Armenian Musicians Coming To Bend
April 5 2015

Armenian Musicians Coming To Bend

Bend, Ore. – Central Oregon Community College is hosting musicians Bet
Williams and John Hodian on Wednesday, April 8, in Wille Hall in the
Campus Center on the Bend Campus. There will be a free cultural talk
on Armenian music from 3 to 4 p.m. and a musical performance at 7 p.m.

>From ancient monasteries in Armenia to music festivals throughout
Europe, Williams and Hodian have been creating and performing music
together for more than 20 years. With the world music ensemble
“Epiphany Project,” the blues based “Bet Williams Band” and the
Armenian classical music group “Naghash Ensemble,” the music these two
artists create is a vast quilt of influences and inspirations.

Tickets for the public are available at the door for $15. For
information, call 541-383-7412.

If you see local news happen, call the Horizon Broadcasting Group News
Tip Hotline at 541-323-NEWS, or email us.

ANKARA: American Turks launch new campaign over 1915 events

World Bulletin, Turkey
April 5 2015

American Turks launch new campaign over 1915 events

The “Let History Decide” campaign in the U.S. will counter Armenian
allegations over the events of 1915 involving the Ottoman Empire
during World War I.

World Bulletin / News Desk

American Turks have launched the “Let History Decide” campaign in the
U.S. to counter Armenian allegations over the events of 1915 involving
the Ottoman Empire during World War I.

The campaign has been organized by the Turkish American Steering
Committee, which consists of 145 Turkish American organizations.
Several events have been planned under the campaign that will take
place in different parts of the U.S., including Washington DC, New
York and Texas.

The main slogan of the campaign is: “Unite us, not divide us.”
According to the Turkish American Steering Committee’s website, a
peace and solidarity walk is being organized on April 24 in Washington
DC, which will begin in front of the White House and end at the
Turkish Embassy.

After the walk, American Turks and their campaign supporters will
remain in front of the embassy in response to the Armenian groups, who
too gather there on April 24 each year to “occupy the sidewalk,” a
committee representative says.

The committee has said it will also launch a Twitter hashtag
#lethistorydecide on April 18.

Turkish citizens at home and abroad feel that smear campaigns
involving the 1915 events have turned into attacks against Turkey.

In early March when a group of Congressmen introduced the “Armenian
Genocide Truth and Justice Resolution”, Republican Congressman Curt
Clawson called President Barack Obama to form a committee to reconcile
Turkish-Armenian relations and seek support for his resolution in

“Turkey and Armenia are very important to the American interests,”
Clawson wrote in a letter to House colleagues. “U.S interests (in the
region) can be advanced by both countries acting to cultivate peace
and understanding.”

– 1915 events

The 1915 events took place during World War I when a portion of the
Armenian population living in the Ottoman Empire sided with the
invading Russians and revolted against the empire.

A decision by the Ottoman Empire to relocate Armenians in eastern
Anatolia followed the revolts and there were some Armenian casualties
during the relocation process.

Armenia has demanded an apology and compensation, while Turkey
officially refutes Armenian allegations over the incidents, saying
that, although Armenians died during relocations, many Turks also lost
their lives in attacks carried out by Armenian gangs in Anatolia.

The debate and differing opinions between present day Turkish
government and the Armenian diaspora, along with the current
administration in Yerevan, still generates political tension between
Turks and Armenians.

– Turkey’s position

Ankara acknowledges that past experiences were a great tragedy and
that both parties suffered heavy casualties, including hundreds of
Muslim Turks.

Turkey also agrees that there were certainly Armenian casualties
during World War I.

In January, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan sent invitation
letters to more than 100 leaders, including Armenian President Serzh
Sargsyan, to participate in the commemoration of the Battle of
Canakkale on April 24.

Sargsyan reportedly denounced Erdogan’s invitation as a
“short-sighted” attempt to overshadow the 100th anniversary of the
1915 events, according to

What Is Awaiting Armenian Economy?

What Is Awaiting Armenian Economy?

Roza Hovhannisyan, Reporter
Comments – 04 April 2015, 18:56

The economists say the pessimistic economic forecasts of the World
Bank for Armenia are quite realistic, considering the existing

Note that the World Bank has recently forecast a zero economic growth
this year, and economic recession in case of shocks. “The World Bank
representative broke the news, saying – dear Armenian people, a very
difficult year is expected, and do take relevant measures. However,
our people have no opportunities to take such measures, those are in
the hands of the government while the government is not doing
anything,” the economist Vahagn Khachatryan said in an interview with

He recalls that prior to the World Bank’s country manager, the Central
Bank of Armenia had announced that the economic situation is causing
concerns, forecasting a 0.4-2% growth provided the negative economic
signals from the Russian economy. This forecast is based on the
dropping amount of remittances from Russia to Armenia.

Vahagn Khachatryan says remittances from Russia are down by 45%,
forecasts on the economy of this country have improved recently but
the economy is expected to contract by 3-4% this year. By the best
broadcast, a 2% growth will be expected in Russia only in 2017.

“In other words, the forecasts were made in Russia but we do not visit
them in any way. Russia revised its budget, cut government
expenditures by 17%, suspended or cut investments. Three months have
passed but we are not doing anything. Who are we waiting for? Are we
waiting for someone to come and get the economy working with a magic
stick?” he says.

According to the economist, the existing situation is similar to the
crisis year of 2009, i.e. recession, increase of poverty, rise in
unemployment, problem with tax collections. The difference between
today and 2009 is then it was possible to borrow to reduce social
tension. Today we cannot boost the national debt because Armenia is
already close to the red line.

“This situation was visible after the second half of 2014 when
negative tendencies were noticed,” the economist notes. He believes
that aside from external factors, there are also internal problems,”
the economist says. Having boosted the foreign debt since 2009, we
have not achieved economic success. I still cannot understand the
direction of development of our economy, he notes. Armenia went
through different terminologies, including economic diversification,
becoming a world financial center, tourism center, but no clarity
ever. Armenia has arrived at this by resolving situational problems.

“At this point the second problem has occurred – the state of the
Russian economy. We depend on the Russian economy, only remittances
are enough. The World Bank noted that Armenia is in top ten by a high
ratio to remittances to the GDP. Remittances are 21% of our GDP. In
other words, it was clear that if the situation in Russia got worse,
our economy would appear in a far more difficult situation,” he

Vahagn Khachatryan says the issue of monopolies is pending since 2009.
In 2012 the World Bank carried out a serious study. However, the
government never admits that there are monopolies in Armenia or
considers it normal, explaining that the Armenian economy is too
small. However, according to the economist, it is not a true judgment
because the size of the economy has nothing to do with monopolies.

“In other words, the problems were not resolved, and we faced shortage
of financial flows, limitations to the national debt,” he notes.

The economist Vardan Bostanjyan also believes that the World Bank’s
forecast will be realistic.

“In fact, at the moment the economic activity, movement and relations
in Armenia do not let hope for having something like growth,”
Bostanjyan says.

According to him, in economic collapse economic growth is not
possible. The Armenian government is not undertaking urgent measures,
which Vardan Bostanjyan interprets in the following way: “In our
system of governance I cannot see efforts by any branch of power. Most
probably, the system is such that the branches of the government are
deprived of initiatives.”

There is one solution to the existing situation – govern the country,
don’t let it unattended.

Le magazine de Radio dialogue

Le magazine de Radio dialogue

Le Magazine du Festival ” #RCFRADIODIALOGUE de Richard Fyindykian :
avec Samuel Lieven, journaliste au quotidien La Croix pour > codirigé par Mgr
Jean-Michel Di Falco Léandri chez XO Editions, Garo Hovsépian,
Président de la Maison Arménienne de la Jeunesse et de la Culture,
2015 Année du Centenaire du Génocide arménien et Françoise Rossi pour
le livre qu’elle publie chez L’Harmattan

Génocide des Arméniens : le travail salutaire des historiens

Le Monde, France
3 avril 2015

Génocide des Arméniens : le travail salutaire des historiens

LE MONDE | 03.04.2015 à 11h45 | Par Gaïdz Minassian

Au moment où l’Arménie s’apprête à célébrer le centenaire du génocide
des Arméniens, et alors que la Turquie nie toute responsabilité dans
cette tragédie, l’événement est inédit. Pour la première fois, un
colloque a réuni des historiens turcs, arméniens, européens et
américains, du 25 au 28 mars à Paris, à l’initiative du conseil
scientifique international pour l’étude de ce génocide. ” Nous avons
répondu à l’injonction du président turc, M. Erdogan. Nous avons créé
une commission d’historiens sur le génocide des Arméniens “, a
ironiquement lancé le chercheur français Raymond Kevorkian.

La soixantaine d’experts présents, dont seize originaires de Turquie,
ont mis au jour plusieurs angles morts de la recherche scientifique.
Ils ont établi la forte parenté entre les idéologies au pouvoir en
Turquie lors de la première guerre mondiale et dans l’Allemagne nazie
lors de la seconde. Dans les deux cas, la logique meurtrière du
darwinisme social, ce processus de sélection de l’espèce humaine en
vue de forger des identités nationales débarrassées des ” microbes
arméniens et juifs “, selon l’expression des théoriciens du crime, a
servi de justification à l’entreprise génocidaire. D’autre part, il
existe aux deux extrémités du XXe siècle une forte similitude dans le
mode opératoire utilisé par les bourreaux des Arméniens et ceux des
Tutsi au Rwanda. Ces deux crimes contre l’humanité ont été perpétrés
hors d’Europe, à l’intérieur d’espaces ruraux où vivaient des
populations paysannes, massacrées dans un temps record à l’aide
d’instruments rudimentaires.

Les spécialistes des genocide studies, comme le sociologue Hamit
Bozarslan ou l’anthropologue Ayse Gül Altinay, ont aussi souligné la
place que la femme arménienne a occupée dans le plan d’extermination
conçu par le régime jeune-turc. Il ne suffisait pas de séparer les
hommes, voués aux massacres instantanés, des femmes et des enfants
destinés aux ravages des déportations dans le désert. Il ne suffisait
pas d’annihiler une vieille civilisation installée depuis la Haute
Antiquité. Il fallait aussi détruire le pivot de son modèle matriarcal
: la femme. En détruisant ou en déshumanisant celle-ci par tous les
moyens : conversions forcées, enlèvements, prostitution…, c’est toute
la structure familiale arménienne que l’on a cherché à effacer.

M. Bozarslan va plus loin lorsqu’il affirme que ” la coexistence
entre les communautés ottomanes exigeait d’une part que les
non-musulmans acceptent leurs conditions de soumis et ne cherchent pas
à obtenir l’égalité avec les musulmans, et que d’autre part soient
respectées trois frontières séparant les communautés entre elles : le
“corps de la femme” en tant qu’il est garant de la reproduction du
groupe dans la durée, le lieu du culte en tant qu’il garantit son
existence par la caution de l’au-delà, et les cimetières en ce qu’ils
l’ancrent dans la terre, lui apportant une profondeur historique. Or,
durant les massacres hamidiens, et plus encore pendant le génocide,
ces trois frontières ont été délibérément violées “.

Une triple extinction

Les récents travaux du chercheur turc Taner Akçam explorent le lien
entre le génocide de 1915 et les massacres préalables de 250 000
Arméniens entre 1894-1896. ” Le génocide n’est pas un fait,
martèle-t-il, c’est un processus. ” Son origine remonte à l’issue de
la guerre russo-ottomane de 1877-1878, lorsque, vaincu par les armées
russes, le pouvoir d’Abdul Hamid II a tout fait pour réduire la
population arménienne des provinces orientales de l’Empire, afin d’en
changer la carte démographique et repousser la menace d’un
démembrement par les puissances européennes. Cette ingénierie
démographique constitue le fil conducteur des régimes hamidien et
unioniste dans cet Empire ottoman en déclin.

Les chercheurs ont aussi fait ressortir, durant les débats, la
continuité entre la Turquie impériale et la Turquie républicaine ainsi
que les ressorts religieux dans l’organisation du crime. D’un régime à
l’autre, les mêmes fonctionnaires-bourreaux sont restés en place,
occupant souvent des postes-clés dans l’appareil d’Etat jusqu’aux
années 1950.

Connu pour ses travaux sur la transition du pouvoir à Ankara,
l’historien Erik-Jan Zürcher a décrypté le processus de décision en
vue d’exterminer à partir de mars 1915 ceux que les Jeunes-Turcs
considéraient comme une ” cinquième colonne “. Par ailleurs, a rappelé
ce turcologue néerlandais, ” c’est au nom du djihad que l’Empire
ottoman est entré en guerre le 1er novembre 1914 contre les
puissances de l’Entente. Et c’est aussi au nom de la guerre sainte que
les massacres des Arméniens chrétiens ont eu lieu “.

Les spécialistes ont pointé avec insistance la responsabilité du
système international et la passivité des grandes puissances à
prévenir ce drame. En huit ans, un peuple a ainsi été l’objet d’une
triple extinction. Extinction physique en 1915 : 1 500 000 Arméniens
ont été massacrés jusqu’en 1918. Extinction politique en 1920 : la
République d’Arménie indépendante a été dévorée par l’alliance entre
Kémal et Lénine. Enfin, extinction diplomatique en 1923 : le traité
de Lausanne signé par les Européens et la Turquie a effacé le mot ”
Arménie ” du droit international. En huit ans, un peuple a disparu des
radars de l’Histoire pour basculer dans la mémoire. Cent ans après les
faits, universitaires turcs, arméniens et internationaux l’ont remis
sur les rails de l’Histoire. Salutaire entreprise.

U.S. Representatives Press Obama to Recognize Armenian Genocide

U.S. Representatives Press Obama to Recognize Armenian Genocide

By Contributor on April 4, 2015 in News

Representatives Join Senators in Sending Bipartisan Letters to the White House

WASHINGTON–Members of the U.S. House of Representatives have sent a
bipartisan letter to President Barack Obama, encouraging him, this
April, to properly affirm the Armenian Genocide as a clear case of
genocide, reported the Armenian National Committee of America (ANCA).

“We thank members of both the U.S. House and Senate for their
bipartisan efforts to encourage President Obama to speak openly and
honestly about the Armenian Genocide during this April’s Centennial
observance,” said ANCA Executive Director Aram Hamparian. “Special
thanks to Congressman Pallone and Dold for leading this effort, and to
each signatory of this Armenian Caucus letter.”

Congressional Armenian Caucus co-chairs Robert Dold (R-Ill.) and Frank
Pallone (D-N.J.)

The House letter, spearheaded by Armenian Caucus Co-Chairmen Robert
Dold (R-Ill.) and Frank Pallone (D-N.J.), echoed language from Obama’s
campaign promise to recognize the Armenian Genocide: “A clear
recognition of the Armenian Genocide, particularly in this centennial
year, would affirm that the Armenian Genocide is not an allegation, a
personal opinion, or a point of view, but rather a widely documented
fact supported by an overwhelming body of historical evidence.” They
added, “A principled presidential statement clearly citing the
Armenian Genocide would help strengthen condemnations of the past, and
recognize the important relationship the United States shares with
Armenia today.”

Joining the Congressional Armenian Caucus co-chairs in signing the
letter are Representatives Karen Bass (D-Calif.), Gus Bilirakis
(R-Fla.), Dave Brat (R-Va.), Tony Cardenas (D-Calif.), Judy Chu
(D-Calif.), David Cicilline (D-R.I.), Katherine Clark (D-Mass.), Mike
Coffman (R-Colo.), John Conyers (D-Mich.), Jim Costa (D-Calif.), Jeff
Denham (R-Calif.), Eliot Engel (D-N.Y.), Anna Eshoo (D-Calif.), Steve
Israel (D-N.Y.), Joe Kennedy (D-Mass.), James Langevin (D-R.I.),
Barbara Lee (D-Calif.), Sander Levin (D-Mich.), Ted Lieu (D-Calif.),
Zoe Lofgren (D-Calif.), Alan Lowenthal (D-Calif.), Carolyn Maloney
(D-N.Y.), Sean Patrick Maloney (D-N.Y.), Betty McCollum (D-Minn.),
James McGovern (D-Mass.), Grace Meng (D-N.Y.), Grace Napolitano
(D-Calif.), Devin Nunes (R-Calif.), Ed Perlmutter (D-Colo.), Collin
Peterson (D-Minn.), Jared Polis (D-Colo.), Lucille Roybal-Allard
(D-Calif.), Edward Royce (R-Calif.), Linda Sanchez (D-Calif.), Loretta
Sanchez (D-Calif.), John Sarbanes (D-Md.), Janice Schakowsky (D-Ill.),
Adam Schiff (D-Calif.), Brad Sherman (D-Calif.), Christopher Smith
(R-N.J.), Jackie Speier (D-Calif.), Dina Titus (D-Nev.), Paul Tonko
(D-N.Y.), David Trott (R-Mich.), Niki Tsongas (D-Mass.), David Valadao
(R-Calif.), and Christopher Van Hollen (D-Md.).

A U.S. House resolution, H.Res.154.–the Armenian Genocide Truth and
Justice Resolution seeking improved Armenian-Turkish relations based
on justice for this crime–has 50 cosponsors.

A similar Senate letter, led by Senators Robert Menendez (D-N.J.) and
Cory Gardner (R-Colo.), noted that: “While the United States Congress
has a long history of support for the victims and the memory of the
Armenian Genocide, the Administration has not formally recognized the
atrocities that were perpetrated against the Armenians as ‘genocide.'”
The Senate signatories stressed that a principled stand by the
president would “send a powerful signal to the international community
that this Administration is committed to recognizing the Armenian
Genocide, to upholding the ideals of tolerance and universal human
rights upon which our country was founded, and to preventing similar
atrocities from ever happening again.”

The text of the Congressional Armenian Genocide Centennial Letter to
Obama is available here:

Zhoghovurd: US Decides To Alter Tactic In Armenia


10:29 * 03.04.15

US Ambassador to Armenia Richard Mills stated on Thursday that the
United States intends to deepen its involvement in Armenia’s economy.

The USA is the fifth largest trade partner of Armenia, and this fact
can be welcomed. However, the USA likes being leader, and it must do
it if it can, Mr Mills said at a business forum organized by the HSBC
Bank Armenia.

The newspaper has repeatedly raised the issue of the USA’s intention
to alter its tactic in Armenia. The USA had provided financial aid
to Armenia to strengthen its influence on the region.

After Armenia decided in favor of the Eurasian Economic Union (EEU),
the USA realized that after investing dozens of millions in Armenia
it did not actually get any means of business influence. Russia,
however, has control of considerable part of Armenia’s economy along
with dozens of millions taken out of the country.

So the USA decided to stop allocating money for ineffective projects.

Rather, it will make investments. The US ambassador’s statement is
actually an official notification of the new tactic.

The “first swallow” was the purchase of the Vorotan coordinated
hydroelectric system by a US company.

Cyprus Amends Law To Criminalize Armenian Genocide Denial


Associated Press International
April 2, 2015 Thursday 1:37 PM GMT


NICOSIA, Cyprus (AP) – Cyprus’ parliament has legislated to criminalize
the denial of the massacre of an estimated 1.5 million Armenians by
Ottoman Turks a century ago.

Parliamentary speaker Yiannakis Omirou says that through a unanimous
vote, lawmakers can make denial of any historically proven massacre
a crime.

Omirou said after a meeting with his Armenian counterpart Thursday
that Cyprus was the first country to raise the issue of recognizing
the Armenian genocide at the U.N. General Assembly in 1965. The event
is widely viewed by scholars as the first genocide of the 20th century.

Turkey however, denies that the deaths constituted genocide, saying
the toll has been inflated, and that those killed were victims of
civil war and unrest.

Armenians mark the centenary of the killings on April 24.

Removing Sanctions Against Iran To Have Unfavorable Influence On Tur


18:48 03/04/2015 >> MISCELLANEOUS

“Geopolitically, the success of Lausanne agreements may lead to
further rapprochement of Iran with the West and an increase of its
geopolitical role in the region. Moreover, the strengthening of the
geopolitical role of Iran may significantly undermine the geo-economic
importance of Azerbaijan,” an article published on Azerbaijani media
outlet reads.

With the global standoff between Russia and the West, Azerbaijan
was viewed as an alternative transit country for energy resources,
particularly, for exporting gas from Turkmenistan to Europe. However,
that was only in the format of realizing the project TAP. The global
players hurried to give up Azerbaijan’s supply last year because of the
fantastical undertaking of constructing Nabucco. Everyone understood
that there was nothing to fill the pipe with, the article reads.

Still, now, as the article reads, Iran takes the floor with
inexhaustible oil and gas reserves and as a key transit country. Iran
disposes of the 10% of the reported global oil reserves and is the
second country in the world after Russia with its natural gas reserves

The official representatives of Iran do not hide that they strive to
enter the European market of oil and gas, as in the olden days. Let’s
remember that the deputy Minister of Oil in Iran, Ali Majedi, offered
to revive project of Nabucco pipeline during his European tour and
said that his country is ready to supply gas to Europe through it,
the publication reads.

“According to the project Nabucco, that pipeline will transfer around
31 billion cubic meters of gas. We repeat, Azerbaijani gas alone
cannot fill that pipe. The main problem is that the potential of
the Azerbaijani gas field Shah Deniz II is assessed no more than 8
billion cubic meters a year. That is why even if the Azerbaijani gas
eventually comes to be supplied via Nabucco, there will be a deficit
of 23 billion cubic meters a year,” the authors stress.

It is also noted that the West quite materially reacted to the
possibility of the Iranian gas to join Nabucco.

“Some months earlier the same Ali Majedi reported sensational news:
‘two invited European delegations’ discussed the potential routes of
Iranian gas supply to Europe,” the article reads.

The country that was the closest to sign an agreement on Nabucco,
Azerbaijan, has not got enough gas reserves to fill the pipeline, the
authors of the article write pointing to Iran’s possible participation
in the project.

“If Washington removes energy sanctions on Iran after an ultimate
agreement is signed between Iran and the West, then quite a new
geopolitical and, alongside with it, geo-economic configuration
will emerge in the region. Connecting with Nabucco will be enough
for Iran to fully supply Europe with gas. With the removal of the
sanctions on Iran the economic power, and alongside with that,
Iran’s political influence will grow year by year,” the authors of
the article highlight.

In an interview to the Azerbaijani media outlet, orientalist
Aida Gambar noted that Iran is working very actively in the Middle
East region, and its main purpose is to become the leading country
of the region.

“Iran is trying to carry out its ideological programme of creating a
very large and significant Shia union which will be able to influence
all the processes going on in the region,” she said.

The orientalist also noted that with the crisis in Syria, which
affected very strongly the system of international relations, the
center of gravity goes to Iran which enjoys the support of foreign
large powers.

“There are many problems that the US foreign powers, EU leading
countries need to settle down with Iran. They have already been able
to solve and settle down quite a lot of problems, and it is obscure
if a framework agreement is signed, what the strengthening status
of Iran will be like, given the removal of some sanctions, how Iran
will fortify its positions due to that. It is an unfavorable moment
for Turkey and Azerbaijan,” she said.

Anton Yevstratov, an expert on Iran, told that Azerbaijan is
in a complicated situation completely backing US’s all the anti-Iran
actions, actively provoking anti-Iran rhetoric inside the country
and often splashing it also into the international relations.

“Azerbaijan could not orient at the latest stage and fell off the
fairway of the US. The West seems to show signs of readiness to make
friends with IRI, yet Baku goes on ‘waving its fists.’ And today no
one supports Azerbaijan in that,” the expert on Iran highlighted.


Economy of Azerbaijan: increase in external debt, reduction of
production and export of oil and gas

Armenia’s Defense Minister Highlights Military-Industrial Complex De


20:07, 3 April, 2015

YEREVAN, 3 APRIL, ARMENPRESS: A consultation was held on April 3 at
the administrative complex of the Ministry of Defense of the Republic
of Armenia, attended by the representatives of themilitary-industrial
complex of the Ministry of Defense and the leading enterprises of
the field, to discuss issues related to the development, production
and supply of military output for the Armed Forces of the Republic
of Armenia, as well as cooperation between the Ministry of Defense
and the military-industrial complex.

The press service of the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of
Armenia informed Armenpress that during the consultation, held
with such a format for the first time, the Minister of Defense
Seyran Ohanyan stressed that in the framework of the new bill, the
realistic assessment of the current state, manufacturing capabilities,
achievements and shortcomings of the military-industrial companies
and the discussion of the proposals and works, carried out to create
joint enterprises, open a new page for the development of the sector
and the implementation of new programs.