Baku, Yerevan must provide for Karabakh talks progress-OSCE

ITAR-TASS News Agency
July 16, 2004 Friday 2:31 PM Eastern Time

Baku, Yerevan must provide for Karabakh talks progress-OSCE

By Sevindzh Abdullayeva, Viktor Shulman


The leaders of Azerbaijan and Armenia, not the OSCE Minsk Group, are
responsible for the development of negotiations on the Karabakh
settlement, the Minsk Group co-chairmen said at a Friday press
conference in Baku.

The co-chairmen will continue supporting direct dialog between the
Azerbaijani and Armenian presidents and negotiations of the two
foreign ministers, U.S. Co-Chairman of the OSCE Minsk Group Steven
Mann said. He said that he believed in peace settlement. Lasting
peace can be achieved only through political negotiations, and
attempts to settle the conflict with other methods can have tragic
consequences, he said.

The co-chairmen said they would not thrust any solutions on the
conflicting sides. They noted that the negotiations could be
successful only in case of compromises, whose degree was up to the

Russian Co-Chairman Yuri Merzlyakov said the three member countries
of the OSCE Minsk Group (Russia, the United States and France)
supported the principle of territorial integrity of Azerbaijan.

FM Vardan Oskanyan and British Ambassador Sign Cultural Agreement


YEREVAN, JULY 15. ARMINFO. Armenian Foreign Minister Vardan Oskanyan
and British Ambassador to Armenia Thorda Abbot-Watt signed an
agreement “On Cultural Values”.

The Press-Service of the Armenian Foreign Ministry told ARMINFO that
Director of the British Council in Armenia Roger Budd attended the
signing ceremony. The agreement raises the cultural ties between the
two states to an offical basis. These ties have got a special
development since the opening of the British Council Office in Armenia
in 2001. According to the agreement, the British Council is officially
recognized a body regulating cultural ties between Armenia and Great
Britain as well as creates preconditions for establishment of a
similar Armenian cultural office in Britain. The agreement says that
the sides get a right to open cultural centers in the capitals and
regions of the two states on a mutual agreement. Cultural centers will
contribute to implementing various programs aiming development of
cultural cooperation between the two states. The major goal of the
centers is development of relations between Armenia and Great Britain
in the sphere of language and literature, culture and art, education,
science and technologies, exchange of knowledge and information
between Mass Media.

Cyprus marks 30th anniversary of military coup

Cyprus marks 30th anniversary of military coup

July 15, 2004, Thursday 11:16 AM Eastern Time


Cyprus on Thursday marked the 30th anniversary of 1974 military coup,
paying tribute to those who lost lives defending the republic.

The military coup against President of Cyprus Archbishop Makarios,
engineered by the military junta then ruling Greece, was followed five
days later by the Turkish military intervention, which resulted in the
de facto division of the island.

Sirens began to wail at 08:20 a.m. local time (0520GMT), the very time
when the coup took place.

A church service for those killed during the coup was held at Saints
Constantinos and Eleni Church in Nicosia, in the presence of Cyprus
President Tassos Papadopoulos, House President Demetris Christofias,
Ambassador of Greece to Cyprus Christos Panagopoulos, political
officials and relatives of the victims.

When addressing the ceremony, Interior Minister Andreas Christou said
the government condemned the coup and the Turkish intervention while
honoured all those who fought and especially those killed for
democracy and freedom in Cyprus.

The minister reiterated the government’s commitment to reunite the
state and the people within the framework of a bizonal, bicommunal
federation on the basis of the Annan plan so that “all people, Greek
Cypriots, Turkish Cypriots, A rmenians, Maronites and Latins, will be
able to live peacefully and in brotherhood.”

“We do not abandon this vision. We renew our hopes and our efforts and
we declare to be ready to take the big step for conciliation and
compromise,” he promised.

President Papadopoulos and other officials laid wreaths at the tombs
of those killed defending the republic.

The 56-seat House of Representatives held afterwards a special session
to mark the events.

Cyprus was divided into north Turkish cypriots part and south Greek
Cypriots part when Turkey entered the island in 1974 after a failed
Greek coup seeking union with Greece.

In April, two separate referendums were held simultaneously on both
sides on the Cyprus reunion plan, only rejected by the Greek Cypriots
south with an overwhelming no.

This led the world-recognized south into the European Union on May 1,
while the Turkish Cypriots north was left outside the body.

Presidential Supervisory Service Saves Green Area in Yerevan


YEREVAN, JULY 15. ARMINFO. A green zone in front of building 28, Isahakyan
street in Yerevan was saved after intervention of the Presidential
Supervisory Service.

Journalists signals to various instances did not produce any results before.
It was not until the journalists applied to Presidential Spokesman Ashot
Kocharian that the President was informed of the fact. The construction in
the land-plot has been suspended, and planting of trees and bushes has even
begun. Talking to ARMINFO, Edmon Zakharyan, Press Secretary of the Yerevan
Mayor, “credited” the salvation of the green zone in the center of Yerevan
to his boss Yervand Zakharyan. He stressed that this is a testimony to the
Mayor’s determination to battle illegal construction and destruction of
green zones.

We would remind you that a 5-meter-deep pit was to be dug in the plot of
land with an area of 500sq. meters for the construction of an entertainment
club. According to yet unconfirmed information, the construction was
sponsored by RA Minister of Territorial Administration and Coordination of
Infrastructures Hovik Abramyan. This is the first example of a favorable
outcome of a conflict over green areas between the public and high-ranking

OSCE Minsk Group co-chairmen bring new proposals to Baku

OSCE Minsk Group co-chairmen bring new proposals to Baku

BAKU. July 15 (Interfax-Azerbaijan) – The co-chairmen of the OSCE
Minsk Group have brought new proposals on a Karabakh settlement to
Azerbaijan, Russia’s representative in the group, Yury Merzlyakov,
said in Baku on Thursday.

“There are new ideas, but we have to negotiate with the Azerbaijani
administration first. The new ideas have been discussed with the
Armenian authorities, and now they will be introduced to Azerbaijan,”
he said.

A decision on Karabakh’s involvement in the negotiations is up to the
negotiating parties, he said. “To my mind, all parties must take part
in the negotiations,” he said.

Merzlyakov is visiting Azerbaijan together with France’s co- chairman
Henri Jacolin. U.S. co-chairman Thomas Mann has left Armenia for
Tbilisi as the American representative for the settlement of conflicts
in the South Caucasus. He will meet with Georgian officials to discuss
the situation in South Ossetia and come to Baku afterwards.

Baku lost control of Nagorno-Karabakh and seven adjoining districts in
a conflict with Armenia in the 1990s.

The UN Security Council has denounced the occupation of Azerbaijani
lands and demanded that Armenia withdraw its forces.

The U.S., Russian and French co-chairmen of the OSCE’s Minsk Group are
working to settle the conflict.

BAKU: Azerbaijan backs Georgia in South Ossetia conflict – minister

Azerbaijan backs Georgia in South Ossetia conflict – minister

Azad Azarbaycan TV, Baku
12 Jul 04

The Azerbaijani government supports Tbilisi in the Georgian-Ossetian
conflict, Azerbaijani Foreign Minister Elmar Mammadyarov has said.

The latest developments in South Ossetia concern Azerbaijan as well,
and Baku supports Georgia’s territorial integrity, Mammadyarov
said. What is more, Georgia is Azerbaijan’s strategic partner, he
said. Although the Azerbaijani Foreign Ministry has issued no
statement over the situation in South Ossetia, it has informed Georgia
of its stance, he said.

The minister also spoke of the current visit to the region of the OSCE
Minsk Group cochairmen, who are mediating the Nagornyy Karabakh
conflict. It is too early to talk about the co-chairmen’s any new
proposals or ideas on how to resolve the conflict. The co-chairmen –
Yuriy Merzlyakov [of Russia], Henry Jacolin [France] and Steven Mann
[USA] – visited Armenia today [12 July]. Tomorrow, they will leave
Yerevan for the occupied part of Azerbaijan, Karabakh, and will visit
Baku on 14 July.

BAKU: Turkey & Azerbaijan will hold worthy place among world states

Azer Tag, Azerbaijan State Info Agency
July 8 2004

[July 08, 2004, 20:41:36]

Speaker of Azerbaijan Parliament Mr. Murtuz Alaskarov met at the
Heydar Aliyev Hall of Parliament the Turkish Minister of Ecology and
Forestry Osman Pepe and his entourage on 8 July.

Mr. Alaskarov said that the existing relations between the two
counties have developed thanks to the nationwide leader of Azerbaijan
people Heydar Aliyev and acquired the level of fraternity, AzerTAj
correspondent reports. President of Azerbaijan Republic attaches
special attention to this cause and the mutual links between Turkey
and Azerbaijan are quickly developing and strengthening in all

Your current visit will give a new impulse to these ties, the Speaker

Noting the close links between the parliaments of two countries, said
that chairman of the Great National Assembly of Turkey has invited
him to visit Turkey. Members of the Azerbaijan Parliament will go to
the Northern Cyprus shortly. Adherence by the parliamentarians of the
two countries of the same position is noteworthy. Just as a result of
such policy, Turkey and Azerbaijan will hold a worthy place among the
world states, Mr. Alaskarov underlined.

Then, Murtuz Alaskarov updated the guest on the adopted laws, in
particular, the laws on environment protection, on the
Armenia-Azerbaijan, Nagorny Karabakh conflict. He also expressed his
gratitude for firm position of Turkey related to the conflict.

Mr. Osman Pepe said that the key goal of the visit is to expand
cooperation in the field of ecology and forestry. The documents to be
signed with the Azerbaijani colleagues will greatly benefit the said
area, he emphasized. He expressed his satisfaction with continuation
of Heydar Aliyev’s policy in the Republic of Azerbaijan. We hope the
policy pursued by President Ilham Aliyev will reinforce the position
of Azerbaijan among the world states.

In the meeting, also were shared views on other issues of mutual

Russian parliament ratifies Euro weapons limitation treaty

Xinhua, China
July 7 2004

Russian parliament ratifies Euro weapons limitation treaty

MOSCOW, July 7 (Xinhuanet) — Russia’s parliament on Wednesday
completed ratification of the amended Treaty on Conventional Forces
in Europe (CFE) which limits the deployment of heavy weapons across
the European continent, the Interfax news agency reported.

The Federation Council, parliament’s upper house, approved it
Wednesday by a vote of 137-1 following ratification by the State
Duma, the lower house of parliament, on June 25 and the treaty now
goes to President Vladimir Putin for signing.

The modified accord could significantly reduce the deployment of
warplanes, tanks and other heavy non-nuclear weapons in Europe. It
will take effect when all 30 signatory countries ratify it.

Under the treaty, Russia can have 6,350 tanks, 11,280 armored
personnel carriers, 6,315 artillery, 3,416 combat aircraft and 885
helicopter gunships.

Russia can also keep its weapons and military hardware in Armenia
and Ukraine under the treaty.

The original CFE treaty was approved in 1990 by the 22 members of
the North Atlantic Treaty Organization and Warsaw Pact alliances.

An amended version of the treaty was signed in 1999 following the
collapse of former Soviet Union.

Russia has been particularly concerned about the reluctance of the
four new NATO members — Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Slovenia —
to ratify the amended version of the treaty.

Some Russian officials fear that if the four do not join the
treaty they could become NATO outposts for nuclear arms or army

However, NATO argues that until Russian forces and weapons are
pulled back from Georgia and Moldova, they cannot ratify the treaty.
Moscow says its pledge to withdraw forces from the two countries is a
separate issue from the treaty. Enditem

Armenian government earns money on “dodgers”

Agency WPS
July 5, 2004, Monday


The Armenian government has earned some $74,000 on “dodgers” from
military service: 120 Armenian citizens liable for military service
preferred to pay money into the budget to being conscripted. The
might-have-been protectors of fatherland used the opportunity,
provided by the law on dodgers from military service, passed on March
1, 2004. The law envisages payment of 100 minimum wages (about $200)
twice a year as a “compensation” for each conscription missed. The
amount of $200 suffices six months. The maximal fee per conscript has
been $3,300. So far, this chance is only give to persons, who reached
the age of 27 before the law was passed.

According to the Armenian Defense Ministry, over 5,000 citizens come
under this law. After the above sums are paid, these persons are
fully relieved of criminal responsibility for dodging the military

Source: Moskovsky Komsomolets, July 2, 2004, p. 7

Translated by Andrei Ryabochkin

Armenian Official Praises U.S. House Panel For Military Aid Increase

Radio Free Europe, Czech republic
June 30 2004

Armenian Official Praises U.S. House Panel For Military Aid Increase

By Hrach Melkumian 30/06/2004 14:11

A senior Armenian official commended on Tuesday a key subcommittee of
the U.S. House of Representatives for supporting equal U.S. military
assistance to Armenia and Azerbaijan opposed by the White House.

Deputy Foreign Minister Ruben Shugarian also said Yerevan should
respond by expanding military cooperation with Washington.

A bill approved by the subcommittee last week calls for $5 million in
military financing to each of the two countries locked in a bitter
conflict over Nagorno-Karabakh. The earlier version of the bill
drafted by the administration of President George W. Bush would
allocate $8 million to Azerbaijan and only $2 million to Armenia.

In an interview with RFE/RL, Shugarian welcomed the amendment which
has yet to be endorsed by the full House Appropriations Committee. He
said it was not only the result of heavy Armenian-American lobbying
but also an `explanatory work’ conducted by Armenia’s foreign and
defense ministries.

Shugarian took issue with the Bush administration’s arguments that
Azerbaijan deserves greater military aid because it has already
committed troops for the U.S.-led missions in Iraq and Afghanistan.
`No matter how much countries differ in their attitude toward Iraq
developments, this can not be the decisive argument because the issue
relates to our region,’ he said. `There is a frozen conflict in our
region and when the parity is disrupted…there arise some dangers.’

But Shugarian also stressed that Armenia, which relies on a military
alliance with Russia in its national security policy, should seek
closer military ties with the United States if it is to maintain the
aid parity. `We should think in the future about expanding the
[defense cooperation] programs if we want to continue to keep that
parity because the aid depends on our proposals as well,’ said
Armenia’s former longtime ambassador to Washington.

The Armenian leadership has already taken steps in that direction in
recent years, stepping up its participation in NATO’s Partnership for
Peace program and promising to join the U.S.-led `coalition of the
willing’ in Iraq with a small contingent of non-combat military
personnel. A team of Armenian military drivers, doctors and demining
experts is expected to be deployed in Iraq in September.

Shugarian denied any U.S. pressure behind the deployment plans,
saying that Yerevan will continue to exercise caution in its Iraqi
policy primarily because of the existence of a vulnerable ethnic
Armenian community in Iraq. `I can say that both the State Department
and the White House understand our approach,’ he said.

Unlike neighboring Georgia and Azerbaijan, Armenia declined to
endorse the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq last year and did not sent
armed combat units to the country. It at the same time welcomed the
quick overthrow of Saddam Hussein’s regime.