Oppositionist: Kim Kardashian Alone Has Done A Lot More For Internat


by Ashot Safaryan

Friday, April 10, 16:35

Kim Kardashian alone has done a lot more for international recognition
of the Armenian Genocide than the Republican Party of Armenia (RPA)
with its senseless “patriotic” speeches, Levon Zurabyan, Head of the
Armenian National Congress Faction, said at a briefing in Parliament.

On April 9, the National Assembly of Armenia discussed the draft
resolution urging the international community to recognize and condemn
the Armenian Genocide. During the debates, Zurabyan criticized the
given document and Vice Speaker of the Parliament, Spokesman for the
ruling Republican Party of Armenia Eduard Sharmazanov found Zurabyan’s
remarks unpatriotic. He said that it is a crime to think like Zurabyan.

When responding to Sharmazanov’s remark, Zurabyan said today,
“As regards thoughts and reflections, Sharmazanov is absolutely
unreasonable, because he never thinks. There is a Latin expression
for people like Sharmazanov – tabula rasa (“clean slate”). This
expression is applied for those who cannot express their thoughts,
Certainly, the matter concerns children”, he said.

When commenting on the RPA’s statements that the ANC is against
recognition of the Armenian Genocide, Zurabyan said, “The ANC cannot
be against international recognition of the Genocide, we just disagree
with the state policy in that dimension. As regards the contribution
to international recognition, Kim Kardashyan’s contribution is much
bigger than the contribution of all the RPA members together”, he said.

When speaking to ArmInfo’s correspondent, Eduard Sharmazanov himself
called Zurabyan unreasonable and refused to comment on the “political
marginals'” statements.

From: Baghdasarian


PM Receives Canadian Judge Of Armenian Descent


Thursday, 9 April 2015

Prime Minister Hovik Abrahamyan received Canadian judge on citizenship
and immigration affairs of Armenian descent Aris Papikyan.

The parties stressed the need for building stronger and deeper
Armenia-Diaspora ties and, in this context, highlighted the importance
of different joint projects.

Reference was made to the Armenian community, which is playing a
valuable role and is actively involved in the host country’s social
and political life.

Mindful of the need to preserve the Armenian ethnic identity,
the interlocutors talked about the upcoming Genocide Centennial

From: Baghdasarian


Turkey-Based Assyrians To Go On A 100-Hour Hunger Strike Over Armeni


03:29, 09.04.2015
Region:Armenia, Turkey
Theme: Politics, Society

Turkey-based Assyrians will for the first time go on a 100-hour hunger
strike on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the Armenian
Genocide. The strike will start on April 20 and end on April 24,
CNNturk reports citing Turkey’s Mardin Assyrian Union President
Yuhanna Aktas.

“Turkey must confront its past and recognize the Armenian Genocide”,
the Union President said. Besides the hunger strike, a “Big March”
will be organized in June as well.

“Our goal is to achieve Turkey’s recognition of the Armenian Genocide.

Each one hour of our hungers strike will be dedicated to the one
year passed since 1915. We would like to see the recognition of the
Genocide and the end of its denial” Aktas said.

Armenia News – NEWS.am

From: Baghdasarian

Armenian Genocide Monument Unveiled In National Assembly Park


16:28 09/04/2015 ” SOCIETY

A fountain monument dedicated to the Armenian Genocide centenary was
unveiled in the Armenian National Assembly Park on Thursday.

National Assembly Speaker Galust Sahakyan, Deputy Speaker Eduard
Sharmazanov, parliamentarians, members of the parliament staff were
present at the unveiling ceremony, the press service of parliament

Galust Sahakyan said in his remarks that the monument is a message
to the future; it is the message of the people that survived genocide
and did not lose optimism.

After the ceremony, the National Assembly Speaker and the MPs planted
100 symbolic trees in the Park in memory of the innocent victims of
the Armenian Genocide.

From: Baghdasarian


Sargsyan Says Professional Handling Of Tasks To Bring More Benefits


YEREVAN, April 9. / ARKA /. In an interview with Russian Mir TV station
Armenian president Serzh Sargsyan said a professional handling of
problems and tasks will bring Armenia much more benefits from its
membership in the Eurasian Economic Union (EEU).

According to him, when deciding to join the EEU, the Armenian side
assumed that the union will be an effective format for its member
states to boost their relations, based on the principle of free
movement of goods, services, capital and labor.

He said given ‘a normal development of the common market’ all
entrepreneurs, all the participants of this market, including Armenian,
will get rid of the customs tariff and non-tariff barriers.

He added that becoming a full member of this 170 million not yet
saturated consumer market, Armenian entrepreneurs will get a good
opportunity to enlarge their businesses. He added that this all will
result in creation of many new jobs and additional revenue.

Armenia joined the Eurasian Economic Union on January 2.-0-

From: Baghdasarian


Pending Just Retribution


Wednesday, 08 April 2015 16:59

Though it is sad to state, but the history of relations between
Nagorno Karabakh and Azerbaijan is replete with numerous tragic pages
reflecting the criminal anti-Armenian policy of this state formation.

For decades, in fact, from the moment when the Bolsheviks included
Nagorno Karabakh in the structure of Azerbaijan, the Azerbaijani
authorities have systematically implemented the policy of ethnic
discrimination of Armenians.

Since the beginning of the current stage of the Karabakh Movement,
which originated in late 80s, this policy has openly gained a
genocidal character, which resulted in the mass pogroms and massacres
of Armenians in Sumgait, Kirovabad, Northern Nagorno Karabakh, Baku,
and other regions. The continuation of the long chain of bloody crimes
by the Baku regime was the terrible tragedy in the Armenian village
of Maragha, the Martakert region of the Nagorno Karabakh Republic,
which experienced the horrors of the Azerbaijani fascism.

On April 10, 1992, after three-hour artillery preparation, the units
of the regular army of Azerbaijan broke in Maragha. Victims of the
aggression were about 100 people – mostly women, children and the
elderly. Those who had not managed to leave the village were killed
by the Azerbaijanis in the most sadistic ways – were dismembered with
axes and sickles, were sawed and were burned alive. Dozens of people
were taken hostage, some were later exchanged, but the fate of many
is still unknown. The next day, the Karabakh forces liberated Maragha,
but after almost two weeks, on April 22-23, the village was subjected
to new attacks and was actually wiped out. Today, it is still under
the Azeri occupation.

There are a lot of documentary evidences by the residents of Maragha –
survivors of the massacre, irrefutably proving the extreme cruelty and
vandalism by Azerbaijan, which are beyond the human reason. They are
complemented by photos and videos by Vice-Speaker of the British House
of Lords, Baroness Caroline Cox, which recorded chilling footages. It
is known that on April 11, the day after this war crime by the
Azerbaijani army, Lady Cox visited Maragha. She was just shocked by
what she saw. “They are not of the human race”, such was Lady Cox’s
reaction to the atrocities of the Azerbaijani OMON units, which had
committed the massacre. She qualified the tragedy in Maragha as a
crime against humanity.

It is important to note that the armed attack on Maragha cannot be
considered a military operation, as the village, inhabited only by
civilians, was far from the epicenter of active hostilities. The fact
that the main target of Azerbaijan’s armed aggression was the civilian
population convincingly demonstrates that the goal of these criminal
acts, like in the bloody events in Sumgait, Baku, and Kirovabad,
was to intimidate the Armenians of Artsakh and to ultimately expel
them from their native land.

Unfortunately, the monstrous crimes in Maragha, like the preceded
“sumgait”, “kirovabad” and “baku”, have not got the appropriate
assessment by the international community. It is despite the fact
that in 1997, several human rights organizations issued a joint and
extensive inquiry about the tragedy in Maragha and submitted it to
the United Nations Commission on Human Rights. Alas, there was no
reaction. Such indifference of the international structures to the
criminal actions of Azerbaijan prompts the latter to permissiveness
and encourages it to flagrant violation of international law. The
formation of such illusion at the criminal Baku authorities is very
dangerous, because it threatens the security of both the NKR and the
entire region.

Here is a remarkable fact. Recently, the mass media has informed
that seven men were arrested in Serbia suspected of war crimes in
Srebrenica, where in 1995 mass killings of Bosnian Muslim civilians
were committed. Agree, this is an example worthy of emulation for
Azerbaijan, which has not yet condemned the crimes of its army in
Maragha and other settlements of Artsakh. However, expecting similar
actions by the Baku authorities is a thankless undertaking, since all
the crimes against the Armenian population of Azerbaijan and Artsakh
were and are committed at the state level. Official Baku does not
either hide today its intentions to unleash a new war against the
NKR and to commit another act of genocide. In these conditions,
the words of Caroline Cox addressed to us are still topical:
“You have the most powerful weapon – the truth. You should raise
in international structures the issue that Azerbaijan attempted to
commit genocide against the people of Karabakh. You should actively
present to the world the mass crimes against Armenians in Maragha,
Sumgait, Baku and others. These are crimes against humanity”. They
are crimes pending their just retribution.

Leonid MARTIROSSIAN Editor-in-Chief of Azat Artsakh newspaper

From: Baghdasarian


Charges Brought Against Founding Parliament Chairman


22:04 * 09.04.15

Armenia’s law-enforcers have brought a criminal charge against Chairman
of the Founding Parliament Garegin Chugaszyan.

He has been charged on Point 1 of Article 225 of Armenia’s Criminal
Code (organization of mass disorders) and transported to court.

From: Baghdasarian


<< L’Armenie Doit Entretenir De Bonnes Relations Avec La Russie, Mai



Dans un entretien avec 168 Jam, Alexandre Arzoumanian, depute de
l’AN et ancien Ministre des AE, considère comme inadmissibles les
explications des autorites russes selon lesquelles la Russie vend
des armements a l’Azerbaïdjan pour des raisons commerciales. >, dit-il. M. Arzoumanian dit ne pas comprendre
comment la Russie peut appartenir au meme bloc militaire que l’Armenie,
s’engager a defendre sa securite en cas d’agression et livrer des
armes a un pays qui est susceptible d’etre a l’origine d’une agression
contre l’Armenie. Et d’ajouter que le HK et les frontières de l’Armenie
sont bombardes par des armes russes, ce qui est très preoccupant pour
l’Armenie. Celle-ci doit faire part sans cesse de sa preoccupation
jusqu’a ce que son > comprenne que et deplore que le pouvoir actuel ne soit pas en mesure de corriger
cette situation. Selon lui, l’Armenie doit, certes, entretenir de
très bonnes relations avec la Russie, mais ces relations ne doivent
pas etre aux depens de sa dignite.
From: Baghdasarian

Quelle Est La Fortune Des Ministres Armeniens ?



168 Jam fait un point sur les declarations officielles de moyens
financiers presentees par les personnalites haut placees armeniennes
pour l’annee 2014. Le PM Hovik Abrahamian et le Ministre des finances,
Gaguik Katchatrian, sont en tete par le montant de leurs moyens
financiers declares. Le PM a declare 430 millions de drams et 4,5
M USD, tandis que le Ministre des Finances, Gaguik Katchatrian,
449 millions de drams et 4,7 M USD. Celui des Transports et de la
Communication, Gaguik Beglarian, a declare 567 millions de drams
et 3,6 M USD. Les Ministres de la Protection de l’environnement
(706 millions de drams) et de la Justice (505 millions de drams)
figurent egalement parmi les >.

Extrait de la revue de presse de l’Ambassade de France en Armenie en
date du 3 avril 2015

jeudi 9 avril 2015, Stephane (c)armenews.com

From: Baghdasarian