How Erdogan Spins The News And Turkey Out Of Control Special


Digital Journal
April 13 2015

By Lonna Lisa Williams Apr 13, 2015

Islamist Ak Party President Erdogan is spinning the news and Turkey
out of control as he grants police more powers; limits freedom of
speech, protests, and the press; and arrests those who oppose him.

Turkey has been in the news a lot lately. Strange headlines like “Is
Erdogan Losing Touch with Reality?” “Teens Targeted as Turkey Cracks
Down on Free Speech” and “Students in Turkey Petition for Jedi Temple
after Call for Mosque on Campus” appear on the Internet lately.

Almost two years ago, the Gezi Park Freedom Protests challenged
Islamist Ak Party leader Recep Tayyip Erdogan. Erdogan, like the Evil
Emperor from Star Wars, struck back — hard. Instead of Mustafa Kemal
Ataturk’s secular democracy, a police state reigned in Turkey. Anyone
who spoke against Erdogan and his ideals, including a beauty queen,
a 13-year-old boy who posted something on Facebook, teenage university
students, journalists, academics, and novelists — were accused in
court and, in many cases, faced with prison.

While Erdogan puts finishing touches on his over $600 million new
Ak Sarayı (“White Palace”), now the largest palace in the world,
working-class Turkish citizens are struggling to pay their rising
electric and water bills. While his children and in-laws run for
high posts in the government, university students struggle to find
good-paying jobs. The Turkish lira hit an all-time low in December,
and several Turkish banks are facing big problems.

Religious freedom is also at an all-time low. At Easter time this past
week, a Muslim Koran reading was held inside the Hagia Sophia, one of
the oldest Christian churches in the world. Built in the 6th Century,
it stood as the world’s tallest building for 1,000 years. In 1453,
it was conquered by Sultan Mehmet II and immediately converted into a
mosque with the Christian altar removed, intricate mosaics plastered
over, a nook cut toward Mecca, and tall minarets added. Ataturk wisely
turned it into a museum in the 1930s, but its future veers toward
being forced into a mosque again. There are over 80,000 mosques in
Turkey and over 3,000 in Istanbul, with more being built at the cost
of millions of dollars. Many of them remain almost empty while Turks
try to pay rising rent costs. Not one Christian church was allowed to
be built in the Turkish capital of Ankara, except on the foreign soil
of embassies. The idea that Turkey is only Muslim is false; there are
many Armenian Christians (who took Turkish names to survive) keeping
a low profile in Turkey, even as the 100th Anniversary of the Armenian
Genocide approaches (which Erdogan denies). There are also many other
Turkish Christians with actual churches throughout Turkey, Jews,
Alevis, and, apparently, Buddhists and Jedi (as university students
recently demanded their temples be built on university grounds).

Erdogan has also been converting ancient Christian churches and
monasteries into mosques. In lifting up the Ottoman Empire and
portraying his image as a Sultan, Erdogan has denied the rich
Christian, Roman, Greek, and Mesopotamian histories and cultures
of Turkey.

Erdogan has closed Twitter and Facebook several times, only to reopen
them if “offensive” items were removed. Erdogan has allowed his
police force to attack unarmed protesters and even peaceful tourists
(including me). I spent 2.5 years working in Turkey and covering the
news first-hand. I even married into a Turkish/Armenian family and
learned the language. Turkey is a beautiful country, brimming over
with natural and historic treasures, and it should not go the way of
Syria or Iraq. New laws in Turkey threatening women’s rights. New laws
allow police to search and detain people without a search warrant or
even an official charge. They also prohibit protesters from covering
their faces with gas masks or wearing hardhats, thus making them
vulnerable to pepper spray and even the now-allowed gun bullets.

A 14-year-old boy was shot in the head with a metal tear gas canister
during the Gezi Park Protests nearly two years ago — while going
to the store to buy bread for his family. He was in a coma for nine
months and then died. When a judge would not release the name of the
policeman (and others) responsible for his death, two neighbors took
matters into their own hands. They stormed the courthouse and held the
judge at gunpoint for hours, demanding the name of the policeman who
killed the boy. When the judge refused, the neighbors shot him. Then
they were shot by Turkish police and labeled “terrorists.” This is
how Erodgan spins the news.

One Turkish man told me, “That boy’s neighbors sought justice, and
they were not given it, so they brought justice in the Turkish way. If
Erdogan’s Islamist Ak Party wins the upcoming June elections, Turkey
will face a civil war. The Ataturk people will not be patient forever.

They want secular democracy again. Turkey could become the next Syria.”

In fact, so great is Erdogan’s control over his citizens that he
determines the legal recipe of bread. There is a bill before the
Turkish Parliament to put smart chips with GPS trackers into the ID
cards of all Turkish citizens–and talk of inserting smart chips
inside Turkish citizen’s bodies so that the GPS trackers would be
even more effective. Who would have thought that what some Christians
consider the “Mark of the Beast,” mentioned in the Book of Revelation,
could first appear in Turkey?

Apparently, Europe and the U.S.A. are happy to sit and watch Turkey
fall into the darkness of dictatorship, like a Mevlana whirling dervish
gone out of control. Even the Kurds are accusing Erdogan of being
a dictator. Maybe they will help the Turks regain their government
and their human rights. Some Turks are actually trying, like the new
“Meydan” (“Defiance”) newspaper and the Republican People’s Party
(CHP), Ataturk’s secular democratic group. But time is short and much
needs to be done. If Turkey falls, how will things go with Europe
and America?

Turkish Hackers Target Vatican Website After Pope’s Genocide Comment


Assyrian International News Agency AINA
April 14 2015

Posted 2015-04-14 19:11 GMT

Turkish hackers have brought down the official Vatican City website,
following Pope Francis’ statement in which he referred to mass killings
of Armenians by Turks as ‘genocide’.

According to reports, the website was first taken
offline on Monday evening with a Turkish hacker, named @THTHerakles,
announcing that he would continue to target the website should an
official apology not be issued from the Vatican City.

The hacker said that the Pope’s comments were “unacceptable” for
a respected religious figurehead. “Taking sides and calling what
happened with the Armenians genocide is not true […] We want Pope
[Francis] to apologise for his words or we will make sure the website
remains offline,” he added.

The site was restored within a number of hours, however according to
the apparent perpetrator the main server remained offline.

Turkish hacking groups are not the only community looking to target
the Vatican over the Pope’s recent comments. Both the Turkish and
Armenian government have even expressed their upset. Turkish foreign
minister Mevlut Cavusoglu argued that the statement was “out of touch
with both historical facts and legal basis.”

“Religious offices are not places through which hatred and animosity
are fuelled by unfounded allegations,” he added.

Hacking group Anonymous also claimed to take down the Vatican
website three years ago in protest against the ‘church’s crimes’,
namely controversial Catholic doctrines and the recently uncovered
sexual abuse of children by priests. During the same year, hackers
shut down the website of World Youth Day, an international Catholic
youth festival which took place in Madrid, Spain. The website was
intermittently available on the festival’s first day as Pope Benedict
XVI arrived to take part in the event.

At the time of publishing this article, the official Vatican City
website was not available.

AAA: Assembly Presents Armenian Genocide Exhibit at Holocaust Museum

Date: April 14, 2015

Contact: Taniel Koushakjian
Telephone: (202) 393-3434
Email: [email protected]


Turkish Consulate in Miami Attempts to Block Discussion of Armenian

NAPLES, FL – On Sunday, April 12, Armenian Assembly of America (Assembly)
Communications Director Taniel Koushakjian presented the `Iconic Images of
the Armenian Genocide’ exhibit at the Holocaust Museum and Education Center
of Southwest Florida to mark the 100th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide
which began on April 24, 1915.

With a capacity filled hall, Koushakjian discussed the systemic nature of
the killings step by step, and presented the 20-panel exhibit highlighting
details through the photographic evidence taken by eyewitnesses at the
time, including American missionaries and German officers. The fourth in a
series of digital exhibits released free of charge, ‘Iconic Images of the
Armenian Genocide’ brings together as a single collection key images
recording the brutal mistreatment of the Armenian population of the Ottoman
Turkish Empire and the utter destruction of their historic communities.

In an outrageous move to impede a program on human rights education, the
Turkish Consulate in Miami sent a letter trying to block discussion of the
Armenian Genocide. `It is a disgrace that the Armenian diaspora chooses to
identify itself with hatred of Turks, anti-Turkism in other words, as well
as with outright dismissal of any chance of reconciliation and better
relations between Turkey and Armenia,’ wrote Ozgur Kivanc Altan, Consul
General of the Republic of Turkey in Miami in the letter addressed to the
Holocaust Museum of Southwest Florida. `This is disturbing, yet not
surprising, as the [Armenian] diaspora sought in recent years to hijack the
Holocaust in an attempt to garner support for a distorted presentation of
the events of 1915,’ read the Turkish complaint.

`We deeply appreciate the Holocaust Museum’s leadership in continuing the
program as planned and are confident that Taniel’s presentation was well
received,” said Assembly Executive Director Bryan Ardouny. “Despite cynical
attempts to silence the truth, the truth will prevail,” added Ardouny.

In addition to Sunday’s program, Koushakjian also gave a presentation of
the Armenian Genocide on Saturday, April 11 for a group of a dozen
educators from surrounding Collier, Hendry, Lee, and Monroe counties as
part of a public teacher workshop on Holocaust and human rights education
at the Holocaust Museum and Education Center of Southwest Florida.

Established in 1972, the Armenian Assembly of America is the largest
Washington-based nationwide organization promoting public understanding and
awareness of Armenian issues. The Assembly is a non-partisan, 501(c)(3)
tax-exempt membership organization.


NR: # 2015-023

Photo Caption 1: Armenian Assembly Communications Director Taniel
Koushakjian speaking to the audience about the Armenian Genocide.

Available online at:

Turkey Will Disregard European Vote On Armenian Killings


Humeyra Pamuk

PUBLISHED15/04/2015 | 11:30

Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan has condemned a planned European
Parliament’s vote on the 1915 mass killings of Armenians, which the
pope this week described as “genocide”.

The European Parliament is due to debate a resolution to mark the
100th anniversary of the killing of as many as 1.5 million Armenians
under Turkish Ottoman rule.

“Whatever decision the European Parliament takes on Armenian genocide
claims, it would go in one ear and out the other,” Erdogan told a
news conference at Ankara airport before departing on an official
visit to Kazakhstan.

“It is out of the question for there to a stain, a shadow called
‘genocide’ on Turkey,” he said.

Read More: Anger as Pope calls Armenian massacre ‘first genocide of
20th century’

Armenia, some Western historians and foreign parliaments refer to
the mass killings as genocide.

Muslim Turkey agrees Christian Armenians were killed in clashes
with Ottoman soldiers that began on April 15, 1915, when Armenians
lived in the empire ruled by Istanbul, but denies that this amounted
to genocide.

Around 100,000 Armenians still reside in Turkey including those who are
Turkish citizens and those who are not and they are never mistreated,
Erdogan said.

“Both citizens and non-citizen Armenians are enjoying the opportunities
of our country. We could have deported them, but we didn’t,”
Erdogan said.

Read More: Kim to mark massacre of Armenians

On Tuesday, Erdogan warned Pope Francis his comment that the 1915
mass killing of Armenians was genocide, saying he should “not make
such a statement again”.

Pope Francis became the first head of the Roman Catholic church to
publicly call the killing of Armenians “genocide” on Sunday, prompting
Turkey to summon the Vatican’s ambassador to the Holy See and recall
its own.

“We will not allow historical incidents to be taken out of their
genuine context and be used as a tool to campaign against our country,”
Erdogan said.

“I condemn the pope and would like to warn him not to make similar
mistakes again.”

His comments are likely to put a focus on whether the United States,
a traditional ally of NATO-member Turkey, will eventually use the term
“genocide” for the mass killings.

Unlike almost two dozen European and South American states that use
the term, Washington avoids it and has warned legislators that Ankara
could cut off military cooperation if they voted to adopt it.

SYSTEM OF A DOWN’S SERJ TANKIAN: ‘We Don’t Have A Set Timeline’ For


April 14 2015

In a brand new interview with, SYSTEM OF A DOWN frontman
Serj Tankian was asked about the status of the band’s long-awaited new
studio album. He responded: “There is an openness to working together
again when we all have material that is mutually accepted. We don’t
have a set timeline or anything else to report. One thing we do all
agree upon is that it’s gotta be a leap from what we’ve done before.”

SYSTEM OF A DOWN bassist Shavo Odadjian said in a recent interview
with Madcap Music Review that the band has already worked on its first
new music in a decade, with plans to enter the studio in the coming
months to record a full-length album. Asked about the chances of the
group recording for the first time since 2005, Odadjian said, “Yeah,
there’s a very good chance. I don’t have a date. We’ve already gone.

We’ve written some songs. We’re keeping it to ourselves. We’re getting
back to the bullshit of being together.”

SYSTEM last released new music in 2005 with the “Mezmerize” and
“Hypnotize” albums, but started to tour again in 2011.

The band members have reiterated throughout the hiatus that they have
remained friends, although drummer John Dolmayan hinted last year at
some personal issues in the group, saying, “We probably would have
been in the studio making an album already, but for personal reasons,
one of our members cant be in the studio right now. It’s a positive
thing, but that’s all I can say on that right now.”

SYSTEM OF A DOWN recently added two more North American dates to
its upcoming world tour. In addition to a show in Quebec on June 18,
the band will now stop in Detroit on June 17 and Toronto on June 19.

The tour commemorates the 100th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide
and will feature SYSTEM OF A DOWN’s first-ever performance in their
homeland of Armenia, on April 23.

Student Essay Contest launched to Honor Centennial of the Armenian G

Massachusetts Committee to Commemorate the Armenian Genocide
Email: [email protected]
Contact: Ara Nazarian

Student Essay Contest launched to honor Centennial of the Armenian Genocide

Boston, MA – For Immediate Release – In honor of the April 2015
Centennial of the Armenian Genocide, a new essay contest is being
launched for students across New England. The contest entitled “The
Ultimate Triumph of Humanity: Survival and Reemergence in the Face of
Genocide,” calls for students to write a 1000-word essay considering
the legal, political, historical, cultural, economic, and/or personal
aspects of any act of genocide (Armenian, Cambodian, Jewish,
Rwandan). They may provide their point of view on the failure of the
perpetrators, the need for justice, the need to address unhealed
wounds of the victims, the dangers of denial and the implementation of
Raphael Lemkin’s UN framework to prevent similar future atrocities.

Students in grades 6-12 enrolled in any school in New England may
submit one essay in English reflecting the contestant’s own writing
and original thought. Submitted essays must be 1,000 words or fewer,
formatted blindly (no author info) consisting of title and essay text
only. The file name must follow this format
(FirstName_LastName.pdf). Additionally, each contestant must submit an
application form along with his/her essay submission. All submissions
must be in PDF format. Incomplete application forms or longer
submissions will not be entered into the essay contest.

Submissions must be sent to [email protected] by Friday, May
29, 2015. Three winning essays will be announced later in the
year. Prizes to be awarded are: $1,250 for first, $750 for second and
$250 for third.

As with other ethnic groups subjected to the most evil side of
humanity, Armenians have suffered greatly but have refused to be
defined as victims of genocide. In spite of their tragic history,
Armenians have thrived in and contributed to the diverse societies
they inhabit around the world. In fact, approximately twice as many
ethnic Armenians live beyond the borders of the modern Republic of
Armenia as reside within them, largely due to the vast number of
Diaspora communities that formed in the wake of the genocide.


The Massachusetts Committee to Commemorate the Armenian Genocide is an
umbrella organization representing all the Armenian advocacy,
athletic, cultural, educational, political, religious, and service
organizations in Massachusetts and the surrounding communities. The
committee aims to educate the public and increase awareness of the
crime and denial of genocide and the lasting effects thereto, with
specific emphasis on the Armenian Genocide of 1915. It also aims to
promote understanding of the Armenian Genocide through mass
communications and public forums; preserve the memory of the Armenian
Genocide and its over one and a half million victims; and finally to
commemorate the centennial anniversary of the Armenian Genocide in
Massachusetts. The Committee will coordinate programming nationally
with Washington DC and internationally with the Republic of Armenia.

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Erdogan Chastises Pope Francis For Observing Armenian Genocide: ‘I C


Breitbart News
April 14 2015

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said that he “condemns” Pope
Francis for his use of the expression “genocide” when referring to
the slaughter of 1.5 million Armenian Christians by the Ottoman Empire
from 1915-1917.

“Whenever politicians, religious functionaries assume the duties of
historians, then delirium comes out, not fact,” Erdogan said at a
meeting of the Turkish Exporters Assembly on Tuesday.

“I want to warn the pope to not repeat this mistake and condemn him,”
he said.

At a Mass with representatives from the Armenian Catholic church on
Sunday, Pope Francis referred to the event as an “immense and senseless
slaughter” and called it “the first genocide of the twentieth century,”
ending speculation whether the pontiff would risk alienating Turkey
by using the term “genocide.”

Francis said that remembering and honoring the victims of the massacre
was “necessary, and indeed a duty,” because “whenever memory fades,
it means that evil allows wounds to fester.”

“Concealing or denying evil is like allowing a wound to keep bleeding
without bandaging it!” he said.

The same day, Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu responded via
Twitter, claiming that the Pope’s words lacked legal and historical

On Monday, the Pope seemed to justify his decision at his morning Mass,
insisting in his homily that Christians must be ready to proclaim the
truth boldly, imitating the first Apostles of Jesus who spoke “without
fear.” The way of the Church is that of “openness and speaking freely,”
he said.

President Erdogan said he greatly regretted the pontiff’s remarks.

Recalling the pope’s visit to Turkey in 2014, the president said he
thought Francis was “a different politician,” adding, “I don’t say
a religious functionary.”

“I won’t let historical events be brought out of their own course
and turned into a campaign against our country and nation,” he said.

Meanwhile, the European Parliament will vote on a resolution Wednesday
regarding the claims of an Armenian genocide. The body will decide
whether to officially name the year 2015 as the centennial of the
Armenian genocide perpetrated by the Ottoman Empire.

The motion noted that an increasing number of EU member states and
national parliaments recognize the Armenian genocide. If passed,
the Parliament would “pay tribute, on the eve of the Centenary, to
the memory of the one-and-a-half million innocent Armenian victims
who perished in the Ottoman Empire.”

Aznavour, Caballe, Spivakov To Feature In A Video Dedicated To Armen


16:27, 15 Apr 2015
Siranush Ghazanchyan

World-famous celebrities will feature in a video “Millions of Lives”
to be released on the threshold of the 100th anniversary of the
Armenian Genocide, April17. Three friends Karen Margaryan, Tigran
Petrosyan and Grisha Aghakhanyan together with KMsounds Production
have initiated the project to once again remind the world about the
verity of the Genocide.

The video has been shot in different countries of the world, including
the US, Russia, France, Italy, Luxembourg, Germany, etc.

The lyrics are about the destiny of a little girl, who lost her family
and stayed alone in this world.

The video features outstanding Armenian and international artists,
who are friends of the Armenian nation and who share the sorrow of
the little girl and millions of families whose dreams vanished in
the desert sand.

Involved in the project are Charles Aznavour, Montserrat Caballe,
Armen Jigarkhanyan, Patrick Fiori, Vladimir Spivakov, Sebu Simonian,
Dmitry Kharatyan, Garik Martirosyan, Mariam Mehrabova, Erna Yuzbashyan
and others.

We can’t let the history be repeated. We don’t want any other nation to
experience the horror the Armenians went through. KMsounds Production
and each artist in the video address their message to the World:
“The violence of 1915 was Genocide. It must be recognized by the
whole world to prevent the repetition of the history.”

For details visit

Turkish Professor Concludes There Was An Armenian Genocide


New Hampshire Public Radio
April 14 2015

Turkish officials reacted in anger on Sunday to Pope Francis’s
description of the slaughter of Armenians by the Ottoman Turks as
the first genocide of the 20th century. Turkey has acknowledged the
killing of Armenians occurred around the time of World War I, but
has resisted the notion that this was part of a systematic genocide.

Fatma Muge Cocek is Turkish, and a professor of sociology and
women’s studies at the University of Michigan. She tells Here &
Now’s Robin Young about the social and political backdrop that led to
the persecution and killing of Armenians during the Ottoman Empire,
and why she now uses the term genocide to describe the killings.

Interview Highlights: Fatma Muge Cocek

On whether religious differences made Armenians a target

“Religion is one factor that impacts the way in which society itself
is structured because non-Muslims in the Ottoman Empire lived under
a system called the millet system, where they had pretty much self
governance, but no access to arms and armaments, and in turn had to pay
also a special poll tax. And because of that, especially because of the
fact that there was no intermarriage, one can say that they existed
in Ottoman society, but they were not fully integrated into Ottoman
society. And probably was a more important factor than religion alone.”

Was it a civil war or a genocide?

“In our history textbooks, there was no reference whatsoever to what
had happened, to the violence.”

“Well for a civil war to occur, on both sides you have to have two
armies or two armed forces fighting each other. In this case it was
the Ottoman military or paramilitary organizations that basically took
out not only the males, but also the women, children and the elderly.

That is not a civil war when you include, and I think destory, your
own subjects. That is why I think it’s not a civil war.”

On the Turkish people’s understanding of the war

“I was born and raised in Turkey and I got all my education there,
and in our educational system, in our history textbooks, there was
no reference whatsoever to what had happened, to the violence. Turks
were always portrayed as very patriotic, innocent and noble people,
and the only reference I had was that a group of Armenian terrorists
killed diplomats from ’74 to ’85, so that was my only experience. I
knew nothing about why these Armenian terrorists were taking out the
Turkish diplomats, and I think that is also the only reference the
Turkish public has in Turkey. They only remember those murders. They
don’t know anything that happened in their own past. I had to learn
that later when I came here to the United States to do my Ph.D.”


Fatma Muge Cocek, professor of sociology and women’s studies,
University of Michigan, author of “Denial of Violence: Ottoman Past,
Turkish Present, and Collective Violence against the Armenians,

Artsakh Vet Group Calls On Comrades To Support Sefilyan And Others A


13:23, April 15, 2015

Thirty Artsakh War vets have called on other freedom fighters to
participate in a public rally scheduled for April 17 at Yerevan’s
Liberty Square in support Jirayr Sefilyan and four other members of
the Founding Parliament who were arrested on April 7.

In a public statement the thirty signatories, operating under the name
“Shoushi Special Unit Freedom Fighters Union”, call on their comrades
“for whom the future of the homeland and nation is dear, who are not
indifferent to the plight of our peacetime heroes, for whom the honor
and repute of Armenian fedayees is dear” to participate in the rally.

The five arrested on April 7 are Jirayr Sefilyan (Commander of the
Shoushi Special Unit), freedom fighter Pavlik Manukyan, Garegin
Choukaszyan (Founding Parliament president), Varuzhan Avetisyan
(Founding Parliament VP), and Gevorg Safaryan (Founding Parliament
board member).