Les carillons des églises arméniennes de Turquie ne sonneront pas le

Les carillons des églises arméniennes de Turquie ne sonneront pas les
100 coups le 23 avril à 19h15

Mise sous pression par Ankara, le patriarcat de l’Eglise arménienne de
Constantinople fera sonner le 22 avril les carillons des églises
arméniennes de Turquie…en souvenir des victimes de la bataille de
Gallipoli ! Mais > alors que les carillons des églises
arméniennes du monde entier sonneront le 23 avril pour la mémoire des
victimes du génocide des Arméniens, les cloches des églises
arméniennes de Turquie resteront muettes. Le journal arménien
d’Istanbul, > informe que selon Aram Atéchian l’adjoint de
l’Archevêque de l’Eglise arménienne de Constantinople, si le 23 avril
à 19h15 les cloches des églises arméniennes de Turquie ne sonneront
pas les 100 coups, le 24 avril ces cloches sonneront.

Krikor Amirzayan

dimanche 22 mars 2015,
Krikor Amirzayan (c)armenews.com


La diaspora arménienne attend beaucoup des commémorations, au contra

La diaspora arménienne attend beaucoup des commémorations, au contraire d’Ankara

Le Soir, CATHERINE JOIE, 13 mars 2015

En 1915, 1,3 million d’Arméniens ont été déportés et exécutés en
quelques mois, sur ordre du gouvernement des Jeunes-Turcs.

La question de la reconnaissance du génocide empêche encore les
relations entre l’Arménie et la Turquie.

Le printemps 2015 sera notamment celui du souvenir et des
commémorations. Il y a cent ans, en mars 1915, commençaient le
massacre et la déportation des Arméniens de l’Empire ottoman. Le
processus d’extermination ordonné par le gouvernement des Jeunes-Turcs
dura plus d’un an et demi, durant lequel 1,3 million d’Arméniens
furent arrêtés, déplacés et exécutés. Soit 65% de la population
arménienne de l’Empire ottoman en 1915. Le premier génocide du XXe

explique Laurence van Ypersele, historienne de la Première Guerre
mondiale à l’UCL.

Mars 1915. Le gouvernement des Jeunes-Turcs, qui dirige l’Empire
ottoman depuis la révolution de 1908 et qui rêve d’un Etat nation turc
et musulman, décide de vider les régions de l’est de l’Empire de leur
population arménienne. Une minorité riche, puissante, bien implantée
et qui est perçue comme une menace potentielle… Les Jeunes-Turcs
vont alors profiter du climat de tension générale en Europe (l’Empire
ottoman s’est allié à l’Allemagne et à l’Autriche-Hongrie au début de
la guerre) pour s’en prendre aux Arméniens.

Dans une premier temps, les déportations et les massacres se limitent
à quelques villes des provinces orientales. Mais à partir du 24 avril,
les événements prennent de l’ampleur (cette date charnière du génocide
arménien est celle autour de laquelle s’articulent les
commémorations). Dans la nuit du 24 au 25avril, plus de 200
intellectuels arméniens sont arrêtés dans plusieurs grandes villes,
dont Constantinople. Ils sont déportés vers l’est, puis exécutés par
l’Organisation spéciale (un groupe paramilitaire créé par le ministère
de l’Intérieur pour se charger des assassinats).

Durant les semaines et les mois qui suivent, les exécutions seront > par le départ de grands convois de femmes, d’enfants et
de personnes gées, forcés de traverser des zones désertiques pour
atteindre des > en Syrie ou en Mésopotamie. Sur
le million d’Arméniens déplacés entre avril et septembre 1915, 400.000
sont morts en cours de route, de faim, de soif, des suites de maladies
ou d’épuisement. Autour de 300.000 > furent ensuite
massacrés dans des camps syriens.


A l’aube de la commémoration du centenaire du génocide, les attentes
des Arméniens (d’Arménie et de la diaspora) sont donc énormes
concernant la reconnaissance du génocide, de la part de la Turquie et
d’autres pays. D’autant plus que la reconnaissance du génocide de 1915
est plus que symbolique, puisqu’il pèse encore de tout son poids sur
les relations entre l’Arménie et la Turquie. La frontière entre les
deux pays est totalement fermée depuis 1994 ; l’Arménie, en conflit
avec l’Azerbaïdjan pour le contrôle de la région du Haut-Karabagh,
subit un blocus turc (la Turquie soutient l’Azerbaïdjan)…

L’année dernière, pour le 99e anniversaire du massacre, Recep Tayyip
Erdogan, le président turc, avait déclaré : > La déception qui avait suivi sa
déclaration sera probablement à nouveau de mise cette année. Un signe
? Le programme prévu par Ankara pour les commémorations du 24 avril
(lire ci-dessous)…

Ankara préfère commémorer la bataille des Dardanelles

Le Soir, ANNE ANDLAUER, 13 mars 2015

Le 24 avril 2015, date symbolique du centenaire du génocide des
Arméniens de l’Empire ottoman, le gouvernement turc commémorera en
grande pompe… la bataille des Dardanelles. Le président Recep Tayyip
Erdogan a convié plus de cent chefs d’Etat sur ce champ d’honneur de
la Première Guerre mondiale, qui opposa les Ottomans aux Alliés
franco-britanniques en 1915 et 1916. >.

>, lche un ancien diplomate
turc très au fait du dossier, qui dément cependant toute > à
Ankara ou dans les chancelleries. Sur la défensive, les officiels
répètent les termes du message publié par Recep Tayyip Erdogan le 24
avril 2014. Premier ministre à l’époque, il avait présenté ses
condoléances aux petits-enfants des victimes des >. Dans la vulgate officielle turque, il est désormais question de >, de créer une >, raconte-t-elle. Comme tous les ans
depuis 2010, en partenariat avec l’association antiracisme DurDe,
l’IHD organisera le 24 avril une commémoration du génocide à Istanbul.
DurDe et l’IHD incarnent cette société civile turque qui depuis une
dizaine d’années, très lentement mais sûrement et avec une certaine
tolérance des autorités, remet en cause la version officielle de 1915.

: >

Une exposition au Musée de la photographie de Charleroi

Le musée de la Photographie de Charleroi accueille depuis plusieurs
semaines une exposition temporaire retraçant le destin du peuple
arménien. Pas de photos de combats ou de victimes ; simplement des
portraits d’hommes, de femmes et d’enfants. La centaine de photos
exposées, oeuvres de missionnaires jésuites installés dans la région
afin de répandre la foi chrétienne, retracent des destins tragiques.
Les clichés réalisés avant le massacre, à partir de 1906, mettent en
avant la vie quotidienne des Arméniens. Ceux d’après 1915 relatent
notamment la réalité de déportés ou d’orphelins qui vivaient dans les
centres de réfugiés d’Alep ou de Beyrouth. Une exposition pour ne pas

Les Arméniens. Images d’un destin. Jusqu’au 17 mai, du mardi au
dimanche de 10h à 18h, au Musée de la Photographie, 11 avenue Paul
Pastur, Charleroi (Mont-sur-Marchienne). (Le Soir,
13 mars 2015)

dimanche 22 mars 2015,
Stéphane (c)armenews.com


Actor Karen Janibekyan dies

Actor Karen Janibekyan dies

14:48 * 22.03.15

Actor Karen Janibekyan has died.

Actor Tigran Nersisyan told Tert.am that Janibekyan has been ill for
about a year.

Karen Janibekyan was born in Yerevan on July 1, 1937.

In 1966, he graduated from the Yerevan Fine Arts and Theater
Institute, 1966-67 acted in Armenian Drama theater of Tbilisi. Since
1967 is an actor of the Sundukyan Drama Theatre of Yerevan.


U.S. expert: Washington sent Nuland to Armenia to organize coup ther

U.S. expert: Washington sent Nuland to Armenia to organize coup there

March 21, 2015 – 12:11 AMT

PanARMENIAN.Net – While Washington works assiduously to undermine the
Minsk agreement that German chancellor Merkel and French president
Hollande achieved in order to halt the military conflict in Ukraine,
Washington has sent Victoria Nuland to Armenia to organize a “color
revolution” or coup there, has sent Richard Miles as ambassador to
Kyrgyzstan to do the same there, and has sent Pamela Spratlen as
ambassador to Uzbekistan to purchase that government’s allegiance away
from Russia. The result would be to break up the Collective Security
Treaty Organization and present Russia and China with destabilization
where they can least afford it, Paul Craig Roberts says in a piece
titled “Russia Under Attack” published on his website.

Thus, Russia faces the renewal of conflict in Ukraine simultaneously
with three more Ukraine-type situations along its Asian border. And
this is only the beginning of the pressure that Washington is mounting
on Russia, he says.

On March 18 the Secretary General of NATO denounced the peace
settlement between Russia and Georgia that ended Georgia’s military
assault on South Ossetia. The NATO Secretary General said that NATO
rejects the settlement because it “hampers ongoing efforts by the
international community to strengthen security and stability in the
region.” Look closely at this statement. It defines the “international
community” as Washington’s NATO puppet states, and it defines
strengthening security and stability as removing buffers between
Russia and Georgia so that Washington can position military bases in
Georgia directly on Russia’s border, Roberts says.

In Poland and the Baltic states, he adds, Washington and NATO lies
about a pending Russian invasion are being used to justify provocative
war games on Russia’s borders and to build up US forces in NATO
military bases on Russia’s borders.

“We have crazed U.S. generals on national television calling for
“killing Russians.” The EU leadership has agreed to launch a
propaganda war against Russia, broadcasting Washington’s lies inside
Russia in an effort to undermine the Russian people’s support of their
government. All of this is being done in order to coerce Russia into
handing over Crimea and its Black Sea naval base to Washington and
accepting vassalage under Washington’s suzerainty,” Roberts says.

If Saddam Hussein, Gaddafi, Assad, and the Taliban would not fold to
Washington’s threats, why do the fools in Washington think Putin, who
holds in his hands the largest nuclear arsenal in the world, will
fold? European governments, apparently, are incapable of any thought.
Washington has set London and the capitals of every European country,
as well as every American city, for destruction by Russian nuclear
weapons. The stupid Europeans rush to destroy themselves in service to
their Washington master, Roberts claims.

Human intelligence, according to him, has gone missing if after 14
years of US military aggression against eight countries the world does
not understand that Washington is lost in arrogance and hubris and
imagines itself the ruler of the universe who will tolerate no dissent
from its will.

We know that the American, British, and European media are whores well
paid to lie for their master. We know that the NATO commander and
secretary general, if not the member countries, are lusting for war.
We know that the American Dr. Strangeloves in the Pentagon and
armaments industry cannot wait to test their ABMs and new weapons
systems in which they always place excessive confidence. We know that
the prime minister of Britain is a total cipher. But are the
chancellor of Germany and the president of France ready for the
destruction of their countries and of Europe? If the EU is of such
value, why is the very existence of its populations put at risk in
order to bow down and accept leadership from an insane Washington
whose megalomania will destroy life on earth?” Roberts concludes.

Dr. Paul Craig Roberts was Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for
Economic Policy and associate editor of the Wall Street Journal. He
was columnist for Business Week, Scripps Howard News Service, and
Creators Syndicate. He has had many university appointments. His
internet columns have attracted a worldwide following. Roberts’ latest
books are The Failure of Laissez Faire Capitalism and Economic
Dissolution of the West and How America Was Lost.

Russia Under Attack — Paul Craig Roberts


Vatican archives shed light on tragedy of Armenian genocide

Vatican archives shed light on tragedy of Armenian genocide

14:14, 21 Mar 2015
Siranush Ghazanchyan

Ahead of Pope Francis’ Mass commemorating the 100th anniversary of the
Armenian genocide, newly released historic documents confirm the Holy
See’s broad commitment to helping the Armenian people at a time when
few others would, Andrea Gagliarducci writes in an article published
by the Catholic News Agency.

The Italian Jesuit-run magazine La Civiltà Cattolica stressed that
newly published documents “prove how the Holy See, always informed
about events, had not remained passive, but was strongly committed to
face the issue” of the Armenian Genocide. “Benedict XV was the only
ruler or religious leader to voice out a protest against the ‘massive

The Armenian Genocide is considered to have begun April 24, 1915 with
a massacre of Armenians in Istanbul. Over the next eight years, 1.5
million Armenians would be killed and millions more displaced.

However, such killings were perpetrated before, when much of the
region was still under Ottoman rule.

For instance, a March 27, 1896 letter by the Franciscan Father
Domenico Werson, who was serving as a missionary in Aleppo, recounted
the massacre of Christians in Marasc and vicinities.

Most of the documents in the newly published series are from the
archive of the Congregation for the Eastern Churches. They have been
published in a series of four books by the Jesuit priest Father
Georges-Henry Ruyssen. In advance of the series’ March 21 release
date, the latest edition of La Civiltà Cattolica has published a

The documents on the “Armenian Question” date from the end of the 19th
century to the first half of the 20th century.

The collection of documents includes letters from Popes and to Ottoman
sultans; documents and dispatches by Vatican Secretaries of State and
prefects or secretaries of other Vatican dicasteries; documents and
reports by the Apostolic delegates; and letters by Armenian patriarchs
and bishops with firsthand information.

There are also reports by eye witnesses that clearly describe what was going on.

The documents note the actions of Pope Benedict XV, who sent two
personal letters to Sultan Muhammad V Reshad on Sep. 10, 1915 and
March 12, 1918, respectively.

The Pope’s effort was the climax of several attempts at mediation
carried forward by the Holy See to help Armenians. Pope Leo XIII tried
a mediation beginning in 1859. The Holy See sought to be a mediator
with Djemal Pashà, commander of the Turkish army in Syria, for the
freedom of 60 Armenians sentenced to death in 1917. Cardinal Pietro
Gasparri, the Vatican Secretary of State, mediated with Mustaphà Kemal
Pashà in 1921 for the safeguard of the lives and the goods of
surviving Christians in Turkey.

The Holy See did not only work in diplomacy, but also sought to assist
surviving refugees.

The Holy See, La Civiltà Cattolica writes, “mobilized a continual flow
of financial aid and supplies in an era when there were no other
international humanitarian organizations beyond the Red Cross and the
Near East relief.”

The Holy See especially assisted orphans, and founded “many
orphanages” open to people of every religious confession. Young orphan
Armenian girls were also hosted in the orphanage in the Apostolic
Palace of Castel Gandolfo, near Rome.

The documents record the reasons why countries did not take any stance
on the genocide and did not defend the Armenian people when the first
signs of genocide were visible.

La Civiltà Cattolica underscored that in the late 19th century, the
question of the future of the Armenians “was forgotten step by step,”
because the “gradual passivity of European diplomacy” worked to
“preserve at every cost the integrity of the Ottoman empire.”

Archbishop Augusto Bonetti, the apostolic delegate to Constantinople
from 1887-1904, summarized the international situation.

France and Russia both aimed to preserve “the integrity of Turkey.”
France had made major capital investments in the region, while Russia
wanted Turkish relations to be dormant so it could focus on the Far

In Archbishop Bonetti’s view, Germany had a material interest in the
continuation of the war between the Greeks and the Turks, while
England had “important political interests in Turkey.”

On the eve of the 100th anniversary of the Armenian genocide, the
publication of these documents may shed light on the reasons why this
genocide was perpetrated in the midst of a general political

As for Pope Francis, he will celebrate a Mass marking the centenary of
the genocide in St. Peter Basilica on April 24.


Karékine II appelle la Turquie à reconnaitre le génocide des Arménie

Karékine II appelle la Turquie à reconnaitre le génocide des Arméniens
et réparer les préjudices

Si la Turquie reconnait le génocide des Arméniens nous serons
naturellement heureux, mais une réparation des préjudices doit suivre
cette reconnaissance a déclaré le catholicos Karékine II le 19 mars
lors du forum international >.

Krikor Amirzayan

samedi 21 mars 2015,
Krikor Amirzayan (c)armenews.com

Haigazian University Hosts 60th Anniversary Exhibit

Haigazian University Hosts 60th Anniversary Exhibit

Friday, March 20th, 2015

Patrons at Haigazian University’s presentation of ‘East to West,
Modern to Postmodern,’ an exhibition by Yerevan’s ‘Bardzr Arvest’ Fine
Art Center

BEIRUT, Lebanon–On the occasion of its 60th Anniversary, under the
high patronage of the Armenian Embassy in Lebanon, and in
collaboration with the Makhzoumi Foundation, Haigazian University
proudly presented the “Bardzr Arvest” Fine Art Center from Yerevan,
Armenia, in an exhibition entitled “East to West, Modern to
Postmodern,” on Thursday, March 19, at the Haigazian University Art
Center, the Matossian Gallery.

The capacity audience included the Armenian Ambassador to Lebanon
Ashot Kocharian, founder of the Makhzoumi Foundation Fouad Makhzoumi,
representative of the Commander of the Army Gen. Jean Kahwaji, the
President of the Union of the Armenian Evangelical Churches in the
Near East Rev. Mgrdich Karageuzian, Archbishop Kegham Khatcherian,
government officials, religious leaders, political party
representatives, Lebanese and Armenian community leaders, media, and a
big crowd of art lovers.

The event started with a warm welcome by University President, Rev.
Dr. Paul Haidostian, who thanked the contributors of this event:
Bardzr Arvest Fine Art Center of Yerevan for graciously showcasing
their rich collection, the Armenian Embassy for its patronage, and
Haigazian’s cooperation with the Makhzoumi Foundation and the personal
presence of Fouad Makhzoumi. Striking on the note of quality at
Haigazian’s 60th Anniversary, Haidostian said, “With Lebanon known for
its high appreciation for beauty, and with Armenia generously endowed
with cultural creativity, no wonder that as HU hosts the best of
Armenian art and presents it to the Lebanese community.” Instilling a
sense of hope, Haidostian continued by saying, “The more we focus on
the ugliness that surrounds us, the more we give in and despair; and
the more we pay attention to genuine beauty, the higher our spirits

In his congratulatory remarks, Ambassador Kocharian, stressed on the
rich historic and cultural heritage of the Armenian nation, sharing
his pride of the “Armenian vibrant community of Lebanon who survived
genocide, and very soon created a lively and dynamic community with
its diverse infrastructures, and preserved its Armenian language.”
After praising the invaluable efforts of the leadership of the
University in making this event a real success, Kocharian acknowledged
the vital role of Haigazian University in promoting dialogue, harmony,
professionalism, interconnectedness of people, as well as a refined

Fouad Makhzoumi, started his speech by congratulating Haigazian
University for its 60th Anniversary, and considered its student body
the 21st century generation of Lebanon. Putting a high hope on this
new generation, Makhzoumi stressed on the pivotal role the civil
society, educational institutions, and business leaders should play in
widening the scope of opportunities of the youth, through investments
and global economic experiences. He then emphasized on the efforts the
Makhzoumi Foundation invests in the educational field, which
eventually yields to openness, confidence, respect, dialogue and
coexistence among Lebanese.

The Director of the Modern Art Museum of Armenia, who was there to
represent the “Bardzr Arvest” Fine Art Center, briefed on the most
valuable pieces of the exhibition. She also pointed out that that the
Center was nominated as the Best Gallery of Art Monaco 2014.

This year, Haigazian University celebrates the 60 years of its
foundation, adopting the slogan of “Pride in Merit”. Within the series
of anticipated events for this year, Haigazian University, through
this high caliber exhibition, highlights the Armenian art and culture
that has always been a vital aspect of this university’s existence.
The University collaborated with the “Bardzr Arvest” Fine Art Center
from Yerevan, Armenia, to showcase one of the largest group
exhibitions of Armenian artists ever to be shown in Lebanon. The
exhibition embraces a variety of artists, styles, and time periods.

On the occasion of the 100th Anniversary for the Armenian genocide,
the “Bardzr Arvest” Fine Art Center is touring the world to show some
of the best artwork that Armenia has to offer. The tour is starting in
Lebanon, due to the importance of the Armenian Diaspora in Beirut and
the unique occasion of Haigazian’s 60th Anniversary. The exhibition
includes 64 artworks of Armenian and Diaspora Armenian artists,
covering a period of 3 centuries, from the 19th till the 21st century.
Some of the highlights of this exhibition are the “Yellow Mask”
painting by the French-Armenian artist Leon Tutundjian, which is a
masterpiece of the early surrealist period. In addition to it, a
“Still Life” by Jean Jansem and “Versailles Park” by Jean Carzou are
going to be shown for the first time. One more pride is the “First
Sin”, a painting in space” by Ervand Kochar, which has won the 1st
prize in the 2012 Art Monaco Fair. The exhibition will also feature
works of world renowned Armenian artists such as Arshile Gorky, Sarkis
Diranian, Vardges Sureniants, Vahram Gayfejian, Arsen Shabanian, Edgar
Chahine, Robert Elibekian, and many more.

“East to West, Modern to Postmodern” is in course until Wednesday,
March 25, from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m., excluding Sundays.


Armenian soldiers killed by Azerbaijan to be buried with military fu

Armenian soldiers killed by Azerbaijan to be buried with military funeral

14:23, 21.03.2015

The three Armenian military servicemen, who were killed in action
during the recent act of sabotage by the Azerbaijani armed forces,
will be laid to rest on Sunday and with a military funeral.

Arshak Harutyunyan will be buried at the Yerablur Military Pantheon in
Armenia’s capital city of Yerevan, whereas Eduard Hayrapetyan will be
interred at his family burial ground in Ashtarak city.

Hakob Khachatryan, who was from the Kashatagh Region of the
Nagorno-Karabakh Republic (NKR), will be laid to final rest in his
native village.

As reported earlier, an enhanced team from Azerbaijan’s special
military detachment launched an attack, on Thursday at around 8:30am,
on the NKR Defense Army positions stationed in a northerly (Gyulistan)

As a result of the skirmish that lasted about two hours, the Armenian
military position holders and the relief forces compelled the
adversary to flee. Subsequently, they pursued the said Azerbaijani
military team and completely crushed them nearby their own military

Unfortunately, NKR Defense Army servicemen Hakob Khachatryan (born in
1996), Eduard Hayrapetyan (born in 1995), and Arshak Harutyunyan (born
in 1995) died, and four others were wounded while confronting the

Nagorno-Karabakh Republic President Bako Sahakyan bestowed posthumous
awards upon the three fallen soldiers.

Armenia News – NEWS.am

Andrey Yepifantsev: Russia and Armenia have what to keep silence abo

Andrey Yepifantsev: Russia and Armenia have what to keep silence about

ArmInfo’s interview with Andrey Yepifantsev, the head of the
Moscow-based analytical center Alte et Certe, regarding the latest
statement of the Armenian president on ‘arms policy’ of Moscow towards
Armenia and Azerbaijan.

by David Stepanyan
Saturday, March 21, 11:47

President of Armenia Serzh Sargsyan has recently expressed his concern
over Russia selling arms to Azerbaijan. He spotlighted that “the
soldier on the border realizes that they try to destroy him with
Russian weapons.” It was for the first time that the president voiced
the issue the Armenian society has been concerned over for many years.
What do you think of all this?

Serzh Sargsyan has addressed rather flammable a topic of the
Russian-Armenian relations. This is a topic Armenia treats rather
radically and emotionally, while Russia approaches it more practically
and rationally. Some Armenian political scientists tried to explain
Russians in 2012-2013 that Armenia’s interests required rapprochement
with the West leaving Russia as the guarantor of its military security
and the biggest economic donor. Therefore Armenia was working towards
the Association Agreement with the EU and had no intention to join the
Russian-led Customs Union. Such option was normal and would meet
Armenia’s interests, but the reality has changed. In the current
situation, it appears to Armenia that Russia must more decisively
insist on Armenia’s positions in accordance with the strategic
alliance. Armenia expects Russia to stop selling weapons to
Azerbaijan, recognize Nagorny Karabakh and much more Armenia itself
cannot do. When Russia does not do it, Yerevan feels offended.”

How does Moscow see the situation?

In Moscow they perceive the situation with Russian arms supply to
Azerbaijan in a different way. In Russia they are sure that if Moscow
openly takes Armenia’s side, it will escalate the Karabakh conflict
and deprive Russia of the levers of influence on the conflict’s
management. Moscow reminds Armenia that Russia is a friend of Armenia,
but it is not an enemy of Azerbaijan either. After all, Azerbaijan is
neither North Korea nor Somali. Azerbaijan is not under the regime of
international sanctions and is free to buy any weapons, except the
mass proliferation weapons. If Baku buys no arms from Russia, it will
buy arms from other countries and, in this regard, no matter what
tanks the Azeri soldiers will use to destroy Armenian tanks in the
conflict zone. Strange though it may sound, if these tanks are
Russian and if Russia and Moscow have good relations, Russia will be
more involved in the conflict’s management and there will be less
chances that the sporadic fires and provocations may grow into a
large-scale war.

Do you mean that the financial side of the arms deals is of secondary

The financial side of the Russian weapons sale to Azerbaijan is
another important issue. Russia sells arms on market prices and gets
good proceeds from it. We understand that Armenia does not care
wherefrom Russia gets money to supply the Armenian army with advanced
weapons free of charge or on very low prices in accordance with the
Russian-Armenian Agreement of Military Cooperation. However, Russia
does care for it. To have a bread on the table, it is necessary to
earn money to buy it.

In other words, the preferential arms supply to Armenia certainly
depends also on Russia’s arms deals with Azerbaijan, doesn’t it?

It is not a secret that Russia earns money to arm the Armenian army
also from the sale of weapons in the word market, including to
Azerbaijan. To be clear, if Moscow stops doing it for emotional
reasons, it will get less incomes and will no longer be able to
produce and supply so much weapons to the Armenian army. Meanwhile,
Azerbaijan will continue buying arms from other countries. Will it
help anyone?

It turns out that there is no alternative to Moscow’s ‘arms policy’
towards Armenia and Azerbaijan…

We realize that Moscow’s stand is not perfect and is very complicate.
It is incredibly hard to be involved into the conflict between two
historically bellicose countries and to try to remain a friend for
both the parties. In many similar situations, England just stopped any
efforts and left the region. It is very costly for Moscow and triggers
criticism of Yerevan and Baku. However, Russia just can take no other
stand in the current state of affairs.

Any alternative will be worse, and for Armenia, first. In this light,
Armenia should leave emotions at the door and think soberly; be wiser
not louder. I understand that domestic emotions will not fade away,
but if there is sober mind, sometimes, it is better not to speak of
such issues in politics. Russia and Armenia are sisters. We have what
to keep silence about.



Screening of Atom Egoyan’s film in Ottawa

Screening of Atom Egoyan’s film in Ottawa

20:02, 20 March, 2015

YEREVAN, 20 MARCH, ARMENPRESS. On March 18, the Embassy of the
Republic of Armenia in Canada organized the screening of world famous
Canadian-Armenian filmmaker Atom Egoyan’s film “Ararat” in Ottawa. The
film screening was part of the events dedicated to the Centennial of
the Armenian Genocide. As the Department of Press, Information and
Public Relations of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of
Armenia reports to “Armenpress”, among the participants of the event
held at the Auditorium of Canada’s Library-Archives were Canadian
government officials, representatives of the diplomatic corps and
public circles, as well as members of the Canadian-Armenian community.
The film’s director Atom Egoyan and actress Arsinée Khanjian honored
the event with their presence.

After the film screening, Director of the Canadian Film Institute,
famous film critic Tom McSorley talked about the film and presented
the idea of it. Arsinée Khanjian touched upon the imperative for
Turkey to confront the Armenian Genocide, and Atom Egoyan talked about
how the film was produced. Egoyan and Khanjian also answered questions
concerning the gathered.
