Turkish Media Concerned Over Kim Kardashian’s Visit To Armenia


20:17, 10.04.2015
Region:Armenia, Turkey
Theme: Politics, Society

The Turkish media is concerned over Kim Kardashian’s visit to Armenia,
her ancestral homeland.

Haberturk newspaper published an article entitled “Great interest in
Kardashian’s visit ahead of the Armenian Genocdie Centennial.”

According to the newspaper, Kim said the details of the visit will
be shown in the Keeping Up With the Kardashians.

Cumhuriyet newspaper touched upon Kardashians’ visit publishing
an article about their meeting with Armenian Prime Minister Hovik
Abrahamyan during which the sisters pledged to continue fighting for
recognition of the Genocide.

Rotahaber website said Kim will shoot a documentary about the Armenian

Another Turkish website Superhabertv says Kardashian will visit
Memorial to the Armenian Genocide victims which “can be propaganda
of genocide recognition on American TV channels”.

Armenia News – NEWS.am

2 Armenian Opposition Group Members Charged With Attempting To Organ


Greenfield Daily Reporter
April 10 2015


YEREVAN, Armenia — Two leaders of an Armenian opposition group have
been charged with attempts to organize mass disorder.

The charges on Thursday came two days after police detained four
members of the Founding Parliament opposition group. The Investigative
Committee said weapons were found in the search of homes and offices
that accompanied the detentions.

Group leader Jirair Sefilian and activist Varuzhan Aventisian would
face sentences of up to 10 years if convicted on the charges.

Investigators said the detentions were aimed at preventing disorder
allegedly planned for April 24, the day the country will mark the
centennial of the mass killing of Armenians by Ottoman Turks. Turkey
denies the deaths constituted genocide, saying the toll is inflated
and that those killed were victims of civil war and unrest.


Génocide des Arméniens: le mensonge d’un siècle

Les Inrocks
10 avril 2015

Génocide des Arméniens: le mensonge d’un siècle

L’édito de Frédéric Bonnaud

24 avril 1915 : grande rafle des intellectuels et des notables
arméniens de Constantinople?; le génocide peut commencer. Cent ans
plus tard, le président de la République de Turquie, Recep Tayyip
Erdogan, continue d’exiger des preuves. Barack Obama, lui, a déjÃ
déclaré que le génocide arménien était une incontestable vérité
historique. Mais les Etats-Unis d’Amérique ne sont pas prêts à une
reconnaissance officielle, aujourd’hui moins que jamais. La Turquie
demeure un allié trop important, puissant et ombrageux, depuis trop
longtemps, un verrou stratégique qu’il convient de ménager. Cent ans
après le début des massacres, seule une vingtaine de pays ont reconnu
officiellement le génocide et la Turquie s’arcboute sur son
négationnisme d’Etat, fondateur de son existence même, sa colonne
vertébrale idéologique, comme si elle craignait de s’effondrer en
cessant de nier une si vieille évidence, pourtant irréfutable et

Dans l’entretien qu’il nous a accordé (lire pp. 52-55), le
géopoliticien Gérard Chaliand considère que la position turque
officielle n’évoluera plus guère, malgré la demande pressante des
forces vives de la société. Il rappelle le temps infini qu’il a fallu,
après les premiers témoignages occidentaux sur le sort atroce réservé
aux Arméniens de Turquie et les procès ottomans de 1919 condamnant par
contumace les organisateurs du génocide ` qui avaient pris la fuite `,
pour que cette tragédie cesse d’être celle des seuls Arméniens,
abandonnés à leur douleur, uniques dépositaires d’une mémoire qui
aurait dû être partagée et entretenue par l’humanité tout entière.
Mais la Turquie moderne naissait en 1923, après les ultimes tueries,
nettoyée de ses Arméniens d’Anatolie ` mais où s’étaient-ils
volatilisés, tous ces Arméniens?? `, et Mustafa Kemal avait plus
besoin d’union sacrée que de vérité historique. Le mensonge
s’installa, puis le silence, un silence interminable et difficilement
imaginable aujourd’hui, un silence de cinquante ans, brisé peu à peu,
y compris par l’emploi de ce que Chaliand appelle `le terrorisme
publicitaire’ de certaines organisations arméniennes.

`la dimension proprement totalitaire du phénomène’

En 1984, devant le Tribunal permanent des peuples, un tribunal
historique et symbolique réuni par Chaliand à la Sorbonne, Pierre
Vidal-Naquet déclarait : `Ce qui est important, voire capital, est que
le meurtre intentionnel des Juifs (et des Tsiganes) a, par contrecoup,
éclairé, défini, dans sa signification même, le massacre des Arméniens
comme massacre d’Etat, inaugurant la série déjà large du moderne
massacre d’Etat. C’est la dimension proprement totalitaire du
phénomène qui est commune aux deux génocides des Arméniens et des
Juifs.’ Et le grand historien français, auteur des Assassins de la
mémoire et réfutateur infatigable des négationnistes ` et du plus
célèbre d’entre eux, Robert Faurisson `, ajoutait : `Mais l’Allemagne,
elle, a reconnu son crime. Imaginons ce que peuvent ressentir les
minorités arméniennes. Imaginons Faurisson ministre, Faurisson
président de la République, Faurisson général, Faurisson ambassadeur,
Faurisson président de la Commission historique turque, membre du
Sénat, de l’université d’Istanbul, membre influent des Nations unies,
Faurisson répondant dans la presse chaque fois qu’il est question du
génocide des Juifs. Bref un Faurisson d’Etat doublé d’un Faurisson

Il s’agit de sortir de ce cauchemar. Il s’agit de lire Chaliand, Yves
Ternon ou Vincent Duclert (La France face au génocide des arméniens,
Fayard). Comme nous lisons Jean Hatzfeld sur le Rwanda ou Rithy Panh
sur le Cambodge. Pour que le génocide arménien fasse désormais
pleinement partie de notre histoire commune.


Aznavour, Caballé and Spivakov join "Millions of Lives" project

Aznavour, Caballé and Spivakov join “Millions of Lives” project

15:12, 11 April, 2015

YEREVAN, APRIL 11, ARMENPRESS. “Not only to recognize, but also to
prevent the repetition of history!” In April 2015 is the 100th
Anniversary of the extermination of Armenians by the Turks of Ottoman
Empire. Unfortunately, on the eve of the centennial many countries
haven’t yet recognized the fact of Genocide. Being confident that our
owe to our nation is to fight against such violence, three friends
Karen Margaryan, Tigran Petrosyan and Grisha Aghakhanyan together with
KMsounds Production initiated a project to remind once again the World
about the verity of the Genocide.

The initiators of “Millions of Lives” project informed “Armenpress”
that the peculiarity of the event is that the world known figures
express their attitude towards the genocide in a unique and
comprehensible way – via song. The video clip was shot with
participation of such prominent artists as Charles Aznavour,
Montserrat Caballé, Vladimir Spivakov, Armen Jigarkhanyan, Mariam
Merabova and many others.

Within the scope of the program a video with participation of
world-renowned artists was screened. The project is quite wide and
complex in realization, as it includes shooting and recording in many
countries of the world – USA, Russian Federation, France, Italy,
Luxembourg, Germany, etc. Though overcoming all faced challenges the
team made and presents you the video “Millions of lives”.

The song of the video is about the devastated destiny of a little
girl, who lost her family and stayed alone in this World. In the video
we can see the act of outstanding Armenian as well as international
artists, who are friends of the Armenian nation and who share the
sorrow of the little girl and millions of families whose dreams
vanished in the desert sand. We can’t let the history be repeated. We
don’t want any other nation to experience the horror the Armenians
went through. KMsounds Production and each artist shot in the video
address their message to the World: “The violence of 1915 was
Genocide. It must be recognized by the whole world to prevent the
repetition of the history”.


Kim et Khloé Kardashian rencontrent leurs cousines en Arménie

Kim et Khloé Kardashian rencontrent leurs cousines en Arménie

“Dans la famille Kardashian, je demande les cousines”. Arrivés
mercredi soir à Erevan, la capitale arménienne, et accueillis par une
foule de journalistes et d’admirateurs, Kim. K, son mari (le rappeur
Kanye West), leur enfant North et sa soeur Khloé, ont rencontré jeudi 9
avril d’autres membres de la famille Kardashian élargie.

Entourée de ses gardes du corps, la vedette, habillée de beige, et son
entourage, ont visité le centre-ville mercredi. Dans la foulée, la
starlette et son entourage ont découvert d’autres membres de leur
famille, trois cousines de la fratrie Kim, Kourtney, Khloé et Robert
Kardashian Jr. Le clan réuni a été reçue par le Premier ministre
arménien Hovik Abrahamyan.

“Khloé et moi sommes venues (rencontrer le Premier ministre,ndlr) avec
nos cousines Kourtni et Kara ! Krista tu nous manques ! Oui, nous
avons trois cousines, toutes soeurs, et leurs prénoms commencent tous
par un K ! LOL”, a écrit Kim Kardashian sur Instragram, partageant les
photos officielles de la rencontre.

La vedette de télé-réalité et sa soeur ont également posé jeudi devant
l’imposant monument de la Mère Arménie dans le parc de la victoire (la
photo ci-dessous). Kim et son équipe doivent poursuivre cette visite
de huit jours en visitant le mémorial du génocide à Erevan et les
Archives nationales pour consulter des documents à propos des ancêtres

La starlette doit ensuite se rendre dans la ville de Gyumri, où sa
famille éloignée réside. Les ancêtres du côté paternel de la famille
Kardashian ont émigré aux États-Unis depuis l’Arménie pour fuir les
massacres de 1915-1917.

“Les Kardashian se sont excusés de ne pas parler arménien, mais ont
déclaré qu’ils étaient en train d’apprendre leur langue natale”,
peut-on lire dans un communiqué diffusé par les services du Premier
ministre.”Ils ont promis de continuer la lutte pour la reconnaissance
internationale et la condamnation du génocide arménien”, dit-il aussi.

Selon l’organisateur du voyage de la vedette américaine, Kim
Kardashian se rend pour la première fois dans le pays de ses ancêtres
pour “travailler sur un film documentaire à propos du génocide
arménien” et “commémorer ses victimes”.

Hormis quelques selfies avec ses fans, Kim Kardashian a refusé de
parler à la presse et a préféré s’exprimer sur les réseaux sociaux.
“Arménie, on est là !!!!! Nous sommes si reconnaissants d’être là et
de commencer le voyage de toute une vie ! Merci à tout ceux qui nous
ont salués ! J’ai hte d’explorer notre pays et de manger de la
nourriture délicieuse !”, a-t-elle écrit sur Instagram à son arrivée.

Le pays s’apprête à marquer le 24 avril le 100e anniversaire du
génocide arménien,qui a fait 1,5 millions de morts selon Erevan,
pendant la Première Guerre mondiale.

La Turquie a toujours refusé d’admettre toute élimination planifiée
tout comme le terme de “génocide”, évoquant la mort d’environ 500.000
Arméniens qui s’étaient rangés du côté de son ennemie la Russie, lors
de combats ou à cause de famines.


samedi 11 avril 2015,
Stéphane (c)armenews.com


AGMI and Steven Spielberg’s Shoah Foundation sign cooperation memora

AGMI and Steven Spielberg’s Shoah Foundation sign cooperation memorandum

18:16, 11 April, 2015

YEREVAN, 11 APRIL, ARMENPRESS. Steven Spielberg’s Shoah Foundation has
signed a memorandum of cooperation with the Armenian Genocide
Museum-Institute. As the Public Relations Department of the Armenian
Genocide Museum-Institute reports to “Armenpress”, the memorandum
signed by Hayk Demoyan and Steven Spielberg lays the foundation for
future cooperation.

Through cooperation, the memoirs of 60 eyewitnesses of the Armenian
Genocide will be digitized and will be publicly available as part of
the Armenian Genocide Collection of the U.S.-based Shoah Foundation
starting from April 24th, on the occasion of the Centennial of the
Armenian Genocide.

The memorandum will also provide the AGMI with the Shoah Foundation’s
Virtual History Archives, thanks to which scholars and average
citizens of Yerevan will have direct access to 52,000 collections
devoted to the Holocaust, the Rwandan genocide and the Armenian
Genocide. Both institutions will also collaborate to carry out
educational programs.


World Must Recognize Crime, Committed Against Armenians: Italian MPs


14:32, 10 April, 2015

ROME, APRIL 10, ARMENPRESS: The genocide, committed against the
Armenian nation in the past, should be a lesson for all of us that
one should respect the identity and culture of other peoples and one
should do everything not to repeat what had happened then. Armenpress
reports that in the evening on April 9, in the framework of the
official visit of the President of the Republic of Armenia Serzh
Sargsyan to Italy, an Italian MP, Senator Emilia Grazia De Biasi
stated about this position during the dinner.

Touching upon the international recognition of the Armenian Genocide,
the Senator stated that the world should recognize the crime, committed
against the Armenian people.

“This nation, regardless of everything and the sufferings it had,
is ready for political, economic and social cooperation. Today the
presence of the President of the Republic of Armenia Serzh Sargsyan
in Italy presents the hope for the future. I had a meeting with the
President in Armenia, when I visited the country with the Italian MPs.

And I am very much impressed by the visit. When we look at the
political figures of the Republic of Armenia, including the Ambassadors
of Armenia in Rome and Vatican, we feel that they present the glorious
history and hope and aspiration for peaceful future”, – concluded MP
Emilia Grazia De Biasi, Armenpress reports.


Rome To Commemorate Genocide Despite Turkey’s Efforts


16:35 * 10.04.15

Rome will host commemoration events dedicated to the Armenian Genocide
centennial despite the strong pressures it recently faced by the
Turkish authorities.

On April 24, St Peter’s Temple of Vatican will serve a liturgy
dedicated to the memory of the 1.5 million victims. The historic
ceremony will be unprecedented in scope, as the place of warship
earlier organized only prayers in remembrance of those killed in

The liturgy will be held upon initiative of Pope Francis.

The pressures against him and the Holy See were unprecedented. The
Turkish side did all its best to disrupt the plans, but its efforts
proved fruitless. The liturgy will not only be served but also
broadcast live. Pope Francis, who has already written his sermon,
is expected to meet with the Armenian President Serzh Sargsyam after
the mass (the pontific is usually the last to leave the temple after

At the end, Catholicos of All Armenians Garegin II and Patriarch of
the Holy See of Cilicia Aram II are expected to deliver addresses,
according to Mikael Minasyan, Armenia’s ambassador to the Holy See.

“This liturgy at the Holy See is unprecedented for several reasons. It
is important to note that there will also be a requiem mass. The
liturgy is dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide,
but it is being served for the Armenians around the world,” the state
news agency Armenpress quotes him as saying.

Armenian community representatives from different continents are
expected to attend the ceremony.


Intellectuals, Activists Reveal History Of Deliberate Ignorance Of 1


16:51, 10 Apr 2015
Siranush Ghazanchyan

Intellectuals and activists gathered in Ä°stanbul on Wednesday evening
for an eventcalled “Confront 1915,” where they peeled away the layers
of history that have been presented by the Turkish government when
discussing the shrouded massacre of Armenians in 1915, Today’s

Dr. Ohannes Kılıcdagı, a professor of sociology at Istanbul Bilgi
University and a columnist for the Armenian Agos weekly newspaper,
discussed how Armenians who were deported and survived persecution
were unable to return to their former homeland.

“[The period between] 1918-1920 was actually the time during which
the genocide was most openly discussed in the history of this land,
at a time when the Turkish Republic did not yet exist. After the
Kemalist regime and as the Ankara government began to stabilize
and become rooted, and wars were won … there was then a period of
‘clearing the air.’ What I mean by this is that arrangements were
made to prevent Armenians who were sent away from returning to their
property and possessions,” shared Kılıcdagı.

The Republic of Turkey was established in 1923 after its founder,
Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, and Turkish nationalists had emerged victorious
over Greeks, Armenians and Western forces in the Turkish War of
Independence. Today, despite international pressure, the Turkish
Republic does not recognize the events that took place during the
fall of the Ottoman Empire as genocide.

Kılıcdagı continued his discourse on the perception of history,
explaining: “And then began a period that I call the ‘period of
silence,’ which slowly began to create the perception that nothing
had happened here. Even more so, the perception that there were
never Armenians here [in the first place] was formed,” adding,
“A deliberate ignorance was spread and this was actually successful
to a large extent.”

Kılıcdagı went on to share the results of a survey performed by Dr.

Ferhat Kentel of Ä°stanbul Å~^ehir University. When participants of
the survey were asked, “When do you believe Armenians came to Turkey?”

One-third of the respondents said they believed that Armenians had come
to Turkey after the fall of the Soviet Union, while another one-third
acknowledged that they simply had no idea when the Armenians had come
to Turkey.

“Therefore, we see that two-thirds of Turkish society believe that
a people [Armenians] who were the first people of this land to be
written down in history, who existed here before the Common Era,
are commonly believed to have only arrived at the beginning of the
1990s,” he concluded.

Another speaker at Wednesday’s meeting was prominent human rights
lawyer Eren Keskin, who addressed the audience, saying, “We are very
late to be speaking about this issue.”

In line with Kılıcdagı’s argument that such ignorance was enforced
deliberately by the government, Keskin noted, “I think the Turkish
government has been very successful in its mission to cover up these

She told a personal story of her first encounter with the tragic past
of the Armenians in Turkey in which she explained how her grandfather
had demanded that her aunt Josephine, an Armenian, convert to Islam
before marrying his son, which she did.

Keskin believes that the example she shared highlights the ongoing
injustice and how the experience in her family, which was discussed but
went undisputed, gave her the opportunity to learn about discrimination
against Armenians from a young age. She then went on to describe her
career as a human rights lawyer with the Ä°stanbul branch of the Human
Rights Association (IHD). She noted that although she believed it to
be quite late, the IHD released a press statement in 2005 recognizing
the events of 1915 as genocide. After the IHD took this stance,
Keskin said they were condemned and their office building attacked.


Faktxeber.Com: PACE Co-Rapporteur On Azerbaijan Avoids Visit To Baku


12:34 10/04/2015 ” LAW

The visit to Azerbaijan by PACE (the Parliamentary Assembly of the
Council of Europe) co-rapporteur, Spanish MP Pedro Agramunt, planned
for 8-9 April has been postponed due to unforeseen circumstances,
PACE official page on Twitter reads. However, the Azerbaijani media
outlet Faktxeber.com has learnt that Agramunt avoids visiting Baku
because the authorities of Azerbaijan put pressure on him and insist
that he change the term ‘political prisoners’ into ‘prisoners whose
criminal cases have got alleged political motives’ in his upcoming
report in PACE on the human rights situation in that country.

According to the article, Agramunt, in his turn, tries to use his
‘health problems’ as an excuse for postponing the visit. Citing Saida
Gojamanli, a member of the Joint Working Group (JWG) on Human Rights,
the outlet writes that one way or another the Spanish MP will have
to pay a visit to Azerbaijan till the end of June, that is, till the
beginning of the summer session.

The outlet reminds that PACE commissioned Agramunt to file a report
on human rights in Azerbaijan in June 2014 following numerous appeals
from the local activists, and that period coincided with Azerbaijan’s
chairmanship in the Committee of Ministers of the CoE. During this
period Azerbaijan not only failed to make a progress in the field of
human rights, but it also saw dramatic aggravation of the situation
due to the arrests of the activists and the journalists.

The outlet writes that Agramunt had been keeping silent for a long
time and did not pay a single visit to Baku till March 2014 when he
arrived on a shot-term visit to Azerbaijan with his Polish colleague
Tadeusz IwiÃ…~Dski, the co-rapporteur of the PACE Monitoring Committee.

However, as the outlet highlights, the PACE rapporteurs avoided public
statements and press conferences during that visit.

In January 2013 European Stability Initiative NGO demanded PACE
co-rapporteur Pedro Agramunt’s resignation because of making a biased
report and hiding the whole truth about the authoritarian regime
in Azerbaijan. It called him an active representative of ‘caviar
diplomacy.’ During the winter session of PACE European Stability
Initiative issued a report titled “Caviar Diplomacy” which highlighted
the names of those who were engaged in Azerbaijani lobbying and got
‘caviar in return.’ Pedro Agramunt’s name was the first in the list.

Earlier, in 2012, Azerbaijani human rights defender Leyla Yunus had
reported that PACE rapporteurs on Azerbaijan, Agramunt and Gresh,
were being bribed by the Azerbaijani authorities. Yunus said that the
rapporteurs ignored all the materials they were given regarding the
facts of human rights violations and did not include them in their
preliminary report. In particular, the report did not include the
cases of Turach Zeynalov’s death from tortures in the detention centre
of the Ministry of National Security of Nakhijevan; the tortures
of Nakhijevani activist Zeynal Bagirzade; and the tortures of two
journalists from Hayal TV. The section “Freedom of Expression”
did not include the cases of the arrest of the journalists Avaz
Zeynalli and Anar Bayramli, Idrak Abbasov’s beating and Khadija
Ismayilova’s persecutions. The issue of rejecting NGO registration
was not highlighted while considering the “freedom of assembly,” etc.


”Caviar price” in PACE and struggle of Armenian diplomacy; head of
Armenian delegation in PACE commenting…
