PM: People Still Unhappy With Notaries’ Performances


Speaking at today’s cabinet meeting, Prime Minister Tigran Sargsyan
said the monitoring of how state agencies render service continues.

He noted that people are still unhappy with the notaries. “The
situation should be corrected as soon as possible,” he said. A decision
was passed to help better the notaries’ services.

He also mentioned that there is progress in the performance of the
State Committee of the Real Estate Cadastre.

Le Parlement Debat De L’Amnistie Generale

jeudi 26 mai 2011

Le Parlement armenien a commence a debattre, mercredi 25 mai, sur
la proposition d’amnistie generale du president Serge Sarkissian,
visant a liberer les membres de l’opposition emprisonnes.

S. Sarkissian a presente le projet de loi la semaine dernière,
suivant ainsi les revendications du Congrès national armenien (HAK).

S’adressant a l’Assemblee nationale, le ministre de la Justice,
Hrayr Tovmasian, a decrit le projet de loi comme un geste de bonne
volonte et ” un pas de plus accelerant les changements radicaux dans
les affaires interieures “.

” Il est temps de comprendre que les Armeniens ne forme pas des
entites antagonistes – le gouvernement, l’opposition et le peuple
– mais bien une seule nation avec ses objectifs et ses defis “,
a declare H. Tovmasian.

Le president du Parlement Hovik Abrahamian a reaffirme son ferme
soutien a l’initiative du president, en soulignant que cela aidera
a mettre fin a une longue crise politique engendree par l’election
presidentielle de fevrier 2008.

” Nous saluons et attachons de l’importance a ce qui est certainement
destine a attenuer les tensions accumulees dans le pays et a aider
a instaurer un climat de tolerance, de solidarite et d’unite “,
a-t-il declare.

S’adressant a RFE / RL, H. Tovmasian a indique que quelque 400
prisonniers seront liberes immediatement, tandis que plusieurs
centaines d’autres verront leur peine reduite si l’amnistie est
approuvee par le Parlement. Selon lui, ” 900 a 1000 personnes seront
concernees “.

Artsvik Minasian, un depute de la Federation revolutionnaire armenienne
a critique le HAK en declarant que l’amnistie reflète ” une fusion
reelle entre l’opposition et les autorites actuelles “.

Ces remarques se refèrent aux speculations selon lesquelles Levon
Ter-Petrossian et Serge Sarkissian ont conclu un accord secret qui
permettra a ce dernier de se maintenir au pouvoir.

Aram Manoukian, membre du HAK, a rejete ces accusations en les
qualifiant d'” offensantes “. Il a insiste sur le fait que le HAK est
pret a negocier avec le gouvernement seulement sur la possibilite d’un
” transfert de pouvoir ” via la tenue d’elections presidentielles et
parlementaires anticipees.

Eduard Sharmazanov, haut representant du Parti republicain d’Armenie
(HHK), a raille cette demande. ” Il est naïf de penser que la force
politique au pouvoir va opter pour une capitulation “, a-t-il declare
a RFE / RL. ” Ce n’est pas un dialogue, mais un ultimatum. ”

” S’ils veulent jouer un rôle majeur sur la scène politique armenienne,
ils doivent participer aux elections legislatives [de 2012] “,
a ajoute E. Sharmazanov.

Belmont Seniors Make Quilts For Armenian Kindergarten

by Sarah Thomas

May 24, 2011 04:22 PM

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Students play outside at the Mary Boyajian Parechanian Kindergarten
in Hnaberd, a small village in the Ararat valley in the Republic of
Armenia. This summer, the kindergarten will receive a donation of
quilts completed by Belmont senior quilters at the Beech Street Center.

A group of Belmont seniors who gather to make quilts at the Beech
Street Center will donate their works to a needy kindergarten in the
Republic of Armenia, according to a local philanthropist.

“The women have been making quilts for a long time and decided they
wanted to do something for a charitable organization,” said Richard
Boyajian, who runs the Nish Boyajian Memorial Foundation. Boyajian
was invited to speak at a recent meeting of the quilting group and
inspired them to donate their quilts to the school.

Boyajian’s orgainization has been raising money for the Mary Boyajian
Parechanian Kindergarten in Hnaberd, a small village in the Ararat
valley in the Republic of Armenia. The school is named after Boyajian’s
mother. It doubles as a community center and is the first kindergarten
the village has ever had.

“Slowly but surely we are bringing the building up to repair. We’ve
installed running water,” Boyajian said. “The students stay there
all day, eat meals and take naps, so they need cots, and a stove and
refrigerator and cabinets, as well as the quilts to keep warm.”

Boyajian said the seniors had completed two or three quilts already
and hoped to make more. Boyajian’s organization is supplying quilting
materials and will take the finished quilts with them when they travel
to Hnaberd on July 20.

Boyajian said that he and his group had already raised around $25,000
for the Hnaberd kindergarten over a period of three years.

“This Sunday we will have a bike-a-thon on the Minuteman Trail
from Alewife to Bedford to raise more money for the kindergarten,”
Boyajian said. “At 1 p.m., there will be a traditional Armenian style
barbecue with live music at 87 Appleton Street in Quincy, where the
quilts will be displayed.”

Boyajian said he was touched by the selflessness of the Belmont
quilting group.

“They wanted to do an act of kindness,” he said.

Sarah Thomas can be reached at [email protected].

PM Tigran Sargsyan Meets Lecturers And Students Of The Indiana Wesle

25.05.2011 12:58

Prime Minister Tigran Sargsyan received today the lecturers and
students of the Indiana Wesleyan University.

Greeting the guests, Tigran Sargsyan presented the main principles
of RA Government’s activity and the process of reforms implemented
in our country.

The Prime Minister next answered the questions of the guests on
the management system of Armenia, the state-church relations,
the government’s efforts towards formation of the middle class,
the internal political situation, as well as the reinforcement of
inter-university ties.

Indiana Wesleyan University is an evangelical Christian comprehensive
university that is committed to liberal arts and professional
education. Indiana Wesleyan University is ranked as one of the best
Master’s universities in the Midwest.

Scandales De Matches Truques En Georgie : Cinq Footballeurs Exclus A

lundi 24 mai 2011

La Federation georgienne de football a annonce mercredi avoir mis
au jour un scandale de matches truques et exclu a vie cinq joueurs
soupconnes d’avoir accepte des pots-de-vin pour influencer le resultat
de certaines rencontres.

Les joueurs – des clubs du WIT de Georgie, Samtredia and Baïa Zougdidi
– ont ete exclus a vie mardi après avoir accepte de l’argent de
bookmakers pour influencer le score de matches du championnat de

“Ces footballeurs ne pourront plus jamais jouer, que ce soit en Georgie
ou a l’etranger”, a declare a l’AFP un porte-parole de la federation,
Lacha Dvalichvili.

Il s’agit d’une affaire “sans precedent dans le football georgien”,
selon un communique de la Federation.

La police de cette ancienne republique sovietique du Caucase a
recemment rendu publiques des images de video-surveillance montrant
l’implication presumee des joueurs en question.

“Les footballeurs ont recu d’importantes sommes d’argent, en echange de
quoi ils se sont mis d’accord a l’avance sur les resultats de matches”,
a indique le ministère de l’Interieur dans un communique.

Les pots-de-vin verses pour trois matches truques en avril allaient
de 7.100 dollars (4.900 euros) a 11.900 dollars (8.300 euros), selon
la meme source.

Une enquete est en cours mais il n’y a eu jusqu’ici aucune inculpation.

La revelation de cette affaire a fait scandale dans le pays. Une
recente reunion entre des joueurs a tourne a la confrontation a la
suite d’affirmations selon lesquelles d’autres matches pourraient
avoir ete truques.

Sari Gelin Is Armenian Song – Turkish FM (Video)

May 23, 2011 | 23:45

The song Sari Gelin is of Armenian origin, confessed Turkey’s FM
Ahmet Davutoglu.

The song Sari Gelin is a famous in Armenia, Azerbaijan, Iran and
Turkey. Arguments on the origin of the famous song still go on.

The song was performed by Armenian and Turkish musicians Jivan Gasparyn
and Yavuz Bingol in 2007 and 2009 devoted to peace regulation between
the two nations.

“Armenia is the state Turkey would like not to have problems,” noted
FM. “Sari Gelin is an Armenian song.”

Polish Ambassador To Armenia: Poland Suggests Armenia To Modernize D


Monday, May 23, 18:25

The military cooperation of Armenia and Poland has become sustainable
after Defense Minister of Armenia visited Poland in December 2009,
Polish Ambassador to Armenia Zdzislaw Raczynski said in a press
conference, on Monday.

He said that the two parties conduct a political dialogue, discuss
defense reforms, in particular, upgrade of army culture. In addition,
the diplomat said, the two parties study possible establishment of
military- technical cooperation.

It is not a secret, the Ambassador said, that there is Russian and
Soviet military hardware in Armenia.

“Therefore, some project of modernization of defensive technologies
can be interesting to the Armenian party. I mean the anti-aircraft
defense,” the Ambassador said.

He said that he is not informed of any specific agreements in the given
sphere, but discussion of such a sensitive topic promoted confidence
between the parties.

In addition, Ambassador Raczynski said that Poland would like to offer
Armenia a possibility of training its officers at Polish universities.

“We think that it is the people and government of Armenia that must
select allies and organizations which Armenia sees its security in. It
will be in favor of Armenia and will promote mutual understanding
between the two countries if Armenian officers study not only at
universities of their traditional allies,” the Ambassador said.

Davit Harutyunyan: Armenian Opposition Is Never Pleased


May 24, 2011 – 14:59 AMT

The Chairman of the Armenian National Assembly standing committee on
state and legal affairs, Davit Harutyunyan, said that the criticism
of the new Electoral Code by Dashnaktsutyun party is a political act.

“Those are merely political statements,” he told a press conference
in Yerevan.

According to Harutyunyan, 3 of 4 opposition’s proposals were not
included in the Electoral Code, particularly, the proportional system
of parliament formation, as well as the publication of rolls after
elections. As he said, Venice Commission also came out against the
publication, as it would violate the principle of voting privacy.

Harutyunyan supposes that the proportional system of parliament
formation would estrange deputies from their constituencies.

He emphasized that following one of the opposition’s proposals, the
government allowed opposition representatives to make video recording
of electoral commissions’ activity in order to avoid accusations of
violations and falsifications.

“Armenian opposition is never pleased,” he noted, smiling.

Harutyunyan stressed that the purpose of new Electoral Code is
the enhancement of public trust towards elections, and that it can
help prevent possible violation during future elections. “Even in
those countries, where elections take place without violations,
the electoral legislation is reviewed from time to time,” he noted,
adding that about 90 amendments to the Code were made.

Aram Affiche Ses Archives

lundi 24 mai 2011

Les Armeniens ont celebre les Rameaux a l’eglise apostolique St-Tateos
de Saint-Antoine. À l’issue de la messe, le père Dertad Bazikyan,
en elevant la croix, a beni les branches d’olivier en psalmodiant
par trois fois : “Je benis ce rameau par ce signe de la Ste Croix,
au nom du Père, du Fils et du St-Esprit pour l’Eternite” et le choeur
a repondu par trois vibrants “Alleluia”.

Le pretre a ensuite invite les fidèles a se rendre dans la salle
jouxtant l’eglise sur les murs de laquelle l’Association pour la
Recherche et l’Archivage de la Memoire Armenienne (Aram) s’est
affichee, ou plutôt y a mis la vie des Armeniens de Marseille,
depuis 96 ans, tant sur le plan culturel que cultuel… Surpris par
la richesse des temoignages “racontes” par les affiches, les personnes
ont pris le temps de visiter l’exposition ( visible jusqu’au 25 avril)
avec pour certains du recul, eu egard a leur passe douloureux, et
pour tous beaucoup d’emotion. Ils ont aussi ecoute Garbis Artin, le
fondateur de l’association Aram qui a rendu hommage a Artakin Agopian,
“un des plus grands donateurs des affiches et de la revue Armenia”.

“L’association Aram possède le premier journal diasporique imprime en
1885 a Marseille, plus de 3000 livres anciens et des affiches exposees
en ce moment au Conseil General, a precise Garbis Artin.. . Notre
objectif, a t il poursuivi, est de numeriser 30 000 pages d’ici la
fin de l’annee”…

Une journee forte en emotion, a quelques jours de la commemoration
du genocide des Armeniens, le 24 avril.



Aram 8, place Pelabon-04 91 06 57 36.

[email protected]