Kocharian approves CSTO cooperation

Kocharian approves CSTO cooperation

MOSCOW. June 23 (Interfax) – Armenian President Robert Kocharian considers
the cooperation between Collective Security Treaty Organization [CSTO] to be

The current members of the organization “don’t argue, but aim for practical
results,” he said.

“Cooperation here is developing very rapidly and efficiently, and the main
thing is a lot of issues are specifically discussed,” Kocharian told a press
conference following a summit of the organization on Thursday.

CoE Liberal Democratic and Reformers’ Group concerned over Reforms


| 16:17:33 | 23-06-2005 | Politics | PACE SUMMER SESSION |


Today the PACE Monitoring Committee rejected one of the three proposals
submitted on the draft resolution of constitutional reform in Armenia. The
proposal advanced by the Turkish delegation was rejected with the difference
of one vote, which belonged to Mr. Matyas Eorsi, head of the Liberal
Democratic and Reformers’ Group.

‘The Armenian delegation cannot take part in the vote, since the issue
refers to our country, while Turks and Azeris were free to pass their
suggestion on determining the state borders of Armenia. The vote of Matyas
Eorsi became decisive’, Shavarsh Kocharyan said.

According to Shavarsh Kocharyan, such an attitude displayed by Mr. Eorsi is
conditioned by the fact that he is really concerned over the establishment
of democracy in Armenia and perfectly realizes that Turks’ proposal is
absurd and the people are sure to vote against a constitution containing
such an item. `Thus the Turkish delegation purposed the objective to fail
the referendum on the Constitution.’

To note, Mr. Matyas Eorsi intends to deliver a speech on the draft
resolution on constitutional reform adopted by the PACE Monitoring

Patriarch’s Name and Birth Days Celebrated

LRAPER Church Bulletin
Contact: Deacon Vagarsag Seropyan
Armenian Patriarchate
TR-34130 Kumkapi, Istanbul
T: +90 (212) 517-0970
F: +90 (212) 516-4833
[email protected]


16 June 2005, Thursday, Feast of the Holy Translators: Saints Sahag and
Mesrob, the traditional name day for all Armenians bearing the names Sahag,
Mesrob and Mashdots, was also the day when His Beatitude Mesrob II, Armenian
Patriarch of Istanbul and All Turkey, completed his 49th year of age.

A reception was held in the garden of the Patriarchate between 20:00 and
23:00 hours, with 300 guests attending, mostly hieromonks, priests, deacons,
acolytes, teachers, members of church youth groups and community leaders who
had all attended His Beatitude’s Bible Study and spirituality classes during
his 26 years of ministry as priest and bishop.

Also celebrating their birthdays at the reception were Dr. Araik Sargsyan of
the Armenian Academy of Sciences; Attorney Luiz Bakar, the press
spokesperson of the Patriarchate; Srpuhi Bilalyan, Armenian language teacher
at the Kalfayan community school; Kegham Erzrumluyan, member of the PTA
Board at the Sahakyan Parish School in Samatya.

Celebrating their name day together with the Patriarch were the Very Revd.
Fr. Sahag Mashalian, hieromonk and Vice-Chairman of the Patriarchal
Spiritual Council; the Revd. Fr. Mashdots Kalpakciyan, Pastor of the Surp
Hripsime Church in Buyukdere; Deacon Sahag Bicakciyan of the Turkish Bible
Society, serving at St. John the Evangelist Armenian Church in Narlikapi;
and Mesrob Yildirimyan, a second grade student at the Bezciyan Parish School
in Kumkapi.

The reception soon became a celebration of Armenian faith and culture when
numerous guests spontaneously joined in singing, in unison and a capella,
Armenian hymns and traditional songs for nearly an hour. A cranberry cake
was ushered in which was cut by all those celebrating their name and


Armenian, Russian Presidents Satisfied with ROA’s “Year of Russia”


YEREVAN, June 22. /ARKA/. The Presidents of Russia and Armenia
Vladimir Putin and Robert Kocharian are satisfied with the way the
Year of Russia in held in Armenia. According to RIA Novosti, during
the meeting of the two Presidents, Kocharian noted that “everything is
just excellent concerning the Year of Russia in Armenia”. In his turn,
Vladimir Putin added that the Year of Russia in Armenia is held quite
well. The Russian leader believes that “the tour of Bolshoy Theatre in
Armenia proved to be a success”. “I am very glad to know that”, said
Putin. He expressed hope that “all the planned events will be held on
a very high level”. The Russian President also said that Russia plans
to open a “large exhibition” in Armenia. ”

According to Kocharian, Russia carries out many events in Armenia, but
most important ones are “those carried out in economic block”.
“Russian Governors are visiting Armenia, contacts with regions are
being established, the Year of Russia in Armenia appears to be very
interesting, including almost all the aspects of bilateral
cooperation”, noted the RA President. L.V.-0–

ANKARA: Turkish FM: Karabakh Elections Illegal

Journal of Turkish Weekly
June 21 2005

Turkish FM: Karabakh Elections Illegal
Turkey says the elections in occupied Karabakh is illegal.

Press Secretary of the Turkish Foreign Ministry Namik Tan made an
official statement, which says that the `elections held by Armenians
in occupied Nagorno Karabakh are illegal’.

Namik Tan noted that Turkey is for the settlement of the Karabakh
conflict via dialogue within the frames of Azerbaijan’s territorial
integrity and in accord with the principles of jus gentium.

Armenian forces occupied Karabakh and many Azeri towns almost a
decade ago. Yerevan rejected all calls to withdraw. The EU and OSCE
call Armenia ‘occupier’ in Karabakh.

Pro-gov party wins majority in NK parliament – preliminary results

Pro-government party wins majority in Karabakh parliament –
preliminary results

Mediamax news agency
20 Jun 05


The Central Electoral Commission (CEC) of the Nagornyy Karabakh
Republic [NKR] has summed up preliminary results of the parliamentary
elections under the proportional representation system.

MPs elected from party lists will gain a third of the 33 seats in the
NKR National Assembly. The remaining 22 mandates will go to those
elected under the first-past-the-post system.

According to the preliminary results of the NKR CEC, the
pro-government Democratic Party of Artsakh will get five seats in the
new parliament (22,393 votes), the bloc of Dashnaktsutyun and
Movement-88 (14,534 votes) and the Free Motherland Movement (15,931
votes) will get three seats each.

The list of the bloc of Dashnaktsutyun and Movement-88 is led by
former Deputy Defence Minister Gen Vitaliy Balasanyan, Mayor of
Stepanakert Eduard Agabekyan and former NKR Minister of
Education and Culture Armen Sarkisyan.

According to the preliminary data, 73.6 per cent of voters took part
in the 19 June parliamentary elections in the NKR.

ANKARA: Occupied NK Holds Disputed Elections,Azerbaijani Refugees No

Journal of Turkish Weekly, Turkey
June 19 2005

Occupied Karabakh Holds Disputed Elections, Azerbaijani Refugees Not
Allowed to Vote

Jan SOYKOK – Parliamentary elections are being held in the occupied
south Caucasus enclave of Nagorno-Karabakh. Armenian forces occupied
and many more Azerbaijani towns in 1991.

Around 106 Armenian candidates from seven parties are contesting
33 seats. While Azerbaijan called the vote illegitimate, the
territory’s so-called ‘president’ says he hopes it will boost its
bid for international recognition. The European Union and OSCE
called Armenia ‘occupier’ in Karabakh and in other Azerbaijani
territories. More than 1 million Azerbaijanis became refugees. The
Armenian riot in the Nagorno-Karabakh has claimed up to 30,000 lives
and displaced more than 1 million Azerbaijanis. Now no Azerbaijanis
left in Armenia. The other minorities, including Jewish, have also
suffered from ultra-nationalism. Karabakh’ so-called ‘president’
Arkadiy Gukasyan promised an honest and transparent vote and warned
against any actions which could harm the province’s image. All attempts
at violations, whoever the author, will be denounced and initiators
punished with the full severity of the law,” he said.

Azerbaijan claims sovereignty over the territory but was beaten back
by Armenian forces in the war, which ended with a ceasefire in 1994.
Azerbaijan says if Yerevan does not withdraw its forces from the
Azerbaijani territories, the Azeri Army will retake the occupied
forces. Turkey has also declared Sunday’s vote illegitimate. In 1991,
the Armenian forces had attacked to Naxchivan, and Turkey stooped the
Armenian occupation by warning the Armenians. Turkey says no state
in the region should change the borders by using military force.
Armenian breached the UN principles in Karabakh and other occupied

Two thirds of the parliament’s 33 seats are to be elected directly and
the remaining 11, under a proportional system. Results of the poll,
which is being monitored by around 100 non-governmental observers,
are expected late on Monday or early Tuesday. For the elections to
be declared valid, at least 25% of the 89,000 people eligible to vote
must turn out.

Azerbaijani refugees cannot vote in the elections. If the Azerbaijani
voters are allowed to vote, Karabakh would possibly have an Azerbaijani

=?UNKNOWN?Q?Presi=F3n_a_Turqu=EDa?= por el genocidio armenio

Clarin, Argentina
Sabado 18/06/2005

Presión a Turquía por el genocidio armenio


El Parlamento alemán aprobó el viernes una resolución que condena “la
matanza masiva de armenios” hace 90 años por parte de turcos otomanos.

La resolución insta a Ankara a examinar el papel que desempeñó Turquía
en el asesinato de casi un millón y medio de personas de esa etnia,
en lo que es conocido como el primer genocidio del siglo XX.

La presión de los legisladores tiene una fuerte carga política. En este
sentido advirtieron al gobierno turco que el asunto, de no resolverse,
podría afectar la esperanza de Ankara de iniciar negociaciones
para ingresar en la Unión Europea. La resolución eludió calificar
el crimen de genocidio, para no exacerbar los ánimos en Turquía,
donde se rechaza este término.

El tema de la masacre de los armenios, cuyo 90 aniversario se cumplió
el pasado 24 de abril, crece en Alemania donde Gobierno y oposición
se enfrentan por el ingreso de Turquía en la UE. Ese paso es resistido
por diversos partidos políticos, en particular la oposición de derecha
de la Unión Cristiana Democrática de Angela Merkel.

La discusión sobreviene además en momentos que hay una crisis profunda
en la Unión Europea por el rechazo al proyecto de Constitución y la
posibilidad del ingreso de más estados, en especial la gigantesca

El ministro turco de Exteriores, Abdullah Gül, recalcó en un
comunicado, tras conocer la decisión del Bundestag, que “esta
resolución es lamentable y la condenamos fuertemente” y la calificó
de una “provocación” que herirá los sentimientos de sus compatriotas.

Ankara no acepta las denuncias de que en el fin del imperio otomano
se perpetró un genocidio ordenado por la jerarquía gubernamental
contra los armenios y sostiene que las muertes fueron consecuencia
del conflicto con los partisanos ya que los armenios apoyaban al
invasor ruso.


ANKARA: Erdogan rebukes Germans over Armenian decision

The New Anatolian, Turkey
June 18 2005

Erdogan rebukes Germans over Armenian decision
The New Anatolian / Ankara

Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan on Friday criticized
the German Parliament’s decision this week urging Ankara to examine
its role in the so-called Armenian genocide. Accusing the German
Parliament of “sacrificing” this serious issue to “simple lobbyists,”
without making any meaningful investigation of it, Erdogan called
the decision “politically wrong and ugly.”

The German Parliament on Thursday urged Turkey to examine its role in
the so-called Armenian genocide, an issue that could thwart Ankara’s
hopes of joining the European Union. German lawmakers adopted a
cross-party resolution asking the Berlin government to press Turkey
to reexamine theso-called Armenian genocide.

“The word ‘genocide’ was not used in their decision,” Erdogan said,
speaking to reporters about the German Parliament’s decision on his
arrival to Turkey from Lebanon late Thursday. “They chose to use the
word massacre. But still, I think that it’s politically wrong and
ugly to make this decision without investigating or negotiating on
it. We opened our archives, but they showed no interest.”

Erdogan said that German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder’s “attitude is
opposite to this decision.” He continued, “We expected the chancellor
to move on this and try to persuade some deputies to voice their
reservations about the decision.”

ANKARA: Turkey condemns German resolution

Turkey condemns German resolution

June 17 2005

Turkish-German relations could be harmed by a resolution passed by
the parliament in Berlin calling on Ankara to acknowledge that there
had been massacres of Armenians by the Ottoman Empire 90 years ago.

Guncelleme: 04:55 ET 17 Haziran 2005 CumaANKARA – The action of the
German parliament was irresponsible, the Turkish Foreign Ministry

The resolution, passed unanimously by the German parliament Thursday,
said there needed to be an honest appraisal of history so as to form
a basis for reconciliation between Turkey and Armenia.

Armenians allege that the Ottoman empire committed acts of genocide
against its Armenian community during the First World War, claims
Turkey strongly rejects.

A statement issued by the Turkish Foreign Ministry late Thursday
condemned the resolution and warned it would affect relations between
the two countries.

“We regret and strongly condemn the resolution,” the Turkish Foreign
Ministry statement said. “We are saddened to see the German
Parliament fail to listen to Turkey’s warnings that the resolution
would deeply hurt the Turkish people and have a negative impact on
bilateral ties.”

It was irresponsible and narrow-minded to use such a sensitive
subject for petty political calculations, the statement continued.
The motion in the German parliament also condemned the then German
government for failing to try to stop the killings. This was despite
having information about “the organised expulsion and extermination
of Armenians”.