ANKARA: The Ball is in Brussels’s Court

Zaman, Turkey via JTW, Turkey
March 15 2005

The Ball is in Brussels’s Court
Abdulhamit Bilici

Columnist Abdulhamit Bilici comments on Foreign Minister Abdullah
Gul’s current official visit to Britain and Turkey’s European Union
membership bid. A summary of his column is as follows:

`British Foreign Secretary Jack Straw, who received our Foreign
Minister Abdullah Gul yesterday in London, said that Turkey was quite
ready to sign the protocol extending its Customs Union with present
EU members to all the new states. `The ball is now in Brussels’
court,’ Straw said at a joint press conference following his meeting
with Gul. For his part, Gul stressed that preparations to start
membership negotiations with the EU in October were on track. Asked
whether Greek Cypriot leader Tassos Papadopoulos could put increased
pressure on Brussels to slow down Turkey’s EU process, Straw said
that Britain has no wish to deal with any further problems on the
Cyprus issue now, because it is high time for Ankara and Brussels to
focus on the start of negotiations. Prior to his visit to the
country, Gul was hoping to get London’s support for ending the
isolation of the Turkish Cypriots, because Britain will this July
take over the EU term presidency from the current president,
Luxembourg. Gul yesterday said that he hoped positive steps would
soon be taken on the issue.

Gul yesterday was first interviewed by a Financial Times reporter,
then had lunch with prominent representatives of British finance
circles. Later he addressed members of the London office of
Bloomberg, the information technology giant, where he called on
British businessmen to participate in the privatizations of big
companies in Turkey. Gul was then asked many questions by these
businessmen covering a variety of subjects, including such sensitive
ones as the Armenian problem and the ruling Justice and Development
Party’s (AKP) Islamic roots.

`What would happen if an independent Kurdish state were established
in northern Iraq?’ asked one businessman. `This would plunge the
region into greater chaos,’ Gul warned. `All ethnic groups must see
themselves as Iraqis. We don’t want any further turmoil in the
region. What would Arabs say to such a division? Not only Turks but
also all regional countries want to protect Iraq’s territorial

Gul also delivered a speech at the London School of Economics. It was
quite interesting that he was asked many more questions about the
heavy-handed police action last week to control a women’s rights
demonstration on the eve of the government’s talks with top EU
officials, rather than Turkey’s current reforms. Gul stressed that a
full investigation on the incident was underway whose findings would
be announced in a few days. Because of a demonstration by a radical
leftist group in front of the school, Gul had to leave the building
by the back door.’

System Of A Down Update

March 14 2005

System Of A Down Update

Date: 2005-03-14 Artist: System Of A Down Category: General Music

Fans of the massive Armenian American metal quartet System Of A Down
now have another taster of the new album, after an audience recording
of two new live tracks, Holy Mountain and Kill Rock And Roll from the
Australian Big Day Out Festival, leaked onto the internet

The first taste fans had of the new album was in January when a
studio recording of the new song Cigaro appeared on the internet.

System Of A Down’s new album Mesmerize is due for release on May
17th, with the second part of the album Hypnotize, coming sometime
later this year. The first single from the new album B.Y.O.B. (Bring
Your Own Bombs) was due for release March 8th, but the release date
was for some reason pushed back. Apparently, a live version of this
track exists somewhere on the internet as well, however this remains
to be confirmed.

Fans of the band can expect good things from the nwe album, Kerrang!
magazine said, after a reporter was allowed to listen to a 6 track
sample. Kill Rock N Roll and BYOB were two songs from that CD.
Kerrang! have said the sample CD gave strong indictations that this
album promises to be the bands best yet.

Other confirmed (yet unheard) songs that are due to be relased on the
CD are:

Lost In Hollywood
Violent Pornography
Video Radio
Vicinity Of Obscenity

Mesmerize recently was No. 1 (of 25) of the most anticipated albums
of the year.

BAKU: Official Aliyev visit to Saudi Arabia widely covered

AzerTag, Azerbaijan
March 14 2005

[March 14, 2005, 17:34:14]

Three-day official visit of the President of the Azerbaijan Republic
Ilham Aliyev to Saudi Arabia on the invitation of the Custodian of
the two Holy Mosques , King of Saudi Arabia Fahd Ibn Abdullah uAbdel
Aziz Al Saud was in the center of attention of mass media of the
Kingdom. Materials about this visit of the newspaper were published
on the first pages under large headings. The press and TV especially
emphasized that visit would stimulate more intensive development of
cooperation between the two countries in political, economic,
cultural and other fields.

The newspaper “Riyadh” in number for March 9 under the headings
`Aliyev highly estimated the role of Emir Abdullah in merits before
the Islam and Moslems’ and `The Custodian of the two Holy Mosques and
the President of Azerbaijan have discussed situation in the Islamic
world and prospects of cooperation between two countries’ has
published big materials about meetings of President Ilham Aliyev with
the King of Saudi Arabia Fahd Ibn Abdel Aziz Al Saud and crown prince
Emir Abdullah Ibn Abdel Aziz Al Saud and the negotiations carried out
by them. The newspaper writes, that King was glad to welcome
President Ilham Aliyev in Saudi Arabia and, taking into account his
merits in development of cooperation and friendly relations between
two brotherly countries, has handed over him the highest state award
of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia – the “King Abdel Aziz” Order.

President Ilham Aliyev has handed over the King Fahd Ibn Abdel Aziz
Al Saud the `Istiglal’ Order of the Azerbaijan Republic, having
estimated thus the contribution of King to development of cooperation
between two countries in the field of culture and economy.

In the newspaper it is emphasized that at the meeting between the
President of Azerbaijan and King Fahd, was held wide exchange of
views on the events occurring in the Islamic world and on
international arena, discussed prospects of widespread cooperation
between the brotherly countries.

Giving also appreciable place to meetings of Crown Prince of Emir
Abdullah Ibn Abdel Aziz Al Saud with President Ilham Aliyev in
private and in the expanded structure, the newspaper “Riyadh” marks
that taking into account special merits of Emir in development of
all-round links between our countries, President Ilham Aliyev has
handed over him the highest award of the Azerbaijan Republic – the
“Istiglal’ Order. On negotiations, also was expressed attitude to the
events occurring in the Islamic world and on international arena,
discussed ways of development of the widespread cooperation, serving
to interests of peoples of both countries.

Emphasizing that the management of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia gives
great value to visit of President Ilham Aliyev to this friendly and
brotherly country, the newspaper writes that `the high-ranking
responsible persons of the Kingdom took part in negotiations with the
honored guest in the expanded structure, including members of Royal
family: Emir Mushal, Emir Mutab, Emir Sattam, Emir Abdel Aziz Ibn
Fahd, and also Ministers of Justice, Trade and Industry.

Other influential edition “Al Jazeera” gives an appreciable place to
this visit, noting that the meeting of heads of two countries
represents special value for the future ties. The newspaper has
pushed into the foreground the statement of President Ilham Aliyev
that Saudi Arabia consistently supports Azerbaijan, and has
especially emphasized his confidence that this position will continue
and henceforth.

Marking the statement of Emir Abdullah about the bright future of the
Azerbaijan Republic, the newspaper writes that Crown Prince has
wished to President Ilham Aliyev great successes in his efforts in
the field of strengthening of economic power of the country. Having
declared that his country also will support the position of
Azerbaijan, and, having expressed satisfaction with strong relations
between two brotherly and friendly countries, Emir has reminded that
the strong basis of these links has been founded by the national
leader of Azerbaijan Heydar Aliyev, and has wished his worthy
successor big successes on this responsible way.

Official visit of President Ilham Aliyev to Saudi Arabia also was in
the focus of the newspaper issued in London `Ash-Sharg Al Aisat’.
This visit has been covered in the article published under heading
`At the Saudi-Azerbaijan meeting taken place in Riyadh, at the
highest levels were widely discussed the questions connected to
mutual cooperation, last events in the Islamic world and on
international arena’. The newspaper writes: ` President of Azerbaijan
Ilham Aliyev highly has estimated the irreplaceable role of Emir
Abdullah in solution of the problems of the Moslems living in all
parts of the world, and Emir Abdullah, in turn, having expressed to
President Ilham Aliyev profound gratitude, has emphasized absolute
confidence in the further expansion and development of relations
between the friendly and brotherly countries’.

Newspaper “Al-Vatan” issued in Riyadh expresses confidence that
official visit of the President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev to Saudi
Arabia will take a special place and will play important role in
development of fruitful cooperation in all spheres. It is marked that
positions of the sides completely coincide in connection with the
events occurring both in the Islamic world, and on international
arena, is emphasized that they completely support each other in these
questions and act from common position.

The newspaper “Riyadh” has published big interview of President Ilham
Aliyev. In the given interview, President Ilham Aliyev in details has
answered the questions connected to economic development in the
country, position in region, the Armenia-Azerbaijan, Nagorno-Karabakh
conflict, position and authority of Azerbaijan on region, and also on
the status of Caspian Sea.

The newspapers have published articles also about meetings and
negotiations of President Ilham Aliyev with the Secretary General of
the Organization of Islamic Conference Ekmeleddin Ihsanoglu,
president of Islamic Bank of Development Dr. Ahmed Mohammed Ali,
signing of credit agreements with the Islamic Bank of Development and
visiting by President Ilham Aliyev the sacred cities of Mecca and

Yeghishe Charents 108th Birthday Anniversary To Be Celebrated On Mar


YEREVAN, MARCH 11, NOYAN TAPAN. March 13 is Yeghishe Charents’s 108th
birthday. As every year, representatives of the intelligentsia,
students and schoolchildren will visit the memorial complex of
the great poet where Charents’s readings are to be held. As Lilit
Hakobian, the Director of Charents House-Museum informed Noyan
Tapan’s correspondent, an exhibition on the occasion of the poet’s
108th birthday anniversary will be opened at the museum. There is also
desire to celebrate Charents’s birthday in his birth-place Kars this
year. The 40th anniversary of the foundation and the 30th anniversary
of the opening of Yeghishe Charents House-Museum to be celebrated this
year. A number of events will be organized at the museum, as well as
relics: exclusive manuscripts, inscribed books and others will be got
during the year. “We must foster and estimate our values. Charents
is one of the exclusive writers whose works remain modern in all
times. That keeps Charents alive forever, that is to make him the guide
of generations,” the Director of the poet’s House-Museum mentioned.

Azeri president says no risk of “velvet revolution” in country

Azeri president says no risk of “velvet revolution” in country

ITAR-TASS news agency, Moscow
12 Mar 05

Baku, 12 March: Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev has said there is
no danger of a “velvet revolution” in his country.

“Revolutions occur where there is a gap and mistrust between the
authorities and people. The situation in Azerbaijan is different,”
Aliyev told journalists on Saturday [12 March].

He cited public opinion polls conducted by independent, including
foreign, funds as saying that “the rating of the authorities and
president of Azerbaijan is at the highest level”.

“The authorities in Azerbaijan serve the people. All our efforts
are aimed at making the country stronger, enhancing its authority,
resolving the Karabakh conflict, strengthening the army and solving
social problems,” the president said.

“I will try to work in a way that will always give me the support of
the people,” he added.

Armenian Assembly Joins Community Groups In Urging President Bush To


11 March 05

Washington, DC – The Armenian Assembly today joined together with
several major Armenian-American organizations to deliver a singular
message to President Bush – that now is the time to accurately label
the atrocities of 1915 as the Armenian Genocide as articulated
by U.S. Ambassador to Armenia John Evans and other leading U.S.

Evans most recently evoked the Armenian Genocide during his first
stateside visit to Armenian communities across the country. During a
series of public exchanges with Armenians last week, Evans said, “The
Armenian Genocide was the first genocide of the twentieth century.”

Community organizations, in turn, sent a letter to President Bush
today asking that he also use the word Genocide to characterize the
forced exile and murder of the Armenians by the Ottoman Turks. The
letter was signed by the Armenian Assembly of America, the Armenian
Bar Association, the Armenian General Benevolent Union, the Armenian
Missionary Association of America, the Armenian National Committee,
the Armenian Relief Society of Eastern USA, the Eastern Diocese of
the Armenian Church, the Western Diocese of the Armenian Church,
the Knights of Vartan, the Eastern Prelacy of the Armenian Apostolic
Church of North America and the Western Prelacy of the Armenian
Apostolic Church of North America and said in part:

“In this the 90th Commemorative Anniversary of the Armenian Genocide,
we urge that you join President Reagan and so many other leading
public officials in reaffirming the facts of history you have already
proclaimed with the correct name – Armenian Genocide…. Just as
it was when your Administration properly termed the crimes against
humanity in Darfur as genocide, U.S. leadership is once again needed
to provide clarity to the crimes against humanity committed by Ottoman
Turkey against our ancestors under cover of WW I.”

Assembly Board of Trustees Chairman Hirair Hovnanian said that he was
encouraged by the spirit of cooperation exhibited by the community.
“Now more than ever, it is imperative for us to unite and strengthen
our voices as we work towards an inevitable, full and irrevocable
U.S. reaffirmation of the Armenian Genocide,” Hovnanian said.

Also today, the Assembly sent a letter to Congressional Caucus on
Armenian Issues Co-Chairs Joe Knollenberg (R-MI) and Frank Pallone,
Jr. (D-NJ), asking for their continued leadership and support to
rally Congress in support of affirmation of the truth.

The Assembly additionally sent a “call to action” to thousands of
its members and activists around the country, encouraging their
involvement in the campaign for formal U.S recognition of the Genocide.

For information on how to get involved, log on to the Assembly Web
site at or send an email to the Assembly’s grassroots
branch ARAMAC at [email protected].

The Armenian Assembly of America is the largest Washington-based
nationwide organization promoting public understanding and awareness
of Armenian issues. It is a 501 (c) (3) tax-exempt membership

Editor’s Note: Attached is the full text of the pan-Armenian letter
to President Bush.

March 2, 2005

President George Bush

The White House

Washington, DC

Dear Mr. President:

Ambassador Evans has just completed his first U.S. visit to major
Armenian-American communities to share his initial impressions of
Armenia, U.S. programs there and the even greater role that our
community can play in promoting ever closer U.S./Armenia relations.

During his public exchanges with our communities throughout the United
States, Ambassador Evans also properly and repeatedly characterized
the attempted annihilation of our people by Ottoman Turkey as the
Armenian Genocide. In so doing, the Ambassador accurately labeled the
textbook definition of the crime of genocide that you have carefully
set forth in your successive April 24 statements commenting on this
crime against humanity. In effect, Ambassador Evans succinctly named
the policy you have enunciated in these important declarations.

Mr. President, in this the 90th Commemorative Anniversary of the
Armenian Genocide, we urge that you join President Ronald Reagan and
so many other leading American public officials in reaffirming the
facts of history you have already proclaimed with the correct name –
Armenian Genocide. Candor on this vital matter will ultimately enhance
U.S./Turkey and U.S./Armenia relationships. Just as it was when your
Administration properly termed the crimes against humanity in Darfur
as genocide, U.S. leadership is once again needed to provide clarity
to the crimes against humanity committed by Ottoman Turkey against
our ancestors under cover of WW I.


Armenian Assembly of America

Armenian Bar Association

Armenian General Benevolent Union

Armenian Missionary Association of America

Armenian National Committee of America

Armenian Relief Society of Eastern USA, Inc.

Diocese of the Armenian Church of America – East

Diocese of the Armenian Church of America – West

Knights of Vartan

Prelacy of the Armenian Apostolic Church of North America – East

Prelacy of the Armenian Apostolic Church of North America – West

BAKU: Armenia trying to hamper talks by mass truce violations – Azer

Armenia trying to hamper talks by mass truce violations – Azeri spokesman

Ayna, Baku
10 Mar 05

Excerpt from report by C. Sumarinli in Azerbaijani newspaper Ayna on
10 March headlined “A military solution to the Karabakh conflict is
becoming a reality” and subheaded “The Azerbaijani Defence Ministry
warns: ‘If the Armenians continue this tension, we will liberate our
lands in a military way'”

The Azerbaijani Defence Ministry explains the latest tense situation on
the front line by three reasons. In an interview with Ayna, the head of
the ministry’s press service, Col Ramiz Malikov, said that it is first
of all connected with the resolution adopted at the Parliamentary
Assembly of the Council of Europe [PACE], which describes Armenia
as an aggressor and the Karabakh forces as separatist ones. Second,
the planned settlement of Armenians in Nagornyy Karabakh and other
occupied districts at the state level was exposed by the OSCE
fact-finding mission, which gave an impetus to the activity of the
Armenian separatists. Third, one of the main reasons for the increasing
tension on the front line is the violation of single command principles
in the Armenian army. One can feel a lack of discipline, arbitrariness
and the violation of principles of subordination among the Armenian
servicemen in the occupied territories. The latest developments show
that anyone who gets hold of weapons on the Armenian side tries to
open fire at Azerbaijani servicemen.

To recap, the Armenians have been regularly firing on the positions
of the Azerbaijani armed forces since last week. Four Azerbaijani
servicemen were seriously wounded as a result.

[Passage omitted: details of the truce violation]

The Defence Ministry official described as nonsense the reports of
the Armenian newspaper Azg that five districts around Karabakh will
be handed over to Azerbaijan and Karabakh will be temporarily placed
under Armenian administration.

“We demand that they vacate our occupied territories. The will of
our president and people demands this. Nagornyy Karabakh should be
only under Azerbaijani administration. This is the opinion of the
international public as well, because there is no room for separatism
in the 21st century,” Malikov said.

He did not forget to warn the Armenians.

“We want to liberate our lands peacefully and call on the Armenians
to vacate our lands. If the Armenians put armed pressure on us,
they will get the answer they deserve and we will liberate our lands.”

[Passage omitted: minor details]

The increasing tension on the front line can be explained by the
Armenian side’s intention to prevent the negotiations, a source at
the Azerbaijani Foreign Ministry told Ayna. The source said that
at present, the Armenians are trying to learn public opinion about
preparations for war in Armenia and Azerbaijan by exerting armed

“Mass truce violations usually occur twice a year. This happens in
March-April or September-October. The Yerevan government is defining
the future outlines of the negotiations by this ‘cease-fire’,” the
source said.

[Passage omitted: reported details]

Glendale:City recognizes the best designs

Glendale News Press
Published March 10, 2005

City recognizes the best designs

Four buildings are honored with the first Glendale Urban Design Achievement
awards on Monday.

By Josh Kleinbaum, News-Press and Leader

GLENDALE — Alen Malekian isn’t quite sure what the trophy is supposed
to be. It’s a glass hexagon, about 6 inches tall and 4 inches in
diameter. The GUDA is not quite Oscar, but Malekian’s still proud.

“It still hasn’t hit me yet,” said Malekian, one of three recipients
of the first Glendale Urban Design Achievement awards. “I know in
a couple of days I’m going to realize what I just got, one of the
first awards. It’s an excellent and wonderful achievement for myself
and for my colleagues.” The city introduced the awards to recognize
outstanding achievement in urban design, giving awards Monday for
best residential design, commercial design and institutional design.

“We tried to do everything to show a little creativity, even the
awards themselves,” Planning Director Elaine Wilkerson said. “People
seemed to be quite taken to the fact that [the statues] were creative
in themselves.” Malekian, a designer for Malekian and Associates,
received the award in the commercial category for the Sidewalk Café
and Coldstone Creamery at 901 W. Glenoaks Blvd.

Garo Minassian received the residential award for designing Mirabella,
a residential community at 2753 Piedmont Ave. Alajajian-Marcoosi
Architects received the institutional award for designing St. Gregory
Armenian Church at 1510 E. Mountain St.

F&E Architects and Khan Consulting received honorable mention for
designing Heritage Park, a four-story affordable housing apartment
building for seniors.

“It’s an encouragement to architects and developers, designers also,
that their work is recognized by city staff and the community,” said
Aram Alajajian, president and principal designer for Alajajian-Marcoosi
Architects. “This is very important. It gives us a positive impulse
to look forward to better achievements in the design field.”

The city received 10 nominations from the public, and a four-person
jury including nationally recognized designers chose the winners. To be
eligible, projects had to receive all of their approvals and permits
after 1986, when the city began its design-review process. The jury
evaluated the buildings on their innovative design, the quality and
sustainability of the design and compatibility to the surrounding

The city plans to hold the awards every other year, Wilkerson said.
“We hope that people will recognize that we’re trying to achieve higher
quality design, and they’ll see examples of what we’re after, and try
to emulate it,” Wilkerson said. “I’m not suggesting that there aren’t
other good projects in the city, but they weren’t nominated. Maybe
next time, when do it in two years, people will see the merit of
being honored by their peers.”

* JOSH KLEINBAUM covers City Hall. He may be reached at (818) 637-323.


New year, new activities at Diocesan summer camps

Diocese of the Armenian Church of America (Eastern)
630 Second Avenue, New York, NY 10016
Contact: Jake Goshert, Coordinator of Information Services
Tel: (212) 686-0710 Ext. 60; Fax: (212) 779-3558
E-mail: [email protected]

March 9, 2005


Young people are full of dreams — from staring in a Broadway show to
serving as an international interpreter to singing at Carnegie Hall.
This year, St. Vartan Camp will help young people reach for their dreams
through new, intensive, week-long elective programs.

Each week, campers at the Diocesan summer camp will be able to choose
among new electives — arts and crafts, beginner’s Armenian language
instruction, music appreciation, drama, altar server training, and more.
Whatever elective they chose, campers will spend their time that week in
an in-depth study with specially trained instructors.

“Our new electives allow students to have more control over their
program,” said St. Vartan Camp Director Yn. Arpi Kouzouian. “Electives
are a way to tailor the camp program to meet the needs and wants of our
campers. Also, spending a week focused on a subject they love means
they will truly get a deep and thorough understanding of that area.”

St. Vartan Camp offers both one- and two-week sessions. So campers in
the two-week session will be able to chose two electives, one for each

Another great aspect about the elective system is those classes will be
open to all campers of all ages. That will allow older kids to serve as
mentors to younger students.

“That will be a positive interaction, giving the youngest campers new
role models and providing the older campers with a sense of leadership
and responsibility,” Yn. Kouzouian said. “Campers will really love the
electives and having that option. The new plan will only increase the
value of the time they spend at St. Vartan Camp.”


Along with the new electives, a group of educators and youth ministers
have been meeting since last year to refine and refresh the entire
curriculum for both St. Vartan and Midwest Hye Camp.

The general curriculum focuses on the Armenian culture and faith, and
this year campers will find the new updated curriculum an interesting
and exciting part of camp.

“We’re trying to not only make our offerings more challenging, but to
update our approaches and our lessons to address the changing needs of
our youth,” said Dr. Sam Mikaelian, executive director of the Eastern
Diocese. “The new plans improve and strengthen the core curriculum of
the camp, making it an even more beneficial Armenian Christian
environment for young people.”

St. Vartan Camp will run for three sessions — each offering one- and
two-week stays — June 26, July 10, and July 24. Hye Camp runs from
July 31 to August 6.

The early registration discount for St. Vartan Camp lasts until March

For more information visit or contact Yn. Kouzouian
at [email protected] or by calling (617) 876-2700.

— 3/9/05

# # #

Community gathers to remember Hatoon

Oregon Daily Emerald, OR
March 7 2005

Community gathers to remember Hatoon

The Saturday memorial commemorated a woman who “lived life her own
way” and lived happily
Ayisha Yahya
News Editor

March 07, 2005

She will be remembered for her entrancing stories. Her bursts of
humor. Her bright lipstick.
She will also be remembered for her caring nature. The insights she
brought to those whose paths she crossed. Her intellectual spark and
the many lives she touched over the years because she lived her life
just as she wanted.

Students, faculty and community gathered on a sunny winter afternoon
to pay tribute to Hatoon Victoria Adkins. Adkins, a long time
resident at the campus, was killed on Tuesday as she was crossing
Franklin Boulevard on her bicycle. Most recently, Adkins, 67, had
made her home on a bench just outside the University Bookstore, where
she covered her things with a blue tarp. In the days since her
demise, Adkins’ bench has evolved into a shrine with flowers, candles
and tubes of lipstick, which she loved.

Eugene Police Officer Randy Ellis, who knew Adkins for many years,
said she taught people everything from tolerance to vulnerability to

“We learned that we’re not invincible,” Ellis said, adding that the
impact Adkins had on those who knew her was evident from the
outpouring of love since her death.

“We wanted what was best for Hatoon, but only Hatoon knew what that
really was,” Ellis said. Ellis said Adkins, who was known for her
many diverse stories, taught people to listen. “Listening is
something that few of us really know how to do,” Ellis said.

Ellis said Adkins’ life was not a failure. “She lived life her own
way,” he said.

Adkins suffered from mental illness — those who knew her described
her as drifting in and out of lucidity. Ellis said Adkins made her
own choices and was able to surround herself with a family of
friends. She did not consider herself homeless or mentally ill, Ellis
said; she had a home right there outside the bookstore.

“We should not allow her life or her memory to be devalued by these
meaningless labels,” Ellis said.

Before Adkins’ death, Ellis had been talking with the University to
try and arrange a trailer for Adkins to live in. And over the years,
many different people had taken her into their homes for short
periods of time.

Marcus Larson | Freelance photographer

Poppe, an acquaintance of Hatoon Victoria Adkins, bows his head in a
moment of silence during Adkins’ memorial service outside the Knight
Library on Saturday. Adkins, 67, died at Sacred Heart Medical Center
from injuries sustained after she was struck by a motorist March 1.

University Bookstore General Manager Jim Williams also knew Adkins
for many years, saying she was a “good neighbor” — she often helped
the bookstore staff take out the trash each morning.
He described her as a magnificent, if somewhat complex woman. “Hatoon
was not really homeless … she just chose not to live cooped up
inside a building,” he said.

Adkins was not a regular face just at the bookstore. She was often
seen at the Knight Library, and she once lived outside it. Many also
crossed paths with her at the Student Recreation Center where she was
a regular patron. Those who worked out with her or saw her exercising
remember her strength — one man said she could easily “outpress 15
frat boys any day.”

“She was my role model for working out,” Tevina Benedict, who helped
organize the memorial, said. “We all need to keep our bodies strong.”

“That chick was buff,” said Professor Emeritus of English Ed Coleman,
who knew Adkins for 30 years.

Adkins was also a regular visitor at Blue Heron Bicycles on 13th
Avenue, where she became close friends with Kerri Vanden Berg. Vanden
Berg said Adkins was quite conscious of people’s belief or disbelief
in the things she said. After many long conversations with her
throughout the years, she said Adkins “began to make perfect sense.”

“So many times, you put my own life into perspective,” she said at
the memorial service. “I missed you today, I’ll miss you tomorrow. I
am blessed.”

Many others recalled Adkins’ concern for them. She would ask about
their health or about their children, tell them how nice they looked,
share her thoughts and opinions. Adkins was born April 30, 1937, to
parents of Armenian descent. She is survived by a sister, son,
daughter and granddaughter. In a letter, read by Williams, the family
members expressed how much they would miss her.

“Never one to hold back opinion, Hatoon encouraged open hearts and
open minds,” the letter said.

Referencing Robert Frost’s poem “A Road Not Taken,” Ellis said Adkins
had taken the path less traveled and all people should try to do the

“Decide to be happy; make others happy,” he said. “Do not wait for a
better world; make a better world.”