BAKU: Elections In"NKR" Next Farce, Azerbaijani FM

Feb 5 2010

Elkhan Polukhov Azerbaijan’s Foreign Ministry considers the attempt
to conduct parliamentary elections in Karabakh on 23 May 201 to be
the next farce.

"This is not the first time when the Armenian side attempts to play
another trick namlely "elections in the so-called ‘NKR’".

The statement came from spokesman for Azerbaijani FM Elkhan Polukhov
commenting on the order of the head of separatist formation of
Nagorno Karabakh Bako Saakyan to conduct parliamentary elections
in the occupied Azerbaijani lands on 23 May 2010. According to
Polukhov, "the Armenian side should reconcile with the fact that
the legitimization of the separatist puppet regime in the occupied
Azerbaijani lands is impossible".

"These steps create additional obstacles in the negotiation process.
The conflict can be settled only within the framework of the
territorial integrity of Azerbaijan which fully complies with the
norms of international law", the diplomat said.

Positive Development Of Armenia-Russia Relations Continues


05.02.2010 17:58 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan met Friday,
December 5 with Russia’s First Deputy Prime Minister and National
Coordinator for CIS Affairs Igor Shuvalov.

RA President characterized the year 2009 as successful for
Armenia-Russian relations, especially noting the progress in all
collaboration spheres.

Russia’s First Deputy Premier, in turn, spoke about positive
development of Armenia-Russia relations. As he stated, the purpose of
his visit to Armenia is to discuss further actions in the framework
of Russia’s starting CIS chairmanship with RA authorities.

Serzh Sargsyan expressed confidence for development and strengthening
of the structure during Russia’s CIS chairmanship.

At the meeting, the parties also focused on bilateral collaboration
issues, presidential press service reported.

Russian Vice Premier Is Arriving In Yerevan On A Working Visit


2010-02-04 17:07:00

ArmInfo. Russian Vice Premier Igor Shuvalov is arriving in Yerevan
on a working visit today, Feb 4.

The Embassy of Russia in Armenia reports that Shuvalov is coming to
Armenia not only as Russian Vice Premier but also as Russia’s national
coordinator for CIS affairs.

Feb 5 he will meet with Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan and Prime
Minister Tigran Sargsyan as well as with Minister of Territorial
Administration Armen Gevorgyan.

Armenian Library And Museum Of America Thanks Volunteers


Watertown TAB & Press
090835306/Armenian-Library-and-Museum-of-America-t hanks-volunteers
Feb 3 2010

WATERTOWN — The Armenian Library and Museum of America in Watertown
presented a Volunteer Appreciation Luncheon on Jan. 9 to thank its
volunteers for their hard work and to pay special tribute to a retiring
volunteer, Dash Nahabedian. Members of ALMA’s board of trustees joined
the staff in acknowledging volunteers for their dedication.

More than 50 volunteers enjoyed Armenian mezza, roasted chicken,
side dishes and desserts provided by Whole Foods, Sevan Bakery, Not
Your Average Joe’s, Dunkin’ Donuts, Stop & Shop and other donors from
the community.

"ALMA’s volunteers have helped us build and sustain the organization
over the decades," said ALMA Executive Director Mariam Stepanyan
during the luncheon. "Our exhibits, programs, promotional mailings,
receptions, registration and general administration would not be
possible without you."

Nahabedian was then recognized for his contributions to ALMA’s
Mesrop Boyajian Library, where he volunteered every week from 2006
until his recent move to Rhode Island. Cataloging, shelving, sorting
and assisting with special library projects were all a part of his
weekly duties.

ALMA curator Gary Lind-Sinanian recalled days when he was so busy
with curatorial work and archival projects that he didn’t have a
chance to stop at the library and check in with Nahabedian.

"When I’d finally have the time to go to the library, whatever mounds
of paperwork, book shelving and unfinished work I left there would
be gone," said Lind-Sinanian. "It was like magic."

ALMA’s volunteers range in age from 13 to 85 and whether a student,
retiree, stay-at-home mother, lawyer, business owner or educator,
volunteers bring enthusiasm and expertise to the exhibits, projects
and programs they are working on.

ALMA welcomes new volunteers to assist its curatorial, archival, public
relations and library departments. Anyone interested in learning about
volunteering opportunities can call Christie Hardiman at 617-926-2562,
ext. 4, or visit

Armenian-Turkey Normalization Not Beneficial For Georgia

14:35 ~U 03.02.10

Georgia is not interested in the opening of the Armenian-Turkish
border at all, Javakhq Patriotic Union president, MP Shirak Torosyan,
said today at a press conference, while commenting on Georgian Prime
Minister Nika Gilaury’s recent visit to Armenia.

"Opening of the border will mean Georgia will no longer be a state
having a monopoly on shipments and roads leading to Armenia,"
Torosyan said.

Earlier, during his visit to Armenia, Gilaury had stated that the
opening of the Armenian-Turkish border will not affect shipment

According to Torosyan, Gilaury’s statement testifies to the fact
that he does not like the prospects of Armenia-Turkey normalization
very much.

"It is clear that as soon as the border is opened, Armenia will have
an alternative road. It will certainly cause a review of tariffs,"
he said.

Torosyan also said that no Armenian businessmen will bring their goods
via Georgia should the same high tariffs remain in practice. Instead,
he says, in that case, Armenian businessmen will use Turkey’s territory
for transporting goods.

On Lenin’s Dashnak Companion And Other Stories

By Ivan Gharibyan
14:38 / 02/01/2010

Since the remains of the 26 Baku commissars were re-interred in
January 2009, Azerbaijan has been devising a new "effective" method of
turning everything upside-down and distorting the events of 1918. No
wonder! How can the "ancient" Azerbaijani people, which has for many
years been fed anti-Armenian propaganda, put up with the fact that
an Armenian was leader of the Baku Commune?!

During the Soviet era the state propaganda of Azerbaijan, at the
command of the former First Secretary of the Communist Party of
Azerbaijan Heydar Aliyev – and later his son Ilham – invented a
cock-and-bull story about an "Azerbaijani Genocide" committed by the
Baku Commune (in fact, that was the quelling of a musavat rebellion,
which was accompanied by Armenian pogroms). The Azeri authorities’
overwhelming desire to "pick up genocide" for their "titular ethnic
group" gave rise to a tale about "the Dashnak-Bolshevik" warships that
shelled "peaceful" Baku. Not bad! It is only modern-day Azerbaijani
ideologists that can "yoke together" such political antagonists as the
Armenian Revolutionary Federation Dashnaktsutyun (ARF) and Bolsheviks.

The desecration of the common grave of the 26 Baku commissars in one
of the central districts in Baku and the re-interment of their remains
in the city outskirts proved an opportunity for Azeri propagandists
to distort the facts about the events of 1918.

As expected, the Azerbaijani authorities assigned a key role in
organizing and running the smear campaign to the Institute of History,
National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan, headed by Yaqub Mahmudov.

A "happier" candidate can hardly be found. Mahmudov, who has for
15 years been at the service of the Aliyev clan, calling himself
"a scholar", has published a great many volumes "proving" Yerevan
was an Azerbaijani city, Armenians committed several "genocides"
of Azerbaijanis, and, it turns out, Azerbaijan played a great role
in the intrigue involving the Caesar and Cleopatra. Of course, the
"think tank" led by Mr. Mahmudov is ready to perform the "sacred duty"
with credit and make up some tales about the Baku Commune!

The first "discovery" was a statement about the remains of 23, rather
than 26, commissars. The Baku-based historians managed to "prove" that
the remains of Shahumyan, Amiryan and Avagyan were "lacking." At his
press conference Mr. Mahmudov admitted that no DNA analysis had been
made, as it is an expensive treat. For Azeri journalists, however,
this fact is a mere trifle. What is of importance for them is to
present the "leading historian’s" absurd statements as an exposure
of Armenians’ intrigues.

However, the Azeri propaganda machine was not contented with the tales
about remains of 23 persons. A "document" cropped up which "disproved"
the shooting of Stepan Shahumyan together with the other commissars.

"This telegram is about Stepan Shahumyan’s execution. The 26 commissars
were executed by shooting on September 20, 1918. The telegram reads,
however, that Stepan Shahumyan and Anastas Mikoyan received dry
rations in Krasnovodsk during ten days after that date.

How could Stepan Shahumyan be shot?" Mahmudov asked in a fit of
hysteria. But all the people with an even average IQ can easily
guess: even if daily rations were officially provided in Krasnovodsk,
Turkmenistan, ten days after the 26 commissars were executed, does
it have anything in common with the date of Shahumyan’s execution?

What is more, Mr. Mahmudov "discovered" some other letters
"proving" that Stepan Shahumyan, "the Lenin of the Caucasus" and
Vladimir Ulyanov’s faithful companion, was a member of the Armenian
Revolutionary Federation Dashnaktsutyun (ARFD), a sworn enemy of
not only Bolsheviks, but also Communists nowadays. No evidence was,
of course, presented. It was a real tragicomedy: the leader of the
Great October Socialist Revolution sent his faithful companion,
"a Dashnak," to Baku to organize Azerbaijani genocide. Indeed, it is
only Azerbaijani historians that can turn Lenin into a champion of
nationalist policy, and Stepan Shahumyan, a Bolshevik to the marrow
of his bones, into an ARF member.

Turkish Prime Minister Unhappy With OSCE Minsk Group Performance


01.02.2010 13:24

Yerevan (Yerkir) – The efforts by the Organization for Security and
Cooperation in Europe’s (OSCE) Minsk Group, which has striven to
resolve the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict for more than 17 years, have
not been productive, Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan said
on Sunday.

Ankara, which last year agreed to re-establish diplomatic relations
with Yerevan and reopen their mutual border, insists on seeing progress
on the resolution of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, according to
Turkey’s English-language newspaper Today’s Zaman.

Speaking in an interview broadcast live on state-owned television
station TRT, Erdogan reiterated Ankara’s unease over the grounds for
the Armenian Constitutional Court ruling.

"There has been serious neglect by the Minsk trio," Erdogan added,
referring to the three co-chairs of the Minsk Group – France, Russia
and the United States. "They couldn’t bring this issue to a certain
point in 20 years. The performance of Russia, America and France was
below expectations," he said.

Turkey Ambassador to Rome under investigation over sexual harassment

Turkey’s ambassador to Rome under investigation over claims of sexual harassment
31.01.2010 17:04 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ Turkey’s ambassador to Rome is under investigation
over claims of sexual harassment, the Hürriyet Daily News & Economic
Review has learned from official sources.

The Turkish Foreign Ministry is investigating accusations against
Ambassador Ali Yakıtal for misconduct while he was in Rome, according
to official sources. Yakıtal was appointed ambassador to Italy
approximately three months ago.

The sources said Yakıtal might be called back if the allegations are
found to be true.

The ambassador denies any charges against him.

Before his appointment to Rome, Yakıtal, a career diplomat, had worked
in the Prime Ministry as Prime Minister Recep Tayyip ErdoÄ?an’s main
advisor on foreign-policy issues and was known to be part of the
premier’s inner circle.

Armenia, Norway to intensify ties

Armenia, Norway to intensify ties
14:50 30/01/2010

On January 29 the Foreign Minister of Armenia, Edward Nalbandian, paid
a short official visit to Oslo at the invitation of his Norwegian
counterpart Jonas Gahr Støre, MFA reported.

The two Ministers discussed the steps to be taken in the direction of
development of bilateral ties, regional and international issues.

The interlocutors highlighted the necessity of boosting the
cooperation between Armenia and Norway in different spheres,
organization of high-level reciprocal visits, intensification of
collaboration in the cultural, educational and scientific fields.

The Foreign Ministers of Armenia and Norway discussed the
opportunities of intensification of economic cooperation.

Minister Støre presented the priorities of his country’s foreign
policy, the experience of cooperation between the Scandinavian

In turn, the Armenia Foreign Minister presented the main directions
and priorities of Armenia’s foreign policy, our country’s efforts
towards establishment of security and stability in the region, the
policy of European integration and the steps taken in that direction,
the latest developments in the Karabakh conflict settlement process,
President’s Sargsyan’s initiative of establishing relations with

Ministers Nalbandian and Støre referred to issues on OSCE agenda. The
Foreign Ministers of Armenia and Norway signed a Readmission agreement
between the two countries.

APA Azerbaijani Agency Abides Its Style And Twists Cavusoglu’s Words


2010-01-29 11:38:00

ArmInfo. Representatives of the Armenian delegation to PACE, David
Harutyunyan, Naira Zohrabyan, as well as Permanent Representatives
to Armenia to CE Zohrab Mnatsakanyan met the newly appointed PACE
Chairman Movlud Cavusoglu in Strasbourg on January 27. The meeting
was held on the initiative of the Armenian party.

As the Armenian parliamentary press service reports, representatives
of the Armenian delegation congratulated Cavusoglu on the appointment
and asked him to make explanations concerning the interview he gave
with APA Azerbaijani Agency on January 27.

To note, according to this interview, Movlud Cavusoglu said "the
Azerbaijani lands are under occupation, and the Nagorno Karabakh
conflict is one of the problems that hinders normalization of
Turkey-Armenia relations". PACE chairman explained that this News
Agency twisted his words. According to him, he did not use the
formulations, given in the interview. He just said about the problems
available in the region, including the relations between Russia and
Georgia, Armenia and Azerbaijan, Armenia and Turkey.

According to him, he said in an interview that these problems must
be settled through negotiations, that the Karabakh conflict must be
settled in the format of OSCE Minsk Group and that PACE may assist in
solution of all the conflicts, especially those related to humanitarian