Serzh Sargsyan To Visit Moscow

Jan 14 2010

January 18, 2010 RA President Serzh Sargsyan and First Lady Rita
Sargsyan will pay a visit to Russia at the invitation of Russian
President Dmitry Medvedev.

In the course of the visit the prospects of strategic partnership
between the two states, as well as regional issues will be in focus,
RA Presidential Spokesman Samvel Farmanyan informed He did
not rule out the possibility of Armenian, Russian and Azerbaijani
Presidents’ trilateral meeting to be discussed in Moscow.

According to him, unless Nagorno-Karabakh conflict is settled,
Sargsyan-Aliyev as well as other multilateral meetings will continue.

Farmanyan also refuted the information that the Madrid Principles on
Karabakh conflict settlement are already presented to Yerevan.

ANKARA: Minister Says Turkey’s Middle East Policy Aims To Reduce Ten


Anadolu Agency
Jan 13 2010

London, 12 January: Turkish foreign minister has said Turkey’s foreign
policy in the Middle East sought to ease tensions.

"Turkey’s position on issues over Iran and Palestine serves in reducing
tensions," Ahmet Davutoglu told a conference at the King’s College
as part of his visit to Britain.

Davutoglu said Turkey not only sought to act as a mediator between
conflicting sides but also aimed at making contribution to stability
and peace.

"We do not want to a cold war in the Middle East between what is
labelled as moderate and extremist states," Davutoglu said.

Davutoglu said Turkey had helped the Sunni community to take part in
Iraqi elections and it help Lebanon and Syria mend and develop their
relations as well.

Responding to a question Turkish-Armenian relations, Davutoglu said
the Turkish government paid any effort in its power to normalize
relations between Turkey and Armenia, as well as to ease tensions in
the Caucasus.

Davutoglu said countries in the region needed to make high-level
contacts in order to solve their problems as well as creating mutual
economic dependencies.

RA President Extends Condolences To Georgy Garanyan’s Family


13.01.2010 11:58 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan conveyed
condolences over the death of prominent jazzman Georgy Garanyan.

"It was with a great sense of loss when we heard of Georgy Garanyan’s
death. He was an outstanding composer, saxophonist and conductor…

Maestro Garanyan will always remain within our hearts," the President
said in his letter of sympathy.

Georgy Garanyan was a People’s Artist of Russia, a laureate of state
awards of the Russian Federation, a laureate of international jazz
festivals, he was Chief conductor of Oleg Lundstrem Jazz Orchestra.

Garanyan represented the first post-war generation of masters of
Russian jazz. In 1958 Garanyan’s saxophone first sounded in Oleg
Lundstrem’s orchestra and later, in 1966 in a concert jazz orchestra
of Soviet radio.

In the mid-1960s modern jazz compositions made Garanyan popular. In
1973 he was invited to work for the Melody music recording company,
which was an important landmark in his career. Garanyan founded a
modern jazz ensemble named after the Melody giant. It was a star pop
group remembered in all corners of Russia to the present day. The
famous jazz band accompanied singers, recorded dance music and jazz

In 1991 Garanyan’s dream came true. He founded the Moscow Big Band
in which the most talented professional jazzmen performed. Experts
and general public praised the Big Band for its unique sound and
excellent music arrangements made by its founder and artistic director.

NKR: The Prime Minister Discussed Agricultural Problems In Askeran


NKR Government Information and
Public Relations Department
January 12, 2010

How did the industrial managers of Askeran summarize the last
agricultural year and what do they expect from the year of 2010;
are the key subjects of the conference conducted by the Premier Ara
Haroutyounyan in Askeran. The Minister of Agriculture Armo Tsatryan
and the Chief of Water Industry Seyran Michayelyan were also there.

The first agenda issue was concerning the results of winter crops.

In Askeran 11.782 hectares sowing against foreseen 12.450 in 2009 was
carried out. Increase was to be observed within the frames of fallowing
program. The index had already cut the limit of 1500 hectares.

The head of the Government was also interested in the prospects of
crop cultivation. Ara Haroutyunyan was dissatisfied with the index
of the previous year, about 350 hectares; agricultural rules were
not been observed during corn cultivation.

According to the Premier, if one can exploit the existing means then
the year of 2010 will be essential for corn cultivation.

Assistance will be rendered to those who observe the rules of

* * *

Existence of stable irrigation system may spur development of
agricultural sphere. Achievements and omissions in the sphere in
Askeran region are evident. They didn’t escape the Prime Minister
Ara Haroutyunyan’s attention.

The first structure of the Prime Minister’s visit was Ivanyan-Askeran
irrigation canal. The open, landed canal in some its sections creates
inconveniences both to dwelling and administrative buildings in
Ivanyan and Askeran. Some sections of the open canal were substituted
with pipes.

According to the anticipated project demands its’ throughput must
form 410 liters/second. Instead of it, today, it forms only 60
liters/second in tote. The reasons for it are drawbacks omitted during
the construction. The head of the Government considered commissioning
of the units in such conditions inadmissible.

During the visit to the next area the head of the Government was
satisfied with the results of the carried out works. Works in the area
of so called Sovetarkh water tunnel had been already accomplished. In
Askeran region great hopes are pinned to setting this waterway into
operation. Irrigation works in some sections of Khatunarkh have
been already started. The head of the Government had an opportunity
to see that the water from Khatunarkh reaches the water reservoir of
Berdashen. Water reservoir with a capacity of 350 thousand cubic metres
is already half full. It will provide considerable part of cultivated
areas with irrigation water both in spring and summer dry months.

President Serzh Sargsyan Sent A Letter Of Condolences To The Garania

13.01.2010 12:01

On the occasion of the demise of the renowned musician Georgi Garanian,
President Serzh Sargsyan and Mrs. Rita Sargsyan sent a letter of
condolences to the Garanian family.

The letter reads:

"We were greatly saddened by the news of the untimely demise of
the People’s Artist of Russia, composer and conductor Georgi Aram
Garanian. We lost a great saxophonist and composer whose pieces of
music have their unique place in the treasury of the world jazz and
pop music.

Our great compatriot was always performing with a special delight
on the Armenian stage. His last performance in Yerevan, conducted in
the framework of the Armenian Jazz-70 Festival, is unforgettable.

We express our sincere condolences to the family, friends and the
fans of the master of "living voice." Bright memory of Georgi Garanian
will stay with us for ever."

Despite Ostentatious Hostility, Turkey And Israel Maintain Strategic


12.01.2010 15:49 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ Lebanese delegation headed by Prime Minister Saad
Hariri is on a visit to Ankara.

As Shahan Kandaharian, Editor-in-Chief of Beirut-based Aztag newspaper
told a PanARMENIAN.Net reporter, the Lebanese Premier met his Turkish
counterpart Recep Tayyip Erdogan and Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu.

"The visit followed recent Turkey -Syria high-level meetings and
decision on common strategy development. Earlier, official Ankara
stated that Lebanon and Jordan should join the common strategic
program," Shahan Kandaharian emphasized.

A number of bilateral agreements were signed during Hariri’s visit to
Ankara. Besides, the countries cancelled the visa regime, similarly
to Turkey and Syria.

According to Shahan Kandaharian, rigid statements of Turkish Premier
addressed to Israel are part of Ankara’s policy, aimed at establishing
closer relations with Arab states.

"Still, we mustn’t forget that Despite ostentatious hostility, Turkey
and Israel maintained strategic partnership," he noted.

Aztag Daily is the official newspaper of the Armenian Revolutionary
Federation Dashnaktsutyun in Lebanon. Aztag Daily has been published
since March 5, 1927.

Constitutional Court Session Took 10 Minutes

12:31 ~U 12.01.10

The discussion of the Armenian-Turkish Protocols in Armenia’s
Constitutional Court began at 11 am local time today. Present were
all nine members of the constitutional court; representative of the
president, Foreign Minister Edward Nalbandian, and representatives
from political parties. The court speaker assigned was Vladimir
Hovhannisyan. Constitutional Court President Gagik Harutyunyan,
conducting the session, informed those present that the discussion
would proceed in accordance with written procedure (that is, with
no amendments) and that all necessary documentation for the case
was present.

Yesterday’s rally and march organized by the Armenian Revolutionary
Federation (Dashnaktsutyun, or ARF-D) concluded at the Constitutional
Court, where ARF-D members, as well as others, handed their suggestions
to the Protocols. Harutyunyan stated that the proposals were received
and were among the documents to be examined by the court. The session
took all of ten minutes, after which the court continued the discussion
behind closed doors.

2009 ends with unsettled conflicts and general wariness


2009 ends with unsettled conflicts and general wariness

Armenia and Nagorno Karabakh should not so much rely on the world
community, which `will not allow’ an armed conflict between Azerbaijan
and Nagorno Karabakh.
05.01.2010 GMT+04:00

As expected, the year of 2009 ended with unsettled conflicts, general
wariness and an `incomprehensible’ situation in the South Caucasus.
Turkish, Armenian and Azerbaijani Foreign Ministers’ statements on the
desire to establish `peace and stability’ in the region were in fact
wiped out by Azeri President Ilham Aliyev’s New Year address. Once
again unable to find anything better, Official Baku began to threaten
with a war.

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ Aliyev’s behaviour can be explained by the fact that
another meeting between the Presidents of Armenia and Azerbaijan is
scheduled for the end of January. And since almost nobody seriously
pulled Aliyev in Munich, the Head of Azerbaijan apparently thought he
could continue in the same spirit. It is appropriate to mention here
that even the OSCE Minsk Group limited itself to just another
statement that was not taken seriously by either of the conflicting
parties. It can also be assumed that dissatisfied with European
observers’ conclusion on election results of the local self-governing
bodies, Baku has once again decided to wave a club. It’s hard to say
what will come of it, but in any case Armenia and Nagorno Karabakh
should not so much rely on the world community, which `will not allow’
an armed conflict between Azerbaijan and Nagorno Karabakh. The
community may simply step aside and watch the outcome of Aliyev’s
adventures. And the anti-Armenian hysteria in Azerbaijan has almost
reached its peak; now only a little excuse may be enough for the 4
March events of the past year to grow into a more serious collision.
Reading Aliyev’s speeches one comes to the conclusion that they do not
change over time, but are only slightly adjusted depending on who the
President’s statements are addressed to.

Georgian President Mikhail Saakashvili keeps up with his colleague
too. The same threats, the same militant rhetoric. And if Ilham Aliyev
threatens a small country in comparison with Azerbaijan, for some
reason Saakashvili decided that he might `scare out’ Russia.
Incidentally, both of the adventures ended rather dismally for Baku
and Tbilisi.

`The citizens of Georgia must continue the process of reviving the
country with one hand, while in the other hand they should hold a gun
to defend their country,’ the Georgian President declared. The only
question is whether the citizens of Georgia would like to perform
either of these actions. The same is also true about the citizens of

As for Turkey, Ankara has always stood out with the adequacy of its
behaviour and has never waved a club – or a scimitar – to no avail.
The same situation can be observed now – all Turkish ambassadors have
been called back to Ankara to clarify the action plan for 2010. A
seminar, called by Ahmet Davutoglu, Foreign Minister of Turkey and
Architect of Turkey’s foreign policy since 2002, is being held under
the title `Democracy, Security and Stability: Outlook for 2010 in the
world and in Turkish foreign policy’. As always, no hysteria, no
unfriendly statements addressed, in particular, to Armenia. Everything
in civilized and yet dangerous manner.

Unfortunately, Iran stepped in the new year with protest actions and
persecution of the opposition. However, in our view, a new revolution
should not be expected in 2010; too uneven are the forces: President
Ahmadinejad and Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei keep the country in
obedience, despite the desperate attempts of the opposition to change
the order in the country.

And finally, our northern neighbour Russia, which has always stood out
with its extreme behaviour and lack of a rational regional policy, be
it in relation to the Northern Caucasus or the region as a whole.
Persistence of imperial thinking hinders the country’s
decision-making, which could make the country a real superpower. By
the way, this kind of thinking is unlikely to be stamped out in the
course of two generations.

Armenia enters 2010 not in the worst state; there have been even worse
situations. How the country’s internal policy will develop, directly
depends on the ratification or non-ratification of the
Armenian-Turkish Protocols. However, we must admit that the Armenian
society attaches too much importance to this fact. After all, this is
a game with obvious results that, in all probability, will show up in
the month of April. U.S. Congressmen will again start discussing the
resolution on the Armenian Genocide recognition, the chances of whose
adoption in 2010 are 50-50%. It is quite possible that on the 95th
anniversary of the Armenian Genocide there will be certain changes in
the standpoint of the international community and that of Turkey.

In short, God forbid there be anything extraordinary in 2010. Also
let’s hope that Ilham Aliyev’s statements on his readiness to
sacrifice 10 thousand people to return Nagorno-Karabakh will remain
only statements.

Karine Ter-Sahakyan

Armen Grigoryan: Armenia lays claims to regional IT leadership, Armenia
Jan 7 2010

Armen Grigoryan: Armenia lays claims to regional IT leadership

14:09 / 01/07/2010Below is an interview with Armen Grigoryan,
Secretary of the Council for IT Development The 3G network was recently introduced in Armenia’s
telecommunication sector. It is unavailable even in Russia now. And 4G
is even being talked about. In the context of certain activity, can we
say Armenia is one of the regional IT leaders?

A. Grigoryan: I can say that Armenia is on the right way rather than
one of the regional leaders. Since our country is very small, I am
sure it will become world leader in a couple of years. For example,
the equipment the Orange Company is installing in Armenia is not
operating even in France. They are faced with the problem of
re-equipment there. In this aspect we, of course, will be leaders. Competition between large companies has recently brought
about obvious changes in customers’ favor. The Orange Company’s entry
to our country had a great effect. Let us talk about it and its impact
on Internet services development.

A. Grigoryan: No doubt, Orange is Europe’s leading company rendering
new telecommunication services, especially various types of mobile
communication ` mobile TV and others. It is an ordinary service in
Europe. The companies that were informed of the Orange Company were
well aware of that, which caused other companies, particularly
VivaCell MTS, to start rendering the same services even before Orange
came to Armenia and introduced its services. ArmenTel too is
installing equipment to be able to compete with other companies. All
that had rather serious influence on the market. Companies start
rendering new services as soon as possible so as not to remain behind
their rivals, which, under different circumstances, they may not have
done during the coming two years. At present, large mobile communication companies also render
affordable wireless Internet services. What is Internet providers’
future? Can we say the companies will `complete’ their work during the
coming few years?

A. Grigoryan: Day after day Internet services are developing
simultaneously with mobile communication services. Indeed, small
Internet providers are now facing serious problems ` they cannot stand
market competition and their offers, potential and investments are
insufficient as compared with such giants as ArmenTel, VivaCell MTS
and Orange Armenia or, say, ADC. The last named carried out tremendous
work to render special Internet services ` it laid fiber-optic cables
throughout Yerevan and so on. Competition causes companies to reduce
their prices. Some representatives of small companies express fears
about the dumping prices set by large companies, which makes the small
ones’ activities `unjustifiable.’ Of course, large companies are able
to make up for their losses due to revenues from other services.

I think it is normal. It is international practice ` the market itself
regulates everything. Unfortunately, the companies that cannot stand
competition have to close down. On the other hand, I cannot conceal
the fact that, several years ago, the same small companies received
superprofits without doing anything. For example, they leased a 5GB
channel and signed contracts with a `thousand’ companies for up to
20GB. That was fraud ` they disconnected some and connected others
thereby ensuring superprofits for themselves. This time is past, and
now every client wants to have round-the-clock Internet communication
and buys this service from the provider ready to render it.

Of course, some of the companies ` Arminco, Web ‘ are still working on
the market. But they have to make huge investments to stand
competition. Mr. Grigoryan, what about Internet prices `are they high or
low in Armenia? What is the price-quality relationship?

A. Grigoryan: Price changes are evident, but it would be wrong to say
that prices are best in Armenia. In any case, prices have rapidly been
changing in Armenia over the last one or two years, showing a downward
trend, with the Internet communication quality improving. Of course,
was not fully satisfied with the quality of services. We will be
satisfied after the prices go down to the international level. On the
other hand, the development of Internet communication in Armenia is
facing a number of problems, and we cannot compare with developed
European countries. Traffic channels are an expensive treat. Also,
Internet is affordable there ` the number of users is large, so the
service is cheaper. But I would like to note that the positive
dynamics is highly promising in Armenia. The development will reduce
prices, and Internet services will be universally affordable. As
regards the quality, companies have to ensure quality now. Otherwise
they will lose their customers. People want to watch movies or talk by
means of Skype, they are not contented with using e-mail alone. All
the main services are now available for U.S. $30 in Armenia just as in
other countries. The quality may be higher there, but I think the
progress will be more appreciable in a year. In this context, what is the role of the Government or of the
Council for IT Development?

A. Grigoryan: The Government’s role is resolving political problems,
which, in turn, helps resolve economic problems, especially such
problems as the improvement of the Armenian-Turkish relations.
Larger-scale changes can be expected then. At present, ArmenTel is
negotiating the laying of a fiber-optic cable from Turkey to Armenia,
bypassing Georgia, with the Turkish side. If the problem is resolved,
higher-quality Internet services will be available at a price twice as
low. Such large companies as ArmenTel, VivaCell MTS and Orange Armenia
have taken interest in this. It will quickly make Armenia a country
where Internet services of European quality will be available.

Our Councils’ task is to ensure equal competition to prevent any
violation of others’ rights ` be it by the Government or by any
private company.

I would also like to address one more important task, namely,
combining. High-speed Internet connection will enable any personal in
any part of Yerevan to watch Armenian TV channels, have quick access
to Armenian websites and so on. This all depends on the traffic inside
the country. We have not a normal network inside the country. The
Government is trying to contribute to this now. The RA Ministry of
Economy elaborated a concept of forming an internal network. In
Armenia, most of the information is outgoing to become incoming later.
For instance, to get information by means of VivaCell you have to send
a signal to the United States or Europe, which later returns to
VivaCell. The problem can be resolved: VivaCell can be directly
connected to Orange Armenia and vice versa. At present 90% of
information leaves Armenia to return later because the country has not
an internal network and proper combining conditions. The formation of
an internal network will enhance the efficiency of equipment and
reduce expenses. What are your forecasts about the Armenian telecommunication
industry for the next few years?

A. Grigoryan: Since all the three mobile operators in Armenia are
world-famous telecommunication companies, we will see further
development. One more important factor, namely, the formation of
Armenian content, can further this development. The Armenian content
must be developed for the innovations to be available to any Armenian.


Paul Krekorian to take oath of office on Tuesday

Los Angeles Daily News
Jan 5 2010

Paul Krekorian to take oath of office on Tuesday
Daily News Wire Services
Updated: 01/05/2010 12:39:54 PM PST

Paul Krekorian The Los Angeles City Council on Tuesday certified
former Assemblyman Paul Krekorian as the new councilman for the city’s
2nd District, which is in the San Fernando Valley.

City Clerk June Lagmay is expected to administer the oath of office to
Krekorian at 4 Tuesday afternoon in his new office at City Hall.
Krekorian will attend his first City Council meeting on Wednesday.

Krekorian replaces Wendy Greuel, who became the city controller in
July. Krekorian will finish out the two years remaining in Greuel’s

"I know that building on his past record, he’s going to do an
extraordinary job here," City Council President Eric Garcetti said.
"We look forward to welcoming him (Wednesday), which happens to be
Armenian Christmas, which is fitting for the first Armenian-American
to serve in this Council chambers."

Krekorian received 10,810 votes, or 57 percent of the total, in a Dec.
8 runoff election to defeat Paramount Pictures executive Christine
Essel to fill the 2nd District seat.

After his victory, Krekorian declared, "The task now ahead of us is to
build a city government that will work for the people and is marked by
integrity, honesty and accountability."

Krekorian was elected to the Assembly in 2006, and eventually became
its assistant majority floor leader.

Prior to that, he was a lawyer for 20 years and served on the Burbank
Unified School District Board of Education.

He received his law degree from UC Berkeley and a bachelor’s degree in
political science from USC.

The 2nd District stretches from Mulholland Drive in the Hollywood
Hills to Big Tujunga Road in the Verdugo Hills. It includes parts of
Lake View Terrace, La Tuna Canyon, North Hollywood, Shadow Hills,
Sherman Oaks, Studio City, Sunland, Sun Valley, Tujunga, Valley
Village, Valley Glen and Van Nuys.