Kim Kardashian Et Ses Soeurs Vont Decouvrir L’Armenie !


Non Stop People
6 avril 2015

Kim Kardashian et sa famille vont enfin decouvrir l’Armenie, la terre
de leurs ancetres. Un voyage qui s’annonce riche en emotions donc et
qui sera, bien entendu, filme par les cameras de L’incroyable famille
Kardashian. En attendant de decouvrir leur sejour en Armenie a la
television, on devrait sûrement avoir droit a quelques apercus sur
les reseaux sociaux.

Les fans de la serie de tele-realite L’incroyable famille Kardashian
(Keeping up with the Kardashians en vo) sont habitues a decouvrir
les membres du clan Kardashian en voyage partout dans le monde.

Prochainement, c’est le recit d’un sejour qui s’annonce riche
en emotions que Kim Kardashian et sa famille offriront aux

“Ils sont vraiment fières de leurs origines”

En effet, le magazine people americain US Weekly annonce que la famille
Kardashian va se rendre en Armenie cette semaine. Robert Kardashian,
le père des quatre premiers enfants de Kris Jenner (Kourtney, Kim,
Khloe et Robert), etait d’origine armenienne. A plusieurs reprises,
Kim Kardashian et ses soeurs ont evoque leur attachement a leurs
origines et surtout leur envie d’en decouvrir plus a propos du pays
de leurs ancetres.

Le mois dernier, l’epouse de Kanye West revelait deja : “Je
vais me rendre en Armenie, le pays d’origine de la famille de mon
père”. Une source proche du clan Kardashian a revele quelques details
supplementaires au magazine US Weekly.

On apprend ainsi que le sejour de Kim Kardashian et cie aura donc lieu
cette semaine et durera huit jours, mais aussi que toute la famille
(y compris Rob Kardashian donc a priori) s’y rendra, a l’exception
de Kendall Jenner, retenue pour raisons professionnelles.

Apparemment, Kourtney Kardashian hesiterait a amener ses trois enfants
(Mason, 5 ans, Penelope 2 ans et Reign, 3 mois). On imagine que Kim
Kardashian emmènera sa petite North West sur le sol de ses ancetres.

Quoi qu’il en soit, toute la famille est très excitee a l’idee de ce
voyage sur la terre de leurs origines. Ce voyage sera bien entendu
filme pour les besoins du show.

“Ils sont vraiment fiers de leurs origines et veulent passer du bon
temps la-bas. L’Armenie est leur gros voyage de cette saison. Ils
ont l’intention de visiter un musee. Chacune des filles est très
interessee par ca” a ainsi raconte la source au magazine US Weekly.

From: Baghdasarian

Muslims Praise Key Mideast Leader ‘Like God’


World News Daily
April 6 2015

Supporters say he has ‘all the attributes of Allah’

Leo Hohmann

Reports continue to pop up in Middle East publications that Turkey’s
leader, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, is seen within his ruling AK Party as
more than just a president.

Consider the following reports out of Turkey:

A billboard has appeared in the GölbaÅ~_ı district of Adıyaman
province inviting people to attend a “holy birthday” event to celebrate
Erdogan’s birthday. The negative reaction this billboard received
on social media stems from the fact that such an event is usually
held to celebrate the birth of the Prophet Muhammad. The billboard
was an invitation to “a program of unity and togetherness organized
on the occasion of the birthday of our president.” The event was
organized by the GölbaÃ…~_ı Municipality, reported Today’s Zaman,
a secular Turkish newspaper. No government officials or supporters
have objected to the billboard or the statements.

AK Party Bursa deputy Huseyin Ã…~^ahin said touching Erdogan is a form
of prayer, while AK Party Duzce deputy Fevai Arslan said Erdogan has
“all the attributes” of God.

Last year during a political rally, as a woman fainted, Erdogan
gestured to the crowd to carry the woman up to the platform, where he
touched her, causing her to shake out of her spell, shouting, “Allah
Akbar!” The headline at read: “Prime Minister ‘heals’
sick woman on campaign trail.” (Watch video of the “healing” here.)

A March 30 article for Al Monitor by columnist Mustafa Akyol notes
that devotion to Erdogan or “Erdoganism” is “morphing into an ideology
unto itself, disillusioning veterans of Turkey’s Islamist movement.”

Akyol, whose articles also appear in the International New York Times,
the Wall Street Journal and the Turkish Hurriyet Daily News, wrote:

“Pro-Erdogan propaganda, to which almost half the Turkish media is now
fully devoted, has taken the shape of a cult of personality, which is
also not a typical Islamist phenomenon. A recent book, ‘Recep Tayyip
Erdogan: The Sun of the Age,’ proudly refers to him as ‘an idol for our
youth,’ which would sound bizarre, if not heretical, to the average
Islamist. In 2011, an AKP deputy declared, ‘Even touching Erdogan is
a form of worship,’ and in 2014 another AKP deputy proclaimed that
Erdogan ‘carries all the attributes of Allah in himself.’ Such views,
heretical from a traditional Islamic perspective, were criticized and
ridiculed by Erdogan’s opponents, but he conspicuously said nothing.”

Voice crying in the wilderness

Joel Richardson, author of “The Islamic Antichrist” and director of
the documentary film “End Times Eyewitness,” does not believe Erdogan
is the Antichrist. But he has been warning for years that something
is going on in Turkey worth watching, and that this country of 78
million people and home to the region’s largest army could ultimately
be more dangerous than ISIS or even Iran. In short, it is fertile
ground for an antichrist figure to rise up and lead a large portion
of the world’s 1.5 million Muslims.

The acclaimed documentary film “End Times Eyewitness” explores what
Christian, Muslim and Jewish leaders in the Middle East are saying
about the times in which we live, the prospect of rebuilding the
Jewish Temple and the return of a messianic figure in the last days.

It’s available in the WND Superstore.

It should be remembered that the death toll caused by ISIS, which
has shocked the world with its brutality toward Christians and other
religious minorities, is still miniscule compared to the genocidal
feats of the Ottoman Empire, which slaughtered 1.5 million Armenian
Christians and another million or so Greek Orthodox, Syriac Orthodox
and Protestant Christians. The 100th anniversary of the Armenian
genocide is being commemorated on April 24.

What do YOU think? Where will the Antichrist come from? Sound off in
the WND Poll

More than four years ago, while being interviewed for Glenn Beck’s
documentary, “Rumors of War Part 2,” Richardson made the statement
that in Erdogan, “We have the modern-day Adolf Hitler of the Middle
East emerging right before our eyes.”

This seemed like an extreme statement to make at the time. But in
light of recent developments, Richardson’s assessment of Erdogan now
appears less controversial.

“He is a megalomaniacal dictator of the worst stripe, in a nation
where nationalism is a religion, and that celebrates excessive exalted
leadership like their Sultans of the past,” Richardson told WND.

It is nearly impossible for most Americans to grasp the degree of
nationalism that exists in Turkey, he said.

That’s why he tried to provide a taste of the leader-worship during a
rally he filmed for “End Times Eyewitness.” Richardson gives viewers
of this documentary a front-row seat at an AKP rally in which a sea of
adoring fans wave flags and chant songs to exult their leader, Erdogan.

Watch clip of Nazi-like rally in Turkey captured by the documentary
“End Times Eyewithness.”

“When we look back at the Nazi rallies, we recoil at the way Germans
had an almost religious devotion to their nation and to their leader,
Adolf Hitler,” Richardson says. “Although there is a strong contingency
of those who do not support Erdogan in Turkey, for those of the AK
party who do, their support for him is nearly religious.”

Man of the hour?

Not only is Erdogan the embodiment of Turkish success over the past
decade, but more importantly, he is the embodiment of Turkey’s future
aspirations, specifically at a time when many Muslims believe Islam
is rising up to take its rightful place in the world.

It remains to be seen whether Erdogan’s god-like appeal among his
own party in Turkey will translate beyond his borders. Right now
he is just one of several international Muslim leaders competing
for influence among the wider “uma” of Muslim believers. Abu Bakr
Al-Baghdadi, the leaver of the ISIS caliphate, would surely have
something to say about who leads the restored Ottoman Empire.

“As so much of the Muslim world now believes that we are on the very
cusp of the messianic age or the age of the Mahdi, Erdogan is looked to
(by his followers) as the chosen one, poised to lead the Turks into a
position of exalted leadership over the Islamic community, and thus
the world,” Richardson said. “In the eyes of many religious Turks,
Erdogan is the one who will forever enshrine the Turkish people as
divinely ones, the race called by Allah to lead the world.”

Some Christian prophecy watchers, such as Walid Shoebat, believe
Erdogan is essentially claiming to be God by not rebuking those who
have anointed him with such lofty status.

Richardson doesn’t go this far.

“This isn’t really true, although he is most certainly pushing the
boundaries of orthodox Islam and upsetting some imams in the process,”
he said. “In the same way that President Obama imbibed upon and played
up the messianic devotion that swirled around him during his candidacy,
so also is Erdogan playing the Mahdi card.”

The similarities between Nazi Germany and present-day Turkey can be
seen in numerous ways.

It is plainly evident in the philosophy of Turkey’s prime minister,
Ahmet Davutoglu, who is the architect of the Islamist party of Turkey’s
rise to success over the past decade.

In his 2001 book, “Strategic Depth,” Davutoglu draws upon the political
philosophy of German Karl Haushofer, who popularized the idea of
Lebensraum, or living space, a phrase employed by Germany during
the 1920s and 1930s to emphasize the need to expand its borders into
Austria, Poland, Czechoslovakia and beyond.

Davutoglu believes the nations established after the breakup of the
Ottoman Empire are artificial Western creations.

“Turkey must reclaim these nations in order to carve out its own
Lebensraum – a phrase he uses unapologetically throughout his book,”
Richardson said. “Davutoglu argues that reclaiming the nations that
comprise the former Ottoman Empire is an act of saving them. He
believes it would bring about the cultural and economic unification
of the Islamic world, which Turkey will lead into the messianic era.”

And every messianic era needs a messiah.

“In the imagination of many Turks, Erdogan is the man to fill this
role,” Richardson said.

“In the years ahead, the world must keep its eyes on the profoundly
dangerous combination of Islamism and messianic nationalism that has
arisen in Turkey,” he said. “Never before have we seen a moment where
so many dangerous trends are all emerging at the same time.”

From: Baghdasarian

Concerts In Graz, Austria, Dedicated To The Centennial Of The Armeni


10:53, 06 Apr 2015
Siranush Ghazanchyan

On April 3, a concert dedicated to the Centennial of the Armenian
Genocide by Grand Orchestra and Vocalforum Graz of Graz, under the
baton of conductor Christian Muthspiel, was held in the Main hall
of the Helmut List Halle, in the frameworks of “Saghmos” annual
festival in Austria. The concert was held in sponsorship of Graz City
Council Department of Culture, Government of Land Steiermark, “Kleine
Zeitung” and “Der Standard” newspapers, Austrian public radio and TV
broadcasting and in cooperation with the Embassy of Armenia in Austria.

Ambassador of Armenia to Austria Arman Kirakossian, politicians and
public figures, journalists attended the concert.

Works by Komitas and Tigran Mansurian were performed, including
Mansurian’s Requiem, 2011.

On the previous day, April 2, Armenian folk music and sacred songs
concert was held in the same Concert hall, during which works by
Sayat-Nova, Komitas, Gusan Jivani and Dikran Tchouhadjian were

The concerts were well received by the audience and were widely
covered in the Austrian media. Pamphlets and brochure, published on
the occasion of the festival, thoroughly cover the Armenian Genocide.

From: Baghdasarian

Un Rassemblement Du Mouvement D’opposition << Parlement Fondateur >>



Alors que ce mouvement dirige par un ancien heros de la guerre du HK,
Jirayr Sefilian, a voulu tenir un rassemblement anti-gouvernemental
a Gumri, samedi 28 mars, un groupe de > a tente de
l’empecher, en jetant des oeufs en direction des manifestants etc. A
l’issue d’un accrochage entre les manifestants et les >, un des membres du > a ete poignarde et
hospitalise. Une enquete criminelle est en cours.

Par ailleurs, Haykakan Jamanak relève que ce mouvement d’opposition
a saisi la mairie d’Erevan pour obtenir l’autorisation pour des
manifestations anti-gouvernementales a Erevan a partir du 20 avril.

Pour memoire, le dirigeant du groupe, Jirayr Sefilian, a appele a la
desobeissance civile et a des manifestations anti-gouvernementales
non-stop afin de > le pouvoir en place.

Par ailleurs, les partis d’opposition representes au Parlement ont
clairement affirme qu’ils ne se joindront pas aux manifestations
prevues par le >, celui-ci n’ayant pas
de programme politique. Ils ont de surcroît juge inadmissible
l’utilisation de la date du 24 avril a des fins de politique
interieure. / Haykakan Jamanak, Aravot, Jamanak

Extrait de la revue de presse de l’Ambassade de France en Armenie en
date du 30 mars 2015

lundi 6 avril 2015, Stephane (c)

From: Baghdasarian

A La Conquete De L’Everest



Lundi 6 avril, Ara Katchadourian, prend l’avion. Direction le Nepal
et le Tibet afin d’etre le premier Armenien a reussir l’ascension
vers le toit du monde.

> et votre site >
avaient relate la preparation de ce sportif de l’extreme. Demain,
Direction le Nepal puis le Tibet pour Ara, où sera installe le camp de
base de cette expedition qui est un formidable defi prevu sur plus
de cinquante jours. Avec des alpinistes allemands et espagnols,
Ara ne sera pas seul. Mais quand ils debuteront la montee des
premières pentes de la face nord de l’Everest, chacun devra etre
au meilleur de sa forme physique et mentale. L’entraînement suivi
par ce bijoutier-joailler marseillais est impressionnant.
From: Baghdasarian

CSUN chemistry Prof professor Gagik Melikyan awarded

Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry
California State University Northridge
18111 Nordhoff str.
Northridge, CA 91330
Tel: 818-677-2565
Email: [email protected]

California State University, Northridge chemistry professor Gagik
Melikyan is the Kennedy Center/Stephen Sondheim inspirational Teacher
Award recipient. The annual Kennedy Center/Stephen Sondheim
Inspirational Teacher Awards publicly recognize specific educators by
spotlighting their impact on the lives of students. The awards
celebrate the teaching profession, the important role of teachers in
society and seeks to inspire others to pursue this profession.`To be a
teacher is the most exciting, most demanding and most rewarding
profession,’ said Melikyan. `I enjoy challenging my students, making
them believe in themselves, creating life-changing opportunities and
putting them on the path to a prosperous future. Every new day is as
exciting as the first day on the job as an educator.’ `I have known
Gagik for close to 10 years as dean of the college,’ said Dean of
Science and Math, Jerry Stinner. `I have tremendous respect for Gagik
and consider him to be one of the finest scholars and mentors in the
college. He is a first-rate scientist, with a remarkable publication
record, and is incredibly dedicated to training students in his

Nominated by students they once taught, the award recipients reflect
the power one teacher has to inspire others and transform lives,
according to Kennedy Center officials.

Melikyan was nominated by Christopher Wild, a student who earned his
B.S. and M.S. degrees from CSUN, and is currently a Ph.D. student at
the University of Texas Galveston. `He is one of those students who
will make CSUN proud as their alma mater,’ said Melikyan of
Wild.`Dr. Melikyan is my professional role model and was the
catalyzing figure of my academic and professional development while at
CSUN,’ Wild said. `He continues to play a prominent role to this
day.’Wild noted that Melikyan’s `high level of knowledge is apparent
just after one lecture. He demands excellence while being very
fair. In his research lab, Dr. Melikyan trained me himself. As an
incoming Ph.D. student in medicinal chemistry, I was able to hit the
ground running. I was so well trained that I was immediately able to
conduct research independently.’Another one of Melikyan’s colleagues,
Steve Oppenheimer, a biology professor at CSUN, noted Melikyan’s
talents when he said, `Gagik is a fantastic teacher, research
scientist and author. His enthusiasm and clarity in the classroom are
distinguished. His award-winning book on exposing problems with
hundreds of thousands of chemicals (*Guilty Until Proven Innocent*),
is a truly important contribution to public health and welfare. It is
a classic and should be read by everyone.’Melikyan is quick to point
out that CSUN has been one of the main reasons for his success.

`Over the last two decades, CSUN has provided such a large amount of
support, encouragement, understanding and appreciation that I could
hardly receive in any other setting,’ said Melikyan. `And the current
accomplishments, both in the classroom and research laboratory, could
not be possible without continuous assistance and help provided by the
university, college and departmental levels.’

On the award, Melikyan said `of course, it is a great honor coming
from such a reputable institution. I consider it to be an appreciation
of my decades-long commitment to provide quality professional training
to my students, both in the classroom and most importantly in the
research laboratory.’

The Kennedy Center/Stephen Sondheim Inspirational Teacher Awards were
created in 2010 in honor of Stephen Sondheim’s 80th birthday and were
initiated and funded through the generous support of Freddie and Myrna

On March 22, Stephen Sondheim’s birthday, a select number of these
teachers received The Kennedy Center/Stephen Sondheim Inspirational
Teacher Award, and a money grant in appreciation for their
contributions to the field of teaching. Awardees will also be
showcased, along with the people they inspired, on The Kennedy
Center/Stephen Sondheim Inspirational Teacher Awards website.

`The award will support my quest to educate the general public on
health-related issues, as well as ongoing professional activities as
an educator, writer and public advocate,’ said Melikyan.

Wild knows first hand the importance of that education. `The greatest
lessons he taught me, was that to be successful you must have
confidence. And confidence comes from preparation which requires hard

To find out more about CSUN’s chemistry and biochemistry department,
please visit the website at
And to
find out more about the Kennedy Center/Stephen Sondheim Inspirational
Teacher Awards, please visit

If you need to get in touch with Prof. Melikian this is his contact
Tel#. Gagik G. Melikyan, Ph.D., D.Sc.Professor of Chemistry

Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry
California State University Northridge
18111 Nordhoff str.
Northridge, CA 91330
tel off 818-677-2565
email [email protected]
book website:
research website:

public advocacy:

From: Baghdasarian

Les Arméniens de Belgique dévoilent leur programme

La Libre, Belgique
2 avril 2015

Les Arméniens de Belgique dévoilent leur programme

Christophe Lamfalussy

C’est une année spéciale pour la communauté arménienne de Belgique. Il
y aura cent ans, le 24 avril prochain, que les premières rafles contre
les intellectuels arméniens débutaient dans l’empire ottoman
déclinant, prélude à un génocide effroyable qui fit près de 1,5
million de morts.

Ces chrétiens vivaient à l’est du plateau anatolien (dans l’actuelle
Turquie) et au nord de la Mésopotamie (là où sévit maintenant l’Etat

Pour commémorer cet anniversaire, les descendants ont choisi de faire
connaître leur culture. Jusqu’à la fin de l’année, des concerts,
colloques et expositions sont programmés. Ce choix est un pari, celui
de convaincre l’Etat turc de reconnaître ce génocide dont les victimes
sont sans sépultures. Celui aussi d’inciter les pouvoirs politiques
belges à inscrire le génocide dans les manuels scolaires. “C’est par
la culture que l’me s’éveille”, justifie, en paraphrasant Thomas
Mann, Grégoire Jakhian, président de l’assemblée des représentants du
Comité des Arméniens de Belgique.

Trente mille Belges sont d’origine arménienne, dont 70 % à Bruxelles
et dans le Brabant flamand. Avant 1915, ils excellaient dans le
diamant, le tapis et les cigarettes.

Une priorité : combattre le négationnisme

La communauté arménienne n’entretient pas de relations avec les
autorités turques de Belgique “sauf sur un plan personnel” et regrette
qu’Emir Kir, condamné au civil pour négationnisme, soit toujours le
bourgmestre de Saint-Josse. Elle regrette aussi “le manque de tact
absolu ” de la direction d’Europalia qui a programmé, cette année, un
Europalia Turquie. Mais l’humeur est davantage à la réconciliation
qu’aux escarmouches verbales. Car, depuis quelques années, la Turquie
remet progressivement en question la thèse négationniste. Près de 30
000 Turcs ont signé une pétition demandant une révision de l’histoire
officielle turque. Europalia a promis d’inclure des éléments de la
culture arménienne dans ses expositions.

Ankara souffle, en fait, le chaud et le froid, explique Christian
Vrouyr, président exécutif du Comité. D’une part, il dépêche un
artiste arménien pour le représenter à la Biennale de Venise; de
l’autre, son président Erdogan propose de commémorer la bataille de
Gallipoli, le 24 avril.

Ce jour-là, à Bruxelles, une cérémonie de recueillement aura lieu au
Mémorial du génocide au square Henri Michaux, après une messe requiem
à l’église arménienne. Une manifestation suivra l’après-midi pour
réclamer des députés belges qu’ils votent l’extension au génocide
arménien d’une loi de 1995 punissant le négationnisme.

Les points forts

Heavy metal – concert du groupe arméno-américain System Of A Down à
Forest National. Sold out (16/4).

Jazz – concert de Tigran Hamasyan et du Yerevan Chamber Choir
(interprétation de la musique religieuse arménienne) à l’abbaye de la
Cambre (22/4).

Commémoration – Messe de requiem, cérémonie du souvenir, colloque sur
le génocide, manifestation à Bruxelles (24/4).

Musique classique – concert de l’Orchestre national de Belgique et des
solistes Maxim Vengerov (violon), Sergei Nakariakov (trompette) et
Mischa Maisky (violoncelle) au palais des Beaux-Arts de Bruxelles

Cinéma – Le réalisateur d’origine arménienne Atom Egoyan fait une
master class et présente son film “Ararat” aux Beaux-Arts (4/5).

Expo – Les artistes contemporains Sarkis et Paradjanov à la Villa
Empain, du 24/9 au 17/1/2016.

Plus d’infos sur le site

From: Baghdasarian

El Pais: Uruguay Parliament to convene on Armenian Genocide Centenni

El Pais: Uruguay Parliament to convene on Armenian Genocide Centennial

00:15, 05.04.2015
Region:World News, Armenia
Theme: Politics

Uruguay Parliament will convene special session devoted to the 100th
anniversary of the Armenian Genocide. The initiative of the session
advanced by the Uruguay National Party was supported by all the other
parliamentary forces.

The Party member Jorge Guekdjian will deliver a speech on the tragedy
of the Armenian nation and the support that the refugees received in
Uruguay – the first country in the world to recognize the Armenian
Genocide in 1965.

A number of events are planned to be held in Montevideo on the
occasion of April 24, El Pais reports. The symphonic orchestra
conducted by Maestro Alvaro Hagopian will perform in the Adela Reta
National Concert Hall of Uruguay. On April 23 nearly 14 thousand
Uruguayans of Armenian origin will march along 18 de Julio Avenue –
the main avenue of Montevideo.

“The Armenia community hasn’t forgotten the traditions and faith of
its long-suffering ancestors. Moreover, the will of the Armenian
community seems to get stronger with the years, requiring the Turkish
government – the heir of Abdul Hamid and Kemal Ataturk government – to
recognize the committed crime,” the newspaper reports.

Armenia News –

From: Baghdasarian

Fresno State to host photo exhibition on Armenian genocide

Fresno Bee, CA
April 3 2015

Fresno State to host photo exhibition on Armenian genocide

By Rory Appleton

Fresno State will open an exhibition on April 10 featuring newly
released photos taken during the Armenian genocide and subsequent

The photo collection, titled “Iconic Images of the Armenian Genocide,”
will be shown on the second floor of the Henry Madden Library on
campus. The exhibit will be open from April 10 to May 29.

April 24 marks the 100th anniversary of the start of the genocide. By
its end in 1923, an estimated 1.5 million Armenians — two-thirds of
the population — were dead, many children left orphans.

A reception will be held on the second floor of the library from 6 to
8 p.m. on April 10. Organizers request that reception attendees RSVP.

The exhibit was organized by the Armenian Studies Program at Fresno
State and will also include other collections of art and photographs.
A separate exhibit featuring photos from the collection of Richard and
Anne Elbrecht, “Churches of Historic Armenia: A Legacy to the World,”
will be displayed during the same time period on the third floor of
the library.

For more information about the exhibit and other events related to the
100th anniversary, call the Armenian Studies Program at (559) 278-2669
or visit

From: Baghdasarian

Local stand against genocide makes a difference
April 5 2015

Local stand against genocide makes a difference

Tina Karagulian, For the Express-News : April 5, 2015

April 24 marks the 100th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide of 1915.
World War I was the focus for most of the world, and the Ottoman
Turkish government planned a systematic annihilation of the Armenian
people that became the first genocide of that century.

My grandparents braved desert deportations not once but twice. One
hundred years later, many Armenians still ask for the American and the
Turkish governments to openly acknowledge the Armenian genocide.

Why is this closure important?

On a global scale, with awareness and recognition, we can prevent
conditions ripe for genocide in other parts of the world. Some say it
is a matter of justice. I believe that many Armenians have seen the
effects of the emotional trauma on our family lines, emotional gaps in
functioning that were passed down to us. The immense courage and
resilience of our ancestors, though, left us with the fortitude to
heal, bring awareness and suture what shaped our journeys.

As a former therapist, I saw the value of people telling difficult
stories, to speak them aloud and to integrate the experience in a way
to move forward. When we act as witnesses to people’s painful stories,
it speeds the healing process. Rwandans who participated in the
truth-telling dialogue with those who perpetrated genocide began
healing and reconciliation, and though difficult, it has been a
foundation to move their community forward.

Because of the lack of recognition, I have learned to focus not on
what I cannot control outside of me. As a spiritual practice, I have
sought balance by telling the truth of my life stories, while also
growing compassion through the reconciliation and kindnesses that live
and breathe in those stories.

My grandmother told my mother her painful stories, and when I asked,
my mother shared them with me. Writing a memoir offered me a place to
put those stories so I did not have to carry them inside me. As a
result, I have more room for other people and their perspectives; that
space is not always available when we are overwhelmed by emotional
pain or post-traumatic stress.

Seeking out conversations with those open to a healing dialogue is
another way to deal with emotionally stuck places, and I have sought
out Turkish women who are open to that dialogue. I honor Turkish
people who reach beyond surface stories toward deeper truth and

During this time of fear-based attitudes toward Muslim people, we are
all asked to see beyond the surface stories and fear-based shadow
places within each of us to bridge connection and community. Over
time, I have experienced that we are much more than the stories of
suffering that have shaped us. Seeing others in the fullness of who
they truly are is a daily choice. I honor each person’s attempt to
speak of truth while opening to others in a more spacious way — such a
balance is a lifelong commitment.

At the upcoming San Antonio Coalition Against Genocide event, I will
share two reconciliation stories that honor the resilience and courage
of my ancestors, and the Turkish people who chose to act from the

SACAG offers advocacy, education and support for survivors of
genocide, and also genocide prevention all over the world. It and
organizations such as the peaceCENTER, Together Beyond Words and
compassionNET support compassion, peace and healing for our world.
Please join us.

The Fourth Annual San Antonio Walk Against Genocide is from 2 p.m. to
4 p.m. Sunday at the Campus of the San Antonio Jewish Community, 12500
NW Military Highway. The Holocaust Museum is open 11 a.m. to 2 p.m.
For more information, visit

Tina Karagulian is a featured speaker of the Fourth Annual San Antonio
Walk Against Genocide.

From: Baghdasarian