Washington Must End Its Support for Azerbaijan’s War Crimes

Dec 18 2023

The US has long offered unconditional military assistance to Azerbaijan even as it carries out ethnic cleansing in Nagorno-Karabakh. It’s consistent with Washington’s support for brutal human rights violators from Saudia Arabia to Israel.

The other week, Azerbaijan’s president scolded US secretary of state Antony Blinken over efforts to curtail military assistance to the Caspian dictatorship in the wake of its assault on the Armenian enclave of Nagorno-Karabakh. While US arms and assistance to Azerbaijan have largely been overlooked, they are representative of how Washington’s security assistance has facilitated war crimes and perpetuated a global system built on the selective application of human rights and international law. In the case of Azerbaijan, US assistance enabled ethnic cleansing on a shocking scale.

However, amid public outcry over the nonenforcement and rollback of human rights conditions on military assistance to US allies from Turkey to Saudi Arabia to Israel — a recent decision by the Senate to suspend military assistance to Azerbaijan marks an unprecedented step toward the enforcement of human rights standards and congressional oversight long absent from US foreign policy.

Last month, Azerbaijan invaded Nagorno-Karabakh (also known as Artsakh), forcibly expelling its entire indigenous Armenian population, aided by US security assistance. As a direct consequence of the impunity Washington has granted Baku, Azerbaijan, is now threatening further military action against Armenia — a risk recently acknowledged by Secretary Blinken.

Azerbaijan hasn’t always enjoyed the kind of impunity other recipients of US military assistance do. In the early 1990s, Azerbaijan was prohibited from receiving US aid pursuant to Section 907 of the FREEDOM Support Act, which suspended all forms of aid to Azerbaijan in light of its aggression against Armenian civilians during the First Nagorno-Karabakh War.

While this prohibition is still in effect, following the September 11 attacks it has been subject to a national security waiver — an all-too-familiar tool that has granted the US president far-reaching discretion over military assistance, unbeholden to congressional oversight and the long-ignored human rights conditions mandated under the Leahy Laws and Section 502B of the Foreign Assistance Act.

In an attempt to garner Azerbaijan’s support for the United States’ 2001 invasion of Afghanistan, the waiver of Section 907 saw hundreds of millions of dollars funneled to the government through lucrative defense contracts and security assistance. This has only escalated in recent years as Washington now justifies its uncritical support for Azerbaijan as necessary to secure its role as an alternative energy supplier for Europe and a regional bulwark against Russia and Iran.

Despite President Joe Biden’s campaign pledge to cut military aid to Azerbaijan after its assault on Nagorno-Karabakh in 2020, his administration has twice reauthorized assistance to Baku, even in the face of strong congressional opposition. These waivers have continued despite the Azerbaijani government’s torture and execution of Armenian prisoners of war, human rights abuses, and war crimes against civilians, and a humanitarian blockade that precipitated the ethnic cleansing of Artsakh. Washington had every opportunity to prevent this unfolding humanitarian and security crisis but instead chose to embolden Azerbaijan by rewarding its behavior with security assistance.

Azerbaijan is an instructive case in the abject failure of current US policy. Not only did unconditional assistance to Azerbaijan grant the United States little-to-no ability to influence or constrain Baku’s behavior — the lack of conditions on assistance to Azerbaijan sent a green light to its government that it would face no material repercussions for its human rights abuses, emboldening its behavior. US arms sales haven’t even deterred Azerbaijan from engaging with US rivals, as Baku continues to expand its energy partnerships with Russia and Iran.

Washington’s support of Azerbaijan will signal to other recipients of US military assistance that they will continue to face zero accountability for their actions, despite Biden’s pledge to ensure autocrats “pay the price” for their aggression. Furthermore, Washington’s reckless policy threatens to destabilize the region further by encouraging war profiteers to take a page from Washington’s playbook, with Turkey closing a major arms deal with Saudi Arabia in July, and Israel selling weapons to Azerbaijan used to perpetrate horrific human rights abuses against Armenians in Artsakh at the same time it perpetrates unconscionable war crimes of its own in Gaza.

Immediately before Azerbaijan’s assault on Nagorno-Karabakh, US officials affirmed that they “would not countenance any attempt at ethnic cleansing” by Azerbaijan. Washington’s failure to hold Azerbaijan accountable after it breached this red line will only embolden further aggression as Baku eyes Armenia’s sovereign territory. It will also undermine whatever confidence anyone might still have had in Washington’s willingness to uphold human rights. It sends a clear signal to other recipients of US military assistance engaged in human rights abuses, from Turkey’s relentless assault on Kurdish communities in Northern Syria and Iraq, to Saudi Arabia’s crackdowns at home and its mass murder of refugees and destruction of Yemen, to Israel’s indiscriminate attacks on Palestinian civilians in Gaza — heightening the risk of conflicts that could engulf the entire region.

Facing considerable congressional and public pressure, the Biden administration has now publicly stated that it does not intend to waive restrictions on military assistance to Azerbaijan. But the unanimous passage of the Armenian Protection Act by the Senate last month takes that one step further, prohibiting the executive from exercising its waiver authority for a two-year window. If enacted by the House of Representatives, this would mark an unprecedented step toward enforcing human rights standards and congressional oversight of US security assistance in a rare rebuke of US foreign policy, driven by grassroots action.

Washington’s Faustian bargain with some of the world’s most abusive governments has produced the very outcomes it purportedly seeks to avoid and recklessly enables the ethnic cleansing of Artsakh’s Armenians. The unanimous Senate vote to enforce human rights conditions on assistance to Azerbaijan is not just a step toward justice for the victims of Azerbaijan’s genocidal aggression — it marks an important victory in the effort to curb executive overreach, end the practice of fueling raging regional fires, and stop material US support for war crimes.


Ces Arméniennes qui se battent pour sauver leur pays

Marie Claire, France
14 Dec 2023
Menacée par l'expansionnisme du puissant Azerbaïdjan, l'Arménie voit ressurgir, à travers le conflit de l'Artsakh (Haut-Karabakh), le spectre du génocide et de l'exode. À Erevan, nos reporters ont recueilli les témoignages de ces femmes qui s'organisent pour aider les milliers de déplacés. Et luttent pour que les exactions ne soient pas passées sous silence.

Dans ce joli café d'Erevan, sur la place Cascade, Siranouch Sargsian a commandé un expresso. "Être privée de café, c'est terrible. Ici, dès que j'entre dans un magasin, je revois les enfants affamés et ça me bouleverse", dit-elle les larmes aux yeux. Comme les 120 000 Arménien·nes d'Artsakh, Siranouch a subi le blocus de dix mois, puis l'exode sans retour de cette terre où ils et elles vivaient sans interruption depuis 3000 ans. Une épuration ethnique opérée dans le silence assourdissant de la communauté internationale.

Il faut connaître ses prémices pour comprendre cette tragédie : l'Artsakh, berceau historique de la Grande Arménie, a été rattachée à l'Azerbaïdjan par Staline en 1921. À la chute de l'Union soviétique en 1991, cette enclave chrétienne peuplée à 95 % d'Arménien·nes proclame son indépendance. Plusieurs guerres s'ensuivent avec l'Azerbaïdjan : victorieuse d'un premier conflit en 1994, l'Artsakh perd ensuite les trois quarts de son territoire à l'issue de la "Guerre des 44 jours" en 2020. Le corridor de Latchine, véritable ligne de vie pour les habitant·es de l'enclave, est alors placé sous la garde d'une force d'interposition envoyée par Moscou.

"Je n'étais plus un être humain"

"Des milliers de personnes ont été déplacées, mon immeuble à Stepanakert était peuplé de réfugiés, raconte Siranouch. À partir de 2021, plus aucun étranger ne passait la frontière, l'information était bloquée, on vivait dans un ghetto. Professeure d'histoire, j'ai décidé de devenir journaliste pour témoigner et oublier mon chagrin [elle a tenu son journal de guerre sur X (ex-Twitter), ndlr]".

La victoire ayant un goût d'inachevé, Ilham Aliev, le président azerbaïdjanais, envoie son armée verrouiller progressivement l'accès au corridor de Latchine en décembre 2022. "Ils ont coupé le gaz et l'électricité, poursuit Siranouch. On a survécu avec des bons alimentaires, sans essence, les gens se déplaçaient à cheval. Dès le premier jour, les Azéris nous ont terrorisés. Peu à peu privée de tout, je n'étais plus un être humain. Et puis le 19 septembre, le silence imposé par le blocus a été brisé par les explosions. Quand les soldats azéris sont entrés dans Stepanakert, j'ai dû partir, j'étais une cible."

Elle quitte à jamais son appartement et sa vie confortable, un sac sous le bras. "J'ai pris mon ordi, mes boucles d'oreilles, mes beaux vêtements, et des livres. Après trente heures d'enfer jusqu'à la frontière, je suis enfin arrivée en Arménie. Je n'avais rien avalé depuis trois jours, j'ai compris que j'étais devenue une réfugiée quand un humanitaire m'a tendu un repas." Elle ne le sait pas mais ce premier repas chaud a été préparé par la célèbre cheffe libano-arménienne Aline Kamakian.

"Dès qu'ils ont ouvert le corridor de Goris après les bombardements, je m'y suis précipitée, raconte cette dernière. Avec le World Central Kitchen (WCK) et l'Union générale arménienne de bienfaisance (UGAB), nous avons mis en place tout un système pour offrir plusieurs milliers de repas chauds par jour, des repas goûteux avec 150g de protéines minimum. J'ai craqué plusieurs fois en voyant des femmes enceintes maigres comme des cure-dents, des enfants affamés, déshydratés, dont certains pleuraient leur mère morte dans l'exode. Ces gens ont tout perdu : leur terre, leur histoire, leurs biens, même la tombe de leur fils mort au combat. Aujourd'hui, nous ne sommes plus dans l'urgence mais nous devons les aider jusqu'à ce qu'ils puissent s'intégrer."

Personne ne bouge, ni le Pape, ni l'Union européenne.

C'est désormais à Erevan, dans de vastes locaux, que s'organisent la préparation et la distribution à la fois de repas chauds et de boîtes alimentaires dans les villes où ont été relocalisé·es les réfugié·es de l'Artsakh. Petite-fille de rescapé·es du génocide de 1915, au cours duquel un 1 200 000 Arménien·nes de Turquie furent exterminé·es, Aline Kamakian ne décolère pas : "J'ai grandi avec ce bagage d'histoires atroces pensant que sans télévision ni Internet, on avait pu ignorer ce qu'il se passait. Mais aujourd'hui, tout est en 'live' et personne ne bouge, ni le Pape, ni l'Union européenne dont la présidente Ursula von der Leyen achète du gaz aux Azéris, en fait le gaz russe bloqué par les sanctions économiques. Elle donne ainsi carte blanche à ce dictateur fou d'Aliev !".

Prime Minister Pashinyan highly appreciates US efforts in the process of normalization of Armenia-Azerbaijan relations


YEREVAN, DECEMBER 14, ARMENPRESS. Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan received US Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to Armenia Kristina Quinn, the Prime Minister's Office said in a readout.

According to the source, the Prime Minister emphasized with satisfaction the dynamic nature of Armenian-American relations and noted that active bilateral dialogue contributes to the consistent development of interaction. Nikol Pashinyan highly appreciated the US efforts in the process of normalization of Armenia-Azerbaijan relations, attaching imortance to its continuity.

During the meeting, issues related to the Armenian-American cooperation agenda, as well as other issues of mutual interest were discussed.

Asbarez: ANCA Pasadena Endorses Brandon Lamar for City Council District 3

Brandon Lamar

Endorses Pasadena City Council District 3 Candidate Brandon Lamar        

PASADENA—The Armenian National Committee of America Pasadena Chapter announced its endorsement of District 3 candidate, Brandon Lamar, in his bid for Pasadena’s City Council during the 2024 March Primary Election.

After an elaborate review process, the ANCA Pasadena Chapter Board decided to endorse Brandon Lamar’s candidacy based on his sound vision and strategic plan for Pasadena’s District 3, and his strong support of the local Armenian American Community.

“Brandon has an understanding of the issues that concern the Armenian American community in his district and the City of Pasadena overall, as well as the awareness and insight on how to improve on those issues,” said ANCA Pasadena Chapter board member, Sona Donayan.

As a proud resident of Pasadena, Brandon Lamar has served in multiple public offices and commissions in the City of Pasadena, including as chair of the Human Relations Commission and as a member of the Pasadena Housing Rental Board. Brandon has also been a community volunteer with several organizations such as Young Kings Retreat, which he founded, and volunteer advisor for Harambee Ministries.

In addition to his experience in organizing and building coalitions within communities, Lamar’s reach has been extensive through affiliations with clubs and organizations like Pasadena Young Democrats which he founded and was its president. He was also the VP of Campaigns of the Pasadena Foothills Democrats and a board member of the Pasadena NAACP. His love of people and community makes him a natural leader, something which has propelled him into public life and service.

“I want to express my sincere gratitude to the Armenian National Committee of America Pasadena Chapter for endorsing my Pasadena City Council race. The Armenian community’s significant contributions to the sustainability of Pasadena are truly appreciated. I am eager to collaborate with you to foster a more equitable future for our city. Thank you for your support,” said Brandon Lamar.

Born and raised in Pasadena, Lamar has lived in Pasadena, Altadena, and Sierra Madre for all of his young life. His nine-year experience of working on boards and commissions, overseeing initiatives and objectives, set in motion opportunities in engaging with different community leaders, community organizers and stake holders in order to find solutions to public safety, affordable housing, immigrant rights, minimum wage matters and many more. His combined priorities of affordable housing, public safety, and homelessness are at the crux of his campaign. All of these and more are what make his candidacy for Pasadena City Council compelling. His dedication and contribution to public life, at such a young age, is simply exceptional.

District 3 is poised for a bright future, and with Brandon Lamar as its representative, the outlook for the entire city shines even brighter.

The Armenian National Committee of America – Pasadena Chapter is the oldest, largest and most influential non-partisan Armenian American grassroots organization of its kind within the City of Pasadena. Founded in 1979, the Pasadena ANCA advocates for the social, economic, cultural, and political rights of the city’s thriving Armenian American community and promotes increased civic service and participation at the grassroots and public policy levels.

Central Bank of Armenia: exchange rates and prices of precious metals – 11-12-23


YEREVAN, 11 DECEMBER, ARMENPRESS. The Central Bank of Armenia informs “Armenpress” that today, 11 December, USD exchange rate up by 0.30 drams to 403.54 drams. EUR exchange rate down by 0.08 drams to 434.77 drams. Russian Ruble exchange rate up by 0.03 drams to 4.44 drams. GBP exchange rate up by 0.09 drams to 507.37 drams.

The Central Bank has set the following prices for precious metals.

Gold price down by 224.37 drams to 26053.31 drams. Silver price down by 1.33 drams to 308.65 drams.

Asbarez: Armenian and U.S. National Security Chiefs Meet in Washington

Armenia's national security chief Armen Grigoryan meet with his U.S. counterpart Jake Sullivan

Armenia’s National Security chief Armen Grigoryan met with his American counterpart Jake Sullivan at the White House on Tuesday.

According to a statement from Grigoryan’s office, he and Sullivan discussed issues of mutual interest in the areas of security and the economy, “and lauded the steady dynamics of development of Armenia-U.S. bilateral relations.”

“Secretary Grigoryan reiterated Armenia’s commitment to continue the Armenia-Azerbaijan normalization and peace process,” the statement said.

Grigoryan is in Washington to meet with U.S. officials, among them Laura Cooper, a deputy assistant secretary of defense for Russia, Ukraine and Eurasia, at the U.S. Department of Defense.

During their meeting the two reportedly discussed defense cooperation between the two countries and emphasized the need to ensure the stability of Armenia’s region.

“They exchanged views on the implementation of bilateral joint programs, and stressed cooperation within peacekeeping activities and the deepening of interaction between the armed forces of Armenia and the U,S.,” a statement from Grigoryan’s office said.


Dec 6 2023

Gaming platform provider Digitain has announced the promotion of Ani Mkrtchyan to chief sales officer.

Mkrtchyan joined the supplier as sales manager in April 2018 and has served as head of strategy for the past three years.

“Digitain is committed to investing in its people and nurturing that talent,” said Digitain founder Vardges Vardanyan. “Over the nearly six years of being part of the Digitain Family and its growth into multiple markets, Ani has demonstrated exemplary attention to detail, insight, and leadership, putting our partners and customers at the heart of everything we do.

“We are delighted to have Ani join our leadership team as we continue expanding as one of the major platform providers to B2C partner operators in regulated markets.”

Commenting on her new role Mkrtchyan said: “I’m immensely grateful to Mr. Vardanyan for his unfaltering vision in Digitain, mentoring and coaching our people.

“When engineering complex sales solutions for today’s multi-jurisdictional operators, we put partners and our people first and strive for the very best versions of ourselves and for our partners in that delivery goal. I look forward to assembling and building a game-changing team over the months and years ahead.”


"Armenia does not yet have the resources to challenge Russia." Opinion

Dec 4 2023
  • JAMnews
  • Yerevan

Armenia-EU and Armenia-Russia relations

“The immediate threat to Armenia comes from Azerbaijan, now also from Russia – no less than from Turkey,” says political scientist Richard Kirakosian.

He believes that Armenia is entering a stage of new opportunities for itself, but warns that challenges have also become more numerous.

On the air of Azatutyun Radio (Liberty), the analyst expressed his opinion on the deepening Armenia-EU cooperation, defense reforms, the probability of acquiring weapons from Western partners and relations with Russia.

  • “Change strategy and fight” – political scientist’s proposal to Armenian authorities
  • Armenian trucks idle in Upper Lars. Russia’s response to the CSTO boycott?
  • The impact of the Israeli conflict on the situation in the region. Will Azerbaijan start a war?

Head of the Center for Regional Studies, political scientist Richard Kirakosian argues that in the position Armenia is in now, Russia should not be provoked into tough steps:

“Armenia does not yet have the resources to challenge Russia. Instead, the focus should be on discussing the terms on which relations can be built.”

The expert advises the authorities to take small steps and “talk little, show tact and prudence”. In his opinion, both the continuation of the policy of rejection of Russia and unrealistic expectations from the West are risky for Armenia in the current situation.

Kirakosian thinks it is premature for Armenia to seek NATO and EU membership. A weak country with no leverage “should not make mistakes.”

“After the recent meeting between the Armenian Foreign Minister and the special representative of NATO Secretary General, I expect that deepening cooperation with NATO, partnership, not membership, will be announced.”

Advises to pursue a small states strategy, to act as bridges and platforms of cooperation, and to diversify the security sphere.

“We need to acquire new friends and partners, from China to India to the West, but not to replace Russia, but rather to balance or compensate for its absence.”

Richard Kirakosian stated that the U.S. has never proposed an arms sale, but has long provided Armenia with military assistance, “from military medicine on the battlefield to military education”.

He claims that the weapons purchased from India are better than Russian ones. Besides, they are easy to handle compared to American weapons.

As for Armenia’s defense reforms, the political analyst believes they are going in the right direction, although much of it is not obvious to ordinary citizens:

“Armenia is moving away from the method of conscription inherited from the USSR. It is moving to a much more professional armed forces on a contract basis, which will be similar to an internal guard or territorial defense, taking into account the peculiarities of our geography. This new military doctrine is more in line with the country’s security needs than copying from the Russians, which we have been doing unsuccessfully for years.”

Kirakosian recently returned from Paris and Brussels, where he met with French Foreign Ministry officials, representatives of the European Commission and the European Parliament.

According to his impressions, European partners are more interested than ever before in involving Armenia in partnership and deepening relations. The expert sees two reasons for these changes:

  • “Europe recognizes the democratic legitimacy of Armenia and the reforms that are designed to push Russia out of the region,
  • EU structures are disappointed with Azerbaijan, which is a consequence of the abuse of their patience”.

The fact that the European Union is ready to provide the Armenian army with non-lethal weapons through the European Peace Foundation is considered “significant and unprecedented” by the political analyst.

He reminds that Armenia is the only EU security partner that has a Russian military base on its territory and is a member of the Russian military bloc CSTO:

“Despite this, the EU has chosen Armenia as a partner. In addition to the importance of this fact in itself, its effectiveness lies in the message that is addressed to both Baku and Moscow”.

The analyst also notes that now it is not Armenian officials who go to Brussels to “ask for help”, but EU officials come to Armenia and offer support.

Recently, a joint delegation of the European External Action Service and the European Commission was in Yerevan. According to Kirakosian, who personally met with members of the delegation, the Europeans came to find ways to “promote defense flexibility and reforms in Armenia.”

According to the political analyst, the EU’s approach is realistic and correct from the security point of view. The EU seeks to strengthen only the country’s defense capabilities, not its offensive capabilities:

“Cooperation with the EU at this critical moment helps offset any potential danger to Armenia.”

U.S. welcomes Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan’s reforms

 10:37, 28 November 2023

YEREVAN, NOVEMBER 28, ARMENPRESS. U.S. Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs James O’Brien has praised Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan’s courage for making clear that he wants Armenia to move forward in opening its borders and in opening its relations with the West.

Speaking at an online press briefing, O’Brien noted the encouraging reforms undertaken by the Pashinyan Administration.

The U.S. official was asked to assess the prospects of supporting Armenia through the European Peace Facility mechanism and whether it may enhance Armenia’s cooperation with NATO.

“I’ll leave any discussion of the European Peace Facility to my EU colleagues.  What I’d say is Prime Minister Pashinyan has been very courageous, has made clear that he wants Armenia to move forward in opening its borders and in opening its relations with the West, that it doesn’t want Armenia to be wholly dependent on Russia in the way that previous leaders sought to have it be.  And he’s undertaken a number of reforms that are – should be very encouraging for Armenian citizens as they look to continue the sort of quick economic growth that they’ve had over the last year or two. And I think Prime Minister Pashinyan has also been a bold voice for a peace agreement with Azerbaijan as a way of allowing Armenia to focus on its economic development, to build out its security relationships, and to expand trade from Central Asia through to Türkiye, and all of which is something we would very much like to see.  So any package that is supportive of Armenia is something to be welcomed; exactly how the EU chooses to get there will be its business.  But we are committed to working with our European partners and with the government in Armenia to see that the people of Armenia are able to benefit from the reform policies that the Pashinyan government has undertaken,” O’Brien said.

Armenia creates convenient environment for investments in energy sector – Vice Speaker of Parliament

 12:21, 28 November 2023

YEREVAN, NOVEMBER 28, ARMENPRESS. Armenia has been creating a convenient environment for investments in the energy sector, which has led to an increasing level of energy security and independence of the country, Vice Speaker of Parliament Hakob Arshakyan said at the Armenia Energy Week 2023.

"The economically substantiated, productive and responsible use of the renewable energy potential, development of atomic energy for peaceful means, regional integration of electrical energy system, diversification of energy carrier supply routes and types, introduction of energy efficiency and energy saving actions and digital energy transformation are the sustainable guarantees for the development of the electrical energy sector of Armenia. All steps are aimed at this,” Arshakyan said, adding that sustainable energy is an essential condition for economic development.

“We can underscore that a convenient environment is being created for investments in the energy sector, and as a result the level of the country’s energy security and energy independence is growing further,” Arshakyan said.

President Vahagn Khachaturyan also attended the event.

In his speech, the president attached importance to the elimination of monopolies in all branches of market economy. He said that steps have already been taken in the energy sector.