Skinheads sentenced to imprisonment


Pan Armenian News
16.05.2005 03:32

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ May 14 the verdict of the Moscow Court as regards
17-year-old members of Skinhead youth group Nikita V. and Roman
S. came into force. The court found them guilty of premeditated
murder motivated by national hatred and hostility. The investigators
established that in December 2003 a group of teenagers including
Nikita V. has assaulted Armenian citizen Gevorg Hayrapetian. When he
tried to escape Nikita V. ran him down and hit him with a knife for
numerous times. Only thanks to the passers-by the victim remained
alive. Two days later Nikita V., Roman S. and others assaulted
citizen of Azerbaijan Etibar Mamedov. After beating him for a long
time Nikita and Roman took out knives and killed him. The jury found
Nikita V. and Roman S. guilty of the crimes. The Moscow court sentenced
Nikita V. to 9 years and 6 months of imprisonment and Roman S. to 6
years and 6 months of imprisonment, IA Regnum reports.

Russia threatens to retaliate to Georgia’s ultimatum on mil. bases

RIA Novosti, Russia
May 14 2005


MOSCOW, May 14 (RIA Novosti) – A senior Russian foreign ministry
official said Russia could take tough measures in response to
Georgia’s ultimatum on the Russian military bases’ withdrawal.

“Ultimatums are not the language to speak with Russia,” Russian Deputy
Foreign Minister Valery Loshchinin said on the Mayak radio on

Loshchinin thereby responded to Georgian Parliament Speaker Nino
Burdzhanadze who said, Thursday, that on May 15 the Georgian
parliament would adopt strict measures with respect to the Russian
troops deployed on its territory if no progress was achieved in terms
of the Russian bases’ withdrawal. Georgia is thereby acting in line
with a March 10, 2005 resolution, according to Burdzhanadze.

“The Georgian parliament’s steps were inadequate. Ultimatums are
counterproductive. We are not going to cling to Georgia or retain our
[military] presence there,” said Loshchinin.

The March 10 resolution stipulates Russia’s bases in Batumi (Georgia’s
autonomy of Adzharia in the west) and in Akhalkalaki, on the border
with Armenia, should leave Georgia before January 1, 2006. The
Georgian government was tasked with taking a series of measures,
including suspending visas for the Russian military and imposing
restrictions on their movement on Georgian territory, to speed up the

Initially Moscow and Tbilisi talked about an 11-year withdrawal
timeframe, recalled the diplomat.

“We have agreed to complete the process in four years’ time, but for
some reason Tbilisi became opposed to that. Russia’s parliament
responded harshly to the Georgian parliament’s statement, and Russia
can retaliate with rather tough measures,” said the deputy minister.

Loshchinin said the Georgian community in Russia sent hundreds of
millions of dollars to Georgia every year, thereby providing a
substantial support for the Georgian economy, which was only possible
on condition of friendly relations between the two countries.

Russian MPs said on Friday if Georgia took unilateral steps with
respect to the bases, Russia should summon the Russian ambassador from
Georgia for discussions, suspend issuing entry visas to Georgians, and
step up efforts to deport Georgian nationals living in Russia with
expired visas and without proper registration.

MPs also said Russia should consider raising prices of energy
resources and electricity exported Georgia to the international level
and cutting the exports.

BAKU: Azerbaijani & Turkish diaspora to organize rally in Sweden

Azer Tag, Azerbaijan
May 13 2005

[May 13, 2005, 22:32:33]

On May 14, organizations of Azerbaijani and Turkish diasporas will
protest in Sweden against Armenians’ `genocide’ claims, AzerTAj
correspondent learnt from the State Committee to Work with
Azerbaijanis residing abroad.

City administration has already sanctioned this action. As expected,
the rally will last two hours. Meeting participants will present
facts and documents unveiling Armenians’ claims and appeal to
European countries not to respond to these forged demands.

To this end, a steering committee consisted of the organization
`Azerbaijan’ existing in Sweden has been formed to organized the

Window on Eurasia: Russian Region Persecutes Armenian Muslims

Window on Eurasia: Russian Region Persecutes Armenian Muslims

Paul Goble
[email protected]

            Tartu, May 11 – Officials in Krasnodar kray, a Russian region in
the north Caucasus, have refused for the fourth time to register the
cultural organization of the Khemshils, a small group of Armenian speakers
who practice Sunni Islam and who were among those deported by Stalin to
Central Asia at the end of World War II.
            That has prompted an organization of their co-ethnics and
co-religionists in Armenia itself to appeal to the Russian ambassador in
Yerevan to get Moscow to intervene in this case and overrule the regional
officials who seem intent on preventing the Khemshils from gaining official
registration and thus being able to live a normal life.
            As a result, this case, involving an ethnic community that
numbers no more than 1600 according to the 2002 Russian Federation census,
threatens to spill over into an international one involving not only Moscow
and Yerevan but quite possibly the leaders of traditionally Muslim countries
among the post-Soviet states.
             The current situation has been described by the Regnum news
agency whose report was expanded upon by the Islam.Ru website last week
(). The facts of the case appear to be
the following:
            Since 2000, the Khemshils of Krasnodar have tried four times to
register with the authorities.  Each time they have been refused with
officials explaining that they have made mistakes in their application.  In
the most recent case where the authorities gave this excuse, their refusal
was handed back to the Khemshils on May 3rd but dated May 4th.
            The Amshen organization in Armenia, which unites the Khemshils
there, decided to appeal to the Russian ambassador there to have Moscow to
help out.  But neither they nor the Khemshils in Krasnodar appear to be very
optimistic about their chances for success via this channel.
            Indeed, they suspect, according to the words of the appeal
published by Regnum, that „by such actions, the representatives of the Main
Administration of the Federal Registration Service for Krasnodar kray are
creating a precedent for the appearance of yet another people who left
Russia as political refugees’ and thus lack rights that other residents
            And one indication of the level of their despair is the fact
that the Khemshils of Krasnodar kray are even now working with the
International Migration Organization to organize their resettlement to the
United States just as the IMO is currently working toward for Meskhetian
Turks and Kurmandzh-Kurds living in the Kuban region.
            Should the Armenian Muslims of Krasnodar in fact emgrate to the
United States, that would be only the latest twist in their complicated
history. For more background on this group and its problems, see the report
on the status of ethnic minorities in Krasnodar at

Armenians who converted to Islam called themselves „Amshinli’
(„Amshentsy’), and those of them living in Central Asia and the Russian
Federation, identify themselves as „Emshil’ – which according to the rules
of Russian phonetics becomes „Khemshil.’

            According to the Kars peace treaty of 1921, several villages in
Khopsk kray where the Khamshils lived were joined to Adzharia in what is now
Georgia.  Then in 1944, Stalin deported them along with other groups in the
region to Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan from which they returned only in the
late 1950s.
            Since that time, some 1500 Armenian-speaking Sunni Muslims have
been living in the Apsheron and Belorechensk districts of Krasnoyarsk kray,
perhaps their last stop on the territory of what was once the Russian Empire
and the Soviet Union before they move on to the United States.

Both USA and Armenia interested in democracy – opposition leader

Both USA and Armenia interested in democracy – opposition leader

Aravot, Yerevan
11 May 05

US President George Bush’s statements that democracy in Georgia should
be an example to other CIS countries will have an impact on Armenia,
the leader of the opposition party, Aram Sarkisyan, has
said. Explaining that Bush’s statements are important as they are made
by the “head of the most powerful state”, Sarkisyan added that the
Armenian people “are able to establish democracy in their own
country”. The following is text of Anna Israelyan’s report published
by Armenian newspaper Aravot on 11 May headlined “The USA and the
opposition have mutual interest”. Subheading inserted editorially:

An interview with the leader of the Republic Party, Aram Sarkisyan,
who says that they [his party] will reach democracy in Armenia through
their own forces.

Is Georgia an example?

[Aravot correspondent] US President George Bush announced in Georgia
yesterday [10 May] that “the rose revolution that shook this country
[in 2003] was a powerful moment in history and an example for other
nations seeking democratic change. To what extend, do you think, his
statement can affect Armenia and the region, in general?

[Aram Sarkisyan] I am absolutely sure that his statement will have an
impact as it is very important. But anyway, without Bush’s statement,
it was clear to the Armenian people that democracy has no alternative.

Bush’s statement is of greater significance to [Armenian President]
Robert Kocharyan, as the US president mentioned that other peoples of
our region should also make an example [of Georgia]. The head of the
most powerful state says this, and he is a person who keeps his own
words. Iraq, Georgia, Ukraine and Kyrgyzstan are further evidence of

Bush also said that peoples should establish democracy themselves. I
do not support the idea that the USA should arrive and establish
democracy here. On the contrary, I think that our people are able to
establish democracy in their own country. The USA helped the peoples
who made efforts to establish democracy.

[Correspondent] After training the activists of the Republic Party,
members of the office of the US National Democratic Institute [NDI] in
Armenia started attending party conferences and news conferences. Does
this mean that American structures have made their choice, or it is
the opposition that has finally decided to determine its position?

Democracy is mutual interest

[Sarkisyan] I think this is a problem of mutual interest. The people
have taken up their position and are going to take to streets to show
that they support democracy. For this reason, all international
organizations promoting democracy, including the NDI have determined
their duty to help our people on the way to democracy.

We have good relations with the NDI and have worked together for one
year. Fifteen members of the Republic Party have undergone training
in the NDI.

[Correspondent] Is it a coincidence that [the leader of the National
Unity Party] Artashes Gegamyan said that the Justice bloc and the
National Unity Party will soon stage a joint rally? Has the opposition
become more active as a result of the American support or …?
[ellipses as published]

[Sarkisyan] This rally will be staged and everything will be clear by
the end of it. I am sure that Robert Kocharyan will announce that he
does not have the force to direct against people. I cannot say when
and at what time the rally will be staged. But I should say that the
process of organizing rallies has changed: they will be held to
promote democracy but not somebody’s power.

Parties should act independently

[Correspondent] It was for the first time that our opposition adopted
a joint statement together with the coalition parties. The most
surprising point is that after Robert Kocharyan expressed his
dissatisfaction, the ruling coalition refused putting its
signature. Is this the logic an election campaign? Or there is
something else?

[Sarkisyan] This is the result of the moral and psychological
atmosphere in the country. It has become clear to the pro-government
parties that Kocharyan will not be in power forever and everybody
wants to find its place in the future of Armenia. And Kocharyan
becomes an obstacle for achieving this. If he stands next to any
party, that party will lose. And it is clear to the members of the
Armenian Revolutionary Federation – Dashnaktsutyun as well as the
Republican Party of Armenia. For this reason they are trying to get
rid of Kocharyan, to act independently and we welcome this. We shall
welcome the parties which nominate their own candidates for president.

US Ambassador, ATP Celebrate `Earth Day’ in Refugee Village of Karin

Armenia Tree Project
57/5 Arshakunyats Street
Yerevan Armenia 375025
Tel. (37410) 44 74 01
Email: [email protected]

Press Release
May 9, 2005

US Ambassador and ATP Celebrate `Earth Day’ in Refugee Village of Karin

KARIN, Armenia–The US Ambassador to Armenia, John Evans, and his wife,
Donna, marked Earth Day in a ceremonial tree planting and reception hosted
by Armenia Tree Project (ATP). Ambassador Evans and honored guests at the
April 27 event planted five evergreens on a specially prepared plot at ATP’s
nursery in Karin village.

In cooperation with the US Embassy and a number of international and local
organizations, this event was intended to mark not only the worldwide
environmental celebration, but also to raise broader public awareness of
ecological and socio-economic issues in Armenia.

The celebration was opened with remarks by Ambassador Evans, Minister of
Agriculture David Lokyan, Deputy Minister of Education Norair Ghoukasian,
ATP Executive Director Jeff Masarjian, and ATP Foundation President Susan
Yacubian Klein.

Among those in attendance were representatives from the Ministry of Nature
Protection, HayAntar, the UN World Food Program, and the US Embassy,
including Anthony Godfrey, Deputy Chief of Mission, Katie McDonald
representing the United States Agency for International Development (USAID),
and Jeffrey Engels, Director of the Center for Agricultural and Rural
Development. Representatives from Eurasia Foundation, Heifer International,
UN Development Program, World Vision, Birds of Armenia, World Wildlife Fund,
Urban Institute, and American University of Armenia were also present.

In his welcoming speech, Ambassador Evans stated that this is the first tree
he has planted on Armenian soil. He briefly told the story of Martin, the
Armenian who arrived in Williamsburg, Virginia, in 1619 with mulberry trees
for cultivation. `Those trees are still growing in Williamsburg,’ emphasized
Ambassador Evans. The US diplomat also praised the successful results
achieved by ATP in having planted and rejuvenated over 580,000 trees in
Armenia since 1994.

In his remarks, Mr. Lokyan, the Minister of Agriculture, stressed the
importance of ecological resource management in Armenia. `This celebration
of Earth Day has a symbolic meaning and it stresses the importance of
environmental issues, by bringing public attention to present-day ecological
problems,’ stated Mr. Lokyan. `The environment is what we leave to future
generations,’ he declared.

This was the fourth year that the US Embassy celebrated Earth Day with ATP
at one of the refugee sites where ATP has been developing its programs over
the last 11 years. This year the event took place at ATP’s first established
nursery in the village of Karin. ATP started the nursery project in 1996
with the vision of producing trees for re-greening Armenia, while also
providing badly needed employment for refugees.

Seedlings from the Karin nursery are taken to various community sites where
ATP carries out its seasonal urban and regional tree-plantings. Last year
the nursery provided 50,000 trees for ATP’s community tree planting

A reception following the Earth Day celebration was held in the Michael and
Virginia Ohanian Environmental Education Center. The Ohanian Center, located
at the Karin nursery and opened in 2004, provides practical training to
students. On a weekly basis the ATP staff hosts students from the
Agricultural Academy, Yerevan State University, and local schoolchildren,
teaching them about environmental issues. The nursery plots serve as a field
laboratory where students learn techniques of tree care and grafting taught
by invited experts and ATP specialists.

Armenia Tree Project was founded in 1994 with the vision of securing the
country’s future by protecting its environment. Funded by contributions from
diasporan Armenians, ATP has planted and rejuvenated 580,000 trees at
approximately 500 sites ranging from Gyumri to Goris. For additional
information about ATP and its programs, visit the Web site

PHOTO CAPTION: (L to R) ATP Foundation President Susan Yacubian Klein, ATP
Executive Director Jeff Masarjian, US Ambassador John Evans and his wife
Donna, and USAID representative Katie McDonald at the Earth Day tree
planting hosted at the ATP nursery in Karin village

Main Page: U.S. In Caspian Region and Russia’s Position


RIA Novosty
4 May 2005

RIA Novosti commentator Pyotr Goncharov

MOSCOW — Iran has offered support for a Russian initiative on
the Caspian Sea states alone establishing a joint rapid reaction
force in the region. “These Caspian states should come to terms on
the establishment of a rapid reaction force,” said Iranian Foreign
Ministry spokesman Hamid Reza Asefi.

Russia’s initiative initially envisaged more than efforts to combat
international terrorist attacks against the region and to avert
other common threats. It was also designed to prevent countries from
outside the region, above all the U.S., from becoming involved in
the affairs of the region, which the U.S. has included in the zone
of its interests. This fully met Iran’s interests. Will Russia and
Iran be able toprevent an American presence in the Caspian region?

The idea of forming a rapid reaction coalition force in the Caspian
region is not new. In August 2002, the Russian Caspian flotilla
conducted naval exercises in the Caspian to practice rapid reactions
not only to terrorist attacks on oil pipelines but also to emergency
situations in Caspian countries. A high-ranking representative of
Iran’s navy who was present at the exercises praised Russia’s naval
strength there and recalled with delicate irony that both Moscow and
Tehran were in favor of “preventing the militarization of the Caspian
region.” His irony was to the point because Tehran’s call for the
other Caspian states to join Russia’s initiative may seem belated.

These apprehensions have come on the back of a recent lightning visit
to the capital of Azerbaijan, Baku, by U.S. Defense Secretary Donald
Rumsfeld. The visit was made in great secrecy, which immediately
reminded one of a statement by General James Jones, NATO Supreme Allied
Commander, Europe, in which he said that the U.S. planned to establish
military bases in the Caspian area and was drafting the Caspian Guard
program for the coming decade. Under this project, the U.S. attaches
particular importance to Azerbaijan, seeing it as a prime location
for deploying mobile rapid reaction forces and for solving its foreign
policy problems in the region, mainly those concerning Iran.

Significantly, the U.S. program also includes setting up special task
forces, whose mission will be similar to those Russia has proposed for
its regional plans: “a rapid reaction not only to terrorist attacks
at oil pipelines, but also to any emergency situations in the Caspian
countries.” A command center equipped with most up-to-date radars will
be established in Baku and the entire Caspian zone will become its
responsibility. Some analysts say the Azerbaijani authorities have
already agreed in principle to the proposal. The implementation of
the Caspian Guard program will pose a threat primarily to the defense
interests of Russia and Iran, as it includes observation systems for
the air and sea, and will place a vast territory under U.S. control.

As they try to consolidate the naval forces of the Caspian states in
their common interests, Moscow and Tehran are in favor of preventing
the Caspian’s militarization. However, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan and
Turkmenistan are not concealing their desire to modernize their
naval forces, in which the U.S., in contrast to Iran and Russia, is
helping them. Kazakhstan’s navy will soon receive a ship displacing
more than 1,000 tons free of charge. The republic will establish
military infrastructure along its coast using American money. The
U.S. is offering the same to Turkmenistan and Azerbaijan.

Furthermore, Washington is said to be considering a plan of forming
a tripartite union of the U.S., Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan in the
region. Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan and even Turkey may eventually
join it. Meanwhile, Russia’s initiative is only being discussed in
the media. All five Caspian states are unlikely to reach a mutually
acceptable solution to the “demilitarization, non-militarization or
limited militarization” of the Caspian area. The continuing wrangling
over the Caspian Sea’s legal status only serves to prove this, as Iran
and Turkmenistan have chosen to reject the understandings reached by
Azerbaijan, Russia and Kazakhstan on dividing the Caspian seabed.

But one thing is certain. The arrival of the U.S. in the Caspian
region will certainly upset the policies Moscow and Tehran pursue in
a region that is important for both countries.

M.F.A. Condemns Argentine Which Accused Turkey For Committing Genoci

M.F.A. Condemns Argentine Which Accused Turkey For Committing
Genocide Against Armenians

Turkish Press
May 7 2005

ANKARA (AA) – Turkish MFA condemned the Argentinean Senate which
accused Turkey for committing genocide against the Armenians between
1915 and 1923. A statement by the MFA said Argentinean authorities were
earlier explained that such an initiative would be a mistake and many
times were conveyed the drawbacks which this initiative may lead to.

The statement said, “it is obvious that the attitude of the Argentinean
Senate is politically motivated and adopting such a statement which
lacks historical truth and full of mistakes, was an irresponsible act.”

The statement said Turkey, a while ago, proposed the formation of a
Turkish-Armenian joint committee to investigate the incidents which
had occurred in the past, noting that the letter of Armenian Head of
State Robert Kocharian was being assessed comprehensively and under
a positive point of view.

Merslyakow: <<Now I can say we are armed well>>


Pan Armenian News
05.05.2005 03:22

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ At present serious preparation to the meeting of the
Armenian and Azeri Presidents in Warsaw is under way, stated OSCE Minsk
Group Russian Co-Chair Yuri Merzlyakov, reported AssA-Irada. He said
that after those talks the parties will start bringing into accord
some elements. In the diplomat’s words, elements determined by the
mediators can form the basis of the future agreement. Mr. Merzlyakov
emphasized that during the talks a range of elements were formed
however not adjusted until now. «A few elements that were discovered
can be used as basis for an arrangement between the parties. Although
those elements do not agree with one another, it is important to us
to determine them. Now I can say we are armed well. Just after the
meeting of the Presidents we will engage in making them comply,»
Merzlyakov noted. In the Ambassador’s words, additions may be made to
the 6 elements determined in respect of the settlement of the conflict.
Touching upon the breaks of the cease-fire regime at the contact
line and the issue of the return of the 3 Azeri military captives,
Mr. Merzlyakov said that the Co-Chairs have expressed their stand over
it in the statement. «If you remember we called upon the parties to
observe the commitments assumed in 1995 providing for not breaking
the cease-fire. As of the three captive soldiers, the matter not
only concerns the return of your soldiers, but exchange of captives
on the whole. I suppose the problem is being protracted just due to
that,” he added. In the conclusion Merzlyakov said that the breaks
of the cease-fire will the main topic discussed at the meeting of
the Presidents.


Turkey extends ban on alluding to genocide

Turkey extends ban on alluding to genocide
By Nicholas Birch in Istanbul

Irish Times
May 05, 2005

Turkey Turkey’s new criminal code was supposed to be a crucial part
of its efforts to bring itself in line with European norms. Instead,
it stumbles from one controversy to another.

Last autumn, voices were raised over plans to criminalise adultery.
The centre of attention now is an article that looks as if it sets
the courts loose on anyone describing the 1915 mass expulsion of
Ottoman Armenians as a “genocide”.

Article 305’s prescription of between three and 10-year prison
sentences for individuals acting “against fundamental national
interests” originally only affected Turkish citizens. Late on Tuesday,
though, hours before a revised draft of the criminal code was due to
be presented to Turkey’s parliament, three MPs succeeded in extending
its remit to include “foreigners in Turkey”. “According to the legal
changes we have made, those materially benefiting from claims that
there was a genocide can be punished,” Hasan Kara, one of the MPs
tabling the motion, told reporters.

Heavily criticised for its vagueness, the draft article was originally
published last autumn with notes explaining its possible uses. These
included “making propaganda for the withdrawal of Turkish troops
from Cyprus”, or arguing “contrary to historical truths, that the
Armenians suffered a genocide after the first World War”.

The Armenian genocide issue usually drops off Turkey’s agenda
immediately after April 24th, the date that has come to mark the start
of the 1915 massacres. That it is still there this year is largely due
to the decision of a Swiss court last week to open an investigation
into a Turkish historian accused of denying the Armenian genocide.

The case caused outrage in Turkey, even among the very few who openly
describe 1915 as a genocide. Tuesday’s last-minute legal changes are
widely thought to have been an act of retaliation.

The historian in question, head of the government-funded Turkish
Historical Foundation Yusuf Halacoglu, is a staunch defender
of Turkey’s official position on the events of 1915. Expelling
Anatolian Armenians, he has argued, was a necessary response to their
co-operation with enemies of the Ottoman Empire. And while most
historians of the period estimate between 800,000 and one million
people died, he insisted recently the total death toll could not have
exceeded 100,000.

Punishing those who oppose the official line is not new in Turkey.
The novelist Orhan Pamuk, who told a Swiss newspaper in February that
“one million Armenians were killed in Turkey”, is currently facing
three separate charges under a notorious section of the old criminal
code. Article 312 makes “provoking the people to hatred and animosity
through the media” a criminal offence. The article was removed from
the new code.

It remains to be seen whether Turkey’s parliament will cave in now
to internal and international pressure as it did over the adultery
clause. If not, the perceptible broadening of freedom of speech in
Turkey looks set to dwindle.