Armenian president favours equal business opportunities

Armenian president favours equal business opportunities

Public Television of Armenia, Yerevan
13 Apr 05

[Presenter] Armenian President Robert Kocharyan today held a working
meeting with the newly-elected members of the board of the union of
industrialists and entrepreneurs.

They informed the Armenian president about problems raised at a recent
congress of the union and said that they expect assistance in solving
them. The meeting discussed issues concerning the creation of
conditions for competition, assistance to the export of products and
other issues.

The Armenian president pointed out that measures are being taken to
eliminate favouritism and ensure equal competition in business. The
president also said that in this connection, the presidential
administration’s supervisory service has conducted checks among
officials of tax and customs structures to find out whether they
monitor the business of people under their supervision. The service
has also prepared a list of 300 malicious tax defaulters.

[Kocharyan] I regard you as my colleagues and we must clearly discuss
all issues related to the economic policy of our country. It is
important to trust each other in solving these problems. I am sure
that if there is no ideal situation in this sphere, we will not be
able to resolve these problems. But life has shown that we are able to
stand up to competition in this region. This is our best advantage. No
oil resources can substitute it.

France Does its Best For Fair Settlement of Karabakh Conflict

Pan Armenian News


12.04.2005 03:29

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ «No hearing over the Karabakh issue is scheduled in the
French Senate. On the whole I do not have information whether the hearings
will be held or not,» President of the French-Azeri Friendship Group of the
French Senate Ambroise Dupont stated, when clearing out the Azeri press
reports on the coming hearings over the Nagorno Karabakh issue in the French
Parliament. «The work being done by the French Senate President Christian
Poncelet is important to us. In this respect, maybe the aforementioned
hearings are held within the framework of «the four» – between the Chairmen
of the Parliaments of the South Caucasian countries and the French Senate
President. It should be noted that the Senate group, called Audit, considers
the state in the conflict zones, including that in the South Caucasus,» he
noted. The Friendship Group leader noted that after the meeting of Chairmen
of the Parliaments of the South Caucasian states in Versailles the next
meeting within that format was held in Tbilisi. Answering the question on
the probability to expect an impartial stand of France in the Karabakh
settlement «within the context of the frequent accusations of France
supporting Armenians,» Mr. Dupont said that the French State and the
Government as an OSCE Minsk Group Co-Chair, do their best for the fair
settlement of the Karabakh conflict. However, in his words, it does not mean
that France is an arbitrator between «the players.» «If we imagine France as
an arbitrator in that «game», it will turn out that not the arbitrator
determines the rules of that «game». The rules of the «game» should be
determined by the «players» themselves. However, in any case the peaceful
option of solution of the Karabakh conflict is desirable. I would even say
that the peaceful option is the guarantee of the existence of this region,»
Mr. Dupont added. The French guest also noted that Paris follows with
attention the talks within the OSCE MG framework. On the essence of the
Friendship Group assistance to the solution of the conflict Mr. Dupont
stated that Armenians are known better than Azeris in France. «You just said
it yourself that French is often considered a pro-Armenian state. Sometimes
it is true, sometimes it is not. It is true, as Armenians live throughout
the world, including there are many in France. Thus we know Armenians better
than Azerbaijan and Azeris. I personally make efforts for Azerbaijan to
become more known in France», he summed up.

Yerevan draws up Armenia-NATO partnership plan

Itar-Tass, Russia
April 12 2005

Yerevan draws up Armenia-NATO partnership plan

YEREVAN, April 12 (Itar-Tass) – A document featuring the main
directions of a plan for individual partnership between Armenia and
NATO will be submitted to the alliance’s headquarters within a
month’s time, Armenian deputy foreign minister said on Tuesday.

The foreign ministry official, Armen Baiburtyan and Deputy Defence
Minister Artur Agabekyan spoke on Tuesday at a seminar, organized
here by the George C. Marshall European Centre for Security Studies.

`A political decision to join that programme came when it became
clear that the implementation of that plan could help reform and
update the Armenian security sphere, while the republic, for its
part, could make steps that are the core of the partnership plan,’
the top Armenian diplomat said.

According to the deputy defense minister, the Armenian army is facing
serious transformations. He said the country would be guided by the
principle of stage-by-stage work in reforms in defense sphere.
Agabekyan said the country seeks `to create by 2015 an army meeting
the demands of the 21st century’.

He said the main principles underlying reforms in the defense sector
are their `realistic nature, stage-by-stage work, flexibility, broad
analysis and democracy’.

ANKARA: Erdogan strongly criticizes Europe

Turkish Press
April 12 2005

Press Scan


CUMHURIYET- Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan who is currently in
Norway, said that there were some people who tried to divide Turkey
and that the west was manipulating certain concepts. Erdogan also
gave the message that a letter would be sent to 11 countries which
took the Blue Book (which covers Armenian claims of genocide) as
reference, asking them to apologise from Turkey. Erdogan also
stressed that there was no concept like Kurdish minority in Turkey.
”We should also make a distinction between the concepts of PKK and
Kurd,” he said.

All Will Win if We Consider Karabakh Inalienable Part of Armenia


YEREVAN, APRIL 11. ARMINFO. “We will all win if we actually consider
Karabakh as an inalienable part of Armenia,” Armenia’s President
Robert Kocharyan said during his meeting with Yerevan State University
students today when asked about the mainland Armenians negative
attitude toward their Karabakh compatriots this particularly referring
to officials of Karabakh origin and on the bad treatment of Karabakh
Armenians to mainland Armenia soldiers serving in Karabakh.

The former problem seems to be tending towards resolution while the
latter part is not a problem at all, says Kocharyan noting that
anecdotes have appeared of late this being a good proof of a problem’s
alleviation. Kocharyan notes that except Defence Minister Serzh
Sargsyan and he there are few Karabakh Armenians in the Armenian
government. But he personally considers himself as much mainland as
Karabakh Armenian. “I have never separated myself from Armenia. It was
I who initiated the Dec 1 1989 decision on reunification [of Armenia
and Karabakh],” says Kocharyan noting that the problem of treatment
towards people from “other territories” is typical of other countries

ATP Launches Trees of Hope Campaign For 90th Anniversary of Genocide

65 Main Street
Watertown, MA 02472 USA

Press Contact:
Jason Sohigian, Deputy Director
Tel: (617) 926-8733
Email: [email protected]

April 11, 2005

ATP Launches `Trees of Hope’ Campaign For 90th Anniversary of Armenian

WATERTOWN, MA–This month, Armenia Tree Project (ATP) announced the launch
of its `Trees of Hope’ campaign in observance of the 90th anniversary of the
Armenian Genocide.

`ATP is inviting Armenians all over the world to join us as we remember the
past and embrace the future by planting Trees of Hope all across the
Armenian Homeland,’ stated ATP Executive Director Jeff Masarjian. `These
memorial trees are not only an inspiring way to honor our lost ancestors but
also a very practical way to preserve the precious Armenian
Homeland–restoring its environmental integrity and scenic beauty.’

ATP’s inaugural planting for the 2005 season will begin with 90,000 trees,
symbolizing the 90 years that have passed since the first genocide in modern
history. `Our goal is to grow many thousands of Trees of Hope to maturity in
time for the milestone 100th anniversary commemoration,’ added Mr.
Masarjian. `With a thriving Armenian landscape in 2015, it will be evident
that the Armenian Spirit is alive and well with all the life, beauty, and
hope of Nature.’

Given the importance of breaking ground during this year’s planting season,
the Trees of Hope initiative is supported by a comprehensive campaign
designed to reach the widest audience possible. The community-based campaign
includes print advertising, direct mail, satellite television and local
radio, as well as promotion on the Web. It also extends to broadcast media
in Armenia to help raise awareness of ATP and generate enthusiasm among
local communities who will directly benefit from the Trees of Hope program,
both environmentally and economically.

Those who adopt Trees of Hope may participate with gifts in a range starting
from $15, which covers the propagating, planting, and caretaking of one
tree. In addition to a single commemorative tree, they can adopt a four-tree
cluster, an eight-tree grove, a 35-tree arbor, or pledge a 100-tree woodland
or 335-tree forest. Participants also can opt to receive a personalized
Trees of Hope certificate as a keepsake.

`The Trees of Hope campaign gives every Armenian an opportunity to make a
gesture of remembrance that is also a pledge to Armenia’s future,’ noted ATP
Advisory Board Member Nancy Kricorian. `Traditionally an Armenian’s sense of
identity is rooted in a place–a village, a town, a community–and through
the deep roots these trees will put down in Armenian soil, we are making a
commitment to our ancestors and to the generations who will follow.’

ATP Founder Carolyn Mugar pointed out that `By planting these memorial trees
in Armenia, we are helping to put hope and pride on the Armenian horizon for
both its struggling citizens and its worldwide diaspora. Through this and
other tree-planting initiatives, we also hope that our efforts may serve as
an inspiration for other developing nations or recent survivors of genocide
now in the process of healing and rebuilding.’

`It is our vision that one day the images of uprooted Armenian victims on a
death march through the Syrian desert will be replaced by images of an
Armenian Homeland flourishing with bounty and firmly rooted in opportunity.
Not because we have forgotten the past, but because we now are able to
redeem it. We urge Armenians everywhere to take a few moments of their time
to share in this positive expression of remembrance,’ emphasized Ms. Mugar.

Participation in the Trees of Hope campaign, under the leadership of ATP, is
easy. Donations can be made by mail, phone, or online. For additional
information, call (617) 926-8733 or go to

Tenement House Apartment Prices Increase 2.1% In Yerevan In February


YEREVAN, APRIL 8, NOYAN TAPAN. 8,040 transactions on real estate
were made in the country in Febraury, 2005, which represents
a 12.2% increase compared with February of last year and a 32%
increase compared with January, 2005. According to the State Real
Estate Cadastre Committee, out of 2,858 alienation transactions,
sales-purchases made 89.1%, donations – 10.4% and exchanges – 0.5%.
34.3% of the alienation transactions were registered in Yerevan. In the
indicated period, the number of alienation transactions declined 7.3%
compared with February, 2004, and increased 14.5% against January,
2005. 68.1% of real estate sale-purchase transactions in Yerevan
in February were those on apartments of tenement houses. The number
of sale-purchase transactions on tenement house apartments declined
27.6% compared with February, 2004, and increased 10.3% compared with
January, 2005. The price index studies show that the growth rate of
the average market price of 1 sq. meter of tenement house apartments
made 2.1% in Yerevan in February. The minimum and maximum prices of
1 sq. meter of tenement house apartments made in the communities:
Kentron – $350-970, Arabkir – $250-560, Kanaker-Zeytun – $130-330,
Nor Nork – $115-300, Avan – $120-300, Erebuni – $120-300, Shengavit –
$120-350, Davtashen – $130-350, Ajapniak – $120-350, Malatia-Sebastia –
$120-300, Nubarashen – $80-200.

Eastern Prelacy – Crossroads E-Newsletter – 04/07/2005

Eastern Prelacy of the Armenian Apostolic Church of America
138 East 39th Street
New York, NY 10016
Tel: 212-689-7810
Fax: 212-689-7168
e-mail: [email protected]
Contact: Iris Papazian


Up and down the east coast, and beyond, Armenian Americans are preparing
to come to New York on Sunday, April 24, to commemorate the 90th anniversary
of the Armenian Genocide of 1915.
For up-to-date information about the events go to

Check with your local parishes and organizations for travel

His Holiness Aram I, Catholicos of the Great House of Cilicia, made the
following statement expressing his profound sadness following the
announcement of the death of His Holiness John Paul II:
His Holiness Pope John Paul II will remain an outstanding figure in the
modern history of world Christendom. In fact, his relentless effort to make
the Gospel of Christ a living reality in the life of people, his unyielding
prophetic witness to make the moral values the guiding principles of human
societies, his firm commitment to the cause of Christian unity, his openness
to other religions with a clear vision of living together as a reconciled
community in the midst of diversities, and his continuous advocacy for
justice, human rights and freedom made him an exceptional figure of great
achievements. As moderator of the World Council of Churches Central
Committee and as the Armenian Catholicos of Cilicia, I had the privilege to
meet His Holiness on different occasions and witnessed the strength of his
faith, the depth of his wisdom and the clarity of his vision.

Archbishop Oshagan sent messages of condolence on the passing of Pope
John Paul II to His Eminence Edward Cardinal Egan, Archbishop of New York,
and His Eminence Archbishop Gabriel Montalvo, Apostolic Nuncio in
Washington, DC.
In his messages Archbishop Oshagan noted:
His death is, rightfully, being mourned by people around the globe.
During his long pontificate he captured the hearts of all humanity, not only
Catholics, not only Christians. Perhaps this love he felt for all is the
greatest legacy he leaves.
I have had the privilege and honor to meet His Holiness on many
occasions, including official visits of our Catholicoses, His Holiness
Karekin II, of blessed memory, ande His Holiness Aram I. Most recently I was
fortunate to see the Pope in January during the theological dialogue between
the Catholic and Oriental Orthodox Churches. In each of our meetings I was
captivated by his deep faith, his strong optimism, and his unconditional
love for humanity.

The Communication and Information Department of the Catholicosate of
Cilicia announced that His Holiness Aram I will participate in the funeral
of Pope John Paul II on behalf of the worldwide communities under the
jurisdiction of the Catholicosate of Cilicia. Bishop Nareg Alemezian,
Ecumenical Officer, and staffbearer Rev. Fr. Housig Mardirossian will
accompany His Holiness.

International ecumenical guests visited the Catholicosate of Cilicia on
March 31 and April 1. Bishop Nareg Alemezian, Ecumenical Officer, welcomes
the guests on behalf of His Holiness Aram I.
Chris Ferguson and Jonathan Frerichs, officers in the international
affairs department of the World Council of Churches (WCC), visited the
Catholicosate to get better acquainted with the Middle East and the current
Richard Hoffman and Sona Hamalian from the Catholic Aid Society visited
and presented the social service projects being implemented by that
organization in Lebanon and Armenia.

The Very Rev. Fr. Taniel Garabedian celebrated the Divine Liturgy in the
parish he grew up, Sts. Vartanantz Church in Ridgefield, New Jersey, last
Sunday, April 3. It was a joyous and emotional day for both Hayr Sourp and
also the hundreds of parishioners who filled the sanctuary to witness this
momentous occasion. Presiding over the services was the Prelate, Archbishop
Father Taniel (formerly Joseph) is a graduate of Sts. Vartanantz Sunday
School as well as the Siamanto Academy and St. Gregory of Datev Summer
Institute. Hayr Sourp was ordained a celibate priest last November in
Antelias, Lebanon. He came to the United States last week on the sad
occasion of the death of his grandmother. He has now returned to Antelias to
continue his duties and training there. He will return to the United States
in June and will begin serving within the Eastern Prelacy.

Siamanto Academy alumnus, Very Rev. Fr. Taniel Garabedian presented a
lecture on Faith, Hope and Love to the Siamanto Academy students last
Saturday. Father Taniel underscored the understanding of faith and also
spoke about sin and how they affect our lives. His captivating presentation
was accentuated with ample quotations from the Bible, which resulted in a
lively question and answer session.

A reminder that Dn. Shant Kazanjian, Director of the Armenian Religious
Education Council (AREC), will be in New England this weekend. On Saturday
he will lead a seminar for Sunday school teachers in the New England area.
The seminar will take place at St. Stephen Church, Watertown, Massachusetts.
On Sunday, April 10, Dn. Shant will deliver the sermon at St. Stephen

The annual Mothers’ Day luncheon and fashion show, sponsored by the
Prelacy Ladies Guild, will take place, Monday, May 2, in the Versailles Room
of The St. Regis, 2 East 55th Street, New York City. Neiman Marcus of
Paramus, New Jersey, will present their Spring 2005 collection. Reception
hour begins at 11:30 am followed by lunch. For information or reservations
call the Prelacy office, 212-689-7810.

St. Sarkis Church, Douglaston, New York, will celebrate the 15th
anniversary of the consecration of the new St. Sarkis Church on Sunday, May
22 with a gala banquet under the auspices of His Eminence Archbishop
Oshagan. The theme of the celebration is “Honoring the Past, Celebrating the
Present, and Building for the Future.”
For details contact the church at 718-224-2275 or Dr. Louiza Kubikian,

A reminder that Gift Cards are available at the Prelacy Bookstore. You
can see the two styles of cards available on the Prelacy web page:

Just pick one of the two designs and mail your order. Or call
212-689-7810 to order by phone. The Bookstore can also mail your gift card
to the recipient.

Today, April 7, the Armenian Church marks the Feast of the Annunciation,
commemorating the vision of Mary (Luke 1:26-38) announcing the conception of
a Messiah-Son. The Armenian Church observes this event every year on April

This Saturday, April 9, is the 60th anniversary of the execution of
Dietrich Bonhoeffer, a German clergyman who was an out-spoken opponent of
Adolf Hitler. He was arrested by the Gestapo in April 1943. He was hanged in
Flossenburg concentration camp on April 9, 1945. He was 39 years old. One
month later the Third Reich came to an end.
Bonhoeffer was a prolific writer. The last words he wrote were:
“This is the end, for me the beginning of life. I believe in universal
Christian brotherhood which rises above national interests and I believe
that our victory is certain.”

This Sunday, April 10, is Green Sunday (Kanach Kiraki). It is also
called Ashkharhamatran, (from the two words askharh meaning world and matoor
meaning chapel) meaning the first church established in the Christian world.
It is believed that Green Sunday also has connotations of spring and
fertility. In modern times it has become a good time to remember that we are
stewards of the earth and have a duty to protect the environment, all of
which has been given to us by God to use and to leave unharmed for future

Next Wednesday, April 13, is Thomas Jefferson’s birthday. Jefferson was
the third president of the United States and, at age 33, the author of the
Declaration of Independence, an eloquent and bold document.
Less known is a prayer he wrote for the nation that said in part:
Almighty God, Who has given us this good land for our heritage; we
humbly beseech Thee that we may always prove ourselves a people mindful of
Thy favor and glad to do Thy will. Bless our land with honorable ministry,
sound learning, and pure manners. Save us from violence, discord, and
confusion, from pride and arrogance, and from every evil way. Defend our
liberties, and fashion into one united people, the multitude brought hither
out of many kindreds and tongues. Endow with Thy spirit of wisdom those whom
in Thy name we entrust the authority of government, that there may be
justice and peace at home, and that through obedience to Thy law, we may
show forth Thy praise among the nations of the earth. In time of prosperity
fill our hearts with thankfulness, and in the day of trouble, suffer not our
trust in Thee to fail; all of which we ask through Jesus Christ our Lord.
>>From “A Prayer for the Nation,” by Thomas Jefferson, March 4, 1801

We have had extreme amounts of rain during the past few weeks, with more
expected tonight and tomorrow here in the mid-atlantic area. The site of our
vegetable garden has been underwater and impossible to continue our usual
spring schedule. We hope and pray for a stretch of good weather, first and
foremost to bring some respite to so many who have suffered loses because of
flooding, and for us to be able to continue our spring ritual that we enjoy
so much.

And finally we leave you with this:

“Be Not Afraid.”
The words with which John Paul II began his papal ministry on October 22,
1978, and which echoed throughout the world.

Visit our website at

Never Exclude War


Azat Artsakh – Nagorno Karabakh Republic [NKR]
06 April 05

The second day of the parliamentary hearing at the RA National Assembly
on the topic “The Issue of Nagorno Karabakh: Ways of Resolution” began
with the report by the secretary of national security, minister of
defence of RA Serge Sarghissian. Presenting the prospect of resolution
of the Karabakh conflict, the minister of defence declared that the
model “a unified nation and two states” is strategically favourable
for us. According to him, it will prevent accusations of annexation
of Karabakh set forward by Azerbaijan against Armenia.


The minister of defence of Armenia characterized the foreign policy
for the resolution of the Karabakh conflict as both successful
and problematic. However, he said there is no need to worry. “Not
overlooking the advantages, it would be much more useful to pay greater
attention to these problems, for their correct interpretation would
help us press ahead with the settlement of the Karabakh conflict not
forgetting about the security of Armenia, Karabakh and the entire
Armenian nation,” said Serge Sarghissian.


In reference to approaches to and principles of the resolution of
the Karabakh conflict the minister noticed that in the talks lasting
for 13 years within the framework of the OSCE Minsk Group four main
approaches to the resolution of the Karabakh conflict have been
formed: unification of Nagorno Karabakh and the Republic of Armenia;
recognition of the independence of the Republic of Nagorno Karabakh
legitimately; creation of a united state on the basis of Azerbaijan
and the Republic of Nagorno Karabakh; high level sovereignty of Nagorno
Karabakh within the Republic of Azerbaijan. According to the minister,
the concept of self-determination of the people of Nagorno Karabakh
underlies the approach of the Armenian side, whereas the Azerbaijani
approach is based on the principle of recognition of the territorial
integrity and indivisibility of the borders of Azerbaijan. In the
Minsk talks the attitude of the Armenian side towards the models
of solution of the issue starts from the principle of providing the
physical security of the Armenians of Karabakh, as well as necessary
conditions for their steady democratic development. According to the
minister, the present development of the talks for Karabakh prompts
that it is preferable to take into consideration the orientation of
Nagorno Karabakh to progressive global processes. In his opinion,
the three basic principles can be put in the following way:
a. the impossibility of Karabakh being subject to Azerbaijan;
b. the impossibility of Nagorno Karabakh existing as an enclave,
necessity for land border with Armenia and international guarantees for
Nagorno Karabakh to participate in the progressive global processes;
c. need for international guarantees that the war will not be resumed.
“It is necessary to come to an agreement on adapting these 3 principles
to the national interests of the Armenian nation and ground them,”
stated the minister assuring that only in the case of reaching a
national agreement on these basic principles will it be possible
to expect united and effective team work of our representatives
on foreign political issues on the resolution of the Karabakh


In this connection Serge Sarghissian said that negotiations can
be conducted for the security area. The minister believes that
the territories forming the security area will not be returned
without taking into consideration the security of the population
of Nagorno Karabakh. According to him, certain compromises can be
reached through negotiations if Azerbaijan gives guarantees for not
resuming war confirmed by authoritative international organizations
and countries. “I think the Armenian side is willing to discuss
the possibilities of compromise within this pragmatic framework,”
mentioned the minister.


Then the minister tried to render the circumstances in which the
Armenian side may make a compromise. First of all, Serge Sarghissian
pointed out once again that the settlement of the Karabakh conflict is
possible only through peace talks, on the basis of compromises, at the
same time pointing out the compromises that the Armenian side may agree
to make. “We regard the fact that Armenia has not officially recognized
the Republic of Nagorno Karabakh as a principal compromise, although
NKR was established legitimately and has existed as an independent
democratic state for many years now.” Another compromise pointed
out by the minister was the formulation in the January 25 Resolution
1416 of the Council of Europe that the question of independence of
territories (i.e. Nagorno Karabakh) of the state (i.e. Azerbaijan)
must be solved through the democratic expression of the will of the
people living in the given territory. In this context the minister
singled out the proposal of the chairman of the NATO Parliamentary
Assembly Pierre Leluche, according to which it is preferable to hold
a second referendum among the population of the former Autonomous
Region of Nagorno Karabakh on the democratic self-determination of
Nagorno Karabakh. “We think the second principal compromise can be
based on this proposal. Despite the legitimacy of establishment of the
Republic of Nagorno Karabakh and the fact of its lasting existence
as an independent economic and democratic state the Armenian side
may agree to hold a second referendum among the population of the
former Autonomous Region of Nagorno Karabakh at their present place
of residence.”


The RA minister of defence touched upon the probability of resumption
of war. Serge Sarghissian does not exclude the probability of
resumption of war. “I did not exclude it in 1995, and in 1998,
and in 2000 and today I do not exclude it either. There is always
such probability, and nobody is secured against it,” said the
minister. Moreover, he believes that if military actions are resumed,
we will win by all means. “And the cost of the victory will depend
on how the Armenian people, the political forces of Armenia protect
the rear of the army. If, God forbid, military actions start and
a situation similar to that in Azerbaijan in 1992-1994 occurs in
Armenia, we will face destruction. Statesmen and countries start war,
armies continue it, but it is people that win,” said the minister.


At the end of the report the RA minister of defence Serge Sarghissian
emphasized that for the sake of effectiveness of our unified actions
in Karabakh resolution all the participants of this political process
must come together around the above mentioned basic principles and


Antelias: International ecumenical guests visit the Catholicosate of

Catholicosate of Cilicia
Communication and Information Department
Contact: V. Rev. Fr. Krikor Chiftjian, Communications Officer
Tel: (04) 410001, 410003
Fax: (04) 419724
E- mail: [email protected]

PO Box 70 317

Armenian version:



International ecumenical guests visited the Catholicosate of Cilicia
on March 31 and April 1. Bishop Nareg Alemezian, Ecumenical Officer,
welcomed the guests on behalf of His Holiness Aram I.

Among the visitors were Chris Ferguson and Jonathan Frerichs, officers
in the international affairs department of the World Council of
Churches. The purpose of their visit was to get closely acquainted
with the Middle East and inquire about its present situation from
Christian leaders.

Bishop Alemezian told the guests about the history of the Armenian
Church and the Catholicosate of Cilicia, as well as the present,
multifaceted mission of the Catholicosate. He focused on the recent
developments unfolding in Lebanon and the Middle East and answered
the guests’ questions about ecumenical relations, as well as the
process of Christian-Muslim cohabitation and peace.

The Bishop assured that the Armenian Church remains committed to
its role as a bridge between different parties. He stressed that
the Catholicosate of Cilicia firmly believes in the principle of
solving problems through dialogue and actively participates in all
the initiatives that contribute to the establishment of peace and
justice in the Middle East and the international community.

Richard Hoffman and Sona Hamalian from the “Catholic Aid Service”
organization also visited the Catholicosate. The guests presented
the social service projects being implemented by the organization
in Lebanon and Armenia. Bishop Nareg talked about the social service
activities of the Catholicosate of Cilicia. The two sides discussed
prospects for future cooperation.

The “Catholic Aid Service” organization was established in 1943
and aims at contributing to the abolishment of poverty and the
establishment of social justice.


The Armenian Catholicosate of Cilicia is one of the two Catholicosates
of the Armenian Orthodox Church. For detailed information about the
Ecumenical activities of the Cilician Catholicosate, you may refer
to the web page of the Catholicosate, The
Cilician Catholicosate, the administrative center of the church is
located in Antelias, Lebanon.