Newspaper: Turkey Political Elite’s Armenian Genocide Panic Becomes


09:46, 22.04.2015
Region:World News, Armenia, Turkey
Theme: Politics

YEREVAN. – The Turkish political elite’s panic with respect to the
Armenian Genocide Centennial has turned to blackmail, Hraparak daily

“[Turkish] FM [Mevlut] Cavusoglu is in the US with an entire package of
blackmail (…) making it clear that if the US recognizes the Armenian
Genocide at the level of the executive power, Turkey will provide no
assistance whatsoever to the US in the Middle East, the Arab world,
the fight against the Islamic State, Syria, Iraq, etc.

Furthermore, Turkey could freeze the US-purchased weapons’ deals.

“Turkey demands that the US not only not recognize the Armenian
Genocide, but refrain from sending a senior official to [Armenia’s
capital city of] Yerevan [to take part in the Genocide Centennial

“Turkey’s PM [Ahmet] Davutoglu had arrived in the UN days ago with
such other package, and yesterday [i.e. Tuesday], Deputy PM Ali
Babacan. Turkey threatens not to provide any assistance whatsoever
to the UN in a wide variety of programs, if the UN is represented
in Yerevan on April 24 [i.e. the day of the Genocide centenary]
at a high level,” Hraparak wrote.

IRI Majlis Member: Rouhani Should Not Avoid Calling Things By Their


17:41 22/04/2015 >> POLITICS

The Iranian Armenian community expects that the Majlis and government
of Iran will officially recognize the Armenian Genocide, said
Robert Beglaryan, IRI Majlis member of Armenian origin, the Iranian
information agency ISNA reports.

“We call on the government and the President Rouhani in particular
to call the real facts by their name. That will make it possible to
support the security in the region,” the Armenian-Iranian MP said
in his speech in Majlis referring to the centennial of the Armenian

“Was the Genocide of the Armenians and Assyrians condemned and its
perpetrators punished, the world would be better now, and we would not
witness the genocides in Rwanda, Bosnia, Palestine, Darfur and Gaza,”
Robert Beglaryan added.

The Armenian Apostolic Church in Iran comprises three dioceses:
those of Atrpatakan, Tehran and Isfahan. The interests of the
Iranian Armenians in the IRI Majlis are represented by two MPs –
Karen Khanlaryan and Robert Beglaryan.


Iran’s position regarding recognition of Armenian Genocide

Iranian outlet: Ottoman Turks slaughtered also Iranian Azaris apart
from Armenians

Iranian Turkic-speaking Azaris condemn Turkish government for not
recognizing Armenian Genocide

IRI Majlis MP of Armenian origin calls on Iranian authorities to
recognize Armenian Genocide

Stepanakert: Azerbaijani Leadership Giving "Wehrmacht-Style" Orders


by Marianna Lazarian

Wednesday, April 22, 16:18

Azerbaijan’s leadership is giving “Wehrmacht- style” orders, David
Babayan, NKR President’s Spokesperson, told ArmInfo when commenting
on Azerbaijani defense minister’s order to the manpower to immediately
destroy any moving military object on the Line of Contact.

According to Babayan, such orders prove that inadequate persons are
in power in Azerbaijan.

“Nevertheless, such orders, threats, and attempts can neither frighten
us nor panic. If Azerbaijani forces make a sabotage attempt, breach
the ceasefire or anyhow threaten our country, we will retaliate
adequately,” the Artsakh president’s spokesperson said.

As for the current tension on the Karabakh-Azerbaijan Line of
Contact, Babayan explained this with a range of factors, including
the approaching centennial of the Armenian Genocide – April 24.

“Ceasefire breaches intensify on April 24, on May 9 -Shushi Liberation
Day. This once again shows the inferiority complexes of the Azerbaijani
people and leadership,” Babayan said and called Azerbaijan a
nationalist country.

Earlier on April 22, Azerbaijani Defense Minister Zakir Hasanov met
with Personal Representative of the OSCE Chairman-in-Office Andrzej
Kasprzyk. “The personnel stationed along the contact line have been
ordered to immediately destroy any moving military target, and the
order is followed unconditionally,” Minister Hasanov said.

It is noteworthy that Armenia’s Defense Minister Seyran Ohanyan
called a meeting of the Command Staff earlier today to underline the
need the stay alert ahead of the Armenian Genocide Centennial. The
minister said the adversary intensifies its sabotage attempts on the
dates of special importance for the Armenian people. Seyran Ohanyan
charged the Command Staff of the Armenian Armed Forces to closely
follow the adversary’s actions these days.

Israel Should Have Been The First Country To Recognize The Armenian


19:47, 22 April, 2015

YEREVAN, 22 APRIL, ARMENPRESS. The Armenian Genocide is not just
an issue concerning the Armenians and Turks, but an issue that
concerns all mankind, and by denying the Armenian Genocide, mankind
is laying the foundation for the continuation of genocides. This is
what Israeli historian and genocide expert Yair Auron said. According
to “Armenpress”, before speaking at the forum entitled “Against the
Crime of Genocide” in Yerevan, Auron expressed gratitude to Rwandan
genocide survivor Esther Mujavayo who didn’t forget about the Armenians
while talking about the Rwandan genocide. Auron stressed that Armenian
Genocide recognition is also necessary for Turkey because without it,
Turkey can’t become a democratic country.

“There has to be a way for unity and recognition, as well as for the
unification of Armenia and Karabakh. Your struggle is not over yet.

When we look at Armenia and see Karabakh, we understand that your
struggle is not over yet,” Auron said.

The genocide expert stressed that there is no third party when it
comes to the issue of genocide and that for him the Armenian Genocide
is first and foremost a moral issue, not a legal or political issue.

“We have to reflect on the Armenian Genocide because we are human
beings. I am a Jew and can’t avoid the fact that Israel isn’t
recognizing the Armenian Genocide when it should have been the first
to do so. I would like to say something that has taken me years to
say. When we deny the Armenian Genocide, we deny the remembrance of
our victims. For me the legacy of the genocide is the sanctity of a
human being. It is the inviolability of human life.”

German Responsibility Clearly Stated In Bundestag’s Armenian Genocid


09:19, 22 April, 2015

YEREVAN, APRIL 22, ARMENPRESS: The co-chairman of the German
political party Greens Cem Ozdemir published the amended resolution
on the Armenian Genocide to be discussed in the Bundestag. Armenpress
reports that the MP of Turkish origin posted a photo in his Facebook
profile, drawing attention to the fact that the term “genocide” and
the Germany’s responsibility are clearly mentioned in the text. The
text says as well that “this year on April 24 marks the centenary of
the genocide against the Armenians in the Ottoman Empire”.

The Germany’s Parliament published in its official website the text
of the new draft resolution, devoted to the Armenian Genocide, in
which the term “genocide” is mentioned for several times.

The Armenian friend of Pope Francis: The story behind the recognitio

The Armenian friend of Pope Francis: The story behind the recognition
of the Armenian Genocide

Agencia Prensa Armenia

Ahmet Davutoglu, Turkey’s prime minister said that Pope Francis “has
joined this conspiracy” to form an “evil front” against the Turkish
government and has “ignorance or insufficient knowledge of history.”
Volkan Bozkir, Turkish Minister for European Affairs, said that the
Pope said what he said because he “was Argentine,” a country “that
welcomed the leading executors of the Jewish Holocaust, Nazi
torturers, with open arms.” Then he added that “unfortunately, in
Argentina, the Armenian diaspora controls the media and business.”
Cemil Ã=87içek, president of the Turkish Parliament, claimed that the
Pope’s words were “racist.” The President of Turkey, Recep Tayyip
Erdogan, was even harder: “Whenever politicians, religious
functionaries assume the duties of historians, then delirium comes
out, not fact.”

“Il primo genocidio del XX secolo” says Pope Francis with slow and
measured voice, during the Mass on Sunday April 12, 2015. He is
reading, but he looks at the people before uttering the word

What happened so that Jorge Mario Bergoglio, Pope Francis, pronounced
one of the most important speeches in the history of the fight for
recognition and repair of the genocide against the Armenian people
perpetrated by the Turkish state?

The person who is closer to answering this question, besides Pope
Francis, is Archbishop Kissag Mouradian, Primate of the Armenian
Apostolic Church for Argentina and Chile Republic. Born in Aleppo,
Syria, Mouradian studied and was ordained in Jerusalem. He arrived to
Argentina in 1975.

Behind the accusations of the Turkish government, there is a simple
story. “The only difference I have with him, is that he is fan of San
Lorenzo and I am fan of River Plate,” says the archbishop at the
beginning of the interview with Agencia Prensa Armenia. “He usually
calls me Mouradian,” recalls.

Asked if the Pope had anticipated that he would call the genocide by
its name, Archbishop Kissag Mouradian said that he had not said
anything before. “I was sure that he was going to say something,
because if he especially celebrated the Mass, he had to say

“The most important thing was to affirm what he always said and
asked. Turkey has to recognize the genocide for the welfare of the two
peoples, both Armenian and Turkish. Truth is always better than trying
to deny or lie,” says Mouradian.

( Link ->


“Not only my friendship caused all this. The proximity to the Armenian
community in Argentina has influenced so that Bergoglio feel the truth
as it is. Thanks to what we did here for years, through ecumenism, he
managed to understand many things. That work helped so that the future
Pope knew the history of the Armenians. He is someone who has studied
much, and certainly prepares before giving a sermon,” he adds.

Before the historical Mass, the Pope received on Friday April 10 a
delegation from Argentina. “We were going to be fifteen or twenty
people and ended up going forty. When we greeted him, Pope Francis
told me: ‘If you were twenty I could have invited you to eat. Now it
is impossible’,” says the Archbishop, laughing.

The friendship between them “took hold when he called me to accompany
him to the prayer of the tragedy of Cromañon”, back in 2005. The
tragedy of Cromañon nightclub was a fire that occurred in Buenos
Aires, on 30 December 2004, an accident that killed 194 people. “That
day, in the morning, my phone rang and Bergoglio said: ‘Mouradian
please do not leave me alone, join me to say a prayer at the Cathedral
for the tragedy of Cromañon’. It was very hard, the Cathedral was
crowded with people holding photos of the victims. We were just him
and I, along with other priests. At the door, people asked to pray for
them and one was aware of the impotence they had. It seems that people
expected a miracle from us, to return them the lives of the children
who were lost. You feel you want to help, but you also need help,”
recounts Mouradian.

– Did you met more often after that sad event?

On April 24 we officiated ceremonies of dirge in the Cathedral of
Buenos Aires, where he always addressed his words to the Armenian
people. On one of these occasions he called on Turkey to recognize his
crime to enhance the relationship and doing good to the Armenian
people and the Turkish people. At that time he was a bishop and was
not recognized worldwide. Today is different, he is the Pope and head
of the Vatican.

We also shared several ecumenical prayers, especially those organized
by the St. Egidio group, created by John Paul II, which helps

When the Armenians opened an altar of Jude Thaddaeus in the Basilica
of La Merced, he asked to do another one of Saint Bartholomew. They
are the two apostles who went to Armenia to Christianize the Armenian

In the Metropolitan Cathedral of Buenos Aires there is a Khachkar to
commemorate the 90th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide, and it was
also placed at the express request of Bergoglio. He asked, as a wish,
that someday he wanted to be buried under the Armenian Khachkar at the
Metropolitan Cathedral.

– How do you think he received the reply of Turkish officials that
even call him a discriminator?

If he caused all this, it is because he was ready to face Turkey. He
always told the truth and was in favor of justice. He is very brave
and very convinced of his convictions, they will not change for
anything. He is firm with justice and truth.

Agencia de Noticias Prensa Armenia
Armenia 1366, Ciudad de Buenos Aires, Argentina
Tel. (5411) 4775-7595
[email protected]

Armenian Catholicos Condemns The Mass Killing Of Ethiopian Christian


17:14, 21 Apr 2015
Siranush Ghazanchyan

His Holiness Karekin II, Supreme Patriarch and Catholicos of All
Armenians, has sent a letter of condolences to His Holiness Abuna
Mathias, Patriarch and Catholicos of Ethiopia, on the occasion of
the murder of Ethiopian Christians by Libyan terrorists.

On behalf of the members of the Brotherhood of Holy Etchmiadzin and
the Supreme Spiritual Council, His Holiness conveyed his deepest
sympathies and condolences to His Holiness Abuna Mathias and the
faithful of the Ethiopian Orthodox Church.

“During these days, when our nation commemorates the 100th anniversary
of Armenian Genocide and calls upon the international community to
stand firm in defending human rights and dignity throughout the world,
strongly condemn the mass killing of our Christian brethren and invite
all people of good will to take the necessary measures to prevent
such crimes and atrocities against humanity”, said His Holiness.

Armenian Parliament Adopts Statement On Genocide Centennial


14:04 21/04/2015 >> SOCIETY

The Armenian National Assembly adopted the statement on the Armenian
Genocide Centennial during a special session on Tuesday.

The authors of the draft statement are MPs Zaruhi Postanjyan, Vahe
Enfiajyan, Artak Zakaryan, Koryun Nahapetyan, Araik Hovhannisyan, Naira
Karapetyan, Artashes Geghamyan, Hamlet Harutyunyan, Sukias Avetisyan,
Alexander Arzumanian, Shirak Torosyan, Samvel Farmanyan, Volodya
Badalyan, Tatshat Vardapetyan, Mher Shahgeldyan and Artsvik Minasyan.

The draft statement was adopted unanimously with 113 votes.

The text of the statement is provided below:

“The National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia

– having regard to the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment
of the Crime of the Genocide adopted by the United Nations General
Assembly on 9 December 1948, the law on the Condemnation of the 1915
Genocide of the Armenians in Ottoman Turkey adopted by the Armenian
SSR Supreme Council on 22 November 1988;

– evaluating the provisions stipulated in the All-Armenian Declaration
of the Armenian Genocide Centennial,

– highlighting the contribution of the Armenian people to the joint
efforts of the international community aimed at crimes against mankind,
condemnation and prevention of genocides,

– extending gratitude to the parliaments of all countries, state
and local institutions and international organizations, which have
officially recognized the Armenian Genocide, have adopted laws
criminalizing the Armenian Genocide denial,

Calls on the parliaments of all countries, inter-parliamentary
organizations and international organizations to officially recognize
and condemn the Armenian Genocide perpetrated by the Ottoman Empire
as a gravest crime against mankind.”

"Liquidation Prices": Many Shops Are On The Verge Of Closure (Video)


12:16 | April 21,2015 | Economy

“Liquidation prices”, ‘Big sales”, “For sale or lease” signs are hung
on the shops.

“There is no sale, we aren’t able to survive, we have to set
liquidation prices in order to close the shop,” Sofya Baghdasaryan,
one of the shop owners, told in the interview with “A1+”.

The vendors aren’t able to pay the loans taken for turnover and area
rents in time. According to their words, it has become impossible to
be engaged in the small and medium-sized business in Armenia.

Economist Zoya Tadevosyan gives some reasons for this situation- high
level of unemployment, sharp decline in consumer purchasing power,
migration, unequal competitive conditions. In this context Mrs.

Tadevosyan notes:

“If there are no favorable conditions for businesses, stable tax
system, if there is corruption, implementation of such mechanisms,
which force people to pay more taxes in order to fill the state budget,
who would like to work under these conditions?”

According to the National Statistical Service data, compared with
the last year the volumes of domestic turnover have decreased by 7.4%
in January, by 6.4% in February and by 5.3 % in March.

Watch the details in the video!

Number Of Chinese Tourist Visits May Increase Steeply – Newspaper


YEREVAN, April 21. /ARKA/. Armenia’s government is to consider,
at its meeting on Saturday, a draft decision that will boost the
number of tourist arrivals from China steeply, Haykakan Zhamanak
(Armenian Time) newspaper said on Tuesday.

Back in July 2014, the Armenian and the Chinese governments signed a
memorandum in Beijing to arrange for Armenia tours for tourist groups
from China.

For this, according to the Chinese laws, Armenia needs to be
included on the Guaranteed Tour Countries list prepared by the
Chinese government.

Armenia was given this status at the end of the last year, and only
a couple of technical issues remain to be solved to start the tours,
the newspaper says. -0–