Moscow Cinema To Host Screening Of My Ani Documentary June 15


June 1, 2011 – 21:00 AMT

PanARMENIAN.Net – On June 15, Moscow cinema will host premiere
screening of My Ani documentary created by AZD Production (producer
and filmmaker Hayk Harutyunyan, script writer – Temine Hayrumyan.) The
film presents the history of medieval Armenia’s capital – Ani.

In it, the temples, palaces and churches of Ani are restored to their
original appearance through the assistance of 3D animation.

Producer Hayk Harutyunyan said there is demand for popular-science
films about Armenia’s history. “In my opinion, they should be included
in the compulsory state program of education, since the Armenian youth
should know the history of Ani, Cilicia, Western Armenia, since our
culture had formed their for centuries,” Harutyunyan said, adding
that production of patriotic films should be financed by the state.

PACE Standing Committee Discusses Postanjyan’S Letter


In its Standing Committee session held in Kiev, Ukraine on May 27, the
Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) discussed, among
other things. a letter-complaint by opposition MP Zaruhi Postanjyan.

Postanjyan who represents the Heritage party faction in parliament
had complained about illegalities against her jailed brother Tigran
Postanjyan, says a press release by the party.

The PACE Standing Committee is represented by the PACE president and
vice presents, leaders of political groups and national delegations,
as well as permanent commission chairs. Its meetings convened at least
twice every year are organized in the member country which acts as
chairman of the Council of Europe’s Committee of Ministers.

Ukraine is going to assume the committee’s chairmanship for six months
after Turkey.

The Standing Committee is also set to discuss an open letter by
Postanjyan in the near future.

Agriculture Minister: Areas Under Crop Double In Nagorno-Karabakh Re


June 1, 2011

Spring sowing campaign is already completed in Nagorno-Karabakh
Republic, Karabakhi Agriculture Minister Armo Tsaturyan said Tuesday
at a meeting with Prime Minister Ara Harutyunyan.

Over 7,000 hectares are under crop now in the republic. This area is
larger than that a year earlier by 3,000 hectares.

The agriculture minister said that corn didn’t sow on 1,000 hectares
because of bad weather.

Provincial governors presented their activity reports to the premier.

Shortage of machine operators, farmers and veterinaries in Nagorno
Karabakh was discussed at the meeting as well.

NKR: Process Of Spring Sowing Has Been Discussed


NKR Government Information and
Public Relations Department

Today, Prime Minister of NKR Ara Haroutyunyan convened a conference
with the participation of the heads of regional administrations.

Process of spring sowing has been discussed.

Heads of regional administrations reported on the works done in the
regions. By the words of the Minister of Agriculture A.Tsatryan all
the works of spring sowing are in normal process. More than 7000
hectare spring sowing has been done in the republic which compared
with the previous year is more in 3000 hectare.

At the conference were discussed issues concerning grain-cereal crops
and potato cultivation.

Prime Minister Ara Haroutyunyan estimated the works done satisfactory
but pointed out problems with plants~R cultivation. Prime Minister
is not satisfied with the results of studies course held with the
land-users; most of them continue their works violating the rules
of agriculture. Fields are full of weeds because sprayings were not
done in time. Prime Minister exhorted to carry on weeds control and
report on the results.

The lack of necessary specialists ( mechanics, agronomists, veterinary
surgeons) has been also discussed at the conference. Offers were raised
to organize studies for them and revise their wages. The offers will
be submitted to the President~Rs discussion in the nearest future.

All Kind Of Everything On The Signboards Of Historical Monuments In

Anna Balyan

01.06.2011 16:18

There is all kind of everything on the signboards of historical
monuments in Western Armenia expect for true information, say members
of the Research on Armenian Architecture NGO. During the trips to
Western Armenia they noticed that the sign at the entrance of Ani tells
the story of the city without a world about its Armenian belonging.

A Turkish signboard was placed at the Palace of Paron in 2004,
which describes it as a Seljuk Palace built in the 12th century by
Seljuk Turks, while, in reality, it was build by Zakarians in the
13th century.

A sign at the entrance to the Kars Fortress tells in Turkish and
English that it was built by the Turkish Sultan in the 12th century.

However, Armenian and foreign historiographers say its history
dates back to the 9th century and it was constructed during Ashot
Bagratuni’s rule.

Member of the Research on Armenian Architecture NGO Raffi Kortoshyan
is worried about the fact that the Armenian trace is being erased
now during reconstruction works.

Revue De Presse No1 – 02/06/11 – Collectif VAN


Info Collectif VAN – – Le Collectif VAN [Vigilance
Armenienne contre le Negationnisme] vous propose une revue de presse
des informations parues dans la presse francophone, sur les thèmes
concernant la Turquie, le genocide armenien, la Shoah, le genocide
des Tutsi, le Darfour, le negationnisme, l’Union europeenne, Chypre,
etc… Nous vous suggerons egalement de prendre le temps de lire ou
de relire les informations et traductions mises en ligne dans notre

Par ailleurs, certains articles en anglais, allemand, turc, etc,
ne sont disponibles que dans la newsletter Word que nous generons
chaque jour. Pour la recevoir, abonnez-vous a la Veille-Media : c’est
gratuit ! Vous recevrez le document du lundi au vendredi dans votre
boîte email. Bonne lecture.

Amnesty : Rapport 2011 sur l’Azerbaïdjan Info Collectif VAN –
– Le Collectif VAN vous invite a lire le rapport
2011 de l’Amnesty International sur l’Azerbaïdjan. “Des journalistes
et des militants de la societe civile etaient toujours confrontes a
des actes d’intimidation. Les manifestations demeuraient interdites
dans le centre de Bakou. Les ONG et les organisations religieuses
se heurtaient souvent a des problèmes lorsqu’elles cherchaient a se
faire enregistrer officiellement”.

Rwanda : heritage mitige pour les tribunaux communautaires traitant
les affaires de genocide Info Collectif VAN – –
Le Collectif VAN vous propose cette information publiee sur le site
Human Rights Watch le 31 mai 2011. “Les tribunaux communautaires
gacaca au Rwanda ont aide les communautes a faire face au genocide de
1994 dans le pays mais n’ont pas reussi a fournir des decisions et
une justice credibles dans un certain nombre d’affaires, a declare
Human Rights Watch dans un rapport publie aujourd’hui. Alors que
les tribunaux gacaca reduisent progressivement leurs activites, le
Rwanda devrait mettre en place des unites specialisees au sein du
système judiciaire national afin d’examiner les allegations d’erreurs
judiciaires, a ajoute Human Rights Watch”.

Mladic devant ses juges vendredi Lors de cette “comparution initiale”,
l’ancien general serbe devra plaider coupable ou non de genocide,
crimes contre l’humanite et crimes de guerre ou demander un delai
de trente jours. Le Tribunal penal international se dit “preoccupe”
par son etat de sante.

300 lyceens se retrouvent a La Roche au nom de la Shoah 13 lycees
venus de la region ont restitue cet après-midi a la salle du Manège a
La Roche-sur-Yon, leurs travaux effectues sur les deportations juives
durant la Seconde Guerre mondiale. Impulse par la Region Pays de Loire,
le projet ” Devoir de memoire “, porte cette annee sur la Shoah.

Rwandais poursuivi au Danemark pour genocide: la justice se dit
incompetente Un tribunal danois qui devait juger un Rwandais residant
au Danemark pour genocide dans son pays s’est declare incompetent
mercredi sur ce chef d’accusation, mais a confirme les poursuites
concernant les accusations de meurtre et de complicite de meurtre.

Des sigles nazis sur 40 tombes a Estinnes-au-Mont Les murs et des
tombes du cimetière d’Estinnes-au-Mont (province de Hainaut) ont ete
tagues de signes divers pendant le week-end des 28 et 29 mai. Un acte
de vandalisme a ete commis dans le cimetière d’Estinnes-au-Mont. Les
murs et une quarantaine de tombes ont ete tagues de signes nazis,
de croix gammees, d’Etoile de David.

L’opposition syrienne rejette l’amnistie d’Assad Reunis au sud de la
Turquie, 300 representants de toutes les factions reclament la chute
du regime. Les opposants syriens reunis a Antalya, cite balneaire dans
le sud de la Turquie, ont accueilli l’annonce par Bachar el-Assad
d’une amnistie generale en criant: “Le peuple veut la chute du
regime!” Trois cents Syriens, majoritairement refugies a l’etranger,
mais representant un large spectre des forces politiques qui luttent
contre le pouvoir damascène, sont reunis jusqu’a vendredi sur les
rives de la Mediterranee afin de soutenir la revolte a l’interieur du
pays. La repression a encore fait au moins 28 morts mercredi en Syrie.

La Knesset commemorera le genocide armenien Le President de la Knesset
Reouven Rivline a annonce au Comite d’action armenien en Israël ”
que la Knesset commemorera une fois par an en seance plenière la
catastrophe subie par le peuple armenien en 1915 du fait de l’armee

L’opposition syrienne prepare la transition democratique depuis la
Turquie Les representants de l’opposition sont reunis pour trois jours
dans la ville balneaire d’Antalya, en Turquie. Plus de 300 opposants
ont ouvert le debat sur l’avenir politique de la Syrie, ce mercredi
1er juin 2011. Le soir meme, Bachar el-Assad a annonce la creation
d’un organisme pour lancer le ” debat national “. L’amnistie generale
qu’il a decretee la veille de la conference a laisse les opposants
au regime sceptiques.

Printemps arabe ou printemps turc ?

Moïse, Jesus, Mahomet y sont nes. Mais leurs collines inspirees et,
au-dela, tout l’univers arabe restent soumis a la colère divine.

Alors, depuis des lustres, des hommes de bonne volonte se cramponnent
a tout ce qui semble pouvoir l’apaiser. Aujourd’hui qu’une jeunesse
aux mains nues balaie a Tunis ou au Caire de vieux despotes, se bat en
Libye contre le plus foutraque et ronge son frein en Syrie, a Bahreïn,
au Yemen, son elan, sa ferveur nous font rever. L’Occident y respire un
“elan democratique”. L’olympe international du G8 vient, a Deauville,
de benir ce qu’il appelle le “printemps arabe”.

Retour a la rubrique

Iran And Armenia Look To Strengthen Economic Ties .


Iran Focus

June 1 2011

Tehran, May 31 – Iranian Foreign Minister Ali Akbar Salehi and
Armenian Minister of Energy and Natural Resources Armen Movsisyan met
in Tehran on Monday at the 10th joint meeting of the Iran-Armenia
Intergovernmental Commission. The two sides signed a Memorandum of
Understanding to expand economic and energy cooperation.

The state-run news agency Fars quoted Salehi as saying Iran was ready
to finalise the two countries’ joint projects and agreements in energy,
transportation, communication, trade and economic fields.

The current annual trade volume between the two countries stands at
$270 million, Salehi said.

Iran’s hard-line President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is due to visit Armenia
next month. During the two-day trip which will start on 6 June,
Ahmadinejad will meet with President Serzh Sargsyan.

Armenia Shall Never Accept Denial Of Armenian Genocide And Disrespec

May 31 2011

YEREVAN. – On May 30 Armenian Government held the first sitting of
state committee for coordination of 100th anniversary commemoration
events of Armenian Genocide, headed by Armenian president Serzh

Catholicos of all Armenians Karekin II, Catholicos of the Great House
of Cilicia Aram I, top political figures of Armenia and Artsakh,
as well as Diaspora representatives attended the meeting.

Armenian President informed the participants about his decision to
expand the Committee staff, affiliating the Trustee of the Calouste
Gulbenkian Foundation responsible for the UK branch and the Armenian
Communities Department Martin Essayan and the chairperson of Armenian
Relief Society Central Executive Board Vicky Marashlian.

Presidential press service provided Armenian the speech
of President Sargsyan:

~SThe issue of Genocide stays open for each Armenian even after 96
years from this crime against humanity.

It is open because you can never understand and accept the
extermination of one~Rs own citizens planned and targeted on the
state level.

It is open because the terrible crimes against Armenian people have
not been settled even after nine and a half decades.

It is open because the followers of those who organized the Great
Massacre and who spare no effort to distort this black page of Armenian
history still exist.

It is open because those who do not recognize the Armenian Genocide
regard our tragedy only as a hindering point for their foreign policy.

We are peaceful people and we are ready to speak, to discuss and to
cooperate with everybody, including our neighbors. However, we shall
never accept

Iran Touts Armenia’s ‘Unique Position’ In Region



Iran — President Mahmud Ahmadinejad meets Armenian Minister of Energy
and Natural Resources Armen Movsisian in Tehran, 31 May 2011

Iran was reported on Tuesday to underline what Foreign Minister
Ali-Akbar Salehi described as Armenia’s “unique” location in the
region and reaffirm its strong interest in the quick implementation
of Armenian-Iranian infrastructure projects.

Salehi and Armenian Energy Minister Armen Movsisian stressed the
need for much closer economic ties between the two neighboring states
co-chairing a regular session of an Armenian-Iranian intergovernmental
commission that ended in its work in Tehran late on Monday.

Reports from the Iranian capital said they signed a memorandum of
understanding to boost cooperation on oil, gas and electricity and
expand their commercial and industrial ties.

The meeting came met less than a week before Iranian President Mahmoud
Ahmadinejad’s official visit to Armenia. Preparations for the two-day
trip were apparently discussed by Salehi’s deputy Mohammad-Reza
Sheibani in Yerevan earlier this month.

“Keeping in mind Armenia’s unique position in the region — which
can be connected to the Black Sea in the west on one hand and to
the Persian Gulf through Iran on the other hand — can bring very
positive economic fruits both for our two countries and for the entire
region,” the official IRNA news agency quoted Salehi as saying after
the commission meeting.

The chief Iranian diplomat called for a further rise in
Armenian-Iranian trade, which soared by 38 percent to $270 million last
year. He also said that the Islamic Republic can serve as a “reliable
source of energy” for its landlocked and resource-poor neighbor.

Iran’s energy ties with Armenia are expected to deepen significantly
as a result of multimillion-dollar projects devised by the two
governments. Those include the construction of two hydro-electric
plants on the Arax river marking the Armenian-Iranian border and a
pipeline that will ship Iranian fuel to Armenia.

The two sides also plan to start building next month a third
high-voltage transmission line connecting their power grids, which
would allow for a sharp increase in Armenian electricity supplies to
Iran. Much of that electricity is to be generated by Iranian natural
gas shipped to Armenia.

According to IRNA, another Iranian official, Deputy Transport Minister
Reza Pilpayeh, reaffirmed Tehran’s support for the ambitious idea of
building a 540-kilometer railway connecting Iran to Armenia. He said
Iranian companies are ready to carry out most of the construction
work estimated to cost $2.5 billion.

Movsisian reportedly described the project as “economically feasible.”

He also indicated that Yerevan hopes the Iranian side will at least
partly finance its implementation.

Yerevan To Host Sixth March For Non-Smokers


Vestnik Kavkaza
May 31 2011

The World Healthcare Organization (WHO) marks World No Tobacco Day
onMay 31. WHO published a report, stating that smoking will kill
about 6million people this year, 600,000 of whom are passive smokers.

8 million people will die annually after 2030 unless additionalmeasures
are taken. 100 million smokers died in the 20th century. 1billion will
die in the 21st century with the current rate, theorganization said.

Yerevan will hold a march for non-smokers. It will start at theAmerican
University and end at the Armenian Youth Fund. The march wasorganized
by a public organization – “Armenia Without Tobacco”.