BAKU: Moratinos: "We Call On Turkey And Armenia To Ratify Protocols


March 2 2010

Baku. Victoria Dementieva – APA. The European Union calls on Turkey
and Armenia to ratify Zurich protocols without any pre-condition,
said EU President, Foreign Minister of Spain Miguel Angel Moratinos.

He said EU supported normalization of relations between Armenia and
Turkey and called on both sides to be loyal to this process.

Moratinos, who arrived in Yerevan together with a large delegation,
welcomes sending the protocols to the Armenian parliament and Turkish
president’s willingness to develop dialogue with Armenia. "The
European Union supports Armenian-Turkish process. The signing of
protocols is an important historic turning point in the relations
between the two countries. The European Union intends to be involved
in this process. If there are signed documents, this process
should be developed and points described in the protocols should
be implemented". On Tuesday, Spanish Foreign Minister Miguel Angel
Moratinos has started his visit to the South Caucasus. Moratinos will
visit Azerbaijan on Tuesday and Georgia on March 3.

Turkish Foreign Ministry Released A Statement Condemning The Armenia

02.03.2010 13:39

Turkish Foreign Ministry released a statement on the Armenian Genocide
Resolution pending in the US Congress, expressing regret that the
Foreign Affairs Committee of the US House of Representatives will
take up Resolution 252 that recognizes the Armenian genocide into
its agenda on March 4.

"We hope that the Committee will reject the bill that will harm the
relations between the US and Turkey and will bring a halt to the
efforts for the normalization of Turkey-Armenia relations.

We want to believe that the members of the Foreign Affairs Committee
are well aware of the fact that the approval of the draft resolution
will damage Turkey-US relations as well as peace and stability efforts
in South Caucasia and will take steps keeping Turkey’s sensitivity
regarding the issue in mind," the statement said.

CANA: Congressman McMahon bankrolled by Turkish Coalition of America

CANA: Congressman McMahon bankrolled by Turkish Coalition of America
to deny Armenian Genocide

28.02.2010 18:46 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ Congressman Michael McMahon has become bankrolled by
the Turkish Coalition of America.

In 2009, Congressman Michael McMahon became a member of the
Subcommittee on Europe in the House Foreign Affairs Committee. On May
10, 2009, Congressman McMahon joined the Turkish Caucus. He joined the
Hellenic Caucus pledging support for Cyprus and the Patriarchate. To
the dismay of Armenian Americans and Greek Americans, he took the
Turkish side to deny the Armenian Genocide. He took the Azeri Turkish
side to condemn the freedom of Armenian Nagorno-Karabakh from
Azerbaijan Turkish persecution. How trustworthy is this man to Greek
Americans when he supports the Turkish side’s denial of the Armenian
Genocide which means he probably denies the Genocide of Greeks and
Assyrians of Asia Minor, 1915-1923.

Congressman McMahon pledged not to vote `Yes’ for the Armenian
Genocide Resolution in an upcoming March 4, 2010 vote in the House
Foreign Affairs Committee.

Turkish Lobby is using Michael McMahon, after Robert Wexler’s
resignation from Congress on Jan 10, 2010, to be the next strong
Turkey supporter in the House Foreign Affairs Subcommittee on Europe.
Wexler was Co-chair of the Turkish Caucus and Chair of the
Subcommittee on Europe. McMahon like Wexler occupied congressional
districts where huge Greek American communities resided. Regardless,
they keep to their strong support for Turkey. Democrat Michael McMahon
is the only strong Turkey supporter in the Subcommittee on Europe
along with Democrat David Scott (he voted against Armenian Genocide
Resolution), The Cyprus Action Network of America reported.

McMahon represents New York’s 13th Congressional District which
includes Staten Island, Bay Ridge, Bensonhurst, Dyker Heights and
neighborhoods in Brooklyn.

The Armenian Genocide resolution (H.Res. 106) was submitted to the
House of Representatives by Representative Adam Schiff (D-CA), on
January 30, 2007, during the 110th United States Congress. It was a
non-binding resolution calling upon the US President to ensure that
the foreign policy of the United States reflects appropriate
understanding and sensitivity concerning issues related to human
rights, ethnic cleansing, and genocide documented in the United States
record relating to the Armenian Genocide, and for other purposes. Upon
its introduction it was referred to United States House Committee on
Foreign Affairs where it passed a 27-21 vote and was sent back for a
full house vote. On October 26, 2007, in a letter addressed to the
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, four key sponsors of the bill, requested a
debate on the bill in full House to be postponed.

Another resolution affirming the U.S. record on the Armenian Genocide
(H.Res.252) was formally introduced in the U.S. House of
Representatives by Reps. Adam Schiff (D.-CA), George Radanovich
(R.-CA), Frank Pallone, Jr. (D.-NJ), and Mark Kirk (R.-Ill) in 2009.
It currently has 137 co-sponsors.

The US And GB Experts In The RA Ministry Of Defence


24. 02.10

On the 24th of February, 2009 the RA Minister of Defence Seyran Ohanyan
received the USA and GB experts who were in Armenia in the frames
of the Defence Strategic Review Process. Greeting the guests Seyran
Ohanyan stated with satisfaction that great advisory work has been
done by the experts especially in order to make the international
experience in the spheres of long-term military planning and cost
accounting available for the RA AF senior officer staff.

Touching upon the Defence Strategic Review Process the Minister stated
that the order to regulate the work regarding the military element
of this process has been approved, which will contribute to the
realization of the 3rd and 4th stages of the Defence Strategic Review.

At the end of the meeting the experts showed the outcomes of the
discussions and meetings in Armenia. They also came up with their
suggestions and evaluations about the Review Process.

RA MoD Department of Information and Public Affairs

Defendants Are Richer Than Defenders


02:00 pm | February 24, 2010


Not only sociably vulnerable people but also wealthy people apply to
a public defender in Armenia.

"A pesron getting free aid picks up his defender in luxurious cars
like Limousine or Mercedes. Courts have no time to clarify whether
the person is solvent or not. I think some mechanism must be worked
out in this context," Masis Ghazanchyan, Head of the Publuc Defender
Office, told A1+.

"Today 37 legal services render asssitance to people in Armenia with
17 operating in Yerevan and the others in marzes. Public defenders are
over-busy these days which is conditioned by the increase of crimes.

Each public defender studies 11-12 cases a week. They become
overexhausted," noted Mr. Ghazanchyan.

The head of the Publuc Defender Office says the office needs to be
reinforced with new advocates. By the state budget 156 million drams
have been allotted to the office this year. The salary of a public
defender is 293 906 drams though Mr. Ghazanchyan says the high salary
does not make public defenders work diligently.

"We have some defenders in marzes with whom I would eagerly break the
contract, but I cannot do is as they have no substitutes. We really
have no reserve. For example, there are no defenders in Meghri. In
Syunik, Sisian, Goris and Kapan defenders are employed half-time.

Occasionally people refuse from the service of a public defender."

Public defender Siranuysh Harutyunyan says today people are more
informed of the service and apply to public defenders more frequently.

"They know that they will not have to pay extra money when a public
defender deals with their case. We have had many achievements,
acquitted many defenders and dismissed numerous cases on different
grounds," she said.

Richard Giragosian: Armenia Is In A Rather Strong Position

Nvard Davtyan

24.02.2010 16:25

The discussions of the Armenian Genocide Resolution in the US
Congress are not related to the issue of Genocide itself, Director
of the Armenian Center for National and International Studies Richard
Giragosian told a press conference today.

In reality, the issue is related to Washington-Ankara relations, and
we must draw benefits from it. According to the analyst, Europeans,
Russians and Americans are united on issues of the region, particularly
the Armenian-Turkish relations. All expectations are connected with
Turkey now. "If Turkey misses this opportunity, it will have to pay
a price for it.’

However, if Americans, Russians and Europeans pressure Turkey,
Turkey may go in a wrong direction and become stubborn and angry,
and there is a danger that Turkey may hurt itself.

"We see a revolution in Turkey today, a revolution in terms of the
future of Turkey: whether its East or West, weather it’s Islamist or
more secular. We don’t know what kind of neighbor Turkey will become in
the future. There is a real danger that it may become more dangerous,"
Richard Giragosian said.

"In terms of Turkish-Armenian relations in the future, Turkey has
not made a final decision. Turkey has not decided what it wants from
Armenia. But in many ways, I think Armenia is in a strong position,
because there are a lot of mistakes Turkey is making," Giragosian said.

According to the Director of the Armenian Center for National and
International Studies, Armenia has had two specific victories in the
process. "One is the declined and bad relations between Azerbaijan and
Turkey. The second is the removing Karabakh from the protocols. This
is very important and Armenia should never allow Turkey or anyone
else to try to reconnect the two issues," he said.

Naregatsi Arts Center Launches New Program


23.02.2010 11:18 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ Naregatsi Arts Center has launched new 3-day
program, including a number of events. On February 23, Gayane Zakaryan
will give a solo concert, performing works by Armenian and foreign
classical composers. On February 24, New York, I Love You film will
be screened. On February 25 and 26, musician Norayr Kardashyan will
play Armenian folk music while ethnographer Alina Pahlevanyan will
give a lecture on the subject. Karin folk dance group will take the
stage with We and Our Dances program.

BAKU; Facts Of Isolation Cannot Go Unnoticed For Yerevan

Feb 23 2010

Elshad Iskenderov "The statement by the Armenian minister is intended
for the internal audience.

Yerevan can no longer close eyes on the facts of its own isolation
and the waves of accusations addressed to the Armenian regime in the
result of the proactive implementation of the international campaign
of Justice for Khojaly", said Elshad Iskenderov, secretary general
of the OIC Youth Forum and Azerbaijan’s Ambassador Extraordinary
and Plenipotentiary, commenting on the statement from the Armenian
foreign minister according to whom OIC countries always vote against
a non-Muslim state.

"The first reaction of the regime was the attempt to prohibit any hints
on the campaign. Thus, in mid 2009 the Armenian authorities blocked the
access to the website of the campaign in an an attempt to deprive its
citizens of the objective evidences of the tragedy in Khojaly. Later
Yerevan attempted to resist the campaign on the international level.

In December of the last year Armenian ambassador in Switzerland
Charles Aznavour appealed to the UN Geneva office in an unsuccessful
attempt to prevent an international conference that discussed the
Khojaly massacres along with genocide in Srebrennica and Ruanda. But
despite the efforts of the Armenian authorities and their lobbyists,
the campaign is being successfully implemented, expanding the geography
and understanding level.

The result is obvious: the international organization uniting the
parliaments of 51th countries for the first time recognized the
massacres in Khojaly, using the legal term ‘crime against humanity’.

This is a victory of justice which affects the diplomatic positions
of Armenia that cannot go unnoticed. The regime has chosen the next
tactics of belittling this historical decision through leveling the
role of the organization", said Elshad Iskenderov.

Public Domain For Private Gain? "Teghut, CJSC" Gets Land Cheap

Arman Gharibyan

2010/ 02/22 | 16:14

Vardanyan Family in Lori Cries Foul; Seek Redress in European Court

Vardan Vardanyan, a resident of the village of Shnogh, Lori Marz,
has applied to the European Court of Human Rights. He is seeking
financial and moral compensation for loses he claims the family has
suffered after land was taken from them.

The land in question was the only source of income for the family
of five.

In 2007, an 81.5 hectare parcel of land located in the communities
of Shnogh and Teghut was designated in the public domain. The land
was allocated to the Armenian Copper Programme (ACP), CJSC, a firm
that operates a mining concern in Teghut. ACP then registered the
land to Teghut, CJSC.

Teghut, CJSC, then went to the courts, demanding that they be allowed
to buy the arable land owned by the Vardanyan family for state and
public usage. The firm said it would pay appropriate compensation to
the family.

"Teghut" offered the Vardanyan family 163,000 AMD for the .334 hectares
of arable land with an additional payment of 15%.

The price was then upped to 173,000 and the total compensation package
totaled 197,450 AMD. The company also offered 1,092,500 AMD for two
parcels measuring .932 and .723 hectares. This figure was also upped
to 1,133,900 AMD.

Courts uphold land compensation package

On November 7, 2008, the Lori General Court sustained the suit brought
by "Teghut" against the Vardanyan family, finding that the compensation
amounts proposed by the company were of equivalent value to the land
parcels. In other words, one square meter of land was appraised at
an average of 59.2 AMD.

Such an evaluation differed from the 222 AMD per one square meter of
Shnogh land appraisal posted in the property registry on December
29, 2003. Thus, it turns out that the government had been taxing
the Vardanyan family at the rate of 222 AMD per meter but that it
compensated the family at the lower, 59.2, meter rate.

In their petition to the European Court, the Vardanyan family points
out that "Teghut, CJSC" first made a low-ball offer and that the
amount was later increased, by the manipulation of the very same
expert, without explanation.

In the family’s petition, it states, "The argument cited supports the
claim that the land belonging to the applicants was evaluated on an
arbitrary basis."

Before taking their case to the European Court, the Vardanyan’s went
to the Appeals Court, which left the lower court ruling intact. The
family then sought redress at the Court of Cassation which rejected
the case arguing that it "lacked merit".

Vardanyan’s argue land appraisal was flawed

The Vardanyan family argues that Oliver Group, Ltd. incorrectly
appraised their land and didn’t take into account that they raised
various income-generating livestock on the plants grown on the land.

The family says that with the compensation they received that can’t
even purchase an equal amount of land today.

The Vardanyan family hasn’t been able to get an alternative appraisal
conducted. It appears that such firms have shied away from taking
the job due to government pressure.

"Teghut, CJSC" also purchased a .024 hectare parcel of land from the
Shahnazaryan family in Shnogh for 266,760 AMD. The company has thus
paid more for a smaller parcel.

Another glaring flaw in the Vardanyan land deal is that the ten walnut
trees on their land were never appraised for compensation. The family
claims that the yearly walnut harvest from the ten trees amounts to
800 kilos with a market price of 2 million AMD.

Land seizure never intended for "public good"

In their petition to the European Court, the Vardanyan’s point out
that the land seizure and inadequate compensation package violates
Protocol 1, Article 1 of the European Convention of Human Rights
dealing with property and that the property was seized not for the
public good but for the personal gain of another entity.

The Vardanyan family is preparing a list of compensatory damages that
it will present to the European Court once its initial petition for
a hearing has been accepted.

Karen Tumanyan, the family’s lawyer, informed Hetq that they will
seek compensation in line with what other land owners were paid.

Mr. Tumanyan also said that there are seven other families in Shnogh
and Teghut that have sent similar petitions to the European Court
"Right now, we’re preparing their appeals to the court as well,"
he said.

BAKU: Turkish-Azerbaijani Fraternity To Develop Further, Turkish FM

Feb 22 2010

Ahmet Davutoglu The Turkish FM has said again that the
Azerbaijani-Turkish fraternity is unbreakable.

"The friendship with Georgia, Azerbaijan and Armenia will create an
atmosphere of trust in the region", Turkish Ihlassondakika quotes
Turkish FM Ahmet Davutoglu as saying.

He announced that the problems of the Caucasus have become most
discussed in 2009. "Protocols on development of relaitons have
been signed with Armenia. But our perspective is not only signing
protocols with Armenia but also opening of opportunities for other
frozen protocols. We will continue working at the platform", the
minister said, 1 reports with reference to

He said this will help enable stable peace in the Caucausus.

"The Turkish-Azerbaijani brotherhood will further develop by one
nation, two states principle", he said.