au président Aliev. C’est ce que dit en substance le ministre
des Affaires étrangères arménien, Edward Nalbandian.

En effet, contre toute attente, alors que les présidents Obama et
Sarkozy s’attendaient à ce que la dernière version des Principes de
base proposés par les co-présidents du groupe de Minsk soient enfin
adoptés après 12 réunions du même type, l’Azerbaïdjan a une nouvelle
fois chargé la mule par une douzaine de nouveaux critères.

Edward Nalbandian indique que les négociations se poursuivront,
puisqu’il n’y a pas de solution alternative. « Ce n’est que par des
moyens pacifiques et par des négociations que pourra se résoudre le
conflit”, a-t-il dit.

Dmitri Medvedv s’est dit prêt à poursuivre les efforts visant à
harmoniser les principes et la réalisation d’un accord final.

samedi 25 juin 2011,
Jean [email protected]

President inspects new center equipped with China-provided ambulance

Xinhua General News Service, China
June 23, 2011 Thursday 11:55 AM EST

Armenian president inspects new center equipped with China-provided ambulances


Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan on Thursday visited an ambulance
center that has just received 88 new ambulances from China under the
two countries’ technical and economic cooperation package.

The president also toured the newly refurbished center, known as the
Ambulance CJSC’s Center.

Armenian Health Minister Harutyun Kushkyan said 35 of the 88
ambulances provided by the Chinese government would be used in the
Armenian capital and the others would be used by local first-aid
centers in the provinces.

The minister said the new vehicles were important for Armenia because
the Ambulance CJSC’s Center and its fleet had not been upgraded for
the past 20 years.

The Armenian government is implementing a modernisation program of the
Armenian ambulance center, which is also to get a global navigation
system, monitoring systems and training programs.

“We can say today that we have all the necessary technical
capabilities and medics to provide top-level first-aid to our people,”
Kushkyan said.

Armenian MFA held session on human rights’ implementation, Armenia
June 24 2011

Armenian MFA held session on human rights’ implementation

June 24, 2011 | 18:46

YEREVAN. – Armenian Foreign Ministry Friday held session of
intergovernmental working group monitoring the implementation of the
commitments undertaken by Armenia on human rights.

The working group aims to conclude implemented commitments, according
to the new protocol of UN Universal Monitoring.

The working group includes all interested representatives of Armenian
ministries. NGO’s and international organizations were invited for the

Armenian Lawmakers Pass Amendments To Urban Planning Law


June 23

Armenian National Assembly amended the law on urban planning on

Urban Planning Minisetr Vardan Vardanyan said that these amendments
were aimed at simplification of some urban planning procedures and
enhancing transparency of urban planning activity.

Program documents will leave no room for subjective decisions and
will spur investments.

The minister said that now such documents are worked out imperfectly
causing uncontrolled and chaotic construction with violation of urban
planning norms.

The stimulating mechanisms and unified principles, which added to
the law, are believed to put things right, he said.

We Are Against Unilateral Concessions, President Sargsyan Tells Euro


President Serzh Sargsyan gave an interview to Euronews ahead of the
trilateral meeting between the Presidents of Armenia, Russia and
Azerbaijan in Kazan.

María Piñeiro euronews:

“President Sargsyan, there appears to be a sense of optimism about the
possible outcome of the meeting to be held in Kazan in Russia. Does
this suggest that you are prepared to make concessions, despite the
difficulties, as you said in a speech at the Council of Europe?”

President Serge Sargsyan:

“Optimism is a good thing, but I would rather be constructive and I
must say my expectations are not that great. You mention concessions,
but we are against unilateral concessions. We are for bilateral
concessions. Must we make concessions with a state that is prepared
to train weapons on us?

As I said to the Council of Europe that the European Committee against
Racism and Intolerance noted in a recent report on Azerbaijan, that
there is intolerance and anti-Armenian sentiment. This is not the
case in Armenia. We must end this anti-Armenian sentiment and build
a future on mutual trust.”

María Piñeiro euronews:

“You said it is not possible to negotiate a peace agreement without the
right to self-determination for Nagorno Karabakh. But it is a condition
Azerbaijan rejects. So how do you intend to break the deadlock?”

President Sargsyan:

“If Azerbaijan does not accept the principles, then how can they say
that the principals of the treaty of Madrid are the foundations on
which we continue the negotiations and find a solution to the problem?

We know there are three principals: The non use of force and threat
of force, Territorial integrity and the right to self-determination.

Not only our principals were written into the Treaty of Madrid. It
seems a bit strange that for years Azerbaijan has negotiated on a
document, when it does not even accept one of the basic principals.”

María Piñeiro euronews:

“For you the self-determination for Nagorno Karabakh is a prerequisite
to negotiate a deal and if Azerbaijan has already rejected this
condition, then perhaps we can say there will be no agreement and no
progress in Kazan.”

President Sargsyan:

“Azerbaijan declares that it is against one or two of the foundations
of the treaty.

Therefore is the international community saying it does not recognize
the right to self-determination?

The second scenario will mean the progress of recent decades will
be lost. Because if the right to self-determination is not feasible,
how was it possible to create ten new states from other states. Just
look at the example of Kosovo?

I also recall that there was another region of Azerbaijan populated
by Armenians, the autonomous Republic of Nakhichevan, but there are
no longer any Armenians living there.”

María Piñeiro euronews:

“During the last G8 meeting in Deauville the presidents of the United
States, France and Russia said the situation was no longer acceptable
and an agreement must be reached without delay. Do you think that
international mediators are getting a little tired of the deadlock?

The Minsk Group (US, France, Russia) said Kazan is the “last chance
to agree.”

President Sargsyan:

“No. I don’t think the international community is tired. The
international community has called on Armenia, Karabakh and Azerbaijan
to give a definitive answer on whether or not we are ready to move
towards a solution based on these principals. We have been told to
answer “yes” or “no” without delay. This is the question we have to
answer in Kazan.”

Ahmadinejad: West Can’t Prevent Iran From Building Nuke If It Decide


June 23, 2011

PanARMENIAN.Net – Hardline President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad insisted
Thursday June 23 that Iran is not seeking to build an atom bomb
but defiantly added that should it decide to do so “no one can do a
damn thing.”

“When we say we do not want to make bomb it means we do not want to,”
Ahmadinejad was quoted by the state television website as saying.

“If we want to make a bomb we are not afraid of anyone and we are not
afraid to announce it, no one can do a damn thing,” he said during
a ceremony inaugurating a sewage treatment plant in southern Tehran.

Iranian officials have staunchly denied Western suspicions that
Tehran’s nuclear enrichment programme is masking a drive for atomic

Parliamentary speaker Ali Larijani last year reiterated the denial by
quoting a previous fatwa by supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei,
who has the final say in the Islamic republic’s affairs, which said
“using weapons of mass destruction, including nuclear (arms) is haram

Ahmadinejad’s comments come two weeks after the chief of Iranian
atomic organisation Fereydoon Abbasi Davani announced plans to triple
Tehran’s capacity to enrich uranium to 20 percent level in a move
Washington deemed “provocative”, according to AFP.

Arman Sahakyan Introduced To The Staff Of State Property Management


June 23, 2011

Prime Minister Tigran Sargsyan introduced today the newly appointed
head of the State Property Management Department Arman Sahakyan to
the staff of the department. Governmental press office reported
that the prime minister said in spite of the young age Sahakyan
is an experienced figure, has rich management experience, occupied
leading posts in a number of institutions which guarantees that he
will effectively organize the work in this department.

The prime minister also thanked the former head of the department
Karine Kirakosyan praising the work she had carried out till the

Arman Sahakyan said he will implement all the programs and will exert
efforts for the effective organization of the work.

Social Democrat Hnchak Party Says Any Forced Decision Over Karabakh


Noyan Tapan


(Noyan Tapan – 23.06.2011) Social Democrat Hnchak Party has issued
a statement ahead of the June 24 Kazan meeting of the Armenian and
Azerbaijani presidents who are set to discuss the Karabakh conflict
settlement. The statement says:

“Tomorrow, on June 24, the usual meeting of the presidents of Armenia,
Azerbaijan and Russia is expected to take place in Kazan. Before
the meeting some International Political Bodies make declarations
which worry Hnchak Party. We declare the following in consent to the
international forces which are interested in this:

Any attempt of a forced decision will lead to a war in Karabakh. Peace
cannot be imposed at the expense of depriving (the people of Karabakh
of their homeland and their right to decide their own fate.

When speaking about compromises you should not only speak about the
liberated districts, but also Shahumyan and other Armenian lands
occupied by Azerbaijan.

The return of refugees implies mutual action. If the Azerbaijanis
announce about their refugees, then who were hundreds of thousands
Armenians leaving their houses and property to the enemy and
hardly escaping from Baku, Sumgait, Gandzak, Shahumian, Getashen
and Martunashen?

The deployment of peacekeeping troops would only endanger “our
country’s” sovereignty. Armenian and Karabakh forces are completely
able to protect their countries.

Azerbaijan continuously threatens with a war, by this step ignoring the
claims of the international organizations. The Armenian authorities
answer with calls for peace and tolerance the times of which are
already up. In case of any aggressive action Armenia and Azerbaijan
are ready to give the enemy an appropriate counterblast after which
Azerbaijan will speak about other “occupied” territories for several

A new generation grows in Artsakh and Armenia. They will never and
never accept the policy of making concessions to the enemy. We should
be more consolidated, leave the inner political problems aside in
order to resist the possible and more powerful challenges”.