TEHRAN: Armenians ready to commemorate St. Thaddeus

IranMania News, Iran
June 27 2005

Armenians ready to commemorate St. Thaddeus

Monday, June 27, 2005 – ©2005 IranMania.com

LONDON, June 27 (IranMania) – Armenians from Iran and around the world
will gather in Chaldoran Plains, West Azarbaijan province for a special
ceremony on July 6 to commemorate the anniversary of the martyrdom
of Saint Thaddeus, an apostle of Jesus Christ who came to preach
Christianity in the early years of the religion, Iran daily reported.

St. Thaddeus arrived in this land in 45 BC to preach Christianity but
was martyred on the orders of the then king Shanadrok, CHN reported.

To prevent the influence of the religion in that region, the king
also killed his own daughter who had embraced Christianity.

St. Thaddeus’ tomb later became a church which was known as ‘Qara
Kelisa’ (Black Church) or St. Thaddeus Cathedral.

The king’s daughter was also buried a short distance from the church.

Armenians from Tehran travel to Chaldoran each year to spend several
days praying and reciting supplications at the church.

During the rituals, Muslims are not permitted into the church which
is located on a hill overlooking Chaldoran Plains near Maku city.


Nagorno-Karabakh: Legislative Polls Trigger Political Tensions

Nagorno-Karabakh: Legislative Polls Trigger Political Tensions
By Jean-Christophe Peuch

Voting in Nagorno-Karabakh on 19 June

The Nagorno-Karabakh region on 19 June held its fourth parliamentary
election since it seceded from Soviet Azerbaijan in 1988. Early
results show forces loyal to the ruling administration set to hold an
overwhelming majority of seats. Tension in the separatist enclave is
brewing as the opposition is threatening to boycott the new parliament
amid accusations of ballot fraud.

Prague, 22 June 2005 (RFE/RL) — According to the Central Election
Commission’s latest returns today, President Arkadii Ghukasian’s
DemocraticParty of Artsakh — as Nagorno-Karabakh is known in Armenian
— will have 12 of the separatist region’s 33 parliamentary seats.

An allied party, Free Motherland (Azat Hayrenik), took 10
seats. Another eight went to candidates not affiliated with any
political grouping, but thought to be loyal to Ghukasian.

That left Ghukasian’s foes with just three seats. It was a
surprisingly poor performance, especially since many in Karabakh
expected the front-runner tobe the opposition alliance made of the
Armenian Revolutionary Federation, or Dashnaktsutiun, and the Movement
88 alliance.

Movement 88 Deputy Chairman Gegham Baghdasarian on 20 June struck an
ironic note while accusing the authorities of vote-rigging. `In my
view, there were fair and transparent irregularities,’ he said.

Baghdasarian yesterday indicated that the opposition might boycott the
new parliament. He also alleged that authorities had ordered a
physical assaulton one Dashnaktsutiun candidate.

Dashnaktsutiun’s Armen Sargsian, whose party had eight seats in
theprevious legislature, also claimed vote fraud. He pledged to fight
Ghukasian’s government through constitutional means, but said
the opposition would not take to the streets to challenge the election
outcome. `Legislative polls in Karabakh — like the rest of the
domestic political arena — are absolutely unable to influence the
negotiation process because Nagorno-Karabakh is not part of the peace
talks.” – Fatullayev

`Our election bloc will continue to defend its program and do its
utmost so that stability in the country is maintained,’ Sargsian said.

A former education minister, Sargsian was sacked last December. His
dismissal put a formal end to the cooperation between Dashnaktsutiun
and the Ghukasian administration.

The government denies any foul play in the 19 June vote.

The Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), which
does not recognize the existence of the Republic of Nagorno-Karabakh,
did not monitor the vote. However, a number of private organizations
and Western rights groups sent election observers. Also present to
monitor the polls was a group of deputies from the lower house of
Russia’s parliament, the State Duma.

President Arkadii Ghukasian voting in 2002 presidential election (EPA)
Addressing reporters in Stepanakert on 20 June, Russian Duma Deputy
Konstantin Zatulin said the polls were fair and
transparent. Individual Western observers also described the elections
as generally fair.

Armenia’s Foreign Ministry on 20 June hailed the polls, describing
them as ` an important step toward reinforcing democratic institutions
and traditionsin Nagorno-Karabakh.’

Yet, not everyone outside Armenia and the separatist region agrees
with this assessment. Eynulla Fatullayev, the editor in chief of the
Baku-based `Real Azerbaijan’ electronic newspaper, told our
correspondent he did notexpect the 19 June vote to end with such a
massive defeat for the opposition.

`To be honest, I’m quite surprised by these results. After meeting
with the leaders of the opposition and studying public opinion in
Karabakh, I had predicted that the opposition would make a much better
performance. I had the impression that the Movement 88 and
Dashnaktsutiun parties — especially Movement 88 — would grab if not
an overwhelming majority of parliamentary seats, at least a
significant number of deputy mandates. But unfortunately — or
fortunately, I don’t know — my prediction proved incorrect. I don’t
have very much information yet, but from what I already know there
were serious violationsand irregularities in a number of
constituencies,’ Fatullayev said.

Fatullayev in February traveled to Karabakh and the Azerbaijani
territories ethnic Armenian troops have been occupying for the past 12
years. He was the first Azerbaijani reporter to visit some of these
areas since the 1994 truce that formally ended the war between Baku
and Yerevan over Karabakh.

In the Karabakh capital of Stepanakert, Fatullayev met with civil
rights activists and representatives of both the separatist leadership
and the opposition. After that, he said, he came to believe the
political situationin the enclave had dramatically changed since his
previous visit five years earlier and that the separatist regime had
seriously improved its democratic credentials.

As evidence to his claims, Fatullayev cited the August 2004 municipal
polls that were won by the opposition and saw Movement 88 leader
Eduard Aghabekian win the Stepanakert mayoralty over the well-funded
government candidate.

Fatullayev admits that a number of factors — such as disunity among
the opposition — may have to some degree influenced the outcome of
the 19 Junepolls. However, he believes vote-rigging and the control
exerted by the Ghukasian administration over the enclave’s
administrative resources are mainly responsible for the defeat of
antigovernment parties.

`In all likelihood the outcome of the political struggle was [most]
influenced by falsifications. The opposition is more popular in
Karabakh and the population trusts it more than it trusts the existing
administration. Despite the important successes achieved by the
current authorities in transforming the authoritarian and military
regime that existed previously, the population is expecting more
changes, more reforms,’ Fatullayev said.

Baku has described the Karabakh polls as illegitimate. Yesterday, it
said they were likely to undermine the OSCE-sponsored peace talks with
Armenia over Karabakh.

But Fatullayev disagrees with this assessment. `Legislative polls in
Karabakh — like the rest of the domestic political arena — are
absolutely unable to influence the negotiation process because
Nagorno-Karabakh is not part of the peace talks,” he said. “Therefore
I believe [the 19 June] polls will have no effect, neither positive,
nor negative.’

Fatullayev, however, argues that the only significant change that
could have occurred with the Karabakh opposition’s coming to power
would have concerned the relationship between Stepanakert and
Yerevan. He believes Movement 88 and Dashnaktsutiun would have sought
to moderate Armenia’s influence onthe enclave through the
establishment of what he describes as `horizontal’ ties with Yerevan
in place of the existing `vertical’ ones.

Meanwhile, the outcome of the elections has put Armenia’s
Dashnaktsutiun in an awkward position. The party, which is a member of
Armenia’s ruling coalition, has so far refrained from backing the
fraud claims made by its Karabakh counterpart. Despite the party’s
loose organization, its Armenian leaders may find themselves in an
even deeper quandary if a political crisis breaks out in Karabakh.

(Ruzanna Khachatrian of RFE/RL’s Armenian Service contributed to this

Armenian Delegation Calls on Young Turks To Recognize The Genocide


YEREVAN, JUNE 23, NOYAN TAPAN. “Our struggle is first of all aimed
against Turkish government that is doing its best in order that its
society and, in particular, youth, shouldn’t know the historic truth,”
Zinavor Meghrian, representative of ARF Dashnaktsutiun party’s youth
wing, declared at the June 23 press conference dedicated to the
results of the international youth conference on problems of national
minorities that was held lately in Istanbul. According to him, the
Turks’ inflexible attitude to the issue of recognition of Armenian
Genocide is explained by the position of some Armenian politicians.

Thus, Sargis Asatrian, Chairman of the Youth Party of Armenia, in
particular, declared during his visit to Turkey that Armenia has no
problems with today’s Turkey. According to Z.Meghrian, proceeding from
such statements Turks propagandize the idea of non-participation of RA
Armenians in the issue of recognition of Armenian Genocide. According
to this point of view, the initiative in the issue belongs to the
Diasporan Armenians. According to him, in conversations with
representatives of Turkish press it was found out that the latters
were misinformed about a number of issues concerning Armenian-Turkish
relations. In particular, the Turkish journalists declared that the
Armenian-Turkish border was closed by Armenians. Zinavor Meghrian
reported that the Armenian delegation called on the Turkish youth to
study the dark pages of their history and to recognize the
Genocide. According to him, the Turks’ first reaction was extremely
negative but already during their personal meetings with Armenians the
representatives of Turkish youth showed interest in this issue.

BAKU: OSCE MG’s co-chairs to visit the region

AzerTag, Azerbaijan
June 22 2005

[June 22, 2005, 11:40:19]

The co-chairs of the OSCE Minsk Group mediating the settlement of the
Armenia-Azerbaijan conflict over Nagorno Karabakh will arrive in the
region in the middle of July, said Azerbaijan’s deputy foreign
minister Araz Azimov at the press conference, reported AzerTAj.

Mr. Azimov said the Minsk Group’s co-chairs is planning to leave for
Armenia after its meetings in Baku. In his opinion, it is possible to
say that the co-chairs will present a new proposals on the base of
the last meetings.

Deputy foreign minister noted that he is following to back the
foreign minister’s meetings before the Presidents, and welcomes
activization of negotiations between the parties. Alongside with the
foreign ministers’ meetings, Mr. Azimov says he is believe the
positive results of the meetings at the experts level.

CIS security states to hold three exercises in 2006 – Russian Offcl.

CIS security states to hold three exercises in 2006 – Russian official

Interfax-AVN military news agency web site
21 Jun 05

Moscow, 21 June: The armed forces of the Collective Security Treaty
Organization will hold three command and staff exercises in 2006, the
organization’s secretary, Nikolay Bordyuzha, told Interfax-AVN.

“In 2006 we are planning to hold at least three command and staff
exercises within the framework of the Collective Security Treaty
Organization,” Bordyuzha said.

He said the now traditional exercises with the codename Rubezh will be
held in the usual region – Central Asia.

“The main theme will also a theme that has become traditional – how to
counter armed terrorist groups,” the organization’s secretary-general,
Nikolay Bordyuzha, said.

He said two other command and staff exercises would be held with the
relevant group of forces of the Collective Security Treaty
Organization in other regions under the collective security agreement
in 2006 – the eastern Europe and the Caucasus regions.

“These exercises will be held in Armenia in the first half of 2006 and
in Belarus in the second half of the year,” the secretary-general

Van Der Linden following the PACE voice echo


| 18:57:44 | 20-06-2005 | Politics | PACE SUMMER SESSION |


«I intend to visit the Southern Caucasian three countries – Armenia, Georgia
and Azerbaijan in a period when all the three Presidents are in their
countries. The Caucasus is one of the sensitive regions the countries of
which are members of the COE», announced PACE President Rene van der Linden
during the press conference.

Mr. van der Linden assured that the aim of his August visit to Southern
Caucasus is to pay attention to the procedures in the regions the countries
of which are members of the PACE. `I am authorized to make sure if the
countries hear the PACE voice or not’, mentioned PACE President Rene van der

ARFD-Movement 88 Bloc Calls Parliamentary Elections in NKR Not Free


STEPANAKERT, JUNE 20. ARMINFO. Te bloc ARFD-Movement 88 does not think
the parliamentary elections of June 19 in NKR free and transparent.
Representatives of the bloc Gegham Baghdasaryan (Movement-88) and
Armen Sargsyan (ARFD) said at a press conference today.

According to ARMINFO’s special correspondent to Stepanakert,
Baghdasaryan and Sargsyan pointed out the use of all the
administrative resources by the authorities both during the
pre-election campaign and the elections. They say the bloc sent a
letter to President of NKR Arkady Ghoukasyan and Prime Minister
Anushavan Danielyan, but has not received any reply. The bloc’s
representatives are surprised with the fact that occupying the 3rd
place in the elections on the proportional system, the bloc did not
receive any single-mandate seat. They expressed regret for failing to
repeat the success in 2004 municipal elections, adding that it was
time to analyze omissions. They pointed out the bloc’s adherence to
its principles to support stability in the country.

In response to ARMINFO’s question on the position of the Armenian wing
of ARFD party in the elections, Armen Sargsyan said that the Karabakh
office of the party was a decentralized structure, but its position
would not contradict to that of ARFD of Armenia. “We aspired for an
honest struggle, without use of the party’s resources,” he said. He
said he would make a statement shortly to reflect all the violations
in the course of the elections.

To note, according to preliminary data, ARFD-Movement-88 bloc received
only 3 ticket seats.

Ruling Party wins parliamentary elections in Karabakh



STEPANAKERT, JUNE 20, ARMENPRESS: Officials in Nagorno-Karabakh said the
voter turnout in June 19 parliamentary elections was 78 percent which means
that 66,744 eligible voters went to the polls to elect their next
The ruling Democratic Artsakh party, led by Ashot Ghulian, claimed the
victory under proportional electoral system (by party lists) receiving
22,393 ballots, the Azat Hayrenik (Free Homeland) came second with 15,381
ballots and a bloc of the Armenian Revolutionary Federation and Movement-88
was third with 14,534 votes. Under the local legislation the bloc may claim
for 5 seats. Under majoritarian electoral system 7 candidates representing
the Democratic Artsakh party won the polls, 7 others are from Azat Hayrenik.
The final results of the polls are expected to be announced in 5-5 days.
The polls were watched by observers from several countries, including
Armenia, Russia, Kyrgyzstan, Ukraine, France, the Czech Republic and the
United States, who were said not to register serious violations in the
This is the fourth parliamentary election in Nagorno-Karabakh after it
proclaimed independence in 1991. The ballot was held at 274 polling stations
throughout Nagorno-Karabakh and at a polling station in Yerevan, which was
opened for Karabakh citizens staying in Armenia.
Twenty-two of the 33 parliament members are elected in majoritarian
single-mandate districts, and eleven are elected on proportionate party
lists. “The elections are of paramount international importance for
Nagorno-Karabakh,” Karabakh leader Arkady Ghukasian said on Saturday. “We
must show the world our attitude to the elections, which mirrors the
irreversibility of democratic transformations and can promote the
international recognition of the Republic of Nagorno-Karabakh,” he said

NKR Holds Parliamentary Elections Sunday


STEPANAKERT, JUNE 18. ARMINFO. The Nagorno Karabakh Republic is
holding elections into 4th parliament Sunday.

274 electoral commission will act in 22 electoral districts. 89,576
people will vote on parties, 87,578 on single mandate candidates –
the difference is due to servicemen who are allowed to vote on parties.

Over 120 international and journalist mission will observe the

107 people will run for 22 single mandate seats. For party seats
running are Free Fatherland, Democratic Party of Artsakh, Moral
Revival (opposition), Communist Party, Our HOme – Armenia, Social
Justice and ARFD – Movement 88. The favorite is DPA led by NKR Prime
Minister Anoushavan Daniyelyan.

NKR president Arkady Ghoukassyan has promised that the elections will
be fair and transparent

French Help for Pipeline?

French Help for Pipeline?

Moscow Times
June 16 2005

Business in Brief

LONDON — Naftogaz Ukrainy, Ukraine’s state-owned natural gas company,
is seeking Gaz de France’s help in planning a pipeline from Iran that
will allow Ukraine to lessen its dependence on Gazprom.

The pipeline will go across Armenia, Georgia and under the Black Sea
to Ukraine, and may be extended to Europe, Naftogaz spokesman Dmitry
Marunich said Wednesday.

Gaz de France may also cooperate with Ukraine in marketing gas in
Romania, where the French utility owns a network. (Bloomberg)