L’Armenie Condamne Le Genocide Contre Les Assyriens Et Les Grecs


Publie le : 31-03-2015

Info Collectif VAN – – Après que le gouvernement
armenien a approuve le 12 fevrier 2015 une motion qui decrète le 9
decembre comme etant la > – en se focalisant plus particulièrement sur le
genocide des Grecs, des Assyriens et des Yezidis, commis dans l’Empire
ottoman – c’est l’Assemblee nationale armenienne qui a vote la semaine
dernière une resolution reconnaissant le genocide des Assyriens et
des Grecs perpetre par les Turcs ottomans pendant la Première Guerre
mondiale. A un mois des commemorations qui marqueront, le 24 avril
prochain, le centenaire du genocide armenien, ce vote marque la
solidarite des Armeniens avec les autres peuples chretiens qui ont
ete extermines dans la Turquie de 1915. Le Collectif VAN publie ici
sa traduction d’une depeche de l’Agence de presse assyrienne AINA,
en date du 24 mars 2015.

Legende photo : Erevan (Armenie) – Monument dedie aux victimes du
genocide des Assyriens. Le texte en armenien indique : >


Le gouvernement armenien reconnaît le genocide des Assyriens et des
Grecs perpetre par l’Empire ottoman

24 mars 2015

Erevan (AINA) – L’Assemblee nationale armenienne a vote aujourd’hui
la reconnaissance du genocide des Assyriens et des Grecs perpetre par
les Turcs ottomans pendant la Première Guerre mondiale, entre 1915 et
1923. Le genocide a coûte la vie de 750 000 Assyriens (75%), de 500
000 Grecs et de 1,5 million d’Armeniens [Nota CVAN : L’un des plus
grands specialistes du genocide des Assyriens, David Gaunt, a estime
ce jeudi 26 mars, lors du Colloque international sur le genocide
des Armeniens qui se deroulait ce jour-la au Memorial de la Shoah a
Paris, que le chiffre de 750 000 victimes assyriennes, diffuse ici
par l’agence de presse assyrienne AINA, est très excessif. Il evalue
pour sa part le nombre des victimes assyro-chaldeennes-syriaques a
250.000 et souligne que cette perte est immense. Quel que soit le
chiffre le plus proche de la realite, ce que l’on peut dire, c’est
que les chretiens – Grecs, Armeniens, Assyriens-Chaldeens-Syriaques,
representaient 40% de la population de Turquie avant 1915 et qu’ils
ont presqu’entièrement disparu, extermines ou islamises de force].

Le projet de resolution reconnaissant le genocide, porte par le
Parti republicain, a recu 117 voix positives et 14 abstentions. Il
n’y a eu aucun vote negatif. Le titre officiel de la resolution
est > La resolution a ete redigee
par Eduard Sharmazanov, Armen Rustamian, Hovhannes Sahakian, Edmon
Marukian, Arpine Hovhannisian, Tevan Poghosian, Gurgen Arsenian,
Heghine Bisharian, Alexander Arzoumanian, Vahram Baghdasarian,
Hermine Naghdalian, Margarit Yesaian, Lyudmila Sargsian.

Eduard Sharmazanov, vice-president de l’Assemblee nationale, a declare:

Nous avons choisi d’adopter une declaration parce que l’Assemblee
nationale de la Republique d’Armenie adopte des declarations dans
des cas très importants.

Dans ce cas, nous l’avons proposee, en avons discute et sommes parvenus
a la conclusion que l’adoption d’une declaration serait plus appropriee
parce que ce n’est pas tous les jours que l’Assemblee nationale de
la Republique d’Armenie adopte une declaration.

En ce sens, en soumettant le projet en tant que declaration sur la
condamnation (du genocide), nous voulons montrer a la societe et a
nos frères et soeurs grecs et assyriens, ainsi qu’a la communaute
internationale que l’Assemblee nationale de la Republique d’Armenie
et toutes les forces politiques attachent de l’importance a la
condamnation du genocide perpetre contre les Grecs et les Assyriens.

En 2007, l’Association internationale des specialistes des genocides
(International Association of Genocide Scholars) a reconnu les
genocides assyrien et grec (AINA 2007-12-15). En 2010, la Suède a
reconnu les genocides assyrien, grec et armenien (AINA 2010-03-12).

Sabri Atman, directeur du Centre de recherche sur le genocide assyrien,
a declare :

Le genocide systematique que l’Etat ottoman et ses allies kurdes ont
commis contre les Assyriens, les Armeniens et les Grecs pendant la
Première Guerre mondiale, n’est plus un gain pour la Turquie et nous
ne permettrons jamais qu’il le soit. Nous saluons la decision de la
Republique d’Armenie de reconnaître le genocide assyrien et grec. Cela
nous encourage et nous donne la force de le faire reconnaître a
l’echelle internationale.

La Turquie ne peut prendre sa place parmi les nations civilisees du
monde si elle ne prend pas la pleine responsabilite de l’horrible
crime du genocide armenien, assyrien et grec.

La Turquie devrait arreter sa mentalite de deni et devrait cesser
de soutenir une organisation barbare et terroriste telle que l’EI,
qui continue actuellement a commettre un genocide contre notre peuple
en Irak et en Syrie.

La Turquie devrait savoir que les descendants des survivants du > ne cesseront jamais d’exiger sa reconnaissance.

Alors que le genocide armenien est largement connu et reconnu,
les genocides des Assyriens et des Grecs sont moins connus. Mais
ces genocides ne peuvent etre separes du genocide armenien, car ils
ont ete perpetres a la meme periode et selon la meme politique. Le
genocide des Assyriens, des Grecs et des Armeniens est un seul et
meme genocide. C’etait un genocide commis contre les chretiens.

Les Assyriens ont travaille avec les Grecs et les Armeniens pour
faire pression sur la Turquie afin qu’elle reconnaisse le genocide
commis pendant la Première Guerre mondiale.

Jusqu’a present, les Assyriens ont erige des monuments dedies au
genocide dans 9 villes a travers le monde (voir les photos).

(c)Traduction de l’anglais Collectif VAN – 27 mars 2015 –

Lire aussi :

Dec. 9 Declared ‘Day of Remembrance of Victims of All Genocides’
in Armenia

Armenia Recognizes Assyrian and Greek Genocides

Seyfo 1915, le genocide des Assyriens(Syriaques)

Genocide assyrien

Source/Lien : AINA

From: Baghdasarian


Private Remittances To Armenia Slash By 35.5 % In 2015 February


YEREVAN, March 31. / ARKA /. Private remittances sent to Armenia
mainly by Armenian labor migrants via banks for non-commercial purposes
slashed by 35.5 % in 2015 February when compared to 2014 February to
$68.1 million, according to the Central Bank of Armenia.

However, compared with 2015 January, they were 25.5% higher.

Remittances from Armenia to other countries in the same time span
fell to about $26.8 million from $29.3 million in 2014 February, but
compared with 2015 January they were about 53.8% higher. As a result
the amount of net inflow of remittances in 2015 February declined to
$41.2 million from about $76.4 million in February 2014. But compared
with 2015 January the net inflow was 12% higher.

As usual, Russia accounted for the bulk of private remittances to
Armenia – about 70% of the total money transfers.

Money transfers from Russia to Armenia in 2015 February decreased by
42.8.4% from February 2014 to approximately $47.7 million, (but they
were 28.2% higher when compared to 2015 January), while the amount
of remittances from Armenia to Russia increased by 14.2% to $18.9
million. They were 66.4% higher if compared from 2015 January.

Remittances to Armenia in 2014 were 7.5 % down from the previous year
to $1.73 billion or 15.7% of GDP.

The decline in the private remittances is blamed on the continuing
economic stagnation in Russia that currently also experiences the
negative effects of Western sanctions imposed over the crisis in

The continuing devaluation of the Russian ruble that lost half of its
value is cited as another major reason for the decline in the amount
of private remittances to Armenia.

Armenian Central bank expects the amount of private remittances to
Armenia to slash further by 30 percent more this year. ($1 – 471.13
drams). –0-

From: Baghdasarian


Ambassador Melkonyan’s Article Published In Prestigious Egyptian Dai


20:32, 30 March, 2015

YEREVAN, 30 MARCH, ARMENPRESS. Armenia’s Ambassador to Egypt Armen
Melkonyan’s article devoted to the 27th anniversary of the Sumgait
Pogroms has been printed in Egypt’s prestigious Al Masri Al Yom Daily.

In the article, the Ambassador presents Arab readers with details
of the Baku authorities’ assaults and massacres against peaceful
Armenian civilians, which were followed by ethnic cleaning in other
Armenian-populated areas. According to “Armenpress”, Ambassador
Melkonyan highlights the fact that Azerbaijan is trying to distract the
international community and have it focus on the so-called “Khojalu
Tragedy” in order to conceal those horrible crimes, presenting
distorted information.

Touching upon the Artsakh issue, Ambassador Melkonyan mentions that
the Armenian side is making efforts for an exclusively peaceful
regulation of the conflict within the framework of the Minsk Group
and hinged on the fundamental principles of international law, while
Azerbaijan continues with its destructive policy, rejecting all
the proposals for the establishment of peace. Ambassador Melkonyan
concludes by stressing the fact that Baku must understand that only
through negotiations will it be possible to achieve long-lasting
peace and stability in the region.

From: Baghdasarian


EEU To Simplify Alcohol And Tobacco Trade Procedures – Valovaya


YEREVAN, March 31. /ARKA/. Alcohol and tobacco trade procedures will be
simplified within the Eurasian Economic Union, said Tatyana Valovaya,
member of the board for integration and macroeconomics at the Eurasian
Economic Commission.

Today certain excise stamps are required and certain rules need to
be followed in selling Armenian alcohol and tobacco products in the
EEU markets, Valovaya said.

But an international agreement is being elaborated to amend these
procedures, she said at a round-table discussion on barrier-free
Eurasian market. The discussion was held to look into problems in
economic relations between Armenia and the EEU and to facilitate
faster adaption to the new conditions.

Today efforts are made to complete the transition and ensure the
EEU functions without exceptions and barriers, as instructed by
the presidents, Valovaya said. She said meetings are arranged
with businessmen in different countries to reveal and eliminate
the barriers.

Over the last one and a half years similar barriers were eliminated
between businesses in Russia, Kazakhstan and Belarus, and the same
is being done now with Armenia, she said.

According to Armenia’s National Statistical Service, tobacco production
output amounted to 65.4 billion drams in 2014, an increase of 36.5%.

Armenia’s cognac production output grew by 8.1% to 18,725,500 liters
in 2014 compared to 2013. Wine production dropped by 8.2% to about
130,900 liters in the period. A total of 9,502,300 liters of vodka was
produced in 2014 (4.1% decline). Champagne production totaled 634,400
liters (18.3% growth). Apart from this, 23,716,500 liters of beer were
produced in the country in 2014 (19.5% growth). ($1 – 471.21 drams).


From: Baghdasarian


Energy Revolution In Armenia


Hakob Badalyan, Political Commentator
Business – 31 March 2015, 12:41

The energy sector of Armenia has reached its pre-crisis level. During
the management of the Armenian transmission network the Russian
owner Inter RAO’s debt has amounted to several hundreds of million
dollars, and the networks are facing a financial crisis threatening
with another rise in price of electricity. According to the press,
the Russia-based Armenian tycoon Samvel Karapetyan, the owner of
Tashir Group, is likely to buy the networks.

While the Armenian energy sector is facing crisis, an energy revolution
is happening in the world.

According to Lazard, over the past 5 years the cost of wind energy
has decreased by 58%. In 2014 the cost of solar energy per megawatt
was 56 USD, and wind energy costs 14 USD per megawatt. These amounts
are with subsidies. Without subsidies solar energy costs 78 USD per
megawatt and wind energy costs 37 USD per megawatt.

Even without the subsidy, solar energy is close to the cost of gas
and coal which cost 61 and 66 USD respectively, and wind energy is
twice cheaper. Technological development of renewable energy has
reduced costs.

This is facilitated by the government policy which lays out regulatory
and tax administration mechanisms which help reduce the costs of
alternative energy. In addition, the costs go down not only in
large-scale productions. The cost of solar power generated on house
roofs is getting cheaper too.

The energy revolution is gathering momentum and is already an
irreversible reality. The problem could be the dynamics and scales,
i.e. how many years it will take the new energy to become dominant.

There is a problem here because the oil and gas lobby will resist but
it will not be possible to stop the technological revolution in time.

And this is already a chance for Armenia in two aspects. First,
renewable energy is highly important for Armenia which is in an
economic and political dependence on import of carbohydrates from

Besides, Armenia is rich in engineering and technical thought and the
world energy revolution is the arena where Armenia can find its new
place and role in the world, becoming part of and contributing to the
technological revolution in the world, as well as making Armenia an
“isle” of the energy revolution in the region.

To achieve this, renewable energy must become a priority of the state
policy of Armenia. To promote this direction, fundamental approaches
to state regulation are needed, including almost full tax exemption of
investments in renewable energy, several years of full tax exemption
of investments and research and development in this sphere, which
will raise the interest of global thought and technology in Armenia,
thereby opening up new perspectives for the Armenian thought.

However, these steps require a government whose understanding of
economy is not limited to supply of tomatoes and cucumbers to the
Russian markets, whose dreams fly higher than the hills of Yerevan
and everyday tarmac-level luxuries and borders with the global history
and prospects of the civilization.

From: Baghdasarian


NA Speaker: Next Phase Of Genocide Crime Is To Bury Genocide Victims


9:01 31/03/2015 >> Society

The Conference of Presidents of the Parliamentary Assembly of La
Francophonie (APF) for the European Region began its work at the
National Assembly of Armenia, the press service of Armenian parliament

Armenian National Assembly Speaker Galust Sahakyan delivered a
welcoming speech. Addressing the participants of the session, Mr
Sahakyan particularly noted:

“Dear Head of European Region Mission,

Dear participants of the Conference of Presidents of European Region,

Dear guests,

I welcome you in Armenia and thank you for accepting our invitation
to hold the Conference of Presidents of the Parliamentary Assembly
of La Francophonie for the European Region in Yerevan.

In October 2012, Armenia became the 54th full member state of La
Francophonie international organization at La Francophonie Summit
held in Kinshasa (Democratic Republic of Congo).

It was high time to raise the relations between the Republic of
Armenia and La Francophonie to the level of parliamentary format,
as a result of which the Armenian National Assembly was granted a
full member status of the Parliamentary Assembly of La Francophonie
in Ottawa in July 2014. Thus, Armenia and our parliament reaffirmed
their adherence to the values of La Francophonie and the commitment
of promoting their dissemination and strengthening.

Greatly highlighting the education and the dialogue between the
cultures in building the territory of consolidation and tolerance,
the involvement of the Armenian National Assembly is expressed with
different events.

In particular, on 5 March 2015 within the two-month framework of
La Francophonie in Armenia our parliament organized a conference on
“La Francophonie: Dialogue of Cultures,” where the French speaking
students took part. The conference gave a wonderful opportunity to
celebrate French International Day fed from different cultures.

The organization of the conference with the participation of the
French-speaking students by the Armenian National Assembly had
two goals.

Firstly, it is included in the framework of La Francophonie Summit
held in Dakkar (Senegal) in November of last year, and its main
subject was youth as a peace vector and player for development.

Secondly, the Armenian National Assembly intends to support
the evaluation of the role of the youth in the territory of La
Francophonie: at the Parliamentary Assembly of La Francophonie the
Armenian NA La Francophonie section, cooperating with the Armenian
Ministries of Foreign Affairs and Science and Education, has initiated
a draft law on Young Francophone Parliament. This structure will
be a wonderful platform of exchange of opinions and dialogue for
the Francophone Armenian youth and will give an opportunity to get
acquainted with the parliamentary activity.

In the implementation of this far-reaching programme, we also expect
the practical support of the Parliamentary Assembly of La Francophonie.

Dear colleagues,

This Conference of Presidents of the Parliamentary Assembly of La
Francophonie for the European Region takes place on the threshold of
the important event for us, the Armenians, as well as for the whole
world. On April 24, 2015 Armenia and the whole progressive mankind
will mark the Armenian Genocide Centennial.

I speak about a unique event, as first time in history a Centennial
of a genocide will be marked.

Just a century ago, in 1915 the Turkish government launched terrible
programme of the Armenian people’s extermination and deprivation of the
motherland. The men, women, children and elderly people have fallen
victims of horrors, atrocities and inhuman attitude, witnessing the
exact death or the faint hope of surviving.

And today, after 100 years of the Armenian Genocide, the commemoration
of the Genocide victims and its condemnation is more than pressing, as
in our days too, unfortunately, the danger of repetition of genocides
remains hung over the head of the mankind for one reason that the
most different manifestations of hatred and intolerance on national,
racist and religious basis continue persisting in the world.

The next phase of the genocide crime is to bury the genocide victims
into oblivion and to deny it, especially at state level and especially
by the state perpetrated the genocide.

During the past 100 years the authorities following each other
in Turkey not only did not take a step in the recognition of the
genocide perpetrated during the Ottoman regime, but on the contrary,
invented a state fraud about the Armenian Genocide, trying to alter
the historical facts at state level.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Once again I welcome you in the National Assembly of the Republic of
Armenia, wish you success in your work and express hope that you will
have an opportunity to get acquainted with our ancient, but also a
young country.”

The Head of the RA NA Delegation to the Parliamentary Assembly of La
Francophonie Margarit Yesayan in her welcome speech thanked the guests
for accepting the invitation of holding the conference in Armenia,
assuring that the full member status in the relations of Armenia and
Francophonie opens a new page. Mrs Yesayan expressed conviction that
the Armenian delegation has its special role in the APF. She noted
that in the National Assembly of Armenia the best French speaking
traditions are shaped: French studying courses are regularly organized
for the deputies and the NA employees, the NA official website is
also translated into French.

Armenian Foreign Minister Edward Nalbandian in his welcome speech
highlighted the holding of the conference in Yerevan and touched upon
the Armenian Genocide Centennial and the denial policy pursued by
Turkey. He emphasized the international recognition of the Armenian
Genocide. Referring to the anti-terrorism struggle and the world
challenges, the Foreign Minister also spotlighted the struggle for
the protection of human rights and the establishment of peace within
the framework of Francophonie.

Welcoming the participants of the session, Head of the European Region
Mission Jean-Paul Wahl touched upon the Armenian Genocide Centennial
and the world challenges. He attached importance to the recognition
of the Armenian Genocide and the reestablishment of the historical
justice. Mr Wahl underlined that the future generations should know
the truth so that similar crimes are never repeated.

Then the participants of the session were taken a photo.

Within the framework of “Francophonie in Armenia” Director of
the “Alliance Francaise d’Armenie” and French Teachers’ Armenian
Association Susan Gharamyan, representative of La Francophonie Agency
in Armenia Ruzanna Ghaltakhchyan, student of the YSU International
Faculty Ani Melkonyan, student of Valery Brusov State Linguistic
University Lusine Nalbandyan delivered speeches.

At the end of the session a statement was adopted.

From: Baghdasarian


Sargsyan, Naryshkin Commend Armenian-Russian Relations


NEWS | 31.03.15 | 10:48


Armenian-Russian relations were praised on Monday as Yerevan hosted
Chairman of the Russian State Duma Sergey Naryshkin.

President Serzh Sargsyan received Naryshkin that day, pointing out that
due to the long-term activities of the intergovernmental commission
on cooperation between the Armenian and Russian parliament, relations
between Armenia and Russia have become “stable and dynamic”.

According to the presidential press service, during their meeting
Sargsyan and Naryshkin discussed a broad range of issues concerning
the Armenian-Russian strategic partnership, the agenda of bilateral
relations, including all areas of cooperation.

“The parties highlighted importance of inter-parliamentary relations
for the strengthening of allied cooperation between Armenia and
Russia,” a report of the presidential press office said.

“President Sargsyan and State Duma Speaker Naryshkin touched upon the
development of the Armenian-Russian trade and economic relations in
the context of the new integration processes.

They emphasized that by joining the Eurasian Economic Union, Armenia
and Russia raised mutually beneficial partnership to a new level, and
the countries must do everything to make this integration association
to be fully used for the benefit of the two friendly nations,” it said.

On the first day of his two-day visit to Armenia the Russian State
Duma speaker Naryshkin also met with his Armenian counterpart Galust
Sahakyan. He is also due to meet with Armenian Prime Minister Hovik
Abrahamyan and attend a conference dedicated to the approaching 70th
anniversary of the victory in the Great Patriotic War.

From: Baghdasarian


BAKU: Azerbaijani, Turkish Diasporas To Protest "Armenian Genocide"


Trend Daily News (Azerbaijan)
March 29, 2015 Sunday 2:48 PM GMT +4

Baku, Azerbaijan, March 29

The diaspora organizations of Azerbaijan and Turkey will hold a protest
action in Washington on April 24 in connection with the Armenians’
propaganda of the 1915 events as the so-called genocide, the Turkish
newspaper Aksam reported March 29.

The representatives of 124 NGOs will attend the rally.

The action of protest will be held under the motto “Devote one day
to Turkey”.

Armenia and the Armenian lobby claim that Turkey’s predecessor, the
Ottoman Empire allegedly carried out “genocide” against the Armenians
living in Anatolia in 1915. Turkey in turn has always denied “the
genocide” took place.

While strengthening the efforts to promote the “genocide” in the
world, Armenians have achieved its recognition by the parliaments of
some countries.

From: Baghdasarian

Michigan Armenians Mark 100th Anniversary Of Massacre


Petoskey News-Review, MI
March 30 2015

LIVONIA (AP) — Armenian Americans in southeastern Michigan are
marking the 100th anniversary of the massacre of up to 1.5 million
Armenians by Ottoman Turkey.

Historians describe the killings during and after World War I as
the 20th century’s first genocide. The current Turkish government
continues to deny that genocide occurred.

The U.S. Census says about 447,000 Americans are of Armenian descent.

About 17,000 of them live in Michigan.

The Detroit News ( ) says events marking the
anniversary include an ecumenical service April 24 at St. Mary’s
Antiochian Orthodox Basilica in Livonia. Catholic Archbishop Allen
Vigneron will give a homily.

On April 13, Wayne State University’s Alumni House hosts a discussion
with filmmaker Eric Nazarian and violinist Nune Melikian. And actor
Eric Bogosian speaks April 18 at Dearborn’s Edsel Ford High School.

From: Baghdasarian


Double Loss?: Defeat By Albania Could Mean End To Challendes’ Stint


SOCCER | 30.03.15 | 16:07

Satenik Tovmasyan
ArmeniaNow intern

Football fans in Armenia are blaming Sunday’s 1-2 loss to Albania on
poor coaching by Bernard Challandes, whose job may now be in jeopardy
as a result of the Euro-2016 Qualifying defeat.

At a recent press conference prior to Sunday’s match president of
Armenian Football Federation (AFF) Ruben Hayrapetyan said Challandes
would be fired if the Armenian side lost to Albania. As of Monday
afternoon there was no news in that regard.

Swiss’ Challandes, 64, was hired to lead the national team in March
2014, with a contract intended to go through the Euro-2016 Qualifying

After leading early in the match on a goal by Henrik Mkhitaryan,
Armenia succumbed to Albania starting in the 70th minute when Hovhannes
Hambardzumyan was red-carded, leaving a 10-man side that gave up two
goals – in minutes 77 and 81.

Disappointed Armenian fans expressed their displeasure.

Blogger Izbella Abgaryan, 38, thinks the football players on the
field were not organized.

“Our players could not pass the ball,” blogger Izabella Abgaryan, 38,
told ArmeniaNow, “it was an overall uncoordinated game. Of course,
the coach is the main one responsible, he is to be blamed for the
expelled player, as well, because he could simply change the player
after the first yellow card.”

Football commentator Khachik Chakhoyan says Challandes will surely

“Many think that the coach is even late with the resignation,
however it is still a question who will lead the team if Challandes
were fired during the first three matches of the qualifying stage;
it is impossible to find a coach in that short period,” Chakhoyan said.

From: Baghdasarian
